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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  July 26, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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loom, the obama plan to change the nation's health care system, time running out. that time for congress and the president, to make something happen, they wanted it done by the end of this week, but, there is a show down among democrats. the big question, now, will there be a vote, in the house of representatives, on health care reform, before the august recess, on friday? hello, i'm eric sean. >> jamie: i'm jamie colby, todd good to have you with us another hour, and the white house is saying today they are making progress on the president's top legislative priority. joining us from washington, this morning, caroline shivley. caroline, good morning! >> reporter: jamie. >> jamie: the congressional budget office is saying the president's proposed medicare advisory council may not save any money. it really caught a lot of people's attention. what is the administration saying about that? >> reporter: white house press secretary robert gibbs was on fox news surrender this morning and he said the goal there was for saving money in the long term and he point out the cbo does say there is a chance for
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substantial savings down the road but the forecast is not nearly as rosy in the short-term, the cbo said the agency would probably save only $2 billion for medicare in the first four years or maybe save nothing the at all, and if you compare it to the overall cost of medicare for those four years starting in 2016. that is $2.8 trillion with a "t" and it is indeed a blow because the white house had been touting the agency as a way to help pay for the whole program. gibbs also, it is important to mention, reiterated the president's pledge not to sign a bill that would add to the deficit, jamie. >> jamie: is there a discrepancy over whether or not congress will get to voteden on this before they leave for august recess in there is still a bit of pressure on them this do that. is it realistic? >> they are giving us a big, fat maybe when he press them on capitol hill and staff members have been meeting at the capitol throughout the weekend and the senate, they actually put off the votes until after the recess and the senate fans committee is fighting over how to pay for the whole thing and on the house side, leaders do say it is
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possible to get something out this week, and two committees passed the bill out and a third still struggling with it ain't sets up an interesting dynamic, now lawmakers head back to the district for several weeks probably with no bill and will get an earful from their constituents. a new fox poll, shows 49% of americans want congress to pass reform this year and 48% say hold off and it will be interesting how they change their minds once they get back to d.c. from recess. >> jamie: no doubt, a good point, they'll get home and hear from the constituents, many of whom may have lost their health care coverage because they lost their jobs and the blue dog democrats, were very outspoken on where they are on health care reform. or overhaul. and, i'm curious whether or not you think that group could come back with more members and an even stronr voice, against what is being proposed. >> reporter: they are definitely the group the white house and congressional leaders are trying to win over on this one and of course the blue dogs, the fiscal
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conservatives saying, we have to pay for this thing and health care reform is what we need. but, show us the bottom line and democratic leaders are also trying to get republicans and the blue dogs, the best chance for that on the senate side, might be the finance committee and that is the committee working on a plan that does not include the public insurance option. now, can they do it without blue dog democrats? absolutely not. can they do it without republicans? that is up for debate. senator jon kyl, he's a republican, told "fox news sunday" he thinks democrats could push it through with no republican support, and democratic senator kent conrad on abc says he thinks it is impossible to do without the g.o.p., jamie. >> jamie: thanks, caroline. >> eric: and we'll talk with michigan congressman thaddeus mccotter about his views on the health plan and what the obama administration has been facing and if they can get it done and meanwhile the speaker of the house spiking out this morning, about the economy. speaker nancy pelosi now says
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she does not support a second economic stimulus package. she says she'd rather stick with the initiative already in place, and she says, not worry about a second package. some democrats, though have said another infusion of stimulus money is needed, because of the rising unemployment that some think could edge up to nearly 10%. >> jamie: interesting new signs the recession may be easing. some economists are saying the economy did shrink in the second quarter. but, it was less than it did in the first quarter of the year. the analysis coming as we look ahead to a commerce department report, that was due out this week, we'll be watching for that. and, some experts are also saying consumer spending may still be slower, to recover due to rising unemployment and falling home values. >> eric: well, it's her last day, alaska's governor, sarah palin counting down the final hours in office as alaska's governor and spending the last weekend saying good-bye to constituents and signing autographs. and she's doing that, at picnics across the state. the final picnic will come later
