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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 22, 2009 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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bill: my favorite segment of the day with a beekeeper. i used to have them every summer. everything worked out. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute jon: your health care and how to pay for it. president obama getting ready to make his push for health-care reform. we are live at the white house where the president will hold a prime-time news conference at 8:00 eastern this evening. the fight for health care reform, certainly not easy, even facing opposition from his own party, the blue dogs. they are concerned about the trillion dollar price tag. the president already has exhausted all lot of his political and economic capital
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by passing the stimulus and energy bill known as cap and trade. come with the ballooning deficit, -- combined with the ballooning deficit, all of this could make his plan tough to sell. mike emanuel is at the white house. we have heard from the president çon health care reform many tis in recent days. what more can he say tonight? >> you are right, this would be the 10th time in as many days that he has made a case for health care. obviously, the white house believes that tonight they can get the largest audience to talk about his health care reform. you mentioned members of his own party pushing back, and the change the momentum on this, and so the president will be making a direct appeal to the american public.
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jon: it also sounds like he wants to appeal to those millions of americans who already have health insurance and to not want to change. >> we heard that from him yester day when he said, and those who are concerned about new reform ruining their coverage -- here is what he said. >> you will not lose your health care if you change jobs, lose jobs, or start a business. and you will not lose insurance if you get sick. >> they are trying to reassure people that this will not mess things up for them. jon: two questions. is what he just said true? that is yet to be seen. the second question is, is this media blitz going to work? >> that is a great question. the white house feels like he is the best weapon for this
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administration. putting him in primetime and making his case directly, they need a game changer tonight now that polls have shown support is slipping. jon: thank you. we will be back there tonight. 2 and in as the president pitches his health-careç plan o the nation -- tune in as the president pitches his health- care plan to the nation. jane: we have been hearing all lot about these blue dog democrats. who are they? they are a group of conservative democrat from mostly centrist districts. they were formed in 1995 with the goal of representing the center of the house. where did they get that name? it has roots in theç south, tan from a long time description of party loyalists. democrats would vote for a
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yellow dog if it had a d on the ballot. some have felt that their conservative values had been choked blue out of them. we will see what happens this time around. jon: we want to take you to cover space for a spacewalk -- outer space for a spacewalk, replacing some batteries on the solar panel. steve centanni is following this from washington, d.c. what are they doing today? >> this is the third of five space walks planned for this mission. you can see them getting in position. they will be traveling quite a distance from the airlock, and
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so they have to use a special tether as they do their work. it is about as far away as you could travel on the space station. of course, it will be difficult with all of the movements of the battery. each battery weighs about 375 çpounds, the size of a small refrigerator. jon: so we're not talking about aa-size batteries? >> absolutely. it is very delicate equipment. oday, the other two on friday. in all, there will be five space
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walks. quite a crowd as well, 13 people in all, the most ever. jon: besides the battery change, what else do they have to do? >> the main goal was to deliver a platform or porch for a scientific experiment as part of the japanese space lab. by the way, it got the all clear on that possible heat shield problem. there was concern about falling debris from the field tank. they were worried it may have damaged some of the heat tiles. however, everything seems to be ok. they will be doing another check. jon: that is great news. we do not want to see another
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columbia disaster. jane: now to a battle on capitol hill over guns. the senate taking aim on an amendment expanding rights to carry concealed weapons. owners with a concealed gun would be able to carry them into another state. molly henneberg is watching this for us. how far will this go? could you care your weapon into any state? >>ç no, this amendment says if you are able to get a concealed weapons permit in your home state, then you can carry it into other states that also permit concealed weapons. senator thune wrote a letter today, saying, the amendment would not allowç for carrying a concealed weapon into any state. he goes on to say --
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he simply says it provides reciprocity between states. jane: opponents say that this would end of weakening gun laws in different states. >> today, the democrat majority with durbin said congress should not allow when state laws to trump and others. some democrats are threatening to filibuster this when it comes to a floor vote. jane: the top senate democrats is breaking with his party and in voting for the amendment? >> yes, harry reid, from the western state of nevada, says that he supports this amendment and plans to vote for it. that would put him at odds with other top democrats. jane: thank you.
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jon: right now the army is investigating the reported kidnapping of a soldier in this country. he was based at fort hood, texas. james gonzales disappeared after visiting his family in corpus christi. he said he was going to laredo to be with a friend before rolling back to the base. saying that the dollars they had been kidnapped and that they were demanding $100,000 ransom and the withdrawal of troops along the border area. we will have more on this mystery witness be to his brother. jane: taking a look at the dow, up 14 points. some major earnings reports from banks today. jenna lee, what are we hearing? >> weighing on the market is new is that could really affect your neighborhood. çit is earnings season, said tt
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means regional banks to get to show us exactly what is happening. this happened every three months. morgan stanley, wells fargo, and other regional banks reported today. there is a trend rising to the service that we need to pay attention to. many of them are suffering from bad commercial real-estate loans. what does this mean? it means banks are having a hard time doing business with some of the small businesses that depend on them for loans, mortgages. banks are not able to provide the financing to these small businesses because they are not getting paid on these mortgages, and because businesses cannot get relief through refinancing, they end up not paying their loans and end up having to foreclose. so it is a double win me. there had been a lot of discussion between washington and wall street on just how big this problem is.
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no one really knows, but this is the first indication that this could be a challenge moving forward for the banks and job market. we forget inside some of those store fronts was a business that was not only operating, but paying the employees. jane: thank you. jon:ç it organization that hels those in need need to help itself. the salvation army is making cuts because donations are down. they closed two offices along the gulf coast, meant to help victims of the hurricanes. the company says it can provide the basics, but it's a bad hurricane hits, they will not be able to provide past levels of ) relief one spokesperson says that they are praying for a mild hurricane season. jane: did you see this video? this group of good americans an
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off-duty firefighters pulling one mother and her kids from the burning s.u.v. we will be talking with the father of those children. dj, the little boy in the car, has burns over much of his body. more after the break.
