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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 22, 2009 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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to say about the woman of the ukraine. brian: she is bun as it ♪ brian: our slogan this hour comes to us from mike in eat ton town, georgia. i don't hit the snooze i turn it off and put on fox news. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute alisyn: i want to start the show but i want to listen to the music. steve: welcome to the news barn on this wednesday morning. steve, ali and brian with you. [mooing] steve: excuse me. we have so much to talk about with this health care thing. we have special guests because we know you have special questions. sit down, get some coffee.
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maybe you burn some toast. three hours right now. brian: some facets. alley fills in for the rest of the week for gretchen who is vacationing on is he bat particular call or covering a story. steve: which one is it? alisyn: happy to be with all of you. this morning, the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke will answer more tough questions on the economy after a grilling yesterday. bernanke testified before the house financial services committee and defended the fed's ability to end the recession. he said the economy is stabilizing. but he warned that recovery will be slow. >> we do expect do see positive job creation near of the end of this year, early next year. but it's going to take a while, given the pace of growth for the unemployment rate to come back down to levels that we would be more comfortable with. alisyn: bernanke also says the fed has a strategy to prevent inflation once things get back
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to normal. new video just into our newsroom of secretary of state hillary clinton arriving in phuket, thailand. she is there meeting with asian leaders about north korea's nuclear program. secretary clinton delivered a stern warning to another nuclear nation telling iran to think twice about its nuclear development. she says washington is ready to booths defense of regional u.s. allies if tehran does not back down. moments from now, the astronauts on the international space station and the shuttle endeavour will got wake up call. they will install the model. they will conduct the third spacewalk. yesterday during a live question and answer question, earth bound students asked wolf how to sneeze in a space suit he said very carefully. steve: 41 seconds until they wake them up. alisyn: we will get back to that. by an overwhelming majority
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california approved sales tax. marijuana can be prescribed in california. even so people for a drug free california says the vote sends the wrong message a cash strapped city should not turn federally outlawed substoons raise money. the first family turning the white house into the grand ole opry ♪ fresh kiss, margaritas snows and moon light. alisyn: hosting country pliewsk. that's brad prafsly we are listening to. paisley. how fun is that? brian: the speaks nine times a day -- an hour. he gets coon setter in the middle of the day a prime time address to get ready for and blue dogs waiting outside. alisyn: his plate is full. steve: brian just mentioned the president of the united states is going to be on tv tonight.
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you will see it here on the fox news channel at :00 they wanted to do it at 9:00. brian: but america's got talent. steve: sign boyle -- susan boyle bumped barack obama. we have got to fix health care in a hurry. this is something that will impact almost every person in the united states of america in a profound way and yet he wants to jam it through as quickly as possible. some of the g.o.p. side says he has got to use the momentum he has got right now before his popularity falls. can't do it next year, got to do it right now. alisyn: it's slipping a little bit. polls are suggesting that the unfavorable view ever the health care policy is going up. the house democratic committee steny hoyer doesn't think it's possible to do this before the house goes on summer recess. they have nine days. they are going on recess july 31st. how are they going to take these
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desperate opinions about health care and meld them. it doesn't seem today it's going to happen. maybe tonight he will get the momentum going. brian: henry waxman comes out of his committee where is he the chair and says we are not even going to mark up this bill. we can't get together on it we might even get on it today. on the senate side christmas bachus is saying i want a by part son to come out of our committee. harry reid says he will get it by the weekend. matt bachus says i don't think so. charlie rangel overheard. very powerful chairman of the house weighs and means committee. no one wants to tell the speaker she is moving too fast and be damn sure you don't want to tell the president. overheard by reporters. so this is charlie rangel, mr. powerful even when he is in the minority saying i'm a little intimidated now. steve: if the president is going quickly with, this he must have
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a great grasp of all the stuff, right? well, actually, yesterday he was on a conference call with, i believe, some bloggers talking about different elements of it. brian: everyone except us. steve: actually we are going to have kathleen sebelius with us in about an hour. we are going to talk with her about it somebody wants to know about one particular part. section 102 because it's very important to all of us. let's hear what the president had to say about it brian: i thought ok 102, it's over 1,000 pages. it's no big deal. maybe we are demanding too much. then i went back and i said give me the context it turns out of the blogger is from maine. he says i kept running into an investors business daily article that claimed section 102 of the house bill legislation would outlaw private insurance. he asked is this true?
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i don't care if you know what 102 is. please have an answer for that and make it no. steve: let me go ahead and expand on what 102 is. the president said he didn't know specifically about that. the president said you will be able to keep your health care. keep your doctor and all that stuff. section 102 is just this. it's called the limitation of new enrollment. and it's the provision that, as brian says, would outlaw private coverage. it says, quote: except in provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance insurer offering such coverage -- it's legalese. let me break it down to this. alisyn: i'm trying to follow along. steve: for those who currently have private individual coverage, they won't be able to change it. so if you have got health care, you can't change it in the future. nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be able to buy an individual plan. so as long as have you got a doctor right now and you don't change it, you will be ok. but if you do want to change it, you can't do it.
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you have got to go to the government program. if you go out on your own. alisyn: you can't change your insurance but you can change your doctor. steve: not necessarily. brian: if your doctor retires, you are not allowed to have a new one. alisyn: this blogger who asked the question went back to parse and and analyze it the white house doesn't outright outlaw private health insurance which it was suggested that it did. it effectively regulates it out of existence that seems to be a sticking point and one that the president should familiarize himself with. because that's what everybody fears. the president said if you like the way your health care is right now. you like your insurance from your doctor, we are not going to change anything. it will be fine for you. this suggests something different. brian: we have another facet of this to bring up, at least. if you have a private insurer and your company has a private insurer and your company decides it's cheaper for me to go with the public option. i could love my insurance but if the company is not offering that
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insurance and i have got to dive into the public option plan, it doesn't matter what i want anymore unless, of course, i want to go write a huge check every month in somewhat of a cobra fashion. but the other thing i like to bring up is do you remember the outrage? i still remember, through both bush terms. who were those energy executives that went to meet in secret with dick cheney? why are these guys meeting with dick cheney and what influence do they have over the energy plan. they never found out. bush was vilified over that guess who did the same thing? barack obama. when it came to special interest. this watchdog group says do me a favor. we have 14 different executives come to see you involved with the drug industry and the. steve: hospitals. brian: could you just give me their name so we could see their role in the final product that we are going to be signing on to that will revolutionize our lives and the white house goes i don't think so. they are not going to release
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the names. alisyn: presidential communication privilege for their decision not to disclose this list. i hope the list include doctors by the way. steve: somebody from the ama and also somebody from johnson & johnson. they have a list of 14 people and said when did these people come in? actually one of the people talked to us and said actually the stuff that really got done was over in the senate. that's where the. alisyn: sure. but they are trying to figure out just how much influence these heads of pharmaceutical companies and insurers are exerting over the policy and over the white house. it's a fair question. it's a good thing that this watchdog group is looking into it they are going to sue the white house today to try to get that list. steve: to brian's point, everybody was screaming to high heaven during the bush years about that but do you hear from nip of the other channels? i don't think so. anyway, so the president is going to have this press conference tonight at 8:00 eastern right here on the fox news channel. what would you ask president obama if for some reason you
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were tell ported into the east room of the white house. email us now brian: dow you don't know who has been contacted already and been told to get your question ready because you will be called on like last time. maybe they won't do that again. where is vice president biden? alisyn: he is in key evidence. he likes beautiful women. he is on record with. this remember when he was first introducing his wife to the masses and said you are going to love her. she is a great gal. she is drop-dead gorgeous. he didn't mention her ph.d. or her many accomplishments. he is lauding the assets of beautiful women. would you like to say what he said? brian: here is the quote. steve: they were talking about churches and then suddenly it turns into this.
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steve: because we want you to see what these ukrainian women look like. brian: do you have any pictures? steve: we have a call have a indicated of beautiful women. brian: steve opened up his wallet for us. steve: take a look at just some of them there. brian: ok oksanabaiul. mill la kunis. alisyn: i have to agree with the vice president. brian: by those four? alisyn: got a corner of the market on it. steve: we first told but this story yesterday a debate over climate change took an ugly turn. >> i take offense to it. >> ok. >> as an african-american american and a veteran of this
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country, i take offense to that. steve: up next, reaction from radio talk show host james t. harris. alisyn: tv reporter caught on camera naked in her hotel room is horrified. how she is fighting back today. many surfaces that seem smooth and strong...
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steve: 16 minutes after the top of the hour. look over my shoulder. longest solar clips cast its shadow from india to china it was only visible in asia. the next one happens july 11th next year. 7/11. sad news to tell you about. john barry the man who made wd-40 a household name has died. he was responsible for transforming the coating
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missiles into the national sensation. he was 84 years old. that can of stuff in my basement will live on. he did a good job. brian: well-named. seven minutes after -- 17 minutes after the hour. tow to -- toe to toe with barbara boxer when she countered his argument with a quote from another black administration. >> is he proud, i'm sure. that i am quoting him. >> all of that is condescending. i don't like it. i take offense to it. alisyn: this was a meeting to talk about cap and trade and green jobs. what did it have to do with race? joining us with his take is conservative talk show host james t. host. hey, james. thanks for joining us. >> hi, how are you doing this morning? alisyn: i'm doing well. what did you think when you watched this exchange? >> i thought that senator boxer
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got caught in a democratic two step. sort of like the modern version of the moon walk. all flash, no substance and stuck in reverse. she was trying to play a mild version of the race card to trip up mr. alford. brian: do you see a -- because i know harry alford did, do you see a pattern with senator barbara boxer? >> this is something that's been going on inside of liberal politics for years. i'm not necessarily saying that she was being racist. that was the assertion that mr. alford was making. what it is is ideology. she is using one black group against another black group to try to nullify mr. alford's position. alisyn: james, why isn't that racist to hold up well here is another what another black man thinks to try to counter what mr. alford is saying?
