tv Red Eye FOX News July 30, 2009 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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i'm not even signing any of these, because i don't want anybody to keep it on a shelf. give it to a friend. i published it in paper book. put it in your right back here america's choice for evening news on cable tomorrow night. now this guy. bill: the "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> if the new health care reform bill is so great for all americans, why are members of congress and other arms of government excluded from having to participate? >> slip-sliding away. bill: as president obama's health care vision slips, he takes his crusade to the folks. we'll show you what happened and dick morris will analyze. >> i don't understand why you shouldn't produce a birth certificate. i'm not going to back off, period. bill: the lou dobbs, president obama birth certificate controversy continues. bernie goldberg has some thoughts. >> nice to be back with you, officer o'reilly. i missed you. bill: and dennis miller on race in america. are things getting worse between blacks and whites?
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caution, you are about to enter the no-spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: is america an unfair country? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. behind all the bloviating on government-run health care lies a very simple question. are we a fair question? is the u.s.a. a rigged game or does everyone have a chance at a good life and good health? government mandated health care would be the most expensive entitlement in history. passions are running high on both sides. to make your decision about it, it's important to understand the truth behind the debate and the vision that president obama holds. some believe that folks are little money should receive a major helping hand from those who have money. conservatives tend to believe the government should stay out
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of economic pursuits and allow folks to compete. whether they win or lose is not the government's business. president obama is a classic liberal, a man who wants the federal government to provide as much as possible to the poor. mr. obama believes in economic and social justice being imposed from washington. but the vast majority of the folks are against him on that. a new rasmussen poll says 65% of americans want fewer services and lower taxes from the federal government. and 69% of us believe the u.s.a. is a fair and decent country just the way it is. now, talking points believes americans were ready to listen to president obama's health care vision because, obviously, medical care is much too expensive in this country. but mr. obama has not been able to articulate specifics. instead falling back on confusing scenarios and ideology. today in a north carolina town meeting, the president once again spoke long and said little. many folks looked like they were transfor thed back to a high school physics class. we cannot put one interesting
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sound bite from this exposition, not one. the truth is that the economic and social justice theory isn't taking root in america and president obama is being stymied by that. we are a hard-working country that gives more to charity than any other people on earth. we do not, however, respect hand youths, especially when they might bankrupt the nation. that is obama's dilemma. the folks are not with him philosophically, and i don't believe they ever will be. that's a memo. for the top story tonight, reaction to all of this and for president obama going back to bush bashing. with us now, dick morris. were you in the white house when the clinton health care deal exploded? >> i wasn't in charge then but i was meeting with clinton four or five times a year and i spoke with hillary maybe 20 times during that period. they didn't take my advice. bill: is there any similarity? >> oh, yes, there is a lot. the plans are basically
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identical. the only difference is the clintons never were honest enough to propose tax increases whereas obama does. the big difference is that this time obama has fought off all of the institutional players. he has got aurp in on it because he is cutting them in as an insurance company. he has the drug companies in on it because he has cut them in. he has the insurance companies, the hospital workers, the hospital owners. they have all made their deals with obama whereas in those groups for the most part opposed hillary care. but it's not making much difference. the folks, as you say, are turning out against it. bill: what do you think the main reason is? because remember, in the beginning, health care was popular. government run. and it's just slid in the polls. what is causing that? >> first, 90% of americans have insurance and 80% are happy with the insurance they have. and 80% are happy with the medical care they receive. so the idea that this country is in crisis in health care is notionless. bill: it is very expensive.
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i buy my health care. it's outrageously expensive. >> but americans do not understand, they don't understand why spending $1 trillion extra will lower the cost of health care. bill: because he can't explain it. nobody knows that. >> i think -- and this is the point we make in "catastrophe" that the elderly are getting the point that this is effectively the repeal of medicare. not because they are cutting off the program, but because there won't be any doctors to administer it. bill: and their care will be rationed and decisions will be made whether they will have elective surgery. >> there is thing quality quality adjusted years remaining. if it costs $200,000 for hip replacement and you will live 40 more years, that's fine. it's five a year. if you're going to live five more years, it's 40 a year, you're not getting it. bill: i agree, i think the elderly americans want to keep the choices they have. now, obama went out. did you see any of that town hall meeting?
