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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  July 26, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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bill o'reilly is next, the o'reilly factor. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. geraldo hi, i'm geraldo rivera. welcome to the new digs. we are live and at large and wondering why was an agenda bursting at the seams did the president pick a fight with a cop in cam bridge only to be solded by bill cosby and forced to apologize. before we dive into the most consequencal race case since rodney king. a head's up, craig has an exclusive interview with michael jackson's long-time plastic surgeon who names names as he tells us what he knows about who made michael a junky. how does demerol debbie roe
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sound? and the sealed air erin andrews. only three possibilities. either a peeping tom is a skilled and obsessed freak with a lot of skill and times on his hands or an insider that works for fox news or the tape is a hoax. that probe later. up front tonight, the president, the professor and the cop from cambridge. >> i think it is fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry. number two, that the cambridge police acted stupidly. and number three, what i think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there is a long history in this country of african americans and latinos being stopped by law
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enforcement disproportionately. >> i acted appropriately. mr. gates was given plenty of opportunity to stop what he was doing. he acted very irrational and he controlled the ultimate events. i support the president of the united states 110%. i think he is way off base wading into a local issue not knowing the facts that he himself stated before he made the comments. i guess a friend of mine would support my position, too. >> geraldo: no one can dispute the fact that black and latino men have experiences more extreme than others in this country. many saw the arrest of henry louis gates in the melancholy light, especially after the cambridge cops dropped the bogus disorderly conduct charge that they lodged against a clearly intemperate people. still, since he wasn't there, should the president of all
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people have labeled the cop's actions stupid? clearly, bill cosby did not think so. >> i think that both parties need to be treated in a way that they would both come together because this racially is something that we do not take off and look and feel the way it is beginning to look and feel. >> geraldo: bravo, bill cosby whose statement clearly led the young president to invite both the cop and professor to the white house. >> it helped to contribute. i want to make clear that in my choice of words i think i unfortunately gave an impression that i was ma lining the cambridge police department or sergeant crowley specifically and i could have calibrated the words
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differently and i told this to sergeant crawly in my conversation. there was syracuse about he and i and professor gates having a beer here in the white house. we don't know if that is scheduled yet, but -- but we may put that together. >> geraldo: i hope they do. a terrific political panel to discuss and debate gates gate including governor and once and future presidential candidate mike huckabee. best selling author ann colter and columbia university professor mark all joining me tonight. welcome, everybody. as a southern state governor, former southern state deep south governor, there is no question, is there but that blacks and latinos have a different and much more mel can collie bundle of experiences with law enforcement. isn't that incon trovertable? >> to say that is still evident today, i would dispute that.
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i don't think there is any more racism in the south than you would find in other parts of the country geographically. >> geraldo: nationwide, isn't it a fact, i mean you have latino men telling me anecdoteally on an almost daily basis they are being stopped by local cops who ask them where they were born. >> one is, was there in fact a racial overtone to the arrest of professor gates and the answer seems to be absolutely no. even african american officers who were at the scene dispute there was anything irrational about it. appears that professor gates got hot under the collar and would not calm down. i would like to think if a policeman comes to my house because he heard that there is someone breaking in and it is me going through the doorion i'm grateful that i came. i set off my own lam and -- alarm, the cops come and i thank them and i apologize for
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setting off the alarm. the second one, what on earth is the president of the united states doing weighing in on this? that is really what i think the bigger issue is. >> geraldo: anann, is it not a fact by charmingly inviting the two parties to the white house and having them accept graciously for a brewski that the president made lemonade out of a lemmon? >> i don't think so. wishful thinking on your part, geraldo. no, he called what the cops did acting stupidly. he has been accused from when ran against bobby rush and lost against bobby rush. bobby rush kept saying he is not a black man, he is a half light, well educated white man. he has been attacked in the sun times for not being black enough. he had the question plant. >> he had the question planted about the gates. >> no. you have no proof of that. >> as opposed to the many things you break on your show, i do have proof.
