tv Glenn Beck FOX News July 22, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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conference tonight at 8:00 p.m. on fbn. i don't know if any of that makes the big announcement. i do know that we're on it, all of it, fair and balanced. here's glenn. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bots. >> three, two, one, beck! welcome to the glenn beck program! why is this man wearing a parka? you're going to love this? and any one of the things that happened in the news every single day, when i was growing up, they would be front-page news but now i don't understand the news anymore. i don't even know what country i'm living in anymore. wait until you hear about the new regulatory czar. oh, yeah, you're going to love this guy. this will chill you to the bone. then the senate showed their true colors on guns today, and they are hijacking your kids' education. wait until you hear this towards the end of the show. if you believe this country is great but the government is slowly turning us into slaves,
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it is time to stand up. come on, follow me. i don't know what nationality we are anymore. here is the one thing tonight. this cannot be the same country i grew up in for several reasons. i have to tell you something, one of which is -- in my day, more people on television would be telling you the truth. another reason is the headlines would be a whole lot different than they are today. yesterday, i find this bizarre bizarre -- yesterday, in the united states of america, the debate was this healthcare bill. is it socialist or not? today, have you heard the audiotape? have you seen the video of the president?
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today, i guess the debate is does he even know what is in this healthcare bill? >> is this true, will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurance be able to write new policies even though the insurance bill was passed? >> i have to say i'm not familiar with the provision you are talking about. glenn: mr. smartest man alive, mr., oh, bow to the great obama, he doesn't know anything about the oh, so little tiny detail of will private insurance be outlawed? i mean, excuse me! he knows exactly what's in there. why do you think he wants it rushed through so quickly? because he knows you don't know what's in there, and yes, the slightest change to your plan means you are out. if you have private healthcare, oh, you're going to be able to keep it.
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nancy pelosi says there are going to be more private options? really, are there? if i have to change slight slightly my plan after this kicks in, i can't get back n i have to go to the government. isn't that weird? it is like they're building a structure inside to build a government that you don't even recognize. hello, this man is going to do what he has to say to change the structure. does barack obama believe in reparations? the answer is no, he doesn't, but tomorrow, i will show you what he did say he believes in, and that explains, and i completely forgot about it, remember last week on the show, i said what the heck does the office of minority -- what was it -- the office of minority affairs and civil rights, how is that in the healthcare?
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wait until you see tomorrow's broadcast. i can't take some of the stuff that he says anymore, because it is so disingenuous. take his bogus "our system is broken" line. our system is broken. wow. i mean, it's got some problems, but it's broken? the thing that he cited yesterday was what happened to his mother when she was sick back in 1995. listen up. >> i remember just being heartbroken seeing her struggling through the paperwork and the medical bills and the insurance forms, so i have seen what it's like when somebody you love is suffering because of a broken healthcare system, and it's wrong. glenn: wait a minute. did he just say "paperwork"? i mean, she got the care she needed. it wasn't about the quality of care. it wasn't that she couldn't get the care. it was about paperwork? i'm not sure what planet president obama is from, but on this planet, the government
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isn't known for simplifying paperwork. have you ever seen the tax code? oh, yes, that's right, most of the people in your administration don't pay taxes. clearly, losing your mother, like president obama did or like i did at age of 13 is horrible. i don't care how old you are, are 13, 33, 73, any age, but i don't think you dwell on the paperwork. president obama, an honest question -- you were 34 at the time. you were an attorney. that's five years older and more experienced than the boy wonder you put in charge as the auto expert. you, and no one in the family could help your mother fill out the paperwork in those trying times? i guess we're just complaining that the government isn't helping? it's not america's fault. i'm getting sick and tired of the putdowns on this country. have we made mistakes? you bet we have. have we done some stupid things? yes, but our systems are not broken. they're getting broken by corrupt individuals in the white
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house, and in congress, you're darn right, and that comes from both sides, both parties. we're greedy. oh, our cars are too big, our bucks are too big, it is not on the world stage anymore. we have a president that feels so bad, so bad. no, we don't! we changed the world. i don't feel bad. we made some mistakes but america is good! i know that. you know that, but apparently our president doesn't really understand that. the last time i checked, we're having a problem with the border. immigrants are fleeing their rat hole countries and they're not aiming their floating corollas towards russia or china or any other dirtbag country in europe. they're coming here. hey, i just thought of something. maybe president obama has found a solution to legal immigration! we don't need a border fence.
