tv Hannity FOX News July 22, 2009 12:13am-1:00am EDT
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the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information. sean: and tonight in "your america" it appears that many americans have seen all the change that they can handle from president obama, new polls are showing that the electorate has now turned on the anointed one. in fact, the president's average approval rating in the second quarter in office is now actually lower than jimmy carter's numbers were at this time in the same time in his
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presidency. another survey from public strategies and politico shows only 54% of those polls say they trust obama, and that is a drop of 12 points in just a few months, and the news for the president's party is not much better, only 42% of those polls now say that they trust the democratic party. joining us now is the author of the "new york times" best seller "guilty," liberals, victims, and their assault on america. ann coulter, good to see you in new york. how are you. >> fine, thanks. sean: this is new ground, eight out of ten -- this is a big change. eight out of ten -- the big issues facing this country now, republicans, are in the lead over the democrats. >> right, right, it's not that big a change. historically this has been the pattern, certainly in my lifetime, which is to say stins the republican party has -- since the republican party has been the conservative party, what happens is americans are more conservative than liberal, as polls also show they vote
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after eight or 12 years, they get sloppy and start doing their own big government stuff, and americans think how brad can the democrats be, and they put a democrat in, and they remember how bad the democrats can be. you get one term or two years with bill clinton and then suddenly for the next six years clinton is signing everything newt gingrich and the republican congress was sending to him, a major republican takeover after that, and you've seen this pattern going back basically since lbj. you'll get eight or 12 years of republican, one term or even two years of a democrat government, i'll say, and you're going to see it here. sean: this is the first time he's really hit trouble. >> yes. sean: this is the first time -- americans are saying he's spending too much money. americans now blame him for the economy. >> right. don't trust him. sean: they don't trust him. >> and they shouldn't. sean: he's coming unhinged. >> yes, look at his press conference today, if you can
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play that without him even speaking, and we knew this was going to happen. this guy can't take one punch. when he starts talking. not just standing. sean: we wouldn't want to interrupt you. >> the walking shots aren't that good. you can see he's becoming unhinged because the media has totally built this guy up, he can't do anything -- the fist bump,p, it was if he invented t cure for cancer when he did that with his wife. he swats a fly, and they're all hyperventilating. look how he acts to his critics, you and rush limbaugh, and he lashes out to democrats and says don't listen to this guy. sean: you were very jealous he wasn't attacking you. >> he did attack me in his first book. but the point is if this guy is so upset by criticism from people who are on the opposite side of the spectrum, what's going to say as these polls as inevitably will happen start to fall on him as americans realize
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that oh, he really is a liberal, it's not just a charming speech maker. sean: why is it so many americans put their faith in government? why would they put their faith in obama when every promise he made about the economy, the stimulus, job creation, every promise has now been broken, and it's so bad he wants to hide the numbers from the american people? >> that was an interesting thing, and one of the polls in politico today was something like 40% of americans think that health care will be more expensive if we have a massive government takeover. 27% think it will be less expensive. now, that's who we've got to interview. who are these people? less expensive? sean: they're dreaming. >> he said we've got to pass this stimulus bill otherwise unemployment's going to go up, we're going to at least keep it, we'll have it go down again, it could get as high as 8%, now it's 9.5%, of course he's losing credibility, and now he's saying we have to pass this health care
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bill now. he's saying -- let me finish this one point. he is saying that money will go down. if you have a national take enginetakeover of the government. no one can believe that. sean: everyone knows taxes are going to go up, rationing is going to be guaranteed, quality is going to decline, and most governments are going to be forced into the system. the question becomes political. there's a poll out that came out this week, in that mitt romney in a hypothetical matchup would tie barack obama and governor palin only a few points away. >> right. sean: how do you interpret that. >> i've notices a lot of the polls that romney is doing quite well. sean: are you supporting him? >> possibly. i think we have to wait -- or get out there a little bit faster the next time. sean: how about governor palin? >> the last minute when republican primary voters go for