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>> geraldo: and a dig at me, too. it is racial. >> he wanted to ask that question. by the way, it isn't working the way he wanted to. it was the last question in the press conference. it was supposed to be something that people would notice. but notice that the sun times back in chicago, even the sun times reporter, mary mitchell. >> geraldo: specifically denies that that -- >> of course, she did. >> geraldo: do you have proof that that reporter is lying, too? >> it was like that with david axel rod an who she works witht sun times. i think mary mitch st. louis right about this. this is making light of racial profiling. and i don't normally agree with mary mitchell about anything. she is like a black activism. she says this is like a woman who claims constructive rape because her boss calls her honey. >> perhaps he wasn't in the
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initial stages. be that as it may, professor lamont hill, to use the adverb irtupidly, stupid, how do you use that about the cambridge, massachusetts, police when you don't even use it about mahmoud ahmadinejad. >> that is why i don't think it was plan the because i don't see he would use such language had he had a chance to reflect on it. i don't think he would try to get black points in the middle of the healthcare press conference. i think he was trying to respond on behalf of his friend. i think it was great. he was right. there was no reason for him to be arrested for disorderly conduct. there was no law being broken there. the mistake comes when back tracks and invites everybody for a beer. >> geraldo: you don't like that idea. >> no! >> geraldo: gates gait and the promised brewski from courtney who is down the street from the home in cambridge, mass, which
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is ironically one of the lost liberal cities in the new world. theyville a beer and where? >> professor gates is at martha's vineyard this weekend and we heard president obama will be there in august so we said it would be nice if they decided to meet there for us because then we could cover the story. right now it appears that sergeant crowley is back at home and things are quiet and smoothed out. that could change if the 911 call made by the neighbors is released or the police transmission tape of the arrest is released. both of them are supposed to be made public according to the massachusetts public czar but could be held while they continue to be investigated. theam bridge police union want the tape released. >> geraldo: the cops want the recording released? i want to be clear on that. >> absolutely. the cambridge police union says they want them released. sergeant crowley spoke on low cal news, geraldo, saying and
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he was clear that professor gates he explained exactly how the arrest went down and said professor gates was screaming, ranting, he would not calm down. you and i both know, black or white what happens is you get arrested for disorderly conduct, professor or not and professor gates is definitely turning this into a race issue. he is saying that obama said. >> geraldo: i have not heard ever, ever, the case where you get arrest the for disorderly conduct inside your own home and the professor alleges that sergeant crowley lured him outside specifically to get around that technicality you might call it in the law. and he was entrapped and that is why the cam bridge cops dropped it. i want to ask the governor a question. what if the tape says there is two black guys breaking into the house next door. is that good or bad for sergeant crowley? >> i don't think it matters what color they were.
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there were two people that appeared to be breaking into a home. >> geraldo: i trust you so much, you don't think that people have a rice reaction when they see a again a race reaction when they see a black man doing something, not necessarily a black woman. there is a response, it may be a learned response, a subtle instinctive response but there is a diff'rent reaction. >> within some people that is true, i don't think it is with officer crowley. he has a long history of being the antiracist, even teaching against racial profiling. you have the police report. i read the report by sergeant crowley and the one by the assisting officer and both are adamant that it was not luring him outside. it was that when came outside he would not leave it alone. i'm talking about professor gates. he followed the officer out and continued. >> this person in massachusetts to say even berating a police
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officer while being arrested is not -- >> they had no legal right. >> he shouldn't have been arrested. >> most of the charges have been dropped. bigger issue is why would the president of the united states weigh in on this. >> because this is a huge issue that deals with racial issues. even if we think that ann is right and say this is a ploy of racial profiling, that is something the president needs to weigh in on. >> intervening is one thing but calling a police officer stupid. >> i disagree with both you and geraldo on a point that this was not grounds for arrest, him carrying on. you can be arrested for disorderry conduct in your home. that is what domestic violence cases are. >> this is a guy who ran for -- without. >> sorry. >> if the cop accuses him of carrying on and then laughed and then goes across and starts fighting with the neighbor and
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beating up the girlfriend, the cop would be liable. >> it was dropped because it was a lame charge. >> it was not. that is not a lame charge. >> look at police report. >> the harvard professor's lawyer calls the mayor of cam bridge, that is why it was dropped. because the alleged victim here is the powerful harvard professor backed up by the prowerful mayor. >> geraldo: it was a bad case. >> if we can't believe the police report. >> geraldo: leave this there. is sarah palin -- is barack obama a (announcer) you can make a bigger difference in the world. you can make a positive change in your career. you can make a greater contribution to the greater good. and you can start today, by earning your degree online...
