tv Americas News HQ FOX News July 26, 2009 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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bridge the gap in paying for the plan and, to bridge a gap, between democrats and republicans, though that, too, will be an uphill battled since many republicans have dug in their heels and they are now saying, we need to slow down, and make sure we get it right. eric. >> eric: there -- there is all most a different plan how to pay for it almost every day and how does the new plan differ from the idea of taxing the benefits, which the president said he opposed? >> reporter: it would be a tax
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on the bhfts and the insurance companies and a plan was talked about a few weeks ago and met stiff opposition and would have taxed individual consumers with higher value plans on the campaign trail, and barack obama ridiculed john mccain for wanting to tax benefits and this taxes the insurance companies themselves and the companies claim it will drive up police an the it is controversial, too and everything is. >> eric: and the president want it done by the august recess, and it gonna happen. >> reporter: doesn't look that way, now, they probably will not make the recess and the house goes out at the end of the week and the senate next week and the senate has said it won't even try to pass a bill by then and the house is still hoping to have something but that is doubtsful and lawmakers want to go back to the districts over the recess and take this pulse of constituents an come back and work it out in the fall and the president says as long as people are working on it, that is okay with him. eric. >> eric: we'll see what happens and in a moment will be joined
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by a top member of congress to talk about the deadline and the president's plan and cambridge, massachusetts, henry louis gates wants to move on, the harvard scholar arrested by a white police officer and triggered a national debate over the role of race in america and the professor says he is hoping to use the situation to push for fairness in the criminal justice system and also does plan to accept the president's invitation to grab that beer, at the white house, along with the cambridge police sergeant, james crowley, who was one of several officers who arrested gates at his cambridge home after a gates neighbor reported a break-in. jamie? >> jamie: alaska governor sarah palin, eric, is leaving office officially today, has been spending the weekend, saying good-bye and signing autographs at a slew of picnics across the state. and, more than a thousand people are showing up, for one in palin's home town of wasilla. and there is a big question in everyone's mind not just in
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alaska but across the country, what is income for the former vice presidential nominee? >> come monday, going to be working hard. >> jamie: she's a patriot and as statement to the "washington post" said, i will take the battle nationally and won't shy away from challenging the powerful, the entrenched, the corrupt and anyone standing in the gifting our country back on the right track. we are joined by julian epstein, former majority council for the house judiciary committee. great to have you with us today and good to see you, terry, let me start with you and ask what the feeling. >> chris: she said she wants a bigger platform, with a lot of the same issues. so, the question is, how does the g.o.p. feel about the fact that palin may remain as the leading spokesperson, for conservative values? >> well, you know, i felt that
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over the last few months, like she was really the leader of a state that was almost as far away as another country. and, it is tough to play both roles of national spokesperson, for a big part of the republican party, and, run a state that is so disconnected from the every day hustle and bussal of a -- bustle like a place like washington, d.c. and look forward to here joining in the national debate and, you know, the first couple of days after she was the announced vice presidential pick, she electrified the country, and electrified the republican party. and i hope she gets another chance to reintroduce herself, to the people of this country. because, i think, they'll like what they see but i have to say, i think she is going have to be quite a bit better managed, than she has been up to this pointed. >> jamie: let me ask you how you feel the democrats, because when you look at some new approval ratings that kim out for sarah palin, on friday, i'll put them up, 53% disapproval rating, only
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40% approving sarah palin, here they are and in the new poll. do you expect the democrats will use these numbers and be tracking them as she makes her rounds, across the country, campaigning, most likely, for other republican candidates? >> i don't think democrats will pay too much attention to her. i mean, i think terry is right, she's good for the base but for the general electorate is not that strong and last fall, after just a couple of months of national exposure her negatives were up to almost 60%, and, they were very very, high with independents and she's great for the base and terrible for the general electorate. and you know, democrats, partisan democrats like myself, hope that she actually thinks about running in 2012 because we look at her and see george bush in a dress. and here's a woman who couldn't even answer a question about what newspapers she read, and every time she got a little bit more national exposure her negatives went way, way up as you pointed out. so, i think she can be helpful to republicans in -- with base voters. beyond that i don't think she is
