tv Glenn Beck FOX News July 22, 2009 2:00am-3:00am EDT
2:00 am to blog. it is opp [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> three, two, one, beck! glenn: oh, i got to be on time every day, 5:00. you try to do it! you know what, president obama missed the gitmo deadline. healthcare, it is going past august. the white house missed its budget cuts deadline. what, you expect me to be on time every day? follow me. don't for follow me. whatever.
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really, i was just so busy reading the healthcare bill. it's so exciting. here is president obama and his little band band-aid cape here to save the day! president obama has his massive $1.5 trillion healthcare plan. it's hogging up the news cycle. the republicans, and you know a lot of people are starting to say isn't this socialist here? i mean, this is pretty crazy. the answer to me is really easy. yep. it's good old socialism, you know, pretty much raping the pocketbooks of the rich to give to the poor. i think that's socialism, but here is the question we should be asking -- what is america? here is the one thing tonight. america is a country in transition, period. the question is -- i don't know what we're transitioning into. are we a capitalist country
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anymore? are we socialist? are we fascist? what are we are? i think it's safe to say that at least for me i don't think we're a capitalist country anymore. i don't think we have unpegged from capitalism. by definition, capitalism, by definition, is an economic system based on a free market, open competition, a profit motive, private ownership of the means of production. ok. the quote, abandoning the free market system in order to save it comes to mind, but what about all the rest of it? really? that doesn't sound like where we are now. are we a socialist country? socialism is any various theory or system of social organization. social organization. i don't know if a community organizer organizes the socials for the organization. anyway, this is the means of
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producing and distributing goods that is owned collectively by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. that's socialism. just the definition alone of socialism should tell you it wouldn't work, and i think it also should tell you that we're probably a little closer to socialism than capitalism now, but i don't think this is our destination. bailouts to control the recession. printing money to control the debt. government healthcare to control the high cost of healthcare. cap and trade to control the amount of co2 we put in the air. yep. that's pretty far from capitalism, isn't it? socialism isn't right, though, either. how about communism? communism is this crazy theory, marxists actually believed that a country could only be truly communist if they were capitalists first. we would be the first real experiment. if they are capitalists first
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they get disenfranchised by capitalism because some people actually get rich -- can you believe it -- and then somebody at the top can pit the rest of the people against the evil rich people. i don't know who might be doing that. good thing here no one in america is, you know, representing those evil rich people. no millionnaire tax is happening here, no, but don't panic. communism is also based on the holding of all property in common. that ain't happening, is it? actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. well, we're not quite yet there either, although we are on the slippery slope. i mean, the united states government owns 57% -- is it 56 or 57? 56% of every home and mortgage in america through fannie and freddie. barack obama, he also said last week that if you default, well, you could rent your home
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from the federal government. we'll take care of you. finally, here is the one thing that will impress your geeky political friends, an oligarchq where all power is vested to a dominant class of people or a clique. that would never happen to us, would it? bush, clinton, bush, clinton, kennedy? crazy! last up is fascists, a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism. regimenting all industries, commerce, et cetera and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. well, we're not a fascist state yet but there are disturbing things in there, like, i mean, we would never really silence the voices of descent would we, like with a fairness doctrine? that wouldn't happen in america, no, and how about the people that have taken the bailout cash?
