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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 30, 2009 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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brian: i heard her on the sideline. i have never heard her use language like that. mario andretti stole the car because he didn't want to go to church. unrelated to that story. betsy in texas. "fox & friends," where your news begins and the fun never ends. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute brian: straight up 6:00 in the east. a lot earlier in the west. i wish i could do the math in my head. steve: subtract three. brian: 3:00 a.m. in the west. gretchen: that's about the time that the house and the senate went home last night because they continued to discuss health care. they came to some sort of a solution or did they? i mean, now it looks as if some of those conservative democrats known as the blue dogs have
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rolled over and decided that they will, in fact, take this health care reform bill with just a few little changes. it's still going to cost a trillion bucks. steve: here is the problem. the blue dogs got what they wanted. the president of the united states is not getting what he wants and there are a lot of liberal members of congress, some who are saying i can't vote for that none of the stuff i wanted is going to be in the final version. of course there are two competing bills out there right now. one on the senate side. one on the house side. the thing we know as gretch mentioned, they won't vote it until september at the very earl earliest. get through committee at least on the house side. but the big question is, how many democrats are going to say nope, i can't vote for that because the stuff i wanted is not in it. brian: george can a stan castanza's hands. look at the what the blue dogs got and tell me if it's enough. 100 billion off the
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trillion-dollar price tag for health care. how do you save off 7 billion in seven hours they did. they also got a deal in this area. originally this plan reads in page 900 or something that all small businesses have to offer health care to their employees. the blue dogs say now they will not have a mandatory give them insurance plan for those who have -- who eaten small business and have payroll under 500,000. steve: doubled it. brian: steve, you mentioned in september. they are not going to vote on this until september. that's something the blue dogs wanted. i think they are rational human beings and know this is too big of deal to ram through. gretchen: other big deal is waiting until september they will all go on recess and go home and get a ton of phone calls from constituents. that's why obama that did not want this to happen. what's going to happen is that potentially a lot of constituents are going to call up. if you believe the polls, most americans don't like this thing.
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they are going to call their members of congress and tell them that when they are on recess. when they come back in september, will they actually pass this thing. that's a huge question in my mind. steve: looks as if the republicans have gotten a big win. they said slow down, come on. you are going too fast. interestingly enough, i believe it is in the senate version, they are now projecting the congressional budget office is projecting that under the plan 9 a% of americans would be covered. now, remember it was going to be 97 to 98%. currently 90% of all americans have got some sort of health care coverage which means they are effectively blowing up the system for 5%. now, the 5%. you have got to worry about them. you have got to worry about that everybody doesn't have it. is did worth all of this for a%? brian: karl rove wrote a great column today. the guy does so much research. how big is his sthaf? 91% of americans have insurance. 84% are happy with it when you start like that and work your way back. you wonder what the big deal is
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although i think health insurance is among the top five concerns for american people. steve, back to your original point. not only do the bull dogs don't approve. this. steve: blue dogs. brian: sorry. i wanted to call it bull dogs. steve: some of them are bull dogs. brian: alan boyd. [barking] brian: thank you very much, that sounds blue to me. alan boyd, one of the leaders of the blue dogs says i think most of our caucus still oppose this bill. that's a little bit of a problem. maybe congressman ross, who maybe it negotiations for seven hours and representing them is for it with you other guys, a member of the blue dogs aren't. and lynn among the liberals in the house upset by it. steve: when you mention bull dogs, you are thinking there is a lot of bull on capitol hill. gretchen: that makes sense. let's look at who those blue
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bull dogs have? mike ross democrat in the fourth district. blue dog negotiator. congressman barron hill from indiana the 9th district. he voted yes on the cap and trade bill ross voted know. zach space also voted yes on cap and trade. they are going to hear about that in the recess as well. then you have congressman bart gordon, democrat tennessee sixth district voted yes on cap and trade. steve: anyway, the chairman of the house energy and commerce committee harry waxman had thought that he was going to be able to do the mark up. ok. let's all get together and now let's vote on it by last night. they had to delay it until this morning because of the cap -- backlash from the liberal members of his committee. he is the one trying to broker this deal. there is a woman by the name of
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lynn wolsly, a democrat from california. she says i'm going to vote against it. the deal is wolsy and others wanted that public option thing. they also say they won't be able to hold down costs and savings. and she, at this point, a democrat, says i can't vote for the president's plan. gretchen: you know, if you are truly a liberal, and a far left proponent, i understand that. because this is not what you want and obviously this is the way back and forth goes. i understand why a true liberal would not wanted this plan if only 5% more people are going to get health care. i get that. brian: senate side strike down any type of deal with public government option. if the house is not happy with
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this, they will hate the senate side. how will they work this out in conference when they are supposed to get together? steve: it looks as if the public option thing that has raised the ire of a lot of people is dead. instead of the public option, there would be some sort of a cooperative that would still mandate coverage but as brian said, it is a little wind -- win for small businesses where they jacked it up. the threshold had been a quarter of a million now half a million. public option dead but still co-opt lingers. when something lingers on capitol hill you have got to wonder how it comes out in the sausage maker. gretchen: co-opt run by the federal government under rules imposed by the federal government and with federal funding is simply government run health insurance by another name. so you remember the other day when we went through all those names with peter johnson jr. and what they really mean. so, co-opt, i mean is, that really the same thing as public health care according to this
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editorial it's the same thing anyway. it's just a change of name. steve: meanwhile, republicans are saying, i think it was john boehner yesterday said look, we wanted them to slow down. now we are getting the vote after the recess. some republicans think by the time those -- everybody goes home, gets their ear chewed on by constituents, there is a possibility none of this will pass in the fall. brian: tell us what else is happening, gretchen. gretchen: let's turn to the news and headlines for thursday. more and more americans are leaving this country and coming back as terrorists. that has attorney general eric holder losing some sleep. he says the threat -- i thought we didn't have a war on terror anymore. brian: overseas contingency operation. gretchen: homegrown threat is rising. >> looms large a few months ago as it does now. and that's the second nature of threats that i think keeps you up at night.
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gretchen: holder's comments coming after a group of homegrown terrorists were arrested in north carolina. a new york native who was a former boy scout was also arrested. he trained with al qaeda and gave them details on how to blow up the big apple's subway system system. this story is sickening. a woman murdered. her baby cut from her womb. thankfully the baby girl was found alive and found in good health. the baby was taken from darlene hayes. 23 years old and 8 months pregnant. police have been looking for the baby since monday when her body was found. cops arrested julie cory of wooster, massachusetts. they were red to cory because she reportedly told friends she had just had a baby. >> some friends became a little imernsd how she got home so early after just giving birth. gretchen: there are reports a man was also arrested. police have not yet released his name. a boston police officer
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suspended this morning after sending a racially charged email about harvard professor henry gates. officer justin barrett admitted to writing the email uses a racial slur and sent it out to fellow officers. boston police responded immediately taking away barrett's gun and badge. he faces a suspension hearing next weeping. an alleged aide -- the trustee trying to sort out the madoff mess is demanding that ruth madoff give back $44 million her husband bernie allegedly gave her. the lawsuit states the money should be returned because it came from the ponzi scheme. the attorney says it's ridiculous. she has already given federal prosecutors all but $2.5 million of her wealth. she was videotaped through a peephole while naked in her hotel room. now espn sideline report erin andrews has to deal with reporters outside her georgia home as well. listen to this 911 call.
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>> police did arrive at her home and removed the reporters without incident. apparently she lives in a gated community. the idea that someone can get in there and harass her. steve: president obama's plan for health care can actually add to our debt? what happened to the promise we wouldn't increase the federal budget by paying for it? new information you don't want to miss straight ahead. brian: another great catch in the stands at a baseball game. we showed you one yesterday. here is a letter one.
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there we showed you that. well, coming up, even more about even more impressive catch. that was from yesterday. d(ú0ç@( some lunch.
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you hungry? yeah. me too. (door crashes in) (broadview alarm) (gasp and scream) go! go! go! go! go! go! (phone rings) hello? this is mark with broadview security. is everything okay? no. someone just tried to break in. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now - and get the system installed for just $99.
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broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. steve: call in the troops? yep. the defense department says the military will help in the event of a significant swine flu outbreak in the united states this fall. the plan calls for the military task forces to work with fema. meanwhile are you paying more for organic food for like that lady right there for no good reason? a new review finds organic food is not any healthier than food grown by conventional means.
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the study by the london school of hygiene and tropical medicine shows there are no significant health benefits to organic farming. experts are questioning the finding saying it is higher in some nutrients. gretchen: congressional budget office gave an unflattering review of president obama's health care plan saying it would add to the deficit and not save any money down the road, but then remember that unprecedented move last week? president obama asked cbo director to meet him behind closed doors to discuss analysis analysis. brian: kevin has set is a friend of doug, joins to us discuss his concerns about the meeting. what bugs you about the fact that this meeting took place? >> you know, the fact is that it's an economist's job in washington to be like scotty in the engine room. when captain kirk says give me warp 11 you can't broke the laws
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of physics. and you can't break the law of economics. you can't add all these people and not run up higher costs and president obama calls him to the white house and i don't know what happened in the room. i haven't spoken to doug about that it puts him in the bad spot. anything that he says going forward is going to be under some kind of cloud of suspicion that it's being influenced by the president. gretchen: i don't think doug is going to share with you what happened in that meeting. probably not t. going to share with anyone what happened in that meeting. which adds even more questions about what wept on. here is your point of view. you say there is a doctrine of separation of powers. this is unpress debted is, it not, for the president to call the cbo in? isn't it supposed to be separated from the president? >> right. this is chicago strong arm politics that right now the obama team needs us to suspend the laws of economics. there aren't going to be very many economists out there willing to sign onning
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to-to-something like that. doug is a democrat. he was appointed by nancy pelosi. but he is a professional. is he a harvard-trained economist with a great academic record. he has just been telling the truth. for that he gets taken to the wood shed. brian: why did he go, kevin? >> look, i think elmendorf when you get a call of from the president you have to go. brian: do you think he will give next time they ask him to go over some numbers or make an announcement? >> no. there is zero chance that the president is going to be able to influence the cbo with these methods. gretchen: wasn't there a report that came out post meeting it came out monday in a decade of time, it's still going to be a loser. so it seems to me that, if anything, he did stick to his guns and just came out with what he believes to be the truth. regard also of that meeting. >> right. you know, but, unfortunately,
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for doug, it also is true that after the meeting they came out with another report that said that the public plan won't put the private plans out of business. i think that report is incorrect. i think if the government runs an insurance program, then that insurance program can run big losses and stay in business and that will allow them to undercut private competition. i think the that's one of the big problems with the obama plan. it came out afterwards with a report that said that part of the obama plan isn't so bad. that again, made the cbo look bad. i'm sure they finished the that report long before the meeting but now passed a cloud of suspicion over them. brian: try to get a few beers in him and find out what really happened at that meeting. kevin has set senior fellow of the american enterprise institute. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, guys. gretchen: you can can be good without god. billboards promoting atheism on the sides of buses. should that be allowed? you can be good without god. a fair and balanced debate many coming up next. brian: then a 45 mile-per-hour chase in a car.