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much of a player. >> jamie: julian, who wouldn't you want to see as the candidate. >> there is one guy that i think -- this is one guy that is particularly strong, his name is john thune, a senator from south dakota and beatle tom daschle in 2004 in a very, very well-run race, and she is straight out of central casting and i think he could be extraordinarily strong candidate and tim pawlenty and republicans have very, very good candidates and i'm not a democrat that has written republicans off because they had a bad 2008 cycle and demographics and pruns have a real chance to come back in 2012 but i think they have to be riding a good train an sarah palin is certainly not that train. >> jamie: terry a prediction on what you think she'll do next and she has it has nothing do with ethics inquiry that, are -- there are none now and she does have plans to write a book and make some money and move around the country. for other candidates. what is your prediction for what is next, and, also, do you agree
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with julian about some of the other leaders above sarah palin, in a race down the road? >> i do agree with julian, that there are a chorus of strong voices in the republican party. john thune, and tim pawlentiy being two of them and mitt romney is out there, a nationally known candidate and early front-runner for our 2012 pick if he chose to take it and joins that chorus and i think it is important for her to go out, and raise some money for republican candidates, give a voice to the republican party, that reconnects with the middle class, with average people, and i don't agree with julian about her being bad for us as a voice, with the broader spectrum of the american people, because i think she can speak to their hopes and treatments, better than a lot of other candidates can, particularly democratic candidates, and, so, if she can be well managed, disprinted
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disciplined on the stump and say yes to fundraiser where she can go great good for the republican party she'll put herself in a good position to be a respected member and leave the party like some of the names that julian mentioned earlier. >> jamie: terry holted, julian ep -- terry holt, julian epstein, you have to love fair and albertansed with both sides agreeing. great to see both of you today. eric -- first, though, before i turn over to eric, when sarah palin officially turns over the reins of her office to her lieutenant governor today, there will be a ceremony at 7:00 p.m., eastern, and, next hour fox's dan springer will join eric and me live for -- from fairbanks alaska for a preview and the governor will speak there before her swearing-in of her successor and you want to see that, coming up the next hour. >> eric: "fox news alert." he's the fiery conservative pro-american president of france and this morning nicholas sarkozy is in the hospital,
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apparently he was playing sports, at the weekend retreat, near versailles and he remains in the hospital and have no more details, and not considered serious or life-threatening but something obviously happened and he is an avid runner and came to new york a couple of weeks ago with his wife, karla bruinsy and went running -- karla bruinsy and went jogging in central park and is a firebrand for france and has been taken ill, nothing serious but remains at this moment, in the hospital and we'll bring you an update on president sarkozy's condition and what could have be fallen him on sunday morning as we get it hear at fox news and the senior republican on the judiciary committee says he knows how he'll@@ vote on the confirmation of judge sonia sotomayor is not saying, jeff sessions spoke at a republican fundraiser last night and he says the vote on president obama's supreme court nominee will likely take place on
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tuesday. this comes as at least two other republicans on the senate judiciary committee said they will oppose ms. sotomayor, and those are senators orrin hatch and jon cornyn and other republican senators are for her including senator lindsey graham, who caused controversy, by saying he will support her nomination. jamie. >> jamie: police in mexico have four men in custody and they say, they have possible ties tots murder of a u.s. border patrol agent in california. the officers seized four guns, mexican police believe the men are part of an immigrant smuggling ring and border pa -- the border patrol agent was shot last week near san diego and the fbi is offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the capture of his killer or killers and we'll have more on this, coming up. >> eric: in afghanistan the u.s. military considering hiring private security contractors there.
