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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  July 18, 2009 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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>> let me talk to you. >> yes, ma'am. >> this is friendly. i want us to go back there together. i want you to come with me and let's go see tse jobs you say don't exist. >> yes, yes, ma'am. >> good. put in the record that the pew charitable trust report, which says, and i'm reading one sentence, jobs in the clean energy economy grew at a faster rate than total jobs in the golden state between '98 and 2007, and it talks about all of that, and driven by venture capital and the laws. put that in the record. then we're going to put the naacp resolution that passed saying this -- "the naacp approved the resolution addressing climate change legislation for the first time in the organization's history." >> what does that mean?
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>> sir, we're going to put that in the record. >> what does that mean, ncaap has a resolution, what does that mean? >> sir, they could say the same thing about what do you mean? they passed it. now, also, if that isn't interesting to you, we will quote john grant, who is the c.e.o. of 100 black men of atlanta, quote, "clean energy is the key that will unlock millions of jobs and the naacp's support is vital to ensure that those jobs help to rebuild urban areas," so clearly there is a -- >> madam chair, that is condescending to me. i'm the national black chamber of commerce and you're trying to put up some other black group against me. >> if this gentleman were here, he would be proud that he was being quoted. >> he should have been invited. >> just as he would be proud -- >> it is condescending to me. >> just so you know, he would be proud that you were here.
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he's proud, i'm sure. i am quoting him. >> all of that is condescending and i don't like t it's racial. >> excuse me -- >> i take offense to it! as an african-american, and a veteran of this country, i take offense to that. >> offense at the fact that i would quote -- >> that you quote some other black man. quote some other preacher or something. you are being racial here. i think you're getting into a path here that's going to explode. >> i'm going to respond right now. i'm going to ask everyone to listen to what i said. first, i placed in the record the pew charitable trust study, a very important study for our home state of california. then i wanted to make a point that the fact is there is definitely differing opinions in the black community, just as there are in my community. >> you are speaking on behalf of the black community? >> no. i am putting a statement in the record by the naacp. >> why? >> because i think it is quite
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relevant. >> why are you doing the color ed people association study with the black chamber of commerce? >> i'm trying to show you the support we v >> reare referring to the experts, regardless of their color, and for someone to tell me an african-american, college educated veteran of the united states army that imi must contend with some other black group and criticize everything else in here, this has nothing to do with the ncaap, and really has nothing to do with the national black chamber of commerce. we're talking energy, and that road the chair went down i think is god awful. glenn: oh, you just don't see television like that anymore. i found that very rude. wasn't she the same senator
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that just freaked out when brigadier general michael walsh said, well, i don't know, ma'am. didn't she go all crazy on him? oh, yeah, we happen to have the tape. more pudding! >> why has it been delayed? >> ma'am, the lacpr -- >> do me a favor, could you say senator instead of ma'am. >> yes. >> i worked so hard to get that title. thank you. glenn: don't ever call her ma'am, even though that's the word of respect that the military requires you to use. as we pointed out last month, you didn't hear boxer calling michael walsh a brigadier general, did you? by the way, i checked. i went back on the videotape. did you notice through the first play-through that harry ulford of the black chamber of commerce called her ma'am, too? oh, yeah, he did. take a look. >> your address says washington, d.c. >> that's correct, ma'am.
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yes, ma'am. >> so what we're going to do -- good. glenn: she didn't correct him, not even once. see, it's almost like being called ma'am last month when she went crazy on him wasn't about being called ma'am. it was being called ma'am by a soldier. i thought to myself who would be the best guest to savor this moment with me. if we could get anybody -- but i think syndicated columnist and author of the best-selling book "guilty as sin" ann coulter would be the one. hello, ann. how you? >> hi. that was like -- >> pudding? >> no, i'm holding out for cookie dough this time. this is the video representation. glenn: hang on just a second. you won't have pudding with me? you didn't have a cookie the last time. >> can we please talk about the beautiful episode we just saw. >> this video is like erotic
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to me. cigarette? >> now, that i will take! glenn: anybody have a match. go ahead. >> here is the thing. i'm the come to, go to gallon barbara boxer. i talked about this, too, and she mentioned this in part of her defense. as a liberal, you have to decide which victims are related to you. her husband is a veteran, too. i wonder if she makes him call her senator. do into not call me ma'am! glenn: that is probably too much information for me. >> this is the liberal world view, to be have an opinion, you must be part of a certified victim group, so barbara boxer sees a black testifying before her and she thinks it is appropriate to cite other blacks. glenn: i just want to say this, america, i want you to know, if i may ann, speak to you just directly, barbara boxer may be watching right now, but i may have ann coulter on, but barbara is proud that ann is on.