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i'm sure they are not afraid of being silenced, like a.i.g. people, or being afraid to stand up and say yeah, i took some of that money. we're heading down a dangerous path, america, and not because we're essentially changing our system of government. it's our right to do it. the dangerous part is i have no idea what we're changing into. there is no transparency. no matter how many times, you know, the guy with the little band-aid cape says "i'm here to save the day!" i don't know what the hell he is doing. where are we headed? charles payne is here, c.e.o. and principal analyst of wall street strategies an fox business contributor. how are you, charles? >> i'm good. glenn: are we a capitalist country? >> we want to be. we're obviously transitioning. another word for transitioning is changing. i don't know that people voted for what we're starting to get. the polls are suggesting that
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we're not but we're definitely losing it, and it's unfortunate, because a few greedy capitalists opened the door for what is happening right now. glenn: right. >> and all the other people who just want the american dream to bring up their level of standard of living are hurting. glenn: i agree that greedy capitalist, a few of them, have spoiled it for the bunch. how about a few greedy republicans and democrats that destroyed our republic? nobody is talking about those guys. of course, good and power hungry people, that's part of life. you're never going to wrestle those people. those people have destroyed our faith in our government. how come we're not rounding those people up? we're only rounding up the rich and blaming them for the death of capitalism. >> because politics an envy have always worked that way. the same people that you are talking about jumped on the bandwagon last year. here is the real problem. the rich, i think we need to
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define, because this is where people are getting in trouble. glenn: we only need to define rich -- i grew up poor. the only reason we have to define rich is to pit people against each other. that way we can say exactly what nancy pelosi said, people see themselves as making $200,000, $250,000, but a million, never! >> when they think of rich, they think of bill gates, but when we're saying when we get rich in legislation, we are talking about the person who owns a an auto body shop or a beauty shop. they got sucked into the whole thing. glenn: when i say we're changing into something, i think we need to make the decision. first of all, do we want to be a capitalist nation or a socialist nation or fascist nation? what is it we want to be? because something is coming. we are building a new system. the inspectors general are now going into the white house under the umbrella of the white house. where is the checks and balances here? >> this is really nuts.
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what we have really is a complete reach for power through czars, through the elimination of term limits. if there is a second term, you will hear immediately that there shouldn't be any presidential term limits. we had an act in 1978 on inspector generals because then it was an empty shell of a job. john glenn pushed hard. the first mission was to conduct audits and investigations an inspections. isn't that what we were supposed to be geting? why would we want the white house to control that? who is going to audit the white house? yesterday we came into the week with word from what that so far -- word from barack that so far the federal bailout of the financial institutions, $4.7 trillion could reach $37 trillion. imagine if he had to have his voice muffleed if he was afraid. glenn: are you claiming that people aren't?
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i think, charles, one of the things -- who is the guy who is the head of bank of america? >> ken lewis. glenn: ken lewis. did you see him testifying before congress? >> yes. glenn: he was the first saying that i know people who have been threatened by this government. he says they were threatened and then i sits in front of congress and says no, that never happened. >> that was shocking because he was the most adamant one. i thought there was going to be fireworks. i was sitting there -- i didn't have the pudding you gave out friday, but i had popcorn. he shut up. it was like the mafia came to his house the night before. glenn: right. this is like a thugocracy. that is what it is turning into. we will bully you and use anything at our disposal. it is a community organizing trick. it is what acorn did to the banks to have banks give loans to people that couldn't afford them in places they didn't want to give loans.
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>> there are 30 inspector generals independent of the white house. they want to stay independent. it's nuts. transparency is a joke. all this stuff that we were promiseed is a joke. it has been a joke so far but it is going to be a joke that none of us will be laughing about. we'll be kaiing about it. glenn: let's go to mark lafferty at the cato institute. i want to shift here, but charles, you feel free to jump in. the federal reserve. here is the federal reserve that is -- i mean, it's not transparent at all. it is saying exactly the same things that freddie and fannie said. we don't need transparency. wait. you can't check it. we're talking now about $24.7 trillion on the line, and there's no transparency. how ising that going to end? >> well, glenn, it's not going to end well. that's exactly right. we don't know where the fed is
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with this money. we don't know what the obligations or the losses are going to be. that has real percussions and with fannie and freddie, we're being told the same thing. we were told for years that fannie and freddie will never come back and cost the taxpayer. we are told that with the fed, that it will never cost us anything. even now, you are hearing chamber non-i can talking about being -- you are hearing chamber non-i can talking about being -- chairman bernanke saying that we are going to be more transparent. i don't think anything more has been disclosed. they are saying that we is been put on the line for $24.7 billion, but that's a worst-case scenario. they are saying crazy things like if citibank and general motors goes under, then you would be on the hook for t
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america, to put this into perspective, $24.7 trillion, the moon shot cost us $237 billion in today's dollars. the depression was $500 billion. we're talking $24.7 trillion. what does that mean, charles, if this goes down? >> that's all she wrote. if we can close it all up, it's crazy. this should have been a headline all week long. i want to get back to bernanke today. he gives six bullet points why there should be more regulatory reform but finishes up by saying we don't need more reform. we don't need the government accounting office auditing us more, because if they do, you know what is going to happen? interest rates will go up. in other words, if there is more transparency, somehow interest rates will go up and people will lose faith in the fed instead of having more faith in them. that's backwards thinking.
