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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 16, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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"30 rock" leads with 22 nominations. the oak ridge boys will be joining us. rick: hello, everybody. police are arresting a suspect in a horrific murder of a wealthy couple in florida. now they are saying that more suspects are still out there. we're awaiting a news conference with the sheriff's office in florida. investigators now linking a real-estate agent to a group of day laborers. they say that they killed melanie and byrd billings. 17 children, most of them with special needs. these were kids that the family had adopted. brian wilson is joining us with a live report from pensacola. he will be joining us in a few minutes. megyn: the democrats rushed to nationalize the u.s. health-care system. going into overdrive this
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morning. live pictures from capitol hill where no less than three committees in the house of start reviewing pop the 1000 plus page plan to nationalize our health care, as president obama keeps the pressure on them to do it and do it fast. good morning, everybody. rick: welcome back. house democrats and putting the cost of their plan at roughly $1.50 trillion. their idea to pay for it will place a crushing tax on small businesses. did morning. tell us what is going on today in the house with all of these committee markups. >> that is right. you have markup mania. three different committees working up on this health -- marking up its health reform bill. the first stop is the ways and means committee to handle taxes.
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the biggest issue is, how do you pay for this? the house unveiled this controversial plan this week. it partly pays for reform by increasing taxes on the wealthy. the surtax that couples making more than $250,000 a year would pay. this is a cost of $1.50 trillion, by democratic estimates. of course, republicans say that this hurts small businesses and is a job killer. rick: those markets are taking place in this shot. president obama has been aggressively pushing congress to act on health care reform. we have a deadline we're following. what is the president doing today to try to sell this? >> he has been lobbying senators
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face to face. he has been nelson in olympia snowe he has met with privately. every week, he has taken the issue to the public, including a rose garden appearance yesterday. >> to take a hard look at just what it is that they are defending. for the last decade, health insurance premiums have risen three times faster than wages. deductibles and out of pocket costs are skyrocketing. >> the president again and said that he wants this passed by the august recess. only a couple of weeks away, he is pushing that timetable hard. he wants this done in a bipartisan fashion. the senate plan had 160 republican amendments to it. >rick: thank you very much. megyn: "the washington post"
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taking an unusually harsh stance against the democrats' ideas for paying for health care reform. the paper saying in a scathing editorial that there is no way to justify forcing top learning households to fund this plan. keep in mind, this new tax would hit small business owners and investors hard. that is how they plan on paying for it. they want the rich to foot the bill. if you do not make the kind of money they are talking about taxing of these people, your boss does. your boss is going to pay a major tax. as the editorial puts it, "pretending that the rich alone confront the government, let alone the kind of activist government that the president and congress envisioned is bad policy anyway you look at it." rick: "the washington post" criticizing the democrats funding plans. the gop is questioning how this entire operation is being
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organized. it may look a little familiar to you. back in 1994, republicans used a similar chart in their fight against the clinton administration pause plan to nationalize health care. asking if health care reform lowered their costs and insure all americans, but limited your treatment choices like choice of a doctor or hospital, would you support a plan like that? 30% say yes, but the majority are opposed. the poll was conducted about two weeks ago. megyn: with a slew of taxes and employer mandates to pay part of its $1.5 billion price tag, what effect would it have on small businesses and the already shaky job market? president obama has said that unemployment numbers will rise. how will it help if we tax small
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businesses up to the eyeballs? we will speak live with a health-care expert from the u.s. chamber of commerce on that in less than 10 minutes. rick: first, bullets fly on capitol hill. police say a man killed in a shootout fired the first shot and refused orders to put down his weapon. this whole thing started as a routine traffic stop, right near union station. it escalated very quickly. the unidentified 34-year-old man sped off, hit and injured two officers. >> it was knocking over things. at this point, he was held straight at us. >> it was just over the intersection, i started running up. that is when i started to hear the gunshots. it sounded like firecrackers. there was a pause and then there was a whole bunch more. rick: the suspect killed at the same. police say that there recovered
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a weapon from that location. megyn: police in florida nabbing and eighth suspect in the cold- blooded murder of a wealthy florida couple. police initially are arresting a group of day laborers in a break-in at the home of the billings. they were parents to 17 children, 13 of them adopted. most of them special needs children. most were also in the home when their parents were shot. now, police say a local real- estate agent is linked to this terrific crime. we're awaiting a press conference from the sheriff's department in just a short time on this verdict in the meantime, we go to brian wilson. brian, what we expect that this news conference will do? what we know about his realtor? >> first of all, yesterday, she was a person of interest. today, she is behind bars. she will be charged with excess 3 after the fact felony murder.
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i assume that she will appear in court later today. we will hear from the sheriff who says that the complexity of this case "is staggering. we are now calling her pamela wiggins." they cinda she is a realtor. we do not believe that she has a real estate license. she was well known in the community. she is also a business owner and has some antique shops she was the landlord of one of the people previously arrested. the man who is said to be done by officials here, the mastermind of this home invasion robbery that turned into a maurder, megyn. megyn: a lot of criminals of landlords. the landlords do not end up getting arrested. >> they did not want to give too much information last night. they found her on a boat over in orange county.
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it was a boat that she owned. that is where they found her. we do not know a whole lot more. some circumstantial evidence was gathered last night. the other major threat here -- this is really interesting. it it has to do with the security system that helped them to break open the case. as investors -- as investigators began to investigate the case, they figured out that the people who committed this crime were surprised that the security system was running. they think there is another person who is supposed to have turned that security system of and disabled it. that is the person they are still looking for. megyn: that is why we have a videotape of that red van driving up to the property of the billings. is there any suggestion that the realtor might be behind the security system mess up?
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do they think that is a separate person, a ninth person who would be involved? >> that would be a logical conclusion. i suspect from the clues we're getting from investigators that they are not looking into it for that. they think that there is someone else out there. megyn: hopefully, they could find out who was responsible for disabling the surveillance system. thank you so much, brian. rick: a fox news alert now. on the right-hand side of your screen, a live look at violence seen in jersey city, new jersey just over the hudson river from manhattan here. at least four officers from jersey city have been sent to the hospital. two suspects have been shot and killed there. it was a shootout that began very early this morning just after 5:00.
