tv Hannity FOX News July 21, 2009 12:11am-1:00am EDT
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gov. bobby jindal is here with his analysis of health care in . health care in . as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪ ♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage.
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the place that inspires her to go faster... and slower, elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended. sean: and tonight in "your america" over the weekend massachusetts senator teddy kennedy threw his weight behind the health care proposals that
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are now under consideration in the house and the senate writing in "newsweek" magazine "we will bring health care reform to the senate and house floors soon, and there will be a vote. a century long struggle will reach its climax, and i believe this bill will pass, and we will end the disgrace of america as the only major industrialized nation in the world that doesn't guarantee health care for all of its people." but bobby jindal is warning that the legislation will have unintended consequences including the fact that most americans will end up with government run health care, only the wealthy will have a choice, bureaucrats, not patients or doctors will make choices about your health, and the quality will diminish. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. sean: that was your rebuttal in the "politico" today. can you go into more specificity? >> absolutely. my concerns are you've got a plan that increases deficit
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spending when we've got trillion dollar deficits, you've got a plan that increases taxes on businesses, on those that don't want to participate in this plan, on small businesses and employers as well, but third you've got a plan that would disrupt the quality by interfering, by inserting the government between providers and their patients. it's great whether the president says that you can keep the health care you have if you like it. the problem is that's not what this plan does. one independent group says as many as 100 million americans may lose their private coverage and switch over to the public government-run plan. at least he's honest with what he wants to accomplish. in that "newsweek" op-ed he talks about giving up -- he said his ideal was always a single payer government run health care system, and i think that's what's motivating a lot of the proponents, but in is a radical restructuring of our health care system. house democrats, they've tried to spend, borrow our way into prosperity. now they're trying to tax our way into prosperity, and in the meantime they want to help take
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over part of our health care system. the government is running banks, car companies, and now our health care system. it's a very dangerous piece of legislation, and i think we need to slow down and look at the consequences and understand higher taxes, higher deficits, worst quality health care for americans. sean: you spell it out very clear in that teddy kennedy article really admits something that we conservatives have been pointing out for sometime, and that, in fact, this will result in rationing. you weren't on to say "house democrats are determined to tax and spend our way into prosperity," and then you said our federal government, and i found this truthful, but nobody really having the guts to say it, is just flinging stuff against the wall in trillion dollar chunks to see what sticks. how frightening is this when it's not our money, it's our children's and grandchildren's money? >> that's right. we're borrowing money from china, we're printing money, and you hear what they're actually
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saying from the congress. they actually say that the government has to participate in the health care marketplace to make it competitive. when did we start believing that? what's next? does that mean the government has to start running newspapers and knacktories and stores? this is the wrong way to reform our health care. obviously we need to bring down costs. congress' own budget office says this plan will not reduce government healthcare spending. heritage foundation says we may end up with higher marginal tax rates at the high end, higher than many european countries, many states will be over 50%. this isn't the free enterprise system that makes this such a great economy and country. conservatives have a lot of ideas on how we can actually reduce the cost and increase access to health care. why not listen to some of those ideas. why aren't we tackling abusive lawsuits? right now it costs more than $100 billion a year. why aren't we allowing small businesses to pool their purchasing power, embracing electronic health care records,
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the things that bring transparency. let's make providers produce outcomes and prices. there are things that we can do that will reduce the cost of health care. unfortunately the rhetoric that we're learning from house democrats doesn't match the legislation. it would be great if they did a plan that did what they said, that was paid for. sean: let me ask you this. one of the things -- you outlined everything that the president has up to this point asked for and has gotten including the stimulus plan and you go through a long laundry list, and then you conclude but taken as a whole what the president has done is devastating. so my yes to you is on a scale of 1 to 10, how devastating is what barack obama has done to the economy? >> well, look, the spending is atrocious. at some point you're going to see the value of our dollar go down, inflation and interest rate goes up, we've seen this before. you see a debt that's being piled up for our children and grandchildren.