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the contractors would help protect bases from convoys and convoys from attacks, and would do that with around-the-clock, private security and defense secretary robert gates says the use of private security contractors in some parts of afghanistan in his view would be vital supporting those bases. >> jamie: thousands of demonstrators take to the streets of new york, and cities around the world, in manhattan, demonstrators were marching from times square to the united nations, protesting human rights abuse in iran. many of them -- them the marchers of iranian descent, dressed in green and black, the opposition party colors. >> eric: and the white house's effort to bring peace to the middle east and envoy george mitchell telling syria's president, president obama is determined to achieve a peace deal between israel and the arab world and it was his second meeting with president bashir assad and is heading now to israel, and mike tobin joins us
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live from jerusalem with the latest and mike, a diplomatic blitz going on. why? and what do they hope to achieve? >> reporter: werjs, senator mitchell -- well, senator mitchell is here and met with the defense minister, ehud barak and he will be followed up by defense secretary gates tomorrow, national security advisor, james jones, and special advisor to the president, and in the middle of the diplomatic blitz and will focus on two subjects, what to do about the iranian nuclear program and what to do about the growing bitter rift between the united states and israel, over settlement construction. >> talk about settlement construction the u.s. and israel, far apart on an agreement? >> reporter: well, it seems they are, and you heard president barack obama say israel must freeze all construction beyond the 1967 border and land that is consider the west bank, land the palestinians ultimately want for a future state. now, the israelis haven't stopped construction yet and ehud barak presented to senator
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mitchell a compromise in which israel finishes up al2500 construction projects, he's making the argument israel is financially obligated to complete the projects and they are near completion anyway and we'll see if the u.s. fights on that and there will also be a difference between benjamin netanyahu, he says that the -- east jerusalem is separate from the rest of the west bank, that israel can continue construction projects, at will, there, and we'll see if the u.s. administration bites on that. and now in the meantime, while all of this is going on, the diplomats are here there is a group of outlaws often referred to as the hill top youth and tomorrow will scramble to different hill tops in the west bank and establish 11 new illegal out posts, and we have new live here that allows us to get in the center of the action and i'll be with them and if there is trouble we'll bring it to you live on fox news. >> eric: we'll watch that and iran and the bomb and speculation that israel could potentially attack iranian nuclear facilities if iran gets the bomb and what is the late
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oens this and the u.s. -- latest on that and the u.s. efforts concerning that. >> reporter: the u.s. wants to prevent an israel unilateral strike on the iranian target and they'll present to the israelis now a bundledal of different sanctions that could be lowered down on iran if it doesn't forgo the nuclear ambitions and the israelis will probably accept that and one thing they've said over and over again, is they want to see the iranian nuclear problem be the world's problem, not just israel's and you also have israelied leaders saying sanctions will not be enough to dissuade the years inniairanian >>amie: downtown baghdad today, a gunman opening fire, killing five people and three employees and two customers and there were 12 others wounded in the attacks and witnesses say the 5 gunmen jumped from a car and opened fire as soon as this entered the office. and apparently tried to pry open a safe, but, took off when they
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heard police see you rentals. it is not known if -- sirens and it is not known if they made off with any money. >> eric: the latest threats against the u.s., north korea at a again, threatening us, calling for an all-out war. you heard what they said about hillary clinton. she's a school girl. what is up with their blustering insults? and ambassador john bolten, who they calmed a "fiendish bloodsucker" will join us. >> jamie: plus... regular flu or swine flu, which vaccine should you get this fall? you know who knows? dr. isadore rosenfeld, clears up any vaccine confusion. coming up. in "sunday house call." announcer: welcome to the now network. currently, thousands of people are enjoying the new palm pre from sprint. its revolutionary web os allows multiple applications to run at the same time. - ( thunder and rain ) - millions are using the simply everything plan. - each is saving $1200 over an at&t iphone plan. - ( cash register dings )
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could be a happier celebration, thousands turning out to party on the nation's biggest holiday, and listen to president raul castro, the anniversary of the start of the revolution, in 1953, that eventually overturned the government and swept fidel castro to power and cuba's economy is hammered by the global recession an relations with the u.s. have not proved as much under president obama as many cubans would like. >> eric: on the sunday morning, more arrange words from north korea, lashing out again and can you believe the latest, promising a, quote, all out war against us and here's what the defense minister said, quote, we'll deal unmadgeably deadly blows at the u.s. imperialists and the south korean puppets if they ignite a war and on top of name calling from now, earlier this week and she's the target, did you hear what they said about hillary, calling her,