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i think she's proud. >> that was one of my best moments when she called alford, the head of 100 black man club would be proud that you, sir, are testifying today >> and he drove himself here, too! that's good. that is fantastic. >> and he was fan fantastic, and by the way, he likes the hispanic plaintiff in ricci, and yesterday, i must say, senator lindsey graham did a similar thing with sonia sotomayor. he pointed out that the puerto rican legal defense fund had taken very left wing positions on abortion, and very left wing positions on death penalties, and that its was you applied unfairly to minorties. now, do you know any hispanics who oppose abortion? do you know any puerto ricans who support the death penalty? you're not really defending
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puerto ricans there. we call ourselves puerto ricans to promote left wing positions, which is in this book. liberal victims in america create victim status to create real victims as sotomayor did with ricci. glenn: let me ask you this -- the ncaap, because i happen to agree with what's his face who was there from the black chamber of commerce. alford says what do they have to do with the 100 colored black men's group. colored people are green people because we're talking green energy. did barbara boxer not think green was a color? >> you came to the correct person. i will give you the official terminology for victimology. a green person would ank below the black person. blacks are the uncertified
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victims because they really were the victims and haven't helped by liberals. gays, women, immigrants have suffered at the hands of america like blacks have. glenn: does everybody want to be black? >> liberals do, because that's the top victim status, so that being black trumps being and an inand insect. glenn: this is spiraling out of control. >> now you understand the entire exchange. glenn: the whole damn things was from mars. >> once you have the liberal victimology playbook, it all makes sense. why does she cite that her husband is a veteran? glenn: nothing in america surprises me. we were talking about the
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veterans and everything else. there's a new bill that went through yesterday. oh, this is fantastic. this makes sense. you know, they have to give our soldiers more money so we can fight that war thing that we're doing. well, the senate has approved that they're going to do that money as long as we tuck in there but no big deal a hate crimes law. yeah. now, additional federal protections for people attacked because of their sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability. i mean, i didn't see this one coming. back in april, i saw congresswoman debbie waterman going after florida congressman tom rooney who happens to be retired u.s. army jag core officer introducing an amendment that would make attacks against our military veterans a hate crime. watch this. >> i'm from a state, as mr. rooney is, that includes an represents a district that includes real victims, large groups of real victims of hate
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crimes. i represent one of the largest gay populations in the united states of america, one of the largest jewish populations in the united states of america. my region, our region has a very large african-american population, all groups who are real victims of targeted hate crime. it really is belittling of the respect that we should have for these groups to suggest that members of the armed services have somehow systematically been the victims of hate crimes. >> is that like a bunch of military recruiters like shot by some muslim guy recently? i mean, can i say muslim guy? i don't even know. former army staff sergeant david bell-evia is executive director of the warrior legacy foundation that promotes the reputation and dignity of american set rans. how are you, sir? >> i'm doing great.
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please, call me staff sergeant. glenn: you worked hard for that title. >> i did. i busted my chops for that. glenn: would you like some pudding? >> actually, i would. glenn: take t >> thank you. you have a crystal says that you are reiting from. glenn: it is like willie wonka. we haven't worked all the kinks out of this thing. tell me. i seem to remember -- i'm here in new york city. i remember last year sometime some clown went by the recruiting station here in times square and threw a bomb at the door. it was about a year and a half ago and they were going after guys at fort dix that were trying to kill the soldiers there. what is she talking about that they're not targets? they're the ultimate targets! >> let me raise you one more. there also were two recruiters that were shot at in little rock, arkansas not too far back.