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what scares me about health care that's even more challenging than many things that have come before like the stimulus and the tarp, and the auto bailout. but with health care you're talking about a permanent government involvement in a large part of our economy, but in some of the most important decisions that we as americans make, those decisions that should be made between american patients and their doctors, not with a government bureaucrat in the room. sean: if you were to have an opportunity, and i know you talk to a lot of republicans around the country in the house and the senate, what's your best advice for them? because i agree with you. i think this is beyond troubling, i think this will fundamentally alter our free market capitalist system. what advice do you give republicans? how do they combat this to stop it considering they have both houses of congress and the white house? >> let's not be fooled by the rhetoric. let's force them to do what they say. let's force them to allow americans to keep what they have. let's not be raising taxes during a recession, let's not be adding during a deficit, and
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you're beginning to see some conservative democrats express concern about the effect this will have on the economy, and we've got to offer proactive solutions. there are health credits that help people buy portable insurance from job to job across state lines. let's force this democrats to live up to their rhetoric. their plans don't do that. sean: good to see you, thanks for being with us. the latest stimulus outrage. wait until you hear how much of if a tornado hits, air life denver takes off... their night-vision goggles keeping the rescue mission safe... and powering those goggles-- the only battery air life trusts: duracell. trusted everywhere.
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sean: tonight in "hannity's america," your tax dollars are being used to buy a lot of pork, and i mean literally. reports that the stimulus money has been dolled out for the following. $2.5 million to los angeles for ham. water added, cooked, frozen and sliced. 1.1 million for two pounds frozen ham sliced and $16.7 million going to minnesota for canned pork. agriculture secretary tom vilsack was quick to defend the ham purchases. he says all that ham is going to food banks and soup kitchens and that the references to two-pound frozen ham sliced are the sizes
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of the packaging. in fact the contract in question purchased 760,000 pounds of ham for $1.19 million at a cost of approximately 1.50 per pound. by the way, tom, the ham you've been paying $1.50 for, it actually costs 79 cents in most grocery stores. thanks for being so careful with our stimulus money. and health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius made an appearance on "meet the press." she was asked whether the wealthiest americans will have to shoulder the burden for nanny state health care. her response is the subject of tonight's "liberal translation." take a look. >> i think both the house and senate bills are contemplating responsibility that both -- that everyone would have a responsibility to have health insurance. and business owners would have a
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responsibility to provide health insurance. and that the government would do their fair share. we're also hoping that that personal responsibility extends to lifestyle. that in order to have a healthier america, more productive america, we need to make some basic changes in what we eat, how much we exercise. getting our kids up off the couch, turning off the video games. but that's a personal responsibility that all of us have. sean: can't wait for the secretary of health and human services when she turns off the video games at my house and gets my kids off the couch. now, it sounds just like the sort of government our founding fathers envisioned, don't you
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think? now, liberals appear to be concerned about their chances in both the 2010 and 2012 elections, and as a result have decided to go after some up and coming stars of the g.o.p. now, take a look at this brand-new liberal attack ad. >> i sarah l. palin do solemnly swear. >> i charles j. crist do solemnly swear that i will support and defend and protect the constitution. >> impartially discharge my duties. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. sean: kathleen sebelius, janet napolitano, rambo dead fish, and the president himself. considering a call to a higher office makes you a quitter, that ad should include all of those people i mentioned in the president's cabinet and barack obama himself. and "hannity's america"
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continues in 90 seconds. janeane garofalo is at it again my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. robert shapiro: we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. and make your business dream a reality. could save 'em hundreds on car just telinsurance.e geico it's actually doing it. gecko vo: businessmen say "hard work equals success." well, you're looking at, arguably, the world's most successful businessgecko. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule:
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new windex outdoor all-in-one. a streak-free shine in half the time. s.c. johnson, a family company. you could buy 300 bottles of water. or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet. sean: president obama's trillion dollar health care proposal continues to lose support, and my next guest is not surprised that americans are concerned. steven crowder recently took a trip to canada to get a