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quote a funny lady. who sometimes looks like a primary school girl. and, sometimes a pensioner, going shopping. our next guest is no stranger to north korean insults and you know what they called him? a fiendish blood sucker and a very ugly fellow among other things, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, fox news contributor, john bolten joyce us and mr. ambassador, i don't think you are a fiendish blood sucker or an ugly fellow. >> thank you so much. >> eric: what is up with the north koreans and the insults? calling hill lary a school girl and saying she is vulgar and what type of strategy that is and how does it play into the body politic. >> hard to say with the north koreans but in part they are responding to secretary clinton's comments last week where she called for the complete and irreversible denukization of north korea. -- denuclearization of north
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korea and that was the term used in the first term of president bush before he softened his policy on north korea and whether it represents a change in the obama policy or not but may be the reason for the insults particularly directed against secretary clinton. >> eric: when you have these snultsz, they said, quote, she made a spate of vulgar remarks, unbecoming for her position, everywhere, since she was sworn in and why the personal insults as opposed to policy? >> well, i think, they see propaganda value in going after people, perhaps they are hoping to irritate them or produce a reaction that they can use to their benefit. or, perhaps that is the best they can do, always a possibility. but i think the long term north korean goal is to keep upping the ante and increasing the price before north korea sits back down at the negotiating table with us and i think that is what they are after.
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>> eric: and you talk about the fact they have the threats and talk about a potential all-out war against the u.s. and let's talk about something else, next month in august there will be military exercises between us and south korea, 10,000, 10,000 of our troops, are there. what will their reaction be? they will not like it. >> in part, the comments about the retaliation they'd unleash are in response to the exercise and look, it is held annually and it is an important way for the south korean-american military forces in south korea to cooperate, the north koreans get ageitate about it every yea and it will take on new significance as we look at kim jong-il's deteriorating health and the possibility south korean troops would end you up moving into the north if he died and the government became unstable but in terms of an actual threat to north korea, everybody including the north koreans knows it is no threat.
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>> eric: crossing the -- to the wires, iran, secretary of state clinton said israel should be patient with u.s. policy on iran and some are concerned maybe israel could launch a first strike against the nuclear facilities, and your view and reaction to mrs. clinton urging patience, on behalf of jerusalem. >> it is one more item in the list of people talking to the israelis, as you mentioned, senator mitchell, the defense secretary, gates, all going to the region, and -- in the next few days, with several messages, but, one critical message, of which, is to the israelis, do not attack iran's nuclear facilities. they know and the israelis know the window of opportunity for this attack is diminishing. and the israelis faye vece a ve very difficult decision whether or not to launch it and maximum owe obama administration pressure to prevent them from making the strak. >> and if you take it off the
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table what is the incentive for tehran to back down. >> look, i agree and i think there ought to be a real potential for a u.s. military strike against iran's nuclear facilities, we are past the points where diplomacy will work if it ever had a chance and the alternative to a military strike, unfortunately, is an iran with nuclear weapons which means a much more dangerous region and much more dangerous world overall and the obama administration has the telescope backwards but, the messa they are giving to israel is, we don't want you to take military action. >> eric: we certainly hope iran pays attention to the international communities. because, apparently that has not worked so far, ambassador john bolten, who, despite those in vekt tiffs from the north koreans -- invectives, from the north koreans, thanks for joining us. >> jamie: he takes the comments like a champ, eric, rollercoasters, i'm a fan -- are supposed to make you scream. but, they are not supposed to be this scary. a celebration turns into a trip to the hospital, a coaster full
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of kids, goes out of control. >> eric: and "sunday house call" will be coming up, and we'll talk about high blood pressure. we know how unhealthy that is. but, will lower than normal blood pressure, will that help you live longer? i don't know. you know who does? dr. isadore rosenfeld, will be next.
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