tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 5, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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is number one on all cable news. we are closing up shop. we will see you tomorrow night. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> when we walked through the doors, we saw president bill clinton. bill: the two american journalists kidnapped by north korea are now home safe thanks to bill clinton. but did the u.s.a. negotiate with a terrorist dictator? karl rove on that. >> with fox news. we would like to talk to you about your involvement with iran. you're not selling them airplane parts. bill: calls for jeffrey immelt to be fired in the wake of saying general electric committed fraud. dick morris has some thoughts. >> i won't have to listen to this mindless crap anymore. bill: and dennis miller on the clinton rescue. and paula abdul leaving "american idol." >> she should leave.
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sonia sotomayor should take over "american idol." bill: caution, you are about to enter the no-spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama and corporate corruption. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as you may know, the vicious recession we have now is largely driven by irresponsible corporations selling and buying bad mortgages and big oil raising gas prices because of speculation. the bush administration failed to oversee the chaos and now most of us are suffering. president obama campaigned on cleaning up corporate corruption. that was one of the changes we can believe in. now the president has a major problem with the general electric corporation. yesterday g.e. agreed to pay $50 million to settle a fraud claim lodged by the federal government. simply put, g.e. misled
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investors by cooking its books. there are many prominent c.e.o.'s on g.e.'s board of directors. how can they live with that? the free enterprise project is calling for go c.e.o. jeffrey immelt to be fired. mr. immelt has a lot of explaining to do because this is the same g.e. that has received $139 billion in government-backed low interest loans. in other words, taxpayer bailout money. think about that. g.e. defrauds the public, has to pay $50 million in fines but could conceivably use taxpayer loan money to do it. amazing. the situation directly touches the president because nbc news owned by g.e. has been perhaps barack obama's biggest supporter in the media, and jeff immelt was rewarded for that when president obama appointed him to his economic advisory board. and there is more. g.e. now claiming to be a green company, saying it wants to clean up the environment and be
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paid doing it. that goes against general electric's drastic pollution of the hudson river. >> it's high time that g.e. clean up the hudson river p.c.b. contamination and all the other superfund sites that they are responsible for around the country. bill: it's still in litigation. by the way, some analysts believe that general electric stands to make hundreds of millions if cap and trade passes. something very wrong about all this, ladies and gentlemen. a major american corporation promoting the election of barack obama and then seeking to profit from his policies. i mean, it's very simple. the securities and exchange commission says g.e. is guilty of fraud. how can its c.e.o. jeffrey immelt be advising president obama? that's insane. it is long past time for the federal government to stop the nonsense and begin policing corrupt corporations. there is nothing the feds can do about a news organization promoting a political candidate, but to reward that corporation with government contracts after the fact is flat out corrupt.
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so we are going to continue watching this situation very closely. president obama needs to distance himself from the general electric corporation immediately. that is a memo. for the top story tonight, bring in political analyst dick morris, the author of the big bestseller "catastrophe." setting you up for a very intense political season in the fall. making any mistakes? >> no. i think you're exactly right. i think that the whole -- once you had news organizations that were owned by commercial entities, not like newscorp that owns fox, that's a news organization, but something that makes refrigerators owning a tv station, it sets up a possibility of federal payments to that corporation that could incentivize the network to give him favorable coverage. bill: do you think that's what happened with general electric? >> i don't think that immelt has ever picked up the phone and spoke to somebody at nbc and said i want to you give obama positive coverage, but i do believe that the corporate
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culture in one of these shops becomes pro-obama and that filters down to the news organization in all kinds of different ways. i saw that a little bit, no news organization tie-in in the clinton administration. this time was the lorail corporation headed by bernie schwarz. bernard schwarz contributed $632,000 in soft money to the clinton organization and the democratic party in the 1996 and 1998 election cycles. and in 1996, clinton granted lorail and hughes a waiver to permit them to help china launch satellites. and the u.s. government justice department investigated lorail because of charges that they actually provided china with technologies that were propriety to the u.s. bill: he couldn't do that because he gave the money. >> i don't think there is ever a quid pro -- quid pro quo, but
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i think the yachting together, the vacationing together, the speaking together, appearing at events together led to a long time association between him and that corporation. bill: now we have barack obama who under his administration is granted $139 billion in very low interest loans to general electric, who now has to pay $50 million to the government because it defrauded investors. i mean, how can we -- how can the taxpayers be giving general electric billions and then the company accused of fraud? >> and you make a key point here that it will be a theme, i would hope, of these programs in the future because he has given away $800 billion of tarp money to various banks and companies. bill: he being president obama. >> yeah. now let's look at those corporate executives, look at their p.a.c.'s, their employees, and see what campaign con tricks have flowed.