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on this afternoon, in fairbanks, and that is expected to draw thousands. fox's dan springer is live in fairbanks at that site, where the picnic will take place. dan, good to see you. what else is going on today, on what will be her final day in office? >> reporter: hey, good morning, eric, that is right, in eight hours, governor sarah palin bums private citizen sarah palin. and -- becomes private citizen sarah palin and they are setting up the stage behind me and noon local time will be at pioneer park, fairbanks, alaska and do the tradition all this governors before her have done, serving food to the people that come to the park and 2:15 will board the boat behind me and have a private reception with v.i.p.s and family members, and, that -- at 3:00 will walk down the plank to the stage, and at 3:00 local time will give her final speech as governor and will hand over the reins of power to sean parnell, her lieutenant governor. >> eric: and the big question is what will she do? we know that she signed a big
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book contract and will give speeches around the country. you know, a lot of people speculating she'll try a run for the white house on her own. what are you hearing right now about what her plans are? >> reporter: well, she's being very mysterious and that might be a very smart move if she wants to make a lot of money down the road, if she tells everyone now she will not run for president her marketability instantly goes down and now we know she's doing a lot of tweeting, the twitter page is abuzz with comments from her, in fact her latest one was, "ain't gonna shut me up." and we know sarah palin wants to be a player, down the road. and wants to build the conservative movement, she wants to give speeches and will be doing a book tour with her book, it hits bookstore shelves in the spring and we know that she happens a speech at the reagan presidential library in august and will not go away quiet lshg whether she runs for president is nebanybody's guess but her favorability, is slipping and
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"washington post" shows her favorability rating is 40% nationally and 53% in an un-- view her in an unfavorable light. >> eric: that the least she'll be out there saying what she thinks, dan springer where this picnic will be held later on today, thanks, dan, health care now and the deadline president obama had already set, that has been missed and the blue dog democrats, well, they were in revolt and the plan to try to get it done by the end of the week, sidetracked and opposition has been growing, look at these numbers. more bad news for the president, his sky-high approval lathe ratings taking a hit, the latest "fox news/opinion dynamics poll," 54% of voters approve of the president's job performance, but the number is down 8 points from just last monthfand how will all of it affect his chances of passing health care reform? perhaps, at all? by this year? and has the obama administration run into their first big roadblock? michigan congressman thaddeus mccotter joins us, the chairman of the republican house policy committee and a member of the house financial services committee.
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good morning, congressman, always good to see you. >> good morning, eric, nice to see you. >> eric: do you think there will be a vote in the house of representatives and at least they'll get it done. >> we'll be unfortunate if they tried and members of their own party the blue dogs and conservative democrats don't feel the bill as presently drafted is in the best interest of the country and i think they are willing to work with republicans to come up with a better alternative and that remains to be seen whether the democratic leadership in the house will share that opinion. >> eric: what has gone wrong? look, the president leads the part. and the democrats can pass it and they have the magic number 60 in the senate, filibuster proof and cannot get it done. >> well, eric people are elected by district and by state and even though we run as members of parties, the parties have broad differences of opinion on many issues, within them and what you are seeing within the democratic party is a broad disagreement between their far more liberal wing and this more contestant wing and the conservative wing to their credit, is standing up and saying, they do not believe the bill is -- as written will be helpful and bloo believe it
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will raise costs and decrease quality and kill jobs and, this is a heartening development in a democracy where, again we are in the pure partisans and represent districts and can come together to do something, if allowed to. >> eric: you have a heartening development and there were suggestions recently perhaps he's misjudged the mood of the nation and you have unemployment and could pentially reach 10% and the bill they say will cost a trillion dollars and he says it will save money and, maybe, according to the "washington post," just this morning, that the administration has miscalculated. do you think there is anything to that? >> well, the reason it is heartening, eric the american public is loud and clear and the more they find out about the bill the more they wanted congress to take the time and do it right and the conservative blue dogs are trying to do and so are republicans and never forget, eric in the wisdom the american public understands one thing very well, no matter how bad something is, congressman cake it worse and they don't want us to make health care worse by rushing to a misjudgment. >> eric: you have a point and the fox poll shows half of those
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polled in the fox poll want to waited, and the president wants to get it done and he says the time for talking is finished. what do you say about that? that you have the crisis and health care crisis, and if something is not done, right now, by the end of the week, past and signed -- passed and sign on his desk by september or october is a crisis that will continue. >> i think now the time for talking is done now and maybe we can start the time for thinking, as -- what the president likes to call it could be a teachable moment for the administration, and where they realize the american people do not like radical change, especially with something as intimate to them as their health care decisions, and they want to see something done to ameliorate this current cost crisis within the system but don't want to us take a rash, make a rash step, and cause them greater harm, than they already experience at the current system and people are very logical, and -- very logical. >> eric: you raise a point, caroline shivley talked about the august recess and rahm emanuel, chief of staff says the august recess is an opportunity tor peril, and opportunity,