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firsthand look at their universal health care system and how it operates. take a look at what he experienced in a canadian e.r. and joining me now is steven crowder of pajamas tv. i watched so much of this, and this is a great piece of work, and people can see it at the web site. >> pj tv or go to my youtube channel. sean: there was a lot of humor to this. you said you hurt your hand with a skateboarding accident, you go into the -- first you weren't to the private clinic, and that was
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closed. >> don't get sick on sundays. sean: so you decide to go to the hospital. >> yeah. sean: walk us through. >> the lady said two to ten-hour wait, she wasn't sure, and then you see the nurse at triage, and it's a long process. we ended up not sticking around. sean: you were given literally a number, 69 and 70. >> like a butcher shop. sean: like a butcher shop. pull out a number. >> you're like rain man. sean: so all of the sudden you said how long would it be before you saw a doctor, and they said between two and ten hours. sean: and you waited four hours. >> and that's 500% more between two and ten. that's a pretty big gap. sean: you ran into some people. >> right, there was one guy who had a broken clavicle, and he took five hours to see a doctor, and they ended up sending him to an orthopedic. there was a guy that needed penicillin, it took him nine hours, and we in a lady whose
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mom needed the operation, she lost both legs. sean: why don't you explain that. the period of time it took. she had a bad leg and because they waited so long they ended up losing both of her legs. she had a circulatory problem, i believe it was tough to understand her french, it was a little broken, and she said it wasn't a priority, so they wait add year, and at that point they had spread to the other leg which they could have saved, but they ended up chopping it off first. sean: that was day one, and you decided to see if this was an anomaly, so you have day two in your film, and you had a friend, steve, go to a clinic, to get blood tested, he says he doesn't have a family doctor. >> and he doesn't. we wanted to get a blood test. they have to have a slip from your family doctor, you have to go to the local community service center, get the blood test, they send it to an independent lab and then the doctor, and if you don't have a doctor, you're screwed, and that could take two years. sean: what happened in his case? they told him?
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>> put yourself on the waiting list at the clinics and wait and see if you can get a doctor. they did say that you could crawl the local universities and med schools and find someone who needs to built their roster, their client roster and maybe get an inexperienced doctor. sean: that would be really exciting. why don't you have an inexperienced dentist to pull your teeth out. they do have a private clinic that you were given the option to go, but the clinic is open 9:00 to noon monday through friday, so don't get sick on sunday. >> monday through thursday, actually. she wasn't so great in english. she wasn't lying. she was just wrong. sean: the clinic that you would pay $900 for which is about the average cost would be open 12 hours a week? >> not the private clinic, that's the community service center. we wanted to make sure we only used the socialized health care. i don't know were the private
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clinics. sean: what do you say based on the fact that you actually went there, you went there with your cameras, you went there under cover, you got a real glimpse into the single payer system that so many liberals in this country want to implement here in this country. what would you say to them? >> i don't think they want it, sean. i don't think -- sean: i think obama certainly does, the democrats certainly do. >> michael moore. sean: the cuban health care system is the envy of the war. >> he's like the wwf. he's entertaining, but nobody thinks it's real anymore, nobody believes a word he says. i don't think the american people want it. i think they may think they want it. it's like a college student who can espouse his political views because he's never had a dog in the fight. i was raised in canada, and most canadians don't like it. sean: doesn't this highlight if you're from great britain or france or canada, there's a reason that all the people from
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these countries that have free medical care are flocking to the united states. >> right, and it's not tree when you take into account the tax burden. we show that in the video. it's ridiculous. most americans didn't believe it when they saw it. sean: you have a woman who says her mom wait add year for treatment, ended up getting both legs amputated. the incessant waiting, the inferior care. you don't even hardly get to see a doctor. they're paying higher taxes on just about everything for a very poor system. >> what this video does is anybody can read dick morris' book to read the facts and statistics, but this video actually shows americans the firsthand experience which i don't think they can get anywhere else. sean: good work. a very important programming note for this thursday. we're going to be bringing you a look inside the obama universal health care plan, it's a
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universal nightmare, and we look at canada, the uk where this nightmare of state-run health care is all too real for people, and we'll also go a step further. we're going to put it into perspective and show you what life in america will be like from the eyes of a patient. and the consequences of this health care plan and it's absolutely deadly, it's a special "hannity" this thursday night, 9:00. time to check in with greta van susteren for a sneak. here it comes. she's been thinking all weekend. >> we've got so much tonight, but if the viewers are upset about the dancing bonanza secret that the social security administration had at some posh hotel in arizona wait until they hear how other stimulus money is being spent, how efficiently. they'll love that. sean: let me guess. ham. >> ham? that's it.
