tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News August 6, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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there. these kids are having a wonderful time and i enjoyed my time out there. many thanks to don and deirdre. that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us, an we hope you have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow night in san diego. captioned by the national captioning institute greta: tonight, run! everyone, quick, run! it's recess. yes, it's reserks and with it comes a lot of schoolyard name-calling. try this one -- angry mobs. that's what some democrats are calling citizens who just want to know what is going on. now, if you thought the health care battle was on fire before, you haven't seen anything yet. we have more video of people barbecuing their congressmen over health care reform. dick morris going "on the record" next about the health care war. plus, we actually caught one. we caught a real life member of what the d.n.c. calls the angry mob. she's in the studio right now. hopefully she'll stay in
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control before she goes on. she's scaring the democrats. why is some of your stimulus money being spent overseas? how is that going to help our economy? we have a report. then, you won't believe this could happen anyplace. young boys in the hundreds right now kidnapped, ripped from their homes, in training for something very evil. john bolton goes on the record about that. but first, the d.n.c. calls them angry mobs. others call them grass rout voters. no matter what you call them, democratic congressman mike ross just learned the hard way how red hot the health care about the l is. >> congressmen's job is to protect us. your main job is not to get injured. i'm sorry for what america has turned into what it's turned into. >> we don't support single
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-family -- >> that's what obama wants. >> no, it's not what obama wants. >> don't you watch tv? greta: and just coming into fox tonight, brand-new video of a forum on health care getting very fiery in florida. congresswoman katie kester was at the event and got an earful from voters. >> if you'll all listen for five minutes, ok? [yelling] [whistling, applause, booing] >> wrong! wrong answer!
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greta: president obama's press secretary insists protesters like those are not a grass-roots movement, just astrotough. is the white house trying to stifle freedom of speech, those who just don't agree with them? in a blog at white, the white house gives an email address where people can report to the white house fishy speech, that is speech that questions the president's health care plan. our own major garrett asked press eaktary robert gibbs what does that mean. >> i was pretty clear that we're not collecting names from those emails. >> what i'm trying to figure out is why ask for them, then. what's the goal here? >> well, major, as i said to you before, as i said to jake before -- >> in the staff that you have assembled here, it's obviously very capable of detecting all sorts of conversations in america about all sorts of issues, and responding. >> major, we get stuff about what's said on fox news all the
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time. >> you'd be surprised. i just don't understand what the particular goal is. >> the particular goal is -- >> to email the white house about this particular issue. >> well, it's to get misinformation and to clarify for everybody what the misinformation is. gretchen: all this heat is apparently taking a toll on the president's poll numbers. in a new poll, 52% of people disapprove of the president's handling of health care. just 39% approve. joining us live is dick morris, author of the book "ta tass trophy." what do you make of this backlash of the town hall meetings? >> i love it. i love it. in fact, i've got stow go attend one now. it's so great that they're doing that, and it's so crucial. obama is hoping that we all go to sleep during august and he can just slip this thing through in september. and when people go to these meetings and raise all kinds of hell, it absolutely is crucial in persuading these congressmen
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not to jam this through. and, you know, at that town forum, when mike ross was, that you just played, the questioner was right and ross was wrong. obama wants a single-pair system. he said it in a speech in san francisco. he just said we can't pass it right away. so what we need to do is have a public company that's subsidized and compete with private companies that are not, drive them out of business, and then we'll have a single-payer system. but it's his goal. that's what he wants. same thing we have in canada and britain. group but you're talking about the substantive questions. -- greta: but you're talking about the substantive questions. but the thing that's upsetting to me is the voters are upset because they don't understand. there's a good reason they don't understand. because no one understands these 1100 pages and they're simply questioning their government, their representatives, and then they're being insulted by the white house and even asking for emails as to who they might be. >> sure. greta: this is not a give and a take in a debate. this is really -- this is