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>>. in we are really talking about something that happens on the civil rights era. if you are from that era, i can understand completely how mr. alford would say hey, look, you are going down a racial road. this is racist. i want to try to give senator boxer the benefit of the doubt. she has been doing this for, what, 40 years. she was in the senate since before, you know, woodstock. so this is just sort of the way she has been doing business and this time she got caught up in it because mr. alford wasn't playing the game. brian: mr. alford brought up the fact that she grilled. many people thought went way over the line for condoleezza rice when she was going through confirmation meargs for secretary of state. they feel she was pushing anita hill out there back in the 80's. >> not so much racist that it's ideology. she is a liberal and progressive. she is going to do whatever it takes to get her position across. what happened in the senate hearing she tried to use the naacp and another organization to basically get mr. alford to
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back down but, again, he didn't want to dance. brian: james t. harris, always great talking to you, thanks. alisyn: stunning agencies against two-time super bowl champ ben roethlisberger by a female hotel employee. brian: then, what's the rush? president obama trying to rush through health care reform. why? dick morris knows. he will join us. alisyn: dramatic. i never thought it could happen to me...
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steve: president obama is pushing to get his health care plan asap but some people on both sides of the aisle are not buying it yet. >> time and again we have heard excuses to delay and defeat reform. time and again, the american people have suffered because people in washington played the politics of the moment instead of putting the interest of the american people first.
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steve: so is it really politics of the moment or is congress concerned because they are being rushed to pass something? the president himself has admitted he that he has not completely read. joining us now from connecticut fox news contributor dick morris, the author of the number one "new york times" best seller catastrophe. good morning to you, dick. >> thank you. steve: under the president's plan, will america need to start rationing health care? >> yeah. >> inevitably. when we say rationing, that's a polite word. what it really means is denying health care to the elderly. when you ration health care, who do you turn down, the 40-year-old or 80-year-old? basically you cannot cover 50 million new people without any new doctors. duh. medical care is something that's delivered by a doctor and a nurse. and if you have 1.4 million nurses and it's going down. hundred thousand doctors and it hasn't risen in five years, you are not going to be able to provide the same quality care
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that you can to 50 million new people. and it doesn't matter whether it's a public plan or a private plan or who pays for it or the subsidy or how the tax revenue is collected to finance it or whether it adds to the deficit. those are all side points. the fundamental point is that if you are going to cover more people, you need more doctors, and he is going to have fewer doctors because he is going to cut their income. steve: there is going to be a line and you have to ration. i get that and then you are talking about how the elderly would be denied services like ok, steve's 8 a. and we don't know that it makes so much sense to give him that bypass surgery. >> yeah. i'm sorry, you will have to be in a wheelchair the rest of your life. you can't have a hip replacement. i'm sorry, but you can't have this cancer treatment. you know, there is in canada now an eight week wait for radiation
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treatment if you have cancer? steve: why is the president trying to rush this through so fast. his initial plan was to get this through before they go on vacation in a couple of weeks. >> well, he knows that his popularity is dropping. everybody agrees that all the polls agree that it used to be in the 60's and now it's in the mid 50's, gallup has him dropping from 70 to 556789 rasmussen has him dropping from 65 to 51. everybody agrees it's tending down and probably by september it will be below 50 and in everybody's polling. in october, in the mid 40's and by november in the low 40's. as that tide runs out, he loses the power to get this thing passed. so he is determined to strike while he still has a majority approval. steve: real quickly, according to the "the washington post" abc poll that came out i think yesterday morning it showed that less than 50% of the country now is squarely behind. this you know a lot of people don't think it's a good idea.
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>> there is a gallup poll that says they disprove of it 50 to 45. steve: what has been the doing of this. was the cob guy? the president says it may drive costs down it may actually go up. or the mayo clinic saying this is a stinker or what? >> i don't think it was either of those. i think everybody read catastrophe and learned what was about about it. i think that what's happening is that people -- the elderly in particular are understanding that this bill basically repeals the medicare program. it ends that fundamental element of medicare that any senior citizen can get any care for free. and this just doesn't do that. it's going to sharply cut medical care to the elderly. you know, most people were satisfied with the care that they have. i saw earlier, steve, that you said that he hadn't read a section of the bill. well, how could he? you can't digest something like
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this in 12 days and get feedback in a field this complicated in two weeks. steve: that's why it's so stunning that they are trying to rush it through. dick morris, author of the number one "new york times" best seller catastrophe. everybody has read it and if they haven't they ought to. dick morris, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. steve: stunning new developments in the murder of a florida couple with 17 children. police now say they know who master minded the cold-blooded crime. they think they know how much was in that stolen safe. then it's like christmas all over again for kiefer sutherland. the actor getting a big break in his latest brush with the law. yes, he just dove into a christmas tree. let's watch it again. there he goes. happy birthday to alex trebek. the emmy winning game show host is 69 years old today. happy birthday. ♪
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has been con construction in the "fox & friends" complex. we have a very long hall it takes a long time for us to get to studio e over to the green room we are using right now. alisyn: it's a commute. brian: you almost missed the show yesterday it was such a long commute. alisyn: steve wanted to illustrate that. it's a watch. steve: ready, set, and she is off. ♪ steve: how is it going so far, ali? alisyn: it's a long way. i'm about half way there right now. steve: the green room people cheated and handed it to her at the end of the hall. alisyn: that was just halfway. this is the run we have to make every morning. steve: are those nike running high heels? that's what i was wearing. alisyn: i asked to you get a bagel, there you are sprinting off to the other green room. i think you mysteriously emerge well before -- ok, i got a little hand.
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i didn't actually make it all the way to the green room. alisyn: 20 seconds. steve: i beat you by 5. i'm so exhausted. brian: sensational. few things that stood out with me. number one how little paparazzi are around us. steve: let's keep it this way. brian: chris chulo is everywhere. where when are you working. alisyn: he popped out of one wall. brian: the next minute is he at the end of the hall. shouldn't you be on assignment'? steve: that was actually after the program. after our three hour telecast during the after the show show which you can download any day at they have do it monday through monday. brian: good job. alisyn: that's the most i ever exercised in my life. turn in to today's show for my high jinx. here is your headlines. was it a hired hit? a new report says one of the suspects charged in the murder
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of that florida couple with 17 children was paid between 20 and $50,000 to kill them. according to the daily beast, leonard gonzalez jr. was paid to murder bird and mellowed billings. according to another suspect thornton, gonzalez single-handedly planned the home invasion and pulled the trigger. a source says $100,000 was inside the safe in the billings home. that safe is believed to be the motive for the attack was not stolen, well, it was actually recovered. the suspects apparently could not break into it, however. steve: meanwhile, they need more time. the senate judiciary committee pushing back the vote on supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor to july 28th. that is a week later than originally scheduled the. lawmakers requested more time to fully review her record. chairman patrick leahy says he suspects sotomayor in time for the meeting on september the
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9th. brian. brian: the pentagon winning an important vote. the senate voted to drop warning for the senate f-2222. entire package. brian: unless the planes were eliminated. robert gates wants less spending on conventional weaponry and more put towards fighting insurgents. by the way, john mccain also did not want to build any more of these planes. it was bipartisan. alisyn: new twist surrounding the andrews peeping tom video. person who filmed the espn reporter naked in her hotel room may be connected to the coverage of athletic events. the video, which was posted on the web, was apparently filmed through a peephole in her door. tmz reports the video shows six clips taken in two different hotel rooms how can both hotel
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rooms have a peephole. she says she is horrified she is working with authorities to put this creep behind bars. steve: good. meanwhile jack bauer escapes again. assault charges for head butt ago new york fashion designer in the face have been dropped. it happened back in may at a nightclub. sutherland got heated after a designer brook shields and didn't apologize and then apparently gave this guy a broken nose. got a pass the designer has refused to cooperate with the prosecutors. this is not kiefer's first brush with the law. who can forget this video of a jack bauer eggnog at a christmas party yippee. it is fantastic video. brian: something about an evergreen. 23 minutes before the top of the hour.
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new details in the rape allegation against ben roethlisberger. the 36-page civil complaint from andrea mcnaulty says roethlisberger met her last july. mcnaulty was and still is in charge of hospital at the penthouse floor. she says roethlisberger asked her to check the television there was nothing wrong with the forced himself on her. mcnaulty didn't file a police report but says she told hotel security what happened and they tried to cover it up for roethlisberger. denies all allegations this sounds like the kobe case revisited he said, she said. >> statements cycle back evaluation first. reports say nfl commissioner roger goodale is planning to rule on whether vick can return to the league. he finished serving 23 months in prison on a dogfighting conviction. unrelated swamp soccer. some athletes are not afraid to
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get their hands and bodies dirty and walk in the mud. it's the swamp soccer world championships in find land. yes, about 5,000 players. that's all i'm going to say on that. 5,000 players and 325 teams brave the thick mud in the huge tournament. rolls include no throw-ins. no shoe changing is allowed for the entire match. alisyn: that's what steve and i are going to do in the after the show show. steve: brian, come on over here. it has taken me -- time two hours to get out to a new york city airport. there is an outfit called the manhattan -- why don't they build an airport runway about 10 blocks from where we are -- they want to pay central park. alisyn: is it a great idea or worst idea ever? it may be more convenient for you, steve, for people who live in manhattan as i do. central park is the beautiful
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channing -- shangrala. the idea they would cement it. steve: i don't want a sky scraper at the end of the runway. i'm nervous enough with the power polls with orange balls on them. brian: have you been anti-runway for years. went to barneys the other day. alisyn: i doubt it. steve: barney fiffe's. brian: to eat. top floor is a restaurant. one of the window displays was a woman being stabbed. that is one of the artists there who is given a lot of freedom we understand to design anything they want in the windows to drum up business. it didn't drum up business. alisyn: let's bring in customers to our store by splattering the display with fake blood and man can who has been killed. the creative director of barneys who is this uberrish high end.
