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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  July 27, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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what many in his party are trying to do to the markets and to the economy and to the country. he is also going to talk about g-force and whether guinea pigs are destroying america as we know it. here is glenn beck now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> three, two, one, beck! glenn: welcome to the glenn beck program. tonight, acorn is there to trample on americans' rights to free speech. i will reveal the video that people wouldn't like you to see. and then big ticket policy changes when it comes to immigration, but without the whole congressional approval thing. it just bogs us down, and the man who will change american healthcare as much as obama. he is not a czar, by name at least. he is a union leader. i will fill you in. if you believe this country is great but the government is scared of american watchdogs, it's time to let the dogs out! come on, follow me.
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it really sounded like a bad who let the dogs out thing, doesn't it? hello, america. welcome. we're glad you're here. it's the egg of power. welcome to the program. i have an offer for you. let's say, if i said to you, with no factual knowledge whatsoever, i was just going to call you stupid and then racist, and then i would give a non-apologetic apology, and then i invite you over to my house for beer to try to fix you of your racism, would you come? that is the way obama played the henry gates-gate, i guess. i think much of america is outraged but they're outraged for all the wrong reasons. here is the one thing tonight. if you want to understand barack obama, you must think like a community organizer, one that is transforming
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america into some sort of a thug-o quhvment racy. -- a thug-ocracy, in the process, trampling our human rights. ly show you the past, the recent past. there is an amazing new video out from an event that took last wednesday in louisiana. there is no corruption down there. oh, wait a minute that. is the home of acorn. louisiana, home of acorn and seiu in new orleans, louisiana, where all the race charges came after katrina. that's -- huh. anyway, i got sidetracked. a group called organizing for america, which is now a branch of the d.n.c. hosted a press conference in baton rouge, louisiana, to promote president obama's healthcare overhaul. guess who showed up? people wearing acorn t-shirts that acorn says, they're not us! sweet, isn't it?
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d.n.c. now acorn? well, not really. we are losing our country, for the love of pete, and i don't even know who we're losing it to. we called organizing for america today. they told us, acorn, we have nothing to do with acorn. wait until you see the video. could have fooled me. america's most notorious community organizers were out in full force endorsing the overhaul along with them. a woman who shot the video thought she was showing up at the federal building for a town hall on healthcare. she found out quickly, oh, not so much. when members of acorn realized that there were some opponents like her in the crowd, they directed a police officer to step in and get the dissenters out of the way, and they were directed -- they were directing the police officers. watch this. >> what is the problem? >> we don't want anybody to
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interact here. glenn: we don't want anyone to interact here. the officer tells multiple supporters of plan, who were again, not yelling. it was a civil conversation in both cases, that they couldn't even talk about anything. they could only talk to the media. acorn people continued telling the officer that they didn't want to talk to the protestors or didn't want the protestors to talk to anyone and he went along with it. watch again. >> no interactions. >> thank you for asking me to do it that way. >> i can talk! >> you can't tell me what to do. >> i don't have to go anywhere we were having a very nice conversation. he says we can't talk. what is the deal? oh, my goodness.