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shopping less and saving more. now, that's progressive. call or click today. steve: city buses will say you can be good without god. >> that was the message of an atheist group. approval to put that message on buses. controversial ads like these had previously been banned. is this a victory for freedom of speech or did the ads just send the wrong message. joining us for a fair and balanced debate. indiana atheist bus campaign and pastor tony of harvest ministries.
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thank you for joining us. >> thank you. steve: mr. binder, as an atheist, you do not believe in god. yet, you sued to put god in your ad. why? >> well, the campaign has a couple of different goals. the main reason that we ended up fighting a lawsuit against bloomington transit, the bus company in bloomington that's run by the city was because their particular policy was vague enough to allow them to kind of arbitrarily reject our ad and unfortunately ache municipal organization, under the constitution they can't really do that. steve: you saw a loophole and you thought you would test it. why put god in your ad, you don't believe in god. >> well, the ad specifically says you can be good without god. so it doesn't really say anything about christianity or any religion. it says something about nonreligious people that even if you don't believe in god you can
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be an ethical and moral person. gretchen: reverend tony taylor what do you think about this. >> no, that's not what it means. steve: do you feel like the atheist group is poking christians in the eye? >> absolutely. i feel like it's an outright attack on christianity. i feel like the language of it is inflammatory. and i don't think that this is just a message for them just to try to find loopholes. i think is an agenda trying to be passed by the left. steve: what agenda. >> well, just the agenda of further removing god out of anything to do with public or politics. will women of rights insurances us founding father says we find these truths to be self-evidence evident that all men are created equal. it says we find these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal certain
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inalienable rights. they use that fundamental right to walk into the supreme court of indiana based on these self-evident truths and turn around and make a mockery of it and sue based upon the fact to say they can be good without god. it's a hypocritical stance. a lot of citizens in blooming top are upset about it. steve: clearly. that's what i read in the local papers out there. if you are not religious. you don't believe in god and you put you can be good without god in your message, why didn't you have more of an atheist message like you can feel good about yourself or something like that. why did you have to include god? god?? >> i called it to spark discussion about the secular nature of morality. steve: you have got to realize there are a lot of christians in that area who are highly offended by. this. >> well, i'm not really sure what your point is.
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steve: have you heard from people who said why did you do that? you have offended me? i'm a christian, i believe in god. >> we have received -- yeah, we have received lots of messages both in support and of criticism of our campaign, sure. steve: are you going to put that message on the bus now that you won the right to. >> absolutely. they should be appearing in bloomington this fall. steve: we will be watching. thank you both for joining us today. >> thanks very much. >> thank you. steve: email us right now. what do you think about this whole brouhaha going on out in indiana? friends at meanwhile a universal health care horror story. a man blind in one eye says he was turned away when he asked for treatment. the doctors told him you had to have the bad stuff in both eyes. why it could happen here. and playing hooky from church. he didn't want to go to sunday service so a 7-year-old decided to take off in the driver's seat of the family car. that car. and happy birthday to arnold
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>> here is kind of a surprise. bernie says that his two sons hate him. boy, i didn't see that coming. but president obama is going to invite all three of them over to the white house for a kegger. steve: and that kegger is going to be tonight at 6:00 at the picnic table that the obamas got when they bought the swingset. so there will be the three of them, the president, the professor, and the sergeant. gretchen: more than that now. steve: and the sergeant has just invited his union representative and the lawyer for the cambridge police. but it seems like that's a big picnic table and perhaps they're leaving out the most important person. the person who actually dialed dialed 11 and, when pressed, did not identify either of the men who were effectively breaking into their own house as being of any color. gretchen: talking about lucille we len. i thought herr press -- her
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press conference was fascinating. she has been called racist. we was doing what we wish all americans do. get involved. see something going on in your neighborhood and place a call to 911. how many times do we do stories about those who don't get involved. this woman did place a phone call just in case something was going on. brian: why should she be invited she doesn't need counselling. men breaking. in she didn't mention their creed or color. she did something wrong. and her call was then taped. verify that here is the call that lucille put in -- the call she put in originally is different from the police report. the police report says there is two black men with backpacks breaking into a house. in actuality, what he said was two men and two men might have been going into the house. there is bags on the outside of the house. i'm not sure if it's them and having trouble with the door. she covered all her bases.
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>> in the final police report. she told them two black men when, in fact, she says she did not. it's not indicative on the 911 tape. here she is yesterday. she had that press conference around noon a.m. how she was smeared as racist. >> i was called racist and i was a target of scorn and ridicule. because of the things i never said. gretchen: i mean, i felt so bad for this woman, again, going back to my point that all she did with what she thought was her public duty. her lawyer, wendy murphy who has been on this show many times before also raised this question. >> so the three highly trained guys, who reacted badly are getting together tomorrow for a beer at the white house. that's a good thing. but the one person whose actions have been exemplary will be at work tomorrow in cambridge.
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i don't know, maybe it's a guy thing. steve: maybe it's a beer thing. she does not by the way drink beer apparently. it's the white house. gretchen: a little merlot. steve: there is a writer in the new york daily news today that says perhaps her presence might remind georgia's why he was wrong to have assumed that crowley appeared at his door as a result of racial profiling. also her appearance might explain, you know, get to the answer why was the description in the police report that two black men had tried to break in. gretchen: did they write that report after they were on the scene? steve: absolutely. gretchen: so they were also just observing what they saw. but to me. steve: they were combining everything that they had heard and also seen with their own two eyes. gretchen: what's important about this little picnic table meeting is sergeant crowley has invited union representative and lawyer. he is not just going in there like to have fun and enjoy the beer. i think he understands that there could be some serious discussion here and he needs to
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be protected. brian: i hope there is serious discussion. gretchen: i do, too. the white house reaction to the fact that he was bringing union leader and lawyer. this is what robert gibbs said. the more the merrier at the white house. both will bring some friends and family. it should be a good time. ok. last time i checked a union representative and a lawyer are not friends and family. i mean, this, to me, that was a spin on what was really going on here that crowley thinks this is a serious meeting and he needs to be protected. >> he is getting over on the white house a little bit. what's the white house going to do uninvite him and press conference saying i wish i could bring my union representative but the president doesn't want me to. or inviting the people that stuck up for him. the two he is inviting stuck um for him and said the president should apologize. in fact, the lawyer who is going to be going -- rather spokesperson for the unit said that we are hopeful that this would be constructive discussion
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and positive step for law enforcement officers across the country. brian: wendell goler started and i want to know details about what they're going to be drinking at this symbolic beer summit. i hope they get real stuff done. i'm not sure how many beers they should have if they are going to. the president has selected professor gates has selected red stripe and blue moon. is there a problem? gretchen: there is if you are an american beer maker. they are saying we got left out in the dust. why are we not going to drink american beer at the white house. another good point i keep coming back to i'm not sure why they are having this beer fest. but be that as it may. they should be drinking american beer in my mind. steve: they are trying to sort it all out. those are the beers that they have liked in the past. now, i feel kind of sorry for president obama because he does say that he loves budweiser, which is bought by inbev which is belgium and brazilian.
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steve: originally for many, many, many, many years. it comes down to beer taste. when you develop the taste for a beer, over time you just like that beer. obviously he developed a taste when it was still owned by americans. i know it goes back to my early days when i was of legal drinking age. >> beer. steve: thank you, homer. nothing better to me than cors's light. brian: with the war with the afl-cio for years. steve: not such a fast deal. >> wed stripe made out of town. i believe some other country. steve: caribbean. gretchen: i don't drink beer so maybe i would be the easiest customer there. i will take water. brian: i have always been pro hops and barley. you can't go wrong. gretchen: you out there the homeland security secretary wants you to join in the fight against terrorism. janet janet napolitano saying
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individuals have a share in responsibility along with police and federal agents. >> too long we treated the public as a liability to be protected rather than an asset in our nation's collective security. knap's -- napolitano's comments are an about face which has been accused of down playing terror attacks. brian: site of gitmo bay detainee, two american troops leaving them wounded. the judge will determine if mohammed joe wad should go home to afghanistan or head to the united states for trial. he has been behind bars for six and a half years. the judge says she is impatient with the way the obama administration has handled jrmt owad. calling the case outrage. steve: computer genius in a coleman a tree limb fell on his head in a freak accident. a rotting limb broke off this tree in central park, new york
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crashing down on sasha blare goldensean. weighs walking to work when the 100-pound limb landed on his head. the 33-year-old father of a 2-year-old girl is an engineer for google. he has been in a coleman since the incident. the park service expected other trees in the park claim they are in good shape and safe. brian: what are the odds of that? steve: it's terrible. gretchen: bird strike forcing a plane to make an emergency landing. american airlines flight had just taken off from lambert st. louis international airport. that's when the pilot noticed a bird believed to be a red tailed hawk flying into the right engine disabling it 145 people on board. no one was hurt. and the passengers were put on another flight to los angeles. steve: meanwhile, a shocking dash cam video ends with florida police officers on the wrong side of the law, apparently. on the video four officers are caught plotting to blame a woman for a car crash involving her and one of the officers police
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vehicles. take a listen to this. >> as far as i'm concerned, i'm going to [inaudible] words mouth. can't jump out the window which he thought could have been a pedestrian. which distracted him because he was concerned and that's normal. and before he comes to a stop, boom. steve: charges of driving under the influence now dropped against the woman. the officers are on administrative duty as the case is being investigated by the force. brian: car chase like you have never seen before. the behind the wheel a 7-year-old kid but more shocking the reason why he is on the run. he did not want to go to church. the boy reached speeds of 45 miles per hour. how do you see over the steering wheel. "boston globe" through a few stop science. police didn't charge the kid but told his dad find a better place to hide the keys. after he stops, he runs.