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we just have to transform our country and make it so crappy that people stop risking everything to get here. i told you yesterday, we are not capitalists anymore. the faster you get in touch with that, the closer we will be to repairing the country. i don't know what we are. we're not socialists. we're not bad. we're not communists. we're nothing right now, because we are right now in some sort of transition, and you know it. you feel it. it is what americans are saying, we have to slow down, slow down. why are they saying that? because we can't see what's being built. we are running and moving quickly, but has anybody stopped to request the question -- to what are we are moving to? it is our job as citizens to find out what that destination is, and then together decide if that's where we want to be. i mean, look at what's going on. we got czars coming out dur
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they're shooting out of our butts, czars like john holdren, who is -- there is great evil happening in our country. holdren has proposed forced abortions and putting sterilization in the drinking watter to control population. oh, that's crazy. that was 20 years ago. i don't care! the latest nominee for the regulatory czar, a harvard law professor, and, oh, a guy barack obama knew in chicago, is a friend of obama's, and wait until you meet this guy. he embraces the ever so popular senior death discount. that's the requested that will calculate the lives of younger people as having greater value than those of the elderly. he also believes in giving legal rights to livestock.
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wildlife and pets, so your pet can have an attorney file a lawsuit against you. when my pet starts to talk, he can call an attorney. human rights for livestock! this is not the america i grew up in or you grew up in. when we said change, we didn't mean this! nobody meant this, except, perhaps, the people who were really listening to obama, and obama himself. i want to replay something for you, something that president obama said. this is five days before the election. remember, my theory has been that we are transitioning. we are not collapsing. we are transitioning. he said something that even i didn't really. even understand or listen to, because even i didn't have the real clean ear -- and i was on to this guy two years ago. listen again to what he said five days before the election,
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with clear ears. here it is. >> we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america. glenn: that is what is happening. we are fundamentally transforming america, and he has got a lot of buddies now in washington that only answer to him. david martusco is -- help me out, dave. >> i have heard far worse. glenn: i have been looking at your name all day and i thought i'm going to butcher this. >> you mono syllable person, you. glenn: he is the director of the research center for consumer freedom. i want you to tell me about the egg la tory czar that they say is -- the regulatory czar that they say is going to be an easy shoo-in. he is going to be passed right through. tell me who he is. >> cass sunstein is a friend of
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obama's. he goes back to chicago. he is a constitutional scholar, a harvard professor, used to teach at the university of chicago. he is also a raving animal rights nut. he is a philosopher in the mold of peter singer. glenn: hang on a second. peter singer, in case you don't know who he is, peter singer is the guy, the chair of ethics at princeton university. he believes -- he first came out and said you can abort a baby 20 days after birth. then he came out and apologized because there was some outcry on that one, and he said i'm sorry, i shouldn't have put a number on it because actually a baby isn't human until it can realize that it's a tomorrow, so up until two years, two years of age, you can abort a child. ok. so he's a friend of singer's. >> he is a disciple of singer's. the idea that an old person isn't worth as much as a young
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person. that's what singer thinks. glenn: singer works on the other side, like ronald reagan, when he didn't realize who he was, he is no longer a human anymore and he can be turned into soil ent green. >> and also, some animals, according to singer, are worth more than humans. a border collie is worth more, inherently, according to mark singer, than a retarded child. he doesn't care whose child that is. cass sunstein has embraceed that theory. this is out of his playbook. he believes animals should have greater rights than some people, including, as you mentioned, the right to file lawsuits. glenn: do we have the piece from radio? do we have this yet, guys? we do? play this. this is from march 2008, over a year ago. this is what i said on the radio. listen to this. >> the date may not be far off, animal lawyers say, when animals