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i don't understand why you don't all want to talk. >> in this video, and we will post it at today, in this video you see one of the people coming up and saying, hey, you got to listen to the police. when the police say you got to do something, you better do it. you got to be kidding me, right? now? you're doing that this week? maybe i'm missing something, but this seems like a clear violation of free speech. the guy in the blue shirt that you saw speaking was on the other side. he was there actually in support of this event. he agrees with obama-care. they were having a civil conversation, and then when the police officer came in, he said well, wait a minute, thanks for your suggestion, but we're having a conversation here. now, even if this wasn't an acorn event, it really doesn't matter. i think this is a glimpse at our future. here is the officer. why is he being pushed around by acorn. here to talk about it is the woman who got it all on tape,
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stacy. you are what? i love this. the people in the acorn t-shirts, who aren't with acorn, they were accusing you of being sent in by some sort of organization. they didn't want any, you know, organizers there. they just wanted to talk to real people. are you with some organization >> i am a member of a tea party and have my own website, but i was there to disagree with the plan and hear what they were going to say at town hall meeting. i got there and got into more than i bargained for. >> it seemed like something out of a movie in some ways. what was the most stunning thing that happened that you thought? >> it was really surreal, just being told who i couldn't and could speak with, i was very shocked, and we were also told
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where to stand on the sidewalk, just -- it was a blatant disregard for our first amendment rights. >> did the police officer seem to be taking orders from the organizers or did he just -- i just want to believe that the police officer -- because we asked the baton rouge police, they say we're reviewing the tawrp. we're looking to see if the officer did anything wrong. you know, i just would hope that he was just a guy who just, you know, walked into a situation and said look, i'm just trying to keep the peace, but there didn't seem to be any problems there. >> no, there were no problems. he was being directed around by one of the members in the red shirts, and i have even more footage if they need to see more of the direction he was getting from them. he was being directed around by the members in the acorn t-shirts. glenn: i would like to see some of that. we will talk to you offline and we will get more of. that i would like to see what is going on. the guy you were talking to in the blue shirt, there he is
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there, you were having a normal conversation and you disagreed with him, right? >> right, yes. glenn: and his name is robert j. wilson. he told us, quote "freedom of assembly and freedom of speech are perhaps the most fundamental of our liberties as americans and any effort to unjustly limit the exercise of these rights should be an affront to everyone, regardless of party affiliation or political viewpoint." he was quite upset as well, and this is something the two of you can unite on. what did he say to you? >> he apologized, and i said it wasn't your fault. we were just having a conversation and he was just as shocked as i was. glenn: so what are you doing now? what's the next step for you? >> i'm not sure. we definitely are going to file a complaint with the police department, and robert and i have talked about working together just to join forces about our rights and how they shouldn't be ignored like this. glenn: yeah. you know, i tell you, i feel
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like we -- when i saw this videotape this weekend, somebody sent it to me, and i looked at it and i thought we are looking at the future. this is the time of thug-ocracy that we're headed towards. >> oh, yes. that's one of the reasons why -- >> go ahead. >> that's one of the reasons i started my website so people could get their voice out there and get heard by somebody. glenn: good, thank you, stacy. i appreciate t now, it's ironic that this video came out the tame same week that barack obama is having enry gates and officer crowley over for a beer. it's crazy. anyway, so they can use this opportunity to have a beer and as a teaching moment for the officer and help him stop his racism, because, of course, it's the officer, the one who spent the last five years teaching a chas to police cadets on how to avoid racial
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profiling. anyone who has spent two minutes hooking at the facts in this story quickly realizes crowley isn't the racist here, but crowley isn't the target, per se. he is just a guy that got in the middle of crossfire of something bigger, and i believe it is obama's transformation of america. we know the president's views, because he sat in a marxist black liberation theology church for 20 years. he had to agree with something that was said in there. he claims, oh, no, i wasn't even listening. really? you know, i'm not marxist. well, what was it that drew you there? if it wasn't marxism, was it radical black nationalism? he certainly has enough friends that have marks ifts black liberation theology-type thinking. i mean, how many new friends need to pop up like gates? how many people do we need to see? how many string of events do we need to see before we know
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this guy means change in a completely different way? how many guys need to pop up who are friends of his who believe things like this -- >> without affirmative action, we would never have been able to integrate races in white institutions in american society. our people are under assault. newt gingrich doesn't think the contract to america is serious. somehow when you are asleep, all you white women and black people got into the middle class. we're not sure how it happened the first thing we got to do is shake the tree and anyone who can't hold on, you're going back. the second thing is we will set up barriers so no more of you can get in here. me, to someone who has benefitted so much from the opportunities of affirmative action to stand at the gate and keep other black people out would be as hypocritical as clarence thomas. glenn: clarence thomas. clarence thomas.