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jane: an update for you on that 4-year-old boy that was pulled from a burningç s.u.v. dj harper remains in intensive care. he and his sister were in the car along with their mother. his doctor says he has serious, deep burns through 20% of his body, and right now he is being prepared for his first skin graft surgery. his father is with us on the telephone. give us an update.
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i assume he is the data from his burns? >> -- sedated from his burns? >> yes, heavily sedated. i have spent a lot of time with him. i am awaiting until i can hold him, but it will be a while. i will stay with him. jane: what will happen today? what are they telling you about this first surgery? what are you looking after that? >> today's surgery will be in the lengthy one, anywhere between six and eight hours. that is just the first of many skin grafts he is scheduled to have. jane: i cannot even imagine how you are feelingì!=] is your wir daughter doing? >> bebe is doing good.
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she is a regular two-year old. some bumps and bruises, but she is fine. my wife feels really guilty because she was driving. jane: i know that you are not from the area, but you were in tgwo working at a town fair? >> that is right. she closed her eyes for just a second, she feels so guilty. it was so fast. jane: we interviewed some of the firefighters who were there and able to break through the car and got dj. they said that they heard him screaming and it was a no- brainer. >> that is right. i have met both of them. they are angels. the whole community that you can
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see on the video, they are angels. this is what america is made of. jane: we are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. best of luck to you. >> we have a fund set up at usbank. jane: thank you for mentioning that. you can go to and we are going to put that information out there. you will begin to donate -- will be able to donate. >> we are planning to relocate here. this process may take eight months, so we are going to relocate. jane: thank you for your time. çjon: a new poll shows the president has a challenge ahead of him. the majority of americans are now skeptical of the president's
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reform plan. we will speak to karl rove as to whether or not this spells the end of the obama health care plan. n
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jon: back to our top story, the push for health-care reform in this country,ç as president oba takes his plan to the american people. a new usa today gallup poll shows it might be a tough sell. 50% of those surveyed disapproved of the way he is handling health care policy. only 44% approved. and there is a tremendous partisan gap here. 70% democrats compared to a 11% of republicans approve of his
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plans. someone who knows how hard it is to get legislation pushed through both houses of congress. karl rove is our guest. the president is obviously pushing hard to get his reform plan put across. he is spending a lot of his political capital to do so. does he have any left, given poll numbers like this? >> it will be very problematic. earlier this week there was another poll that had similar numbers. they released more of their data, and i went through it. what was interesting was the people who strongly disapproved of the president's handling of health care was 33%, those who strongly disapprove or 25%. among independents, 35% approvedç -- 55% approve, today
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it is 49%. he is wrapped in the losing support among independents, and that is not good. if you are looking at these types of numbers, you know that you have 66 members of the house who are democrats who represent districtsç. they are going to hear about this when they go back home. similarly in the north dakota area, nebraska, the arkansas senator, all of them were carried by bush and john mccain. jon: the president has said time and again the health-care system that we have is bankrupting the country and that is why we have to have this done by the august recess. your take? >> that is why his case has been
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damaged. they have been taking torpedoes on this week, and the biggest one was delivered by dag elmendorf who said, are you going to reduce health-care spending? he said the administration's proposal to not control costs. in fact, federal spending would go up under the proposal. he then followed up with a letter in which he said the administration's proposals would add to the deficit $239 billion over the next 10 years, and that is assuming there are new taxes and hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts in medicare spending, both of which are difficult for congress to approve. so this program may add $2 billion to the deficit, and perhaps more. çthe bad news kept on going.
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and there was another study that said the health proposal would take 85 people off of their private plan and on to the public option. governors met in biloxi, mississippi this past week. four governors and join the republicanç counterparts and criticized the administration's proposals because it had $44 billion in had to state government because of increased medicare spending. finally, charlie rangel said we should have a surtax on people making $350,000 or more, as couples. maybe we should increase the top rate by between one and seven . , based on their income. jon: you mentioned charlie rangel. there is a quote from him,
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something that he did not mean for people to hear. this is what he said -- if charlie rangel is saying that -- it is out of his committee -- but clearly, this is in trouble. >> 21 out of 31 freshmen democrats signed a letter in disagreeing with the tax increases that charlie rangel moved from his committee. they are looking at taking this to the floor without the votes. even in the democratic house where there is a big democratic majority. on a previous program, we showed footage of a missouri congressman tried to sell this plan back at home. the problem is they have failed
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çone congressional member went home to his district in florida and there were 300 protesters waiting for him. what happens in august when all of these representatives have to go home without reading any of these bills, and does all of that dissatisfaction are merged in august? that is why the president is trying to get this done. jon: maybe even a news conference will not turn that around. >> do not think so. jon: be sure to tune in tonight, 7:55 p.m. jane: new fears that north korea may transfer its nuclear technology to a neighbor. they are concerned about ties between the north and another
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asian nation. you know it is bad enough when telemarketers call when you were sitting down for dinner, but guy was thrown in jailfor yelling back at them. what did he say? and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. robert shapiro: we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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jon: the push to revamp the nation's health-care system, the republican battle with cancer as a teenager says that he would not be alive today if it was up to the government jane: astronauts on the space shuttle endeavor on onç a six-hour spacewalk replacing batteries on the solar panel. we will bring you live pictures. jon: and a manhunt in seattle. two women were stabbed inside their own home. our police any closer to solving the case? -- are police any closer to solving the case?
