tv Red Eye FOX News July 26, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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him. biggs says it is in the works.a >> kirsten can move that along. >> thanks to all of you. thanks for joining us. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. hey, welcome to "red eye." it is like the incredible hulk if by hulk you mine stench. go to tv's andy levy for the pregame report. what is coming up? >> big show tonight. coming up, what happened to an ohio man who lost his cool at the telemarketer. we can tell you except then we would probably disappear, too. then, if you never thought that formed abortions -- forced abortions or stair reconcilization were ways to control birth, raise your hands. why paul hogan has explaining to do. why are more and more people burying loved ones in their back yards. some say it is a money saving
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way to pay respect with dignity. >> where is your jacket? >> over at my desk. >> taking off your jacket means you are working hard. >> roll is up the sleeves. >> what if you take off your shirt? >> a lott of things, none of them having to do with work, unfortunately. >> see you at halftime. >> work it out, greg. >> i'm here with criminal defense attorney remy spencer. so hot, the burning point is now known as the remy spencer pot. >> diana falzone. so hot that chili peppers have contests to see how much of her they can eat. bill schulz in haiti, he is a door knob. and the marvelous jim norton. you can hear him every morning. if hilarity were suntan lotion i would skirt him all over
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my -- squirt him all over my chest. >> check outage out the neweste about sunspots. it is great. i'm going to be honest, it is actually pretty boring. i couldn't get through it. >> greg: sorry. if there are two words that can drive any law abiding man to kill it is light jazz. also it is extended warrant. that raises the question if you threat ton kill the telemarketer trying to sell you one is it really a death threat at all. you bet your sweet biffy it is. i don't know what that is. it was enough to get one ohio man arrested. seen here, the sexy devil. very unhappy. has been granted a bond reduction hearing after being behind bars since late june for telling a telemarketer that he was going to burn down his auto service building and kill the employees. kind of scary. he had become frustrated with
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the deceptive junk mail which told people the car warrants hadun out and took matters into his own hands. he has been held on bond for making a terrorist threat during a heated phone conversation. says the poor sap's wife "he shouldn't have mouthed off on the phone but he is not a criminal. they make it sound like he is a ."rrorist and he is far from it no, man, he is just an american hero. a really creepy american hero. jim, i don't con doan his behavior. >> nor do i, greg. >> greg: don't you sympathize with him. >> 100%. >> i hate the telemarketers and threatening so kill him it the only way. >> it is the only way to handle things. they are between used car salesmen and pedophiles. the only way to handle them is to be violent in your speech. >> greg: the one that he attacked were already under
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investigation, i'm not sure the specific company but i would get the phone calls about the fake car warrants. they are corrupt jerks. i don't blame this guy. you key fend everybody from killers to rapists to killers of rapists. you would defend this man, wouldn't you? >> absolutely i would represent this man. this is an out rage. i think we will see that the judge will release this man on his own recognizance. he is charged with terroristic threats. that just means that he threatened to kill or put someone in fear for their life. but he was right and they did investigate this particular company. they were making fraudulent claims and ticking people off. he was right to respond this way. it is unreasonable to believe he would try to do any harm to any one. >> greg: he was just angry and bit. and apparently the telemarketer called him a jackass first. what happens if someone calls you a jackass you claim to burn down the billing and kill
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everyone in it. >> greg: i have done it many times, often within my own family. do two wrongs diagnose to two wrongs make a right? i screwd that one up. or should he find another way to development hi -- to vent hs rage? >> i'm a patient person but i think i might say to someone i will cut you if you keep calling my house. am i going to do it? absolutely not. >> do it to the person right behind you there. >> don't tell any one, okay? >> the best way sometimes to handle these is i threaten to write a letter to their supervisor. >> greg: or ask to speak to the super vice. that always works. >> i am the supervisor. in variably even if they are an intern. >> they keep talking and i'm like oh, good, i have a 1958 and i keep babbling. >> i asked them what kind of car i had and they didn't know