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it is scary. glenn: it is frightening. mark, the home mortgages, we already have fannie and freddie owning 56 p% of all mortgages in america. barack obama says don't worry, if you default on your loan, don't worry about it, you can rent from the united states government or from freddie and fannie. this is horrifying to me, because isn't this a loss of if things would melt down, wouldn't this be a loss -- it already is -- of private property? the government owns everything. >> we're very much in one way you default and the government takes over the house by f.h.a. or fannie and freddie and once you put the government in the place of landlord, all you have to do is look at how well public housing has done. that's what we want our world go to, where nobody cares what their yard looks like and nobody cares about paying
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their bills? that's exactly the wrong path. certainly if you can find mortgages that are sustainable but we need to keep in mind modification plans and all the stuff that is out there. ultimately the taxpayer is the one who has to pay all of that. glenn: i want to make sure people understand. $24.7 trillion is what we're on the hook for. hopefully we don't have to pay it. we are on the hook for it. i remember asking my father when i bought a 1971 thunderbird, and i was moving, and i was 19 years old, and now i have said the same things to my kids. wait a minute. i'm not going to cosign for you, because that means i'm on the hook for it. now, my father couldn't afford to be on the hook for it, but if somebody goes down and if something happens, you're on the hook for it. what does that mean if we're on the hook for $24.7 trillion? doesn't that hurt our ability to borrow?
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does it work the same way as it does in humans' lives where you're like, i can't give you -- i can't take any more risk on you? >> it very much is the same. we have taken on so much liability. basically our government has made promises that not only the government can't keep, but that our economy can't keep. to say that we can go out and spend, i'm hopeful and i don't think it's going to be anywhere near the potential loss of $23 trillion, but even if it's just a couple trillion, i mean, we have a $14 trillion economy, and we want to be spending $2, $4 trillion, $6 trillion on this? that's a lot of debt to service. that's not even to keep in consideration that the one thing that will hit is the almost $50 trillion unfunded liabilities that we have in social security and medicare. those we have to pay. this is half of it. glenn: thanks very much, guys. i want to point out one thing, america. they said that fannie and freddie didn't need more oversight.
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that barney frank "gee, we got this under control. what are you talking about?" he said "no, we don't need any more oversight." the p person who was the c.e.o. of sphan ny and freddie when the whole thing melted down, you will be happen happy to know, unlike ken lay, who was supposed to to jail, he didn't go to jail. he is now the former c.e.o. of fannie is now the new head of tarp. >> coming up, botched radiation treatments to nearly 100 patients and exposure of hepatitis and aids virus to 10,000 more. does this sound like the kind of healthcare you want? it is good enough for america's heroes, so why vets are suffering and a healthcare plan that will break america's system, next.
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glenn: continuing our medical series tonight -- medical series -- the media misses major connections because it doesn't see how the stories of the day are tied together so we will tie them together for them. we're breaking things down tonight. veterans' healthcare in a nutshell. whoever says public healthcare works is ignoring that the
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v.a. medical system is in shambles. we have reports of botched radiation treatments to nearly 100 vets and exposed another 10,000 of our heros to h.i.v. and hepatitis viruses. the doctors were fired but how did it happen so many times in the first place? federal laws let v.a. doctors work with little outside scrutiny a practice one congressman called a, quote, institutional breakdown. not only are the fa facilities four times older than the private sector here, and less than half capable of passing a random inspection, but also the wait times are about twice as long within those walls. once inside, a claim at a v.a. center can take up to 177 days to process versus the industry average of 89.5. worse, if you want to appeal, it takes a mind-boggling 657 days. it is bad enough for the government accountability office to say the v.a. is near a breaking point.