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are not only present in the courtroom, but even participating in the procedure ings. some day, a chimpanze could express himself through sign language to a judge to point where the judge feels that the chimpanzee was able to articulate his own interests. that would help make the case for recognition of legalized personhood for animals. have we gone insane? glenn: yes, we have, because now we have a guy who actually believes this nonsense as one of the czars or soon to be the regulatory czar, which basically means this is the guy -- there is no law that will be changed. he can tweak all of the laws. he is also an author of a theory in a book called "nuts" which basically is you don't have to do anything, you just nudge things or tweak things. >> it is a soft paternalism. it is a way of saying we won't
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change your life entirely but nudge it around the edges. we are going to assume you're not smart enough to know how to visit a buffet without packing an overnight bag. you can't be trusted to eat what you want. you can't be trusted to drink what you want and can't be trusted to save money or buy the car you want, so we have to change the choice parameters to guide you toward the enlightened path. glenn: that's perfect for general motors and all of it. >> we're seeing it now in healthcare. the government has to make choices for you. this is happening in food, and now that the animal rights thing is part of the equation, you can't be trusted to have a pet. you can't be trusted to eat meat or feed your child milk. this is right out of the humane society of the united states. glenn: sometimes i'm amazed of the coincidence of the world. luckily, in about 1996, i gave up my belief in coincidence. about five days ago on the radio, i said we need to go back and listen to f.d.r.'s second bill of rights. i played it and was preparing a show for you, but i played it on the radio, and i said we're
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headed in this direction. well, lo and behold, what do we find out about the new czar today? cass sunstein's take on f.d.r.'s second bill of rights that you probably don't even know about. listen to this. >> and what roosevelt did is alter american government's aspirations for its citizens is captured in the second bill of rights better than anywhere, so if we want to see a catalog of the leader of the greatest generation had inspired to do, the second bill of rights gets at it better than anything. glenn: the second bill of rights, america. see if this sounds familiar. help me out if i'm wrong here. >> sure. glenn: it guarantees jobs. well, what is better way than guaranteeing jobs than having 60% of the economy -- and wait until you see the second half hour of this program tonight -- 60% of the economy under the umbrella of the united states government. >> that's right.
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that's the most efficient way to do it. glenn: you don't have to change anything. >> and the trains will run on time. glenn: absolutely, and then it was guaranteed healthcare. what a better way to have a system come out than to say you can have your private stuff and the public option, but then if you change one thing in your private healthcare, you're out, and your only choice is public, so you'll have another right that f.d.r. talked about, right? >> absolutely. glenn: and how about this one -- a right to a house. oh, this sounds familiar. >> it sure does. glenn: fannie and freddie. about 60% of all mortgages held by the federal government, and gee, didn't obama just say last week that if you can't pay your mortgage, don't worry, the federal government will take that, and take it through fannie and freddie and you can rent from the federal -- i'm sorry, you can rent from fannie or freddie. it's insidious! >> this is all part of the essential idea that you are too stupid to make your own choices. government has to lead you by the nose in every facet of life.
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you know, the whole idea of this second bill of rights is based on the premise that any rights you have, any property you have, any choices that you currently enjoy, they don't belong to you in the first place. you only have them because the federal government was organized in such a way that allowed you to do that, and sunstein believes in this lock, stock and barrel. he says let's just be honest. glenn: thank you very much. i got to go to yore ran brook, president of the ayn rand institute. i tell you, we are headed -- do youing disagree with me that wee a country in transition, and i believe that there is the framework -- the republic is being used as a hoax, and he is building this exo-skeleton outside of the public, and all he has to do is wait for an emergency, wait for an event, or everything has times on it, just wait for it all to slowly kick in and he is going to put p the key in and turn it, and it's not going to be america anymore. yes or no?