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and when i kept asking questions they hung up on me. a complete absolute scam. is he a hero orvill or develop? >> you know what kind of car he had, a 1993 ford taurus. everybody knows these don't come with a warrant. a note in the glove box that says really? that is all the car comes with. >> greg: that is disturbing. >> i don't think that is true. >> greg: i'm not sure either. >> i'm leaving to take care of that. >> greg: i'm just going believe it. from being a turd to floating the herd. something that was really cooky and that is cooky. paul holdren was confirmed but none of the radical ideas about population control were raised at the hearing. they didn't know about the book he cowrote called eco science, population resources
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environment. love his beard. in the thousand-page pile of crap the author summarized the guiding principle thusly "to provide a high quality of life there must be fewer people, in short, kill everyone but the bearded. the coauthors discussed possible government programs used to lower birth rate, implanting stai stair sterilizg capsules. he denied that he ever backed any of the measures discussed in the book. well, i guess that settles that. >> i feel settled. >> greg: diana, what do you make of this? the book was written 30 years ago. forgive and forget. >> i don't think forgive and forget. i thought we gave up ugenics a long time ago. i think it is a dangerous man we could beealing with if the
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allegations are valid. >> greg: we did give up yougenics a long time agoo. >> megenics. >> i don't know what ugenics are. >> greg: it is a horrible thing where you just get rid of old people or anybody who is considered not perfect. >> the hitler frame of thought. was it the senate's fault for not reading this. >> i like the fact that he looks like francis b. gross from faces of death. i think you don't even need to force abortions. if you want to stop procreation just watch john and kate plus eight. >> greg: bill, interesting thing. never mind what he said 30 years ago. he said something in the senate hearing that was a little bit disturbing.
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what was that? >> ask not what you can do for your country, ask what it can do for you. i was taken aback by that. he said that a billion people will die from global warming by. >> in 11 years. >> that i think was a bit much. that should be more of a topic than what he wrote in the '70s. everyone was on q& qualudes bak then, it was a different time. >> greg: they were describing c options, they aren't advocating them. he wrote the book with population control nazis. i'm a little more concerned about his global warming hisonnics. what say you? , defender of rapists? >> i think we should be more concerned about his stance on global warming because that is where he will have a lot more
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power or authority. the fact that the book describes or educates theories that may be so outrageous or insane i don't think we should be concerned about. the most disturbing thing to me is that the senate hearings didn't bring it up. how could they hit -- how could they miss that? >> anything that is a thousand-pages long. >> even lieberman. >> the hidden trick of transparency. the more transparent you are the less likely someone is going to read it because you give them everything. you overload people. >> there is a noncontroversial way to control population. look more further than the phrase science czar. that comes from the work cesar. he only procreated with dudes. >> you know, i never thought of it that way. >> greg: it can't happen, simple science. >> people that say like they wish that there would be less people on the planet, they
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never volunteer. >> right, they just kind of -- right, to just kind of toss themselves out. >> we have natural enemies and the more disease we eradicate. what do we do in 500 years with no diseases or problems. no way to sto population growth. >> it as fact and that is why we have to look for populating places like under the sea. >> yes. >> or in shrinking ourselves down so we are really small. >> or live in shoe boxes, greg. >> greg: exactly. >> look at "american idol" alone. >> greg: we could live on rainbows. >> or a weird force field that allows us to float through rainbows. that would be awesome. >> i'm always chasing the rainbows. >> greg: we have to take a break. if you are wondering when the next block is then you should stick around because that is coming up. what is the take on the upcoming solar eclipse? he will tell us as soon as he finishes the bridge game.
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an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime. you may be at risk call 1-800-316-4953 to find out more in this free information kit. in it, you'll see the difference between the inside of a strong bone and the inside of an osteoporotic bone, weakened and prone to fracture. you'll find ways to help reverse bone loss, and ways to help prevent fractures. call 1-800-316-4953 and learn how to help maintain strong bones and read about a treatment option for post-menopausal osteoporosis. there's even a discussion guide to use when you talk to your doctor. [ woman 4 ] if i'm at risk, i want to know more now! [ female announcer ] call today for your free information kit and learn how you can help prevent fractures.