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what can be done to fix the crisis? well, earlier this month, the senate appropriations committee approved a bill approving $45 billion to the veterans health administration, which is roughly 10% more than this year's budget, matching the president's request. considering all the problems, will even that be enough? that's veterans' healthcare in a nutshell. here is my crazy guess -- no, that's not going to be enough. former army major matt burton chairman of the warrior legacy foundation, whose mission is to promote and protect the veterans. thank you for joining us now. when you look at the veterans administration, you look at anything that is happening with our service personnel, this is hero care. this is how we treat the best of the best. they know in the government if anybody on television takes these guys down, you're in big, big trouble, so it's got
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to be absolutely the best because these are our heroes, right? >> well, it's the best if you want to wait 180 days just to see a doctor. we polled our membership at the warrior legacy foundation today just to ask about how everybody felt about it. one of our members came forward and said he had to way two months for an emergency m.r.i. it doesn't sound like the best care to me. glenn: two months for an mri. yet this is the same government -- >> an emergency mri. glenn: an emergency mri, wow. this is the same government that says that they're streamlining, you know, that they're going to cut out the nonsense, because nobody cares about profit with the government system, so they're going to streamline it so the paperwork has to be easy in this scenario, right? >> no. that is the problem.
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it is the paperwork. at any one time, they have 80,000 cases that are open, and they're waiting six months to see a doctor. you can track this on the v.a.'s own website. they know they've got a problem. in some cases, the paperwork is so difficult that veterans can't figure it out on their own. there's veteran service organizations that exist just to help people figure out the paperwork. glenn: hang on a second. i was just reading the healthcare bill right here. i mean, who couldn't figure this stuff out? what do you mean, you're going to have a hard time with paperwork? that's ridiculous, but the good news is because it's government, they never have a problem. hospitals will close down or whatever, but in the public sector, when it's there with the federal government, they never, let's say something crazy like shut down services except for, like, emergency services. that would never happen, would it? >> well, it does happen on an
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annual basis with the v.a i think 19 out of the last 23 years their budget wasn't passed on time and it took a few months for the congress to pass the budget and the president to approve. the essential services are the only thing that happens. if you need open heart surgery, that will happen, but if you're waiting in line for a regular service, you will wait a lot longer. >> like an emergency mri? >> like an emergency mri, yes. so what is happening now, the government is trying to pass, and they probably will, but they're trying to fund it two years in advance. so basically instead of solving the problem, they're going to put a budget together for two years. glenn: two years down the road, those things never change. i'm just looking for a ray of sunshine. the good news is that in this particular case, this is hero care, this is what we give our
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heroes, not the schlubs everywhere else. this is the best care. you know there is not a two-tiered system, like, for instance, something for the regular veterans and then the people in congress or anything like that. this is the same kind of care that they get, right? >> no, it's not. our veterans and soldiers deserve better care, i think, than congress. that's just my opinion. glenn: i'm wondering if they even deserve care at all, quite frankly. i appreciate it. keep up the hard work, sir. >> thanks, glenn. glenn: lesson number one, never let the government go shopping. they paid $1.2 million for 760,000 pounds of frozen ham. hey, government, ever heard of costco? it is supposed to be cleaner when you buy from bulk. when you buy from bulk. the story
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"special report." now back to glenn beck. >> well, hello, america. here is the hot list, some common sense solutions to the stories that the mainstream media is not really doing their job. you may have read, you know, more than the thousand pages of america's affordable health choices act of 2009. i've got to tell you, it is a real page turner. i don't want to give away the ending, although i have a feeling we all die in the end. i just want to point out that
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one of the themes that keeps coming up and it's just an incredibly rivetting novel, is affirmative action. you think to yourself, healthcare bill, affirmative action, what is that? hmm. i'm saving it for the end. in the bill, if a medical school hopes to get any kind of grant money from the federal government, they have to give preference to minority groups. the secretary of health and human services will award federal money, but the bill says, quote, the secretary shall give preference to entities that have demonstrated a record of the following: training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds. affirmative action is supposed to help those in underrepresented minority groups, and disadvantaged backgrounds but when schools lowered a missions standards, which they will because they will get more money if they do
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that, all the doctors in that minority group will later be treated like they got into med school based on race and lower standards, which they did, but somehow or another, that's not a problem for anyone. i can't wait until these people take you on a gurney and say we have to remove your kidney. were you a minority? i would like an american indian to help me out. i don't care if he is any good or not. i want a minority. those who are fro healthcare reform look overseas, which is really an inspiration. this story out of the u.k. may make people think again. 22-year-old gary rhinebach developed cirrhosis of the liver, 22 years old, developed liver disease after binge drinking since the age of 13. if i was a liberal, i would think to myself, what happened to him? what about his parents? what went wrong in his life?