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>> well, absolutely. i think what is sliding into that, i don't think it is a magic key, but we're heading in that direction. look, this is a culmination of democrats and republicans and university professors have been steering this country slowly in this direction. obama is there to put it into gear and get this change going, and the change is towards some kind of fascist socialist country in which the government dictates every choice that we make. you know, we are going to have a health czar and the health czar is going to tell us whether it's too expensive to keep us alive or not, and you know, what kind of treatments we should have and what we should not. the idea about the health insurance, the public option, they know what kind of insurance we need. we shouldn't be allowed to make choices about that. they will make those choices. glenn: they will say, of course the public option is good. how many times do they have to lie from us from both sides of the aisle before we wake up?
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i'm telling you our very liberty and freedom is at stake. give me cass sunstein's greatest hits here. on animals, they can be in court, right? >> well, absolutely. yeah, animal rights issues but the more interesting issue is what your previous guest talked about in terms of nudge. cass sunstein's assumption is we're too stupid to make decisions for ourselves. got is going to nudge us. how? by forcing us into those kinds of schemes that they want, and again, health insurance is a great example of this. they're not going to force us into the public option, but they're going to slowly make private options disappear, become too expensive, and so we're going to be in a public option and then they're going to tell us we chose it, they didn't force it. that's the whole idea of sunstein's regulatory regime. they're going to pretend not to force us, but they're going to make it so that the only options left for us are those that the
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politicians, that obama and the intellectuals in washington have decided are good for us, and they are the only ones that can decide what is good for us. we don't have the capacity to be rational and just figure out our own self-interests. glenn: i want to thank you for being a part of the program today. i have so much more tomorrow. please, please, tell your friends, don't miss tomorrow's program. this guy is a black nationalist. this guy is hanging out with obama and jeremiah wright. it is a mess, america! it is a mess! join us tomorrow. we'll fill you in tomorrow.
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glenn: next week i'm writing a special edition of my e-mail newsletter about the transformation of america and the change that i'm going to have to make in my life and changes i'm making on my broadcast and i'm going to need your help. check it out, free e-mail newsletter all next week at glenn all right. also on tomorrow's program, don't miss a second of tomorrow's radio or television program, because one of the topics we're going to be covering is this -- the u.s. house of representatives -- try this out on for size -- this was a report that was handed to me
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before we went on the air. this is the breaking news, but we are also going to be the show that has the first interview with anybody on. this this is house of representatives report is acorn intentionally structured as a criminal enterprise? the committee for oversight in government reform has found evading taxes, obstructing justice, embezzlement, investment fraud and engaging in racketeering of acorn. has somebody in congress finally found a spine? that is tomorrow is the earliest i can bring that to you. all right. gun control supporters scored a victory this afternoon. gun control supporters. john thune, had an amended narrowly defeated in the senate that would have allowed a person with a concealed weapon permit in one state to carry a weapon intot( another state. here with us is republican senator john thune. senator, you're one of the good guys, the guys on my program have been fans of yours for a very long time.
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we're going to disagree on this, but i want you to hear me out. i believe in the constitution as an originalist. the bill of rights was a bill of rights that the federal government would never ever do to people, and to the states. it did not regulate what the states could do. it regulated what the federal government could do. aren't you kind of -- isn't this a game that you play and gun lovers like me say, oh, that would be great, but it's really one you don't want to win, isn't it? >> well, i think for most gun owners who have concealed carry permits in this country, there are about 5 million of them, glenn, around the country, as am i, and in a lot of states, you can't transport your firearm across state lines. glenn: i know that. >> that impacts truck drivers and whatnot that want to defend themselves when they're driving interstate. we are trying to strike a balance saying this is a second
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amendment right and it doesn't end at the state line, at the border of a state. if you do transport it into another state, you have to abide by the laws of that state, and most states have enacted some restrictions with regard to whether you carry permits but it ought to be something that isn't confined to state lines. second amendment rights is something that should apply to borders of each state. glenn: i know i'm in the minority and i'm a gun owner and a member of the n.r.a. and a concealed weapons permit holder, so, i mean, i love guns, but let me ask you this -- how much does your head explode when you hear somebody like michael bloomberg? say this? can we roll the audio, please. >> criminals will be able to walk the streets carrying handguns. they will be able to walk into bars and restaurants with guns. they will be able to go to the movies with guns, and they there
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will be nothing that our police officers can do about t. >> i went to the movies this weekend with a gun, and surprise, surprise, i didn't kill anybody. in what state can criminals get a concealed weapons permit? >> that would be news to me. every state has a background check. there are exrep shons, and that is that there is a requirement. they conduct background checks when anybody applies for a concealed weapons check. glenn: harry reid is running for re-election. is that the only reason why he supported this? he was a little teed off anytime anybody asked him and would say i'm sorrying it and that's all he would say about t. >> it is important to his constituents and in the past he banned support of the second amendment and this put him in an uncomfortable position. we did get 20 democrats voting for, it glenn.