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that's what the contract with america was. that's what it was about? really? hmm. i completely missed that. now, he's got friends that say things like that. there is his friend, barack obama's good friend that says things like that, and he has really extra special friends, also. >> for the first time in my adult life, i am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback. glenn: we have demonstrated president obama's desire for racial justice, but how is he setting out to achieve it? exactly the way a community organizer would, through intimidation, vilification, bullying, a system, an underground shell game. look how he has handled different things. gates, he calls the cop stupid and racist before he knows all thing facts but he jumps to the conclusion that the cops are racist. healthcare, oh, those evil greedy doctors that are
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ripping tonsils out at will, and it's also no longer about access, universal access. it's about preferential access. his green policies, it's easy to say he wants to bankrupt are the evil earth-killing coal industry, but now he's got a czar who is a self avowed communist to make sure that it happened. our president is not just bankrupting our country. he is fundamentally transforming it as we prom missioned, and he is doing it to the core. in the next few years, i promise you, america will look more like acorn in structure and less than anything that our founders had in mind. obama handles every issue like a community organizer would, and he wants to create a civilian army. does anybody remember this from the campaign? a civilian army in the form of community organizers. i'm quoting him "more well funded than the military r" last year he said, and i quote "we cannot continue to rely on
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our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we have set. we have got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well-funded." you got to be kidding me? if you want a government-funded civilian army of acorns, well, you're going to be a happy camper very soon if america keeps sleeping. keith ablow is here, a psychiatrist and fox news contributor. keith, am i jumping the gun here? i just see this acorn thing and also the thing at the white house as a sign, this guy has real issues with race, real issues. >> unfortunately, and i really mean it, glenn. unfortunately, i have to agree with you, i don't think you're jumping the gun. americans have as their fondest hope and prayer, i
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think, that they were electing a colorblind president who could embrace everyone equally. i think that was the hope. i think it was the hope more than some of his policies that here was a man who could treat everyone equally. instead, i think we get a transparent president in this case whose feeling about white america are coming forward again, and i don't know, as a psychiatrist, i'm trained to look at facts and say what fits and what doesn't? what theory can hold water as to someone's personality and nature? you had someone who sat in a church with a pastor who called white people the devil, whose wife has not been proud of this country in her adult hive until recently, and who calls a cambridge police sergeant stupid without knowing the facts, and whose friends are community organizers with questionable past, and so you add all that up, and you say look -- glenn: questionable pasts? >> there is more than an apology herement it is
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introspection. the president needs to look at himself and say do i have prejudice that i wasn't even >> aware of perhaps, towards white people? glenn: he's not going to do that. he's more arrogant than most of the people i have ever witnessed in the office. this man has absolutely no fear, and no fear of the american people, no fear in a good way, like as in fear god. no fear for the office of the presidency of the united states. you know what? you would say if somebody was arrested are, a police officer arrested a black man baking into a house, and i got on the air without any facts and i said i don't know the facts on this one, but let me tell you something, blacks are rawlings breaking into the house. you would -- the whole country would go crazy because that's racist to say something like that.they went of course he's
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guilty. that's what this president did. it is a clear example of resers racism. >> it is, and it's embarrassing. i mean, it speaks not only to inexperience, but to something at the core here. listen, barack obama told a moving store i when he was running for president about his grandmother who would stiffen -- she was a white woman and he was her grandson, and she would stiffen if she saw a black man in the street and she were alone. she was afraid. he detected that. he said "i can no more distance myself from my pastor, the reverend wright, than i can my grandmother." they both had prejudices. psychologically speaking, it's time for him to wonder whether it's something about asking a white gand mother who had it in for or had a fear of black man really soured him on white folks at some deep level, and i don't mean this with any hatred toward him. i think there is work to be done. who doesn't have work to be done on his or her character?