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>> greg: he had a pension for panties. a hankering for hanes. a german man, what a surprise -- was arrested this week for stealing underwear when cops discovered he had over a thousand pairs in his apartment along with more than 100 pairs of swimming trunks. >> that is weirder, collecting swimming trunks. said the police spokes -- the german police spokesman
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translated they were all evidently in use but had been washed and neatly stacked away. the skivvy loving suspect claims he acquired them from the internet as well as from john gibson's extensive collection. >> good stuff. >> greg: jim, why is it always a man? women don't do this. >> ever seen men's boxers. a crime scene. >> greg: a good point. they are like a crime scene. but women's underwear, you can blame men for stealing women's underwear but look at how beautiful the underwear are. it is like they deserve them. >> i want to wear them like a sars mask around the airport. >> i want to see that. >> greg: something tells me that you have intimate information about a crime like this. >> i had about a dozen pairs of my underwear missing for the last week so at least now i know where they are and they
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are safe so that is okay. >> when were you going through my desk? >> greg: she can't tell the difference between her underwear and your underwear, bill. >> bill and i share underwear. >> greg: restrived by forcemy, remy, you are lawyer here. it is not like he is hurting anybody. does he go to jail for something like this? >> if he is collecting underwear, who is nothing unlawful, there is no crime being committed. if he stole the underwear and they could establish that he did that which i'm not really sure they can, then theft obviously would be the crime. how do they prove that he stole the underwear? are people going to come in and say look, that is my pair of underwear or my bra. how are they going to identify the underwear. >> i would recognize that thing anywhere. >> i recognize that stain, i was nervous that day. >> i make rorschach tests with these stains. >> greg: could you defend him,
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remy, could you get him off? >> i'm not sure i could get him off. >> greg: has anybody stolen your underpants? >> nobody has. >> greg: how do you know that? >> because it is under lock and key. >> greg: bill, how is this any different than stamp collecting? >> it really isn't. i feel bad for the guy. there is so many contradictions, they are say that they were clean but clearly in use. i cannot wrap my head around it aside from the fact that yes, he is german so that makes it much less strange. >> i think the story is already affecting obama's poll numbers. >> greg: i don't know about that. do you collect anything, jim? >> i collect photos of celebrities. i would be a horrible serial killer. >> greg: that is the ultramall capture, the way you capture killers is because they. >> they have to save something and go over it and. >> a pack rat is just the crazy
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phrase for collecting. you collect things, otherwise you are a pack rat. >> greg: i'm trying to think if i collected anything. finger nails. >> house boys. >> greg: i made finger nails into a lovely statue. >> of jim norton. >> greg: women don't collect things. >> there are a lot of women hoarders. a lot of stories about women that just collect things and tore them. for the most part, i don't think as much as men do, no. >> greg: diana, besides boyfriends, what do you collect? >> you know me well. i would say purses and shoes but not really. maybe maltese puppies. >> greg: i was dating a girl who collected scissors. bought one pair a week. >> i collect parts of maltese puppies. >> greg: terrible. straight ahead, one of the cast members of the hit hbo series "true blood" enters the stereo.
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and so will you. cascade complete all-in-one actionpacs. for money-saving offers, visit i think you owe it to yourself to at least give her an interview. >> surion come on in. >> thank you. >> oh, can i start parking over near your trailer instead of, you know,. >> yeah. yeah, you go ahead. >> i love you. >> greg: it as bloody delight with plots you can sink your teeth into and never let go. but enough of law & order.
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let's talk about true blood, widely considered to be the best tv show featuring vampires since full house. it airs at 9:00 p.m. eastern. better watch it. joining us is the actress who plays the sasscy re red headed waitress. karrie knows the em bed like i know inbred. i have a theory about people bescribed as sassy. if you were unattractive that would be called rude. because you are cute, because you're cute, you're sassy. >> i like sassy better than spunky. >> greg: spunky has a gross kind of biological con know connotation to it. were you surprised by the popularity of true blood?
