tv The Live Desk FOX News July 29, 2009 2:25pm-3:00pm EDT
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how much money could they have saved from so many people if they would have stepped in when he was busily waging a red flag under their nose? >> there is also mr. stanford. the sec cleared itself, by the way. there are real problems with of report. rick: what about these trusties? they are now going after ruth madoff. >> her agreement with the u.s. attorney's was i will give the u.s. government everything i own, and she did. she walked out of 133 east 64th street. they will auction everything. she walked away with $2.5 million. the trusty, whose job is to
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collect money from all the blue might have benefited from mr. madoff and pay the victims. he filed a $48 billion lawsuit -- he filed a $40 million lawsuit against ruth madoff. martha: he hasn't gotten anything yet. i cannot wait to hear what happens to those folks at the sec. they filled out their job no matter how you look at this. that was their job. rick: and no one's had several. >> no one has been fired at the sec. it is not just madoff. it is stanford as well. martha: thank you. moments from now, lawmakers will announce new rules for pilots and airlines. it is an effort to prevent the pilots error that may have doomed a commuter flights in
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30 days to try lifelock absolutely free. call now and mention id. call now or go to ♪ hay martha: in the top box, h1n1 if we know now the pendulum and are going to the front of the line. that is what the u.s. committee is just announcing. and to get the vaccines when they come out. in the middle box, blue dog democrats' reaching a deal on health care reform. in bottom box, the woman who reported a possible break-in at the helm of that harvard professor, mr. gates, she said
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she never thought that her words would be analyzed by the entire nation. she says she respects professor gates as well as the cambridge police. she said she is glad the truth about her 911 call is out. rick: 60 in the size the focus of a new bill on capitol hill. -- safety is the focus of the new bill on capitol hill. it is unveiled today in the house. congress has decided it is time to take action after the deadly commuter plane crashed near buffalo in february. molly is following today's hearing. what do you expect to happen at this event on capitol hill? >> four members of the house transportation committee, two democrats and two republicans are announcing a new bill that proposes new airline safety regulations.
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it focuses on pilot training and pilot fatigue. it required trading on mid air is stalled recovery. it requires the faa to implement new pilot flight ouhor rules. and airlines would have 90 days to look at pilot fatigue. rick: we all remember that in february, it was like adding insult to injury. first it was the crash and then we learned about the two pilots involved. one of them was a very young pilot. they both had gotten very little sleep prior to that crash. they discussed that they were not comfortable fly in in the kind of conditions that they were flying in in. this is all in response to the centers for disease control -- colgan air crash.
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>> an official for the house transportation committee tells fox that the members decided that they should act also. that is why they're introducing the legislation. the crash killed 50 people. the pilots tried to land the plane in icy conditions. ntsb has suggested that the pilots may not have had enough training to handle a stall in the air. one or both of them may have spent fatigue -- may have been fatigued. i just got a statement from the faa. the faa says it recently updated by liberalpilot rules and a newe regulations. rick: we will be watching this as it moves its way through the house and through congress. thank you very much. martha: that was a tragic crash.
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you walk under the plane and you look toward the cockpit and you wonder if the person has got enough sleep. let's bring in our panel to talk about this. peter is an aviation expert and former managing director of the ntsb. patrick smith is a pilot and author of "aske the pilot." they are talking about training. sometimes you have the continental and you have a connection and you expect it will be another continental plane. you walk up to the airplane and it is completely different. >> this has all come out of this accident. it has been discussed for years when the ntsb pushed the faa in the 99 days to get one level of safety for small commuter airlines -- in the 1990's to get
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one level of safety for small commuter airlines. i think it is great that the committee in a bipartisan way has promoted the steps. i think it is important. martha: this is an example of congress doing exactly what it should be doing. patrick smith, what is your take? do you agree? is it meaningful? let's i think so. before you get to the specific issues. there is a notion out there now that flyign is more than -- flying is more dangerous than ever. that is not true. there has not been a large-scale accident involving a major carrier in almost eight years. at the regional level, there are some important issues. i would not say there's a crisis. i think pilot fatigue is one of
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the most important issues. martha: we have some of the highlights from this build your yet take a look at that -- we have some of the highlights from this bill. martha: peter, fatigue goes to a lot of things. they said pilots are underpaid and they cannot afford to live near their hub. do we need to cut the number of flights? what do we need to do? >> this is an extraordinarily challenging issue, especially for the regional airlines. you have starting pay for copilots sometimes well under $20,000. certainly under $30,000.