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>> there -- that's always bad. >> he took that turn all right though. brian: incredible this kid didn't hurt anybody, didn't get hurt himself. steve: thank you very much brian and gretch. and let's take a look what's going on weatherwise. heavy thunderstorms in the central plain states right now. moved through the panhandle overnight and now through -- moving in on the ork city area. we had some spotty heavy stuff as well through portions of arkansas and louisiana. widely scattered lingering showers all the way from new york state up through new england and showers through portions of the northern plain states. mid-atlantic right along the atlanta nice and dry currently. later on today, look at this, things are going to warm up, 60's, 70's, approaching 80's all along the gulf coast and portions of texas. up in the northern plains as you can see current readings are in the 50's and 60's. let's go ahead and take a look at the daytime highs. as you can see. throughout the northeast, it's going to be in the 80's. from the mid-atlantic you move
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into the red zone and then the purple zone as you get along the gulf coast. temperatures in the 90's. even warmer in southern portions of texas. 100 in el paso. 106 today in phoenix. it is a good day, brian kilmeade, to be in the northern plains. all right. now let's talk about another good place on a hot day would be in a swimming pool. brian: looking to cool off. loser no longer. this after setting another world record in rome. wasn't off to a good start but is he doing good now. comes one night after he was sadly beaten by germany's paul beaterman in a 200-meter free style. seven world records were broken total in rome 22. a lot of competition remaining. a lot of controversy about that swimsuit. meanwhile, 17 minutes before the top of the hour, tell us what's coming up next, kids. gretchen: health care horror story that could be a sign of things to come. you are not going to believe this one. one man says he lost vision in one eye. but was turned away from getting treatment thanks to government
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run health care in another country. his frightening story is coming up. steve: so stick around. every single iphone in the world at risk. why hackers are posing a big deal today. i'm glad i bought my wife one yesterday. (music playing) well, this is new...
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i'm working on my digestive health. whatcha eatin'? yoplus. it's a yogurt for digestive health. here... blackberry pomegranate. i can't find my hand. (announcer) yoplus... a delicious alternative for digestive health... ...from yoplait.
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"what do you mean homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods?" "a few inches of water caused all this?"
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"but i don't even live near the water." what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you. including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $119 a year. for an agent, call the number on your screen. gretchen: every iphone in the world at risk if you get a text with a square character. turn the phone off it could mean somebody is trying to hack it the text messaging system has a dangerous flaw which would let the hacker control all the phone's tongues. so far there is no patch to fix this. we showed you this catch yesterday from the ballpark in arlington. check this out. one dad, one baby. one foul ball, no problem. watch that. whoa, fantastic. fantastic catch. know go to phoenix, phillies,
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diamond backs, everywhere has their hands full. the kids is holding a soda while dad is holding him. i'm not sure what gores is in baseball lingo. do you know, brian? gretchen: there was the word gores in there that didn't make sense to me. i don't think it was baseball lynn go. brian: maybe it's al gore's ball. steve: maybe. brian: obama administration is making changes to immigration policy targeting illegal immigration and criminal records. employers who hire undocumented immigrants. what about the others that add to the almost 12 million illegals in this country? steve: immigration attorney has launched campaign to fight illegal immigration on a local level. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. steve: i understand during the bush administration you felt like you were making headway and there was a lot of outrage in this country that we got 12 million illegals, maybe way north of that but since barack obama has become president, what
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has happened? things seem to be pointing in the favor of the illegals there have been couple dramatic changes. one of the important ones is that the administration is launching new policy of focusing only on employers and not on employees. to give you numbers. at the beginning of the bush administration, in the fiscal year 2002, there were about 500 worksite arrests. that went all the way up to over 6,000 in fiscal year 2008. well, now the obama administration is turning around and saying we are not so interested in during worksite raids anymore. we will just audit the employers' paper records and we don't want to seat deportation any of the workers. as you know, if you are going to enforce the law you have to have the deterrence both for the employer and the employee. that looks like that's going to end. brian: what the obama administration does not like with the flashy raids where guys come out in handcuffs. what do you say of the argument it would be just as effective when they put the squeeze on
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those that hire that seems to be happening with less head lines and let's glitzy video? find the employers do it on paper. don't go into the work place with a big raid. and what happened was these fines. which are only $1,000 for employee. they just become the cost of doing business. so they don't really effective live deter the illegal hiring of unauthorized workers. let's remember, over 14 million americans are looking for jobs right now. this is when we should be ratcheting up enforcement in the workplace, north cutting it back. steve: it's interesting you would call it the cost of doing business. chris cobach. thanks for joining us and telling us about these developments in immigration from kansas city. thank you, sir. >> my pleasure. brian: that's going to be major policy push in the fall. what about universal health care. a horror story comes your way. a man blind in one eye turned away when he asked for treatment from doctors. they told him to come back when
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he became blind in both of his eyes. is he here to explain the country it happened in and how it could be happening to us. steve: right back. ♪ change it up a bit... and you're sure to get a reaction. [ motorcycle engine growl ] ♪ don't let erectile dysfunction slow things down. ♪ viva viagra! viagra, america's most prescribed ed treatment, can help you enjoy a more satisfying sexual experience. to learn more, cruise on over to ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. don't take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help... for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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network of opportunity the fox business network. steve: fantastic. gretchen: it is a health care horror story. delays with government health care in england may have cost him his eyesight. so could it happen here? steve: joining from us london are brian and pauline turner. good morning to both of you have. good afternoon to you in london. >> it's good afternoon. >> good afternoon. steve: brian, i understand a couple years ago your family doctor told you that you had demacular degeneration, sent you to specialist. and the specialist said brian, i have got some good news and some bad but news. the bad news we can fix it. what was the bad news? >> the bad news was that the government, of the local health authority won't allow the drug. gretchen: the drug is called aviston. it's a drug we have been talking about in the u.s. a lot.
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it's an expensive drug. when government gets involved in health care you cannot get this drug. is that what happened to you? this drug would have saved your vision but the government-run health care in britain would not give it to you? >> that is correct. steve: pauline, the problem was the specialist said we could treat you if with a drug if you had it in both eyes. buff you only have it in one. and eventually. >> yes. >> brian did develop it in both and the government is now treating it. but at the stage when he only had it in the one eye, and the government said we're not going to treat it, they told you to go, you know, go find a private doctor. have private treatment. it but that was expensive. tell us how much it would have cost and what you were trying to do to raise that money yourself. >> well, it would cost approximately 20,000-pound. and our family said they would chip in and help us. but it was too late.
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too late. steve: the family was going to chip in but it was too late. gretchen: brain, if you had been able to get this drug, you would now have vision in both eyes? >> perhaps it would have slowed down the degeneration. but specialist told me that gone to far to actually get it to normal. steve: brian, you cannot be happy with that kind of government run health care. >> no. not at all. >>. no because now is he totally blind in one eye. the other one can go any time. >> let me ask you this, both of you. brian and pauline, i'm interested in what is your impression, currently, of the american healthcare system? >> well, i think it's very good personally. and i wish we had it here. gretchen: that could all change
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now private. steve: we might end up with your system. brian and pauline turner. we thank you for joining us today from london and sharing your personal story. good luck to both of you. >> yes. well, thank you. bye-bye. gretchen: got to love the accent no matter. what our hearts go out to brian. we hope can he get his vision back in the one eye. steve: all right. meanwhile president obama grocery shopping? getting ready to make friends at today's beer summit at 6:00 p.m. eastern. his popularity shrinking. new poll numbers at the white house does not like coming up next. gretchen: one way ticket to paris? homeless people being shipped out of town but should you be footing the bill for that ticket? we're going to take a closer look at that. give him everything he needs to succeed. mom: that's why i go to walmart. vo: find all the brands those other stores have but for low walmart prices. vo: like dell, hp and toshiba. save money. live better. walmart.