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ham. sean: they're spending $2.5 million on ham, and they're paying twice the price of what you pay in a grocery store. >> that's tomorrow night. we don't do ham tonight. we went all the way to india over the weekend to track down secretary of state hillary clinton, and we spoke to her, and within a matter of hours from right now she's probably going to be in the same room with someone from north korea, so we have that and much more. so you don't want to miss that. sean: did you tell the secretary of state that i said hi? >> she loves you. i hear you guys are real tight. sean: greta in 20 short minutes from now she goes "on the record." the "great american panel" straight ahead. ú?ú?ú?ú?ccú?÷y
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sean: and tonight on our "great american panel," he has been a campaign consultant for over 30 year, democratic pollster doug schoen is with us, she is a political science professor political analyst carol swain is with us, and she is a parenting columnist for "the chicago sun-times" betsy hart is here. six months to the day today barack obama is the president of the united states. most people see that the country is spending too much money, that this country is now moving in the wrong direction, most people fear that we are on the wrong track in the country, so we've
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come a long way. how do we interpret that? >> the obama drama is great, this unfolder story, it's healthy for america because we're finally realizing we don't have a prince, we have a president, and he's made some mistakes, he's way overreached, he's gotten way too ambitious, and from his perspective, he hasn't allowed republicans to be a part of some of these big spending plans, so it's democratic fingerprints all over it when it fails, and it will, they're going to have the democrats to blame, and there's going to be a price to pay. sean: this is the obama economy. these are his decisions. he's gotten pretty up everything that he is wanted, and if he gets health care and cap and tax that's going to further the deficit. >> the world that i live in, academia, i don't think people would say that he's a failure. there are a lot of people are quite happy were the movement of the country towards socialism, and there was a poll some months ago that for many americans if they know what it means they're
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not concerned about it, and so maybe middle america, the average person, they're concerned, they don't know what's going on, but there's a segment of americans that are quite happy, i believe. >> yeah, the ones who can't leave their jobs like in academia. >> yeah, we have tenure. sean: the cumulative total of barack obama's bailouts could top $23 trillion. how do you spend that much money when you don't have it? >> you borrow it, sean. and that's the problem. here's the problem. he was elected on a bipartisan platform. he was offering it. on cap and trade and on health care. we're getting pure, unadulterated democratic liberalism, and really what we who are moderate democrats want and hope for is that in the 11th hour on health care that a bipartisan bill will emerge, he'll endorse it, no single
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payer, no government intervention, no universal coverage immediately, incrementalism to get to something that really controls costs. if we get there -- sean: he is losing democratic governors are furious, their revenues are down, they feel the burden of health care is going to be put on them. >> it will be. sean: blue dog democrats are balking. >> with his approval rating falling close to 50 that the coalition that elected him is fraying, and he can't govern from just the left. i don't think he's going to get things through on this basis. he's got to change this way he approaches it. >> he's allowed the democrats in congress who are extraordinarily partisan to set this agenda by shutting the republicans out. they now have to take ownership of everything that's happening. it continues to get worse, so guess what? it is going to be a democratic nightmare. the blame will be rightly put on them, and then we have elections
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coming up, let's see what happens. is he going to be like bill clinton who learned from the republican sweep in '94, i've got to pull back and examen my agenda or is it going to be more of a power grab? sean: that's a great point. bill clinton all of the sudden health care fails, the end of welfare as we know it, the era of big government is over. i don't see any indication of barack obama moderating. none. >> i think he will. i think that for this administration, the ends justify the means and that it's about survival, and it will do whatever it needs to do to survive, and so it will adjust, and he was elected because he persuaded enough people that he would be a moderate, that he would listen to all sides, that he would be -- sean: but he's not governing as a moderate. >> he's not governing that way, and we all want to succeed. we don't want to cast fingers, put blame on people, we want to -- >> i like doing that. >> but i don't. i like to succeed as a nation.