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police exchanging gunfire with several suspects who had holed themselves up inside a building in jersey city. we're hearing at least one police officer is in critical condition. three others are wounded. two of the suspects were killed at the same. we will continue to monitor the situation and bring you a new details as we get them. megyn: new information coming in that could help solve the mystery of what killed michael jackson. the investigation of the pop stars medicine cabinet turning up more doctors and new details of how he was getting his prescriptions and who police are now looking at. rick: a massive tanker explosion collapsing an overpass on a major interstate highway. just ahead, see how to truck drivers may have prevented an even worse disaster. megyn: a live look at the u.s. senate. democrats planning to tax the heck -- at the house. this is the guy who wants to tax the heck out of small business
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owners. he says that is the answer to paying for health-care reform. over a 5% income tax surcharge on some people, including perhaps your boss. are there any alternatives to this? the answer is yes. busy lifestyles can make it hard to get enough fiber and key nutrients in your diet. be proactive about your health with... this great-tasting chewable fiber supplement harnesses the goodness of real fruits and vegetables to provide you both natural fiber and protective antioxidants. its special blend of antioxidant vitamins c, e and beta carotene help support your long-term health and vitality. feel your best every day, even when you're on the go. try fiberchoice plus antioxidants. brand power. helping you buy better.
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megyn: still more doctors coming under scrutiny for prescription drugs. we're learning that least nine doctors are now at the center of the drug probe. remember, it was one, then four, then nine. they are based in five different states. some have already faced sanctions and suspensions from their state medical boards. by the way, michael jackson's
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own security guards have said that they picked up drugs for jackson prescribed for members of his staff. that is a bit of change in history, but even in connection with the recent investigation, there have been reports that in did, he did have prescriptions coming in under false names. rick: we're counting down the democrats self-imposed deadline to finish their massive health- care overhaul. right now, 22 days until the point where they have pledged to have the final plan in place in the house and the senate. the price tag stands at about $1.50 trillion. the big question democratic leaders are trying to figure out is how to pay for it. a surtax on the wealthy and a double tax for business owners is looking more and more likely. what sort of impact will all this have on small businesses and the job market?
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randy johnson is thwith the u.s. chamber of commerce. he recently testified in congress about this. the u.s. chamber of commerce is in favor of health-care reform, right? >> that is right. part of this whole process is trying to pare some of these big bills down to something that is reasonable and everyone can accept. we need to rethink things a little bit on the hill and maybe we need to rob -- maybe we need to walk before we run. rick: one of the ideas that is being talked about is a mandate for all employers who have five employees and up to provide health insurance for all of those workers. i'm for you have run the numbers there. what kind of numbers have you come up with with a number of jobs that might be lost or new jobs that will not be created because of her of -- because of
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a requirement like that? >> i do not think we can put a figure on it exactly. when we open up the 1000 page bill, i did not know whether to laugh or cry. they really just do not get it. here we are in the middle of a recession. they're going to keep on small businesses and many businesses more taxes and more mandates that will kill jobs. i was in the city yesterday talking to a small business-in he is facing possibly 20% layoffs because he has seen no stimulus money. he is throwing up his hands and say, what am i going to do? now congress is stepping and and is going to put in more taxes on these kinds of people who are struggling to survive. rick: let me play devil's advocate. when we talk about mandates for employers, a lot of the small business owners who under this plan would be forced to purchase health insurance for their employees, what about the argument that an employee with
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health insurance is a better employee, a healthier, more productive employee? is there a case to be made for that? >> there is. that is why employers already voluntarily cover 160 million americans every employer has different bottom-line concerns. some employers will follow that philosophy and they are able to have that profit margin that allows them to purchase health insurance for their employees. you have to have inherent flexibility in what an employee can do. the reality is, a lot of employers, particularly start- ups, cannot afford to do that. many employers do exactly what you are saying. rick: what about competition? there was another part of the proposal that is being talked about as a public government option that would apparently compete, not replace, but compete with private health
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insurance agencies out there. isn't competition a good thing? couldn't that end up being a pretty good idea? >> we are all for fair competition. they call it a public auction because it is a public auction. one way or another, it is like to be supported by the government. it is not going to be subject to the same kind of restrictions and mandates that private-sector insurers companies have to face. it is not a fair competitive field. rick: we have the countdown clock running. we will certainly see how it plays out i know that the u.s. chamber of commerce will be watching closely. thank you so much for joining us. megyn: the space shuttle endeavor is on its way to the international space station. finally, it took off. rick: do you want me to answer for you? megyn: i'm going to have to call you back. i am on the air.
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hold that thought. anyway, space shuttle endeavor. 90s slacker hip-hop. ♪ singer: buckle up, everybody 'cause we're taking a ride ♪ ♪ that can strain your relationships and hurt your pride ♪ ♪ it's the credit roller aster ♪ ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪ ♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage.
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rick: here's some good news for you. nasa says that debris damage to the space shuttle endeavor is less extensive than it first appeared. the mission managers have been taking a very close look at the images from the launch. eight or nine pieces of foam insulation came of the fuel tank during left off. the crew is not taking any chances. they are going to inspect the shuttle's terminal thermal shields with a 100 ft laser arm. they will do that this afternoon. all of this comes on the 40th anniversary of the apollo 11 mission, the first manned mission to the moon. we're looking at the historic
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mission and how we're still feeling its impact today. apollo eleven, one step to our future. it airs tomorrow at 10:00 eastern time. megyn: a fox news alert. brand new weekly jobless claims out this morning. they are better than forecast. but by no means great. 522,000 americans have been newly laid off and signed up for unemployment benefits. that is low as #we have seen since january. economists expected the number to be closer to 575,000. it is bad, but not as bad as they thought it would be. unfortunately, the continuing story continues to be the number of americans still drawing unemployment benefits. that is not the total number. some people, their unemployment insurance ran out. that does not give a complete picture for the state of the american job environment.