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insulting. >> and they're emotional. it's understandable. somebody is trying to take away their health care. this program of the administration's is the repeal of medicare. that's all it is. greta: but even then, how would you even know, dick? because that assumes that anyone's even read this bill. that's what's gotten me upset. >> he will with, i have, and all 1,000 pages of it. and there's a commission that's set up in the executive branch to cut medicare. that's what it's charged with. and because they know the cuts are going to be unpopular and they know people will oppose it, they're proposing these cuts take effect automatically, unless they're overridden by congress and they know that will never happen. and then on top of that, they're expanding coverage by 50 million people with no extra doctors. that means rationing, and that obviously means the elderly are not going to get the medical care they need. those demonstrators are right. greta: when this bill
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eventually comes back -- when the members of congress come back to washington and are going to be voting on this bill, as a practical matter the president doesn't even have to pay attention to the republicans, because he has the numbers in the house and the senate, if all the democrats went his way. if he had his own party. what difference does it make to him, do you think, that it be bipartisan, that republicans join it, if he got all the democrats? >> none. he could pass it if he got all the democrats. some of the democrats won't go along unless some republicans do, so they have a figure leaf of bipartisan cover, even if it's just a couple of members. but the real thing that's bothering obama and the democrats is not the poll numbers. they can tolerate bad poll numbers. it is the block voting of senior citizens against this package. the democratic party is composed of building blocks, interest groups. republicans aren't. they're just a group of people who think the same on issues. but democrats are blacks, plus hispanics, plus women, plus young people, plus labor unions, plus the elderly. and when one of those blocks
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turns against what the democrats are going, the party gets scared to death. and right now senior citizens are by more than 20 points opposed to this program. and that is why the program may be defeated, because they know that if they lose the elderly, they lose them forever. they won him over social security, now they'll lose him over the repeal of medicare, and they're not prepared to do that. that's why the meetings are so important. greta: well, it's sort of interesting, because if -- i mean, all the democratic members of congress, the senate, who complain about the republicans, if instead they'd just all -- if they all got onboard themselves, they could pass this, you know. so it's really not -- it's getting your own party in line. >> yeah. but a lot of them know they wouldn't be invited back to washington if they did that. and that's the danger. dick, by the way, if people go to my site, i have information about how you can
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help run advertisements in each of the districts of these swing senators that are aimed at the elderly. and that's what we have to get going. right now this issue is at the cusp. 50% pass, 50% fail. i don't know which is going to happen. the compromises don't mean anything, because they still will have rationing and medicare cuts. in fact, the blue dogs want to cut medicare by more. the key thing right now is to get the elderly to speak up for their medical care, because for them, this is not an issue of taxes or costs. this is a matter of life and death literally. greta: all right. how does this play out? they're going to continue to have town hall meetings and i imagine they're going to do everything they can to sort of keep the lid on it, so it doesn't generate even more attention. how does this play out? >> i think the 270 democrats should get on a plane and take a junket to europe and go sun themselves on a beach. because if they show up in their districts, they're going to get clobbered.
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and i think the point is that they're learning that, and i think that this is creating a massive grass-roots movement that has the white house terrified. and i think that there's a very good chance that the elderly may save their own medicare system, thank the lord. greta: it's sort of interesting looking at the protesters -- i'm calling them protesters, but passionate voters. i don't know if they rise to the level of protester. but how different from what the protesters usually look like. you think of protesters usually looking like -- usually the younger population. >> greta, these are the same guys you had in the 1960's. they're just 70 now. greta: except that some of the people are complaining about the protesters and are former protesters themselves. suddenly they're not quite as he nammord with the first amendment. >> this is woodstock grown up. greta: i guess so. maybe we need a little music with it. >> but it's so important that they get the facts on what he's doing. that's why my wife and i wrote
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"catastrophe to," our book. chapter four as all these facts. that's why they need to read it. write their congressmen. hand write them. buy a postage stamp. these guys are not high tech. write them, tell them what you think. even if you have a liberal senator, barbara boxer, write her, because it makes all kinds of difference how many members of the caucus are getting deluged with mail. drown them. they won't have a shot in september. do it now. greta: included in that note to the representative or senator make sure you say take the president up on his offer to go line by line on the bill in september so we're confident everybody knows what he or she is voting on, whether it's good or bad. at least have the decency to read it. >> they have to decide which his bill is. they haven't done that yet. greta: thank you. up next, we have great news for you. you can take a deep breath. you are safe. wait until you see what we at "on the record" have taken off the street tonight. the next guest might be really