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glenn: i appreciate your time, senator. >> you bet. >> california's inmates are getting a better deal than paris hilton and glenn is siding with the heiress, really? right now, all over the country, discover card customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at the pump. now more than ever, it pays to discover. in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe.
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police and federal drug agents in houston raided the office of michaelackson's private physician. the lawyer for dr. conrad murray says they're searching for evidence of manslaughter and another plan from president obama to pull forces out of iraq in 2011. the president made the remark with iraq's prime minister at the white house. glenn beck returns in a moment but first a preview of what is on "special report" tonight. >> coming up, a full-court press on healthcare by the white house runs into tough defense on capitol hill. why did the director of the congressional budget office get an invite to the owe sal office? join me at 6:00 eastern for "special back to gle. glenn: hello, america. here is tonight's hot list, common sense solutions to stories the mainstream media is dropping the ball on. good news from nashville, tennessee. we go to our scary
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weatherrologist,. >> that's true. al gore has been promising record temperatures for some time now. we finally have them. unfortunately, record cold temperatures in his hometown of nashville. it is colder than it has been since 1877 when rutherford b. hayes was in office. a fun fact about reutherford b. hayes, unlike al gore, he apparently really was president at one time. glenn: you're wearing shorts, stu. >> the global warming is kind of outdated at this point. it is so 2006, so now we have moved on to claim mat change. if youer anything about this, remember the science of it, that cold falls an heat -- no, cold rises and heat falls. that's why i have shorts on the bottom and a parka on top. glenn: thank you very much. now an update on california's $26 billion budget deficit. the politicians may have actually balanced their budget.
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i'm not kidding you! and they plan on sending some prisoners home, too, but don't worry about that, no big deal. according to the l.a. times under the budget plan, 27,000 prisoners going to be allowed to finish their sentences in their own home and parole supervision would be scaled back a little bit, you know, for the least serious people that were in jail. i'm sure the victims of those least serious crimes are going to be relieved. good thing is, california is at least consistent. hardened criminals, paris hilton, spent most of her 45-day sentence in jail. you know, she is not an illegal immigrant, so she probably should have stayed in jail. i wonder how many of those people in california that are going to be released are illegal immigrants and i wonder if any of them will be escorted back to the border. i was just thinking about this, because canada, we have a lot of people that listen to us or watch us in canada. i love you! would you like to buy a state? i'm going to make a new little
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penalty box over here for states that suck. i love california. i do. but it's up for sale. i'm just saying. so, now, a country with 49 states. let's go back to the controversy over obama's pick for surgeon general. yes, there is a controversy. dr. wren regina benjamin, a macarthur grant genius. she saved people after hurricane katrina and critics now say she is too -- how should i say this -- fat. doctors are saying she sets a bad example for our obese nation. let me tell you something. i'm a big fat fatty. i mean, i have been waging the war on chins for years. do you really think the surgeon general's weight is going to make people skinny or fat? i never look at surgeon general
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and say they are so in shape. i should get in shape. nobody does that! here, let me give you an example that people in the government can understand. you know the guy you put in charge of, you know, the i.r.s., tim geithner. he didn't pay his taxes. and yet you still expect everyone else to pay their taxes. right? how about we let people make their own food choices, you know? i tell you what, i saw the czars that are coming in. we all know what is coming. you know and i know, we're all going to have a number tattooed to our forehead at some point. cass sunstein is in charge now, so we know it's coming. let's just make this a little bit easier. on her forehead, we can just -- we'll treat her like a pack of cigarettes. do we have the picture? there we go. it's not tattooed. it's supposed to be tattooed right on her forehead. it will have a bar code and then it will say "obesity may be bad four health." i'm just saying.
