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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  August 2, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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glenn beck is next. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the ee, one,tig itute --o >> tonight we will try thingsnt together. welcome to the glen becker. program. gl elections and president obama. michelle is here to way in. we're going to try a lot of things together here in the thx next few minutes., the apollo alliance. you probably haven't heard of y it but you will never forget it after tonight. has the u.s. given israel aisrr reason to worry. this country ise. great but the government isscht teeming to change the country f forever, stand up and comeor s follow me.
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they found my brother. can we get a zoom on this. i want do show our refunding r father right high. i promise i will never tell ahe lie. will well, all right, i mean really. hello, america. at the end of the sixth month c we all read this, president obama looked at all that is at cryiated and said it is very good and so declared the 7th month a month of rest. yes, our ma xiia is going on or vacation. here is the one think. vacation. barack obama needs a vacation. he must be tired.rackama he spent the last six months transforming our country andthe most people won't either admits it or recognize p he told us he would do it and r he is.pu give me the next few minutes and put your politics aside. open up your ears and your eyeh
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and watch with a purchase d perspective. don't be in denial,l. do not pn your head in the sand.if i if i'm wrong'm you are more thn welcome to show me where i'm missing it. mis i would love to be wrong this. barack obama has revealed his game plan to transform americat the transformation was marketed to america as change and boy,o, was america just eager forea change. for change. >> i want change whatever happens. i won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. i won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. he is going to help me. glenn: i thought boy, that woman is stupid when she first came on. is she, or are we stupid? how is that woman feeling now as she continues to write her own checks for her own mortgage and fill up her own gas tank. i wonder if she is disappointed in barack obama or if she can't wait for it all to become true?
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more and more people are bring disappointed because they are right-hand siding that change wasn't really -- he had a different definition of change. the latest poll numbers now show the number of americans who strongly disapprove of his performance is 8 points higher than those who strongly approve. too many americans believed that he was a moderate during the campaign, and now, all of a sudden, i don't know w ppened. and now irom don't know what is happening. he is governing from the left. hello, barack obama can't ber blade for this. he couldn't have been anyrebo clearer about who he was and what he planned to do. he even told us as he was to speaking to a group of commonnit community organizers and acon a that they would help shape his niza agenda. h so that you have input in the
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agenda for the next presidency of the united states of america. >> he is just saying that, he,' is a politician we all thoughtc i guess. he also mentioned on theth he campaign trail he wanted to wild an americorps typeon t volunteer organization that would be as strong and funded . as the u.s. military.ry we cannot continue to rely only on the military. we have to have a civiliano national security force just as powerful, just as strong, justa as well funded. well >> glenn: okay then. this is, by the way, not the i only time he discussed this. being a community organizer iti is now the new it gig.ow you work for the government? you kidding me? think of the benefits.f and if you work for the government for ten years your student loan will be paid for by, you know, the little lit people, but only if the loan ie hmederalized. hmm, really.? if that sounds a little
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imperial to you, don't worry, at least your kids will stillha have a choice or will they. >> citizenship is not aninshi entitlement program. it comes with responsibility. everyone between the ages of the 18-25 will serve three monthsee of basic training and understanding in a kind of civil defense. the universal sense of service agetween age of 18 and 25 will give americans a sense of what they are to be american andthey their contribution to a countrt aand a common experience. you look at world war ii, that was a draft, it was not a w draft, it was a universal was service. it was not an action that we n started on this march towards civil rights and expanding posg world war ii because the country came through and experienced it together. >> glenn: that is -- that is -- that is key.hat that is key. k the country went through cou something together and then someth civil rights and everything changed. wait, give me -- give me to th. bottom of the hour and waitwait
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until you see what we have coming up tonight.mb remember, back to the universal service. this isn't the draft, it is not compulseaitorry, it is justto required. does the book 1984 come to mind for anybody?ation let's look at obama's taxation policies, they haven't been a timid either.hat but at least he told us what he really thought.ust w he warned us. y >> i think when remember, he is not a marquesist, no, that is crazy talk, that is just a good rule of thumb, sort of a socia. justice safety tip. it is not like he learned thate ideology very early on from hie mentor, frank marshall davis an avowed communist, you know, the kind of people he is now t appointing as he didn't learn all of this l l
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from his favorite professors in college, marquesist, no the marxist. >> the foreign students, the we legislator in illinois? >> the supreme court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society, and to that extent, as radical as i think people tried to characterize the warren court, it wasn't that radical. it didn't break free from the essential constraints that
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were placed by the founding fathers and the constitution, at least as it's been interpreted and the warren court interpreted it in the same way that generally the constitution is a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf. glenn: oh, my gosh. geez. look at that. look at that. look at this part. the tragedies of the civil rights movement shifted because the civil rights movement became too focused. "negative liberties." you know what this is? we talked about it last week and a new bill of rights. f.d.r. was the one who brought it up. oh, wait a minute. another one of his czars was talking about it as well. gee. filling up your car and having somebody else pay for your house. who is the stupid one now? i'll start with the beginning of the monologue.