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it was stupefyingly dull, was it not? >> the problem is he's trying to tell you that he is spending a billion extra, a trillion extra on health care and he is cutting spending. bill: wait. you're a wonk. those people don't know. you are like this. when do i go to denny's? when do i get out of here? look, can we run some roll of those people. talking about free anesthesia. they have got it. when can i go home? when will you let me out of here, secret service? look, he's a dynamic guy, boeheim. i saw him campaign and knock people's socks off. now he has become to have or i have i can. -- he has become sophorific. >> nothing he says makes sense. bill: doesn't he know he goes in there, desks are collapsing and people going like this? doesn't he get it? >> look, his basic problem is
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that he is trying to fundamentally change a system that 80% of the people are pretty happy with. bill: i got it. now, obama knows he is in trouble in the health care realm and in the economy. but the economy i don't think it's fair to him yet. so he goes back today to bush, he goes back to bush land today. roll the tape. >> i do think we shouldn't have a selective memory in terms of spending habits. you and me, $1.3 trillion bill. then you're complaining six months later because we haven't paid it all back. a debt, by the way, that was partially a result of two tax cuts that went primarily to the wealthiest few americans and a medicare drug program that wasn't paid for. bill: all right. so he's back on the campaign trail. >> now wait a minute, mr. obama. the deficit as a result of the tax cuts and the drug plan, katrina, and the wars was $485 billion. it went up to $1 trillion when
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bush left office because of the tarp program and $1.3 trillion because of the tarp program under obama. now it's not $1.3 trillion. it's $2 trillion. the extra $700 billion he added. in the six months this guy has been in office, federal spending went from $3 trillion to $4 trillion. bill: let's cut to the chase. how much trouble is he in six months after he took office? can come back quickly? say he hires you tomorrow. can you change this or is it now three and a half years of chaos? >> it's right on the cusp. health care reform could pass or could fail, ditto cap and trade. and it's right on the cusp. it could go either way, which is why people need to write their senators and express their opinion. that really works. but it's right on the cusp. now, health care reform and cap and trade fail, which i'm inclined to believe they will, but they still could pass, then he's done. and then what he could do is
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he's got a choice. he can either stay in office and move to the center or be a one-term president and stay on the left. bill: bernie goldberg is coming up after you. we're going to present evidence that 70% of the network news coverage has been positive toward obama health care. but the folks still aren't buying it. here is a very egotistical question. i apologize to the audience in advance. how much influence does this program have now with the historically high numbers that we have? >> a vast amount, particularly among the elderly. first of all, your show, as you probably told the audience, now has passed katie couric's show in listeners. you're up over five million. >> five and a half million. >> you used to be under one million. and you have a huge influence, particularly with people who are just turning 65 or over 65. they have become convinced rightly that this is the end of medicare as we know it. and the polling shows that they are against this plan by 16 points. bill: wow. >> when the fox news poll asked
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them do you think your personal health care will get better or worse, it was 9% better and 66% worse. bill: dick morris, everybody. buy his book "catastrophe ." it's interesting. thanks. we'll see you next week. next, the media loves government-run health care. as i just said, a new study proves it. bernie goldberg will weigh in. on the lou dobbs, the obama birth certificate controversy as well. as well. this is getting out o finally, good news for people with type 2 diabetes or at risk for diabetes. introducing new nutrisystem d, the clinically tested program for losing weight and reducing blood sugar.
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bill: tonight we have a number of topics for mr. goldberg. beginning with a new study by the media research center. they analyzed more than 20 health care stories on the big three network, morning and evening news programs. they found 70% of the sound bites used in those stories favors president obama's health care vision.