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gretchen: happy thursday morning, july 30th. deal or deal breaker. four conservative house democrats blue dogs try to keep health care alive but now some liberals are enraged and most americans don't seem to be happy either. their support for universal health care seems to be plummeting now. brian: one-way ticket out of town for homeless. some of them heading to places like paris. not hilton, the place. taxpayer dollars are paying for it. should they be? you make the call. steve: that's right. meanwhile an employee chases down a purse snatcher at that store. catches the bandit. get, this the guy gets fired for chasing down the purse snatcher. our slogan comes from flufl louisiana. having "fox & friends" in my residents is better than a beer with the professor, the cop, and the president. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute
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steve: the same way -- brian: are we out of interns? getting people with names. gretchen: whoever wrote that jingle. steve: russell. gretchen: that's a good one. keep it coming. brian: shows you are watching and taking it into the slogan. what's happening with the quest to do something that hasn't been done in 50 years even though every president since harry truman has tried to get it done. that is a health care deal. could the so-called moderate democrats who have been holding out have finally struck a deal after a 10-day standoff with the obama administration there are some signs of a break through. as you move forward you hear it might be harder than you think. gretchen: four of these blue dog members have said yeah, we like this health care bill. we took $100 million out of it it's down to a very affordable $1 trillion now instead of
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1.1 trillion, i guess. and, also, they have taken away that penalty on small business owners. so, if you make more than $500,000 in your small business, then you will not face that 8% penalty if did you not go with the government health care. it's complicated. but, interesting enough, steve, a lot of the liberals now say hey, we don't like this bill anymore. steve: you have got to figure the if the doesn't like the bill anymore. he wanted the public option. right now that is out. he wanted 98% of those in the united states covered by health care. that has now been ratchetted down to maybe 95%. remember, right now we are at 90. so we are doing all of this for 5%. and this is what happens when the president says ok, i'm not going to come out with exactly what i want, you know a laundry list. i'm going to let the people up on capitol hill come up with that that's what ha has happened. the house, apparently some of these blue dogs have said we can go along with it but just because they say that, that does
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not mean that when they vote on it, perhaps in september but perhaps in october, it still doesn't mean it's going to pass. because there are a lot of democrats who simply say, look, we want a big bill with a lot of stuff in it, and this is not the bill. brian: when you talk about a public option, a government option, the blue dogs seem to have gotten some type of out there more to their liking. if you are going to keep this government option to rahm emanuel and company, you have to allow the government to negotiate not dictate to medical providers and be able to compete with private insurers. that's still there. another big thing that i think is a win for the american people is that the blue dogs say if you want us to go along, you have to wait until september. number one, they go home. steve: to vote. brian: to find out how their people think about it, the people who put them in office. number two, get a comans to read it read what's in the thousand pages which john conyers many many others said we can't possibly read. this. gretchen: i can't believe there has been been a call against
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conyers for saying that comment. a call where he said look, what's the big deal? i'm not going to read that thousand page thing. isn't that your job? hopefully he will get a lot of phone calls and all the other members of congress who have not read this bill will get a lot of calls from congress on recess. steve: none of them read this stuff. brian: no writes it? steve: exactly right. does any one person know from start to finish what's in it. probably not. this stuff is all glom together made like sausage by the staff. one pager. hey, boss, here is the very latest. public option, out. also, the health care requirement for small business no longer 250. now at a half a million. that means this. so they brief them on their own bill. gretchen: something of this magnitude. they should maybe take a long weekend and go through the thousand pages. let us knows know what you think about that this is what some democratic members of congress think about the blue dog
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proposed bill. >> what i see is bad for the country, it's going to add to our national debt. it's not paid for. and it also is going to create a taxpayer-owned insurance company that over time will drive out the private insurers and i don't think the government ought to be in the business of writing insurance to all americans. >> we're north going to be able to satisfy everybody but i think our lip -- leadership has done a good job of trying to include the needs, thoughts, hopes and aspirations of everybody. and we'll end up with a good bill. gretchen: important thing about this whole debate is this comment in an editorial today. it will ultimately be the worker who pays for the cost of health care. how? because the employer only cares about what it costs to employ you. and if health care costs more for that employer, that means you are going to earn less. and to me, that's the bottom line of this whole argument is that in the end it could be the
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worker that ends up subsidizing all of health care reform. steve: some won't want to pass that along to the customer, so they will wind up having to cut more workers. steve: more on this a little later on. meanwhile, let's talk about. this remember back on election day in november. there were stories. and we followed it right here on fox because there was a youtube video where members of the new black panther party in philly were allegedly trying to intimidate voters. there they are, dressed completely in black. black ber rarks black combat boots, black jackets, military style markings, they also had in one case a guy had a 2-foot long nightstick issued racial threats and insults, charges were brought up. and interestingly enough, after doing a lot of work on this case, saying yeah, clearly it's voter intimidation. the department of justice has done a 180. brian: yeah it, looks like they
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are not going to pursue charges. despite the civil rights division recommending to the justice department that they seek sanctions against the black panthers and specifically three of its members. the third most powerful guy in earthquake holder's attorney generals office said we have got to just drop this whole thing. it. gretchen: this is according to the "washington times" this morning. this will be a huge story if, in fact, this is true. because i believe it was our own rick leventhal who was stationed outside of that polling area or not polling area. that voting area in november. and he had some fascinating live reports of this happening while he was right there. it's on tape. so the idea that this would now be shoved under the carpet and not be an issue and suddenly have all the charges dropped, ironic that it's happening on the same day that the beer fest is happening discussing racial profiling. you got a better name for it? brian: beer summit. steve: this guy at the doj has said stop, we are going to put
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this on hold. this after all these career lawyers at the department of justice and there is the number three guy who put it on ice for now. career lawyers said clearly it's intimidation. also, apparently the government had already won a default judgment in federal court against the men. so, it looked like it was certainly a case that could have been proven and, yet, it has been dropped and some people are saying it smells like a political thing. brian: hard enough to go find time to go vote let alone trying to break a black panther gauntlet in front of your voting booth. let's find out what barack obama is doing now in terms of popularity six months in. gallup has some disturbing findings for the obama administration. his ratings still high but not nearly as high. he has a bad week. he has lost a bunch of points. approval at 53. disapproval now at 39. steve: keep in mind the president's personal approval rating has remained stratospheric, things like
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health care and stuff like that has gone down. now we are talking about his personal approval rating no longer stratospheric and quite mortal when it comes to presidents he is now at 53%. he started near 70%. so that's quite a tumble. brian: 59% last week. and in may it was at 66%. so he has gotten a lot of his personal -- he put a lot of his personal stock into health care. gretchen: debate has been his personal popularity versus policy. the 911 caller in the gates incident is speak out for the first time in an amazing press conference. she says she would make the call again if she had to.
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gretchen: well, lucia whalen says she doesn't deserve the abuse she has received since calling police. >> people called me racist. they said i caused all the turmoil that followed. some even said threatening things that made me fear for my safety. gretchen: whalen says she is relieved that police released her emergency call showing that she never mentioned race. hate crime charges have been added in the case against the expected d.c. holocaust shooter james von brunn. a federal grand jury indicted the 89-year-old white supremacist. he could get the death penalty in convicted. police say von brunn shot and killed museum guard steven john on june 10th. von brunn was shot by other guards but survived. new report out this morning shows hundreds of vehicles hitting the pavement. several truck and bus companies told to close over safety violations were are back.
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just under new names. the report found at least 20 bus companies and more than 1,000 trucking firms could have illegal vehicles on the road. those are your quick head lines for a thursday. >> meanwhile, the country's approval for president obama's health care plan plummeting. gave personal approval a moment ago. how people feel about health care. so why are members of congress breaking down and pushing it through nonetheless? peter johnson jr. has the facts coming up next. >> three names one man. a man enters a store, snatches a customer's purse and flees. what's the clerk do? he runs after them and captures them, of course. instead of getting congratulated, he gets fired. steve: no way. oyoñ
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[ water ] hey, it's me -- water. did you know that when you filter me from your tap i'm pretty much the same as i am in a plastic bottle? well, that's not entirely true. see, at home, i'm 10 times cheaper. other than that, though, i'm pretty similar. oh, wait, there's no expiration date. and i don't have to get shipped all around the country. but other than the costing, the expiring thing, and the shipping thing, we're pretty much the same. pur. good, clean water.
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brian: there has been a lot of talks about -- health care -- will my presidency be, you know, damaged severely if we don't pass health care? i keep on saying to people i have got health care. this is not for me. [ applause ] here in north carolina, you know this isn't about politics. this is about people's lives. brian: that was president barack obama in north carolina yesterday trying to rally the public on his health care plan. campaign style. but several new polls find approval for the president's reform plummeting. according to rasmussen only 23% believe health care costs will go down if the reform bill passes cock. a fox news opinion dynamics poll finds that nearly half of americans think the quality of their family's health care would be worst under these proposed reforms. s we told you the so-called blue dog democrats. we talked about this all morning of the more it fiscally members of the party so to speak have reached an agreement that will allow health care reform move forward. will this make a significant difference to the president's
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push for reform in fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. is here. is he has been tracking the health care reform plan on a daily, hourly basis. peter, is t. seems on the surface to be a big day for the president and rahm emanuel. it was? >> it's a place holder for the president. brian: what do you mean. >> it's a big day for americans to take a look at these bills to see what they really say. the president's timetable is gone. he wanted to rush this through. brian: it's not going to happen? >> it's not going to happen. the senate and the house is not going to do it. it broke down yesterday afternoon. it's supposed to reconvene today. there is allegedly this big agreement where four out of the a 2 blue dog democrats are saying yes, we will go along. you know, this is still in secret. this is still kind of a star chamber. i don't know what the proposal is at this point. steve: i. brian: i thought it was significant when they spoke for seven hours in one meeting. one meeting ordered out for lunch and got no agreement. yesterday seemed to be some movement. you have a blue dog guy representative named alan boyd
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who says the bulk of the caucus still opposes this bill despite shaving 100 billion off the trillion-dollar price tag. >> the bulk of the blue dogs still oppose it from what i understand. then there is 80 so-called progressive democrats who signed the petition two months ago that said they are not going to sign on to any plan that doesn't include a robust public option. the government takes over health care over time. now talking about co-ops. we will talk about that more later. this notion of co-ops somehow being a suitable substitute for a public plan. it really is kind of a scam. because what it is, it's government paying for insurance in a different form and competing with private insurers. driving them under, driving them out. brian: peter, we also have a situation in the house not only in the house it's got to get through the energy committee. we will talk about what's going to be happening with the blue
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dogs and what's different from what's being hatched out over on the senate side. so stay right here. >> five different bills. brian: more on co-ops. peter johnson set up for you. roaming the streets without any home or money. what does the city do? fly them to paris. taxpayers are footing the bill. check out this progressive pug. strolling around pushing a baby carriage. should it be allowed? whose idea was that? and are we paying for it?
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gretchen: we are back with fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. the co-op word came out.