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why don't we understand him? over in england, the progressives over there admitted him to the hospital ten weeks ago. the doctors, you know, the progressive kind said, a liver transplant? it says right here in our code, we can't give him a liver transplant, because he hasn't met the requirement of being alcohol free free for at least six months. let him die! and he did. welcome to government-run healthcare. an update on, the website where you can see exactly where your stimulus dollars are going, you know those dollars that you work hard all day just to earn, just a few of them and then send them to washington? they take that as sacred dollars. this is is a sick cred trust between you and the government. in fact, in los angeles, the department of agriculture has spent $1.1 million on ham. agriculture secretary tom vilsack pointed out that they bought thousands of pounds of
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ham for $1.50 a poun, which i pointed out yesterday is a great deal unless you go to the grocery store where you can buy it for 80 cents. hey, government, i don't know if you know, but there is a place called costco where you buy things in bulk and it's cheaper. only our federal government at a time of an emergency could buy cheese by the ton and pay more. remember, these are the guys who want to manage your healthcare. you know, i have been wondering why the government is doing so much grocery shopping lately. do they know something i don't know? secretary vilsack explained that the money, quote, allowed states to purchase ham, cheese and dairy products for these food banks and soup kitchens and food pantries are, you know, the places that our churches used to do, that provide assistance to people who do not otherwise have access to food. wow. i didn't know in america we didn't have people that didn't
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have access to food. this program will help reduce hunger by those hardest hit by the current economic recession, he said. don't worry, america, the government, you know, their economic policy is going to drive you right into the street. you will be living under a bridge soon, but once you get to the bridge, they are going to feed you ham and cheese sandwiches. of course, they don't have any bread yet. if they could just fine a place if they can buy a loaf of bread for $20 a loaf, ham and cheese sandwiches for everybody! johnny isaacson, republican from georgia, cosponsored a bill with -- oh, this isn't going to go well -- chris dodd. i hate that guy. he is trying to double the first-time home buyer tax credit, you know, if you're a first-time home buyer, first time, we'll give you $8,000. nobody took him up on that. it wasn't working, so they decided to take it from $8,000 to $15,000, and they're going to expand it to everybody,
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first-time, last time, doesn't matter, $15,000 free from the government. they are also removing some of the restrictions on who applies, too, who can qualify for this. you know, do you need a driver's license or any i.d.? i don't know. if it is $15,000, why stop there? how about $100,000? how about you get a refund for the entire amount of the house? wouldn't that be great? that would make me buy a house. sure it would. then we can have nationalized homeownership! wow. i think that is a right in our constitution. soon. conspiracy theorists got a boost yesterday when my old pal and buddy whoopi goldberg, we both grew up on the streets together she entertained the idea that the moon landing never happened. here it is. >> there are a couple of questions that i do have from time to time. who shot the footage? you see the two astronauts,
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but you never see the thing. you are not seeing -- >> there is no doubt that men landed on the moon. >> i'm just saying there are -- you know, i love great conspiracy theories, and these are better than a lot of them because they say why is the flag rip ring? there is no air. glenn: i swear to you, i can't -- these are great conspiracy theories? really? that's a good one? you got to be kidding me? who took the footage? i call it mr. moon tripod. one small step for man. one giant leap for conspiracy nuts! 40 years after the first moon landing and we're dealing with this! so, we contacted a smithsonian space flight historian. he explained some of the
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pictures, the flag does appear to be moving. look at that. quote, because the astronaut placed it there, and inertia inertia -- you know, from what they were doing -- it just kept moving. that is what happens in a place called space. also, astronauts accidentally bent the rods holding the flag in several places, creating the appearance of a rippling flag. there is no wind on the moon. for who filmed them, the video camera was inside the lunar module shooting right out the window in some pictures. the still pictures were taken by the astronauts themselves, but we can explain it a million times but some people would rather watch "the view" and believe this nonsense. i think it has something to do with the chair. isn't that the same chair that rosie o'donnell was sitting in? i think i would go nuts sitting across from barbara walters! you go crazy. buy into the conspiracy theories or use common sense. the next thing you know, with
