tv Hannity FOX News July 25, 2009 12:00am-12:18am EDT
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you. [captioning made possibl posbysl news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> if you don't set deadlines in this town, things don't happen. >> the president tees it up. >> it's better to have a product that if -- is based on quality and thoughtfulness rather than jamming something through. sean: prince harry slaps him down. why was tim geithner missing in action when lehman brothers crumble. >> the cambridge police acted stupidly. [siren] >> the president pick as fight with the cops. >> what really happened to her is a rather dark story. sean: conspiracy month continues as wee we investigate the serious death of marilyn monroe. all of that plus our great, great american panel. hadn't starts right now. >> for years we have heard president obama vowg that health
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care reform would be passed before the recess. now he has informed will not meet that deadline. at an event in cleveland, ohio yesterday president obama was forced to inform the croid that yet another one of his promises would, in fact, be broken. >> we just heard today that we may not be able to get the bill out of the senate by the end of august or the beginning of august that's ok. i just want people to keep on working. sean: they are not going to be working. they are going to be on recess. despite the fact that his own party controls both houses of congress and the white house, president obama is blaming republicans for his failed plan. >> another republican senator said that defeating health care reform is about breaking me. the republican party chair seeking to stall our efforts recently went so far as to say that health insurance reform was happening too soon. sean: all right. here to respond is former speaker of the house fox news contributor and the author of
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"real change" available in paperback, which has been updated to include the obama presidency. newt gingrich is with us. mr. speaker, good to see you. >> it's good to be with you. sean: all right. there is no specifics, no plan, no real way how to pay for it. president even admitted before the press conference a day before he hadn't read the bill. and, yet, he goes out before the american people. how do you assess how this has been handled from the beginning? >> >> i think it's a very disappointing part of how is he really throwing away the opportunity he had. he was elected on the idea of change you can believe. in he was elected on being beyond partisan politics. he was elected on trying to bring people together. and then you end up on this kind of petty partisan blaming when, in fact, what's happened is pretty clear. in the house, they tried to write a very liberal bill. speaker pelosi was determined to get as close to national
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government-run health care as she could. the result is that the blue dog democrats have rebelled. in the senate now the nine freshman senators, the democratic freshman have all rebelled. you now find out that the senate is not going to move on some kind of forced march. and the next question will be whether or not the house democrats can be bullied by speaker pelosi into a vote they don't want to take at a time when the senate clearly is going to go home and not do anything about it. >> well. >> i don't think the president. sean: go ahead. >> let me just say, i think the president has an enormous opportunity. i concede here that you pegged this right and i was wrong last year, that his radicalism blocks him from using what he said he would like to doing. ehas enormous responsibility to take a deep step back, call on john boehner the republican leader in the house. mitch mcconnell the republican leader in the senate. ask them to join in a bipartisan drafting program over the august break and see if we could come
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up with a health bill that did not ration care, did not raise taxes and did not create big government. he won't do that. that's sad. i think he could, in fact, involve the republicans in a bipartisan effort that might actually succeed. sean: i agree with you he won't do it. i don't want to say that i am right, but his rad ding -- radicalism -- you said it for me. i think is he even more radical than i thought. how is that? i didn't understand quite the degree to which although i think i was pretty close. he sounds rather incoherent. it seems that the only thing he knows he wants it done and he wants it done. what is it that he wants done? he wants -- is it that he wants the government running health care? is that what he is looking for? >> you know, you know, callista and i did a movie on ronald reagan calderon day view with destiny. when we did it -- and i have seen it eight or nine times in
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showings and premiers. as i watched it i realized a fascinating difference ronald reagan used rhetoric to explain and clarify reality. president obama uses rhetoric to hide from reality. he is very eloquent but when you slow down and you look at his he will against, it doesn't hold together. and the reason is, he can't share candidly with the american people what he is trying to do because his add advisors tell him that in almost every issue now the american people are opposed to what he is trying to do. so if he is honest that it's an energy tax, is he going to lose. if he is honest that it's a huge government-run program he is going to lose. is he still very articulate but he uses the language to actually muddle what people understand. sean: one of the things i noticed the other night is he has broad sweeping generalizations, platitudes, bumper stickers, slogans, fear
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mongering, he has that down to a science almost. but there are no specifics about what it is and how it's going to actually impact the american people. so it makes me wonder is, it just that he is looking for victory? is he looking to really, in his heart and soul, change america, alter america because it's not the country that he likes and he believes it should be this -- you know -- go ahead. >> i think my daughter jackie cushman is now a syndicated columnist caught it perfo- perfectly one day she said we went from change we can believe in to trying to change what we believe. i think this is an administration dedicated to creating a very different america. and an america which has huge government, massive redistribution of resources, and i think it's very dangerous, even to them, because the federal reserve came out last week and said that they expect unemployment to go higher than they did and that they expect