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the worst possible candidate, and we're saying no, no, not him. sean: you voted for governor palin. >> i did, i loved her, and i do think with romney -- sean: and how about newt gingrich? >> it could well be romney because -- primary voters seem to vote for any name they've heard before which isn't so good whether the name is mccain, it might be good with romney, what romney has to do, he has to get out and explain what was wrong were the health care program he did in massachusetts, he has to take control of this issue, now is the time. sean: what about newt? >> i don't -- i'd take romney more palin i think. i think gingrich should be the talker in chief. sean: because he's smart. >> the talker. sean: we'll get to the bottom of this one. thanks for being with us. wait until you hear what the mayo clinic has to say about
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two pounds frozen ham sliced. and canned pork. now, the administration yesterday came under scrutiny for spending on those items, and guess what? today they're mysteriously absent from the web site. the "new york daily news" reports that they've all been relabeled meat, poultry, and fish. well, maybe this is what the president meant when he kept saying change, change, change. congresswoman carolyn maloney's bid to unseat new york senator kirsten gilllibrand could be over before it even starts. maloney is expected to announce her candidacy next week is now embroiled in a major controversy after she used the "n" word in an interview when talking about her potential opponent. the congresswoman was describing a call she received from somebody complaining about senator gilllibrand and said, quote, i got a call from someone from puerto rico that said senator gilllibrand went to puerto rico and came out for english only education and he said it was like saying the "n" word to a puerto rican.
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well, yesterday she issued an apology and said she regrets saying a word she finds disgusting. president obama has made no secret for his admiration for the mayo clinic. >> there are some places like the mayo clinic, many of you have heard of, provides outstanding care, some of the best in the world. people fly in from everywhere to go to mayo clinic. turns out mayo provides care much more cheaply than a lot of other health systems. >> places like mayo clinic in minnesota are able to provide some of the best health care services in the country. sean: turns out the feeling is not mutual. mayo clinic officials voiced fierce opposition to the health care scheme cooked up by congress writing the proposed legislation misses the opportunity to help create higher quality, more affordable health care for patients. the real losers will be the
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citizens of the united states. now, mr. obama would be wise to listen to the very professionals he has praised so highly. and tonight's meltdown is brought to you by one angry and desperate nobel prize winning economist. he recently revealed that he's willing to say anything to promote the false science of global warming. he said it's a tough sell, and you probably have to find ways to exaggerate the threat. i sometimes wish that we could have over the next five or ten years a lot of horrid things happen, like tornados in the midwest and so forth. well that would get people very concerned about climate change. wow. mr. shelly, you and al gore, you'd make quite the tag team. and "hannity's america" continues in 90 seconds. katatatatatatatatatatd@
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limb: dude that was sick! i've been hangin' up there for, what, like, forty years? and then - wham - here i am smacking the pretty off that windshield of yours. oh, what you're looking for an apology? well, toss another coin in the wishing well, pal. it's not happenin'. limb: hey, what's up, donnie? how you been? anncr: accidents are bad. anncr:but geico's good ding! with onsite windshield replacement.
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sean: the president's trying to fulfill key campaign promises on health care and climate change, but dwindling public support may prevent him from doing so. 40% of americans surveyed say the president's health care proposal would make health care in this country worse, not better, and similarly 44% of those polls said that rationing care would drive up the cost.
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only 27% think it would lower costs while 29% said prices would stay about the same. so will public opinion affect how the president proceeds with health care reform? here to discuss this is the president of the word doctors and pollster frank luntz is here. good to see you. >> pleasure, thank you. sean: you've got -- you study words, language, this is what you do, and you come up with the best terminology to use during debates like this. for example, you have luntz lessons. humanize the approach, acknowledge, quote, the crisis. explain those. >> you have to humanize it. this is not about health care, the health care system, it's about people, mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, and if you just talk about the system itself, you lose the personal approach. sean: and acknowledge the crisis. >> you have to admit that if people aren't insured, it's a crisis for them. if they can't get tests for their kids or they can't get treatment for their parents, it's a crisis.