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i give that to the federal government as an offer. ok. food police are now in the the news. now, president obama goes primetime to sell his plan to overhaul the nation's healthcare system and so much more. oh, i'm going to be watching. white house chief of staff rahm emanuel tells "the new york times" that tonight's news conference will be a six-month report card to talk about, quote, how we rescued the economy from the worst recession. ladies and gentlemen, you hear it here first from captain evil himself, rahm emanuel, the recession is over. they have rescued our economy from the worst recession since the great depression. so, you know, now we just, you know, i guess we don't have to deal with all the failed policies of the past, so, you know, from now on, this is president obama's economy. and that is your hot list. he's here to save the day. the federal government is about
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to take over a lot more power when it comes to your kids' education. you didn't hear this story. you will next. the dodge chrysler and jeep summer clearance is here, and it's the best time to get some of the best deals. get in now and get the chrysler town & country with a generous cash allowance, or 0% financing for 60 months. the trail rated jeep grand cherokee also comes with a cash allowance or 0% financing for 60 months. or choose a hard working all new dodge ram truck with a cash allowance that's tough to beat. all with our best in the business lifetime powertrain warranty. so hurry come see the deals we've built for you at the dodge chrysler and jeep summer clearance. and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen... so she can watch me cook. you just love the aromas of beef tenderloin... and, ooh, rotisserie chicken.
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glenn: the staff is fascinated with my dashboard obama, the messiah, for everybody's dashboard. it's fantastic. i just said, you're going to run out of things to dress him as. what is he today? like captain -- an f-22 fighter jet, is that what he is? yeah. ok. the house committee just passed the student aid and fiscal responsibility act, which sounds really good, but it's not. it is going to eliminate private student lending. huh? you want to get a loan for your kids to go to college, you can't do it unless you go through the government. yeah, it has really not a lot to do with education. this will issue in a new era of forced volunteerism thanks to
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another law that just took effect two weeks ago. july 1st, the public loan forgiveness program is going to erase student debt entirely for ten years for graduates who work for the government or non-profits like the red cross or americorps. no religions can apply. when i say ten years to you, doesn't that effectively make you a career bureaucrat? vastly growing the number of people tied to the state. here is matthew spalding. he is the director of the simon center for american studies and fellow at the american heritage foundation. how are you, sir? >> i'm doing great, glenn. how are you doing? glenn: i'm doing good. >> are you ready for the student loan czar? or maybe the community organizing czar. glenn: that's what is happening here. this guy is setting us up like an acorn. he is setting us up. there is a framework here that you can't get out. >> that's right. all the pieces are coming
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together. it makes complete crazy logical sense. glenn: it does. >> this is a part of the progressive agenda, which is not only to e shape the constitution and how government works but to reshape society. the key has been through the education system and this new idea called national service, which, unfortunately, george bush introduced and it took off under clinton but that goes back to william james, and now they have been connected. you're connecting student loans to a guaranty controlled by government and we will shift it to national service for government-approved programs. glenn: i'm going to play audio from a while back on tomorrow's program, and it is about barack obama. he was giving a speech and they asked him, do you support reparations, and he said no, because they don't go far enough. tomorrow i'm going to outline what he said would go far enough, and it's all his agenda. this is also about making sure you have control on who goes to
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college, who doesn't go to college, who gets a favorable loan, who doesn't get a favorable loan, is it not? >> that's right. what are they going to do next? they're going to attach strings to the money, so the government will control directly and can say schools have to have graduation rates, and all sorts of things can be attached. the great model here, what this teaches us and why the student loan program shift is interesting is the healthcare debate. we started out in 1965 with the guaranteed loan from the government. it would guarantee default and interest rates. now all of a sudden in 1993, the clinton administration indroduced a public option -- get that -- public option 1993, the next p president comes along and it is a complete government loan takeover. that's the model here. it is shifting to government control. it shouldn't happen with student loans. glenn: a year from today, a year from july 2010, there will be no
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more public loans, is that true -- i'm sorry, private loans to -- >> that's right. glenn: i'm a guy who wants to get a private loan, and i will not be allowed to make a loan for somebody for going to college? >> no, you could make a loan as any bank can continue to make a loan. what you can't make is a government-guaranteed loan that exists today. that aspect of the private market is going to be -- disappear. glenn: we're going to come back with matthew here in a second. america, they're building something here, and it's going to fundamentally change us, and i don't think people have put the puzzle pieces together. we will try to do that just on this portion of it, next.