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have you been helping us dissect what these words really mean the last few days. is co-opt any different than public health care? >> the word is different. the meaning is the same. and it's a trojan horse at the very least. the government is going to pay for it there are no do opts. there are very few co-opts in the united states. they were set up by fdr during the depression. really in rural areas. they have not been terrifically successful. they are allowed to be brought into creation under law now. but do youwho bank rollings the co-opts? private insurance companies. now, the government is going to say well, we want to bank roll these now. if they bank roll these now, isn't it the same as a government option? isn't the government paying for it owning and running allegedly a do on where the members vote and all that do you know what happened in the state of washington with their co-op that everyone is talking about? they say it's much, much cheaper. since 2000, their cost have
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increased an average of 12%. every year. in one year, it went up 23%. this though is a great opportunity and i think, touched on it before. y'all did. for americans to really look at these five different bills, and not go through what we went through with the stimulus package, if americans sit on their hands at this point and we, all of us have to pay for this for the next 50 years it, will be our own fault. steve: peter, that would probably explain why in the last month or so the public opinion on -- according to the "wall street journal" has gone way down. it is now down 42% of us think it's a bad idea. 36% of us think it's a good idea. but ultimately as we peel back these layers, we see that there are so many politics involved in what they are doing down there. >> so many special interest groups. i think the time has come where americans have to become the special interest group. there is a story on the front page of a new york paper this morning that talks about 1
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hospital -- doctor's hospital which is a physician-owned hospital in texas. they have given about a half a million dollars to the democratic senatorial campaign committee in order to avoid any restrictions on physician-owned hospitals. and there have been all kinds of stories about how physician-owned hospitals may be some of the worst in the country for health consumers. >> what don't we hear about your profession health tort reform. >> there is a scale. middle class people. older people. people who need health care, and we all agree that no one should be deprived of health care in this country. on this side we have got lawyers and doctors and other interest groups who are giving huge amounts of money and we vice president v. an effort that's now stalled because the blue dog democrats to rush something through. isn't it incumbent upon us now to start looking at this to start asking questions, to be health consumers to say, listen,
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how is this going to help me now? how is this going to help me in the future? is this going to cost me more or cost me less? who is this good for? gretchen: i agree with each of us taking that personal responsibility. i think the buck stops on capitol hill. and the members of congress should at least do us the service of reading this bill first before they pass anything. peter: i am pro-reading. i have read a lot of this bill. i would dare say i probably read more not every single line but a lot of it than some of the congress people who are voting on it if we stand by now and do nothing, and let people make decisions about us while we know that there are so many disparates, it's still in the bill. you guys all talked about it this morning. that at a certain level, there will be a payroll tax. there will be a labor tax. there will be a tax on employers from 2% to%. now, do the math. doesn't that mean that they hire
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less workers? that they cut back on your salary in order to pay that tax? that the starting salaries are less? who is paying for that? steve: something has got to give. >> no free lunch. steve: this has been great that you come by every day so you can explain to us what they are not telling us on capitol hill. peter johnson jr., we thank you very much. see you tomorrow. gretchen: students on cell phones driving teachers crazy. one town wants to silence them. jamming cell service at school. is that dangerous? steve: u.s. federal government, paper has two sides. the feds just figured out that and it is saving them over half a million dollars. wait until you hear the other useful and wasteful spending that they have uncovered as well. brian: got to have all your loving. steve: are you talking to me directly? brian: no, talking to the people listening to the music. ♪
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"thunder and cracks of lightning."
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it's the chevy open house. and now, with the cash for clunkers program, a great deal gets even better.
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let us recycle your older vehicle, and you could qualify for an additional $3500 or $4500 cash back... on top of all other offers.. on a new, more fuel efficient chevy. your chevy dealer has more eligible models to choose from - more than ford, toyota, or honda. so save gas... and money... now during the chevy open house. go to for details. brian: jenny the pug pushing puppy around. i wouldn't mind more upbeat. how many times do you see a pug with an umbrella pushing a baby. 9 months old herself.
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strong maternal incorporate tickets already. gretchen: that's very cute. brian: i'm trying to get my dog to go in the same place. this 9 month old is walking babies around. my dog is burmese mountain dog. gretchen: don't show your dog this video. brian: that puppy is not real. i'm telling pug stories out of school. steve: is that a message from the mothership? brian: a lot of people are talking to me. hard to decipher who is being sarcastic. gretchen: you are actually starting headlines as well. take it away, brian. >> more and more americans are leaving the country and come back as terrorists. that's the message from attorney general eric holder losing and he is losing sleep because of it and he is driving. >> radicalization. something that happens -- loom as large a few months ago as it does now.
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it's the shifting nature of threats that i think keeps you up at night. brian: holder's comments coming after a group of accused homegrown terrorists were arrested in north carolina. he got a long island guy who is a former boy scout and altar boy arrested. he trained with al qaeda. gave him details on the long island railroad and our subway system. thanks. 26 minutes before the top of the hour, steve, beat that. steve: thank you, brian. former police officer drew peterson is going to ask for his murder trial to be accused. is he accused of killing his third wife kathleen savio and suspected in the disappearance of his fourth wife stacy. peterson's attorney says the prosecutor has initiated a lot of presidential news coverage against him making a fair trial almost impossible. that is simply a publicity stunt on behalf of his defense team. gretch. gretchen: this is an amazing story. could the new pill be cure for
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alcoholism. baclofen being prescribed for than ever. 12 step programs recommend abstaining from alcohol all together is a better option. while patients taking the drug can still enjoy an alcoholic beverage here and there. steve: in the state of iowa considering jamming cell phones. the school recently decided to spend up to 5,000 todd's buy jammers to jam phone signals in the classroom to prevent students from using their phones. they do it a lot. schools all over the country. there are several concerns about whether the school system can actually take that action. the fcc says a notice issued in 2005 calls the sale and use of jamming transmitters unlawful. right now students are not allowed to use phones in school but they do it anyway. gretchen? gretchen: miller coors making it easy to be the life of the party.
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a minikeg fitting right inside your refrigerator? steve: that's so school. gretchen: brian should be reading this story. gretchen: holds a gallon and a half and stays fresh for a month. a home draft. a way to reward yourself after a long day at work or a couple long days at work if it lasts 30 days. brian: i had no idea miller and coors merged. steve: what? gretchen: that's what i read, didn't i? steve: that's true. they combined beer forces. brian: corona would do that but there is no way to squeeze in the lime. plaxico burris tells a grand jury in new york he is truly remorseful for what he has done. facing weapons charges. looking up to three and a half years in prison after shooting himself in the thigh in manhattan nightclub. pierce slated to testify today for his role in the incident. he could be in trouble. john mccain has been pushing for it for quite some time. congress has finally approved a presidential pardon for late
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former heavyweight champion jack johnson. johnson was the first black heavyweight champion was imprisoned because of his romantic ties with a white woman. the house passed the resolution by a voice vote about a month after the senate approved it and john daly has won two majors. hit a golf ball off the beer can in his career. now he is about to get his second reality show. the golf channel releasing that daily yet to be named program set to be released early next year. fallen on hard times. had his stomach stabled. seen selling his own memorabilia out of the back of the truck before the masters last april. second time in three years the golf channel has featured kailey in a reality format. that's a quick look at one of the loudest outfits i is should have been speaking up. i have ever seen. gretchen: maybe he got it on a discount similar to what the government has figured out a little bit. they are saving a little money for all of you, since the tax mayor money goes in many cases
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to a wasteful way of spending it it. steve: remember the president said i am going to order my cabinet secretaries across the board. we have got to come up with $100 million worth of savings. in the wall street journal today they talk about how there are 77 big cuts that they have talked about. and here is one of them. apparently the department of justice has realized that paper has two sides. and they can actually set up their copiers and their printers to print on both sides of the paper. because half the paper going to waste. they say they could wind up saving $573,000 by doing just that using both sides of the paper like we do at home. brian: also going to ask the army i decided we could save money there by packing more soldiers on to r and r flights. the navy says we are requesting to delete unused emails therefore i'm going to save money. i'm confused how that works out. i will go with it all in all
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they are trying to trim down their budgets. gretchen: this is just a drop in the bucket. $100 million when you are talking about stimulus plans in the billions and health care in the trillions? couldn't they save a little more of our taxpayer dollars in just 100 million? i mean, really, the government is old school, out of date. let's bring in some sort of a cost-cutting czar. that would be a good idea for a czar. a cost-cutting czar to come in and actually figure out a way to trim more of our money. we're all being asked to tighten our belts. i really think that the government should be starting with themselves first. steve: sure, that cost cutter czar could be zorro. zorro had that sword. the zorro czar. $100 million less than they are taking out of our pockets. that's a step in the right direction. but just keep going. keep going. and speaking of going, here in the united states, a lot of homeless people wind up migrating to new york city. and, in fact, people from around the world come here. in fact, there is an item that
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says that a family, living down in puerto rico, said, you know what? we are not making enough money here. they they we are going to go up to new york city. as a family we will try to get jobs. stay at somebody's mom's house. they show up here in february. they realize, wait a minute, there are no jobs. and the mom wants to kick them out. they wind up going to the city of new york asking for public assistance. they got this program here in new york city where if a family unit comes to them, you know, they -- generally have to spend $1,000 per week almost to house the family. so they have got a great plan to get them out of new york city. brian: here is mayor bloomberg talking about that plan. >> given the cost of providing shelter for family, this saves the taxpayers of new york an enormous amount of money. also, keep in mind, no one is forcing these people to go. they want to go.
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steve: how are they going in the city, actually, in most cases, sends them out of town. if they are domestic, they send them out of town, buying them a bus ticket. in some cases they have booked airline flights. keep in mind, these are oneway but it has been expensive. they spent $6,300, to send a family to paris. one way. gretchen: it's not like they are just doing this occasionally. the city has hired a local travel agency to actually do this work. brian: move them out. gretchen: it appears to be a prevalent operation of which $500,000 a year is put in to this program just for these one-way tickets. brian: let's look. gretchen: speaking of cost cutting in the government. steve: a thousand dollars a week to house a family. look at that. by sending that family back to orlando. they essentially broke even after one week. because they sent a family back on the bus 858 bucks. brian: south africa 850 bucks.
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steve: two and a half weeks worth of public housing assistance. i don't know, i think it makes sense to send them out of town as long as they wind up in a situation where, ok, don't come back. brian: i'm reminded of a story that probably didn't happen. first blood, sylvester stallone walking through the down. the sheriff doesn't want him there picks him up and walks on the other side of town. got angry came back and ended up making three other stories. gretchen: very interesting sylvester stallone trivia. steve: probably didn't happen. brian: scary had it happened in real life. gretchen: lead us know if you think the government could cut out a little more waste than $100 million of your taxpayer money or twitter us as well. steve. gretchen: this man is deaf and mentally disabled. locked himself in a gas station bathroom. he was ill. instead of coming to his assistance police douse him with pepper spray and shoot him with a taser. did the police officers go too far? steve: the families want to sue dollar general.
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a brave convenient store clerk risks his life to protect one of his customers. got fired. how chasing down a purse snatcher left a guy unemployment. his story straight ahead. brian: soon more pug video. first, aflac trivia question of the day. when this hotel added aflac to compliment their benefits package aflac! it made a big splash with the employees yeaaaahhhh! find out more at aflac!... (laughter) i'm pretty much the same as i am in a plastic bottle? except that you'll save, like, $600 bucks a year. but other than that, we're pretty much the same. pur. good, clean water.