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what a powerful endorsement of the most powerful document in the history of the world from our new president. unfortunately, it also didn't bring about that change that he was talking about, and when i say "the change," i mean, you know, the kind of change that owe balm and karl marx wanted so badly, and we'll also need to do lots of redistributing to the poor if obama gets his way on energy policy. >> under my plan, of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket, even regardless of what i say about whether coal is good or bad, because i'm capping greenhouse gases. coal-powered plants, you know, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. that will cost money. they will pass that money on to consumers. glenn: how can we be in denial still? thankfully the high prices will help us break ourselves
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of our evil capitalist habits. we can't drive s.u.v.'s and keep our homes on 72 degrees all the time, whether we're living in the desert or the tundra and expect every other country is going to say ok. my studio here is set the 65 degrees right now. if i could get it to 40, i would, and you know what? i don't care if it hurts the feelings of some frenchie frenchman. boo hoo, cry me a river. i'm going on living my life the way i choose toss live it, and if it includes 18 hours of t.v. and doritos, that's my choice, baby, or is it? >> barack obama will require you to work. barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed. >> she goes on to say he will force you, force you to be engaged. well, we were promised this over and over again, over and over, the fundamental transformation of america was
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coming named "change." >> we're five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america. glenn: this man, we have been screaming for a man who would tell us the truth, and then when somebody tells us exactly what he believes in plain english, we refuse to listen to him. nobody took this man at his word. the question is, when will you begin? how much more evidence do you need before you wake up and go, wait a minute, hang on. what's he doing? michelle malkin writes about it in her new book "culture of corruption, obama and his tax cheats, crooks and cronies." michelle, welcome to the program. >> glad to be back. glenn: it is amazing to me how it is relatively easy to unravel, once you know what is going on, oh, my gosh, the thread just starts to come out. you write about acorn, two chapters on acorn in your
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book. >> and the seiu, right. glenn: tell me a little bit about the idea and the philosophy of being a community organizer and remaking america. what does that mean to barack obama? >> well, you did a fabulous job of laying out on a theer rhett cral level what the agenda is in terms of transformation, but in order to implement that transformation, of course you need a civilian core, and you need a brigade of foot soldiers implanted in neighborhoods across the city who are at the beck and call of of team obama to, you know, whether it's shaking down bank s, forming a housing entitlement mob, fostering voter fraud, and census shenanigans. you need the bodies. glenn: and even seiu, here is this union that most people
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don't even know what that union even does, and they're shaping -- they're the ones leading the way on healthcare. >> that's absolutely right. what you've got is a union that has remade itself in the 21st century to recruit the next generation of democrat and hard left foot soldiers, and of course these two that you have documented and i have documented in my book and all my blogs, those two organizations, acorn and the seiu are intimately an link and because there is so much union money and taxpayer dues money involved, it behooves the watchdogs in congress to take a look at what exactly is going on. glenn: i have to tell you, michelle, i said on my radio show yesterday, you know, you just used watchdogs in congress. they not watchdogs anymore. they're really not. it falls to the people. it always has fall ton the
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people of the radio audience and t.v. audience, i have about 10 million people who have understood the theory of remaking the country and to stand guard and do whatever you have to do, bark and growl, because these people are hijacking our country. >> no question about it. that's what told me to write the book, by being a watchdog. by doing our jobs, we are modeling what should be done. for people who think it is completely hopeless and you can't hold, for example, the shadow government accountable, well, steve rattner is no longer the auto czar, and if you can get rid of one, you can get rid of 44, but it takes understanding. it takes understanding the chicago way, and takes understanding these relationships and takes recognizing the fact that there are whistleblowers at
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these organizations at acorn, at the seiu. they are not conservatives until they had buyer's remorse and did wake up t means taking them at their word, taking the information they have. they're sir cum circumventing the mainstream media to get the information out there. glenn: i have met with some of the acorn whistleblowers and i think they are the bravest people in the world. >> so do i. glenn: they are not media savvy and they are taking on a powerful organization and just willing to do it because it's right t goes against their agenda as to what people would perceive as their agenda, goes against their people, their party, et cetera, et cetera. what do you think when you look at these organizations? do you think it makes any difference if you take down acorn? because i think it is so vast, these organizations, and it's a shell game. they just move people from here and rename it here and move it over there. you really have to go to the heart of it, do you not?