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jane: secretary of state hillary clinton saying that the u.s. would extend a defense umbrella over its allies in the gulf. with me now is james rosen in thailand. explain to me exactly what the secretary is saying the administration can live with in terms of what iran could potentially be doing? >> let me first to reassure our viewers as to why i am using this technology. we are in a jungle-sort of a resort area, and our blackberrys can not receive or make calls. on iran, the secretary's remarks were striking because to some, they seemed to suggest a way in which the obama administration, and allies in the persian gulf,
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would be able to live with a nuclear-arms iran/ she described this defensive on burlap. -- umbrella. later on, she clarify her remarks, saying that she never meant to infer and that a nuclear-arms iran would be at all acceptable. let us listen to her. >> that should affectç the calculation of what iran intends to and what it believes is in its national security interest because it may render iran less secure, not more secure. >> some veterans of the hillary clinton presidential campaign, reporters, remember her making similar comments in the campaign, the none of the
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reporters seemed to remember president obama speaking about a defense umbrella over the area. jane: the marriage of new and old technology. thank you. jon: it is that why you do not go into the jungle? because or blackberry will not work? political comedy is no laughing matter in pakistan. his e-mail mother arrived with some jokes, including this one. he says the pakistani people are confused because they do not know which side to sit on. now he is asking his off[ce to transmit and stop any
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information or joke against their president. if they are caught, they could be placed in jail for 14 years. critics are calling it draconian and authoritative. aren't you glad you live in the united states? çjane: now to the dow. we are down -- up about five points. chrysler is giving even more incentives to get you in the showroom. $2,500 for your trade in. -- $4,500 for your trade in. >> this is approximately what you would get to trade in your car, but it cannot get less than 18 miles per gallon, and cannot be more than 20 years
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old. chrysler does not care. they are going to match that incentive, and they are going to give you 0% financing for about six years. the cash for clinkerunkers would begin tomorrow. you have until august 31 to participate. we always ask the question, though, how much would this cost us? chrysler has emerged from bankruptcy recently, things to taxpayers -- thanks to taxpayers. also, there is a cost-benefit analysis you may want to do before you start this kind of deal. one great place toç find that information is at
11:38 am i was also researching a bit about what you should do about this trade-in deal. some advice i got was to leave your old car at home. studies prove you will get a better deal if you show up and negotiate without the older car. çand jane: i will have jon pick us up in his ferrari. jon: an ohio man in mccourt today for doing something that many of us have wanted to do. he talked back to a telemarketing company. however, prosecutors say that he crossed the line, making a terrorist threat against the company. it was one of those phone calls
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pitching in extended car warranty. police said that he told the sales rep that he would burn down their buildings and kill all of them and their families. he is now out on bail -- now being held on bail, but that could be reduced later on this afternoon. jamie: back to capitol hill. nancy pelosi and other congressional members are addressing reporters on health care. >> today, we are going to hear real stories from real people about the impact about what health care will have on their lives. for the american people, the americanç affordable choices at will mean a cap on your cost, but no cap on your benefit. that represents real change. today, we are joined by four
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americans that have worked hard and play by the rules aéd have ended up with crushing health care costs. our first guest has a medical- from human cancer and she could foreclose on her home. katherine howard of san francisco and jacqueline of massachusetts both beat cancer, but had radically different experiences with health insurance. americans affordable health choices act takes a number of steps to insure when americans face a health crisis, they all asked -- also do not face a financial crisis. consumers will have more choices so that they can find plans without waiting periods and high deductibles. there will be an annual limit on health of pocket expenses, and
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no lifetime limits on care. there will be no more copays or deductibles for preventive care that can catch a devastating illness is in time. if you change jobs or lose your job, or have a pre-existing medical condition, you cannot be denied coverage. i am not pleased to introduce an hour group vice chair. he serves on the subcommittee of the ways and means committee who is helping to move this reform effort. he has been a very a valued member of our caucus and the leadership. >> thank you, madam speaker. for those of you who think that this has been an artful game of political or policy chess,ç her the stories of the people with
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us today. and this is the real deal. this is about finally giving people a real sense that health care will be there for them and their families. if anyone thinks that the stories written today about where we are in this health care discussion are simply stories about washington, d.c., then you were sorely mistaken. the real story that this is all about is here todayç. in some places in america, people think they have good health insurance. in some places in america, too many americans have found out that they do not. we intend to change that. america's affordable health choices act makes it possible for know when to have to worry that the health insurance they have will not be enough. nolly has a story to tell you.
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she is a small businessmen. she was doing very well. then she found out she had uterine cancer. she had health insurance, and like all americans, she thought she would be ok. until her insurance company told her that you were too sick to be helped. her coverage did not take care of what she needed. today, like many americans in the country who are on the verge of losing their homes, she had to take out money from her home so that she could pay for some of her expenses. today she is one of those many americans who are not sure if she will be able to keep something as important as the roof over her head. now, these stories go on all the time, but her story is no
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different from many americans in this country. so while we write and read about these tales çof political and policy discussion and debate, the real stories are here. >> good morning. until a few years ago, i was a healthy freelance film maker. i prided myself on being responsible, irresponsible self and a person. i did the smart thing, got a low end health care policy with a large deductible -- catastrophe çinsurance policy. i told my friend and must buy insurance in case i got hit by a bus. i know that might sound
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dramatic, but i'm a filmmaker. what happened to me sometimes felt like more than a movie and then my actual life. two years ago last month i got hit by the bus. i heard those three most terrifying words that you can here in america. you have cancer. when you hear those words, it is like stepping into outer space. none of the normal rules in my apply. everything becomes surreal. this cannot be happening. when i finally found my tongue, the first thing out of my mouth was i know i cannot afford this. never mind it will stage four uterine cancer and had spread to my lymph nodes already which required an immediate hysterectomy, and i had the possibility of no longer having children.