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one was killed. if you want to fight hate in this world, the greatest organization to do so is the is the united states military. we are extremely well rehearsed to combat hate, which seems to be the core issue of why we lost two towers in new york in 2001. now, last time i checked, you didn't need bomb-sniffing dogs to go through the crowd at a matinee of xanadu. you need them to get on the military post. the reality of the matter is is it a crime against anyone that is promoted in hate is evil? glenn: hang on just a second, please. this drives me out of my mind. let's say i'm going to kill somebody with a spoon, because that's all i got handy, and i'm stabbing him to death. i have never heard a story of anybody stabbing somebody and saying i love you, i love you. it doesn't happen. of course you are killing somebody. it was hatred. if i was screaming i love you
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as i stabbed them to death, i should get more, or i should get less than if i'm i hate you, i hate you? it makes sense. i'm killing somebody. that's the crime. is it just me? >> if you kill a man because he's gay or you kill a man who happens to be gay, you killed a man and you should go to jail for the rest of your life. glenn: the whole world is upsidedown today! >> it is. it is. the whole world is upside-down. i want to get back to your point about saying that senator boxer is condescending. i recently saw her and she was wearing a beret and field dressing an f-16. i thought that was extimely condescending. glenn: you are making that up! was she wearing anything else or just the beret? >> she was wearing a beret and cleaning a weapon. glenn: i think i had a lot of people throw up in their
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mouths just. there thank you very much, i appreciate t our fourth biggest bankruptcy is about to happen. this is happening with the obama administration not doing anything. i have a theory on this on why they're not doing anything, because they're doing oh, so much more.
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glenn: welcome back. i'm the host that is made up almost entirely of chocolate pudding, and strangely, i'm proud of that. soon, finance company ci. it is going to be sliding into bankruptcy. here's the story that i couldn't give a flying crap about just a few weeks ago, but something seemed wrong, because this institution i never heard of it before, and i'm not exactly, you know, somebody you should listen to for financial advice, but something seemed wrong in this. all the other major financial institutions, you know, get these bailouts, but this one, no, no, no. unlike other lenders, cit's bankruptcy could cause, quote, an avalanche of bankruptcies, we're now starting to find out, this according to the president of the small business league. here is charles payne, c.e.o. of wall and also with the fox business network. how are you? >> great.
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thanks for the pudding. glenn: the whole world is upside-down today. i can't take it anymore. the cit thing bothered me for -- i didn't know why at first, except why was it the first one and it's the fourth largest bankruptcy. >> right. glenn: tell me who these people are. >> ci. it is the largest lender to small and medium-sized businesses in this country. glenn: hold on a second. the largest lender to small and medium sized businesses. the largest? >> the largest, $75 billion worth of business. glenn: wow. this is for the people like at dunkin donuts and small companies? >> and a lot of retailers. listen, these smaller businesses, they get these contracts, but they don't get paid for a while. they can take their contracts, give it to cit, get paid like 80% -- glenn: so, in other words, anybody getting ready right now for christmas, they got to buy all the stuff, but they can't pay it off until
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january. >> right. glenn: this is the way small business is done. >> absolutely. glenn: it is like farmer, they buy their seeds and take a loan and when the crop comes in, they pay it later. >> right. glenn: so what is the percentage of jobs created by small and mediumç sizedn@ñ?ñ?ñ businesses? >> right now, it is 99.9%. >> 99.9% for small and medium businesses? >> yeah. glenn: so i'm looking at gee, i could bail out wall street where maybe they have to sell their house and their boat, or i could bail out main street, why did we pick wall street? >> you know, glenn, it is so baffling to me, particularly -- let me tell you my theory. glenn: say it. >> i sincerely believe that the president has a real fixation against rich people, people being rich, and i think that the only way -- glenn: hang on a second. i speak your same language. let me try this again. the president is a marxist.
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>> i think it is more of a voltare france thing. glenn: whatever. >> the bottom line is there is this serious effort to not only go after the rich but to dissuade people from becoming rich, and the average person out there, glenn, the only way the average person watching this show can become rich is to become a successful entrepreneur, small business penn. glenn: let me go here. i think we are setting up a class system. if you are ted kennedy, you're rich, you're powerful already, this is what was talked about in "democracy in america." the really itch are rat some point going to -- the really rich are at some point going to block the door to stop anyone else from getting in. if you can't get a lon get a loan and do your business, what are you going to do? you stay where we tell you to stay. >> there is no doubt about that.