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stu varney is here to explain it. it is almost to the point where you are like, five under 22,000 americans, we are now reporting the news as, it is not that bad. >> listen to the stand. things are getting better. the trend is down in new claims. lesson that is the new good. give the stimulus time to work. look for the green shoots. hold on a second. let's all despair. half a million people walked into an unemployment office. that is not as bad as a month ago, but it is terrible those are 500,000 individuals. at the same time, we're not creating new jobs. we're not opening up anything here. we have an unemployment rate that is marching closely toward 10%. megyn: how does the democratic health care plan and the numbers
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-- they delayed telling us how they are going to pay for it. how does it play into these numbers? >> it plays directly into it. if the house version is passed, it will place an enormous burden on small business. small business is the job creation engine. megyn: i hear that they are going to make over $1 million. how was that a small business? >> lots of small business owners make that kind of money. what are they going to do? hire more people? i do not think so. if they do not offer all of their employees health care, they get fined. now, they are going to be offered -- forced to offer workers health care. that will raise costs. megyn: if you're a small- business owner can you employ lots of people who work in a sweatshop, let's say that you make $1 million grows because you collect all the income.
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you're going to be paying an extra 5% income-tax surcharge, right? on top of that, if you do not give health care, you are going to have to pay an 8% penalty? >> the town car -- a tax cut for that upper income bracket will be repealed, so you will face a bigger tax hike there. not to mention, local property taxes going up. local state income taxes, probably going up. caviled -- capital gains taxes going up. this is tax the rich. you are going to tax away job creation. that is what you were going to do. megyn: thank you very much for being here and explaining it to us. >rick: surveillance video catching bandits trying to pull
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off highs. wait until you see what these guys did next. megyn: americans have the best health care in the world. our lawmakers have it even better. will lawmakers to vote for the so-called public auction give up their gold-plated coverage for the new system they want many of you to have? they will if our next guest gets his way.
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rick: some brand new economic damages out. the number of people losing their homes to foreclosure is on the rise. foreclosures are up four 0.5% in june from the month before. the number of filings of 33% to.
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megyn: the house is gearing up for a vote on the 1.5 trillion dollar health care package. democrats, including a public health care package in their plan, meaning government run health care, that would compete with private insurance. they say you are going to love it. we say you were going to hate it. will the democrats actually sign up for it? will they put their families on it? that is what our next guest wants to know. he is congressman john flemming. he is a republican from the state of louisiana. >> good morning, megyn. megyn: i get more email from this. are you going to sign up for it? are you going to give up your fat cat benefits that you get is a federal employee and sign onto a public auction that is point to be made available to the uninsured? you are issuing such a challenge to your fellow lawmakers. tell us what you are doing.
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>> precisely. congress and many federal employees, certainly staffers in family, the federal employee program where we can choose any private plan that we want and all of these health care bills that are coming out on the democrats' side basically say that congress is exempt, at least for the first five years, if not longer. i have issued a house resolution to simply say, if you vote for this, you should choose it. we know that this is going to end up in a government-run health plan. it is very interesting because i have 43 co-sponsors on my side of the aisle. we have reached out to every democrat in the house, and we have yet to have been taken. megyn: not one democrat has agreed to sign on? >> not 1.
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they all apparently, or these the vast majority of them want it for you. they want it for every american except for members of congress. megyn: how on earth do they justify that? >> to be honest with you, i cannot give a straight answer. we have put in calls to henry waxman and calls to speaker pelosi. we have yet to hear back from them. megyn: i guess they say, if we are already covered, we do not need it and we do not need to jump on the public insurance option. one has to question, if this were the gold standard, if this was going to be such a great plan -- keep in mind, when you think about the sacrifices that americans are going to have to make to make this public auction, people who already have insurance, the compromises in their own health care they're going to have to give to provide this insurance option, if it is so great, why wouldn't they
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wanted? i do not understand how you make them but their actions behind their words for the rest of us. >> megyn, there is a longstanding tradition in congress -- i have only been here six months, but i have followed this for many years. congress is famous for exempting itself from the problems that it flicks on american people. senator mcgovern, who is very liberal, is alleged to have said, wash -- once he got into private business after he left his office, if he had any idea what he was doing to american business, he would not have passed half the laws that he was behind. there is a great disconnect here in washington. i guarantee it. we're seeing that from the populace out there. they are angry about this. we have had 2000 hits on our website, wanting to contact their congressmen. we also have had 5000 through newt gingrich's web site.
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people are very upset about this. it is just a very simple question. if it is so great for the rest of america, why can't congress be part of it as well? megyn: if people want to know whether their congressperson has signed onto this, what should they do? >> well, they can call my office. they can also go to -- we will post this on our website. go to we will post those who have signed up on the democrats' side. megyn: there are only a few million people who watched the show. maybe check out the website before you actually call. i leave it up to the viewers and to your good staff.
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thank you so much for being here. we will be following this to see who, if anyone, is willing to take the punch. >> thank you. rick: we have all been following stories about our nation's rail system. new questions today about the safety of that system after recent crashes in los angeles, boston, washington, d.c. courtney, we're seeing some of the examples of amateur video popping up, showing train operators texting on the job. it is there any formal system in place to try to monitor these conductors and the trains? >> i was really surprised. i started doing research. there are not. there is no video surveillance of operators in trains or buses. i have talked to the national transportation safety board. what is happening is technology is moving so fast that
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passengers on these trains and buses are video in issues when they are actually on the train or bus. a teenager took pictures of a train operator napping. another video of a bus driver sleeping. it is really raising some concerns. there have been some high- profile clashes recently. you probably remember the one in california where 25 people died. it was found that the train operator was text messaging. i have talked to authorities here. they say that there is surveillance looking outward spurtes. rick: hopefully, it will prompt officials to take some measures. courtney, thank you. megyn: supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor is again facing
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examiners in the u.s. senate. this is getting bizarre. this is the outfit i wore yesterday did she and i -- it is like we're in each other's heads. she and i apparently have similar styles. in any event, if you want to check out the coverage, you can follow all the questions live on our website, where it is streaming live. coming up, we will talk about the big moment later today when fire fighter frank ricci is expected to sit down and give testimony about how he feels he was tread by this judge in his discrimination case. rick: incredible pictures of an interstate disaster. take a look at that. a tanker explosion causing part of a highway to collapse. what to truck drivers did could have prevented an even worse disaster megyn: the shocking murder that has captured the nation's attention.