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but it's got to be said. we need a jesse jackson moment where after he ran for president, he said after his himeytown remark, it renewed old fears, charge it to my head and not my heart. i'm an imperfect servant. got is not finished with me yet. think of the difference between that and hey, come over for a beer. another thing, glenn, the president who has an overweight woman as the candidate for surgeon general shouldn't be having people over for beers if he's still smoking. there we have a triad of the most dangerous health effects in the world, and he's putting forward a national healthcare agenda. iovereating, smoking, drinking. glenn: i can't believe you didn't bring up the wise latino woman. my next story is about how they are changing immigration without going through congress. he is looking for social justice. he is looking -- these are all code words.
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>> he's angry. glenn: he is angry, and he's looking for somebody who is going to change things the way he wants them changed, the way he can balance the scales for everybody, not the normal procedures that our founders had intended, right? >> correct. listen, i think you're right. it is the psychological theory of here is somebody who harbors anger and resentment towards white people, and some distaste for them or us, and then you start hooking again, what fits, what doesn't fit? when you nominate someone for the supreme court who says "i can make better decisions as as wise latina woman than a white male," well, there you go again. how many of the facts need to fit a theory before we say, oh, we have a conclusion? well, now we do. i'm willing to say we have a conclusion. glenn: i do, too. keith, thank you very much. listen, america. i had a thought this weekend about this, but i think the
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paradigm in this country is about to change, and i mean that, and i'm not sure exactly what it's going to look like, but i think it's going to be huge and it's going to be in everything. i think there is coming a time when the people in america both white, black, hispanic, it doesn't matter, that have been pushed up against the wall on political connectness are going to say enough is enough! big changes regarding immigration and the government doesn't need to get the approval of congress. that's coming up. next. ??ç i was always going
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well, you can expect some big ticket changes in immigration policy, which includes going after people who employ illegal immigrants. i think that is fantastic. i have been waiting for that one. requiring federal contractors to use e-verify, an on-line verification program, and it need not go through that pesky congress, according to union leaders. the leader of the afl-cio says "it makes sense to do it now. what the station can do doesn't have to go through congress. it doesn't have to go through the to toxic political process ." chris colba is professor of
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law at university of missouri kansas city and assistant to attorney general john ashcroft. chris, why is this a problem? isn't this the same thing that george bush has done in the past? >> well, every administration, when they come in, they have the authority to make administrative changes, issue regulations that are within the four corners of existing law. unfortunately, what is happening right now is the obama administration has made three major changes that are vig nalling that the end of immigration -- that are vig nalling the end of immigration law enforcement as we know it. glenn: give me the first one. >> the first is they are scaling back workforce enforcement and the second is they have withdrawn the no-match rule and the third one is they are reducing the amount of local police to enforce the agreement. glenn: take these things one by one. they say, no, we're going after the employers. >> well, you should go after both. let's take number one, the end
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of work site enforcement. there has been a dramatic increase during the bush administration years. fiscal year 2002, there were 500 work site arrests for immigration violations. in 2008, it went up to over 6,000 arrests t was really having an effect. there was a net dekeys in illegal aliens in the united states because of this ratchet up of enforcement. the obama administration says we're not going to do that anymore. we will just do audits periodically and only interested in arresting the employers, not the employees. see, you have to arrest both. it is a crime or at least an administrative violation to both employ someone and to be el lyle lell employed in the united states. the obama station is sending up a signal, we don't care about the employee, let them find a job somewhere else and we will only go after the employers. they have suggested they will go after them with civil fines, not criminal prosecutions. there was a conference call where the deputy assistant secretary at d.h.s. says "our
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goal is to arrest as few unauthorized workers as possible." they're sending the exact wrong signal. glenn: here is the thing, chris, that i am concerned about, that this president is putting in framework -- and he has already got a lot of framework and his new regulatory czar is a nightmare. that's what this guy does is look at all the different laws and see where we can tweak here and there. >> yeah. glenn: where does this take us? what' coming our way here? >> i think we're going to see such a massive change in the level of immigration enforcement. we can go into the reasons why that is happening but here is another example. the withdrawl of the no-match rule. now, one of the rules that the bush administration passed is a rule that says if you're an employer and the social security administration detects that you got a bunch of employees whose names don't match their social security numbers, you get a letter, and the bush administration ratcheted up enforcement saying you also have to make
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certain changes to make sure you are hiring only legal workers, and that you don't have a bunch of illegal aliens on your payroll. the obama administration announced they are going to rescind that rule, so that means you may have 100 or you may have 1,000 names that don't match the numbers but you don't have to do anything about it even if you are notified by social security. this figure is going to blow you away. every year, about half a million workers file documents under the social security number 000-00-0000, so it is just blatant what's happening. glenn: thank you very much. i appreciate it. america, here is the good news. you going to have a lot more union workers in the future and more people in healthcare that we can support. >> coming up, the department of homeland security, would you keep your research facility out of the most tornado prone region on earth? next, kansas.