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70%. joining us now from asheville, north carolina, fox news analyst bernie goldberg, author of the book "a slobbering love affair," which plays right into this, bernie. if it's 7-3 on all of abc, cbs, nbc, "the today show," or "good morning america" or the nightly newscast. as i just asked morris, the folks, they are not buying it. it's going the other way, so i'm wondering what messenger, what messenger, media messenger, because that's how the folks get their information on this, is being most effective in this thing? >> well, first we should point out that just because the media has a particular bias in favor of something that barack obama suggests doesn't mean the people are buying it. the media, the media says a lot of things and people listen to it, and they realize that the media is not being fair or balanced, but they don't necessarily buy it. the important point here, bill, is i don't know that the media is in favor of nationalized
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health care. i don't know that they like it or that they don't like it. they like barack obama. they have a lot invested in barack obama, and they are going to protect their investment. in my book that you just mentioned, "a slobbering love affair," i explained how the media moved from the old-fashioned media bias into something new, media activism. so now you have a lot of reporters, not all of them, but a lot of reporters who aren't just covering health care and barack obama. they are -- they are championing it, they are supporting it. bill: but why isn't it working? you would think that, look -- >> because the people at home -- bill: you have all of this monolith going that obama's health care vision is good for you, which essentially it is. you have some people on the fox news channel but we have many people here who like the president's plan, and you have conservative talk radio obviously lined up against it. so it's those vehicles against -- we didn't even mention cnn
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and msnbc which, of course, are for the obama health plan. so it's maybe 5-1. but the folks are saying no, we don't like it. >> because they get enough information, either from talk radio or from fox, and even from those places that are in favor or seem to be in favor of obama care when they are really in favor of obama. they get enough information, they are smart enough, contrary to what a lot of people in the media think, they are smart enough to know that they don't like it. and as dick morris correctly pointed out, and you did, too, senior citizens especially. i mean, i'm telling you, senior citizens are out there saying well, hold on. let me make sure i get this straight. you mean, when i get to be 85 or thereabouts and i might get an operation that prolongs my life five years, you're going to say take a pill? they get it. it doesn't matter that the media is tilted in favor of the president's plan. people see through that stuff. and that's good.
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bill: listen, bill morris said yesterday that we're a stupid country, america is a stupid country. that was a stupid comment by mr. morrow. i have always felt that the folks have a lot of common sense and a lot of wisdom. i think it's coming out here. tomorrow president obama goes back to the white house and he invited professor gates and officer crowley, the two guys involved in the controversy in massachusetts, for a beer at the white house. >> happy hour. bill: is this a good p.r. move? >> from the president's point of view, it probably is. now, i wouldn't even presume to give sergeant crowley any advice. he is a big boy. he certainly knows what he is doing. but just so you know, i wouldn't go and take part in a dog and pony photo op, not unless i got some apologies first. it's a good move for the president possibly, but i wouldn't have anything to do with it.
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one guy, a professor, calls me a racist. the president says the cops are stupid, and then says you know, i probably should have calibrated my words differently. bill, who uses language like i should have calibrated my words differently? only a guy who went to harvard. most regular people watching us right now would say i was wrong, i'm sorry. but the president can't do that. so it may be a good move for him. it may show that he's trying to bring people together. but i sure as hell wouldn't go. bill: see, i would. if i were crowley, i would go. i will tell you why. because then crowley can come out and report on exactly what the discussion was and say this is what i said, respectfully, to the president and to the professor. i made my points. i think crowley, bernie, is representing the police officers of america. i think it's much bigger than one man now. i think he's representing the cops. i think the cops want him to go and give these guys a little what for.