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i have always argued that, and the notion of sawing the ladder of success in half means that there is less left for the people at the bottom of. the one class will be the middleless class where people don't make too much, they don't make too little, kind of like a voltare novel, we all live in small houses, grow our vegetables and have this community thing. to a certain degree, the president believes he is doing the right thing in redressing the wrongs of the past, because the ted kennedys of the world, some of these other people might have gotten rich off the backs of slavery, to ann coulter's point, jim crow laws or unfair things, and the way to fix that to make the universe right is to make sure we get a whole new era in this country where we don't want materialism, we don't want too much. glenn: i'm going to go a itself further. it's pudding day on the glenn beck program. of course we're going to go crazy. in a week, i'm working on a theory, charles, and i'll have you back on a week from plon day. i am going to lay out what i
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think is going on in this country, part of it what is going on in this country or what is happening to us, and we're transforming, and i believe this president is tranmingmi country. you don't bail out all the very, very rich and then block the door by stopping the loans from the very small, and try to tell me that you are trying to help unemployment numbers. >> right. glenn: when 99% of the new jobs that are happening are coming from small businesses. i will even say 70%. the tarp money, stimulus money, should have gone to -- 70% of it should have gone to small businesses. >> i agree one million percent. then you throw on the fact who is going to pay for healthcare small businesses, businesses that make $350,000 a year. i agree, we're being dissuadeed. what bothers me more than anything else, we were told that the end of trickledown
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economics, this is trickledown recovery. glenn: all of this will be in my free newsletter at >> want to know why the smoke is coming out of glenn's ears? he listened to joe biden's you get to use any of our concierge claim centers. so i can just drop off my car and you'll take care of everything? yep, even the rental. what if i'm stuck at the office? if you can't come to us, we'll come to you in one of our immediate response vehicles! what if mother won't let me drive? then you probably wouldn't have had an accident in the first place. and we're walkin'! and we're walkin'... making it all a bit easier -- now that's progressive! call or click today. ems getting around in your home. canes and walkers are no longer safe and you know you need a power chair. well you probably also know that with medicare and your
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last question, is it easy? it is with hoveround. our specialists handle all of the paperwork for you. it's that easy. i called. i spoke to a young lady there and she took care of absolutely everything. she asked me if i had medicare and what other insurance that i had and she says please don't worry clancy i'll take care of the whole thing. at hoveround we work with medicare and your insurance company to help you pay little or nothing for your hoveround so call hoveround today, get a free dvd kit that can change your life. we're better all around. go to or call the number on your screen today.
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join us at 6:00 eastern for "special report." now back to glenn. glenn: yes, we will pass
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healthcare, oh, yes, we will. hello, america. here's tonight's hot list. i personally think it feels like we've slid through a worm hole where nothing makes sense. it looks like the america i grew up in, but not quite so much when you start listening to the news. common sense solutions, stories where the mainstream media is not doing their job. vice president joe biden, the first sign that we're not in the right universe. he was cheerleading for the administration's healthcare plan at an aarp event yesterday and explained that the current system won't work anymore and explained how they are going to fix it as only joe biden could. >> we're going to go bankrupt as a nation. now, people look at me and say what are you talking about, joe? you're telling me we got to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt? yes, i'm telling you. glenn: could you play that again, please? >> you're telling me we got to
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spend money to keep from going bankrupt. the answer is yes, i'm telling you. glenn: maybe it will make a little more sense. could we just spin everything upsidedown. yes, yes. now let's see if it makes sense this way. go ahead. >> you're telling me we got to go spend money to keep from going bank bankrupt? the answer is yes, i'm telling you. >> even in the upsidedown world, it doesn't really work. oh, well. here is one way your government spending money will keep us from going bankrupt. the social security administration has spent $700,000 on a three-day conference at the phoenix arizona, built more resort and spa, it is beautiful. the social security regional commissioner responsible for the trip originally said to abc news that the conference was to help the staff learn how to reduce stress that they were feeling.
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oh, my goodness. i mean, a lot of people are about ready to lose their jobs, their house, they don't know what to do. oh, my gosh. but how does the social security administration feel? i never even thought about them. i'm so callous. apparently some people have been calling and making death threats against them, kind of like the people from acorn encouraging people to do, you know, it seems, to the a.i.g. people, but let's not remember that. the congress is demanding that all records on the cost of the trip are turned over and the s.s.a. says the trip was, quote, to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the social security administration service provided to the american public by providing training for managers. that's all that was. no mention of the stress or death threats there. another way to save money, the -- i swear we're living in an upside-down world again. the house of representatives debated today the restore our american mustangs act.