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don't try to night the definition. you have to have the right solution. sean: i'm not really sure how to interpret. time matters most. delayed care is denied care. that doesn't mean rush into a bad policy. >> correct, but that's the essence of having to wait for treatment, having to wait for tests. if it takes weeks or months, and this is what happens with breast cancer or treatment. if you go to canada or britain you can wait four months, six months, even longer. sean: who should decide health care? politicians, bureaucrats, or washington? >> the public says i don't want any of those people making the decisions for me and my health. sean: and either side would argue that health care quality, getting the care you need when you need it, and that would be good for both sides? >> the key there is that it is not just the issue of covering people, it's the issue of how you cover them, it's what you provide to them. health care in itself is not
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good enough. they want it to work, they want it to make you healthy again, and that's not what the democrats are talking about. sean: and one size doesn't fit all? >> because we're deaf. you're in shape, i'm not. i'm going to need more health care than you need. sean: not necessarily. >> but you can't say -- sean: you don't work out. >> yeah, i work out with my fingers, my polling fingers. sean: they got the economy wrong, how do we trust them? how do we trust the people that screwed up the economy, that said unemployment wouldn't go above 8% with health care? >> and they said to us with this bailout that things would change. health care is the most important decision that anyone's going to make in their lifetime. it is truly life and death. it's not about buying a car, it's not about cable. sean: we have been continuing our ongoing series. you've been analyzing all the ads that came out. and you have one that's the best and one is the worst.
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let's look at the best. >> absolutely. >> almost everyone agrees we should reform health care. but many in congress want to create a government-run health insurance plan paid for by taxpayers at huge costs. independent experts say tens of millions of americans could lose their current insurance and wind up on this public plan. england already has government-run health care, and their breast cancer survival rate is much lower. if you find a lump, you could wait months for treatment and potentially life saving drugs could be restricted. government control of health care here could admit that 300,000 american woman with breast cancer might have died. sean: this did well with republicans, why. >> because it's personal, it talks about the consequences of getting it wrong, and it focuses on the time it takes to get treatment. these are the things that americans care about. war about to see another one -- we're about to see another one. don't bring an actress to talk about health care. what does she know? let's take a look.
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>> i'm edie falco, and i support health care for america now. i spent many years without melt coverage. i know the feeling of hoping that your symptoms go away before you have to get money together to see a doctor. i know worrying about it makes it even harder to get together. i still have friends and family in this position. my situation is different now. i have health care, i have good doctors, i'm treated very well, and i'm grateful for this. i also know that no one person is any more worthy of any such treatment. sean: both democrats and republicans didn't like it that much. >> the reaction when we spoke to them was what does she know? she plays someone on tv. sean: she plays a mobster's wife of all people. >> and now we're going to trust her with health care. sean: you have been doing some polling, and i want to share this with our audience. you say how effective is the government at regulating health care in the united states? extremely effective, 0.6%, very
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effective, 3.1%, very ineffective, 32, extremely effective 20.5. >> and you want to turn the entire health care system to them? this is all meant as language. ask the question. if these are the people that gave you the post office, the irs, and katrina. sean: and the department of motor vehicles. >> do you now want them to give you health care? sean: the answer is obvious, the american people are screaming no. >> and the next question, mo do you blame -- who do you blame for the high health care costs, number one, waste, fraud, and abuse. sean: who do you blame. i'm surprised that they don't blame -- government was not an option here. >> except that waste, fraud, and abuse, they see that as government, and what they're
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asking is before you raise my taxes, you solve your problem. before you take more money out of my pocket. sean: fix what you're doing wrong. >> fix what you're doing wrong and tell me exactly how you're going to spend it. sean: the very people that bankrupted social security and medicare. which of the following describe the way you want to think of yourself? a human being, 32.5%, that seems like the logical answer, a patient, 26.8%. sean: and if you are in the public plan, you're a number. is that how you want to be treated. sean: no. >> that's the issue. sean: which consequence of government involvement in health care two anger you more, and these are very predictable. waiting weeks or months to get a procedure or treatment that you need, 44.4%, the rationing of health care, 26.3%, which is guaranteed, american seniors may be denied treatment because of their age. betsy mccoy found that provision
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on page 425 of the bill that they're going to give counseling to seniors about options. that sounds like they're going to say well, you've lived a good life. >> what happens if they don't tell seniors what their options are. this is how the germans do it. you don't know that you could qualify for a specific procedure or medication, and it's frightening. if a mom has a child who desperately needs tests and treatment, and that mom can't get that childcare right then and there, that's a crisis. sean: that's canada, that's great britain, that's france. that will be america. >> and if you believe us out there, you've got to use the right words to communicate it effectively. sean: government-run health care. government takeover of health care. i've got to get this per next. frank, good to see you. coming up senator jim demint sounded the rally cry for republicans earlier this week on
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stopping the democrats' health care plan, and the president is not happy about it. listen to this. >> just the other day one republican senator said, and i'm quoting him now, "if we're able to stop obama on this, it will be his waterloo. it will break him." sean: could this actually be president obama's waterloo? the "great american panel" is coming up next. taking its rightful place in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe. this is mercedes-benz.