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>> hello, i'm patti ann browne. a virginia man has been sentenced to life in prison for joining al qaeda and plotting to assassinate president bush. when he was convicted in 2005, he was originally sentenced to 30 years in prison. the new sentence takes into account that the man never renounced al qaeda or terrorism. president obama says china and the u.s. are ready to make, quote, steady progress on some of the world's top issues. those topics they will focus on in the two days of higher-level talks including
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the financial mess and nuclear proliferation. secretary of state hillary clinton says they're laying a foundation for a stronger relationship brick by brick. glenn beck returns in a moment, but first bret baier previews what is on "special report" tonight. >> coming up, house democrats meet behind closed doors to discuss healthcare legislation. so now what? and brit hume's analysis on a tough month for president obama. join me at 6:00 eastern for "special report." now back to glenn. >> well, hello, america. tonight, it's the hot list. some common sense solutions to the stories where the mainstream media is just not doing their job. how are we are going to pay for healthcare reform? well, tax the rich, of course. that is the plan of our old friend congressman charlie rangel, chairman of the tax writing committee. he calls, quote, the moral thing to do is that. but congressman rangel is still working out his own tax issues. let's review her.
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mr. rangel owns a rental property at the yacht club in the dominican republic. it is a luxury beachfront villa in an area where villas rent for $2,000 a night. the tax policy center, in 2004 and 2005 he reported no more than five different properties. boy, i hope he can make it. in 2007, no income at all from that nice villa there by the sea. oh, it's so sad, but interesting, because last year, it was booked from mid december to mid april, and no income? really? reminder, he is the chairman of the tax writing committee. first, rangel blamed his wife, which i'm sure went over really well. then he blamed the dominican-speaking spanish. i know they're speaking this dog language or something, i don't know. then he pleaded ignorance.
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when he finally admitted his mistake, aka, not paying his taxes on income of $75,000, he promised to fix his tax returns. i'm going to pay up! the deadline, you will be happy to know, is may 15, which is tomorrow, of course -- wait. hold it. i think my watch stopped. it's almost august. yes, america, it's been 73 days since the deadline has come and gone. did you know that? have you heard that anywhere? as of last week, he hasn't paid. he hasn't updated anything. by the way, did i tell you he is the chairman of the tax writing committee? i was just wondering, where is the media? where is that fourth branch of government, you know, trying to keep these people down? can you imagine if dick cheney would have done this? they would have had piano wire in the town square by now. hello! why are you, america, hearing this from me, a rodeo clown with a t.v. show?