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oh, i always wanted one, especially a really sweet all cherryed out '68 convertible. oh, we're talking about horses? according to the congressional budget office, it will only cost -- only cost cost -- $200 million over the next four years, and it will ensure that there's enough land for wild horses to run free with the burros. are those the things you eat at taco bell? no! apparently those are, like, i don't know some sort of donkey thing. this story really drives me nuts. they're also going to provide a census of the horses every two years. because we need to count the horses. yeah. we got to do that. i hope we can get acorn to help us out. they're going to research and develop -- they're going to research and develop contraception for the horses and the burros as well.
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the government is busy creating jobs now at the treasury department. the bureau of public debt, they are looking for someone to present, and i am not making this up, humor in the workplace. the job listing says the applicant will, quote, discuss the power of humor in the workplace, and the close relationship between humor and stress. the contractors will have the ability to create cartoons on the spot, lickety split about the b.t.p. jobs. i figure if this job doesn't work out real well, i can create cartoons about stress, oh, because i understand stress. oh, i got it, baby, yeah! and i can do cartoons. for instance, here -- come on, guess who it is? come on, guess who it is.
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see, timothy geithner. ha ha ha. humor. stress. guess who it is. guess who it is. come on. me! hanging myself in front of timothy geithner! also the president last night at the 100th anniversary of the ncaap, he said although racism is still no excuse for not reaching one's potential, he added about the role of the government as well. here it is as well. >> government programs alone won't get our children to the promised land. yes, government must be a force for equality, but ultimately if we are to be true to our past, we also have to seize our own future. each and everything.
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glenn: i got my dashboard messiah obama smoking. did you just say seize your own destiny? you are such a knucklehead, coming from the president who wants to spread government into every facet of our life, and finally, the last story, i think we might as well all go to crazy town. flip it over. yeah, baby! nasa has released the refurbished video of the first ever moon landing. oh, this makes sense in an upside-down world. why? because the government looked at it and they said this is awfully grainy, and also because they later add added a mitted that they lost the -- they admitted that they lost the original landing. the government lost the moon landing videotapes. they looked for them for about three years and they went oh, no, we might have erased them or something. the government treated the historic video of man actually
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walking on the man like you probably treat an episode of "full house," and by the way, i would like to point out, these are the guys who are, are like, right now saying you got to give us your health records, and that's your hot list. back in a second.
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i love kids! i'm responsible. ahhh! [squeak squeak] stop, stop! ahhhhh! whoa! being a parent's a lot of work. sid: [laugh] ha ha, no, stop, stop.
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glenn: well, the house judiciary committee doesn't think they need to investigate acorn, even though they have heard, oh, a ton of accusations. that leads us to believe there are members of congress who are covering up for acorn's alleged corruption, but we don't know exactly why. watch this. why doesn't john conyers care
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to investigate acorn anymore? was there someone in congress who made him not care? let's investigate. >> is there anybody here that can testify? from acorn? well, may i ask, respectfully, that the chairman consider such a hearing so we can get to the bottom of this? >> it sounds like a reasonable question from house judiciary committee chairman john conyers on capitol hill on march 1 19, but he didn't get a reasonable answer from new york congressman jerry nadler. >> let me just say that i would certainly consider a hearing on acorn if i ever hear any credible allegations. glenn: the two democratic lawmakers had just been told about a pattern of crimes allegedly committed by the community organizer ranging from voter registration fraud, tax fraud, to activities that could amount to organized
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crime. >> wait a minute. it has been asserted that people voted fraudulently in every county in the state. that's a pretty serious matter. >> congressman nadler was heading the hearing that day as the chairman of the house judiciary subcommittee on the constitution for civil rights and civil liberties. >> the chairman is a supporter of constitutional rights, civil rights, and would take this matter up. i think it would be something that would be worth our time. >> it is a good point and we will consider it. glenn: conyers was on to something. he knew something was wrong, going on within acorn and within his own chamber. he should have stuck to his gut, but he didn't. a month and a half later on may 4, when asked if he still