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and obama has not said that directed the democratic party or his campaign committee or democratic senators to refrain from taking contributions from entities that receive federal money on their lookout. bill: what i'm worried about here is the appearance of corruption. i don't think barack obama is saying ok because nbc news helped me get elected i'm going to give general electric a, b, c, d, and e. i don't think he is doing it. i might be wrong. he might be doing it, but that would be unbelievably corrupt. but the appearance is that you can now buy government contracts, general electric can buy government contracts, cap and trade, whatever it may be, if you support the winner of the election. >> this also goes back to the bush and cheney administration. we have a chapter in "fleeced," the book before "catastrophe" about halliburton where cheney obtained a financial relationship with halliburton. said he severed it. but he really didn't. he owned stock in it. halliburton got away with unbelievable shenanigans.
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bill: the left went wild on that. >> they were right. we have a chapter in our book about that. whenever you have a company, a corporation moving in too cozy with the president as you're inviting them to do with the tarp money and the other bailouts, the potential here for corruption is enormous. when you have the news media, it's self-implicated, nobody is going to cover it. bill: all right. i'm asking every guest tonight, every political guest tonight to grade barack obama. it has been a little more than six months that he has been in office. what would you give him, overall grade? >> by his lights he gets an a. by my lights, he gets an f. by his lights he increased government spending -- bill: i'm not worried about what he thinks. you're giving him a flat-out f? >> flat-out f. he took office, there was a $3 trillion government spending, now it's $4 trillion. he took office, the federal government budget deficit was $1 trillion. it's now $2 trillion. he took office, we had a health
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care system that was the envy of the world. he is doing everything he can to cut it. bill: the health care system is not the envy of the world. >> do you know any other country people go to for cancer treatments. bill: the skill of our doctors and nurses and technology, absolutely, but the way it's executed is really hurting a lot of people. >> confidence in the american health care system according to rasmussen has doubled to 48%. bill: comparing it to the chaos that the obama administration is creating. >> the point is that medical care costs extra money. bill: you're giving him an f, a flat-out flunk grade? >> he has extended the recession. he has created a budget deficit that will trigger massive inflation. he has created -- he has federalized the auto industry and he is never going to be able to get rid of it, and he is threatening to destroy our health care system and outsource our manufacturing. what would you give him? an f is a promotion. bill: i'm not giving him a grade. i'm letting my guests do it. >> if anybody is not sure about
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( conversation ) garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet? ♪
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bill: president clinton rescues two american journalists imprisoned in north korea. at about 9:00 eastern time this morning, laura ling and euna lee touched down on american soil in california. the ladies were sentenced to 12 years in prison by the north korean tyrant kim jong-il. they spent more than four months behind bars. as you know, president clinton went to north korea, met with the dictator and secured the release of the journalists. >> we were taken to a location
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and when we walked in through the doorgs, we -- in through the doors, we saw standing before us president bill clinton. [applause] we were shocked. but we knew instantly in our hearts that the nightmare of our lives was finally coming to an end. bill: joning us now from washington, fox news analyst karl rove. so happy ending, end justifies the means, i believe. what say you? >> well, it is a happy ending for the women and their families. and it looks like a happy ending for the united states, but it could over the long haul not be a good thing. we're going to have to live with the consequences of this.
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the question is next time there is something that north korea does bad, are they going to insist upon, what? the sitting president or the sitting vice president? what does this message say to others who grab a hold of americans? what's the next time? what's going to happen the next time this happens someplace else in the world? but look, today is the day that the families are -- have every reason to be happy that their loved ones are home, and it's turned out thus far pretty well. let's go look at what went on behind here. the back story that we don't know much about. this was apparently arrived at by negotiations between american diplomats at the united nations using what we call the new york channel. this is an informer, low visibility channel of communication between the north koreans and the united states. and apparently the women played a role in signaling that either president clinton or perhaps president carter would be acceptable to come and pick them up and bring them home in discussions that they had.