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my first words were, i cannot afford this. never mind the chemotherapy cocktail i was about to endure for the next eight months. it meant i would never be the same period of time was consumed with the fear that i would have to declare bankruptcy. never mind i was being told the key to my recovery was to remain stress free. all i could hear was, i will probably lose my house. so my health care nightmare began. the legal costç did not cover these drugs, $500 per shot. $500 per round, i have six rounds. i had to call cousins in canada to see if i could get it cheaper. my insurance company would not pay for the anti-knowledge of drugs. after the first five rounds, i got the first bill in the mail
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and it was four pages, itemized, and one item on the first round was for a shot of nulasta worth about $6,000. that was one item. iç about passed out, knowing tt i was going to have to pay almost $36,000 in bills. some days, when i got the bills, it was about as excruciating as the chemotherapy. there were days that my brain i would not make it because i did not want to face what was waiting for me on the other side. but i survived cancer. less than a year intermission, i had to battle with my mortgage company who had put me into foreclosure, even though i had never missed a payment during the entire time of radiation.
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there was no leniency. i had a subprime mortgage because i'm self-employed. if it was not for the fact that i knew my congressman, i would not know -- have my home. they and the press rally for me, and i ended up to keep my home. i did not lose my home, but it should not take an act of congress for someone to be able to keep their house. being 15 months intermission, i know that my recovery depends on keeping my stress low, as i chipped away at the end of thousands of dollars that my insurance company did not cover. it was not that i was not responsible. i did the right thing. i bought the insurance. i got injured with a major carrier, but still it was not enough to keep meç from losingy home almost. now that same policy has doubled and i am terrified to get another one because now that
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i know i have had cancer, eye and a marked woman. there are 47 million people in the country without insurance. they are not looking for a handout. they are people like me who are asking for, i'm begging for, anchoret health reform package that becomes law, so that people likeç me can receive adequate health care, who are physically in fiscally ruin by getting in diagnosis of cancer. jane: listening to that news conference as well, speaker policy and others tried to keep it on the positive as the administration is getting hit by doubt on the health-care plan reform. we are hearing some stories from people who say that they would be helped by the new reform plan. our next guest is someone who
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wholeheartedly disagrees and says that he would not be alive if the government's plan was in place. . .
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jane: nancy pelosi, just before the public -- before the commercial break, with stories of people that she says will be helped by health care reform. now, the other side. mike rogers is a cancer survivor. he said that if the government had been running health care, he might not be with us today. congressman, good to see you. why do you make that claim? >> i would not have fit the profile for a mandated government plan. if it fits outside of the normal, a cold calculation, some
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things will not be covered. we see that in canada and the united kingdom. at age 19 it is physically impossible to get bladder cancer. someone in my position, mice -- my physician knew that something was not right. i had a little bit of blood in my urine. i was playing football. she said that the other folks in the doctor's office want to say that you just got jarred, i want to say that there is something more. under a government plan it would not fit because someone had 19 does not get bladder cancer. it happens in canada. a young lady wanted to get her cervical cancer checked early, but they only pay for it after age 25. age 23, she got cervical cancer. the only way to control costs is
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to ration care. had they not call it early, by the time that thing had spread to my body, they could have found it later on, it probably would have been too late. jane: what your identifying is a fear that a lot of people have. take a look at what the president has said about the changes that might come to your civic plan as a taxpayer. >> under our proposal, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. if you like your current insurance, you keep it. end of story. jane: is that not true? >> it is not and i will tell you why. it is only true if your employer keeps it. here is the problem, they have built a perverted incentive system for your employer to drop coverage. i spoke to someone yesterday in michigan, they had about 800
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employees. 15% for each employee for health care costs. here they will be penalized 8%. he said that he will drop health care in a second, it was just business. they build incentives into the bill to get you off of private coverage. when he looks at the camera and wags his finger, saying that you get to keep health care, that is a disingenuous. people that are afraid and nervous, there are a lot of things that we can do with health care. i will jump at this chance to have the government ration care. they are going to create a new group that is absolutely going to set the prices. scary stuff that they are trying to do. employers around the country have said that if that is what they're doing, i will
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absolutely stop my health care. jane: the white house says, in their defense, they are not forcing people to go into a public plan. congressman, we will have to leave it there. thank you for your time. >> thank you. jon: brand new information about a soldier that went missing along the message -- mexican border. his brother joins us. president obama continues to push his health care plan. he will do so in a news conference this evening. you can turn to the fox news channel for coverage beginning at 7:55 eastern time tonight.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute jane: welcome to the top of the next hour of "happening now." the biggest item of the president's political agenda, hitting roadblocks. he wants health care reform, he wants a bill before the summer resort -- congressional summer recess. the senate finance committee is days behind schedule, trying to figure out how to pay for its version. democrats on the house side are expressing concerns. still, nancy pelosi promises to forge ahead. take a listen. >> the american people, this act
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will mean a cap on your costs. but no cap on your benefits. no cap on your benefits. that represents real change. jane: shannon green is on the hill, trying to follow what is going on. tell us where these moderate and conservative health democrats, known as the blue dogs, where do they stand this hour? >> they are making progress according to representative mike ross. he is heading up the blue dog health-care task force. he was one of the key players at that task force meeting. he said that there was a long way to go but that we are inching towards some progress. nancy pelosi and all of these other groups need them back to get their work done. this group controls the house energy and commerce committee for a second day.