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and you are working longer hours. many of them cannot afford to live near their base. the faa has a rule making committee working on this now. the new administrator has promised new rules this fall. i think this committee's bill is going to push that. it is a very challenging issue. i am not clear how we're going to get to that, but one thing is clear. the government is now going to weigh in. when a pilot gets into the cockpit, he or she has to be ready to fly. martha: real quick, patrick. >> there are not more accidents like the colgan air is a testament to the fact that there are well-trained, highly skilled pilots doing a good job under challenging conditions. the single most important thing
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the faa can do is change its definition on "rest." it now includes time going to and from the airport. martha: that sounds like a step in the right direction. thank you very much, patrick and peter. rick: coming up, are we one step closer to health care reform? blue dog democrats are reaching a deal. what is in this proposal and what will it mean for your business and your health care? we will tell you , next. meet jack. recently turned 65.
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martha: the moderate house democrats, known as the blue dog democrats, say they have reached a deal to move to the next step of coming up with a health care reform bill. they have been struggling with the high cost issue of the house plan. they say this proposal will trim $100 billion from the final price tag. the congressman of indiana is the chairman of the house
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republican congress. good to have you with us. what does all this mean? what came out of this bill and what does it mean for americans across the country? >> we will save. right now we know that they cover full energy and commerce committee will be convening in a couple of hours. there is supposed to be a deal. it sounds like a bad deal for american taxpayers. up to this flight, house republicans and a councihandfulf conservative democrats have taken a strong stand against a government-run insurance. we are hearing that the trenimmd $100 billion and a change the impact of taxes, but at the center of this bill is a government-run insurance plan that will cost tens of millions of americans to lose the energ interests that have been vastly expand the role of the federal
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government. martha: in terms of the public option, they say it is voluntarily. on the senate side, they say it is dead. which is true? >> we are focused on the house side. i'm skeptical about the plan about the public option dead in the senate through the senate majority leader, every reid, said last month -- harry reid said it does not matter what you call it. the democrats have trtweaked it. common sense tells you otherwise. in this difficult economy, when companies are struggling to keep the lights on and the doors open, as soon as the federal government is offering free health insurance down the street, millions of americans
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will be told by their employers that they do not offer health insurance anymore. martha: in your mind, co-op is equal to the public auction? -- public option? >> if it looks a lot like any man freddie mac, is all kind of the same thing. pulling the taxpayers into subsidizing the health insurance product. republicans and most americans know we need to lower the cost of health insurance. over the cost of health care. we can do that by strengthening and decreasing the choices within the private insurance marketplace, not by a government-run plan with $1 trillion on higher taxes. martha: we know you are working hard on this. thank you very much. rick: on the senate, a democrat
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with the senate finance committee joins us. you just heard from the congressman who says the deal has been worked out amongst your democratic colleagues in the house is a pretty bad deal. what do you think? >> the president has said all along that he will veto a bill that increases the budget deficit. he will veto a bill that does not slow down the growth of health-care cost. i will not vote for a bill that raises the deficit. we will wait to see what it looks like. rick: what the about raising taxes? that has been the big issue. if you have health care reform and to give health care to all these people who do not have it, how can you do it without raising taxes? >> i have suggested that we put a cap on the amount of taxes that are excluded when our employers provide us with very
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inexpensive health care coverage. one of the best ways to reduce over utilization is to put a cap on the amount of taxes but we exclude. that is one example. most of the monies that we raise will be found in inefficiencies, insurance reform for one, but others, too. there are places like the mayo clinic in the cleveland clinic -- a number of places have figured out how to have better health care results with less money. rick: bottom-line, there is no way to reform health care without raising taxes on somebody, is there? >> at the end of the day, we would not be able to raise any kind of revenues. we would blow up the budget deficit and a greater. we do not want to do that. we want to make sure this is