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the way we're going lately, people are going to start saying the president is not even a u.s. citizen. oh, that would never happen, and that's your hot list. by the way, the hot list of common sense inspired by my book "common sense, the case of an out-of-control government," if we don't start applying common sense, we're dead, dead. that is spelled with an e and an a, by the way. it is number one on "the new york times" list for four or five weeks now. please pick one up today and then cast it on to a friend. now, for more insanity and blood shooting out of your eyes, obama. obama's america, is it starting to look like putin's russia or is it just me? best-selling author daniel silva with some vidio you haver
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glenn: i haven't seen anyone talk about barack obama's trip to russia. he got a personal discussion on the cold war from mr. k.g.b. himself. also, the second thing that bothers me is this video. see the president here and he does look like he is introducing him as they're walking down the aisle and president obama will introduce and then he will reach out to shake hands. i have talked to people where he reaches out and shakes hans, where is it -- now, is he shaking hands or just introducing? you tell me. daniel silva, the best-selling author, his 12 the novel "the defector" which is all about russia comes out today. i have read it, and it is absolutely fantastic. it is one of these books that
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you hate because it keeps you up at night. >> my opinion on the videotape? glenn: yeah. >> i'm not a bod body language specialist by any means but it is possible he was introducing dimitry medvedev to that delegation and then had the appearance that he was -- there is the tape. he is going back and then to the left. i think he was introducing and then there was -- glenn: he is circulating and people are saying -- >> well, you and i can end the speculation right here and now, i believe. he is introducing them. who is he introducing them to? >> the american delegation. glenn: let's go with mcdonald's workers. that's who they are. there you go, america, there it is. you have been over to russia and you actually -- you did
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your research for this. you didn't go back because -- >> i was afraid. that's exaggerating it a little bit, but i spent several weeks in russia researching my last book "moscow rule" and -- glenn: that was fantastic! >> thank you so much. in the interim, the kremlin is proposing a new state of state treason rules that are extremely draconian. i looked at all the conversations that i conducted in moscow, and it was in st. peterburg for "moscow rules" and it is interpreted by the letter of the law, they can be regarded as treasonous. the russians are, you know, very suspicious about americans coming over there and asking questions about silly little things like human rights an democracy. and why do critics of the kremlin get blown away on
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the street? glenn: my theory is that we're not a capitalist country right now. we're just almost adrift right now. we haven't become something else, but we are transforming the way that the soviet union didn't collapse, it traps formed into something else. do you think -- it transformed into something else. do you think that we are just transforming into something else and we don't know what it is yet? >> i think there is no question that our innate faith as americans in capitalism was shaken by the meltdown. i believe we're still a center right country, that americans are still insipghtsively -- instinctively capitalists and that's why the president's poll numbers are starting, in my opinion, to go down. glenn: more with daniel silva. íííííííííííííííí
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glenn: you know that i read a ton of books. most of them are like really boring things like your professor would say read this and you would say i would rather hang myself. i also at night read novels. let me introduce you to my friend, best-selling author daniel silva. this is his 12th novel called "the detect detector." it comes out today and you will love it. it is a continuation, really of the last book, but you don't have to read the last book. >> you really don't. my first true sequel i have ever written. one thing i wanted to do with the book is that it stood up on its own. i have had people read it just for that who had never read anything else before and i made sure it stood up on its
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own. glenn: i read this book and it is, like, killing and a putin character and all these people in it. this is really intense. then i talk to you and you're like, yes, well, i wanted to write something like. this where does this come from? do you sit at your computer and go ha ha ha? what happens? >> no. i'm a mild-mannered person. i don't have a dark side at all. i'm not comfortable around guns. glenn: really? remind me not to invite you to my house. >> i'm a button-down fellow who lives in georgetown surrounded by all your people. glenn: so where did this come from? where is this coming from in you? >> all writers have a -- i don't fantacize that i am my characters, but you have a rich fantasy life. glenn: this is what you want
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to believe, it is all true. the character and daniel at a party, you haven't seen them together, have you? >> the guy in the suit. >> the guy in the suit. glenn: he is the well i was shor a new car, ♪ ♪ which one's me - a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪
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