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troy joins us now with the victim ann welch who now has her purse back and wants troy to have his job back as well. good morning to you, ann and troy. >> good morning. steve: ann, this guy grabs your purse. >> yes. >> did you some screaming. you attracted the attention of troy. then what happened? >> i started screaming that the guy stole my purse and help, and two customers in starbucks and troy ran out the door after him. another customer came into the parking lot and called 911. and i started talking to the police dispatcher, everything i knew. steve: troy, you heard the cries and then what did you do? >> actually, i was coming back in from lunch and i just saw a commotion over by our starbucks. and i ran over there and ann was screaming for help and people were pointing out the door saying he went that way answered had her purse. and just in a split second i was
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gone. i went out the door after him. he had like a 45 second lead on me. i just gave chase and ended up in the back of the building at a field where one of our customers had also chased him, too. he was in the field. and just i needed to get ahead of the guy. and being from the military, i cut through an apartment complex hoping to get ahead of him and came upon some steps that looked down on the field i was sitting there saying, you know, looking out over the field the grass was real tall i was like make a mistake and pop your head up or something and he did. i yelled over to the customer does very black hair? he says he sure does. i jumped in the bush and went after him. >> steve: you did what a lot of people would do. you got involved. you wound up catching the guy. the cops came and ann got her purse back and you, troy, got fired. why do you think detective store fire you? >> they said that i broke policy by giving chase out of the building after a suspect.
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steve: as an employee, aren't you supposed to do your best to keep people from stealing stuff, including the customer's stuff? >> well, that's what i'm trying to understand now. on one hand, i understand why a policy is in place. but it wasn't a bag of oranges. it was a human being. i just wanted to help ann. in that instant you don't think about a policy. you think about the person in need. brian: the name of the store is randal,s right? they so they fired you and you feel horrible. you tried to get his job back and it didn't work. what options do you have now troy? >> right now i'm just looking for work. >> and you are a military guy? >> yes, sir. sergeant in the u.s. army. steve ann, you want him to get his job back, right? >> i sure do. i want him to get an even better job immediately. brian: how do we get in touch with you if this store is stupid enough to leave you out in the
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lurch even though you have a family to support and act the heroicly. if people want to hire you and they should. how do they get ahold of you. >> actually, i set up email account yesterday called jobs for troy at if anybody is interested in somebody who has a lot of experience in retail, retail management, definitely give me a call. steve: he is one of those guys who got involved. troy shaffer and ann welch, we thank you both for joining us live today from austin. thank you. >> thank you very much. brian: let us know how it goes and we will update the story. meanwhile straight ahead, carrying the card may get you a discount at the movies. could the aarp have more in mind than saving senior as few bucks. michelle malkin with hit book exposes the liberal agenda. steve: first on this day back in 1975 on july 30th, former teamster's boss jimmy hoffa disappeared after leaving a restaurant in detroit. he was declared legally dead in 1982 and his body never found. in 1971, the number one hit came
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from paul are a veer and the radars. the song indian reservation. 16 years ago today my daughter sally was born. happy birthday, sally. . . [ bottle #1 ] oh hey, hey... there's that mr. clean magic eraser thing again. clean freak. [ bottle #2 ] whoa... is he better than us? uh, i mean, i mean i feel like it took you like three times longer to do whatever he did... dude, dude, he's got...these -- like -- microscrubbers... yeah, i guess... magic man. he's a magic man. what? i just want to be squeezed. [ male announcer ] remove three times more grime per swipe and get this unbeatable clean guaranteed or your money back with the mr. clean magic eraser.
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gretchen: hillary swank is the answer, congratulations. aarp is america's one-stop shop for great retirement discounts, but there have been signed for years hinting at a different agenda, maybe a liberal one, so should this organization take a stance on anything political. let's ask michelle malkin. good morning, michelle. >> good morning, gretchen. gretchen: i thought that was just an agency to help the
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elderly? >> that's what most of the card-carrying members think usually too, and it's seen as a benign group, a way to get discounts and insurance, but i think a caveat is you really should beware of what your dues could be paying for. obama's health care plan is at odds with the best interests of millions of aarp members given that health care plan puts a discount on the lives of elderly people and would result in the redistribution of health away from the elderly and infirm to other special favored interests and patients. gretchen: why would the aarp be in favor then of obama's plan? >> political self-preservation. i think it's the case with most of these large lobbying groups in washington, that over time,
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they put their members' best interests second and their own needs to preserve power and grab power first, and the fact is that this organization over time has reaped millions, tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars in federal subsidies, and we saw during the clinton era, gretchen, that they did the bidding of a democrat administration over their members' best interest. gretchen: the american spectator found that individuals linked to aarp gave $48,000 to democratic candidates and other party committees compared with only 5,121 to republicans. does that figure surprise you? >> no, it doesn't, at they do wonderful reporting, and mr. klein pointed out that not a lot of money goes directly to these -- the democrat politicians, but you've got the head of the aarp, barry rand,
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who was an ardent supporter of obama, and it seems to me that aarp members really ought to do more looking into this themselves and shine the light and have more transparency about what their leaders are doing, and this is very typical. if you look at seiu and acorn, there's a huge gap between what the management wants and what the rank and file deserves. gretchen: michelle malkin, as always, thanks for your insights. she had an interesting way to end her segment there because it goes right into this next seg management. you just heard what the aarp is really about, but next hour we talk about a retired army sergeant who was so upset when he discovered their liberal agenda that he canceled his membership. and erin andrews has joined the company of some stars that she doesn't like. >> are you ok? >> i did nothing wrong. i'm being treated like britney
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spears, and it sucks. cat. specially formulated to promote hairball control and healthy weight. friskies indoor wet cat food. feed the senses.
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i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds) get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free.
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and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now-- and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. gretchen: good thursday morning to you, thanks for sharing your time with us. is it the 30th of july already? time is going by too quickly. coming up national health care horror story, a man losing sight in one eye, refused treatment, doctors told him he couldn't get help until he started going blind in the other eye. could that happen here? steve: meanwhile this story is beyond disturbing. a mother to be murdered, her baby stolen from her womb, this morning an arrest and good news about that baby girl for the family that is heartbroken. brian: the sicko spotted her through a peephole, now reporter erin andrews is getting harassed
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at homes. she called the cops. listen. the 411 on her 911. is that straight ahead. our slogan comes from sally in georgia. bacon and eggs are the morning trend along with the tv on "fox & friends." [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute brian: you know what today is? steve: it's the big day on my calendar. my beer calendar. brian: today is beer summit day. gretchen: look at that lonely table out there. steve: just like the lone picnic table at the white house where the beer summit will convene as 6:00 p.m., it looks like a white pine picnic table courtesy of home depot. we're actually going to convene
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the program out there in about a half-hour to have our own little talk show summit sans beer coming up just to kind of get the feel of what it likes to talk around a picnic table. gretchen: we better bring our lawyers because that's what they're going to be bringing, at least sergeant crowley is bringing his lawyer. we want to start with your thursday headlines, and we do start with a "fox news alert." some of the nation's biggest mortgage houses are being investigated. the senate has subpoenaed records from deutsche bank and others. they want emails and other communications that might show bankers doubted the safety of mortgage-backed securities. a woman is murdered, her baby cut out from her womb. thankfully that baby girl was found alive and is in good health. the baby was taken from darlene hayes. she was 23 years old, eight months pregnant. police had been looking for the baby since monday when her body was found.
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cops arrested julie corey of wooster, massachusetts. she reportedly told friends she just had a baby. >> some friends blame a little concerned about how she got home so early after just giving birth. gretchen: a man has been arrested, but police have not released his name. the 911 caller in the gates incident is speaking out saying she would make the call again if she had to. she said she doesn't deserve the abuse she's received since calling cambridge police leading to the arrest of harvard professor, henry gates. >> people called me racist. they said i caused all the turmoil that followed, and some even said threatening things that made me fear for my safety. gretchen: she says she is relieved that police released her emergency call showing that she never mentioned race, and this boston police officer, justin barrett, suspended over a racially charged email that he sent about this incident.
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officials say he used a racial slur when referring to professor henry gates. more controversy surrounding gitmo and the obama administration as a federal judge now deciding the fate of a gitmo detainee accused of hurling a grenade at two american troops leaving them wounded. a judge will determine if he should go home to afghanistan or head to the u.s. to stand trial. he's been behind bars for six and a half years. the judge says that she's impatient with the way the obama administration has handled him, calling the government's case a quote, outrage. a british man loses his sight in one eye due to macular degeneration, and under the national health care system he couldn't be treated because that system mandated that the condition be present in both eyes before he got treatment. earlier on "fox & friends" brian and pauline turner joined us to talk about the tough times they've endured thanks to universal health care. >> it would have slowed down the
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degeneration, but the specialist told me that it had gone too far to actually put it back to normal. gretchen: the turners also say that they prefer the current american health care system over the government-run system that they have in their own country of britain. she was videotaped through a peephole while naked, espn sideline reporter erin andrews has to deal with reporters outside her georgia home as well. listen to this 911 call. police did remove those reporters away from her home without incident, and those are
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your headlines. steve: within the last hour we told you about this story in "the washington times" today about how the number three person at the department of justice had essentially put on ice a decision to prosecute some members of the new black panther party who were alleged to have intimidated voters in the philadelphia area. well, according to a department of justice official this morning they say that "the times" story is off base here. they say there's nothing new here. they're distorting the decision-making process relying on the number three guy there as assistant attorney general that oversees the civil rights division. he made the call. not true. top career officials in the civil rights decision made the decision. gretchen: did they just report the wrong guy made the decision? that remains unknown. brian: because they say the
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career people were against it and perrelli did. an important guest awaits. steve: they finally strike a deal with conservative blue dogs to reduce the cost of that big health care deal being proposed, but is that enough? gretchen: eric cantor is the minority whip, and he joins us right now. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning, good to be with you. gretchen: i have a feeling that you're going to say that the new deal that the blue dogs came up with, at least some of the blue dogs, that you don't think it's enough cuts? >> well, in so many words, gretchen, i think i would agree with you. there is just a little nibbling around the edges here, and some have even suggested it may be a little dance being played to try and get some reason back into this bill. but i tell you one thing, after reading the preliminary reports
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of what's in this deal, there is likely even a larger bipartisan majority planned right now than there was even yesterday. >> how could that be because they cut $100 million out of the proposal. they said they have a situation now where the public option will be forced to compete and bid on against private insurers, and they're going to postpone it until september. how would that create more friction? >> well, i think, first of all, the one good thing that you talked about is maybe we're going to slow down and begin to read the details of the proposal and let people in this country have a look at what's actually being proposed, but we know now what happened last night in the progressive caucus, barney frank and george miller and others who became very, very excited now about what was being done and what was being given by chairman waxman to the blue dogs.