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respectfully. >> well, i will tell you what. if crowley came out of that happy hour, the beer summit, and stood on that driveway in front of the white house and said let me make a couple of point. bill: we're going to try to get him on tomorrow. >> but if he went on and said yeah, there was stereotyping. bill: that's what i'm talking about. >> there was stereotyping and i will tell you who did the stereotyping. not me. professor gates did the stereotyping. bill: we will try to get crowley on tomorrow. i don't know how successful we will be. and bernie, if he has three beers, he may well do that. it's a matter of how much is served. we'll have more with bernie in a moment because you want to get into the lou dobbs birth certificate controversy. i love this story. we'll play you what mr. dobbs had to say on the radio yesterday. and then the harvard professor and the police officer as we just mentioned involved in a race controversy. they will drink with obama tomorrow. and dennis miller wants to
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bill: continuing now with fox news analyst bernie goldberg. as we reported earlier this week, some folks are angry with cnn's lou dobbs for continuing to address the president obama birth certificate controversy. some people believe the president was born in africa. well, "the factor" has investigated and it's bogus.
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the president was born in hawaii and there is no question about it. however, mr. dobbs continues spotlighting the issue. >> i said even though i believe the president is a citizen of the united states, i don't understand why he shouldn't produce a birth certificate. my god, you talk about the third rail of american journalism, baby, that's it. i tell you. i'm not going to back off of anything, folks. with all of these attacks from what i call these limp-mined, lily-livered, lefty recommendation, you know, i have to say a quick thanks to bill o'reilly. last night he defended me. bill o'reilly is a standup guy, and you can take that to the bank. bill: we all know that, bernie. >> everybody knows you are a standup guy. bill: i hope so by this time. the first thing is cnn is embarrassed. that was a radio commentary. cnn basically told lou dobbs to shut up, all right? knock it off. this is crazy. it's hurting cnn's image. how do you respond to that?
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>> well, let's get the easy part out of the way first. cnn should not, repeat not fire lou dobbs for talking about this. lou dobbs didn't say barack obama wasn't born in the united states. he said just the opposite. he said he was born in the united states, but then he said he should produce his birth certificate. now, let's think about this for a second. why wouldn't president obama release his birth certificate? he was born in hawaii. hawaii last i checked is in the united states. and why in the world wouldn't he release his birth certificate? bill: can i answer that question? >> let me answer it first, ok? then i will answer my own question first. i have a theory. the theory is this -- that the chicago mafia inside the white house want to keep this crazy controversy going because the longer it goes, the better the chance that they will con fatal the crazy right -- conflate the
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crazy right-wing fringe with regular conservatives and regular republicans. bill: that's not a bad theory, but from dealing with the obama white house now for almost -- for more than a year, i will tell you they are -- as every white house that i have ever experienced, they are arrogant. they are saying to themselves that lou -- we won't let lou dobbs tell us what to do, we won't let these cranks on talk radio tell us what to do. they want the birth certificate released, tough. we're not going to do it because we have the power and we don't like them. that's what it's all about. >> that's fine. but you know what? then stop calling yourself the transparent president. how about your college records, mr. president? what's in those records that you don't want us to know about? he didn't release those. he could put an end to these if he released the birth certificate, and lou dobbs is right. lou dobbs is right to raise the question why doesn't he release it. you may be right. my political analysis may be right, too, that they want to
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keep this thing going to make regular republicans and regular conservatives look like a bunch of lunatics. don't put that past the guys in the white house. bill: i didn't think of it, and it is a good possibility. but i have got to tell you, from dealing with these people, -- and the bush people were like this at times, too. unbelievably arrogant. we're not going to do what you say. we're not going to do what you say. you're just some pimp on a cable news show or on talk radio and you want it, tough. we don't care. there is no down side for us. our people still like us. that's that. all right. but i want to get back to cnn, because an interesting business story here. cnn is not doing well, and i don't say that with any rancor. ok. we respect cnn most of the time. they have a couple of nuts over there, but not bad. not like some of the other competition, all right? but now they are in a position where they have a renegade, a renegade on the air. lou, lou is a renegade. now, they can't fire him.