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blue dogs are still in control. it appears that the committee is once again silent. >> politics makes strange bedfellows -- bedfellows, but mitch mcconnell, what is going on there? >> and not exactly the best of friends, these people are coming from bite -- diametrically opposed points. they said they haven't -- an important thing in common, that the democratic proposals out there are not good enough. they said they agreed, wholeheartedly could not agree more, that these proposals are not where they need to be. ultimately filtering out from both of them, what is on the table is not good enough for the american people. a lot of the democrats have been pointing the finger at republicans, saying that they are the ones blocking the
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progress, as well as the senate majority leader, responding specifically to dim the mint, who said that this could be the president's waterloo. the fact that we are seeing is not what the american people want, that health care reform is taking us in the wrong direction. today, senator reid declared this and irresponsible method. here is what he said a short time ago. >> that approach does nothing for the americans who are one pink slip away from losing health care. that policy does nothing to help the millions of americans with no insurance to begin with. >> with those deadlines looming, it seems that within the democratic party, certainly republicans, there is a lot of ground to cover. the clock is ticking. maybe the deadline is moving. it seems unlikely that this package will come together before august. >> shannon is on the hill,
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bringing us the developments as they happen. >> a little while ago -- jon: a little while ago we brought to that news conference from nancy pelosi, she brought forward cancer survivors who are showing their support for health-care reform. they say that they would not be -- that the kind of health care that president obama and the speaker are promising us would prevent or help to care for the kinds of illnesses from which they suffered. our managing editor in washington, d.c. joins us now. he has a look at what the president wants to do tonight. he seems very aggressive in selling his program to the american people. why? >> he can sense the momentum slipping away, and he knows that there is not enough time to get this stuff down next month.
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conventional wisdom is coalescing before our eyes. there was a story a couple of minutes ago talking about obama looking for a fallback position, code for not getting what we want. you saw it with nancy pelosi bringing out cancer survivors. there is panic in the air. she got out there and said that there will be a cap on costs, but not benefits. >> and chickens in every pot? >> exactly. if they could show that that sentence is in this 1000 page bill, which i have tried to read and it is very difficult, people would be more likely to believe it. the problem is, john, the other day president obama did a conference call with left wing bloggers. one of them asked about the
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outlawing of private health insurance in one of the sections, the president said he was not even familiar with that section. the president himself is not even familiar with the bill. jon: that is what is so disturbing to a lot of people, the speaker coming out to make announcements, but the devil is in the details. it capped and the trade is any indication, the details will not even be made by the legislators voting on this. >> true, no one reads these and they have acknowledged that. interesting on this particular issue, health care, as you can see that the democrats are clearly on the defense, trying to muster support, doing press conference and previously unscheduled events, putting on a full-court press. it is weird, as soon as they go
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on the offense, they are instantly on the defense because they have to prepare the party to others of the bill. this invites more questions, which is precisely why we do not want to go into the august recess with this thing dispensed with. i heard that over the july 4 break, many lawmakers got an ear feel -- earful from their constituents. jon: one of the issues coming into play once the president gets this out of the way quickly, according to congressman chris smith of new jersey, the way that the bill is written would require that abortion be available to
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everyone, of being a part of the taxpayer funded mechanism. that if you want, you can have it. lots of people will not like that. >> absolutely. tax dollars paying for abortion is one of the big issues in this nation. conservatives are riled up. it uncovered a " -- component, the conservative part of the party is very riled up about this. there are questions in my mind about what this would do to public hospitals, -- catholic hospitals. would they have to close their doors rather than fall into line? a real implication that has not been explored. i do not think that people -- that is why people are saying we need to slow down until we get
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through. realizing what the implications are before it is too late. highly unlikely that it will be passed before congress adjourns. >>jon: it will be interesting tonight to see what they say. we will have fox news special coverage the way that only fox can provide it beginning at 7:55 a.m. -- 7:55 p.m. eastern time. the president will meet the country's prime minister of iraq by and about two minutes. nouri al-malki, visiting to renew faith in iraqi independence. with he will also meet with timothy geithner about it encouraging greater foreign investment.
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jane: north korea's regime is keeping quiet about the health of kim jong il. today the admiral, one of the most popular commanders, said that the united states is making plans today, and jennifer griffin is in the pentagon for us. what did the admiral say that we know at this point? >> admiral keating is leaving his command post in 90 days, he talked about the health of keene -- kim jong-il. >> he has clearly suffered some change of health. is it the result of a stroke? is it some larger issue at stake?
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i do not know. he is a different man today? he was one year ago. what would happen if and when he cedes control or is no longer capable of exercising control? we do not know. we have plans in place if the president tells us to execute them. >> a foreshadowing of things to come, i think. jane: we have side-by-side pictures of the difference in his health. pretty dramatic. did he have anything on the concerns that north korea might actually be sharing technology to get a nuclear bomb? >> perhaps you are referring to statements by one of the state department's officials traveling with hillary clinton. that official suggested that
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there are concerns that north korea is sharing nuclear technology with myanmar. admiral keating did not say that. remember, the military was closely monitoring that ship that was largely believed to be headed toward myanmar. military cooperation between the countries is speculated. denver is at the pentagon. jon: just days after a month's long budget standoff in california, arnold schwarzenegger takes a light- hearted stab at the budget battle, thinking californians for sending their ideas on how to field -- how to fill the
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deficit. check out this video. >> thank you very much for all of the great advice you are giving me. we talked about making cuts in the budget getting rid of some of the state costs. why not sign the state vehicles and sign them for more money? give me more of those ideas, we need them. jon: california's $100 billion budget includes $14 billion in cuts to schools, public works, and welfare programs. they are expected to vote tomorrow. jane: the army is investigating the disappearance of an american soldier in mexico. there is now a demand for ransom. his brother is here with us . an aspirin regimen.