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he says he was out on assignment when this happened and some young intern decided to visit their own creativity. this was taken down immediately. brian: north texas the place is the area. plants and planters was the business. they were robbed and a monkey do d. it spot shadow lower left hand side of the screen. owners at a nursery feel that apparently a human in cahoots with a chimp stole 40 plants from this particular spot. and they say that's a monkey. brian: the monkey handing the plants over the fence. they see his white head and hairy knuckles. steve: down in richardson, texas, i have been there before. brian: did you see any monkeys? steve: how tough could this be a case to crack? alisyn: how do the authorities know it was a human accomplice? maybe it was a parrot? who knows? brian: it had to be at least two it's monkey see, monkey do. one had to see it and the other
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copy it. more on the monkey store possibly never. but straight ahead. could your health be in danger under the new proposed health care plan? why rationing care for patients could mean the quality goes way down? alisyn: he has three super bowl titles and also a champion on the racetrack. now this coach joe gibbs is sharing his game plan for success. what can you start doing today to be like him. @ @
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to help me breathe better all day long. and it's not a steroid. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, or have vision changes or eye pain. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects may include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. every day could be a good day to breathe better. announcer: ask your doctor if once-daily spiriva is right for you. alisyn: republicans in the california ledge later threaten to back out of the budget.
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it calls for the release of 27,000 inmates. some sent home to detention others rehab. all in an effort to save money. the budget still due to go to a floor vote tomorrow. hello mac and tv. sales of mac computers up 12%. lcdtv sales have driven profits up 62%. some experts say the pc has had its day and shift on its way toward smaller and cheaper computers. brian? brian: he has become a champion in two professional sports. first he took home three super bowl titles and claimed victory on the racetrack. the road has not been easy and he knows who to credit. all of this. it's a process. all about god and finding jesus and winning games and races. now is he sharing his life's ups and downs book called excellence glam plan for your life. coach gibbs, great to meet you in person. >> if you do this every morning, you deserve a raise.
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all you guys. brian: we are all up in the morning. >> this is tough. brian: if you love it, it's easy to get up. the alarm doesn't even have to go off. this is evolutionary process. first off, would you have three super bowl rings, would you have had the success in racing if you did not find religion, find god, find jesus? i think really having my lord and savior direct my life gives me a real peace about it also i think he guides your life as you go. so my answer is no, i don't think i would have. brian: you had one quote in this book you said for a while i saw my life through the world's eyes. that's not right. you shouldn't live your life as if you are being judged by people around here, writers, sportscasters or anybody else. >> we should really play to the audience of one. and that's god, really. instead of man. it's one person and that's god. brian: where does winning come into that? >> actually, i think god wants
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us to be the absolute best. i used to feel guilty being a coach. i felt like i was kind of cheating. i really didn't work. i loved it. then i realized hey, god, he made news people. he made coaches. and i think he wants us to be the absolute best we can be. and so i think he wants you to, i think, really find real success in what you do. brian: people are getting ready to shave and go to work. north the women. well, maybe their legs. ready to go to work and they are sacrificing. working to 9:00 and 11:00 at night and get up at 5:00 in the morning. you used to sleep in your office. can you live up and achieve your goals and still have balance at home? did you have problems finding a balance? >> at times i didn't. you i told both my boys that i'm not going to do that with my grand kids. i'm trying to spend every day that i'm home, i try to do something with my grand kids. i don't want to make that mistake again.
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the answer is yes, you can do it. i think that takes a lot of prayer, study. there is a real balance there that you have to reach. brian: the last question is really i know what tony dungy that wrote the forward to your book where do you stand on whether michael vick should be back in the nfl this year. >> i think michael vick has paid a heavy price. you hate to see that happen to someone. he has so much and obviously made a horrific mistake there. he has paid a price for it i think, you know, i think he is probably going to get a second chance. i would think that's certainly the position i would take. brian: how like is life football. you break it down there and put it together very uniquely. congratulations coach. game plan for life is now out available. joe gibbs, great to see you in the person and you are a morning person. >> thank you. brian: we showed you this incredible video yesterday. firefighters save a mom and two kids from a burning car. we talk live to those two heros next hour. and rationing patient care it could be a big part of the
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health care overhaul. could it severely compromise your quality of care and put your life in danger? we'll find out.
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steve: democrats are pushing for a government run health care program in the united states. they may want to look at some countries first where socialized health care is creating a big headache. alisyn: fox news greg palkot joins us live from london to explain what it looks like over there in the u.k. hey, greg. >> hi ali and steve. the healthcare system here is called the national health service or nhs. there are positives. everybody is covered here for free. the care, according to some experts comparable to the united states. maybe even sometimes better and the overall cost less than a half of what it costs in the
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united states there are down sides as well. one, cancer survivability here much lower than the united states and other problems as well. take a look. >> the government run nhs as charged is a provider limiting options, stifling new treatment. dictating service by where one lives. >> can't choose your doctor, chant choose your specialist in many cases. you can't choose where you go to. >> another complaint, under the nhs, medical care is rationed. for example, life-extending drugs may not be approved if the awjt patient is already dying. u.s. health care providers are looking at tough choices and critics say beware. >> it rations. it tells me which drugs can i use and which drugs i cannot use. >> beware of uncontrolled growth. the nhs is nearly at 1. a million doctors, nurses and others make it the biggest employer in the u.k. the fourth biggest in the world. and while it's funded through 2011 with costs rising, after that it will take further cuts
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or higher taxes to keep it going. most brits, however, don't want to pull the plug on their system. they just want its condition to improve. >> two week was to get to see a doctor. you know, and just too long. >> the point of need, let's say. it's always there. >> ironically, guys, as president obama tries to nudge the u.s. system closer to socialized medicine the folks here might be going the other way just being mooted this week charging around 30 bucks for each g.p. visit that had been free had another warning. back to you guys. alisyn: interesting. steve: joining us live in the studio we have dr. mark segal fox news medical contributor. doctor, yesterday the mayo clinic came out and said this plan of the president's is not good. it's not going to be good for health care. and i understand you are quitting the ama. >> i wrote about it in the "new york post" today. i'm quitting the ama. the ama does not represent us if
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it is going to come without a plan that puts doctors under the bus. if there is going to be rationed care here which there will be if the government fakes over and they make the decisions for us? you know what's that going to do? that's going to increase my liability. not only i need to provide the services i need to provide for my patients i'm still going to be responsible for it let the government take on the liability. al at president has said if you are happy with your health care, nothing is going to change. if you like yours, you keep it the way he is. is he lying? >> he is disingenuous. because i know my own office is going to change. there is going to be more people trying to get. in i'm going to have less and less time to take care of them. reimbursements to doctors and hospitals are being cut. if i am being paid less i have got to work faster. i send more people for expensive tests. is he going to try to cost cut which means is he going to ration care. he is going to tell me what i can order and what i can't. >> when you talk about rationing, we were just talking to dick morris about this, he has done some research and when you start rationing health care and it looks as if that could
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happen. if you have got 50 million more people into the system and certain number of doctors, people are going to be in line and you have to determine who gets the next treatment. unfairly, the elderly are the ones who are going to get short-changed. >> that's so true. in a way it's a form of eugenics. you are not good enough health to live. some people we do treat last days of life. who do you want to make that decision. the art of medicine is the doctor and patient making that together not some government bureaucrat. what does he know what my patient needs. alisyn: right now insurance companies are making that decision. >> too extensive already is no argument for making it more extensive. we started at the wrong side of this argument. steve: dr. mark segal who was a member of the ama. >> until today. steve: thank you for joining us. what a story. those ukraine girls they really knock joe's socks off. the latest beauty uttered by our vice president joe biden.
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steve: yesterday, f-22 fighters slashed from the defense bill. today the senate vottle on concealed weapons that story top of the hour two minutes. (pouring rain)
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i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds) get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now-- and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security.
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call now. are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, july 22nd. here is what is happening this hour. having trouble understanding all the talk about a new health care plan. try this. >> imagine that this restaurant america and washington takes over our health care. see, the first thing that's going to happen is that doctors and patients won't be the only ones calling the shots. alisyn: so who else will be calling the shots? we break down the people with the power under the proposed plan for health care. brian: terrorists organizing in the united states and doing it right out in the open. why is this a lo youked to happen? a closer look at the serious short falls in our counter intelligence operations. we showed. steve: we showed you this incredible video yesterday off duty firefighters hop into
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action to save a mother and two children in a burning suv. there was a baby in there and they did their best to get that baby out. two of the heroes join us live coming up. it is quite a story. meanwhile, our slogan on this wednesday comes from richard in texas. it is sunny side up when you start your day with "fox & friends." [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> i'm joe gibbs, you are watching "fox & friends." how they get this up early and do, this i don't have a clue. brian: joe gibbs has got a book out. he also used to sleep on a cot. he use to get up and keep working. alisyn: all working for that huge honking ring that he showed us. good for two things punching somebody in a fight and getting into what he -- what did he say first class? steve: getting an upgrade. oh, you don't have any more seats back there oh gee, oh, yes that is a super bowl ring. yes, i am joe gibbs.