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>> it does matter if you take it down. you need congressional oversight to cac open the books. -- to crack open the books. i dedicated the book to the whistleblowers. one of the whistleblowers i talk about is being sued by project vote and acorn. this is just an individual. she is not a part of any group that's' trying to reform acorn in its own image for its own power grab. she is out there alone. people out there ask what they can do. support people like that who are trying to get the information out there, because they understand the nature of the racket, that it is a criminal enterprise. you're seeing more, at least on the republican side, people understanding that, the house oversight republican committee report came out, and it only scratches the surface. it is not just the financial industry. it is not just housing. it is the fact that these people are joined at the hip with democrat organizations to ensure a power grab in perpetuity. glenn: michelle, thank you. i have no reason to say, this
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because this book will knock mine off the number one slot. this is important. i don't read other people's books when it comes to their political thoughts, et cetera. i just don't read them. this one is worth reading. you should read it. it really exposes a lot of the stuff that we talked about here, and it's important that you understand those things. michelle. thank you very much. >> thanks, glenn. take care. glenn: social justice, green jobs, hand in hand, what's the problem? a big problem. i'll show it to you, next.
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call now or go to ♪ glenn: what we're uncovering here on this program is complex, and it is taking a lot of our day just to figure out how to explain it to you. it is complex by design. it is the vast left wing conspiracy. the apollo alliance combines environmental policy, the green movement, with labor and social justice. why is that troubling? maybe it's the guy behind the curtain making it all happen. he's a former black nationalist and self-professed
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communist. here is phil kirpin, director of the americans for prosperity. how are you, phil? >> i'm good, glenn. glenn: good. tell me about apollo and these -- i have acorn and the black farmers and the sierra club and greenpeace and afl-cio and seiu. why are these thee categories -- how are they tied to apollo? >> well, the apollo alliance is designed to bring together the elements of organized labor with the community organizers with the green groups, the environmental groups and to access all of the big foundation money that's been supportive of those causes in the past, so it's kind of -- van jones, the green jobs czar, described the apollo mission as a grand theory for progressive left causes that ties all these things together. >> glenn: apollo is named apollo. do you know why? >> they really admire the moon shot mission and they think we
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need a similar centrally planned massive mobilization to reorder society and take control of energy and various other objectives. they want to make it like a moon shot. glenn: i saw on their website and it is something like "massive and fast." they wanted something like the moon shot that could happen and just be launched quickly. ok. so van jones, he is the self-p proclaimed communist. he is one of the founding members of apollo, right? >> that's right. the national apollo, right. glenn: then we have wade rathke, who is the founder of acorn. he was on the board of directors, if i'm not mistaken, the institution that is funding and paying for apollo, right? >> yeah. he was until this year on the board of the tides foundation and the tides center, which
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are the parent organizations that host the apollo alliance. glenn: so wade rathke, acorn, tides center, they decide they're going to create and fund apollo. one of the founders is the guy who went to jail -- this is during the rodney king thing, he went to jail and he was just a black nationalist. he came out a communist and he also then started looking into the green movement and he is the guy who said, hey, if we tie labor and acorn and greenpeace together, we've got a superpowerful group, apollo. is it true that apollo helped design the stimulus package? >> they d they put out a draft stimulus bill in 2008 that included almost everything that ended up being in the final stimulus bill. harry reid thanked them for design the final stimulus package that was enacted into law. they brag on their website that they helped design this thing and push it through. glenn: seiu, the labor group, the ones pushing through healthcare. this is acorn/seiu.