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>> allan ball created the show and he did six feet under and it was a huge hit and true blood has hbo behind it and they make great television. it didn't surprise me too much, but how many people love it. >> greg: it is amazing. whereever you go, somebody brings it up. the quintessential water cooler show. we don't have water coolers any more and that is a shame. >> let's bring those back. >> ball went from 1500 which is about the dead to kind of the undead. he has issues, doesn't he? >> i think he does. he might be obsessed with things that are cold. >> greg: i like that. i like that. do people come up to you in the street or recognize you? >> no one comes up to me. people have no idea that i'm on the show which is kind of fun. >> greg: i have that issue, too, but no one watches, it is a different story. >> it is. people don't know who i am but then when i tell them they get excited. >> greg: i bet. interesting, why is everybody
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so interested in vampires, not just this show but coming up in the news, a lot of novels featuring vampires. >> what novel ever featured a vampire. >> dracula. >> greg: a fare wheel to vampires. >> that was good. >> catch 22 and the vampires. >> war of the vampires. >> yes, that was mad. >> schindler's vampire. >> i'm a vampire. >> the tale of two vampires. >> that was the first gay vampires fire. it was fantastic. >> franken vampires fire. >> dracula vampires fire. >> greg: stop it. seems to be an infatuatio infah these. >> people's desire to literally devour the object of their nnffections, literally. >> greg: blood. >> very sexy and mysterious and, you know. >> greg: how would you describe the show to somebody who has never seen it before like a grand parent?
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>> okay, it is about vampires who have come out of the coffin and they are walking amongst us so everybody knows that vampires exist and they are fighting for their rights. >> greg: that is an interesting thing. the idea of vampires have come out and they are dealing with on one side people that want to be treated equally and others who discriminate against them. is this a code for something? >> i don't know what do you think. >> greg is against vampires. >> greg: i am -- greg is against vampire marriage. vampire unions. >> greg: i'm not even sure i want that. i don't want to see what they are doing in public. do whatever you want in the bathroom or. >> in your coffin. >> greg: in your coffin. the minute you do it in public, i don't want that in front of my children. you deal with stereo types and the whole idea of, you know, vampires. but yet you play arlene the
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waitress and you are stereo typical waitress. i think the show is waitresses. >> you think so folks, yes. >> i'm trying to infuse the character with the little something new, and not the traditional flo from alice. >> greg: you have been divorced a number of times. >> and two kids probably from two different daddies. >> greg: you dated a serial killer. all waitresses are like that. >> all of them. >> greg: are you mad that you are not a vampire? >> i would like to be a vampire. >> greg: is there a potential that you can become one? >> it is based on the books but completely departed from the books now. >> greg: it is in louisiana, very hot there? >> it shoots in l.a. so not too bad. >> greg: so they do all the main shots in louisiana? >> some exteriors. >> greg: the thing with louisiana is you get to have great accents. >> i grew up in georgia so i geithner to tap int get -- to p
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into the old. >> greg: your husband is on lost. a married couple and both on successful shows. >> and the sci fi genre. >> greg: and they have spoiler alerts. do you share secrets. >> i don't want him to tell me a thing about lost because i'm a huge lost fan so i want to experience it with the audience. and he is sort of the same with true blood so we keep each other in the dark. >> greg: you were in vicky kristina barcelona. >> yes. >> greg: what was it like working with woody allen? in europe, you have to have a second bistro. i won't get into it here because it is kind of disgusting. >> okay. >> greg: got to go. thank you could much. congratulations on everything. a delight having you here. the show is true blood, airs sundays at 9:00 p.m. eastern on hb a. have to pay for that. sorry, bill. >> it's worth it. >> greg: you can get the dvds.