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you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself. or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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jon: what happened to private first class james gonzales? he failed to return to fort hood one week ago. his family says that he was kidnapped while visiting friends in the mexican border town. the people holding him one $100,000 in cash, demanding that the u.s. withdraw troops from the border. they cannot confirm or deny the ransom demand.
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talking with us now is the soldiers brother, joining us live on the phone. a confusing story, your brother was going to the border to see friends? >> yes. jon: did he go into mexico? >> we do not know yet. jon: but do -- it would be like him to go into mexico? >> not that we know. he went to lorado every once in awhile. note it has been 10 or 11 days. jon: you have heard nothing from him since. no cell phone, no visa, know my face -- no my space. how did you find out about the ransom? >> we got a phone call from the army, asking if we had heard or
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seen from james because he had not reported for duty. a few hours from that. jon: the fbi and the army are still investigating? >> correct. jon: your brother was facing a couple of misdemeanor charges resulting from a battle that he had had with his girlfriend. he was accused of smashing her car window with a rock? >> it was actually his vehicle that he broke the window to. he was the one that actually initiated the phone call. jon: you do not think that that has anything to do with the disappearance? >> that is just a little stuff, carrying little to any probation time at all. jon: all right.
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you think that a couple of kidnappers have him somewhere? >> that is the information they have given to us. that is what we are going on. jon: what is being done to find him? >> that has been kept from us. they have said that they're working on intelligence with people from mexico and that they are working on different odds and ends, trying to figure out what needs to go on. other than that we do not know more. jon: we appreciate the information. go to our live shots page to follow this story as it developed. reporters of producers, camera crews, filing reports on breaking news.
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jane: things on capitol hill have been getting nasty, but look at what happened in the south korean parliament. punches, someone in the hospital. looks like some strangulation as well. ?7
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here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me.
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jane: breaking news into the death of michael jackson. alexi>> dea agents have descendd upon the clinic. remember dr. conrad murray? here is a picture of him now. this has to do with preliminary results of the autopsy made available that indicate how jackson died. a team of several dozen dea agents, los angeles detectives,
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and uniformed officers are reportedly carrying out a search warrant at the houston office of michael jackson's doctor, dr. conrad murray. this is happening now. the raid is going on. we have a crew waiting with live pictures. remember, there were questions about whether or not this doctor might have given an intravenous drug to michael that might have caused his death and if there was anything he could have done in the cpr he performed on the bed. lots of questions around this doctor and others that treated like a jackson previous to his death. this doctor is at the center of an investigation. agents have said all along that they would focus on him. we are getting reports that they have raided his houston office. agents, los angeles police detectives, tying in the los
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angeles because that is where michael jackson died. as the pictures, in, we will bring them to live. jane: thank you. [screaming] jon: yes, that is government in action, folks. believe it or not, you are looking at the south korean parliament. votes on media ownership bills turned violent after the opposition party started stacking furniture to stop people from entering the chamber. lawmaker -- lawmakers started choking their colleagues. one was in the hospital. why are they riled up? they feared that the president of south korea would use it to get more sympathetic media coverage. jane: will the president get a health care reform bill before the recess in august? that is what he wants.
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serious challenges are faced, some of which from within the democratic party, the so-called blue dog democrats. they have big concerns over how much it will cost and if the deadline can be met. steny hoyer joins us now. will you recess with the health care bill? >> we are hopeful and we believe that we will be able to pass it next week. the committee is still meeting, passing out the bill. still having discussions with members. as you indicate, there are a number of members interested in costs, bending the curve over time so that a percentage of the dollars spent on health care will come down in this country. we have indicated that we want to make sure that citizens have
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access to affordable, quality health care. every member, blue dog to progressive, everyone in between, says that they will not vote for a health care reform bill. the american public wants to see one. we believe that we are on target and we want to get there. we want to get there through committee by the end of this week and through the house by the end of next week. through negotiations with the senate. we are working very hard toward those ends. jane: would you ask members to stay through vacation to get this done? >> i do nothing bet it is so much a question of staying because what we need to do and what people will continue to do is continue to work on this because a failure for the american people is not an option. we know that we need health care reform. as a matter of fact, as you know the issue in the last
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presidential campaign is very much centered on health care reform. senator mccain, senator obama, all of the presidential candidates. it is no doubt that this was a huge issue for the american people, they wanted to accomplish the objective of bringing the costs down for families, businesses, and individuals. so many americans are getting health care but not paying, others are having to pay the bill for them. we know that we get -- trying to get the waste, fraud, and abuse out of the system. >>jane: we all know that. many people might want to fix it because the costs are not sustainable. but what is the rush? why the deadline? why not do it right? >> we want to do it and we want to do it right and we are going to do it right.
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this business of brush, we have had over 80 hearings on health care reform over the last two years. this was debated very extensively over the past 18 months, some of which were in the presidential campaign of 2008. each candidate had a specific plan. frankly a bill that is pending in the energy commerce committee. it has many of the components included in the plan. the thought that this has been rushed is simply not the case. jane: what is happening in your own party right now? >> in the stand, but when you consider that from 1993 through today in terms of health care reform and all americans and security in access to quality health care, 16 years ago at
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least. we have been working on this for decades. 80 hearings are the last two years, not a rush. the presidential campaign dealt with this extensively for 12 months last year. not rush. i do not allege this to you, but those that say we have rushed this are not accurate. it is tough to do. people want it done, but it is tough to do. it has taken time. we will give it the time it takes to get it right. we want to get it right. we do not think that a separate experience for another 16 years will necessarily be a solution beginning in getting it right. we need to get it done. jane: some have suggested that there are no more arms to be broken because a lot of democrats have a lot of twisted arms over the energy bill.