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would push for an investigation, the committee chair told another news network, quote "based on my review of the information regarding the complaints against acorn, i have concluded that a hearing on this matter appears unwarranted at this time." "unwarranted"? hours before that statement came out, acorn as an organization, along with two staffers were charged in nevada with 26 counts of voter edge voter registration fraud along with 13 counts for using acorn van vazzers using -- acorn canvassers using a fraudulent system. acorn may have been pressured by nadler to back off after that hearing march 19. nadler is a huge acorn supporter. he is one of the worker families parties. o nadler represents a district
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in brooklyn, new york, where both the working families party and acorn at their headquarters and those headquarters are in the same building. 24 nevin street. he told "the washington times" in april, quote, it's not our business to to say acorn is ter icial or acorn is wonderful. that's not a congressional job." it's not? doesn't the judiciary committee have the job to investigate crimes an conyers said it was their jurisdiction, the department of justice. unless that's been taken out of my jurisdiction and i just didn't know t" on june 24, when conyers was questioned again about calling off the call for a probe, he told "the washington times", quote "the powers that be decided against it." um, who are the powers that be? conyers' spokesman tried to
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clarify, but the congressman was referring to be as the powers that be, but is that really the case? or did other powers to be stopped acorn inquiry? remember, this is all about the six degrees of acorn, and who knows what lies in the center of this tangled web. >> please welcome one of acorn's long-time friends and my congressman, john conyers!
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glenn: this is our special piece on "the powers that be" told john conyers to back off
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of getting congress to investigate acorn. here is the reporter who got that story, steve miller of "the washington times." how are you, steve? >> i'm doing good, glenn. glenn: tell me how you think this happened. i'm watching the videotape and john conyers is clearly thinking this is something we should investigate here, and then all of a sudden he is talking to you and saying, no, no, we're not going to go there because of the powers that be. what happened? >> i don't know. it was surprising that he was so interested in investigating acorn in the first place. that's why it was a story since he is considered to be a pretty sharp partisan. when he dropped the idea, i saw him one day at the house chamber and i walked with him to the elevator and asked him why he had given up the probe, and he said "the powsers that be decided against it." i followed up and pressed him on it a couple of times.
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he shrugged his shoulders. he smiled at me. i asked him again, and he pointed to an person in the elevator that stood there stone faced. maybe he was joking, i thought, and the elevator doors opened and he went on his way. glenn: steve, let me ask you this, and i don't know if it is just me, but i am increasingly disturbed how these guys joke their way out of it, how they send a speed reader in to read a bill. it's immoral. it's wrong. some of the stuff that goes on in congress i think is treasonous, but the idea that they just joke it off and laugh it off and say "well, the powers that be" did it bother you? did you want to kind of grab him by the lapels and say, listen, you work for us, we, the people, what are you doing? who told you not to investigate? >> its was an odd thing to say. it was brazen at the time. i followed up with his office
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repeatedly to try to get to the bottom of it, and it took him time to get back to me and that's when he told me he was referring to himself, which once again seemed very odd. glenn: during the election -- i'm going to expose a letter next week, but i found a line in this letter that i want to share with you. this is a letter to the f.b.i. justice department october 20, 2008, from john conyers and the rest of them, and they're talking about acorn being a hassle, and it says "we will appreciate that these reports may or may not be accurate. they demand your utmost attention and action at this time." they're saying here that, look, these may not be accurate, they may be, i don't know, but you should look into them. this is the same thing they won't do when there are charges out there of fraud. i mean, this doesn't make any sense, does it, to you, a seasoned reporter? >> not really.
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i mean that letter was sent out shortly before the election, and its theres was widespread complaints of voter fraud by acorn in numerous swing states and nothing seemed to raise any eyebrows seemed to raise any eyebrows among democrats on the hill. the traders at td ameritrade are a demanding bunch. that's why td ameritrade's proprietary order routing technology consistently seeks the best available price. command center 2.0 lets you customize your trading space, and it's free. with superior tools like these, traders get what they want. td ameritrade. independence is the spirit that drives america's most successful investors. announcer: trade commission free for 30 days, plus, get $100 cash when you open an account.
2:57 am
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2:59 am
glenn: everybody in washington seems to want public health options.


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