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because, what will happen is you are back in your home district. the congress people, they are going back home and they'll be hearing it from the constituents over the next month, and do you think that will help or hurt the president's plan? >> well, i think it is clearly going to help in terms of informing the overall membership of the congress as to what the public expects, he'ding the voice of the people in a democracy is what it is supposed to be about and i wouldn't consider talking to constituents a problem, and one of the fund message things is congressmen don't represent washington to their districts and they represent districts to washington and when we find out what is on their mind we need to try and implement it in a pos health care reform for the american people. >> eric: guys like you men and women will go back and hear, probably a lot of negative stuff potentially from constituents on concerns about the health care plan. the administration has proposed? >> well, i live here and it's not about me. what you hear from your
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neighbors and everyone else is what is part of your job and you are elected to go serve them in washington, and you are there to heed their advice and take it in an solicit it and this is what we are supposed to do and i don't see why we should be afraid of doing our jobs and listening to people who voted us into public offers. >> eric: do you think it will be done by september, what do you think will happen with health care and his plan. >> in terms of health care it depends largely on the voice of the american people if the house doesn't vote on a bill and people go home to their districts, you can go back and start from the center and build a health care reform outward and one mistake, they are starting on the far left of the democratic party and working into get votes and if we start from the center and build out with conservatives and moderates and build a health care proposal that would be suitable to the vast majority of americans i think that would be a wonderful step in the process. >> eric: they are trying to push a vote later on this week before it happens and we'll see how that will pan out. certainly, will not get to the senate will september, thaddeus
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mccotter, good to see you. >> nice see you. >> jamie: police number four suspects they believe are connected in a killing of a agent robert rosas gunned down while investigating a border breach on thursday night, near san diego, shot multiple times inned the and body, the first border agent to die in a shooting in more than a decade and his murder is raising fears that mexico drug cartels and human traffickers could now be targeting u.s. law enforcement. coming up we'll talk to a former fbi commander, that is later in the hour. >> eric: meanwhile the search for a missing hiker in arizona, may be over. park rangers recovered a body, in grand canyon. they believe it is that of the northern arizona university student, bryce gillis, 20 years old and he set out on a hiking trip on july 18th. and his father called park officials tuesday, when he failed to return home. the county medical examiner is currently working on this case, and trying to determine the
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cause of death. >> jamie: thinks seem to have calmed down a bit and looks like harvard professor henry gates and cambridge police officer, the one who arrested him may be grabbing a beer together, soon and the arrest triggered fresh debate over racial proifrlg. courtney kiely has brand new reaction, from the white house. and she's joining us from cambridge, courtney, what is the latest? >> reporter: hey, gordon, jamie and eric and basically what we have heard on "fox news sunday" is that white house press soaks man robert begins said it appears the sergeant is game for a beer and he thinks professor gates is as well. and let's listen to what gibbs had to say. >> i hope that soon, professor gates, and sergeant crowley can sit at the white house and talk about some of these issues and have a beer with the president. >> reporter: meanwhile, jamie, issues are also being discussed, here, it appears the district attorney and the mayor and
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policemen will hold the forum later this summer and the cambridge police commissioner didn't think race played in a role in -- a role in the incident but are reviewing the case and will study it, jamie. >> jamie: in the meantime you are there, near the professor's house. is he still away? is he talking to the papers or anybody else? >> reporter: well, he was pretty vocal and he was pretty angry up until recent days and told president obama -- until the president gave the impromptu press conference -- or statement actually on friday, he didn't answer any questions, and he said he's much more interested right now in working with the cambridge police department, and you know, he's a renowned scholar on race slagsz and seemed to -- relations and is in the vineyard on vacation but he says would like to open the dialogue with policemen here, jamie. >> jamie: looks like it will happen and i have a fooling the press will there be to cover it as well. thanks, courtney. >> eric: following frightening moments that happened this morning for french president sic nicholas are sosarkozy, and had
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sudden health care, and we'll have the latest on the fiery french president's condition. >> chris: and two time super bowl winner ben roethlisberger accused of sexual assaulted, a complex case and the price the nfl superstar could pay even if he's found not liable in this civil case filed, why no criminal case? next. come on, girls with limp, lifeless hair...