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and what if you forgot to pay your own taxes? i wrote this, but i didn't -- really, i got to pay that, huh? that applies to me, too? what would happen to you? congressman, your place in the dominican republic sounds very, very nice. i have an idea. how about all the people who did pay their taxes, because there is a few of them, most of them not in government, but the few of us that did pay our taxes, how about we get to go use your villa for free, and in the meantime, we can put you up at taxpayer expense. it will be a smaller place, about 8 feet by 8 feet, but it will be nice, and three squares every day. and remember, when republic senator arlen specter came clean and switched to democrat, back in april, he had the audacity to say this this -- >> personal independence is my own approach to individual issues.
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i will not be an automatic 60th vote. glenn: oh, right. of course not. website starting tracking his votes, specifically contentious votes where the votes are almost split by party lines, and they are the ones that really count. as a republican from january through march, he voted 58% with the democrats, but then a pool came out and put him 14 points behind his republican primary rival. he suddenly became supportive of the republicans, voting with the democrats only 16% of the time, because they were very wrong and i'm sure all that is a coincidence. then after he switched parties, he voted with the democrats 69% of the time, which is another weird coincidence. but now that he has the democratic party challenger in and he needs to run for election again, he is voting with his new party 97% of the
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time. i got to tell you, i am so glad that you haven't changed your own personal independence, because you are a wild cater. that's who you are. you're a maverick. you're not a flip-flopper. you are a shameful opportunist, senator, and you should go home. you have been in washington too long! now, "the washington post" reports that the government accountability office is slamming the department of homeland security for concluding that -- did it just get windy in here -- for concluding that they could safely handle a research facility for highly infectious diseases, dangerous animal diseases, but it's not what they were trying to keep safe, it's where they wanted to put it. yes, in tornado alley, kansas. i mean, what could possibly go wrong there? the government accountability office says homeland security -- could somebody close the door?
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the security department relied on a flawed study that it would spend $7 million to build a facility to handle diseases. oh, it's great. it is shovel ready. we have the shovel, so let's put our own graves there, too. they are putting this in tornado-pone kansas. the d.h.s. greatly underestimated the chance of accidental release of the diseases. the lab plans to study the highly contagious foot and mouth disease, african swine fever and japanese enself lie tus, and valley fever and other horrible sounding diseases. this is research which in the past has only been conducted on an island off of the united states. remember, in 2001, do you remember the whole, you know, u.k. outbreak of -- i might save this for later -- of the foot and mouth disease? it came from ran accidental release at a research lab in london. that country spent $5 billion
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slaughtering animals to stop the spread. all right. i think these guys are thinking way too much. here is a tip. if you're going to go highly infectious disastrous diseases, maybe you should consider putting a lab someplace different than this! not in tornado alley. and that is your hot list. >> did you hear what crazy glenn beck did now? >> did anybody make it out alive? >> this is breaking news, next.
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glenn: the powerful service employees international union, or seiu, an offshoot of acorn has a seat at the table with the obama administration when it comes to healthcare reform. the question is why? it is thanked to a concerted effort by dennis riviera, a
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former community organizer. he established a war room, 400 staff members and a $10 million budget to specifically target lawmakers whose votes seiu needs to change. brian johnson for the alliance for worker freedom, tell me about dennis riviera. he is a community organizer, anti-vietnam protestor. who is this guy? >> this guy has been around for a while. he was a community organizer in puerto rico. he is an agitator. he is just another one of the union goons that have been brought to washington to basically have a war room, like you said. $10 million to do nothing but bully politicians just like the unions bully works into paying dues. $where are they getting the 10 million? >> union dues from union member dues, just another example of the billions an billions unions use on political activism, taken from hard-working american men and women every day. glenn: barack obama says, you