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he does ok. he is not knocking the lights out in the numbers, but he's doing ok. and he's a big guy. so cnn has got a problem. if you were the president of cnn, how would you handle it? >> if i were john klein, who i know very well, look, forget about how i would handle it. let me tell you that i know john klein and if lou dobbs talked about this every day of the week and ratings went up, jon wouldn't have a problem with that. i'm not taking a shot at my friend jon klein. i'm saying if ratings would go up by doing this, he would have no problem about the image or anything else. he's worried that he is going to lose some loyal viewers because they are sick and tired of hearing lou dobbs talk about this. bill: i think that's a legitimate worry. >> well, it may be. bill: i saw the numbers last night. they were very bad. >> well, then what you said last night, bill, is that let the people decide. if they don't want to hear this, they will tune out. and then even lou will get the message and he will stop
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recent days. here now fox news analyst monica crowley and alan colmes. all right, colmes, what's the big thing he has done right? >> it sounds trivial, but i think it can for tend something much greater which is the beer fest as you said earlier, the beer fest among barack obama, sergeant james crowley, no relation to you, and professor henry louis gates, which i think is a good idea. brings it down to a human level. it's a sitdown, really hash it out, talk about it. i think it's clearly symbolic, but hopefully a way for us through symbolism to have a greater dialogue to sit down and talk about this in a way that kind of tamps down the emotions and the passions. i think what he did was really great in terms of damage control about making an unfortunate remark. bill: what do you think about that? >> first of all, this was sergeant crowley's idea, not president obama's idea. sergeant crowley when the president called him, suggested the beer. obama picked up the idea. let's give credit where credit is due. this is not about healing. this is about political damage control for the president who really stepped in it last week
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with his initial response during that press conference. bill: isn't it a shrewd move to do that? >> of course he has to do something to fix it. he has damaged himself politically very much. here's why, bill. he positioned himself as a post-racial guy. biracial, 21st century guy who is going to deliver a post-racial america. and by responding the way he did last week, he actually threw that into reverse. bill: i agree, but i'm not sure whether this exposition, colmes, is anything more than a cynical attempt to exploit the situation. >> i think that's a cynical comment, mr. o'reilly. bill: i have been known to do that. i don't know what it's going to portend. because look. >> this is an opportunity. it's an opportunity. bill: it's an opportunity for what, though? gates is a well-known far left professor who has a chip on his shoulder. i don't know crowley. but he does. when i was at harvard, i loved
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to say those words. this guy was notorious. he was a notorious guy. you look at him cross-eyed. he was going what are you looking at me for? >> if you're an african-american and an american, you have had these kind of experiences. colin powell said he was profiled when he was national security advisor. bill: he also said gates was wrong for doing what he did. >> he also said police needed adult supervision, they should not have taken out the handcuffs. bill: i don't think he should have been arrested either. i don't know that this is going to portend anything. i love portend. what's the worst thing? >> there was an article in the british newspaper "the guardian" this week that said that the obama administration along with the british are considering opening talks with the taliban. now, number one, the united states government should never be in the position of negotiating with terrorists or terrorist regimes, whether it's the taliban or frankly iran. bill: what if they want to surrender? >> when is the taliban going to surrender? bill: i don't know.