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dangerous. we are told she's angry, even part of a mob. we are a little scared. we report, you decide. plus, your stimulus money just took off for other parts of the world. no joke. some of your stimulus money is headed to other countries. where and why and whose idea? we sure hope the angry mob is not listening to this report. plus, tonight's lesson in "the best of the rest," sometimes being fat is helpful for hiding firearms. and the mistress of senator john edwards with the babies slipping in the side door? that's not a good sign. announcer: welcome to the now network. currently, thousands of people
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the budget and children's health care. they've lost the confidence of the american people after eight years of failed policies that ruined our economy and cost millions of jobs. now desperate republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing angry mobs, just like they did during the election. their goal -- destroy president obama and stop the change americans voted for overwhelmingly in november. >> it will break him. >> i hope he fails! >> this mob activity is straight from the playbook of high-level republican political operatives. they have no plan for moving our country forward, so they've called out the mob. >> and i want to know why are people ignoring this. >> call the republican party. tell them you've had enough of the mob. the democratic national committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. greta: the mob. is that true? joining us live is dana, a radio host who works with the
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st. louis tea party coalition. she went to a town hall held by senator mccaskill's office. you're part of the angry mob, apparently. your reaction to be called that. >> i want to know who this "they" is. who is this they? republicans? i'm not a republican, and not every person associated with the tea party movement is a republican, just like everyone who went out to protest bush was a democrat or anyone else. i'm tired of all these accusation that is are being leveled at us, like we're paid g.o.p. hacks. honestly, if i were in this for the money, i would have gone and worked with acorn. even though they paid their people late, at least they paid their people. but these are moms, dads, grandparents, senior citizens, kids, college kids, all of these people are coming out just to voice their concern. it kind of makes me sad that we live in an era where the president of the united states and his political party would try to sort of like brush off people by saying that their valid concerns are just echoes
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of an angry mob. it doesn't maybe make any sense and it's really sad. greta: are you part of any group, or did you go to this town hall meeting yourself? are you part of any club or were you elected by someone who summoned you, some organization, or did you just show up? >> i just showed up. i don't have a satin jacket, i don't have a laminated club card, i just showed up like everyones. i went to congressman russ carnahan's health care town hall forum just this evening, and with a bunch of other people, we just showed up. no one told us to show up. no one told us what questions to ask or even to ask any questions at all. they just -- they have concerns about this health care legislation. are elected officials so out of touch with their own districts that they don't even recognize the people in their districts and they can't understand why they would have any kind of questions? greta: what's the reaction? this grass-roots movement, a
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lot of people are describing it as, is it growing? do you think after what happened in st. louis, is the growing, staying the same or getting smaller? >> oh, no, it's definitely growing. it's definitely growing. we have these people who have -- for years they've sat on their sofas and yelled at the newspapers or television. now they are so motivated. they are getting up. they are sending emails to their elected officials. they're calling their elected officials and they're showing up at these town hall forums to wait in line, take their turn and politely ask their questions or hold up a homemade sign to voice their concern about health care legislation and everything else. greta: i would just add that i read a tweet from senator mccaskill that was given to me from yesterday. she's not insulting you guys. she's not calling it some -- i forget the term. but she has respect, at least it appeared, for the difference of opinion. do you agree with that? >> yeah, i do. i have saw that. she had tweeted and said that. she doesn't think that all of
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these people ha are showing up, she doesn't think we're manufactured. she said these are real people with strong opinions, and that's true. i hope she can give us some of her other colleagues a call and let them know that, like harry reid, nancy pelosi, who are coming out saying we're g.o.p. hackers. it's insulting, if you think about it. it's absolutely insulting to all of these average janes and joes going out there and want their congressman's ear. greta: dana, thank you. of course, we're watching all of this. thank you. >> thanks, greta. greta: up next, steve moore says he has proof that the stimulus is not working. he's going to tell you. plus, any time you're a mistress slips in a side door with a baby people say is yours, there's probably bad news coming. just ask former senator john edwards. discover new seafood creations... inspired from around the country.