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ok, fantastic. brian: unless the woman behind the counter is a cowboy fan. that's a problem. let's talk about the mayo clinic. the mayo clinic may be the premier health facility in the world. everyone knows wherever you go from sveda ton australia, mayo clinic is the place to go. in fact, barack obama in the past has been a big supporter and in awe of what the mayo clinic does. mayo clinic provides care much more cheaply than almost all other health care systems. even though it's better care. he said that back on july 1st, how much respect he has for that clinic. steve: sure, so obviously he respects the mayo clinic and he would care what the mayo clinic says. well, yesterday the mayo clinic made it very clear that they don't like the president's health care initiative. they said that essentially it was lower quality of the care. the mayo clinic says mr. president this could raise costs. alisyn: he has held this up as shining example how to do health
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care. actually the rest of the country should model themselves on the mayo clinic because they do it more cheaply. they provide superior care. on the blog, they said the proposed legislation misses the opportunity to help create higher quality more affordable health care for patients. in fact, it will do the opposite. in general, the proposals under discussion are not patient-focused or results oriented. the real losers will be the citizens of the united states. they couldn't put it any more plainly. steve: yeah, they don't like it. it's not going to work. brian: very similar to when the cbo. the congressional budget office came one their conclusions. you would think ok let's haul off and see how partisan they are. wait a second, they are not partisan, that guy was appointed by a democrat. you look at the mayo clinic, they just want to see a result. they don't want to get anybody elected or anything passed, just to keep somebody in office. alisyn: this is the thing. it's time for doctors to weigh in. we just heard from dr. mark segal. if the doctors and hospitals don't like it and say it won't help patients, i mean, that's
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the bottom line. that's what you need to hear. steve: sure, we all want to know how does it impact us? we are all going to be impacted, aren't re? as it turns out according to the calculations, it looks like 97% of people in america would be impacted. 3% still not going to wind up with health care. keep in mind, currently about 85 or 90% of the people in the united states have some coverage. so if you go from 90% to 97%, we're doing all of this for 7%. it seems like we are reinventing the wheel to take care of those 7. we have got it do something about people who don't have health care. is this the thing to do. and while the president says, you know, we are going to drive costs down and that's going to do it. what if they are wrong? brian: six months in, it's clear lay defining moment for the president. he gets to speak tonight 8:00 on the east coast. 5:00 on the west coast. and one thing that's going to be clear. the president wants to get this done. and in 2008, when he was talking
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about getting health care done. he was saying he was going to make this whole process transparent. why don't we have the negotiations for it in committee on c-span. this way you can have a chance to see who is standing up. who is blocking. steve: transparency. brian: who is asking good questions and who wants to make sure nothing goes forward. alisyn: that's not happened. this watchdog group in washington, d.c. has asked for the white house to release the list of the pharmaceutical executives, the hospital executives, the ghoosh executives who have come in and help craft this policy. they have had the high level discussions with the president about the policy. and the white house won't release it. what's interesting, of course, is that, you know, democrats felt so relieved that this was going to be a much more open administration. they felt that the bush administration had been too closed and that's what obama ran on. and that he won't release this. people feel that he is renegativing on that -- reneging on that campaign promise. steve: let us replay that
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campaign promise. keep in mind the white house has struck deals with hospitals and pharmaceutical companies in secret, behind closed doors. even though the president said this. >> what we will do is, we will have the negotiations televised on c-span where people with see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies. brian: what was the negotiation behind the scenes that allowed the ama to come aboard in the pharmaceuticals to cut their costs. hospitals to seem to fall in line? a lot of people, including this watchdog group want to know. the other thing people are curious about and people who have done legislation like this before want to know what's the rush? john boehner, the minority leader in the houses can we just start all over? willwe agree health care shoulde done. charlie wrangel was picked up by a reporter overheard. i don't want to tell nancy pelosi to slow down and i am damn sure will not tell the
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president to slow down. clearly he wishes things would slow down. mitt romney feels the same way. alisyn: if there is one person, i think, in the country who has experience and knowledge with this topic, it's mitt romney. this is exactly what he did in massachusetts. he basically got universal health care for massachusetts when he was the governor there and the way he did it, he said, was by being extremely methodical and he crossed the aisle. he worked very closely with ted kennedy, obviously a democrat to see how they could both do it in tandem and that's what he recommends now. brian: it's been a disaster. alisyn: not exactly. lots of health care in massachusetts is a shining example -- they have the best doctors in the country. brian: how about the money? alisyn: most costly. steve: mr. romney talks about have they gone up to massachusetts? have they looked at what worked? have they looked at what didn't work? from what he could tell, no. now, there is a group out there, and they realize the challenges
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facing the government as they try to rework our healthcare system. and they put together a spot. it's about four minutes long but we have reduced it down. brian: three minutes and 59 seconds. steve: thank you very much. what would health care look like in this country. and they use the analogy of a restaurant. what would health care look like in the country if it were a restaurant? watch. >> imagine that this restaurant is america and that washington takes over our health care. see, the first thing that's going to happen is that doctors and patients won't be the only ones calling the shots. a committee of washington politicians will set a standard of care for all americans. they are now deciding what treatments everyone gets. this is one size fits all at its finest, my friend. >> i don't like green bell peppers anyway. >> ok. i think i will go with the pesto pasta and a side salad. >> no, you won't.
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>> but i'm a vegetarian. >> see, delayed care is denied care. and if you don't get the medical attention you need in time, it could kill you. >> i'm not feeling too well. >> some people could wait months or years and if washington decides that you are too old to benefit, you might not get it at all. >> sorry, ma'am, but you are going to have to leave. brian: is he a weird guy to eat with. steve: check, please. that's from their point of view. the president is having a press conference tonight. if you were in the east room, what would you ask him? email us now alisyn: headlines at this hour. we start with a fox news alert for you. vice president joe biden just wrapping up his ukraine visit before heading off to georgia. last night the cameras were rolling when biden met president victor you channing co-atco-yus. the president's upcoming visit to georgia comes one year after the country fought a war with russia.
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mr. biden is expected to reassure leaders of u.s. support for the country's nato and eu membership. expect a showdown when battle over weapons. some senators want to let people with permits carry concealed weapons across state lines saying it's the only way for truckers protect themselves. gun advocates just a way to skirt around states with strict gun laws on the books. apple ipods have burned users or even caught fire. more than a dozen times. but neither the company nor the federal government disclosed this news to the public. this, according to federal documents obtained by a tv station in seattle. the documents note at least 15 separate incidents where ipods overheated caused burns or caught fire no comment from apple. temperatures in nashville, tennessee are reaching a record low. today could be another record breaker.
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yesterday the mercury dropped to 5 degrees. the previous record for that day was 60 degrees set in the year 1877. this was the third consecutive morning when nashville tied or broke a morning low temperature record. nashville is where al gore, of course, talks about global warming has his home. brian: there is his house. steve: the furnace is on. inconvenient shot. all right. remember the minority kids kicked out of mostly white women club. they are going to disney world. the hollywood super star picking up the entire tab. we will tell you about that straight ahead. alisyn: u.s. treasury accused of running the rescue plan for the banking industry like bernie madoff. the inspector general overseeing the tarp program is going to join us next with the cold hard numbers.
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brian: president obama assured americans their tax dollars would not go to waste. >> we will be sure that not draining funds that will advance our recovery. we will insist on unprecedented transparency, rigorous oversight and clear accountability so taxpayers know how their money something spent and whether it is achieving results. steve: that's pretty clear, right? well now it's being reported that tarp costs could reach a maximum about $24 trillion. and the treasury department claims that tracking that money impossible. brian: joining us right now the man who gave that report. special inspector general neil barowsky. welcome back. >> thank you. it's nice to be back. brian: why can't we track what the banks are doing with the
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money that they got for free? >> of course we can find out. one of our constant recommendations that we have been making for the past seven months to treasury is that they require the basmtion to report on how they are using the tarp funds. it's a recommendation the treasury has consistently discarded in the seven months that we have been in existence. steve: because, as it turns out. as we all know. back in those desperate days. it was very clear the intent was to free up the credit markets and make money more available forever people to buy mouses and cars and everything else and people to go on. instead, neil, the big banks -- we got a big pie chart and showing how much they got. some of these big banks just bought other banks. they made investments, they didn't give it to us. which they were supposed to. and now the treasury department obviously doesn't want us to know the details. >> no. i mean, i think that basically what happened after treasury refused to adopt our recommendation, we went out and did our own survey. we asked all the banks the
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simple question how are you using the money. those are the results we found. they were able to. what treasury has told us, their explanation has been it's not a meaningful exercise because of the fungability of money that any results would be unreliable and meaningless. steve: do you believe that? >> rewe reject that i think we have have proven it's not true. in our audit when we went and asked the banks. this is a snapshot from back in february. we proved it. we prove they can report. awful those things they did with tarp money. i don't think treasury believes it entirely because they put that requirement on several banks. they did it for is iive, they did it for bank of america. they just recently did it for a.i.g. while they say it's a meaningless exercise and can't produce reliable results when they want to they are doing it themselves. brian: tell us what -- we don't necessarily want to tell how we are doing. this. jack welch says that's how we got in trouble in the first place. making banks lend money to
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people they knew they couldn't pay it back. i understand that in the big picture, neil, do you think it's heartening that some of these banks have paid us back? >> i think it's a good sign. you know, assuming that the right conditions are in place. and that the banks are still healthy and can go forward. you know, one of the concerns that we try to raise in our report and what we do is sort of describe the vast array of different bailouts and financial support. you know across the system. not just in the tarp. one thing i think everyone needs to watch out for and one of the reasons why we did this exercise are banks using one part of the federal bailout to pay off other parts of the bailout. and, you know, are we really getting anywhere? recently happened with chrysler financial. they used the a program to borrow money to pay back a tarp loan. are we really advancing the ball in that case? steve: a bunch of the banks reported a big billion-dollar quarters just last week. neil we thank you very much for joining us live from our d.c. bureau today. thank you, sir. >> my pleasure, thank you.