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maybe they can talk them into it. they can't drink, you pinheads. >> did you ever hear of o'dool's? bill: go ahead. >> the bigger point here, this goes along with an accelerated withdrawal from iraq is i think despite the fact that president obama has increased the number of troops in afghanistan, that actually he wants to disengage the united states. bill: i don't want to spk late. i don't get this. we're fighting the taliban. it's a war. it's the united states and our afghan allies and some nato people who get lost to help us against the taliban. now, if the taliban say hey, we would like to talk about it, you would be crazy not to talk about it, monica. you would be nuts. you have to talk to them. >> the terrorist regime or terrorist organization. bill: it doesn't matter what they are. they are fighting a war against us. they want to talk, we'll talk. >> bill, history shows that every time -- every time terrorists want to have a conversation -- bill: do you know who pope leo
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was? he is dead. atilla was heading toward rome. pope leo -- i know you're all impressed by this -- negotiated with atilla, went out there and said look, please don't burn the city down. we know you're a terrorist, we know you're scum. please don't burn the city. he said pope leo -- >> this is a completely different animal. bill: am i going to have to agree with colmes on this? >> you're coming over to the light side. bill: you agree with me, colmes? >> i hate to say it, but yes. the fact that we don't talk to terrorists, we talk to iran. condoleezza rice talked to iran. we do talk to these countries, so-called axis of evil. >> the experience of dealing with hard-core islamic terrorists, fanatics of the kind that are heading up the taliban is every time they use those negotiations or talk is to regroup, restrategize, and come back at you. bill: there are no conditions, monica. if they want to talk, get on
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the camel or whatever they are riding and come on over. >> they are going to use those talks to get the united states out of afghanistan and turn afghanistan back into the hell hole to launch attacks against you, bill, and the united states. bill: you're wrong on this one. >> i'm -- bill: you shut up. you keep quiet. you're fighting the war against these people. they want to talk. you hear what they have to say. >> if they use it -- bill: they can't use it for anything. these people can barely make breakfast, all right? barack and a hard place, everybody, and on it goes. >> do you think they ride camels? bill: did i tell you not to talk? when we come right back, dennis miller has -- his head is in the shot. get him off the set. get colmes off the set. dennis miller has some thoughts..........
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bill: things for staying with us. in the miller time segment tonight, for the past week, our pal dennis has been thinking about the race controversy that flared between the harvard professor and the cambridge cop. also president obama's participation in that. here now from los angeles, the miller guy. good evening. all right. so i have been looking forward to hearing your take on this. what do you think? >> well, i would say things have fallen off as far as neighborly relations in boston go. no doubt gates could have read something into the british are coming, the british are coming. as far as this beer moment goes down at the white house, if i was the president, i would pour for professor gates first so you don't spin him out into some injustice jag. i think that barack obama, the mess measured of all presidents, it would appear the most cautious guy, can't even look at footage and brutalization of students in the streets of tehran and make a snap judgment on it, in the same sentence concedes he
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doesn't know all the facts and says the police acted stupidly. i would say it's a kind of embarrassment for him. i think he displayed something that i hadn't seen heretofore, and that's he's a bit of a hack. bill: i don't know if he's a hack, but i agree he has displayed something in the last week that i hadn't seen either. that is this. when you have a president as articulate as he was on a campaign trail and in the debates, he handled himself very, very well. and now you have a two-fer, he can't tell the nation why government mandated health care is necessary. he simply cannot do it. he failed again today to do it. and then he gets out and says the police acted stupidly, alienating 95% of american law enforcement officers in a second. i just -- it's inconceivable, a guy of that discipline would make these mistakes but he's making them. >> here's the secret. what if he's not the
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mistake-free genius that we're constantly told he is. bill: how did he fool everybody for more than a year? in the campaign and in the debates? >> you don't think america is foolable at this point? for god's sakes, bill, he looked us in the eye during the reverend wright snafu -- and by the way, where is his spiritual mentor during this whole thing? why doesn't he come forth? he's in a tough time? bill: he may show up for a beer, too. >> just let me finish the thought. he looked america in the face during this thing and said i was there 20 years, i never heard this, and everybody says all right, so, you know, i think it's easy to fool us in a way. bill: all right. but i think that this one is a real mystery to me anyway, and i followed this for a long time. now, to pay for the enormity of the health care plan, one of the things that was floated, miller, is a so-called botox tax where people getting unnecessary plastic surgery would have to pay a surcharge
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to fund necessary medical things, and you say what? >> why didn't they pass this when michael jackson was still alive? he was the come stock lode. -- he was the comstock lode. we could have gotten rid of the deficit if we passed this six months ago. i don't want biden and pelosi making calls on plastic surgery. you look at her, if she was pulled any tighter, she would be an unopened braunswager tube and he looks like his head was attacked by a squid in a jules verne novel. these are state-of-the-art plugs. you couldn't even tell if i didn't tell you. then you look at biden's plugs. who do you want making the call on your plugs? biden wouldn't pass for a ken doll. these are private sector plugs. bill: so you are intimating that both mrs. pelosi and the vice president have had cosmetic surgery.