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>> greg: that is where you make the real money. for a comment, e-mail us as still to come, the halftime report from tv's andy levy. talk the halftime report is sponsored by the pregame report starring tv's andy levy it gives you the "red eye" viewary unique preview of the show before it happens. thanks, pregame report. wake up! boys!! teenagers. yeah, up at the crack of noon. when you use windex, the streak-free shine... lets in more light. and that makes mornings a whole lot brighter. oh, man! we're gonna be late for school! get up! come on! - come on! - ( mother smirks ) when do you think she's gonna tell 'em it's saturday? ( laughter ) for a streak-free shine that lets in the light, use windex. s.c. johnson-- a family company.
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>> greg: he is wearing a jacket, welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we go to tv's andy levy. andy, how do you deal with telemarketers when they call at your home? >> i don't have a phone or internet service at home. find out why in the new pamphlet how the jews u technology to control your thoughts. >> a wordy one. but i'm going read it. i think you are on to something. >> i'm on something. >> greg: somebody is telling knee anyway. >> exactly. that is why it is all about pamphlets, greg, new technology, pamphlets and red lined walls. ohio man arrested for making terrorist phone threats. jim, you said you don't condone what he did then said the only way to handle telemarketers is to do what he did. >> that is the beauty of me, the paradox. >> like the yin and yang all combined into one.
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>> one big uncomfortable to look at mush remy, you said they will release him on his own recognizance. is that where you stand in front of a barbecuing bash mirror -- in front of a mirror and if you recognize yourself. >> greg: it doesn't mean anything. >> it exists only to re-establish that you will appear in court until the case is over. has nothing to do with anything else. >> and that you can recognize yourself in a mirror. >> greg: unless you are vampire, then you can't. >> that is the whole purpose. that and animals. >> greg: can't seashore or anything in the mirror and they are also not vain. they don't need mirrors. llamas are vain. >> llamas are bass saturdays. >> we will get -- bastard jim, you said you threat ton write a letter to the supervisors.
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i tell them that i will dash off a letter -- off a strongly worded letter to the editor will help. >> supervisor is far enough up theline. >> greg: i say i'm going to write a letter and then drive to their parent's house and stuff it down their throats. >> make it threatening and sexy. >> one point of that is not legal, greg. >> greg: really? >> the drive. >> the guy said he would burn down the building and kill the employees and their families. nobody is going to go after the familys. >> that was out of line. >> it was with regard to the family. >> that is where he went out of line. >> obama science coauthored a book about the population growth limiting. you pointed out that now he says that global warming could cause the deaths of 1 billion people by 2020. shouldn't he be for that? >> well, actually that is a good point. so much like jim, he himself is a paradox.
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>> exactly. >> i might say very pleasant to look at, both of. >> in the book cowritten by now mr. global warming science guy it stays many observants speculated that the cooling could be the beginning of a longer trend from that direction, that is an abnormal depart your from the long period in history. >> i kind of pretend -- i can't even pretend that we're interested in that comment. >> the cooley becomes the warmy. >> i'm following the pamphlet. >> greg, you said that among the programs a mentioned was "spiking water reserves with a chemical that would make them themster aisle. >> you have to factor in the weight of everybody. can't just throw something in the water supply. somebody who weighs 150-pounds and somebody who weighs 250-pound foss be affected by the same amount. >> that is true but i was
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pointing out the poor sentence construction where it said that you wanted to make the water sterile. >> greg: that is why i added an extra point so people would be clouded and confused. >> also, greg, you can't live on a rainbow. >> can't do it. >> german police catch underwear thief. greg, jim, you were talking as if this man stole women's underwear. you don't know that. >> that is true. >> wasn't in the story. >> that's true. i only g go by what i have don. i don't steal them, i just borrow them, use them and put them back. >> that is not really stealing, is it? >> no. >> remy, you said collecting underwear is not a crime, right? >> andy, you are in the clear, nothing to worry about. >> it's for a friend. >> i bet. >> diana falzone gets away with murder. welcome back remy spencer. she knows litigation like i