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so you've got now i believe a revolt on the left in the majority caucus as to their perception about this public plan. but let's remember the government option was always that. but we believe very strongly you can never have a government compete with a private sector and have an even playing field. steve: and we should point out when you say barney frank was excited, he was one of the progressive members who were like wait a minute, we can't vote for this because we wanted a big government program, and this is not it. the republicans have been very effective at slowing down the run away train because a brand-new "wall street journal" poll says 42% of those in the united states now think that this is a bad idea, 42. only 36% think it's a good idea. and a lot of those people, congressman, when you guy goes on vacation during the month of august, they are going to say hey, congressman, hey senator,
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let me tell you why i don't want you do this, so do you think that also will turn some heads when they get their ear chewed on this august? >> i don't think there's any question, and it's almost like a saving face attempt here on the part of the majority because before they believe i believe they want to have something out there, but you're right, what that will do now is cause a lot of discussion about really what's at stake here. and those poll numbers were think you will also see only 1 in 4 americans really believe that this plan will reduce cost, and those americans, those three-quarters of americans who doubt that i believe are right. how can we see government expanding its role in health care and somehow bringing cost down. it just doesn't make sense? gretchen: do you think that the democrats at least in the house will listen to the republican ideas because it seemed that president obama wanted this to be a bipartisan effort, but has
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it been? >> not so far, gretchen. we're trying to say look, come on, let's speak to us, let's work together, there have been a lot of discussions on the part of members at committee level, and republicans have a plan. we believe in saving tax-free for health care, we believe very strongly that you ought to have flexibility in the insurance laws so people don't lose their insurance coverage if they lose their job. we also believe that individuals and small businesses should be given the same discount as the big guys are getting in terms of health care. we've got a variety of proposals on the table, and i'm hopeful once we break for august and we have these discussions and forums around the country that maybe we can knock some sense back into the direction that this plan is going in. steve: good luck. where are you going on vacation? >> well, listen, there's not a lot of that, but going to spend a little time in the middle east and then actually at home in virginia to do actually what we've been talking about, to talk with the people that i represent that elected me to be their voice to see what they're
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saying as far as this health care plan. steve: sounds relaxing, eric cantor, congressman from virginia, we thank you very much for joining us. brian: if you want to unwind, i recommend the middle east, all your problems go away. gretchen: he has to read that thousand-page bill as well. the aarp is supposed to help retired people, so why are they supporting a health care plan that doesn't benefit seniors? next we talk to an army vet who ripped up his membership card when he discovered what he says is a liberal agenda. brian: talk about a get-away driver, this driver happened to skip church, he wanted to skip church so badly, he stole a car. and he was 7. he parked it and made a run for it. steve: and the cops were on his tail.
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steve: the aarp has voiced its support for the house version of the health care reform bill, but yesterday i got an email from at least one guy who disagrees. it said "i called aarp last night and canceled my membership. they support obama's health care overhaul, and i will not have anything to do with the u.s. going down the road to socialism. they are not looking out for seniors if they are supporting the president on this." brian: the author of that email retired army sergeant cameron jones. that was the one thing that put you over the edge with the aarp. what have you done about it? >> well, what i did was i called them up the other night, and i told them i wanted to cancel my membership, and when they asked me why i said because they're supporting the obama care, and i don't think that's in the best interest of seniors. my folks are seniors, i'm getting there, getting up in
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years, and those are the people that are going to be hit the hardest, and aarp is supposed to be looking out for them and they're not going to do it. steve: and you've got to worry about a government-run health care situation. tell us the story about when you were stationed in italy and your son broke his arm. >> sure. we were stationed in italy in a small base in lovono, small clinic, and one day at school my son broke his arm, he had a compound fracture in both bones in his arm, and they couldn't deal with it there, so they sent it to piza to the university hospital, and it's government-run health care, and i can't describe all of the things i saw, but huge lines of people waiting hours to get health care in conditions that we would not put up with here in this country. many hours later my son finally had his arm set, and i must say
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the care was adequate, i don't have anything to compare it to, but in the long run it worked out out, but the process we went through was not good, and what people don't realize is you provide all the basics while you're there as well. you provide your own food, your own bedding, even your own toilet paper. brian: you actually have your membership card with you, cameron. >> i do, right here. brian: is it laminated? is it tough to destroy? >> i don't think it would be tough at all, in fact, let's give it a go. i guess it is laminated, but there we go. steve: cameron jones, as you see right there, just ripped his aarp membership card in two, he doesn't like the fact that they are supporting the president's plan. >> one more thing. hi, mom. i always wanted to do that. brian: you just did it, good job, cameron, and thanks for
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your service to the country. >> you're welcome, it was my pleasure. steve: this man is deaf and mentally disabled and yet he was tasered and doused with pepper spray by police officers and held in custody for hours after locking himself in a store's bathroom. why the police went so far. that story straight ahead on "fox & friends." ññ
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brian: 23 minutes after the hour, here's what's happening. reverend ike, one of the first preachers to reach millions through tv, dead. he has 5,000 members of his new york city church, he was 74 years old. senators passing for a national bill that would ban texting while driving, the announcement comes after a new study finds that people who text behind the wheel are 23 times more likely
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to crash. 14 states already have laws banning texting while driving, and a new study from researchers in london find organic foods are not healthier than the regular stuff in any significant way. organic farmer experts question the findings. gretchen: did police in mobile, alabama, overreact when they tased a deaf, mentally disabled man inside a bathroom at a dollar store. the manager called them after the man was in there for over an hour, and when the man didn't respond officers sprayed pepper spray under the door and broke it down. steve: the man who got tased joins us along with his mother, phyllis, and his brother, brodrick who is translating for him. good morning to all of you, thank you very much for joining us on "fox & friends." antonio, let me ask you this. i know you work at a nearby
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lowes store in the garden department, and when the police came and asked you to come out, why didn't you come out? could you even hear it? >> no, he couldn't hear, and he he was scared. steve: he didn't know it was the police. who did he think it was? ask him that, brodrick. >> he thought it was the devil. steve: ok. gretchen: and phyllis, you ru the mother, and you, i know, were alarmed when you found out what happened to your son. what has been the reaction now? it's my understanding that he fears to even go back to work? >> no, right now the doctors feel like he's not ready.
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he's afraid, and the way i feel right now is the police should have did it different, and one thing the dollar general manager and the cashier knew that my son was deaf. we go into the store all the time, and if he's out with me, my son, when he wants something, we always sign, and they have seen us sign to him. steve: antonio, brodrick is going to ask you this question. why do you think the people at that particular store who knew you, because you'd been there before -- why do you think they called the police on you? because you were in there for a long period of time? or they thought you'd stolen something or what? >> he don't know. he doesn't know why they called them. gretchen: the reality was, brodrick, if you can ask your brother, is that he was ill, right?
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is that why he was in the bathroom that long? >> yes. because his stomach was hurting. steve: so antonio wound up getting tased, pepper sprayed, hauled off to court where a magistrate declined to actually issue a warrant. phyllis, what do you want to happen now? >> i want justice done for my son because what they did wasn't right, and i felt like the police department treated my son like a dog, not like a human being. steve: are you thinking about suing them? >> yes. gretchen: and phyllis, here's the other part of the story that i want to make sure we get out. apparently when this magistrate refused to charge your son with doing anything wrong, the police dropped him off in the parking lot of where you live and never called you to tell you what had happened to your child? >> no, never, they didn't come
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up to tell me that what happened, they didn't stay they were sorry, they -- after they did all of that, they knew he kept trying to tell them that he was deaf, that he didn't understand what they were saying, but they proceeded to do what they were doing. steve: and this question is for you. i know your brother's the translator today, and he's one of your best friends. how do you feel about your brother? >> it's painful, because some days he don't even recognize me, and it's like -- i get emotional. it's like when he's -- you know, he knows my mom. when he gets -- when he goes through his episodes, then when he looks at me, he don't want me to be around him, he don't want me to even talk to him. i don't take it -- i'm angry,
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basically. but the thing is i was raised to forgive, so i do forgive the police for what they did, but i will never forget what they did to him. steve: the police apparently say that they felt justified in using the pepper spray and also the taser because they saw an umbrella in the bathroom and thought that that might be used against them. all right. >> no. steve: that's what they say. >> the umbrella in question was nothing but like a 99 cent umbrella that you pop open, and it was on the floor because my brother was throwing water into his face and eyes and mouth because the chemicals that they was putting into that bathroom was burning his skin and his eyes, so where's the justus in that? and how can he use that? gretchen: antonio, phyllis, and brodrick love, thank you for being our guest this morning.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. steve: ok. tough story. all right. half past the top of the hour. straight ahead the swine flu pandemic is getting so bad apparently the military may get involved. why the armed forces could be administering medicine if things get really scary here. gretchen: it's thirsty thursday at the white house. beer fest, brouhaha, however you want to title it. cheers to the future by throwing back their favorite beers. steve: and they'll be doing it at a picnic table at the white house like that, but will sipping some suds really solve the dilemma? (announcer) before they give you the lowest price, with memberships and fees. but not walmart. they have hundreds of generic prescriptions for just $4 for up to a 30-day supply and no gimmicks. save money. live better. walmart.
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beauty editors and research institutes are seeing results. [ male announcer ] best cleanser, essence magazine. hydrates better than the $350 cream. [ female announcer ] most importantly, women are seeing results. and still no drastic measures. olay regenerist.