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brian: tell us if anyone calls you back from treasury. president obama ramming through his health care overhaul. even his own party wants him to slow down or revamp. what's the big hurry? we will ask health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius next. steve: david hasselhoff has a message for the president. you are boring. what you missed on "the view" straight ahead. >> we preempted obama. >> what do you think about that? >> i like it. ( conversation )
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garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet? ♪
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brian: president obama speaking out in week in an effort to rally democrats in an effort to pass health care reform before congress goes on recess. in fact he is speaking tonight. gretchen: some are wondering what's the rush? and how the bill been properly vetted? health and human services
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secretary cath leone sebelius joins us now. good morning, nice to see you. >> good morning, nice to be with you. alisyn: some people have come out as i'm sure you heard mitt romney yesterday and said this will take a longer time than just the nine days we have now before the house goes on its summer recess. what is the rush to get this health care bill passed? >> well, i think the rush is that families, business owners, governments are really being crushed by the constantly rising costs of health insurance. we have about 12,000 americans each and every day losing their coverage. and in order to get the economy back on track, we need to fix the healthcare system. so, so congress is working hard to get that done. alisyn: everybody understands that i just want to intrunt you because the bill, even if it passed now before the recess it is not scheduled to take effect until 2010. >> that's right. that's why we need to keep
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congress working hard on this effort. we have got five different committees who are at the table day and night. this is a complicated subject. it's a very important subject. there is nothing more personal to americans than their own health coverage. so, it's important to get this right but it's important they continue to work hard and make sure that they tackle one of the most important topics that they are going to deal with this year. steve: absolutely. madam secretary,under the president's plan will america start to have rationing? >> no. first of all we ration care and ration quality each and every day. most private insurer decide that benefits are going to be covered. who gets into the market and who doesn't. if you have a preexisting condition often you can't find coverage. if your child has -- was born with a sickness or an illness, you are often priced out of the marketplace. so, right now in the current
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system care rationed. across the country people receive high priced care each and every day. other parts they don't at all. we want a system where every american has lower cost and higher quality each and every day. steve: you are saying there would be no rationing even though suddenly 50 million people would be in the system with no additional doctors? >> right now actually most of those americans are accessing the health system. a lot of them come through the doors of emergency rooms to try to access emergency care. a lot of people end up using the health system when they are sicker than they should be. if they got primary care. what we're talking about is a system that actually would allow doctors to be doctors once again. use health it's so forms don't have to be filled out 500 times. allow doctors to really provide the care at the earlier point and not just deal with sicker patients but provide some
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wellness and preventative care that will actually drive down costs and make for healthier americans. brian: what i don't understand if this matter is so important to the president why didn't he write it. having after being hammered stimulus pang congress got ahold of it and stuffing it full of things personal interest. why didn't he write it himself like the clintons did last time around? >> well, i think he learned from the early 1990s that unless congress has some ownership, unless the house and senate really engage in this dialogue and debate it's too easy to push away from the table when things get difficult. when people begin to object. he has been very engaged and involved. i as his secretary of health and human services spend a lot of my time on the hill. nancy who is his white house staff on this spends a lot of time on the hill. the members of the house and senate need to engage in that debate and that's what's going
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on. brian: true, i understand that end of it you can say this? it's going to be barack obama's plan and if is he going to have his plan and his name on it appeared his legacy reflected on it, shouldn't he have a stake in it for example yesterday with a blogger he didn't have an answer to the question of whether there will be mandated that you give up your personal insurance. he doesn't even know what's in the thousand pages. >> well, first of all, there are five different committees working on bills. as you know there are three versions of the house bill. there is a version of the senate bill that's out and the senate finance committee is still working on it there are lots of common ground that everyone would be covered that we would provide a new marketplace for those that don't have coverage or coverage they can't afford to have some choices and have some cost competition. there is efforts to invest in wellness, to go after fraud and abuse, which we know is a huge part of the system with people stealing money away from our senior citizens and our most vulnerable citizens. so the attorney general and i are focused on that.
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there is a lot of common ground. but sections of the bill differ from house and senate. no one is going to be forced to lose their private coverage. that's just an incorrect assertion and assumption. it isn't in the house bill and it isn't in the senate bill. steve: storm former governor from my home state of kansas kathleen sebelius. >> oh a sun flower guy. steve: i'm a jayhawk. >> good. rock chalk -- jock. steve. brian: i don't know what they were saying. steve: college thing. alisyn: we showed you this horrifying video yesterday. >> there is a baby in there. alisyn: a mom and her two kids were trapped in a burning car. the men who used pipes to smash the windows and save their lives are here with us next. brian: more disturbing information about the pervert who taped an espn reporter naked in her hotel room. the suspect may have done this more than once to her. - ( microphone feedback ) - whoa. hi, i'm john.
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you can make a positive change in your career. you can make a greater contribution to the greater good. and you can start today, by earning your degree online... at walden university. where advanced degrees advance the quality of life.
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steve: don't hassle the hough. brian: simon cowell another hit show on his hands. america's got talent. alisyn: that was a real what? fresh off britain's got talent. run away success. is he a big fan of david
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hasselhoff. he said david, you are going to be one of my judges. alisyn: yesterday david hasselhoff was on theview. he said something about the president because, you know, tonight the president was supposed to be competing with susan boyle for air time. steve: on america's got talent. alisyn: they moved the president's conference about health care to an hour earlier so that didn't happen. listen to what hasselhoff. >> obama is smart they will use america got talent as it a lead in. >> what a speed in. >> we preempted obama. >> what about that? >> i like it. [ laughter ] >> i think if obama came on and did a song and dance, people would watch him. is he kind of boring. steve: obama is kind of boring. brian: that will silence the couch a little bit. that's not what they are supposed to say on theview. steve: yeah. pretty funny stuff. i don't think they saw that coming. remember, he has a vested interest in that show that bumped the president. alisyn: that's true. steve: hey, we mentioned at the
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top of this half hour the president will have a press conference. you will see live on the fox news channel. if you could be in the audience, not that you will be, unless you are major garrett, what question would you ask president obama at tonight's press conference? email us now we have gotten tons of good once. for instance dan in west virginia says: alisyn: that's a gadd one that's what andy on my blog is asking the same thing. why aren't the congress and senate dropping what they have for health care and get into this plan? that seems to be a popular one. brian: if you want to have questions only to me that i can repeat. maybe it's the senior from. alisyn: no, just for us. steve: the junior. 2 a before the top of the hour. some headlines. alisyn: yes. we do have an update on that tragic story. was this a hired hit? well, one new report says that
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one of the suspects charged in the murder of that florida couple with 17 children was paid between 20 and $50,000 to you kill them this is according to the daily beast. they were paid to murder the billings. according to another suspect frederick authorton gonzalez single-handedly planned it and pulled the trigger. $100,000 in the safe. that safe was not stolen. of the suspects apparently could not get into it. >> this morning fed head ben bernanke will answer more tough questions on the economy after getting grilled. he testified before the house financial services committee defended the fed's ability to recession. warned that recovery about l. take time. >> despite the poive times the rate of job loss remains high and unemployment rate continues to rise.
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job insecurity together with declines in home values and tight credit is likely to limit gains in consumer spending. steve: bernanke also said the fed has a strategy to prevent inflation once things get back to normal. brian? brian: a creepy new twist surrounding erin andrews' peeping tom video. speculation this morning the person who filmed the espn's sportscaster naked in her hotel room may be connected to the coverage of athletic events. think about it the video, which was posted on the web was apparently filmed through a peephole in her door. now tmz reports the video shows six clips taken in two different hotel rooms. andrews' lawyer says she is horrified and working with authorities to put the creep behind bars. she has been very aggressive. has a team of lawyers working on this. alisyn: three weeks after admitting to an affair governor mark sanford says he is ready to get back to state business. >> we have all acknowledged this has been painful. it's been what it is.
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but it is time to move on. that's what i intend to do. and i -- that's what i hear from a lot of people across south carolina. [ applause ] alisyn: last month, of course, the governor confessed having an affair with argentinian woman. since then people have questioned his ability to focus on state business while trying to repair his family. sanford insists he can do both. recently he took a trip with his wife and four sons. steve: meanwhile, remember the story about the minority children who were kicked out of a mostly white swim club. they are going to disney world. it's all thanks to actor director tyler perry. perry is paying the entire tab to send all 65 kids from a philadelphia day camp to walt disney world. the swim club still insisting this morning the kids were not kicked out because of race but because of safety issues. brian. brian: we showed you this amazing video yesterday. two off duty firefighters along with a crowd of ordinary people did something extraordinary they
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used pipes to smash the windows of this burning suv to save the lives of her mother and two children. alisyn: joining us now are two brave firefighters brothers john and joel. >> hard to hear. brian: having trouble hearing? >> ok. alisyn: maybe our cameraman could stop talking to them for a second so we could. john and joel, you can hear us? >> yes, we can. alisyn: oh great. it's so great to see you guys. what hurricane lien effort you did with that burning suv. tell us what the moment was like when you got inside the suv and you realized that there was a baby strapped into a car seat in there? >> chaotic, horrific, those kind of words best describe that situation. any time you see a child, you know, burning in front of you,
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it burns into your memory. and you know panic because you want to get the child out anyway possible. at the same time, you are pretty focused on that child and the task at hand. brian: well, did you an incredible thing and not many people on this planet watching right now would have had the tenacity to do so. let me ask your brother. how did you stumble on this scene and when did you realize had you to take action? >> i'm sorry, i couldn't hear. >> ok. what happened was my -- my sister-in-law, we just decided to get ice cream cake for my niece's birthday. and my sister-in-law joy, john's wife and my wife kelly happened to call -- stumble on scene and they called my brother john and said there is a car on fire. people trapped. 20 second -- get here now. that's how we got there.