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so we don't know all the story. what was north korea wanting, what did north korea get? at minimum, they got the opportunity to send a very strong signal to president obama that rather than the belligerent attitude of the united states under george w. bush, they wanted the more kind face that they had joined under bill clinton who basically let them run wild during the 1990's on nuclear proliferation issues. even after he found out he was stiffed, he refused to install sanctions against the north korean regime. bill: if you had been in the white house advising president obama, as you did with president bush, and this deal came to the president's desk -- because he has to make the decision whether president clinton goes or not -- you would have advised him to send president clinton to rescue the girls, right? >> well, if at the end that's the only option you have got. you get the girls if you send clinton, then you send clinton. it was good that it was the former president, not somebody associated with the current administration, although he is the spouse of the secretary of state. but what would be better is that you have those discussions
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through the new y york channel driving you toward somebody less high profile and less problematic than the former president of the united states and the spouse of the secretary of state. bill: but you know he wanted the dog and pony show, the president to go over there to do his bidding. that's what that was all about. that was pretty obvious. >> absolutely. given a choice between sending him carter and clinton, i would have sent him carter. a choice between sending carter or clinton or somebody else, i would send somebody else. look, they had a chance to negotiate this thing through. we will probably never know how those negotiations went except that the result was they ended up sending the former president of the united states. bill: you don't have any problem with the outcome and that bill clinton did go over there? >> look, there are going to be consequences. we'll have to live with the consequences of that. bill: you have got to do the right thing at the moment and then watch your back. i think with north korea, you always have to watch your back. >> and the obama administration did a smart thing by not making
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a big deal and screaming and shouting about it. bill: just get it done. i want you to make a prediction here. i don't want to spend a lot of time on health care tonight. we have done the debate. it goes round and round and round. when congress comes back in the fall and september, do you expect them to put up a bill and will a bill be passed? >> i expect them to put up a bill but i'm not certain whether it will pass or not. i think it depends on how august goes. i think the white house understands this, which is why they are dismissing any town hall meetings, any public uproar, any constituent feedback by saying that this is all phony and planned and don't pay attention to it. they are basically saying to members of congress no matter how hot it gets when you go home over health care, because that's all phony stuff. members would be making a mistake if they did that. there was a new poll out today that said if americans approve of president obama's handling of health care by 39%, 50% disapprove. that is a 10-point growth in
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the disapproval number in one month. 60% of independents now disapprove of the president's handling of health care. they believe by 66-6 march gyp that their taxes are going to go up as opposed to go down. more people think they will be hurt by any change that obama promotes rather than helped. 44%, a plurality think that obama's plan if passed would hurt the economy. only 36% think a democrat plan only ought to pass. 59% say congress ought to turn thumbs down on any package that doesn't have republicans and democrats. bill: i agree the tide has turned as far as the folks are concerned. it's always the telling moment. now, i asked dick morris, as you heard, to give obama a great so far. he gave him an f. what say you? >> i hate to gave him one grade. i give him an a-minus on discipline. this is a very disciplined white house particularly when it comes to leaks. except for joe biden, they pretty much stay on message all the time. on foreign affairs, i give them a b-minus. i think they have done well on
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afghanistan and iraq. they have not given in to the far left and precipitously pulling out. a lot of the rest of it, they believed in their own rhetoric. they believed all they had to do was get obama elected and he would make everything all right. that didn't happen in the g-8, didn't happen in central america, didn't happen elsewhere. policy i will give him a c-minus. he is getting some of the things he wants to achieve. they are getting some of the results they want. on health care, i could give him a d. bill: directly ahead, the obama administration say many of the health care dissenters are phonies. we'll look at the evidence. and did you see this? >> here is my birth certificate. put it up on the screen. vote. born in the u.s.a.
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bill: a very interesting situation. as you may know, some americans are very angry with the government trying to run the health care system. that anger has been on display. >> 95% -- hasn't changed since the bush administration. >> you're lying to me. >> that's right. >> what are you waiting for? >> i don't have sophisticated language. i recognize a liar when i see one. >> harry reid and the rest of
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the people in congress and the senate, are they going to be willing to be on the same plan they are asking us to be on? >> you will get your turn in a minute. >> the answer is, ok. bill: but some democratic leaders say many of those protesters you saw are plants, anti-obama fanatics who were conducting a kind of sabotage. bill: with us now, fox news analyst alan colmes and monica crowley. you say what? >> i say the american people are mad as hell, bill, and they are not going to take it anymore. this health care debacle is the last straw.