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gretchen: welcome back, everyone. is the swine flu forcing our government to now call in the troops? the defense department says the military will help in the event of a significant swine flu outbreak in the u.s. this fall. the plan calls for military task forces to work with fema. the swine flu has killed 303 people in the u.s. so far. a california business woman is suing state officials over iou's that they issued. she claims they broke the law by issuing hundreds of thousands of iou's to people like herself. she says she will have to close her business if the state
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doesn't pay her the nearly $28,000 that they owe her. they say issuing the iou's was perfectly legal. a custody deal has been reached over michael jackson's three children. katherine will keep permanent custody over the children. debbie rowe will retain parental rights, but not seek custody. she'll get visitation rights, but no more money than agreed in her original deal with michael jackson. we'll give you details as soon as they become available. the labor department just releasing new jobless numbers. there were 584,000 new unemployment claims last week, 14,000 more than expected. right now 6.2 million americans continue collecting unemployment claims. check this out, a car chase like you've never seen before. a 7-year-old kid behind the wheel. more shocking? the reason why he's on the run.
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he didn't want to go to church. the boy reached speeds of 45 miles per hour blowing through a few stop signs along the way. police did not charge the young boy, but did tell his dad to find a better place to hide the keys. wait until you see this right here. he's going to get out of the car and make a run for it. there he goes. bye-bye. take off. and another amazing piece of video. we showed you this catch yesterday from a tigers-rangers game earlier this week. one dad, one baby, one foul ball, ok, no problem. let's go to phoenix, phillies, diamondbacks. a foul ball is headed for the stands. again, no problem. great catch. this is catching fever. phillies beat the diamondbacks 4-3, and those are your headlines for a thursday morning. meantime a new era in diplomacy
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begins today after nato summits and g-8 summits, we'll now have the beer summit. mike emanuel is live at the white house, and come on, mike, this is a little different than covering the g-8 and those other kinds of summits, or is it? >> it makes you thirsty talking about all of this beer. good morning, it will be happy hour at the white house in less than ten hours, and the hope is that seeing the professor and the police officer sitting down for a beer will be a positive cambridge police officer jim crowley is expected to bring family members, and we're being told he's also bringing a union official and an attorney, a white house aide telling us basically the more the merrier, and it promises to be a very good time. professor gates will also bring some people with him, he is a personal friend of president obama's so it will not be their first time meeting. in the weather cooperates we expect the president, the professor, and the police officer to sit down at a picnic table just outside the oval
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office, a picnic table that president obama used to meet with secretary of state hillary clinton back on april 9th. robert gibbs offered a preview of the beer summit. >> the president will drink bud light. as i understand it -- i have not heard this, i've read this, so i'll just repeat that i've read. that professor gates likes red stripe. and i believe sergeant crowley mentioned that he liked blue moon. >> the president has said that he's hoping this whole incident will be a teachable moment. let's go outside to your own picnic table, "fox & friends," back to you. steve: thank you very much, mike, we're outside at our picnic table at our crossroads of the world, as you can see the big news zipper there telling us red stripe and bud will flow outside the oval office. we've actually brought in some beer. i love coors light. brian loves the corona. brian: because i love beer
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that's not filled up all the way. gretchen: what did they bring for me since i don't drink beer? oh, sam adams. a lot of people thought this should be the beer of choice since it's made in boston. steve: maybe right it side saddle. there you go. brian: the president said let's make this a teachable moment. we're learning. we're seeing if we can do the show at a picnic table. gretchen: there's somebody at the picnic table at the white house who's going to be missing. that is the woman who made that 911 call, just doing her public service duty, picking up the phone, she thought somebody might be breaking into the house, she wasn't sure, she never invoked race at all, and yesterday she had a very tearful press conference and said look, stop smearing my family and calling me a racist. steve: let's go to the soundbite.
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>> i'm scorned and ridiculed because of the things i never said. brian: the police report said that -- and by the way, is there anything wrong with describing people if it was two asians or two white people or two black people, if that was your eyewitness account, there's nothing wrong with that. steve: but as we heard, and we played the 911 call phone call for you, miss weland did not describe them that way. in fact, the dispatcher said how would you describe them, were they black guys, hispanic, and she said i really couldn't tell. her attorney was at her side yesterday and said you know, why isn't this woman who did everything right, who saw something and called the police, why isn't she being invited to the picnic table at 1600 pennsylvania avenue? listen to this. >> for the three highly trained guys who reacted badly are getting together tomorrow for a beer at the white house, and that's a good thing. but the one person whose actions
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have been exemplary will be at work here in cambridge. i don't know, maybe it's a guy thing. gretchen: maybe so because it turns out she doesn't care for beer, but they could have got a merlot for her. brian: should they have had american beer? i mean for example we know that blue moon will be the beer of choice for sergeant crowley. steve: right. brian: we know that the beer of choice for barack obama will be -- steve: he likes bud light and henry gates likes red stripe or becks. and all of the beers are manufactured by companies outside the united states of america. i know you're thinking an busch, st. louis, missouri. actually, it's owned by inbev which is based in brazil and
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belgium. so the u.s. brewers are going hey, what about us? why not coors beer, for instance? gretchen: it kind of does make sense because everyone's making a big deal about this brouhaha. it would be a good time to promote buy america. brian: but also coors are big republican supporters, and they also -- the afl-cio was so angry were coors, they boycotted them. steve: can't they reach across the beer aisle? brian: and by the way, what does cold activated mean? steve: i generally wait until 9:00 eastern. brian: we're not supposed to drink on camera, but if our crew wants to, all you have to do is grab a beer. steve: i don't think we can hand out beer on the street. that would be wrong. brian: that was not ian's arm, human resources. steve: we've got a 5 cent deposit on that, cavuto.
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gretchen: there's going to be more than just three people at that table which to me is the most fascinating aspect of this thing. crowley is bringing a lawyer, not just family and friends, there's also going to be a lawyer at the table. brian: i think that shows it might be a serious talk. steve: it could be, but then again it's probably going to surround and be about the beer. brian: if we ever do picnic together, the three of us together, it won't be on the same side of the table. this feels totally unnatural. steve will be wearing the dress. steve: it depends on how many of these i have. coming up we're going to talk a little bit about the health care debate in the country, and could we possibly be closer because a nu number of blue dogs have caved. henry waxman has trouble on his hands because a bunch of liberals not feeling good about the bill. gretchen: we're talking to two young women who have taken it
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index science nutrisystem d works. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! new! nutrisystem d. lose weight. live better. call or click today. steve: we've come back inside. we've been talking about this all morning long, blue dog democrats reach a compromise apparently with health care reform to help push things forward in the committee level, but is this a reform we can all be happy with? gretchen: let's ask congressman of wisconsin, paul ryan, he's a ranking member of the house budget committee. good morning, congressman. >> good morning, steve and gretchen, how are you doing this morning? gretchen: fantastic, thank you. the republicans do want some form of health care reform, right? but how do you feel now about these changes that the blue dogs made? was it enough? >> yes, absolutely.
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they're very minor changes to this bill. they're really sort of tweaks around the edges, so this bill is largely kept intact. i'm a little surprised the progressives aren't throwing this sort of revolt because they didn't do much to materially change this bill, so it's really the same thing. we moved this through the ways and means a week ago, it's almost the same bill, it's within $100 million of spending the same amount of money. we want to get health care right, and we don't want a government takeover of health care, we want to fix what's broken and not break what's working. steve: congressman ryan, henry waxman, on the house side, caved a little bit to get some of those moderate blue dog democrats to get onboard, but you talked a little bit about the progressive revolt. there are a number of strident progressives and liberals, for instance, lynn woosly who is a democrat from california, and she said i'm not going to vote
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for it. they're saying we wanted it bigger. where's the public option? >> it's very clearly in here, it's maintained completely intact with this new compromise, so let's make no bones about that. i'm a little surprised that the progressives are throwing this fit because the changes are fairly minor from what i can tell. i think they're sending a signal to their leadership don't make any more concessions, we want this thing were the public option because we want to ultimately get toward a single payer system, so i think they're telegraphing what the future might hold. the question is how many progressives on the commers committee are going to maintain this revolt means will they get this out of committee this week? if they do, that means this thing is coming to the floor right after labor day, and as of now they have the votes. the question is after labor day, after august recess, after town hall meetings and constituents yelling at them, will they have the votes? that's the question.
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gretchen: congressman paul ryan from wisconsin, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts this morning. steve: straight ahead their parents are fighting for freedom, but these military daughters aren't just sitting back and waiting for them to come home. they're making sure other kids know they're not alone. the sisterhood of the traveling bdu's next. gretchen: let's check in with hemmer to see what's on top of the hour. bill: good morning to both of you, the longer health care lingers, the more and more americans are turned off by the plan on the table. what the new polling numbers are telling us. who made the call to drop charges against a member of the black panthers for voter intimidation? a fox news exclusive answers that. bats are wild and dangerous. who are you going to call? . rewrite your hair's past and give it a whole new life.
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brian: we all know too well the sacrifices of the military and their families, and the sacrifices they make for us, especially when they leave their families behind. gretchen: we have the daughters of two national guard members, and are turning their experience into a positive one. the two of you happen to put up at a national guard of bed, and you said to each other, you had this moment. >> i was not alone. i felt like i was the only one going through the ups and downs , the emotional roller coaster ride of having my dad in the military. when i met her, i knew i was not alone. brian: how did you take action? >> i realized that i had a lot
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of leadership potential and i started to reach out to people. i was invited to a symposium in the st. louis, and that is where i met moranda. gretchen: you want to create a conference where teenagers can come next march and all of you can share with you have gone through. by the way, your parents could be deployed again. what is the goal of having this conference? >> to unite, inspire, and lead. it is all about bringing military girls together. it is letting them know that they are not alone in this. as well as working and empowering them for leadership tools, as well as community service, and even just that sisterhood a bond.
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brian: for those who do not know, what does a child go through when their parents are deployed? >> there are so many things, on top of just being a girl. i got the lead at school sometimes even just for having my parents in the military. nobody wants to hear the question, has your dad been shot at, has seen shot at people? gretchen: this is a personal experience for you. when you talk about being bullied at school, that is horrible. i have read that even some teachers have questioned why your parents were in the military. brian: we have to take a break. i want to hear the story later. (mom) i'm not going to be able to see her every day.
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or sit on her bed and talk about her day.
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