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>> jamie: what is interesting is the woman waited a year before coming forward, and never filed
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either a criminal complaint or pursued any criminal charges, with authorities, and, now big ben is crying foul. >> the allegations against me are reckless, and false. as much as i'd like to answer everyone's questions, i will respect the legal process, and i am confident that the truth will prevail. >> jamie: joining me to talk about the case, fox news legal analyst, bob massi, defense attorney, tom caniff is with us as well, good to see you gentlemen today. >> good to see you, jamie. good morning. >> jamie: good morning, bob, you remember we covered the kobe bryant case and obviously, athletes are vulnerable to false allegations, and in some cases are involved in activity they shouldn't be and in this particular case we don't know but i find it unique as an attorney, that her attorney did not have her pursue any criminal complaints or no investigation, and she went for the civil charges. the civil case, the one that
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could produce money. i'm not accusing her of anything but do you find that unique. >> yeah, and also goes to the credibility of the entire case. jamie, because first of all, we don't know if there is any medical evidence whatsoever and don't know if she went to the hospital, if anybody examined her and don't understand any of that evidence yet and the allegations in the complain it doesn't even talk about that. but, when woman, who is allegedly sexually assaulted, does not wanted to pursue a criminal case, in the, surely, goes to her credibility this is all about money and this length of time that has elapsed. now, you and i both now, statistically, many times women don't report these things quickly and interesting in his statement, roethlisberger, he never said he didn't have sex with her. he said he never sexually assaulted her and it is he said/she said and both in a vulnerable circumstance but her credibility i believe is at issue. >> jamie: the points you bring up, about what he says and about this difference between having consentual sex and also sexual
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assault there is a legal standard and has to be proof and what i kirnd find really interesting as well, tom be, tell me what you think, is this fact that it is not easy to be a plaintiff plaintiff in a case and your authorities? >> ñr well, jamie, here is wheri think she has credibility.ñi everyone thinksñi sheñi didn't report it. she did report itñh(!eçó next dd to the security apparatus d again, we're not talkingçóñiñi ó some nightñiñiçó watchman makinó dollarsñi anñi hour,ñr we'reñi g about tahoe, a private policeçói apparatus is what their security exists of. i getñr añi lotñi of theirñi se,
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formerçó police. so she may have thought she was doing the right thing,;@dij-pror corporationñi and herñr own car. i thinkñi that is the credibili. touched on already. it is notñi#.e sheçó is saying , he threatened to kill meñi or hd me downñrñiñiçóçóçóñi ñiçó>÷uñrr she. [ pause in captions ]ñiçóñi çóñó
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>> the this case. ñrñrçóçóñrçóñiñiñrñis
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do we have the cooperation of the mexican government? in this particular case they arrested four guys. >> we are being invaded by these drug cartels and they want to see these guys caught. they have four in custody right now. in mexico they will talk to the police. we have good cooperation at this point. >> we hope they find all of those responsible. >> they will. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you, too, thank you. >> healthcare reform and the debate on capitol hill. can you keep it all straight? >> it is tough. >> what people really want to know, how would the reform plan and all the proposals and programs, how will it affect our medical care? can you still see your doctor. what the president's plan could really mean. we'll have the detailed breakdown, next. with olay regenerist serum. a department store brand can glob up in lines
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president obama telling an
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ohio crowd thursday that major medical associations are pulling for healthcare reform. listen. >> the american nurses associationion, the american medical association representing nurses and doctors who know the healthcare system best. they announced their support for reform. >> what the ama is really saying and what it could mean for you. we invited dr. john lundberg, an ob/gyn from new jersey. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for inviting me, jamie. >> i invited you because you are doing something unique. handing out to patients that come to your office and been doing it for some time and making aveilable to doctors a letter they can send to elected officials that say maybe the system is a little broken but you say we are not looking at healthcare reform. we are look at an overhaul and it is not necessary, tell us why? >> i keep hearing the term
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broken, that healthcare is broken. the reality is i don't see the basis of this whatsoever. sounds more like rhetoric. the reality is i still believe america has the best healthcare system in the world. is it perfect? absolutely not. there are imperfections to it but i could cited statistic that could show but the united states fares better than the other countrys. >> we have the best testing, we have treatments, we have doctors who communicate with their patients but that won't be what we will get under the healthcare plan that president obama wants. let me pull up some of the bull let points that you brought up because i asked you a coupl cof questions yes or no. you say yes, there will be healthcare rationing. what will that be like for your patients? >> i think itless not a question whether it will take place or not. all the proposals that are currently going through are not looking to reform the healthcare system but to replace it. it is a huge overambitious
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project which will be very, very costly to the american people. the only way this can be paid for is by two things, one, by decreasion payments to physicians and other healthcare providers and hospitals but more importantly to everybody else it will require rationing. it is not a matter of a question, this is done in other countries. president obama already put aside $1 billion in his stimulus package to set up a group to study cost-effectiveness. in other countries there is an organization such as this also which does the same thing. what they ration and how it is rationed can take many, many different ways. it could be in the face of disallowing certain drugs. in the united kingdom, for instance, there are certain drugs which are prove ton be helpful. >> for example, let me because i want to get to all the points. something called nice in the uk, an organization that has told kidney patients there is a
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medication effective for them but they are too old or too sick and they can't have it and that can become a reality here. can opt out of the government plan if you get it and they don't want it. >> a lot of people have the science of reassurance that they can do that. when they sign on to an insurance company and when we sign on to be a provider it is a contract and we are bound by that contract. in this new contractual relationship with an outside body making decisions even with if both myself and my patient disagree we are bound by that decision, there is no way to get out of it. >> basically you may want to perform a brother or give a -- a procedure or give a drug to a patient and you could be turned down flatly and there is nothing you could do about it under the plan in your opinion. >> sure. >> let me get to the last point, the american medical association. few doctors belong to the american medical association.