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they see their government unresponsive to their needs and to their desires. they see out of control profligate spending coming out of washington with a stimulus package that has failed, with cap and trade which is the largest tax increase in the history of the world. on top of that they see that. bill: you're starting to sound like dick morris. let's just keep it on health care. they say it's easy to stack any town meeting with anti-obama zealots, and it is, it is. you can do that through the internet. you can say let's get out there, let's disrupt. i don't know if you have ever given a speech where they have far-left nuts in the audience and they go wild and scream and disrupt. this, that, and the other thing. how do you know that these people disrupting these meetings are legitimate folks? >> first of all, everybody that i have seen in these town hall meetings has been respectful. the reason sometimes they need to raise their voice is because -- bill: they are called a liar. that's not respectful.
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ought american people have been lied to on this health care proposal. they have not been told the truth. when the president of the united states and every single member of congress who supports this monstrosity cannot answer a single question about cost -- bill: i understand. i'm mad about it, too. >> why is it so hard for liberals to understand that perhaps people might have a dissenting point of view? bill: all right, holmes. are these plants? are these like nancy pelosi says not really the folks? >> they are folks and they are angry folks. but the issue is not whether or not we agree or disagree about the health care plan. the issue is about whether or not this is how you want to behave. bob mcguffy was on volunteer for freedom works. freedom works run. bristol-myers squibb. got some health care issues. he puts out a memo of this guy mcguffy. he says be disruptive early and often, get in their faces, yell, scream out. bill: where was this memo put? >> it was revealed by think progress. there was a link to it. it was online. you can go there and click on it. bill: this guy, this lobbyist
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for a drug company. the drug companies don't want the government to control what they charge. he says to people go to these meetings and get loud. >> i don't know if he himself is a lobbyist, but his volunteers for freedom works, dick armey's group. dick armey is a lobbyist. bill: do you think that these people that we just heard are plants? >> what do you mean by plant? bill: what i mean by plants, what nancy pelosi said. crazy, fanatical, swastika-wearing. >> i think they all are fanatical. >> when you get up and interrupt. you're not having a real dialogue here. >> getting the point of view like i do vehemently. >> these are average americans. bill: how do you know, though? >> look at them. they are average americans showing up to the town halls, to hold their leaders accountable. we are talking about nationalizing 20% of the u.s.
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economy. health care, the most infamous -- bill: you don't think there is anybody in there driven by a website? >> you know what? i have no idea. all i know is that when i see average americans who can't have their questions answered by their leaders trying to hold them accountable. listen, i find it amazing when liberals complain about this when for years they destroyed president bush, called him a war criminal, hitler. >> that's not normal. >> out there deflecting congressional hearings. cindy sheehan in her lawn chair outside president bush's crawford ranch. come on. >> the new york congressman. he had to have a police escort to get out of a meeting. this happened to lloyd dogette. it happened to other democratic congress people who needed police escorts. >> if democrats had answers to their constituents' questions, there wouldn't be this kind of reaction. >> they don't like the answers. they disrupt the question. you had kathleen sebelius and
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arlen specter basically booed off the stage, not giving them a chance. bill: they said we have to pass this quick. the crowd went wait, what are you doing? i would have done that, too. >> sebelius had to say i can't stand here because you keep interrupting me. bill: if they booed everything they said, where were the people supporting them? how come they weren't there? >> because i think it was stacked. bill: because they didn't let the civilian people in? >> it was a stacked deck. those people are showing up to harass democrats. >> these are democratic town halls. for crying out loud, we're their supporters. bill: you have to get out there and help them, man. >> the needle in the haystack, all right. bill: crowley and colmes, everybody, there they are. dennis miller, some thoughts on bill clinton. and paula abdul is leaving "american idol." say it ain't so. what's up with putin?
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all told, eight dead because of miss schuler. authorities say she was very drunk, had marijuana in her bloodstream as well. the question is if her husband and others close to her knew she was impaired, do they have any responsibility legally for the tragedy? joining us now from philadelphia, julia morrow, former prosecutor. today it was announced the bastardi family -- the three men, a father, son, and another guy who were killed by schulerer, they will skew relatives of diane shultz because they say the woman was so loaded after coming from some kind of family gathering, they had to know. and you say what? >> well, the only relative they could possibly sue, bill, is her husband, the father of the children. let me just get her brother out of the way. she called him from the road at 1:00 a half an hour before the accident, said she was dizzy, she was disoriented, she didn't know what she was doing. he said stay there, don't move, i'm coming to you. she didn't listen to him. she took off. he also called the cops.