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>> no, she is just in a perpetual 24/7 wind tunnel test. that's what that is. bill: ok. as many of our viewers know, mr. miller used to do "monday night football", and following the michael vick restatement, and you say what? >> well, i guess everybody serves their time, but here's the thing nobody wants to concede. this is a sport where they have to sell ducketts. the mental image of michael vick taking a dog that was reticent to fight, leashing him and hammer throwing him onto the ground until he beat his brains out and killing him is a tough sell for any season ticket guy. i wonder if vick would play in the nfl under the same sort of stringent rules he put those animals under. of course he wouldn't. and they are asking a little much for people to just use some whiteout on their brain and get that image out of their head. for god's sakes, they always say innocent until proven
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guilty. yeah, that's for the jury. for us out here, sometimes we make calls. when we hear this guy was beating man's best friend to death because they wouldn't fight, have him back. is it going to cause you some headaches? sure. are there going to be people who more on this stadium? sure. is peta going to be in your life and is life too short? sure. it's a tough image to rub out of your head. bill: there is no doubt about it. in the states i believe in redemption. the guy serves his time. he is bankrupt. his whole life is destroyed. he is a fairly young guy. he has one way back. that's on the field. so i think goodell, roger goodell, the commissioner who by the way is married to jane skinner, people might not know that, the nfl commissioner, and jane will be up in a minute. i think he did the compassionate thing. i would have done the same thing. i think you would have done the same thing as well. >> i would have did it, but i'm not huge fan of michael vick,
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to try to convince yourself that this isn't a weird guy. that's a weird thing. when they talk to you about what's the first weird thing you should look for in a really troubled kid. they talk about them hurting animals capriciously. you think about this. this is a period thing to do. yeah, have him back if you want. you know there will be some dog guy playing offensive tackle for him who will just let somebody go by on one of those ole blocks and say you're taking one from the blindside. bill: but if he does well and starts to win, whoever the home team is that he's playing for, then he will be celebrated. you know that. >> if vick plays well, he has always been an 8-8 quarterback. he completes it around 54%. he seems like he is kind of screwed up on whether to run or to throw. i don't know. maybe in that wildcat scheme, you know the direct snap, the spread offense, maybe he would be tough to handle in there. but it's not like you're talking an nfl accurate quarterback. he is an amazing athlete. he has done some highlight reel
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things that i have never seen before. are you going to win the lombardi trophy with him? no, i don't think so. bill: ok. finally the summertime miller guy went to japan on vacation. any other trips because i'm getting letters where is miller going next? anyplace else you're going? >> i'm going to greece at the end of the -- you know what i always see in greece when i'm over there, billy. they always have those windmills over there. my feeling is if you can put one of those windmills up for power generation near the acropolis, you can certainly put one up near the kennedy compound, my friend. bill: benefit is miller, everybody. that reference is that the kennedys don't want the windmills inside of their hyannis portman section, although they are for alternative energy. a report out of alabama may be racist. it has to do with -- ready -- l
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is a small little irish guy that runs around, it's a mythical deal. anyway, it was perceived in some quarters to be racist. and now every two minutes, it's popping up in different forms. let's roll the tape. >> curiosity leads to large crowds in this mobile community. many bring binoculars, camcorders, even camera phones to bring pictures. >> it looks like a leprechaun to me. all i got to do is look up in the tree. >> eyewitnesses say the leprechaun only comes out at night. if you shine a light in its direction, it suddenly disappears. this amateur sketch resembles what many of you say the leprechaun looks like. others find it hard to believe and have come up with their own theories and explanation for the image. >> whatever it is is casting a shadow from the other lens. >> it could be a crack head. got hold of the wrong stuff. and it told him to get up in the tree and play a leprechaun.