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here are the thugs in their red van as they leave their van, approached the home, where they are about to gun down adoptive parents who had taken in special needs children. this case is disgusting. now we have a new suspect involved in the case. the question for many folks learning that these were allegedly people who had worked on this home or at some out on some work for the couple. how do you know who's coming into your home? ( crack of bat, cheering ) not playing with the kids? not on these legs. poor leg circulation. doctor says it's p.a.d. peripheral artery disease? hmmm. more than doubles your risk for a heart attack or stroke. so i hear. better ask your doctor about plavix. plavix can help protect you
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from a heart attack or stroke. plavix helps keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots, the cause of most heart attacks and strokes. my cousin the m.d. call your doctor about plavix. (male announcer) if you have a stomach ulcer or other condition that causes bleeding, you should not use plavix. when taking plavix alone or with some other medicines including aspirin, the risk of bleeding may increase so tell your doctor before planning surgery. and, always talk to your doctor before taking aspirin or other medicines with plavix, especially if you've had a stroke. if you develop fever, unexplained weakness or confusion, tell your doctor promptly as these may be signs of a rare but potentially life-threatening condition called ttp, which has been reported rarely, sometimes in less than two weeks after starting therapy. other rare but serious side effects may occur.
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plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a. megyn: let me give you an update on our e-mail in the wake of the interview. this is from dan in minnesota. "i attempted to access this web site. it is overloaded. i love it." incredible sulfone video of a tanker explosion. this is from an interstate north of detroit.
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look at these pictures. a tanker carrying 13,000 gallons of fuel bursting into flames after a car reportedly swiped the tanker wednesday evening. the heat from the flames was so intense that the overpass above partially collapsed. you can see why. witnesses barely able to believe their eyes. >> i had never seen so much fire. i have never seen that much fire. >> it is unbelievable. i have never seen anything like this in my life. >> i thought we were all going to die, you know what i'm saying? megyn: the drivers suffered only minor injuries. that is incredible. you are telling the driver of the tanker only suffered minor injuries? that is what they are reporting, folks. an investigation into the crash is now underway. rick: brand new video coming in from the execution-style murders of a wealthy couple in florida. this is the couple that adopted
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13 special needs children. here are the suspects that officers just picked up that is 47-year-old pamela long weekeniggins. she's charged as an accessory to the work -- to the murder. some of the suspects are day laborers, apparently, who worked on the building property. this is raising security concerns for people who bring in people to do some work in their homes. what do you need to know in order to keep your family safe? a former washington homicide detective joins us. this story out of florida, so sad, so shocking that i gathered for you and people like you in your line of work, probably not that surprising. >> what is interesting is that these types of criminals operate just like any other terrorist
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group. they pick and choose their target. these individuals have been at that home at some point in the past. they had scope that house out. the people who live in their house, if they were more aware of these individuals, maybe this crime could have been prevented. there are certain things that people can do rick: you actually have useful tips for people out there. a lot of people have to invite people into their home to do work once in awhile. one idea is to limit the areas where these workers go. >> that is the best idea you could have. it is very simple. you only want individuals working at your home to be in designated, restricted areas. only in those areas in which they are doing the work. if somebody is working on your line, there is no reason for someone to come inside your home.
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rick: do not tell workers about security measures he might have in place. >> exactly. that could be a red flag. what kind of security cameras do you have? you do not want that person to know that. wanting to know is, if you have the alarm panel by the front door, have something over that alarm panel. let me tell you. they are going to be looking for that when they come into your home. rick: another idea is to do a background check that is probably a pretty good idea. >> exactly. very good idea. it does not cost you anything just to run that guys names real. -- that guy's name through. rick: do not be duped by kindness. it is terrible to talk about is that we have to be so suspicious. it probably is smart if you're having strangers come into your
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house. >> that is the reality. this is 2009. if a person is overly friendly, you want to look at as a sad fact of society. little things like that can be a red flag. rick: it is probably a good idea to change the security code often. >> that is a very inexpensive thing that you can do. anyone can do that with their own alarm system. we recommend that you change the code once a month. just make sure that you are aware of these individuals. if you see any red flags like that, notify the authorities. rick: very good information, sir. megyn: perhaps consider some self protection. there is a push on capitol hill to save some car dealerships cut loose in the general motors and chrysler bankruptcy. why is the white house fighting against that? answers at the top of the hour. rick: police thought that a
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bombing of a new york city starbucks was connected with a string of events. instead, they found a connection to the classic hollywood movie, a "fight club." >> the first rule of fight club is, you do not talk about fight club. the second rule of light glove is, you do not talk about fight club. gecko vo: geico's the third-largest car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people.
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>> we were supposed to kill two birds with one stone. destroy a piece of corporate art and treasury franchise coffee bar. -- and trash a franchise coffee bar. we had it all worked out, sir.