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glenn: back with matthew spalding. there is a new bill that is come through and this is all about control of your student education and your student loans. explain this just a little bit, briefly, again, matthew. >> two things are happening that are now connected. one is government is going to take over all student loans and do it directly. they're going to control who gets the money and where it goes, how, and they have that pot of money, and now they're expecting that money to national service. you can go to americorps or work at their chosen volunteer group for ten years and all that debt goes away, so you get a direct loan from government and then you're indebted to government. private market goes away. glenn: americorps, basically the new acorn, but -- forget about acorn. this is the government he's acorn. this is inside.
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it's turning into an absolute nightmare. you now have your loan's tied in -- i want to see if i have this in. they are going to forgive your loans if you work for the government or one of the approved agencies but no religious agencies. >> an approved group. glenn: the ones most likely getting something from the government, right? >> right, they're already on the take, right. glenn: and then, if you are an employee there, if you are somebody who is working there, and you become one of these bureaucrats, you can also join a union, can you not? >> that's right, that's right. it expands all enterprise. this is government, inc. this is part of the notion of pushing aside the private sector, private social communities, civil society in favor of creating a national community that's run by government, warranted by government and they determine where you go, where you work, who you serve, what you do. this has always been their
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objective and now they got the money to do it. glenn: matthew, i thank you very much. i appreciate it. america, i have to have a one on one with you and we will do more of it tomorrow, but are you beginning to see the picture? am i alone? are you seeing the picture that is being drawn? you have got to look past. you have to think the unthinkable here and at least consider they are building a very different america. let me ask you this -- they want you now to give -- you give them their health records so anything that you say, you know, to this government, anything that you would say to a doctor or anything, is going to be owned by the government. they're going to have it. but of course they'll watch t they will take care of it. they also have your tax records. we have now given them control of the banks so they can decide who is going to get a loan for what business, and i hope it is a politically correct business. they will make the loans, the banks, all of your financial records also, and now the student loans so they will control your children. the student loans will nudge you, see if that word brings you
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to another part of the program, and they own the auto industry. they're about to put in a smart grid which your appliances will talk to them and if it gets too hot, they will turn your temperature down. don't you see what is happening? good god almighty, these people now have control of onstar. noodle that one tonight. we'll be back in just a minute. you choose the fabric we custom make it it's more affordable than you think. ethan allen offer ends july 31st. so metlife removed the guesswork. combining two essential insurances, term life and disability in one surprisingly affordable package. strengthen your safety net and find out how affordable it can be at a heart attack at 53.
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glenn: i have to tell you, we broke out in a a debate here in the studio about onstar. i have to tell you something. i was spokesperson for g.m. for a long time. i believe in g.m. i believe in onstar. i just don't believe in giving that kind of technology to this government. that's a little spooky. all right. i know, tha makes me insane. go ahead. now, i want to show you something i found on youtube that i think is great. auto tune. it doesn't just clear up pitchy voices you hear on the radio. it works for politicians as well. i think pelosi could use a little more cowbell here, but watch and see. >> one, two, three! ♪ it is time to stand up and say we cant chew we can't chew ♪ glenn: this is fantastic. i'm going to include this in my free e-mail newsletter so
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