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that as a neutral. we do that by spending money more efficiently and raising revenues. hopefully the revenues will also have the effect of slowing the growth of health-care cost. rick: thank you very much for joining us. martha: you did not know that i was this much taller than shepard smith, did you? shepard: i want to count fish in the ocean. martha: what is coming up on your show? shepard: whenever you like. we are having the secretary of health and human services, kathleen sebelius. they have been calling this thing a plan. there's no plan. it is an idea. the blue dog democrats have come up with something. that does not mean it will become anything. besides that, you have pre- existing conditions. let's say i have cancer and i go
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get insurance. i am covered for this cancer that will cost $2 million. how are we ever going to pay for that? it sounds so pie in the sky ridiculous. martha: it would be perfect if you could have a situation where you could get it even if you have a pre existing condition and where you could keep any plan you already have. and if there is no increase in cost, who would not? shepard: i also want a pony. at any rate, i will get into that with kathleen sebelius. martha: i look forward to that. shepard: the former mayor of fort lee, new jersey will be on 3d says he lost $5 million of his net worth with bernie madoff. martha: bernie madoff says he cannot believe they did not catchable.
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shepard: this guy says stopped talking to bernie madoff. he has ruined enough lives. this is the last segment i'm doing on bernie madoff. i'm done with him. and the counting fish -- what was phil keating doing? martha: they are counting the fish in the ocean. we have to go. see you at the top of the hour. back to you. rick: when we come back, a new study says tanning beds are not healthy. they are as deadly as poison. our medical expert is here to break it down with a brand new warning when we come back. .
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rick: fox news alert. james bond braun has been indicted for the murder of a special police officer steven johnson and hate crimes charges for the attacks at the memorial holocaust museum in washington, d.c. has been officially indicted while recovering from wounds. martha: new might want to think twice before going back to the tanning salon. cancer experts have identified ultraviolet radiation as a top cancer risk, putting them in the same category as smoking and the chimney sweeping. we have the chief of cosmetic surgery with us from new york city, top of the top at mount sinai. you yourself had skin cancer
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removed? you would have thought that you would have known exactly, right? >> i pretty much did. but it can happen to everyone, that is the point. martha: what is the evil of tanning beds? >> like smoking, you do not have to do it. you should opt out immediately. injures your skin. uva and uvb, they penetrate into your skin, causing collagen, spies, and it can you take your dna. >> we hear about skin damage that occurs when people are young and it comes back to haunt them later on. what if people in their crazy teenage years, what if they did a lot of tanning beds and have stopped since then. are they at risk?
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>> they need to be extra careful. 80% is your first hit when you are wild and crazy. that second hit is what releases it to grow and grow and metastasize and be deadly. when you are older and smarter, you need to be smarter. rick: what do you recommend in terms of treatment? we are in the summer months. people get confused at the numbers. what do we need to be aware of? >> make it says -- make it simple for yourself. anything that makes it convenient for you. sunblock as well as sunscreen, giving you different ways to treat your skin. anything from 30 to set -- 70. anything above that is -- anything below that is irrelevant. going on vacation? go in the morning or late in the afternoon. never go to a tanning salon.
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martha: you can use a bronzer and all that stuff? >> exactly. martha: good to have you here. rick: coming up, she called 911 and set off a chain of events that reached to the oval office. the woman that called police when she saw this man outside of her house. there she is. we will tell you what she had to say, coming up. mins and minerals. this is another. new total blueberry pomegranate cereal gives you 100% of the daily value of 12 essential vitamins and minerals. plus the bold new taste of blueberries and pomegranate with crispy whole grain flakes and crunchy oat clusters. total, a truly delicious way to get vitamins and minerals. how are you getting 100%? visit and get a free sample.
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martha: that is the big finish. thank you for watching. rick: thank you for having me. "fox & friends -- "studio b" starts right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute shepard: here is what we have coming out of the house. conservative democrats, blue
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