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they do not want to be pushed into something this time around. one blue dog democrat said that he went home and did not want to have to repeat the lack of heroes welcome. >> personally, i think that the energy bill was a good bill that dealt with three specific things that the american people wanted done. energy-efficient technologies. innovation that creates somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 million jobs. secondly, it was a national security bill breeding energy independence over the next few years. it was a save our globe bill. what i am saying to you is that the public, the more they learn about that bell and the more they learn about the information identifying too many people particularly on talk radio, that is incorrect. there are no taxes in that bill. contract -- on health care,
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there are things that we are doing that the american people want done. for that reason, the numbers will be good. jane: we are going to be cut off. i have no choice, but we appreciate your time. steny hoyer. more on the michael jackson story when we are right back. jon: there is a raid under way. the drug enforcement administration is raiding the offices of dr. conrad murai in houston. he is the physician that was with michael jackson at the time that he died in los angeles. apparently there has also been a dea ? los angeles rate as well. e, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently
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rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. right now, 1.5 million people are on a conference call. 750,000 wish they weren't. - ( phones chirping ) - construction workers are making 244,000 nextel direct connect calls. 1 million people are responding to an email. - 151 accidentally hit "reply all." - ( foghorn blows ) that's happening now. america's most dependable 3g network bringing you the first wireless 4g network. - sprint. the now network. - ( whoosh sound ) deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access
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>> we want to take you out to houston texas right now. we are watching very closely this breaking news from michael jackson right now. the dea rating the clinic of dr.
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conrad murray, the one that was with michael on june 25 as he lay dying. this would be the doctor the said he tried to save his life before 911 was called. it has been questioned all along on whether he might have given michael jackson a powerful intravenous drug. based on reports coming out of houston, and our affiliate is gathering these pictures, but based on early reports, this search could be out of the preliminary results of the autopsy that has been made available, indicating that michael jackson's death might be tied to the drug, " but fell -- propofol. in the screen that we are looking at right now, in that live picture, there is a los
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angeles police department who have come along for the ride. dr. conrad murray, at the center of the investigation into how michael jackson died. this is unfolding right now in houston, texas, live pictures as this raid on the clinic takes place. what are they looking for? signs of the drug that could have been found in the system of michael jackson? we will let you learn more as we do. actor john and jane. >>jane: thank you. jon: new concerns over a virus that made big headlines a couple of months ago. outbreaks of swine flu are causing some camps to close quickly or causing campers to go home early. it never really went away, i
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guess it is affecting these camps? >> it is. at least 50 camps in 20 states had had outbreaks of swine flu this summer. some have decided to close because so many staffers and counselors have become ill, especially special needs kids. both of these organizations the decided that it was not worth the risk, they canceled their summer programs. keep in mind, these organizations cater to children that have chronic medical conditions that leave them vulnerable to swine flu. >> are any of the camps taking extra precautions? >> the center for disease control has issued special guidelines encouraging them to have contingency plans in place and staffers on hand to know when and how an isolated child shows signs of having the flu,
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stressing good hygiene as well, stressing them to cough into their elbow, we visited a summer camp yesterday, many people were using hand sanitizer. there is also screening of new arrivals, taking temperature and asking specific questions about how they have been feeling and if they have had the flu lately. >> moms and dads paying attention across the country. are the kids more likely to get sick? >> not if they are more healthy when they go to camp, and that is the key. the risk is no greater than faced at school in a summer program. at last report, 23 children had succumbed to the virus. public health officers saying that generally, among children, cases of swine flu had been
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relatively mild. jon: thank you. jane: everyone is weighing in on health care debate. what about everyday americans that have no fancy titles? what are your concerns and the desires when it comes to health care reform? anita is out there, taking the pulse of the people. i imagine that there might be confusion and anger. everyone is looking to get access to health care reform, an interesting prospect, especially for those small business owners. have you spoken to any of them? in this struggling economy they are looking to do the best that they can. we spoke to a variety of people yesterday, including one orange county business owner who employs 30 people. right now he offers a very basic health plan, and he is concerned
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that the government health plan would cost more. >> adding taxes on to the employer benefits but we are providing, that could certainly force us to take a look at our payroll. we could have to raise prices, which could make us not competitive. there are a lot of scary things. >> one of the scary things he had to think about was the possibility of shipping jobs overseas, where the labor is cheaper, something that he says he would never have liked to think about. jane: what about the ad campaign? >> certainly there are a number of advocates, people say that it helps to provide better access to more people. more researchers at the rand institute on the west coast, they did an analysis of the proposals. they are not endorsing the plan,
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but what they said is this -- some kind of changes necessary. the worst thing that we can do is nothing. listen. >> it is fair to say that there are problems with rising health care costs and problems with access to health services. we think that there needs to be some change in order to address the conditions in those areas. >> they added that in their opinion the most important part of these proposals would be individual mandates requiring people to purchase health insurance. we talked to a number of unemployed people yesterday that said they did not care how affordable it would be, they did not want to be forced to buy anything. jane: thank you. jon: let's get you caught up on wall street is doing right now. of about 24 points, getting denies distance, close to 9000.
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more earnings reports today, here is what they're doing to the market. looks like the dow jones is of about 24. we are continue -- continuing to watch the marks. one index shows that home prices have experienced the smallest annual drop in 10 months. that could be good news, especially if you are trying to sell your house. jenna lee will be a long after the break.