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bill: what do you think, jane? 5u9 station just for the record played it straight. they played it as straight as you can be with this leprechaun in a tree. but a story like i see elvis in my grilled cheese, come out and take a picture of it. they played this a couple days before st. patrick's day. then it went viral. it has gotten 10 million hits on youtube. there is a website now, kind of making fun of the guy you see on the screen. the leprechaun himself has a myspace page. bill: but it's all black people, all right? you know, you could easily say they are trying to mock these people. >> well, sure, it's silly. we are laughing at them. we have to lighten up. bill: you don't see a malicious intent. do you? >> i am very ignorant when it comes to racial stereotypes which i thank my parents for, but this is one of my favorite videos because it's so funny. this was an actual news story that aired on a real station.
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look, it's not racist because the reporter brian johnson was black. one of the anchors tossing in the story was black, half of mobile's population is black. some of the remixes out there, i will say they could be interpreted -- bill: nobody knows, anybody's intent. if i were the news director, i don't think i would have run the piece. i understand it. i see that you can take it in good fun. >> there is one comparison, though. people in long island in your neighborhood with their accents are saying oh, my god, i see a martian in a lamp post, oh, my god. they would be laughing at themselves. we have to lighten up. bill: that's a good point, jane. >> did you like my accent? bill: i did. it's a little stereotyping. you can write to jane at -- no. ok, now, santa cruz is a kind of crazy place. they had a town hall meeting, city council meeting, and a woman showed up and did this. >> growing food is so good for
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the people because it's free. you can grow every kind of fruit and vegetable you want. that's how they do it. they have fruit trees and vegetable trees. that's where fruits and vegetables come from. i really believe it can be a california thing, that it can really work out because we can be rich in cotton and mining metals and silkworms and we can make things, we can make things, cars, the machines can make it for us, and we can have the community and the city in san francisco and we can make things and put them in the stores. bill: kind of like glenn beck. all right, now -- i'm going to get it for that. now, why -- why are people watching that and why should we care? >> did you see that? first of all, you're wondering what drug she is on. why do people not stop her? bill: i think she was just enthusiastic about -- >> she is horrible. it makes me think of poor miss
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teen south carolina. bill: bring in the grammar police. >> no, no, if anything, i feel like a genius watching her. she was trying to say they would be more self-sufficient if they just grew their own food. but the cameraman for the cable tv show that they aired this on decided to throw it up on youtube, it got a lot of hits. >> sometimes we stink at public speaking. it's very hard. there are not many bill clintons out this in the world. i think there is a lesson to be learned from it, that maybe you should be able to look at this and laugh about it and think i should think about what i say before i open my mind. although it did have a "american idol"-esque quality to it on the tryouts where people try to act like that to get on tv. i don't know if she is just dumb. bill: thanks for coming in. pinheads and patriots on deck tonight, starring c@
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patriots." , , colin powell and weighed in on the rizzs controversy in massachusetts. -- last night. .colin powell wade impeach -- colin powell weighed in on the race controversy in massachusetts. on the pinhead front, we are living in the age of shameless confrontation. a new video services on youtube, featuring naked ladies strutting their stuff in california. it is apparently a marketing ploy for the new guitar hero of video game. -- guitar hero video game. you make the call. glenn beck, topping the letter flow, as the often does.
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perhaps, sir, but that is not something to aspire to. lucky we are on again at 10:00 central, sir. i appreciate your reading my book. i want to be grammatic correct, because courtney friel is the grammar police. how about our website?'reilly, and please email us with pity comments, here is a great word of the day. when writing to us, please do not be a gagne newsletter -- a gongoozler. when was the last time you heard that word? you have never heard that word. it is
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