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and from there you could see our actions. again, its with a total team effort by everyone involved. and a miracle, you know, did happen because of the effort of everyone. everyone there. steve: absolutely. it was a total team effort. the people there, somebody had a pocket knife. somebody had a pipe to break the window. somebody had an extinguisher, a garden hose as well. of course, you guys went into the suv and pulled out the 4-year-old. what is the condition of the 4-year-old today? >> yes. >> well, i tell you right now, he is in stable condition. he is going to have a long road to his full recovery. you know, unfortunately, you know, you try to get him out as soon as you can in the amount of time that he was in there did -- he did sustain some serious injuries. alisyn: joel, i know that it looks as though you have a bandage on your arm and i know that you and your brother were
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burned during the process of getting that child out of the car. were you afraid that the car was just going to explode while people were still in there? >> >> no, it goes back to our training as firefighters. at no time did i really feel my life was in danger. i knew i was going to get burned and cut with glass but you are so focused on the task at hand that getting the child out was our number one goal. again, we used our experience as firefighters, you know, to, you know, to really focus on the child and go at the task at hand. steve: you guys were in the right place at the right time because somebody needed some ice cream for a birthday party. guys, thank you very much. you are heroes and patriots and we thank you very much for joining us live today. john and joel reckless. >> think about the crane
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operator that sprung into action when somebody is about to drown. think about what captain phillips said take me to those pirates and think about sully. every day heroes. we are looking at these super stars in hollywood. it's the hero next door. alisyn: these guys were incredible. they don't even talk about their injuries. anyway, they did a wonderful thing. meanwhile, they have the right to do so but should they? we're talking about an islamic group with terrorist ties and they held a possible recruiting conference here on american soil in the chicago hotel. how can we prevent that from happening again? steve: and the housing market is still in crisis. but could a lack of lending cause commercial real estate to crumble as well. real estate expert kendra todd will break it all down straight ahead. brian, it's time for the aflac trivia question of the day. when this shoe store added aflac
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to its employee benefits package no direct cost the company... it was a perfect fit. find out more at aflac!...
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steve: well, we have witnessed the effects of the housing crisis. but while sales appear to be picking up a little in residential markets, is the commercial market poised for a similar crash and how will that effect lending to people like you and me? and small businessmen watching right now? gretchen: rae expert kendra todd is here. she is the star of the show my house is worth what? i hope i got the right emphasis here. great to he sue. >> likewise. alisyn: has the market taken the risk that the rae market has. >> that's yet to be seen. if you look at the numbers, there is going to be need to be
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financing to the tune of $10 billion a year over the next 10 years. and i think it's good news that commercial rae, -- real estate the slump is occurring in late in the game. what is indicative is the fact that the american small business is struggling to stay afloat. these tenants are vacating. having difficult time paying for their leases. steve: if we have a small businessman watching right now who is struggling and having trouble making that monthly payment when it comes to the rent, this would be a good time to go to the landlord and say, you know what, i know real estate is in trouble, i'm a little in trouble. let's renegotiate. >> absolutel. sometimes it's hard to look at the long-term when you are dealing with the short-term crisis but now is an incredible time to seize that opportunity to renegotiate, to lower the monthly overhead. and to really get a solid long-term lease. rents are really dipping in the commercial sector right now. alisyn: i'm shocked that doesn't seem to be happening more.
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all you need to do is walk around new york city the upper west side. you see that lots of little places are closed. they are now empty store fronts. steve: lots of big places out in the suburbs. >> foundation of america. alisyn: why are landlords not lowering their prices? >> they haven't but now that the slump has hit, this is the time to seize the opportunity over the next six months to a year. and a lot of small businesses don't realize they can do that. but there is a lot of things that i think that small businesses need to realize they need to focus on in order to stay afloat. not just survive but thrive in the current economy if we are going to keep this country going. it's things like having the right technology solutions. knowing how to market your business. knowing how to trim the fat off the financial bottom line for your business. steve: sure. she has got webinar today if you are interested go to that's the easiest web site and we will connect you right over to hers. alisyn: kendra, great to see you. steve: straight ahead for this "fox & friends" on this
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wednesday. alisyn: terrorizing organizing in the united states doing it at a hilton hotel. why is this allowed to happen. short falls in our counter terrorist operations. steve: back in 1991 the number one song match book 120. . go climb a tree. or discover things you've only read about. get the gear to get it done at bass pro shops. like the body glove method life vest for only $19.94. and take 33% off all remaining towables. .
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bill: albert brooks was not the way -- the answer. we were telling you about at islamic group of terrorists that were holding a conference at chicago, there are concerns that it was a front for terror recruitment.
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supporting freedom of speech, putting homeland security in question. we have with us the center for security policy former chairman. they say that they are for peace, not for suicide bombers. tell me about this organization. >> their group's explicit purpose is to bring about the caliphate, a theocracy. a religious way of ruling the world. including the united states. they are explicitly talking about in this conference supplanting the u.s. constitution with their lot. authoritative islam, it is known as the way that the world should be one and the way that individual muslims should practice their faith. the problem is that it requires its adherence to engage in
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jihad, by the violent kind or the stealthy kind. -- either the violent kind or the stealthy kind. they have adopted different tactics, but are essentially seeking the same thing. this barbaric code. it is not that good for america. brian: not only are you worried about their own chances to get together and apply for changes of the future, but it could come off without a hitch with more conferences like this. a lot like osama bin laden and his philosophy. they declared war on us years ago. >> this is the same basic approach. the same man came, mainly the triumph of islam worldwide in the submission of everyone else. whether it is al qaeda that is doing them -- doing it to them
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in an explicitly violent way, or is the muslim brotherhood not interested in violence, saying that we will do this in a still the way or by insinuating it through our financial system through privileges and preferences, this is the same fundamental program. it is and medical to what we are about. they are using our freedoms against us. they are now in the position, or will shortly be, i believe, where congress is going to pass a crime legislation saying that if you have this kind of legislation -- this kind of conversation, it could be considered hate speech. it is mindless on our part to let them have the use of our freedoms for the purpose of destroying our freedom. brian: we sit there and we watch it, we are standing by. frank, you are the ones speaking
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out. thank you so much for joining us. we are watching and hopefully it will not happen again. president obama, not just worried with his own health care for a vote -- proposal. listen. >> i am not familiar with the provision you are talking about. let me speak for the obama administration. brian: how could he know? it is over 1000 pages. he is pushing so hard. how could he not now? christmas again for kiefer sutherland after his brush with of the law. (announcer) this is nine generations
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of the world's most revered luxury sedan. this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars... this is the world record for longevity and endurance. and one of the most technologically advanced automobiles on the planet.
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this is the 9th generation e-class. this is mercedes-benz. it's really hot out. and that beret is really not hot. i am all roots and no time. i gotta run. no! ooh! ah...! ah! ooh! that was impressive... did you know you can easily touch up your roots-- without a salon. ta-da! root touch up-- specially designed for roots or grays. that pop up between regular colorings. in 10 minutes... bzzz! you're flawlessly matched and completely fresh. i feel so much better. live with roots, or get a boost? root touch-up by nice 'n easy. your right color.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute alisyn: good morning, everyone. here is what is happening now. president obama, pushing for health care reform, but he is not sure what he is pushing for. listen. >> i am not familiar with the
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provision you are talking about. let me just speak for the obama administration alisyn: why is he rushing things? why does he call himself the obama administration? [laughter] steve: the vice president, getting distracted while overseas. wait until you hear what he said about the women of the ukraine. brian: helping tourism for single guys. what does one trillion dollars actually look like? plus, let's look at this, this comes from rabin. "health-care keeping me alive, feeling fine. who knows how this could end without "fox & friends."