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the president's birth cert cal says he was born in hawaii. we also have a copy of the on honolulu advertiser, and the hawaii star bulletin, august 14th, 1961. >> a lot of questions, remaining, the questions won't go away because they haven't been dealt with. >> we don't even watch cnn. it's your own [ bleep ] network. >> geraldo: everybody knows i think lou dobbs is a cope, made a career out of slandering latinos. but dobbs has a new distinction as the principal prime time advocate of the issue of whether or not barack obama is a citizen of the united states. is this an issue? >> no is isn't. and he is not a crank. he was right on illegal immigration. howeve he was wrong on this issue. and every conservative publication from the human events and american spectator dealt with this because it was raised as an issue.
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>> geraldo: a year ago. >> and said there is nothing to it. so for cnn or ms nbc or you, geraldo, on fox news reading this out as if it is an issue, it is like when the networks bring on the three remaining klanners in america. >> geraldo: i think the three remaining klanners e-mail me daily. >> i get e-mails from people who say he is into the a real citizen and part of me loves it because it makes the conservatives look like a party of people that are disorganized and focus on the issues other than those that americans face. >> the reason we knew this wasn't true because i promise you that hillary clinton in her careful research would have found this out. there is no way and they would have pulled the trigger on it long before the election. >> and the people who are raising this, and that is the media has covered up an awful
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lot. when the edwards affair, the real story, the mainstream media refused to cover it. >> geraldo: the competition requires them to come around. >> the thing is if the mainstream media did its job you wouldn't even have the few conspiracy theorists on the right that you have and those on the left. >> can sarah palin succeed as a private citizen using twitter as her device. >> she needs more than twitter but it is a tool. again, i think that her resignation from the office mid term was a surprise. not that she was going to not go ahead and go for another election. the question is does she really want to be on the national stage and does she think that resigning as governor mean that the press will leave her alone. the answer to that is absolutely not. they will come after her relentlessly. >> sarah campaign consideration if you run for president, by the way. >> geraldo: a spirited debate. out to another spirited issue, why are so many people, women
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especially skeptical applebee's 2 for $20! it's real food at the right price! this is the primo stuff. choose one appetizer and two premium entrees. just twenty bucks-every day. start with our spinach and artichoke dip or boneless buffalo wings. then two signature entrees, like our seven ounce house sirloin or oriental chicken salad. genuine food. generous portions. genius price. 2 for $20! only at applebee's.
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>> geraldo: back live, everybody. it is the perfect tabloid scandal involving a glamorous sports caster and stalker. even as erin andrews lawyers threaten criminal and civil action against whoever is responsible for violating the privacy of the reporter her plight with meeting with a curious mixture of skepticism and curiosity and as millions search the web, often in vein,
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many people, particularly women that i have spoken with either seem to doubt andrews is an innocent victim particularly because it is so flattering or the women are skeptical about fox news' purported outrage since it was the sports network itself that marketed missfo andrews as a sex symbol and it was the sports network whose actions essentially made the tape. before we tell you how we think the whole thing went down, meet two women who know what it is like to walk the balance barf sports reporting. zellly zinc, a sports caster and friend of erin andrews and from los angeles, former sideline reporter lisa guerreros.rar thanks for being with me. it is a fact of sports casting that many of the sports casters, i think both of you
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are clear examples, there is a combination of your skills as a reporter but also your lovely womenness goes together. is that a bad thing and does that have the negative kind of consequences that poor erin andrews is now enduring? >> first of all, geraldo, as you know, television is a visual medium so those of us that work on television care what we look like. we go to hair and makeup just like the male sports casters, do. it is no surprise that somebody like erin andrews would be as popular as she is based upon how beautiful she is but also she is a good reporter, sports knowledgeable, warm on television and can do live television and do it well. i think to somehow make her or to punish the victim because of what happened to her is wrong. she was clearly the victim? this situation. and i think a lot of this mean spiritedness coming from other women is surprising and disturbing. >> geraldo: speaking of that, my wife calls them the pretty
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women police, okay, kelly, listen to this, this is from usa today sports columnist kristine brennan who said if you braid off your sex appeal and your looks eventually you will lose those. she doesn't deserve what happened to her by part of the schtick is being out there and encouraging a nut case to drill a hole in the room. what do you think? >> i think it is not only ridiculous. i think it screams jealouscy. erin andrews does not invite that kind of attention. you can't help that she is beautiful and to say that she invited a stalker is ridiculous. if she wanted to put her naked body for everybody to see she would do play boy or maybe maxim where she knowle it will be tasteful. to say that she leaked this video herself is absurd to me.