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he did everything he could. he is totally out of the picture. bill: i want to mention that the brother lost his three daughters. >> that's right. bill: the brother lost three children dead because the woman didn't stay put. ok. >> and she ditched her cell phone. bill: zero in on the husband then. >> zero mr. on the husband. bill: i'm not going to accuse the husband of anything. i just want to know what the law says. here's the husband. he is with the wife. the wife obviously drinking heavily, smoking pot. we don't know whether the husband knew or not, but if he is with her, you would assume that he might. what is his legal culpability? >> ok. that question is good. it's different as to the kids and the three people in the other car. if he is with her, she is drinking vodka, she is smoking pot. he says ok, honey, go ahead, take the kids. he has got -- he is criminally liable for what happens to the kids. he would only be criminally liable, though, as to what happened to third parties if he
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has got an ownership interest in the car, bill. under the law, a husband doesn't have a general duty to prevent the bad actions of his wife and vice versa. it's only if he actually gives her an instrumentality that could bring about harm or if he owns it. bill: his car or the vehicle, we don't know that right now. ok. >> that's right. buy: so he has -- he has a legal culpability for the protection of the children if authorities get the evidence that says he knew that she was loaded, let her drive with the kids, they would charge him with what? >> they would charge him with either criminally negligent homicide and/or potentially manslaughter if they think it rose to the level of recklessness and, of course, endangering the welfare of a minor. bill: all right. terrible, awful situation. >> awful. bill: i know many millions of americans are involved with people who have drug and alcohol problems. you have got to get tough. you can't let those people do damage, especially when
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bill: in the miller time segment tonight, let's kick off with bill clinton's trip to north korea to get the two american journalists released. joining us now from los angeles, that beacon of common sense. syndicated radio star dennis miller. did you ever think you would hear those words directed at you, the beacon of common sense? >> i thought that i hallucinated them right there. i didn't think you said that. bill: all right. bill clinton, north korea, you say what? >> listen, bill, we live in a brutal world. i'm watching this home invasion
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robbery video. i'm watching a mother doing 10 shots and going the wrong way. i'm watching some guy walk into a gym. periodically just to keep my head on straight, i have to see a good story. this is a great story. good for clinton for going over there. that's a crazyland over there. by the way, you know when somebody is crazy, you know how you know kim jong-il is crazy? when he is that rich and he still does the main room in his palace in indoor astroturf. what the hell was that about, that green carpet? you're rich. i thought clinton handled himself with class. he went over, even took the bumper sticker off the rear of the plane that said if the plane is a rocking, don't bother knocking. this is all business and i admire him for doing it. bill: john bolton, former u.n. ambassador, said if you're going to do this and legitimatize this dictator who kidnapped these women, they are going to keep doing it, escalating it. what say you to that? >> i don't think anybody can judge this except, you know what i mean accurately, the parents, the families, the
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girls. it's easy to say that but at some point you're missing the point. you can get your kid home. bill: i agree. >> the only person who feels bad in this whole thing is biden because they got him playing freido sending him out to the back yard because he can open a beer bottle with his teeth and clinton can go over and play erol flynn. bill: i agree. you have to get the ladies back and protect american citizens as best as you can. cash for clunkers. it looks like it worked. it looks like the american auto industry got a little bump from this. what do you think? >> well, the foreign auto industry got a little bump. i think four of the top five cars were foreign models. listen, it's just -- i guess i'm happy. it seems a little low rent to me. the shining city on the hill has now turned into fred sanford's front yard. we might as well put the whole country up on blocks at this point. i guess it's part of the barack
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-racy. you put the guy into the $35,000 car, we have the mortgage crisis redux coming down the road. why don't you let the guy keep the $4,500 in his taxes so we don't have to watch him saddle up and get this handout from the auto thing and judge him harshly. bill: i knew the cash for clunkers thing was in trouble when i saw jed and granny drive up. >> they said jed get away from there. it just seems a little low rent to me. anything that helps. really, it seems too selective. there is a lot of industries in trouble. they haven't even gotten bailouts yet. bill: they are trying to stimulate the economy. do you know what the next thing is? >> what's that? bill: cash for polyester suits. did you know that? >> no, i didn't know that. bill: travolta has like 10 of them in his closet. >> i love that. bill: you give them in, give
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you cash, you buy a sweater. >> turn it into that rag trade. yeah, i like that call. bill: i like the fred sanford line, though. we should put all these cars out in front of the white house. demond wilson. bill: we discussed this a couple of weeks ago. you have some kind of fixation with paula abdul. now paula is leaving "american idol." i don't know if that's the greatest career move, miller. >> oh, she will land on her feet. no doubt she will end up on another number one ranked show where she can show up two days a week a little loaded for $10 million a year. here's the downside to the north korea story. we had to trade paula to north korea for the two chicks because, you know, kim jong-il fancies himself a broadway singer, and they think she is the only judge sympathetic enough to go over there and tell him he actually has a future. that's how we got the girls out of there, we traded paula.