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>> it is time for "fox & friends." >> what are you going to do? alisyn: [laughter] i will tell you what we are going to do. we have a primer for everyone this morning. the president is speaking tonight at 8:00 about his big health-care proposal. we are going to give you everything you need to know so that you can look at his speech and know what he is talking about. steve: if you have personal, financial questions on the best way to pay for your health care, e-mail them to us right now. so many of you are concerned with health care. brian: i will talk about it. [laughter] fill in the blanks. steve: this is very important. everyone is talking about it except brian. [laughter] brian: tonight the president has his back against the wall. three out of five committees in
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the house want to move a proposal forward, but the fourth and fifth are having problems. congressman waxman said that they could not get a consensus. in the senate, the same thing. it is not just republicans that have a problem with this. moderate democrats and conservative democrats as well. they were brought to the white house, and they had a thousand page bill that they had huge problems with. the president's situation tonight is where the american public is not supportive of this and the house and senate are not. alisyn: steny hoyer said that he did not think that they could get this in the next nine days. steve: they need to read it! alisyn: the need to read it, but they did not think that it could, at right now, this
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morning, seem possible that all of these disparate ideas could come together, particularly when all of these democrats are not on board. they have got nine days to do it. we will see it tonight the president can sway them with what he says in the press conference. brian: is he going to back off the deadline? steve: he is going on television because the white house has had a very bad week. public opinion regarding health care, below 50%. the mayo clinic said that this would not do anything to control costs and quality would go down. you have got the guy from the congressional budget office, lowering costs, saying that would be how they would keep things in check. you would think that the president would know everything there is to know about this bill, one doesn't 18 pages long. not the case went was talking yesterday to a blogger who
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wanted to know something more about section 102. >> i am not familiar with the provision you are talking about. let me speak for the obama administration. brian: it was a guy from maine. he said that he had a problem, he kept reading a story saying that in the bill the health legislation would out of private insurance. he asked the president if it was true. is it going to outlaw private insurance? you had better know the answer, mr. president. steve: let me describe it for you, mr. president. limitation on a new enrollment. anybody who changes jobs or sets up a business would want to know about new enrollment. it says "those who currently have a private, individual coverage, will not be able to
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change it. whenever you have right now, do not change it, because the next guy will not be the same. nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves. if the three of us left this job, went and started our own company, right? we could not buy private insurance. we would have to go with the government auction. alisyn: that is very different from what the president is saying that if you like your current health care, nothing will change. when we asked the health and human services secretary about this, she said that that was not right. steve: rationing will not happen. alisyn: she also said that when we asked if we could lose private insurance, she said absolutely not. the president was speaking to these loggers hoping that they would spread the word on health care plan, trying to dispel the
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myth. he said that loggers were great at that during his campaign. but this hiccup happen and this is what is being spread. bill: -- brian: first of all, if we open a business it would be a deadly. [laughter] steve: something funny about that. question for jen in the control room, can we show this that bit from last night when been carden -- ben cardin having a town hall and a guy in maryland, prince george's county, his name was robert, and he had a question and that he could not answer. listen. >> i want to know, are you going to tell me, an individual, that i have to buy health care or else you are going to find a $2,500 every year that i do not?
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-- fine me a $2,500 every year that i do not? brian: the crowd got unruly. it was unbelievable. it was like being in los angeles when the fans started yelling back at him. alison cope health care, we always hear this number. 46 million people are uninsured. that is a huge number. that is why so many americans support changing health-care somehow. according to the congressional budget office, those people are if you look at the entire year. someone loses their job for a couple of months, then gets another, they are counted. looking at people that are completely under it -- completely under insured for the entire year, it is only 18 million people. steve: so, at any one time --
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right now we are talking about $18 million -- 80 million people. keep in mind, they are talking -- 18 million people. keep in mind, they are talking about 97%. we currently have coverage of 90%. to reinvent the wheel to cover 7%, is this worth it? the bill is so big. i used the word revolutionize a little while ago. brian: watch the show. steve: it would change everything. so many people are watching now and they are worried about 15 million more people. there is that number again. if they are suddenly in the system, where are the doctor's going to come from? they are going to have to ration health care. with all of those new people in the system, they will have to
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ration. when it comes to rationing, ultimately the elderly are more impacted. more doctors visits, standing in line longer. then you saw the report from great britain, where they have a similar system. when you are elderly, sometimes the government bureaucrats say that it does not make business sense to give you that have replacement. brian: your recall on the show is amazing. i forget what i am wearing. [laughter] e-mail us your questions that you want the president to answer to -- tonight. 10 minutes after the hour. joe biden, looking for him? check the ukraine. he likes to speak extemporaneously. he had a conclusion about the people, and the women, of the ukraine. alisyn: he said that they are beautiful and why has that been kept under wraps? he said that to their president.
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"i cannot believe that a frenchman visiting kiev did knops say that he had discovered the most beautiful women in the room." that is my observation. steve: who is the frenchman he is talking about? the one that did not squeal on the girls? alisyn: one that went to the ukraine? brian: may be nominated for the spurs. looking at the pit for the population, here are four. alisyn: yes, they are. brian: mila kunis, oksana baiul, olga kurylenko. ♪ alisyn: was that ukrainian music? [laughter] steve: have you ever thought about becoming a translator at
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the united nations? [laughter] alisyn: may be a new translator. [laughter] the point is, here are the headlines. new video just into the newsroom, secretary of state hillary clinton is meeting with asian leaders this morning about the north korean nuclear program. >> complete and irreversible denuclearization is the only viable path for north korea. we do not intend to reward them just for returning to the table, nor do we intend to reward them for actions they have committed to taking and then renigged on -- reneged on. alisyn: ready to boost defense if iran does not back down, the
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pentagon read an important voting to the defense spending bill. they voted to drop funding for seven f-22 fighter bombers. the president had threatened to veto the entire package unless the plane's were eliminated. robert gates wants less spending unconventional weaponry and more put towards fighting insurgents. the shuttle astronauts got a wake-up call a few hours ago courtesy of the ever clear hit, santa monica. -♪ brian: i have never heard this. alisyn: brian, you are killing me. two of the astronauts will conduct the third space launch. earthbound students ask one astronaut how to sneeze in a space suit. the answer? very carefully. "my boots in an old suitcase."
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brian: slowdown! why is the president pushing so hard? we will talk to our political panel about that.
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>> the president has asked, because of the timing, as several have alluded to, that we adopt legislation before we adjourn this august. the house of representatives is on target to pass this legislation on july 29, next wednesday. alisyn: why the hurry, congressman? it would be the biggest health care reform in history. should we have a full debate and take our time? our panel this morning, a conservative radio talk-show host, judith more, and a former
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speechwriter for the president. thank you for being here. the president has already adjusted several deadlines in the past six months, notably one on guantanamo. is it not time to take a deep breath and push this past august? >> no. this is the time. he knows that time is not on this time. he has got to go with the big momentum to get this through. this is a major piece of legislation. he is doing the right thing in pushing. alisyn: you are shaking your head furiously. >> the more than americans become familiar, the bigger disaster it is. there is a grass-roots opposition to this the likes of which i have never seen. i launched an on-line petition effort a few years ago to say no to obama. i stood in my skivvies and watched it passed. we got 600,000 signatures in a
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few weeks. free health care, they signed, saying no to this tax and spend disaster. alisyn: you understand momentum, but not the rush to judgment? >> republicans love to say no, the status quo. premiums more than doubled over the last eight years, twice the rate of incomes. that is the problem. last year 50% of americans did not get their prescription drugs and kit -- filled because of the cost. >> clearly broke, but you cannot fix it in a few weeks. acknowledging why this has to be done in a couple of months, but this is a comprehensive overhaul to the health-care system. >> what if we did it in september? >> would you not? >> we need overhaul. the downside is that we are not going to get the reform that we
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need. >> because people are saying now. they do not like the fact that businesses are going to be taxed to death or that abortions could explode. alisyn: on that note, over there we need to talk more with our panel. [laughter] stick around for a few minutes. next, the car industry, getting a ton of cash. congress wants another bailout to save thousands of dealers. what is going on? also, your weekly vasectomy. [laughter] they've ramsey and more on his way to dispose of your credit cards in a smoothly. i am no doctor, but i know that that is the good for you. -- that is not good for you. (voice 1) we've detected an anomaly... (voice 2) how bad is it? (voice 1) traffic's off the chart...
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(voice 2) they're pinging more targets... (voice 3) isolate... prevent damage... (voice 2) got 'em. (voice 3) great exercise guys. let's run it again. the place that inspires her to go faster... and slower, elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended.
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in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe. this is mercedes-benz. the first complete women's multivitamin in a drink mix. with more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping you hydrate. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly healthy.
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alisyn: listened to this, everyone. congress is considering a bill that would require chrysler and general motors to reinstate the dealerships shut down during bankruptcy. is this best for the auto industry? or local politics run amok? we are back with our panel. some of them like this idea of reinstating the dealerships that were shut down, good for local business, right? >> the white house is going to have to make tough calls to get chrysler and general motors through these bankruptcy issues. white-collar workers, blue- collar workers, incredibly tough calls. unfortunately, this would just unravel the deal that we just got to. long-term, you cannot pull it out, the string in the ball that holds it together. alisyn: does the house not know this? >> this is local politics.
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next year is the election year. we should have a bailout for you guys. $60 million? where are the conservatives here? another bailout, all politics. >> this is the inevitable slippery slope, what happens when you get into the bailout business. even the words, obama's although task force cheese, makes my blood -- obama's automobile task force chief, makes my blood run cold. " you are happy. you get what you wish for. -- hoped that you are happy -- i hope you are happy, you get what you wish for. [laughter] alisyn: car dealers and political organizations contributed $3.5 million to house candidates before elections. suddenly the house
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appropriations bill wants to save them. just politics? >> great politics. in a stand why it would be great to be able to do something, but you cannot do everything. thinking about long-term, we cannot do this. alisyn: we all agree on that point. [laughter] thank you so much on that. all right. we showed you this terrifying video yesterday. look at this. >> there is a baby in there! alisyn: two kids trapped in a burning car. meet the man that stop at nothing to save their lives. then the man who was a creek that tape to a espn reporter naked in her hotel room. guess what? he may have done it more than once. then, christmas all over again for kiefer sutherland.