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>> do you believe this hurt her career or helped her career? >> i think her reputation stands as a great reporter. i don't think it will do either. but i think a lot more people know who erin andrews is now.
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the program runs until november 1st. >> geraldo: alicia gentleman rare a and kelly zinc on the erin andrews nude videotape. do you believe that this was an inside job? do you believe or is there any sense that you have that this was a coworker of this woman? what do you think, kelly? >> well, sorry, in my opinion, it is somebody that knew her schedule or got extremely lucky. i mean as a traveling reporter you have very few hours of downtime so it is somebody who knew when she would be in her hotel room getting ready but i
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don't think that any one would violate her like that although espn may be hiring free lance producers so it may not be somebody that was close to her. >> geraldo: i want to go back to the question i asked kelly just about the break about whether or not this helps or hurts her career. how we are told that she is traumatized and holed up in her house in georgia and staying off tv until september. should she be or should she feel the vibe of support from all the people who are saying, you know, you did nothing wrong, come on out? >> let's face it, the demo graphics for sports is primarily a male demo graphic. they loved her before and they will continue to love and support her, again, not just because she is attractive. she is articulate and sports knowledgeable and good at her job. i think people's hearts will go out to her. i think that some of the. >> geraldo: i think she is going to be huge. i tell you now. i never heard of her before but i heard of her plenty now and
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everybody in the studio, especially the guys behind the camera have heard of her. and they are the source. investigators sur mice you folks should know that there are six separate nude clips of the sports caster in circulation on the web. four from one hotel, two from a second hotel. maybe taken the later one when miss andrews was covering the college world series in omaha, nebraska, back in june. because at least two locations are involved the obvious inference is that the perp either had the cooperation of andrews which i think is unlikely or the shooter had information about where the sports caster would be staying staying she would be staying there bowe bead. >> traveling and shooting her films. you have to find out from her, who was actively overzealous with her and somebody who has been stalking her from afar. for them to get access into the
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hotel rooms they had to commit burglary. >> geraldo: not necessarily. >> how did they know which room she was going to end up at. had to be someone with her two separate places. >> geraldo: and know when she is getting dress. and know that she gets dressed dancing around. >> if i'm investigating this, first of all, she was a play boy model i think. >> play boy's sexiest sports caster two years running. >> photographed nude. >> geraldo: no, not a nude model. >> my whole point is i'm going to say that she didn't know what was going on because the way she is starting to act so upset. but see the suspects. who would be the suspects. people that were coming on to her and then all of a sudden she can add to the investigators who she suspects could have been bothering her. >> kimberly guilfoyle, why are so many women skeptical of erin andrews account and is it because she looks so good?
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>> because she does look good. if somebody is going to do that to me, i want to look that good. people are like are you kidding me this is like in a way in terms of the note ryety. >> the history of the leaked tape. >> kind of good for her career in many respects. she is definitely on the maps. everybody knows who she is. of course, i believe that she feels upset and shamed by it and humiliated. it is not like they weren't yelling and going bananas for her before. >> geraldo: just in the dress, do you have that dress? show it the still. >> do you like that one? >> geraldo: she has to be a little used to the attention. not that dress. >> right. >> bobby lonard sitting alongside me here, preside of spy store in new york city. normal people, you look out to people and it is like a binocular. the little end and wide end and look out and magnifies and has broad shot. if you look through a peep hole
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from the outside it is all blurry consideration it can't just be that they are just looking in the hotel room peep holes. it would be ridiculous. >> there is speculation that something like this was used. >> geraldo: and what is this? >> a reverse peep hole view. and what do you do? put this in the peephole. >> more of a law enforcement piece to knock down doors. >> geraldo: put this there and look in the peep hole. >> and lets you know how many people. >> geraldo: and then put a camera for torture house this. camera -- camera to this. >> looks like it was done with a cell phone. >> all you would need is this little thing and this little thing and now you are in business. >> that's it. >> geraldo: now, you are in business. >> but the deal is you are? a lobby or, you know, the corridor of a hotel, you have guests coming in and out, you have the cleaning people, room service people. it is pretty risky. you have to really be a sickie.
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>> if this is a random peeping tom he -- how do you know when she is naked in the room. >> geraldo: you are also of the opinion that it is an inside job? >> i think, that is too random. i think it was too random. >> geraldo: here, listen to this, folks, this is really interesting. this is not necessarily a crime. unless this is a state, there is only 12 of them that i know, that require both parties to consent. if it is a single party state and the guy is looking through a peephole, i don't know, what is the crime? >> there is no criminal crime that is being economied here in terms of that but there could be a civil lawsuit, invasion of privacy and the particular if he tried to profit from this commercial misappropriation. so far, no, it is just on you tube. then he could be enjoined by the court and injunction filed and he couldn't profit from it, assuming it as guy. >> civilly what you have here, if we find out exactly.