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rick: got to watch out for the giant ball. i have never seen that movie either. it is a cult classic. it depicts the bombing of a starbucks. police in new york say that it has inspired a similar attack in new york. they say that a 17-year-old created a crude bomb wire works powder and went after this starbucks restaurant about two months ago. initially, police looked into a possible link with embassy bombings in new york. investigators say there is no connection to those blasts. they say instead, he was obsessed with the movie "fight club." even started his own fight club. >> unlike his character, he wanted to expand his fight club to project mayhem, which
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included escalated attacks on centers of corporate america. in the movie, starbucks is among those targeted. megyn: plenty of families staying at campgrounds this summer. some of them are not on vacation. tough economic times have forced them out of their houses and left camping as their only option. how prevalent is id, people living in campgrounds around the country? >> this is something that families usually do for fun during the summer. foreclosure rates are up more than 30% at this time last year. a lot of families are finding themselves without a home. maybe they have a tent or a travel trailer left. a lot of them will come to these campgrounds and bring their entire family. we have seen evidence of this in several states. in tennessee, a father of four
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was supposed to make the decision, do i pay my rent or my mortgage? he and his family of six are now living in a tent. he never thought this would happen to him. >> next year, there will be 1 million children homeless. how can that happen in this country? little did i think, my children would be part of that statistic. megyn: we're having a problem with her audio. before i let you go -- new vi >> you heard him say over a million children. the obama administration is working on a plan to try to reduce the foreclosure rate. intel the jobs are out there, families like him are going to continue to have problems. megyn: that says it all.
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thank you so much. rick: new video coming in and of the evidence in the florida murder case that now has eight suspects under arrest. police are looking for at least two more. we have details for you right after the break. megyn: democrats were unup in arms about the cia program and to hunt down terrorists. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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megyn: this man and this woman, byrd and melanie billings who opened up their hearts and home to more than 12 children who had special needs, were gunned down in their florida home. so far, eight people have been charged in the alive rid break- in, which police say was planned and well-rehearsed. the latest person arrested right here. lookout nonchalant she looks. she is 44-year-old pamela long wiggins. there are serious questions
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about whether she was actually real estate agent. police believe one other accomplice is out there. thankfully for some reason, he failed to disarm the security system. we have the video of that van running out to the house. we're hearing reports that the suspected killers may have taken a safe from the family home. we're not exactly sure what that video showed, but it is evidence from the home. one suspect remains at large. we're waiting to find out more of what this so-called real estate agent had to do with this horrific crime. we will bring it to you live as we get the details. opposition from the oval office to a plan that would save dozens of car dealerships from the chopping block. the white house now officially opposing legislation designed to prevent general motors and
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chrysler from shutting down all of their car lost that have been slated for closure. apparently, uncle wants to shrink the market. lots of news happening this morning. rick: the administration saying that the stakeholder in the auto industry had to make difficult sacrifices and that dealers are no different. megyn: the dealerships and some lawmakers say that this is unfair. stu varney joins us. why is the white house opposing this? what is happening here? >> that statement from the white house is really remarkable because when you are seeing is the white house saying, we are not going to play favorites in this dispute. we are not going to back one side or the other. that is a remarkable statement
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because congress wants to help some of the 2000 dealerships that are slated to go under. congress wants to help them. the white house says, do not do that. why? they say they do not want to play favorites. that is a remarkable statement because, what did they do with the union? they essentially said small business, get lost. there is a suspicion that this is some kind of a war on small business. small-business owners are not part of the obama political coalition. there is a suspicion that really playing politics of this and demonizing the small business owners. megyn: you're going to hear more about that if that turns out to be the motivation. there is some empathy going out to those dealers.
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thank you, stu varney, for that report. rick: democrats especially fired up, and expressing outrage over a secret cia plan to hunt down al qaeda leadership. they claim that the former vice president, dick cheney broke the law by arguing against notifying congress about this plan. it turns out the secret program was not so secret after all. the fact that "the new york times" reported on it back in december of 2002. intelligence sources say that the program never got off the ground, meaning that it was nothing to brief congress on. we will talk about this with a former campaign staffer for bush and cheney. fair and balanced. megyn: here is a live look at capitol hill. having watched some of my or --
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having watched sonia sotomayor, she seems to be feeling better with the pressure. imagine the pressure sitting in front of the u.s. senators and knowing that the american people are watching this. yesterday, she was cross- examined by arlen specter. also, al franken, who said that it was cool that a guy who used to watch perry mason would wind up across from each other under these circumstances. later today, we think a man whose case became a rallying cry for her critics will tell his story. this is firefighter frank ricci. he will tell them how he feels he was treated by judge
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sotomayor. live report on that minutes away. rick: now to an issue that affects every single woman. in a 13 to 10 vote, the senate health committee has approved a plan that will vastly expand health care in this country. there is no plan to pay for it. a similar program in the house calls for higher taxes on wealthier people. will the senate adopt the same thing? joining us is senator mitch mcconnell. thank you very much for being here. is this something that is going to fly in the senate? >> i sure hope not. i know that there is a great deal of unease on the democratic side about this. they are going to pay for this plan by cutting medicare and raising taxes on small businesses. there will be higher taxes on small business in america and on large business. it makes no sense at all since
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small business employs about 2/3 of the jobs of the employees and our country. worse still, when it is all over, there will still be millions of people uninsured. it is a very bad program that i think it is not going to pass the senate. we're doing everything we can to defeat it, which is not to say that we do not need health reform. we do. costs are too high. we have a whole al-rai of options that do not stop destroy the finest health care in the world, that i will not touch on. rick: every time the opposition party tries to suggest some other ideas, it is the party of no. give us some ideas that are tenable, that republicans could handle when it comes to reforming health care in this country. >> absolutely. to get to the problem of uninsured, we have to equalize the tax code.
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business provides health insurance for its employees. if an individual buys insurance, it is not deductible. number two, we should be incentivizing well as programs. targeting smoking, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and lack of exercise. safeway have been able to cut health-care costs by incentivizing employees to take good care of their health. those are the kinds of steps that we could take to really address the problem of access and cost without scrapping the finest health care in the world. rick: i know that you have a meeting to go to. the white house seems to be pushing this very fast.