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brian: 30 minutes before the top of the hour. in the final stretch of hour to
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hour extravaganza, let's go to the headlines. major media at the white house as president obama welcomes prime minister nouri al-malki. president obama will likely push champfor power with minority grs in iraq. we have not done that yet? alisyn: obama, battling democrats to get them to pass a bill before they leave town in august. why not write the bill himself? we ask of the health and human services secretary, well, we tried to ask. >> i think that he learned from the early 1990's that unless congress has ownership, how in dialogue and debate -- house and
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senate in dialogue and debate, we cannot push it through. alison cope with a rush it through? steve: republicans in the california legislature are threatening to back out of a deal because the plan calls for the immediate release of 20,000 prison inmates. some would be sent to home detention. others to rehabilitation. all in an effort to save money. the budget still scheduled to go to the house tomorrow. they would released those deemed it the least likely to cause violence. brian: a weird twist around the aaron andrews peeping tom case. the person that filmed the reporter naked in the hotel room could be connected to the coverage. the video was posted on the web. we knew that. tmz reports that the video shows
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six clips taken in two different hotel rooms. her lawyer is horrified and is working with authorities to put the person responsible behind bars. megyn: new guidelines today can change the way that your child is delivered. doctors are advising not to induce labor before 39 wings for non-medical reasons. they say that induced labor can cause an increase in c-sectiosn and medical costs. the number has doubled since 1990. steve: we showed you this incredible video yesterday. >> there is a baby in there! steve: two off-duty milwaukee firefighters, along with a crowd of ordinary people, they do something extraordinary. they used pipes to pullout a mother and her children. earlier on the program, two
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firefighters who are brothers joined us live. >> our experience as firefighters, at no time did i feel my life was in danger. i knew that i would be burned and cut with glass. new are so focused on the task at hand, getting the child out was the number one goal. bill: the father said that the -- steve: the father says that the child was surrounded by angels. bill: charges for head butting a fashion designer, dropped against kiefer sutherland. felt that he had to protect brooke shields after the fashion designer bombed into her, he apparently gave the designer a broken nose. the designer refused to participate with prosecutors. kiefer sutherland had too much
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eggnog, remember? taking out a defenseless spruce tree. it ultimately fell. steve: maybe it was artificial. brian:oh. steve: maybe -- we have been talking about health care, jim demint predicted that the biggest obstacles to the $2 trillion government takeover of health care are democrats, the american people, and the facts. when he said $2 trillion, we started thinking. can you get your head around how many dollars to $1 trillion is? what is it? the people put together this video. >> $1 trillion is a new $1 billion. it is a huge number. what is the economic impact? you can buy a $3 a lot say every
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day for 900 million years. it is enough to purchase every stock on the toronto stock exchange. with $1 trillion, we could fund the military for all nato countries combined. twice the cost of the new deal, 10 times the cost of the marshall plan, covering every rent check in the u.s. for three years, sending every citizen on a three week vacation. it can go a long way. $1 trillion is only one 10th of the current bailout. alisyn: how many copies? steve: as we heard from me all, $24 trillion is the total
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maximum if everything went haywire. brian: it all started in october, democrats will tell you that it started with president bush. people, we have the answers to your pressing financial questions. alisyn: dave ramsey, host of "the dave gransee show" on the fox business network. >> a good morning. steve: you look like? i am black, johnny [laughter] cash] >> it is a national thing. -- steve: you look like the man in black, johnny cash. [laughter] >> is a national thing. brian: how do we save money? >> it sounds like you are going shopping, you are probably going to get the coverage that the rest of us have in the real world.
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if you are not in corporate america, like me, i am a self- employed, you purchase a major medical policy with a large deductible and a huge copiague. that means you are going to pay more out of your pocket for little things, but it will save you a lot of money every month. alisyn: this comes from jack, texas. "remind me of the percentage of salary that to be tied up in the value of vehicles"? >> a good rule of thumb, they go down in value like a rock. do not tie too much of your financial life into things going the wrong way. the tow lot older vehicles should be no more than half of your annual income except in unusual circumstances. steve: "my husband has four credit cards he is paying off. two will be paid off against the
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next payment. should he close the account or should he keep them open? >> i always tell you to close the account. closing the account of sex or ficus court, but i do not -- closing your account affects your flight go score -- f ico scored. eventually your score goes away. what we need in washington, i was looking for my sisters, we need a creative way to destroy your credit cards -- was looking for my says doris -- scissors, we need a creative way to destroy your credit cards. it is bad. they do all kinds of things that are fun to destroy credit cards.
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steve: looks like he is making a credit smoothly. there they go call one at a time. bill: no word, this is a young guy, fresh out of college. that is when you get those credit cards and the bills come right after. >> he probably has enough of debt from college. lots of college students trade their souls for a free pizza. steve: at least they get some pizza. thank you very much. dave ramsey, he knows everything about cash. alisyn: president obama is apparently not that familiar with his own health care proposal. listen. >> you know, i have to say that i am not familiar with the provision you are talking about. let me speak for the obama administration. alisyn: what is the truth? will they get provisions under
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the new plan? we have a truth seeker. brian: how much faith belongs in classrooms? the center of the question is in texas. tucker carlson will be here. hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios.
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plus, a free cookbook when you join. call liberty. they can help you live a better life. call the number on your screen. >> will people be able to keep their insurance? or will insurers be able to write new policies even though hr320 is passed? >> you know, i have to say, i am not familiar with the provision you are talking about. brian: the president, not familiar with his all health care plan. alisyn: this provision that he is unsure of, allegedly regulating private insurance. something that the president
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promised would be a public auction, and that regulation could " private care out of business. we are very confused. joining us now and every day, our fox news analyst, peter johnson jr., who specializes in health and insurance. >> happy to be here. alisyn: explain to us what this provision is. >> you talked to the topic earlier. it is going to outlaw private insurance. we look carefully at it, it will not outlawed private insurance, it will be grandfathered in. but, when you look at the law, which will dramatically change the way that private insurance is sold in this country, demanding that there would be guaranteed insurance for everyone, it will change to a community rating system, meaning
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that the same price will be paid depending on your health under both situation. most experts are predicting that it will in fact forced out many private insurance companies. as a matter of law, as a matter of fact, legislation does not outlaw it, but if you look at the profits that the government will not have in offering the insurance plan, looking at the regulations, it will be impossible for these private insurance companies to compete. looking at the reimbursement of the government will pay, substantially less than private insurance. you might have yours for a short period of time, but odds are, based on some studies, it will go down. brian: you can still look at me once in a while. [laughter] president barack obama, what does it mean?
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>> if you like your health care system and your doctor, the only thing that reform will mean to you is that your health care will cost less. if anyone says otherwise, they do not have their facts straight or they are trying to mislead you. brian: is that true? do the fax back up the statement? >> as he claims the actual provision of the law in dealing with private health insurance goes, studies show that private health insurance will be virtually impossible to maintain if there is a public auction. alisyn: it is supposed to make private insurance more affordable, but you say they will go out of business because they will not be able to compete? >> if the government reimburses at a lower rate, if the government does not have a profit motive, if the government off of the bat can offer a rate
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of 30% to 40%, then you percent -- present less care, where will employers and individuals go? private companies? or government sponsored health care? brian: saying i will not take it away from you, but that logic shows corporations will take it away from you. they will go to something that is more affordable. >> the president made it clear, asking about this, saying time and again, people with the same doctors and same insurance plans. as is being espoused right now by the president, the effect will be over time, according to have least one study, 80 to 100 million people would not have the ability to get private insurance. there will be a grandfather in the plan that we have right now.
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as health-care costs increase, who will your employer go to? the government plan that is 30 or 40% less? i suggest that they go to the government plan. alisyn: so glad that you are reading this so that we do not have to. brian: day by day. i am very interested. i run a lot form and we provide insurance. -- >> i run a law firm and we provide insurance. we have got to be hard and fair about numbers but at the same time we need answers and we need them now. brian: thank you so much. how much faith should be in american history classrooms? the outcome will affect what
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kids learn in texas. alisyn: let's check in with bill hemmer. bill: a great way to fall asleep at night, read the health care bill. why did the president meet with the head of a neutral organization when it comes to the budget? deep cuts needed to solve the budget disaster, and no new taxes. the growing swarm of bees coming from the southwest. do not bother them, leave them alone. you are one person, but you can move a nation. you can walk with a purpose to end alzheimer's... by joining us for memory walk.
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[ man ] you invite three people. [ woman ] and they'll invite three people. and before you know it, you have a team. more than 5 million americans... may not be able to stop the progression of alzheimer's. but we can. step up. move a nation to end alzheimer's. start a team today. go to
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steve: six people in texas will have a drastic impact on what your people are taught in their social studies class. they are asking three
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conservatives and three liberals to weigh in on the curriculum. how does this impact schools outside of texas? joining us now in our travel with textbook series, at tucker carlson. >> good morning. steve: you have been working on a special, a documentary on how textbooks are messed up across the country. in particular, and i know about this because we have been examining it, texas has a lot of weight. explain how books approved in texas wind up all over the country? >> one of the biggest states in the union, some of the most schoolchildren. books adopted in texas coast a wide. takes a lot of money to make a text will. textbook publishers -- money to make a textbook. textbook publishers cannot afford to make changes for other states.
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decisions made in texas river raid to other states almost instantly. this is a battle that is about politics, religion, education, and it matters. this argument is about history standards. american high school students, the majority scored the lowest possible score in history. we know nothing about history. apparently. steve: they are trying to figure out how to incorporate talking about christianity in american history. you have got three conservatives and three liberals, and it will come up with a compromise? >> they will likely come up with a compromise. to date the compromise has been that if -- christianity is downplayed and painted in a negative light. other goals and religions elevated to a higher place. 9/11 is explained without reference to the religious views
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of the hijackers. it is not explain why they did this. they just kind of somehow flew into these buildings. this is one of the errors in fact that this debate may stall. liberals on the side of the texas debate want to see less emphasis on the cold war in american history. [laughter] steve: id defined of the world for 50 years. >> conservatives would like to see greater reliance on primary text. steve: tucker has a documentary coming out. thank you so much. >> thank you. we will continue the show in two minutes.
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