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we've got challenges in north korea, iran, we've got to do it together otherwise we all lose. >> sometimes you have to lay the blame in the right place so that you figure out what's not working and what has to work instead. >> we're the greatest country in the world, and we're much better together than partisan. sean: i want socialism to fail, and barack obama's a socialist. >> and i want us to work as moderate progressive compassionate people to solve people. sean: do you agree he's a socialist? >> i agree he's moving too far to the left and his policies are redristive. i don't think he's a socialist, but he's not working. >> they can't just be the nay-sayers. republicans are beginning to because of obama unraveling. they have to do more in that air. >> we should hold this conservative democrats accountable because they are not standing up, and they are part of the congress, and that's where the attention should be
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focused. because we're one nation. sean: the blue dogs, the governors and the senators are beginning to speak out, and i'm talking to some democrats on capitol hill, and they are not happy, and they see their electoral chances slipping away because he's gone too far to the left, so in that sense it's great. >> we're working together on this. sean: i'm kidding. we'll take a break. more with our "great americ 100 potato chips... or 100 pringles. both cost the same, but only the new pringles super stack can makes everything pop. same cost, but a lot more fun. everything pops with the new pringles super stack can.
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neil: and we continue now with our great american panel. so the white house, they would usually readjust the numbers and say, "we were wrong." the deficit is going to be higher. hygiene the numbers from the american people so they do not let the american people know how long they were on the steam this -- hiding the numbers. >> it is a huge deficit. -- so they do not let the american people know how long they were on the stimulus. neil: hide, opie skit, and basically like, not being honest and straight with them of the
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skit -- obfuscate. does that bother you? >> it does bother me, because i believe health care should be reformed, and to reform in a responsible manner, we need more information, and it should not be rushedç through. we should have careful deliberation. neil: and here is a point i will ask you. they were so wrong on the stimulus, so wrong on revenue projections, soç wrong on unemployment. would not go over 8%, and now it is 9.5%." >> this is an outrage, and this is a story that really needs to get out -- and now is 9.5%. there would be no way -- and now, it is 9.5%. they need a lot of pressure to be put on to get those numbers out, exactly for the reasons i
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have said. he is trying to get an agenda passed that we know virtually nothing about. why? because if people knew about it, it would fail. neil: you have looked at the poll numbers, and you have written actually some pretty critical remarks about barack obama. his political capital that is slipping and evaporation? >> it is evaporated as we speak. -- slipping and evaporating? he may never get it done if it is not done in the next month or so. neil: he did say tonight that he was willing to push off or that he believes is inevitable, the deadline, but the more people become aware of what is in this thing, if we look at the provisions in the bill, it is pretty astounding. for example, if you do not have private insurance in the year this bill is passed,ç you cannt get it later from your employer.
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>> everybody. if anybody would want one, it would be me. i am single. i am north of 40. it is true. çif i were to buy a gold-plated policy, it would be extraordinarily expensive, but instead, i have a catastrophic policy. it is very inexpensive. it has a high deductible, and i use it like my homeowner's insurance. i cannot lose it if i have been is my job. this is a great antidote to this problem. washington is not considering that type of thing. >> when they are doing, sean, he is trying to find common ground between democrats and republicans -- sean, is try to find common ground between democrats and republicans -- is trying to find common ground. obama is going to fail if he keeps going. >> it bothers me, too, because we're talking about paying for the health care by taxing the
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wealthy. i am not among the wealthy. i should not care, but i believe everyone should contribute to it. if it is universal health care, then everyone should contribute to it. sean: are you happy if you go to the dmv? are social security is bankrupt. medicare is bankrupt. -- our social security is bankrupt. so michael steele was right today when he said this was a great experiment with a lot of money. >> i mean, the whole problem -- >> it is the whole story. we do not know where we are going, shawn. we do not know what will get the economy moving. we do not know what will bring unemployment down -- we do not know where we are going, sean. >> we saw this during the reagan years, during the 1990's. it is lower taxes for starters. itç is allowing people to own their own health care policies
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