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s.c. johnson, a family company. sean: and tonight on our "great american panel" he is a columnist for the washington times, publisher of and big hollywood, andrew breitbart is here. she is the host of give and take julie menin is with us, and noelle nickpour is back with us. people don't trust the president, people are scared he's spending way too much money, people want him to put the brakes on. where does this go from here? >> he's become actually too liberal for some moderate democrats, and he as far as i'm concerned is very radical for the republicans. look, he pushed and pushed and pushed to get this $787 billion stimulus through, it was an
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emergency. people are not falling for the health care emergency as well. sean: throughout my whole career is i've always wanted to underpromise and overdeliver. obama way overpromised and has underdelivered, and he's still pushing for more and more and more. people don't trust him. his numbers are have been so off. they don't believe him. >> his numbers are exactly where reagan's numbers were in the first term. sean: wait a minute. of the last 12 presidents he's number ten -- at this point in his presidency he is the tenth lowest. >> first of all, he's dealing with a major economic recession, and reagan's numbers were in that same situation when you're dealing with record unemployment. >> julie, he sold his whole campaign promise was on hope and on change, and i think he has become the president of hype and chump change. sean: andrew, they said we'll feel an immediate impact. unemployment wouldn't go above 8%. >> i think that julie made an
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interesting point comparing barack obama to ronald reagan because i think he's a reverse ronald reagan because ronald reagan was loathe by the mainstream media, and the american people once he was the president was no longer seen as the evil or stupid man, he was a reasonable man that had the country's best interest at heart. the media has pitched barack obama as the messiah. >> expectations are so high for obama, he's in a very difficult situation. he's trying to tackle many different subjects, and many other presidents have failed, bush couldn't get the privatization of social security, presidents do fail. they're not infallible. >> his disdainment for capitalism is showing. >> first of all for health care universal health care is the right thing to do, and there's a great proposal on the table --
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sean: julie. >> for bulgaria. sean: that's funny. government care, taking over the car companies, taking over banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, dictating pay, that is the very heart of the definition of socialism. let's call it what it is. why are you running away from the left supports. >> i'm not running away from it. sean: you. >> he was elected with record numbers, and he was elected on this idea that the government is -- the government can and should make people's lives better. it's the humanitarian -- form of government. sean: where does it say you have to have guaranteed health care. >> i believe in universal health care. sean: i don't care. where in the constitution does it say every american should have rationed government inferior care. >> it doesn't have to be. sean: it will be. >> 99% of americans will be covered, revenue neutral, wouldn't cost any money. sean: the cbo says -- let me
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bring breitbart in here. >> one of their tactics is to go after the people who would krutnize the president, and one of their tactics is to say that socialism is a ridiculous term that we're not allowed to use, but on may 1st i went to a tea party in pasadena, california, i'm going to one in qunicy, illinois, on the 12th of september, i think americans should get behind the tea party movement, and i found out the same day as the tea party there was a may date parade in downtown los angeles, where the socialists, the self-avoided socialists had barack obama posters. they're proud, but it's the conservatives who get upstet and get into trouble for calling him one. >> what about transparency and accountability? it's nowhere to be found, and you've got to real -- >> how can you say that it's nowhere to be found? you think in the bush administration you had transparency on guantanamo? >> bush didn't sell himself on that. obama sold himself on
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accountability and transparency. 56% -- sean: let me follow up on that. >> terrorists in jail wearing orange reading the quran all day. sean: barack obama did promise transparency. why are they delaying the economic information that they currently have that would show that every projection they've made on the economy is wrong, the debt is higher, the deficits are higher, we have greater problems that have been caused by their spending. why hide that from the american people prior to the health care debate? >> i don't think they're trying to hide it. sean: why won't they release it. >> because it's complicated stuff. they have to make sure that they have their facts right. the last thing they should do is release information that's not accurate. they're doing that on gitmo where they didn't -- they missed a deadline, they're not putting the -- sean: isn't it more likely they don't want to release the information that his projections on the economy, breitbart -- you don't mind me using your last name -- was so wrong, how can you trust their numbers when they've said unemployment won't