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know, during the campaign, i was listening to audio from him during the campaign for something i'm working on tomorrow and he says "if you want to know my policies, look at who i surround myself by." you want to know who this guy is and where he is headed, look at the people around him all the time. this guy is in the white house, meeting with barack obama. this guy is also one of the guys that met with the healthcare providers and the prescription drug companies to try to broker a deal, right? >> right, exactly right. i'm glad barack obama said it so we didn't have to. he's surrounding himself with union goons. this whole healthcare thing is just smoke and mirrors because they don't want the american people to know that one in every 160 union workers doesn't have a properly-funded pension. why doesn't he focus his time on that instead of this outlandish healthcare plan? glenn: i said this about a year ago, america. these companies are going to pass their pensions off to the unions and the unions aren't going to be able to fund them
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and they're going to jack them up to the federal government and you're going to be on the hook. you watch. that's what's coming. now, i'm apparently armed and dangerous. what really happened last week. next. cheer clear -d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-
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glenn: sorry, kids. i'm practicing with a pretzel how to smoke a cigarette so i can be more like the president. allow me to go out on a limb here for a minute. i think the media is wildly out of touch. i know, crazy. you see, my guess is that you see guns as something to treat with respect to use responsibly, to provide peace of mind, but the media typically lives in manhattan or washington, d.c. where acquiring a gun is about as difficult as, you know, me, passing up some frosting
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covered cream-filled chocolate-dipped baked good. to the media, guns are evil and the people who have them are threats. listen to this clip from an interview i had with senator john thune. it starts out when new york mayor michael bloomberg -- >> criminals will be able to obtain conceal carry permits and walk the streets carrying handguns. they will be able to walk into bars and restaurants with guns. they will be able to go to the movies with guns, and they will be nothing that our police officers can do about it. glenn: i went to the movie this weekend, with a gun, and surprise, surprise, i didn't kill anybody. apparently that makes people crazy. my favorite was from the huffington post who titled the story "glenn beck's startling
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boast." look, glenn beck is such a crazy person. he thinks movies are dangerous. who knows when that transformer might attack me? i must admit when i did see the bourne identity, i emptied my gun at the movie screen and apologized at the theater. i was just trying to help jason bourne escape, you know, from the giant 30-foot head on the screen there. i didn't know. sorry. once again, this is a fundamental misunderstanding by the media of what guns really are. for a lot of people in america with concealed carrying permits, guns are something that you don't just lock into a safe and pull out when you hear glass breaking at 3:00 a.m. where's my gun? you can conceal them and carry them, thus conceal carry r you don't just bring your gun into situations that you say, you know, honey, i think i might
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bring my gun. it might get dangerous today. 98.9% of the time, i drive. i don't need my driver's license, but i bring it with me every time, just in case i need it. sure, the movies don't seem dangerous, but neither did english class at virginia tech. neither did an immigration service center in binghamton, new york. there could have been no other situation that seemed safer on the surface than the moment right after recess at an amish school in nickel mines, pennsylvania. you see, when i leave my house in the morning, i take all of my rights with me. the media certainly understands, you know, rights when you're talking about freedom of the press. of course, freedom of speech they don't always get, but freedom of the press they do. somehow they also completely forget about amendment number two. now, all you gun owners. there is a g-force commercial that could air at any time. try not to shoot directly at the t.v. screen. the guinea pigs aren't really spies!
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calm down. and we have a special announcement, next. esn't want vr their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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for home and business. broadview security - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. >> when i wrote the book "commons sense" it was written out of frustration and written out of a sense of -- i mean, what's happening to us? what is happening to us? why is no one paying attention to it? i have been -- if you're a radio listener of mine or
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listening for the last few years, you know i have been frustrated on what has been going on with bush administration, and now obama administration, and now i have had some dark days where i thought our country is just not going to make t i have a renewed sense of optimism right now and i want to invite you to read the free e-mail newsletter all this week at, because my optimism has come back because i know what's going on, and if you have been watching or listening, i think you are putting it together as well. there is an assault on our constitution that is unlike anything that i think has ever happened before in this country. here is the great thing -- you can be a constitutional guard dog. these people need to be afraid of the american people. you can do that by guarding them. i'll explain it here during this week. just -- if you had enough, make sure you sign up for the e-mail newsletter at i have to tell


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