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jane: there is a lot of pressure on the president tonight as he steps before the news conference. we are getting word that orrin hatch had just told max baucus that he is stepping away from the health-care negotiation table. trace: we are hearing about a drastic shift in policy towards iran and their nuclear weapons. a defense umbrella in the persian gulf. no one is sure what that means, we are going to figure it out coming up. dred martha: more developments
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in the ban nemerov was burger story as well. jon: a glimmer of good news in the housing market. home prices in may experience the smallest annual drop in 10 months. does that mean that the housing crisis is bottoming out? jenna lee knows. jenessa lead? she has context. >> a tale of two homes. one, the senate side. the other is so dark that even have trouble seeing it. on the one hand, a price index that you just mentioned, showing a stabilization in the housing market. for this index, the lower income homes are seeing is price -- seeing price stabilization. price stabilization might be a housing market good thing. appear, the letter m.. mortgages. mortgage demand.
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purchasing. excess inventory leaving the market. rolling over this other side, we have another side to think about. the same association that looks at mortgage application often tells us about mortgage delinquency and one of the things that we have seen is that one out of eight families in the united states is hit with foreclosure. remember, when you are worried about foreclosure, that affects your personal wealth and how you feel about your economic state, your personal economic state. that can affect the broader economy, because if you feel less rich you are not going shopping. one of the things that ties these sides together and is important no matter what, this, the job market. jobs are going to affect either the good side or the bad side. more employees that you need, and remember, if you are already on the dark side, it will be tough to keep your home. this will remain essential, a
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story that sends a lot of mixed messages in time for-data. this proves that we still do not really know where we are as far as the housing market recovery. we will continue to watch. jon: i am looking for that silver lining. >> we will keep looking. jane: this story is coming if houston, texas at this hour. they are raiding the houston clinic of michael jackson's doctor. the dea agents were on the scene of the clinic of dr. conrad murray, jackson's first personal physician. we will bring this to you on the other side of the break. . not long ago, this man had limited mobility.
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last month, this woman wasn't even able to get around inside of her own home. they chose mobility. and they chose the scooter store! if you or a loved one live with limited mobility call the scooter store! no other company will work harder to make you mobile or do more to
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guarantee your complete satisfaction. if we pre-qualify you for a new power chair or scooter and your claim isn't approved, the scooter store will give you your power chair or scooter free. that's our guarantee. they were so helpful and nice. they filed all the paperwork, and medicare and my insurance covered the cost. we can work directly with medicare or with your insurance company. we can even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it! so don't wait any longer, call the scooter store today. jon: take a look live at what's happening in houston, texas, right now. the investigation into michael
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jackson's death has brought the d.e.a., the drug enforcement administration, to the offices of dr. conrad murray, the doctor who was there with michael jackson when he died in that rented mansion in los angeles. jane: harris, i know that you've learned more about who owns this clinic? >> yeah. and that could be an important detail. this is called the armstrong clinic. it's located in north houston. you can see some of the guards that are keeping close watch on the door there in this video that's coming in from our fox affiliate. it's owned by a doctor who has been in trouble with the d.e.a. before. in fact, that doctor was licensed to prescribe drugs and that license was revoked in 2005 for over prescribing, according to officials. murray's office is locatedded inside that arm -- located inside that armstrong medical clinic that's owned by that doctor who's had previous dealings or problems with the d.e.a. officials are saying that the
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actual warrant served this morning was based on preliminary autopsy results from jackson that indicated the cause of death could be connected to the anesthetic drug. so we don't know what they're looking for, if they're looking for some connection to the drug. but we know that dr. conrad murray has an office inside there. he was with michael jackson the night he died. and that particular place has been on the map of the d.e.a. before because of its owner. it's the armstrong medical clinic in north houston. by the way, a caravan of 15 cars arrived within the last hour and a half here for this raid. officers from houston, los angeles, all wearing their raid jackets. very serious. haven't seen them take anything out of the building yet though. we'll be watching for that. back to you. jon: stick with us for a bit if you would, please. we're going to talk with our fox news medical contributor. this drug, the sedative that was
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found in michael jackson's house and some suspect it might have played a role in his death. >> good afternoon. what's very interesting, first off, is this is not something that the d.e.a. restricts. in other words, we don't know this for a fact yet but one explanation for why he could have been using it would be that it is not on the list of d.e.a.-controlled substances, though some of us think it should be there. it is called the milk of anesthesia, meaning that an steeshologists are very fond of it, use it very commonly for procedures like colonoscopies, plastic surgery, for very small procedures because it takes a very tiny bit of it to put someone to sleep. but you have to be an anesthesiologist to use it properly because if you use it too much, the person stops breathing. it's very problematic with breathing. you need oxygen around at all times. you need the ability to put the
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patient on a respirator if needed. you need cardiac monitoring. this is a very serious drug. but it is one that can be very safely used by properly trained personnel. someone that is not, should be going nowhere near this drug. jane: and dr. murray's lawyer was asked if dr. murray had given it to michael jackson. dr. murray declined to answer if i remember. >> that is right. we can't say at this point what the actual issue is. but what i want to clear up here is, it is not, strictly speaking, a d.e.a. restricted drug. but if someone is giving it improperly, then it is something that the d.e.a. and the law enforcement need to be very, very interested in. jane: gotcha. jon: we're continuing to watch this raid at the houston-based doctor's office.
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help stay protected, stay with plavix. i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day men's 50+ advantage... has gingko for memory and concentration. plus support for heart health. that's a great call. one a day men's. jon: the investigation into what killed michael jackson, exactly how he died, seems to be taking an interesting turn. police and d.e.a. agents are at the offices of the doctor who was with michael jackson when he died, dr. conrad murray. he is licensed in texas -- in nevada, i should say, and also in california. what are they finding there? well, perhaps we'll find a little bit more information later on during the hour. jane: watch those live pictures out of houston. you can follow the story on in the meantime over to the "the live desk."


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