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bill: you never really know what drives anybody. she might be tired of the program. she probably has some money in the bank. but this is the most successful program in the history of television. worldwide phenomenon. as you said, she works eight hours a week or whatever it is, and she gets paid $10 million, she wants $20. they say we're not going to do that, see you later. she instead saying well, maybe i will take the $10 million, walks. i don't see it as a great career move unless she wants to get into something else. go back to school or something like that. >> it's a maclean stevenson, hello larry type of move. i remember valerie harper had "rhoda" and then another show called "valerie ." the next week i'm watching "valerie," sandy duncan is playing valerie. at some point you have to tuck your ego away and take the check and thank god that you have a lucky life. bill: unless you have had
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enough. mclean stevenson wask was on "m*a s*h" and did very well there and didn't want to come back because of the money deal, took a hike. had a show called "hello larry" that lasted 10 seconds. >> billy, it gets cold out there. it gets cold. if i quibble with you too much, next week it's penelope ann miller time, all right? i get it. bill: is she available? >> everybody has a boss. bill: you know who i called today, miller, not to take your place but to add to the roster of geniuses we have on "the factor ." paula abdul. would you like to have her on every week? >> i would love to see you dancing in a laker girl outfit, me or her. you. bill: that's never going to happen. don't horrify the nation. finally president obama, morris gave him an f. when you average him, rove gave him a c-plus. you give him what? >> i am not going to give him a
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letter grade, but i am going to send a note home to his mother that he is bracing the other kids for their milk money to pay for the lactose intolerant kid. to me barack obama is taking on too much extra credit work and he is not getting down to the core curriculum. that's the mistake he is making. i would learn my reading, writing, and arithmetic before i get into all the other stuff. he has been in there five months. it's flying fast and furious. i don't even know if his mother is deceased. that's a reference to school kids. i'm sorry his mother is deceased. i don't know that. i think he should buckle down, hit the books on the basics and do this stuff down the road. this stuff is coming too fast and furious. bill: it's a little chaotic now in d.c. dennis miller, thank you very much. if you didn't see this, you must. >> now, as you know, vampires have no reflection. there i am right there. so that is proven.
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president obama. >> my fellow americans, now, there has been some debate in this country whether or not i was actually born here in the united states. i get it. it's a fair question. so to end all the debate, here's my birth certificate. put it up on the screen. to quote the boss, born in the u.s.a. all right. now that there are no more distractions, i would like to address some other equally valid concerns about me. first, am i a vampire? steve, can i have a mirror? now, as you know, vampires have no reflection. there i am. right there. so that is proven. next. bill: here now fox news anchor jane skinner and correspondent courtney friel. who is that guy? >> jordan peele. you might recognize him from
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mad tv. they had some fun on funny or die. i saw it on monday. i was laughing historically. bill: he has obama down so well. you know, it's almost like remember vaughn meter, j.f.k. jane and i would remember that. >> thanks a lot, bill. bill: i like this kind of stuff. i think this kind of humor is good for the country. >> it's funny, too. if you think about the great impressions. the rich little doing richard nixon, dana car have i doing president bush. they all have the distinctive mannerisms. president obama doesn't seem to have any. bill: farrell mocked bush. he is not mocking obama. he is having fun with it. farrell was pretty mean-spirited i thought. in the political realm, whoopi
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goldberg is a very interesting person. she now says that sarah palin faked it as far as how much she knew. roll the tape. >> there are a lot of things that play into what bothers people about sarah palin. what bothered me about sarah palin is i thought she was pretending to be dumb and i didn't like it. >> you thought she was pretending to be dumb? >> yes, i thought she was pretending. i thought she was trying to pull off i'm just a regular old person, you know. i love alaska. i think it's one of the greatest states in the world. but i think she was much smarter than she let on, and it irritated the hell out of me. bill: wow. what do you say, jane? >> that's a new one. sarah palin pretending to be dumb. whoopi goldberg goes on to say maybe the mccain campaign put her up to that. you have made two women very happy by playing that clip. first of all, whoopi goldberg.