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their vice president is on the board of directors of apollo, correct? >> the president of seiu is on the apollo board of directors. >> tell me where john podesta is on all of this? >> he is on the apollo board and works for the center for the american progress, which sends out the daily marching orders, the talking points to the left side of the blogs and the on-line activists and those organizers out on the street, the acorn and seiu folks get their daily talking points from that center for american progress e-mail. glenn: america, i would like to ask you, barack obama keeps tieing to separate himself from all of these organizations. he's giving speeches and telling us i'm one of you guys, really i'm one of you, but then these organizations he will always distance himself over and over again from the individuals, but let me ask you this -- john
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podesta, van jones, who is now his green jobs czar, an avowed communist, we've got the seiu, who is in his office once a week talking about labor. they're the ones negotiating with all of the healthcare industry. he's in the obama's office all the time. wade rathke, former founder of acorn. it all ties to the tides center, but who is really at the top of all of this? who is the one that is trying to stay away from all of it and say i have nothing to do with it? obama. but if you look at what apollo -- see if this sounds familiar, like, maybe, i don't know, maybe the way we're going to transform america. social justice. the green movement, and labor unions. maybe it's just me, phil. can you talk me out of the crazy tree here and saying this is exactly what barack obama stands for, and these are his forces? >> there are a lot of
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connections and it looks like that certainly is the case. of course, we've got john holdren, the science czar, also tied up with a lot of these folks. we have jason grummette, the chief advisor for energy on the obama campaign, on the board of john holdren's group, the national energy commission, which is also tied in with these folks. if you look at obama's past, he was an organizer for acorn, their chief national trainer. you look at all the organizations that are actually doing the footwork to push through the elements of the obama agenda and it's clear that he is part and parcel of these radical movements. he really can't separate himself from them. glenn: i don't know how you can put self-acclaimed communists as a czar and claim you're not part of that. i don't know how you can is surround yourself with radicals and say you have nothing to do with that. this man is a radical. please talk me out of the crazy tree, america. >> i tell you, it is this kind of stuff that connects.
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>> "common sense" has been number one for six weeks on "the new york times" best-seller list. the reason request is people are trying to figure out what is going on. this book makes the case of what the weasels in washington have done, how they have put us on the brink of absolute disaster, but i'll tell you something. i'm going to white a second book, because i'm going to learn from these people and we are going to take it apart, as long as we can. america, you need to learn the system. you need to know about community organizers. you need to know what we're being transformed into so we can work together and bring our country back to where it is supposed to be, the way our founders intended it. back in a second. you know the little things you do to help the environment?
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from america's news headquarters, i'm lauren sivan. the homeless man accused of carrying a fake bomb into new york's la guardia airport will undergo a psychiatric evaluation. the phone in bomb led to the evacuation of the main terminal and snarled air traffic across
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the country for hours on saturday. a new york judge has postpenned the arraignment until they know whether he is mentally fit to stand trial. we are learning more about the horrific shooting at a club for gay teens in tel aviv. it does not appear to be a terror attack. a gunman sprayed the interior with rifle fire. three people are dead and others wounded. cops are still looking for the gunman. i'm lauren sivan in new york. we now head back to glenn beckh here on fox.