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but just like mr. leonard said, it is so unbelievable that you could have this opportunity twice, two different hotels and just get that room next to her and be able to put a hole in the wall. >> i'm sure they threatened this at espn, i bet they are sweating who is it in your building that did this to this young lady. thanks, guys. the search warrants executed at the houston office and storage facility of conrad murray, it is clear that he is the primary target and various sources are pointing the theory has murray alleging the powerful anesthetic diprivan and trying to cover up his own misfeasance after jackson lapses into unconsciousness. dr. oliver, thank you very much for being with us.
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does what i just said ring true to you, that they know it is murray or think it is murray, at least initially going after murray and the toxicology already in they know exactly what killed michael jackson, doctor? >> from what i can see, i think you are right that the toxicology would be in. the coroner's office in l.a. does toxicology. >> house so they almost certainly have the results by now. according to what i have seen in the news media of the searches in houston, i would think that they are trying to find out if this doctor is tied in with those particular drugs. >> geraldo: does the lapd usually follow the coroner's lead and lock steps the way they are in this particular case? >> not usually, they go their separate ways and join later before the court action but they seem to be following the coroner's lead at this point. >> geraldo, if they were ever to obtain the search warrants
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like that in texas, you know they are right on top of it. anna nicole anne, this guy is getting indicted. it will go further. the drugstores indicted. they were administering demerol without prescription. put whatever name you want on the prescriptions. bill branton is in charge of this in l.a. i think you will see several arrests in the case. >> geraldo: kimberly, clearly manslaughters in the offing. when we first mentioned it. >> right. >> a day or so after jackson died people were looking at us. >> and who is laughing now because you were on the money about it. it is going toel be involuntary manslaughter. no intentional act need be committed. >> why only an indictment for intentional? why not indict for manslaughter or even murder? you can plead down to voluntary. >> depends on the facts and circumstances. >> what if he fell asleep. starts giving the drip of the diprivan and falls asleep?
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>> the argument could be for a second-degree implied malice murder theory. >> look at what happens if you supply 1,000 demerol pills and one thousand oxycontin in one month and you are the doctor and writing the scripts. >> then you are looking at a second-degree. >> it is over the top. >> i say they go for the second-degree and like geraldo says then cop out to the manslaughter. >> depends on what facts they have to build. can't just go for a second. >> dr. murray going for the fall doesn't please everybody. it doesn't please the person on the phone with me in an exclusive interview right now. jackimo has been a heart patient for the last three years and you think the doctor is better than slice sliced bread, right? yes. >> has been my cardiologist for three years and you know i -- >> geraldo: can i ask you a personal question. was he easy only the draw when it came to tree scribing you drugs?
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>> no, actually he likes to take more of a holistic approach like vitamins and things like that. he had to because of my heart condition he had to prescribe me heart medicine to help me -- hart medicine to help me. hourhowever, he was never. >> how about pain medication? >> never. never even asked. >> geraldo: how do you feel about the fact that his career is in tatters right now from the various hospitals and seems to be facing an indictment for homicide? >> first of all, i want to say that i -- i have a lot of respect for dr. murray. he was a very good doctor to me and to many others. i trusted him. he did angioplasty on me and saved my life and was a good hearted, good man, nice person. >> geraldo: how are you doing, anyway? >> i'm doing okay. >> geraldo: god bless, have a happy recovery.
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>> gres can i just say one thing? >> yes. >> i feel that you did him an injustice by calling him. you mentioned on a few shows that he was aisles bag and this and that and you had him guilty before they even considered him to be -- >> geraldo: but the thing is -- doing things in this man territories may be unfair but it is unfair to give diprivan the powerful hospital anesthetic. >> you are innocent until proven guilty and it wasn't fair of you to use those words about anybody. >> geraldo: went to the typical perpetrate. i resect you and your show. >> don't get too excite. >> no, i'm not. i don't want. >> how about back to arnold kline. he is giving prescriptions. >> how about bradley. >> do you know how much doctors out there are giving
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prescriptions -- >> geraldo: you're right, you're right, donna. thank you so much for coming on. and really, we all sincerity. >> always take an aspirin. >> kennedy onwake up! boys!! teenagers. yeah, up at the crack of noon. when you use windex, the streak-free shine... lets in more light. and that makes mornings a whole lot brighter. oh, man! we're gonna be late for school! get up! come on! - come on! - ( mother smirks ) when do you think she's gonna tell 'em it's saturday? ( laughter ) for a streak-free shine that lets in the light, use windex. s.c. johnson-- a family company. you hungry? yeah.