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we're actually keeping a clock for this deadline that has been self-imposed by the democrats and by the white house. is there any way for you and your colleagues to slow this down so that the country can have a debate and you can figure out the best way to do this, even if it takes a little bit longer than what the white house would like? >> of course. this is what they want to do. they want to rush and spend. that is exactly what they did on the stimulus bill. it is costing us $100 million a day in interest. it has failed. this is a very important issue. we are all concerned about our health. we need to take the time to do it right. rick: the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell. it is good to talk with you, sir. thank you for talking with us. megyn: a van engulfed in flames spinning out of control on a georgia highway. explosions keeping police at bay while to people in wheelchairs
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are trapped inside. we have the story. rick: they have all been tasty treats for sharks on the prowl. some needing stitches, others losing limbs. you would think that most shark attack victims would be out for revenge. one guy lost his leg to a shark explains why he is now advocating for them. megyn: everyone thinks their home town is filled with america's worst drivers. now experts making it official. the top 10 most dangerous city streets coming up.
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rick: some frightening video of a disabled couple trying
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desperately to escape from a burning car. the vehicle suddenly burst into flames on a highway in georgia. they were not able to get out of their own. thankfully, police rushed to the scene and as the car is exploding, officers were able to drag them away from the burning wreckage. everybody made it out 30 there were no serious injuries. megyn: some top house democrats threatening an investigation of a cia proposal to assassinate al qaeda leaders. there are new allegations that former vice president dick cheney told the cia to keep this thing secret from congress. now, we learned this morning that the so-called plan was outbid in a front-page new york times story seven years ago. what exactly is the problem?
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we're joined by a former deputy communications director for the bush/cheney campaign. our pentagon correspondent reported on this fact. back in a story from "the new york times," they have added this. the headline is, bush has wide authority of cia to kill terrorists. it says, bush has provided written authority to hunt down and kill terrorists without seeking further approval. then it goes on to say, congressional leaders have been notified as required. what is the dustup about? >> i think that is what people are scratching their heads about. it was not much of a secret that after 9/11, the president granted the authority to the cia to capture and kill terrorists. the military was also involved. the hill was certainly well briefed of this.
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you have cia officers of their near daily briefing them on their efforts. i think that is why people are confused about what the new is revelation -- what the newest revelation is all about. megyn: they're alleging that george tenet terminated the program. then, michael dated eventually took over. there had not been a real notification of congress. >> i also can't speak to classified information, but based on news reports, i can tell you that -- the use of the work program is actually misleading. my understanding is that it has been nothing more than a concept. it was never built into a usable
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capability. if congress were to be briefed on every single idea or concept that came across the minds of people at the cia that they looked at and whether or not they could make it into a capability, they might as well be imbedded in the agency. the place is a virtual incubator of ideas. it would be difficult to brief them on every single concept that runs across their mind. megyn: two guys say that republicans reacted to this revelation with a predictable, but laughable claim. democrats were politicizing intelligence. in fact, it is just the opposite. the real story is that it is the rank politicization of intelligence by republicans led by dick cheney and how the democrats have now stand -- stepped in to clean up the mess. your response to that? >> it is absurd. the democrats have been trying to go after vice president dick
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cheney and use him as a foil for every single political argument they have when it comes to national security. i think this is a gross this regulation on therir part. when you have members of the cia delving into paperwork to try to figure out what was said and what was not said, instead of thinking about how to keep us safe and how to prevent the next attack, that is an utter waste of their time. there are investigations going on right now within the cia, which is just absurd. beyond that, you have the impact this has on people in the field, which is devastating for us. this causes risk aversion. when you have officers risking their lives every day for our safety who are worried about whether or not they are going to have mounted legal bills for even be prosecuted by current attorney general for doing exactly what they were asked to do to try to keep us safe, that does not make as a very safe
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place. it has nothing to do with politics. i do not understand what the democrats want to tie the hands of the people on the front lines. megyn: before i let you go, i want to ask your thoughts about whether nancy pelosi's original charged that the cia routinely miss lee's congress should be investigated. that is what a lot of republican should think . >> what she says is absolutely offensive to the people keeping us safe. she is accusing them of breaking the law. if she believes they are breaking the law on a regular basis, absolutely. the fact that it has not happened and she has absolute control over this congress and over the house intelligence committee suggests that i do not think there are a lot of people who agree with her on accusations. megyn: thank you so much. rick: no matter how bad you think the drivers are where you live, there is always someone
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who says it is worse in their town. coming up, get ready to put that debate to rest. we now have a list of america's most dangerous roadways coming up next. megyn: he lost his leg in almost his life to jaws. a shocking twist. this man, and other shark attack victims are fighting to protect the very predators that nearly killed them. we will ask him why.
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shepard: the gray car in front believed to have a controlled substance inside. you can see there is no way to go up over the road. there is a barricade there.
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back on to the access road. i believe there is. we will see how this progress is now. megyn: nobody does the car chase better than shepherd smith. nobody did you tell me who is in the running. if you would like to avoid becoming the subject of a special report, you might want to steer clear of some of the following u.s. cities. best and worst driving cities when it comes to collisions. the very worst there is, our nation's capital. drivers can expect to crash once every five years. washington, d.c. is followed by baltimore and glendale, california. as for the very best driving city in the united states, sioux falls south dakota.
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nicely done. rick: right now, supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor back in the witness chair for what is expected to be her final day of questioning from senators. shannon bream keeping track of the hearing at live on the hill. shannon, the nominee is back in the hot seat today. this has been a hearing devoid of any sparks. have we seen any this morning? >> we have seen a little bit. republicans have conceded this as a foregone conclusion. today, republicans are in their second round of questioning. they have gone after her like bulldogs. they absolutely want to hammer home some of these points that day are not willing to give up. she has maintained her composure.
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we have not seen her very feisty or aggressive from the bench. they're making their last push. from our side, just calm. rick: the supreme court nominee, sonia sotomayor, facing questioning in the senate. it is streaming live on our website. you can click on the breaking news section. megyn: the obama team taking on a tremendously ambitious agenda at breakneck speed. the result, massive bills on stimulus, climate change, passed congress without ever being read by most of the people voting on them. now, health care is getting the same rushed treatment. major garrett on that right after this break. rick: a great anniversary, the anniversary of the apollo 11 mission to the moon.