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1,400 cap and trade bill at night and get all snugly and read t it's great. of course, i did kill one of my children with it when i accidentally put it over beside me. i didn't know they were und under the blanket. now democratic congressman
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john conyers from michigan, a state that is doing really well. you made great selections in your politicians in michigan. anyway, he is the chairman of the house judiciary committee. he is not only admitting, but he is also making fun of those silly people who want them to read the bills. >> to get up and say read the bill! what good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill? glenn: am i being punk'd? i mean, these crazy people want to you do your job. i know, i wouldn't want to hang out with lawyers, but aren't you a lawyer? i'm pretty sure you are. i may be talking about congressman conyers right now, but let me tell you, i've got a message for all politicians for both parties, soon, the
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only thing you will be read something the want ads after you're all voted out of office. some of you might be reading the paper from prison. congressman con quers, however, isn't the only one complaining about the length and complexity of these bills, oh, what are we going to do? here is another senator, senator -- oh, wait a minute. that looks like the president. oh, no. this was when he was the senator. not president obama, senator-elect obama. a 2004 interview with air america's randy rhoades, where senator elect obama complains about the bush administration. >> when you rush these budgets that are a foot high, and nobody has any idea what's in them and nobody has read them -- 14 pounds it was. >> yeah, and it gets rushed through without any clear deliberations or debate, then these kinds of things happen and i think this is in some
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ways what happened to the patriot act. you remember there was no real debate about that. it was so quick after 9/11 that it was introduced that people felt very intimidated by the administration. glenn: i think i am in an upside room here. rushing through it? no time for debate? intimidated by the administration? wow, that sounds familiar. kind of like what we have been doing for the last six months. it's almost like he doesn't want anybody to read these bills. or was that george bush that was doing that? i can't tell anybody apart anymore. by the way, did you get your v.i.p. mortgage yet? no? oh, well, you're not one of the "it" people. according to the associated press, despite their protests, senators chris dodd and kent conrad got sweetheart deal mortgages from countrywide financial and they knew that they were getting deals. the a.p. reports robert feinberg, who worked in
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countrywide's v.i.p. section, the v.i.p. section -- there is no sweetheart anything going on there -- anyway, they told congressional investigators that the senators were aware that, quote, who you know is how you're coming through here. both senators have denied any knowledge of getting a sweetheart deal. dodd, he was, like, i don't know what you're even talking about. dodd received two countrywide mortgages in 2003. conrad got two country countrywide mortgages in 2004. feinberg reportedly told the republican investigators, quote, you don't say no to the v.i.p. dodd, of course, is the head of the senate banking committee. wow, i don't know why you would feel intimidated to say no to him. he's a five-term senator, and i think that's where it will end. suddenly he is in the fight for his job in the 2010 election. oh, if he could just have connections to, i don't know, like acorn. oh, he does?
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never mind. conrad is the chair of the powerful budget committee. both senators were members in the program known as "friends of angelo." it's me angelo. i'm the former head of countrywide. he played a big part in the foreclosure crisis. he's been charged with civil fraud and illegal insider trading, but he was a friend of chris dodd. he denies any wrongdoing. i believe him. you know what i'd like to see, america? i'd like to see us draft general schwarzkopf, petraeus and general franks, and then we take them on one of those sweet new stimulus-provided amtrak trains and we send them to washington to hold military tribunals. let the true men of honor decide if congress has done anything wong. la la la la la la la la la la. and out of florida, a jury has
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ruled the hospital that charter add plane to send a seriously injured illegal immigrant home did not act unreasonably. they charter add jet. the case goes back to 2000 when then louis gimenez was riding and he was hit an left a paraplegic with the ability of a fourth grader. it's a tramgic story. "the new york times" reports the hospital that cared for him spent $1.5 million to care for him, because, under federal law, hospitals that receive medicare and medicaid dollars are required to take care of patients until they can be properly discharged. that meant sending this man to a skilled nursing home, but no one was willing to take an uninsured illegal. why would we worry about illegals? they're not hurting our system. they're good family people. they're here to help. so in 2003, the hospital, with a state judge's permission, chartered a jet and sent him
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back to guatemala. his cousin and legal guardian sued asking for nearly $1 million to cover medical costs and damages for the hospital unlawfully detaining him, and damages to discourage others from doing the same thing to other illegal aliens but the jury said no, they did the right thing in a tough situation. good job, jury, but i'd just like to be the racist meanie here for a second. the only problem was the chartered jet. i mean, they're saying that that wasn't unreasonable. was greyhound not salable? that's your hot list. >> obama, no, you can't. >> obama, no, you can't. the message is