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the recovery to create no net new jobs for the next five years. now, i think when the american people begin to realize we could be faced with five years of 8, 9, 10% unemployment. sean: it's frightening. >> they will demand that the president shift his priorities pretty dramatically and focus on job creation and you can only get job creation by cutting taxes on small business. sean: the thing that frightens me is that their predictions and their analysis of the economy and what they promised has been so off base and so wrong i'm really having a hard time struggling as to why anybody would tri trust them or belief that they are going to get this right, which is such a larger percentage of the economy. but do you see as i see change is coming and blame to republicans has begun here when they have both houses and the presidency? >> see, i don't think it is believable. you know, when he got his giant 787 billion-dollar stimulus
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package, he began to lose the ability to blame george w. bush. he has now been president for seven months. he is on television every single day. he is telling us all the time how much he is dng. i think he is rapidly losing the ability to blame the republicans for his own failures. we are now projected to have 25% more people out of work than they promised us back in january if only the congress would pass that 787 billion-dollar bill so rapidly that it couldn't be read. now the congress passed the bill the way they asked them to. they have had the money now since february. and now there are going to be 25% more people unemployed than the obama team promised. sean: we're going to take a break. i have got a lot more to get to you especially about the cambridge police issue. more with newt gingrich coming up. plus, who throws a better baseball barack obama or george w. bush? we will let you make the comparison. we have that coming up tonight. conspiracy month. we have a special investigation into the death of marilyn
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monroe. and will barack obama apologize to the officers in massachusetts? massachusetts? coming up. you could buy 300 bottles of water. or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet. i'm pretty much the same as i am in a plastic bottle? except that you'll save, like, $600 bucks a year. but other than that, we're pretty much the same. pur. good, clean water. geico's been saving people money and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar.
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president literally said not having bee there, not having seen all the facts, and then he goes on to say that the cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting this professor. i've taken the time, and i've read the police reports from the arresting officer and a corroborating report from another officer, and i don't see that these police officers did anything wrong. the president was given the day after. go ahead. >> i was going to say two things, one of which may really surprise you. when i first became speaker, i made a number of big mistakes because i didn't realize that when you're speaker, you're no longer just one of the guys, and you can't just have an idea, and you've got to be pretty careful about what you say. i think this is a good learning opportunity for the president to realize that when he doesn't know something, he shouldn't say anything. eisenhower used to be brilliant at losing the news media confused by refusing to get into a topic he didn't want to talk
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about, and the president of the united states has to have the self-discipline to do that, but there's a second part of this that i think president obama will find very hard to do, but it would really help him a lot. this is a mistake. it's not complicated. this was a mistake. he shouldn't have said it. it would be tremendous for the country if the president would just say tomorrow you know, i made a mistake, i shouldn't have said anything, i didn't have the details, i certainly didn't want to hurt anyone, and i'm going to try to learn to be more careful because as president i have that obligation. to see a guy -- because he's still a very young president, he's a very new president still, and the country would actually i think relax a little bit if the president could be comfortable sharing with the country that he'd made a mistake. sean: you actually were pretty introspective in one of your books if i recall the title, lessons learned the hard way. >> yeah, and they were pretty hard too. sean: well, i think i was there for boy's town and a number, the
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gingrich that stole christmas i think was the cover of "time" magazine one year, and is it youthful inexperience? i mean he's never been in a position of being an executive. obviously the presidency is a job that very few people can tell you about. >> one of the people that helped me was mike dever. and dever told me one afternoon, he and ken were both trying to coach me in '95 and '96 when i first had become speaker, and he said to me i watched you on a tv show last sunday morning, and i saw you get a question you hadn't thought about, and i watched you develop an answer on the show. he said it was a fine answer, but he said i don't want the speaker of the house as a national leader thinking up a policy on national television. if you don't already have a policy on something, back out,
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say i need to think about that and check on it, and let people understand you're going to be more careful. i couldn't always live up to that, but i have never forgotten how right mike dever was, and i think it's the same thing for the president. he's not barack obama state senator. he's not even barack obama united states senator. he's not even barack obama democratic nominee. this is the president of the united states whose every word is watched worldwide, and i think that requires a frightening level of that
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he's spending too much money, most people think that obama care is a bad idea, so he's losing support. why do you think he's losing it, and what would he need to maybe gain some of that back? >> i think they have two very big problems. both of them very hard to solve. the first is the economy's really bad. as i said a while ago, the federal reserve now projects higher unemployment than they thought, and they project that we may not create any net new jobs for the next five years. people are not going to tolerate that. this is jimmy carter time. people are going to be very, very upset if this administration doesn't get an effective jobs program, and that means the opposite direction from the energy tax, health tax, big government model that trapped him. the second challenge they have is the one that you kept talking
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