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know mastication. diana, she is so hot, you can fry a chalupa on her face. and comedian jim norton. if hilarity were a tambourine, mammaass would bang him. already, it is creepy, it as story and a creepy, screeny story. a story as creepy as it is practical. the new york times reports that more families are skipping cemeteries and funeral homes and instead choosing to care tore their dead at home from everything from building the coffin and burial is done with the help of a death mid wife. scary title, maybe. what is even more frightening is the cost of an average funeral. traditional services $6,000. home burials only a hundred couple bones or a couple hundred bones depending on your ability to speak which i have none. diana, what do you make of
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this, creepy or marvelous? >> i think it is highly creepy. there is no way that granddad in his wishes was saying that i hope my grandkids are going to embalm me and bury me in the back yard. i think they are cheap and want to pocket the $6,000 and say whatever, we will have grandpa under the tree. that's weird. >> greg: i have mixed feelings. the cemetery is really, really expensive and you like to have your loved ones nearby. i know i do. >> thanks, greg. >> some of those things may be true but, you know, planning for the in everybody visitable. we all know that one day this is going to happen. save your pennys. this should not be about dollars and cents. i don't think people should be burying loved ones in the backyard. many people who know we know that i love to work on my house. what if i decide to put in a big tree. i don't want to dig up the prior owner's father in my
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backyard. >> what if he had an expensive watch with him. >> greg: a good question is, what could you do if you move? what if you are in your house and you have uncle steve there. >> put ooh sign that says treasure here and then set up a video camera and watch the idiots dig up the dead body. >> i like that idea. >> i think relatives should be like you put is a ran wrap on them and leave them in the living room and punch them when you lose money at the track. >> gambling and family issues. >> greg: the problem isn't burying people, it is the tombstones. >> isn't the whole thing kind of weird. taking these people that are a dead organic mass and stuffing them in a box and putting them six feet under and putting a big stone to indicate that is where they are. if you look at this human practice, it is truly odd. if you go to the cemetery, it is great real estate. i live in a crappy area.
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there is no such thing as a funeral home in a bad area. >> pinch, where do you want to be buried when you are dead, which is soon? >> i provide covering for dead fish on a nightly basis but i'm more a wedding person than a death person mostly because we charge more for the wedding announcements than we do obits. every penny counts. call me, happy couples. >> greg: i want to be eaten by my family. pud are my bottom and -- powder my bottom and call me blushy. will this week's solar eclipse will this week's solar eclipse spark violence? woue odorous grunts? you decide. not necessarily. after menopause, when a woman has a fracture, the underlying cause could be osteoporosis. and that's a fracture that might have been prevented. if you have post-menopausal osteoporosis, you could be at high risk for fracture. which is why i hope you'll call now 1-800-316-4955
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>> greg: is the milky way really milky? saturn sur robbed by firey or promise rings. why does mars have to be so red. the universe perplexed the news industry but is took a program like ours to go out and find another being to comment. odorous orungus. happens to be "red eye's" interplanetary correspondent. his latest album drops on the 19th. if you don't buy it he will eat you, throw it up and then eat you again. how was your drive over here? anything happen? >> i almost went to jail. we're here broadcasting from
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the lovely done guns of richmond, virginia, and -- done gins of richmond, virginia, and there were cops everywhere and you must have good connections, greg, because dropping your name was the only thing that prevented a bloody riot. >> greg: did they actually watch "red eye" or just hear fox news or what happened? >> they just knew that you have connections amongst powerful elite as i have learned myself and they are not going to mess with you, greg, and i'm glad to by onboard. >> greg: and what happened to the police officers? >> he was skewered, disemboweled and drawn in quarters. >> greg: good. lieutenant get right to it. scientists released images of new dark scar on jupiter. what do you think is colitissed with this, the hand somest of planets? >> i know exactly what that is. first of all, jupiter is not
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particularly handsome. in fact, it is the dumbest of all planets. there is a staying nothing is stupider than jupiter. i will tell you what happened. we were driving by jupiter and we did that thing where we like let the toilet, you know, with like be ice kind of thing that might have collided with jupiter. >> greg: wow. a lot of people were saying it was a comet, do you disagree? >> comet scomi tim, makes me want to vomit. there goes the hayley's comet. makes me want to vomit. >> have you one to jupiter and what are the people like there, the women? >> there is partially women. basically there are the genitals are women, that is about all they have there. >> i guess -- >> can i say that? >> you said it, we'll leave it