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minister, benjamin netanyahu. they're protesting america's stance against israel's planned shepherd hotel project in east jerusalem, which israel annexed in the 1967 six-day war. here is economist, writer, lawyer, actor, good friend of the program, handsome man, all around good guy, ben stein. hello, ben. >> how are you, glenn? glenn: very good. so, ben, i have a lot of jewish friends here in new york, and almost all of them voted for obama, and i said are you nuts? and they said, oh, no, i think he's going to be fine. now they're all going, oh, no, he's not really a friend, is he? do you think he is a friend of israel? >> not at all. i mean, he came on the national radar screen for a speech at the 2004 democratic convention, and out of nowhere, he gave this list of terrible misconduct in the world, and one of the things was israeli misconduct towards the palestinians. i remember thinking, whoa, this guy is part of that
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minister farrakhan group that does not like israel and that, in fact, has proved to be true. glenn: yeah, but nobody paid attention to that. i knew -- ben, i know you can't speak for all jews -- >> oh, yes, i can. question, i can. glenn: all right. ben is the official spokesmen for all jewish people today. >> yes. glenn: this is an honest question. i don't understand how so many jewish people can just vote for somebody who so clearly is anti-israel, not that jews are all, you know, pro israel. i mean, i think israel stinks sometimes on ice, but in the grand scheme of things, much better than the rest of the middle east. >> israel is great, period. it doesn't stink on ice anytime. it's true. one, jews traditionally were angry at their sovereign party because they thought it was a party of the rich gentile country club union league type
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people that did not admit jews to their club. by the time that nixon and reagan came along and assured them that they were the best friends israel ever had, there was a little bit of movement, but not many of jews tend to vote -- the same as their immigrant grandfathers did, and jews have a long, long time, historical sympathy for the african-americans and their suffering, so they went for obama. obama had it in big neon sign on him, i'm not going to be a friend of israel. now he says we're going to let let iraq get the nuclear bomb. he is hedging that we will put the middle east under a u.s. security umbrella. we don't have a security umbrella. >> i don't want a security umbrella! >> there is no umbrella. glenn: i don't know if he knows this, but missiles go through umbrellas, usually. >> yeah. glenn: we have to take a break. can you hang on just a second? i want to ask a politically
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yes. no. okay. yes. yes. yes. yes. no. glenn: we're back with economist lawyer, writer, actor, gymnast, ben stein. ben -- >> oh, that's terribly funny, isn't it? i was a gymnast in 7th grade. glenn: i don't mean to think of you in gym tights or anything like that. >> ok. glenn: here it is. we have this quote. this is the rabbe walden who said, quote, "obama is a racist. if he continues with his actions, he will bring about the disintegration of the american superpower." a, do you believe obama is a racist? >> not really a racist in a negative way. i think he has racial issues,
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but i don't think he is really racist. gretchen: is there -- glenn: is there a positive way to call someone a race snifts >> he is extremely sensitive to racial issues but i think so are most people. i would not consider him a racist, no. glenn: even with all the friends he has, the black nationalists and everyone else? >> he has plenty of friends that are racist, but i do, too, who are really racist people, and i would do anything not to be a racist. glenn: unless i'm one of your friends that you think is racist, i'm not one of those? >> no, you're not at all racist. glenn: whew, good. i was going to say, you don't have friends who are racist but i guess i'm safe still, because you are -- i'm two people removed from racists then. if i say you're my friend. >> i'm not a racist. glenn: but you have friends that are racists. >> well, i do, but i argue with them all the time. i'm not going to cut people
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out of my life because they say things that offend me unless it's really bad. i try to explain to them that all people are just people and there are some good people and bad people. >> do they know they're racist? >> i think some of them do and some of them don't. glenn: do you ever say i love you jim, but you're a race iftsd? >> of course i say that all the time. glenn: who is jim? let me o let me ask you this question -- i have it written here. oh, i know what it is. hang on. i'm trying to phrase it correctly. squeeze, you're such a hothead. do you believe, ben, that we are leaded for -- we're making a lot of the patterns -- we're repeating the mistakes of the past and repeating those bad patterns? >> yes, we are making terrible mistakes. you glenn: are we headed for tough times for jews? >> i think we're headed for very tough times for the jews
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of israel. i think unless the united states and/or israel steps up to the plate and knocks out iran's nuclear program, i think israel's future is very?
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glenn: i ask you to go to glenn i have a free e-mail newsletter and a perspective of what is happening to our country. it has demented itself when i looked at the transformation of the soviet union. in1,


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