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♪ return there for you and your guilty pleasures. ♪ how long... ♪ how long ♪
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woman: the odds of this daughter of a clergyman spending 11 weeks at #1 on the u.s. singles charts? 1 in 19 million. the odds of going on to win 6 grammy awards? 1 in 1.4 million. the odds of having a child diagnosed with autism? 1 in 150. i'm toni braxton, and i encourage you to learn the signs of autism at >> geraldo: back live. speaking now with the permission of michael jackson's mom katherine whose long time plastic surgeon gives craig this exclusive inter.
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>> there is a lot of theories about how michael jackson date that awful night in june but one person has his own theories. he is a doctor or doctor who actually treated michael jackson for 25 years, dr. hoffland. tell us what you think happen. >> i believe he was taking diprivan, he had difficulty sleeping. and therefore michael was given diprivan and died. >> kaplin says murray was the latest in a long line of doctors providing jackson powerful drugs like diprivan. among those investigated, jackson's denver dermatologist
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dr. arnold kline. >> he says the records show about how the addictive powerful pain killer demerol was given to jackson, leading to his addiction and they were administered by surrogate mother debbie roe who worked for kline. >> this is debbie rowe. you can see the same d and the same writing. >> demerol at 2:30 p.m. >> 6:20 p.m. >> 10:00 p.m. >> 2:00 a.m. >> 5:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. i mean this is every four or five hours he is given demerol. >> also, this was given in the center city condo by debbie roe who was not with dr. kline supervising this. it places her signature back and writing. >> and listen to what the doctor says about kline being
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responsible for jackson's skin appearance. >> he was treating him with a topical cream. >> which removes skin pigment. >> he was also injecting celestol. if you inject a lot of cortisone in the b face it restricts oxygen. >> a lot of people believe that michael jackson was addicted to plastic surgery which is the reason his nose was so thin and looked like it almost fell off. >> what you are seeing is a progression of the vinaquin. and the courtty sewn injections that were in his face. this was not from plastic opportunity.
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>> geraldo: back live with brother craig. >> according to dr. kline's attorney, certain personalities including those with medical credentials, one of which we believe has not treated michael jackson in ten years continued to provide self-serving and or potentially libelous comments to the immediatey about dr. kline and his history with michael jackson. he request the media to refrain from speculation and innuendo regarding dr. kline and his medical care and personal relationship with mr. jackson. >> okay. we will stop. i want to move on to the child that may or may not be michael's. the kid move inside neverland ranch after 1997 and lived there until 2005. ever since he has been seen in various birthday and holiday
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celebrations with the jackson family. is oh mer omir bati really the biological child of the king of pop? >> what's up, everydy. >> geraldo: goes by the name of o.b. and now says he may be the illegitimate love child of michael jackson. ♪ >> geraldo: his real name is omir badhi. the son of tia, a norwegian hygienist and long time jackson ememployee. ob dresses like michael jackson and certainly has some of michael's moves. >> i started off dancing when i was eight years old and performing ever since.
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ironically he was eight years old when met michael jackson in norway. he began impersonating the pop king's dress and mannerisms. he also became a regular guest at the neverland ranch and was there in 2003 when authorities raided the home in the jackson child molestation investigation. >> today, michael jackson was taken into custody at the santa barbara airport. >> according to police, ob was nervous but kept his mouth shut, a move that some speculate endeared him to jackson. >> i'm innocent. none of the stories are true. >> but it is his striking resemblance to the youngest child blanket that continues to fuel the speculation. ob was also given a front row seat with jackson's family at his memorial service, which some jackson fans hope means
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jackson's genetic legacy may live on in one more son. >> geraldo: more tomorrow, (announcer) some people don't just work. they work to make a difference. to make an impact. to improve the lives of others. they're people in positions of great power. the power to effect change. for them, career advancement is a goal. but not the only goal. for them, it's not about the money. although money is always nice. it's not about a corner office. it's about a greater good.
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