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we are going to relive that the event. the original audio recordings from lunar surface. megyn: you heard about the dwindling sharp population. we will hear from unlikely advocates. they are not marine biologists.
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megyn: president obama called on congress again to move on health care as quickly as possible.
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sound familiar? it should. president obama pushed tarp hard -- excuse me, that was the bailout of the banks. he said that he wanted to get this done in the weeks and months to come. in february, he was rushing the stimulus package, saying we do not act immediately, millions more jobs will disappear just a few weeks ago, the administration was putting a deadline on general motors. break it all down, that is $787 billion in stimulus money. $700 million in tarp funds. about $25 billion for the auto industry. major garrett is live at the white house. now we have health care getting the pedal to the metal. what exactly is the rush? >> during the transition, the incoming white house chief of staff said you never -- you
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never want to let a crisis go to waste. they want their legislative agenda move as rapidly as possible this year because they do not want some of the bigger ticket items like health care, energy to get mottled or possibly killed in the political reaction toward an upcoming midterm read -- election in 2010. the white house believes it can achieve the most impossible to achieve domestically before pre- reelection jitters start to happen. that is why health care is being moved as quickly as possible. the house will probably get that job done by the august recess. it is looking increasingly unlikely that the senate will do the same. megyn: what does the white house say in response to the criticism that this is moving too fast?
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this is a huge piece of legislation that could literally change health care for all americans. we get more email on this subject in all the time i have been anchoring this show. americans are worried. they're wondering how this will affect their health care plan. what do they say in response to the concerns of people that it is going too fast, that they want their lawmakers to read the bill, they want the chance to read the bill, they want to know exactly how it will get paid for and they do not agree with the president referring to all of this debate as chatter. they think it is legitimate debate they want played out. how do they respond to that? >> first of all, they say there is a crisis in health care in which americans are losing health-care coverage at a rest -- at a rapid clip without some kind of reform. they say this debate has been going on for six years. some might say that the country
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has some core reluctance to take this final step. the white house views it precisely the opposite. the country needs this, once it, we have been waiting and we have to do it as quickly as possible. opponents say that it has been good years that there is been 60 years of inaction. it is not ready for it. the white house also says this about the speed of things. congress sometimes uses delays simply as a means to kill legislation. that is the white house argument in response to the very legitimate and frequently heard criticism of the pace of this legislative reform. megyn: major garrett, thank you very much for the explanation. we want to update you on congressmen fleming.
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so far, he says that he has 47 takers on the republican side and he has none from the democratic side. so, he came on this program and said that you can e-mail or call his office. it crashed, so many of you did that. so, his office says that if you want, you can send an e-mail to him. this is the e-mail address. where is it? can you read it? it is rick: their one of the earth's most threatened species in one of the oceans deadly as predators. why are the victims of shark
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attacks turning up as some of their most vocal advocates. surfing even after losing his leg to an attack more than 10 years ago. he has gone to washington to save the creature that nearly took his life. i am all for forgiving in life. i think it is a worthwhile exercise. i do not think i would be out lobbying for a short after one bit my leg off. can you explain? >> i got contacted by an environmental group in the brief me on what is going on with shark fin soup and i was absolutely baffled by the number. about 70 million charge to your did killed. that is having a drastic effect on our marine ecosystems. the charges at the very top of the food chain. if we keep it at this rate, my young nephews are not going to be able to enjoy the ocean like i did. it is going to affect everything. it is going to have dire
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consequences. i feel obligated in my situation to be an advocate for the sharks. we met with some senators yesterday. hopefully, they will fix this bill. there are a bunch of loopholes in it. we're opening -- hoping to tighten up those loopholes and get shark finning banned. rick: you were attacked. we have a picture of you still serfin today with a prosthetic leg, i am happy to say. what do you remember from that day when you were attacked? >> it was early in the morning. i was out there with some friends i was waiting for a wave. i started paddling for it. there was a tiger shark that came up, grabbed up one of my legs. it was not like in the movies where i was screaming in pain or everything. there was a little bit of pressure.
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my legs just came off. he got severed. i got a ride to the hospital. it is a lot different than the movies. it is not a gruesome, crazy thing. there is pretty much no pain. rick: there must have been a transformation. after the fact, i am sure that you have a lot of physical therapy and surgery. what was the transformation? we have about a minute left from dealing with the fact that you had lost a leg to deciding that he wanted to go to washington to be an advocate on behalf of the sharks. >> growing up, the ocean was everything for us. i would hate to see such a beautiful creature -- i have seen charts in the wild. they are among the most amazing, beautiful creatures there are. we have to do something. i feel proud to be here to help
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out the sharks. people say i'm crazy, but i feel obligated to do this. rick: washington is full of lobbyists. i imagine when you walk into a lawmaker's office and they hear your story, you get their attention really quickly. thank you very much for telling your story. we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you. megyn: did you see that teacher? her rick: i saw it. megyn: and nasa says that debris damage to the space shuttle endeavor is less extensive than it first appeared. in the meantime, speaking about her space, we're now we live in the history of the first manned moon landing. it is the 40th anniversary of the apollo 11 mission.
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an event that helped to define a generation of americans. take a listen to this newly released padil of the launch. -- audio of the launch. >> 3, 2, 1, 0. liftoff. we have a liftoff. megyn: you can watch fox for more coverage of this historic anniversary. for all latest developments, you can go to the live shots page. this allows you to follow breaking news as reporters and others file live. rick: tastes great on a sandwich and even better with some olive oil. now, the onion could be a new solution to the energy crunch.