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she wants to say crazy stuff so people watch her tv show. she also wants to be relevant in the political realm. also sarah palin, she doesn't want whoopi goldberg endorsing her because this plays into her story line, the media elite, the hollywood types are out to get her. bill: the perception that the governor is dumb comes almost exclusively from the left, does it not? >> i did some research today with our brain room. this is the first time this has come up. nobody else has claimed -- bill: nobody has ever said that she faked it. >> i liked them both. i do think whoopi goldberg is actually giving sarah palin a backhanded compliment saying she really is smart because she got elected governor. it was kind of insulting to the viewers. even blog comments were saying hey, everyone else here is dumb. every other person? bill: i think it's condescending anyway. sarah palin i think is genuine. i have spoken to the woman man to man? no, i can't do that. man to woman. and i think she is a regular person who wanted to get into
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public service, did, avoided getting the trappings, the surroundings. yeah, she may not be able to tell you who is running botswana, but she did a good job in alaska. >> it's preposterous to also think she gets her chance on the national stage. just because somebody tells me to, i'm going to act dumb. but that's what whoopi goldberg wants. she is thrilled she is on "the factor ." bill: i was there in minneapolis when she gave the speech at the convention that lit up the whole country, all right? no dumb person, whoopi, -- and you're not a dumb person. you have been on this program -- no dumb person could have delivered that speech that well. it's impossible. >> i agree. i was a little nervous for her. bill: for her? >> for sarah palin during that speech. bill: i'm nervous for whoopi. i think whoopi has now gone off. >> but sarah palin is a breath of fresh air. she is beautiful in that she is different. bill: she is not a breath of fresh air to the whoopi's
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crowd. >> whoopi goldberg did the same thing. after the speech at the convention, she came out and said sarah palin is a dangerous woman, we should all be afraid. same thing, you covered it. she is so happy because she is getting all this attention on bill o'reilly. bill: i love that guy that does barack obama. jordan peele. we have to end the segment, courtney. i'm sorry. on deck, pinheads and patriots, starring larry the cablelelelele .
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come on. there for you... ( car starts ) and life's daily miracles. ♪ who's the best? this guy is. ♪ ( clapping ) ♪ to the point of no return... ♪ ♪ return there for you and your guilty pleasures. ♪ how long... ♪ how long ♪ bill: time for "pinheads and patriots." larry the cable guide is a very successful comedian. >> i'm going to tell you something. i was reading in the paper, cholesterol kills more people in this country than guns. tell you what, they want to sell
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lives, they should put a seven- day waiting period on potpies chicken -- popeye's chicken. that is right. bill: larry is giving back. he donated $1 million to the child advocacy center. he is a patriot. say hello to vladimir putin. for some reason, he is topless, riding a horse, and doing his imitation of lady godiva. is this fair to the horse? doesn't that horse look perplexed? this is in siberia. it is cold there. finally, the mail. there is a big fundraiser tomorrow for the wounded warrior project. we support the warriors through by selling great
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i know it is hot, but you have to stay in the shade. you know, i love you guys. let the companies abuse consumers, but no controlling authority should do anything. incredible. the feds control the skies and the airport. they must stop the chaos. when you pay for a ticket, that is a contract, sir. if the airline company does not live up to the arrangement, that is brought in the inducement. wise up.
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well, thank you. that is kind of you to say. you know, it is a terrible burden. reilly. we have a provocative talking points memo. please e-mail us with pithy comments from anywhere in the world. name and town, name and town if you wish to opine. please, when reading to us, do not be a curmudgeon. i have been accused of that. if you do not know what that means, look it up. i have been accused of being met. brutally unfair. that is it for today. "the factor" continues 24/7 on i am bill o'reilly. pe
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