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in. >> thank god. >> greg: i want to ask you, some astrologiers are claiming the upcoming solar eclipse will cause world violence. what do you make of this? >> that is funny with the fighting in afghanistan and the jakarta hotel bombing and the rise of american gladiators we have seen violence go to a whole new level. now, will we have more violence? we can only hope so. >> greg: interesting point. they say that the food will be caused to be inedible and water undrinkable and blaming it all on a demon. are you the demon? >> i will have to let you people figure it out for yourself and i will say one thing i'm certainly no angel. >> greg: interesting. the news nasa officials say if we undergo a mission to mars it will be a one way ticket and explorers if they go will
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possib never return. do you believe that? >> will, i know it to be a fact. humans, they say that humans have been to the moon. ha! that is absurd! you humans could not get past the van allen radiation belts. and you would never make it pass the linus van belt belts. it is a diagonal line that goes around his stomach and further more, i completely foregot what i was talking about! >> greg: do you have any tips for space travel? >> all i can say is i don't really know much about space travel but i know that the san diego all week, the new album is coming out in august and we are getting ready to hit the road. this is my fourth appearance on "red eye" and i'm not going to stop until the planet is a burning cinder! >> i like a man who has got a plan. you seem to have a lot going for you. very confident man.
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>> i am a confident but i'm not a man. i'm a float thing, that is what i'm credited on. i count my friendship with you, greg, as one of migratest accomplishments -- my greatest accomplishments. i look forward to defiling many people back stage. >> greg: excellent. one last question, why is a space beast in richmond, virginia? >> well, that is a long story, greg, and if you want me to tell it i will have to babble on for a half hour. suffice to say, we like to take the slaves from art schools and shopping malls and just happens that richmond is full of art schools and shopping malls. >> greg: interesting. well, we got to go. thank you, always a pleasure having you on. the new cd a called lust in space and comes out august 18th. coming up next, voice mail
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i'm sorry. i can't hear you very well. announcer: does someone you know have trouble hearing on the phone? dad. dad, let me help you with that, okay? announcer: now, a free phone service shows captions of everything a caller says. i'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor. announcer: to learn more about captioned telephone, call 1-800-552-7724 or go to our website. i'll see you at 3:00!
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announcer: captioned telephone - enjoy the phone again! >> greg: those of you -- for those of you who have never done it like this, you should. probably my favorite position, on the bike, too. >> oh,. >> greg: we have fun. that is absolutely adorable. i could watch that tape over and over again. it is messages for greg. kick back, relax and feast your eyes on delightful baboons as we bathe your ears. >> greg, wanted to let you know that i have been on vacation with my family and it sucks. i wish we were home watching "red eye."
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since i have been watching my skin has been improving, the ladies have been paying attention to me and i notice my bodies dough odor is a little better. >> when andy asks bill if he has anything to plug and bill says no? he's lying. >> greger,. >> you definitely gained cool points for that one. but then lost them for wearing polo and cargo shorts. >> bl, you got a long way to go. >> hi, i just want to say that i hope you have more sporting challenges because andy levy looks so incredible in outdoor lighting. if he got any better looking it would be painful to look at him. actually bill looks pretty hot, too. it was disturbing actually. there was a problem and and it was the fact that all i could say was nice racks. >> greg, i love your show but quit complaining about your
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weight. you sound like a damn woman! have a wonderful day. >> someone please light pinch on fire. >> hi, greg, this is bruce. i want to know does bill schulz have a fan club because i would like to be president and then we could go camping and we could have lime kool-aid and bill could bring the fruit cocktail. >> greg: i'm transfixed by that footage. >> that is unbelievable. >> greg: remember, keep calling me on the direct line 212-462-5050. tell me what it would take to? ãnsa you syou k#? this is what the inside of strong bone looks like. now i want to warn you about a bone disease you may not feel,
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