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adam housley will make sense of all of that for us when we come right back. >> out as a prominent member of a florida community get mixed up in a murder? pamela wiggins might be asking yourself the question now. how she could be connected to a home invasion -- she is said to be a real estate agent down in florida. it left a florida couple dead and their 17 children with no parents. ññ
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limb: dude that was sick! i've been hangin' up there for, what, like, forty years? and then - wham - here i am smacking the pretty off that windshield of yours. oh, what you're looking for an apology? well, toss another coin in the wishing well, pal. it's not happenin'. limb: hey, what's up, donnie? how you been? anncr: accidents are bad. anncr:but geico's good ding! with onsite windshield replacement.
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you can make a positive change in your career. you can make a greater contribution to the greater good. and you can start today, by earning your degree online... at walden university. where advanced degrees advance the quality of life. jane: we will be hearing from investigators in florida. more details on the series of brutal murders and the couple who had adopted some of the children of special needs. we're told this morning, we're going to be hearing more about another person of interest. jon: we will be talking to the father of the little boy being held in brazil after his mother
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took him there on vacation. she later died. we will be talking to him and the congressman who is behind the effort. megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. the local real-estate agent accused of being mixed up in murder. we're awaiting an update on 47- year-old pamela wiggins. you can see brian wilson their burden she was booked to accessory after the fact of felony homicide. look at the smile on her face. this woman has just been charged with playing a role in the double murder that shocked the nation the victim's work byrd and melanie billings. police say that there were gunned down in their home during a military style home invasion robbery.
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ms. wiggins is a prominent beach rental agent. we do not know exactly right now. in any event, she was also apparently the landlord and friend to one of the prime suspects in this case. police say, she was not part of the deadly operation on the day in question. what was her role? but ask our panel. good morning, panel. this case is just so disgusting. it is so disturbing that we have to talk about it. every day that passes, the arrest somebody else. we find out of the plot to rob the store couple was far more extensive than any of us knew. so far, it has all been day laborers that have been arrested, people who at some sort of work connection to this family, but not ms. wiggins.
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how does she fit into the puzzle? >> they are charging her pursuant to a statute here in florida alleging that in some way, she either aided or assisted any one of these guys, knowing that they had committed a felony. as the friend of one of the main perpetrators, the organizer of this, whether she had given him any assistance, knowing he had committed a crime, she could be facing up to 30 years in prison here in florida. megyn: we're going to find out more about what they think she did, what the role was. her actions after the crime, between the crime and the day she was arrested, which was yesterday, do not necessarily speak of an innocent woman. >> they suggest what we call consciousness of guilt.
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why would chiefly? -- would she flee? this is obviously a woman who was participatory. we can tell by her actions. she fled to alabama after the crime was committed. they had to tell her to come back. right now, they're calling for a person of interest. they're investigating how extensive her role was. dated extend just to an accessory -- did that extend to just and accessory role? did she know something ahead of time and provide assistance? like mark said, she was the landlord to one of the main ring leaders of this operation. what was a relationship with him? was it romantic? did she provide any financial resources? as a landlord, did she give them a property to train on? they trained for 30 days to execute this crime. does she have anything to do with the person who is supposed to disable the alarm system? anything like that?
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>> one thing they will be considering, as they do in all of these types of cases, there are two types of people who are accused of crimes. one who have never had any contact with the criminal justice system, and then the second category. they are considering a misdemeanor charge. she accepts responsibility. they're definitely considering that. >> i do not think she is so upstanding. she is somebody who i think obviously, having that kind of conviction in the past, suggests moral turpitude crime. you could bring a motion to argue that in front of the judge. it is a weird cast of characters here. one of the guys is actually special forces trained. extensive military training since 2002.
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he's the guy you would look to to actually help execute this. by the way, who is going to put together this ninja style military operation? i think they were planning another crime. this was perhaps one that they were going to do a run through on and help train the team. >> at the risk of sounding i am going to defend her, i am going to throw out a couple of ideas here. first of all, she does not enjoy in the presumption of innocence. let me just say this. there are not alleging that she was involved in the actual crime, but doing something after the fact. the source of that -- ok. megyn: i have to go. >> it might have come from the defendants themselves who are now, i believe, are cooperating. not all of the information is accurate. megyn: we will get a presser in moments. thank you very much. i will let that be the last word. rick: stuck on a cliff with no
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way down. a dramatic rescue when we come right back. . busy lifestyles can make it hard to get enough fiber and key nutrients in your diet. be proactive about your health with... this great-tasting chewable fiber supplement harnesses the goodness of real fruits and vegetables to provide you both natural fiber and protective antioxidants. its special blend of antioxidant vitamins c, e and beta carotene help support your long-term health and vitality. feel your best every day, even when you're on the go. try fiberchoice plus antioxidants. brand power. helping you buy better.
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rick: soon, onions could help fuel more than your body. they could help power your home. it is a venture between southern california gas and an ibm company. adam is live at deals onion plant in oxnard, california. tell us about making onions into power. how does that go?
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>> it does it smell like onions. we are not crying out, we're not in sight. but the idea is to take these onions, about three or 400,000 pounds of onions waste a day after they are chopped up and they are put in salsa or onion rings as they are shocked off to canada out -- that waste is being taken and crashed down into hip-hop and onion juice -- into an onion juice, which mimics what methane gas would do. they are able to power their entire plant with onion waste. they went to local homes in the area, and they can power 450 homes with leftover onion stock that is not being used. rick: so you tell me my leftover salad could power my house? >> you would have to have a
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pretty big salad. if you have enough people in new york could do that. but it is amazing. we will show you highlights from throughout the day here in oxnard, california. megyn: you know who loves and onion? my mother. she would be one like an apple. that is how much she loved them. she is like that. in a moment, we are expecting details on this new suspect in a strange murder. there is brian wilson. you can see him doing a report for an affiliate's. it any rate, we will have him live in a moment. police catch up with a person of interest miles away who has been charged with an accessory of murder. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years?
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megyn: we quoted the president talking about tarp and how the administration was pushing forward on recovery. let me make clear, it had already been approved at that point by president bush, but mr. obama was speaking about triggering a second half of tarp as soon as possible saying that it would be irresponsible for him to enter office


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