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maybe when they are medical students or residents but only 20% of practicing physicians belong to the organization. once they are board certified they join the american college or other organizations. when the ama says health reform is necessary, what is the perception of americans about them saying and listening to the plan and pushing for it? are they concernd that americans might put too much weight in that or should they be listening to the ama? >> what disturbs me about it is that the ama currently represents 20% of all physicians. 80% are not members. divide into two groups, private practitioners.
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the clinicians are the ones on the frontline. i have not yet a person who a is clinician who agrees with obama care. speak out about health reform. , to refor reform write, do wht never is necessary to contact the senators this is their healthcare. i don't think isan be regained again. if you take the examples in canada where patients do not get the care they needed. thank you for joining us today. i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me
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here. news out of paris today. the touched completed and alberto contador of spain has won. lance armstrong trying for the comeback though he came in third. still, lance armstrong will join the winner of the touched on the podium in a few minutes. sadly for lance armstrong, did not come in first with his personal story, he has proven that all of us americans, lance armstrong coming in third in the touched. president honduras -- the president of honduras is back at the border anyway. a live report, steve harrigan coming up in a few minutes. announcer: welcome to the now network. currently, thousands of people are enjoying the new palm pre from sprint. its revolutionary web os allows multiple applications to run at the same time. - ( thunder and rain ) - millions are using the simply everything plan. - each is saving $1200 over an at&t iphone plan. - ( cash register dings )
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press. he is pushing hard this week for healthcare reform. he went off message. what does that mean? liz takes on the media every
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♪ i hope you dance . . . ♪ i hope you dance. ♪ i hope you dance. ♪ hope you dance. ♪ hope you dance. ♪ hope you dance. president obama is pushing hard to pass his healthcare reform plan in the thousand past week. he pulled out all the stops. held a prime time news conference. gave exclusive interviews to prominent tv and print reporters but some other big stories involving him intervene. the message on healthcare or losing his magic touch with the media? >> joining us is liz who is also a fox news contributor and takes on the media every sunday at this time. good morning, liz. >> good morning, how are you? >> i imagine that the white house must have bee chagrined n they see the headlines and that they have not helped his healthcare plan. >> obama was defending himself saying that he didn't recali bright his remarks enough.
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what he didn't calibrate is his remarks with the press. i'm certain that he thought he could get away with this, that he would come out there and basically side with professor gates and frame the whole incident as racial profiling and there were many people who don't believe it exists but nevertheless frame it as that, immediately make it a racial issue and then count on the press to sort of back him on it. if -- it was the last question as you may know in the news conference that was put to him by lynn sweet from the chicago sun times. there is some discussion about whether it was planted or not. she wrote a piece claiming no, it wasn't. she does say she is a broadcaster and called the night before and said you might get a question why i find unbelievable that they might alert reporters that they might have the favor of a question for obama.
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>> what did they used to do in the past, call on you? >> i think they would call on you, it was sort of transparent, might i use that word but i guess this was tran formative. the main point here is that he really i think has squandered cache with the media. he thought he could do this and when came back and tried to eat his own words basically, i think by then, everyone by that time was talking about reverend wright again. >> and also about healthcare, i'm sure they wanted to get healthcare done and then all of this kind of sidetracked that. >> that is the thing. it is dying on the vine healthcare and he goes through this incredible distraction and really almost tempting people to write stories once again about a racial conversation
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which is -- everybody is writing this morning and talking about, let's have this national conversation. and then the usual debates on racial profiling. >> but there is something else i want to point out, peggy noonian says that she thinks he misjudged the public's mood. >> i think he misjudged the public's mood from the beginning because what he does is he really it seems to me does everything according to what the press writes. he has to be looking at some of his own polls as well as the public ones and realizing he is in big trouble on this bill. up until now, his i inate arrogance and here is the perceived wisdom from the mount, well, this is what i think he is off. >> all right, the inate arrogance.


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