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go above 8%, the deficit won't go above these numbers. now they're giving out new numbers for health care that we've got to assume are going to be equally as wrong. >> what barack obama wants to do right now is reengage the net roots and people to start fighting for him. we now know they were completely behind barack obama, the mainstream media, and today he put out a twitter thing telling people that the people who object to the socialism -- to socializing of the system, he's saying that we're putting the lives and the livelihoods of america at risk which is going to mobilize these people to start attacking us for criticizing him, which is campaign mode. he loves the campaign mode. sean: we've got to take a break. we'll come back. . wh
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how you reacted to that. second, when he threw out the ball at the all-star game and it bounced and he pitched like an indonesian teenaged girl. sean: aw. do you want to respond to that? >> i do not want to respond to the "indonesian teenaged girl." i do want to respond to the fact that i do not think he should have done this health-care issue. it costs too much money. there isç a far superior alternative. sean: the reality is that the one that is being pushed, the one that he has put all of his political capital behind, he is the one that is in the house of representatives,ç and the stimulus has cost too much. the omnibus has cost too much. obama spending is going to be $23 trillion, with a t, trillion dollars.
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, nine out of 10 americans according to "the l.a. times" says he is spending too much money --trillion dollars. 9/10 americans say he is spending too much money. >> he has to come up with another alternative. sean: the problem is he knows he is slipping and that his highest numbers may have come and gone. >> do not tell obama what the number is after $1 trillion. >> he is like a magician, and once you realize that he is very good with rhetoric, and that he is very good with giving speeches and speaking off of teleprompter, once you see those tricks and that it is not met with action, he said he was going to go to the world and get stuck in return for being such a great person. hillary clinton got nothing, and he got nothing in russia. when people realize there is nothing behind the rhetoric -- >> china, india, they are not
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going to do it. that is a perfect example. >> we saw it with clinton when he could not pass health care. sean: i will tell meç what the difference is between obama and clinton. clinton all of a sudden got smart, and he said something about that, and we are going to "end welfare as weç know it a pure " he dealt with republicans -- "end welfare as we know it." he dealt with republicans. >> i think, in fact, he is ideologue. i do not think he is stupid. but i do believe he is an ideologue. sean: i think he is jeremiah wright and bill ayers. >> i do not think you can say that. sean: no? he sat in that church for 20 years. i think you are wrong.
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i think he hid from the american people who he is. >> absolutely. >> sitting in a church like that for 20 years and in not having an effect on you, and bill ayers, , on -- and it's not having an effect on you, and, come one. sean: it is ok to hang out with a guy who was bombing the pentagon and capitol. wait a minute. he sat on boards with him. he gives speeches with him. and he had meetings and the guy's -- in the guy's house. >> in sixç months' time, he has led us down the road to socialism. >> putting humpty dumpty back together, because they have expended so muchç energy to
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create him in the first place. he is going to rely in the coming months on the internet to try to turn it into a campaign. sean: his is more than a campaign. it is also a smear -- it is more than a campaign. even john kyl. fox, rush. >> it is time to fight. that is all i can say. the thing is is that we have been intimidated, and they are bullies. they are just bullies. they are tax increase belize. that is chicago. -- they are a taxincrease -- they are tax increase bullies. >> if you look at the poll numbers, what people are tired of it is partisan politics. let me finish the and we have got one of the most important policy issues of the century, and universal health care.
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