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greta: steve moore says the stimulus is not working and he has proof. the number of u.s. workers filing for jobless benefits did fall that week. is that good? joining us live is a senior economics writer for the economics page, steve moore. what's wrong with that? the numbers fell a little bit. it seems like a good sign. >> well, greta, it is good news that we're losing slightly
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fewer jobs than we've been losing over the last six months, but the numbers are still horrendously large. we had been losing about -- the unemployment claims had been about 585,000 a week. this week they were only 550,000, and somehow that's good news. now, remember, greta, we already have some 15 million americans that don't have jobs. we have a 9.5% unemployment rate. most economists, including economists in the obama administration admit that the unemployment rate is probably going to go up to 10%, which, by the way, greta, is an unemployment rate we haven't seen in this country for nearly 30ers yoo. i just don't see the silver lining here. and, greta, the 15 million americans who don't have jobs, i don't think they see the silver lining either. greta: i agree with that. i guess we've seen the numbers decline so much in the last six or eight or nine months and we're so beaten down, that any time we can sort of stabilize -- even though the unemployment claims are down just a little
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bit, it really is a stabilization. we actually expected worse. we're now at the point where if it just stabilizes and doesn't go down, that is seen as a huge victory. >> it is by a lot of economists of the might have problem is i'm really fearful and a lot of economists agree with me on this, greta, that we're headed towards what we call a jobless recovery. that is, we'll see growth in the economy. we'll see -- we've seen the stock market perform a lot better in the last month. but what most americans are asking, greta, is where are those jobs. let's not forget when we passed the fiscal stimulus bill four or five months ago, barack obama and his economists promised us that if we did this we'd have an unemployment rate less than 8%. well, it's now headed to 10%. those are lousy numbers, an we've got to start asking the question whether the stimulus has worked at all. greta: the numbers are going to come out tomorrow, those unemployment numbers. as you and i have discussed
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before, there's some indication, but they don't count to people who have given up looking for a job. and these are national numbers. they don't talk about 15% in the state of michigan or 15% in the state of cal. so there's some parts of the country that are really hurting. >> greta, i was in ohio, as i think you were earlier this week. the unemployment rate there is near 12%. those are just horrific numbers. and the other thing, along your point, is that this unemployment rate is also understating the amount of underemployment. there are a lot of americans who used to have full-time jobs that have to take part-time jobs. we're seeing that in the number of americans working is declining, and their take-home pay has fallen a lot and that's causing a pinch in family budgets. greta: the stimulus bill was passed in february. so we got it. if you could be in charge of our economic policy beginning now, what would you do differently? >> if i could be the economic
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czar, and we know that barack obama already has 32 czars, i would get rid of the stimulus plan. i would pass an 18% flat tax, get rid of the double tax on investment, saving, give incentives to small businesses to expand their operations. if we had that kind of tax system, i think we'd see so much investment and so many jobs in this country. we'd see the unemployment rate cut in half in a year. i really believe that. we have done nothing in this package to help small businesses expand, greta. and in a normal expansion, 70% of the new jobs come from the small businessman and woman, the entrepreneur that is the rock of our economy. greta: if in december we're at the same position where things have stabilized but not gone down, will all economists, including the democratic economists, will they say that the stimulus program is an abject failure? at what point out in the future can we say this is either a success or a failure?
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>> i would say that if by december we're not seeing better numbers, we can all declare this a fail lurel. after all, the president really made the criteria here, bringing that unemployment rate down, creating those new jobs. we're just not seeing them. but i doubt that the obama people will ever declare this a failure because it's simply not in their d.n.a. to admit when something hasn't work. greta: if it isn't working, i guess failure is a horrible word. but admitting failure, if it is failure, if that's the point when we ascertain whether it's failure or not, then we can sit down and go to plan b, whatever plan b is, anyway -- >> one last points, though. we're in a bigger hole now, because six months later we haven't created jobs, but we've created another trillion dollars in debt. greta: i know, i know. but rather than -- i'm just trying to figure out how to get out of wherever we are. anyway, steve, thank you. >> thank you, greta. greta: there is breaking news tonight here in washington. the cash for clunkers program will continue.
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congress just passed a $2 billion extension in that program that gives drivers a rebate of up to $4,500 for trading in gas-guzzling cars and trucks for more fuel-efficient vehicles. up next, it turns out some of your stimulus money is being sent overseas. what is that all about? how does that stimulate our economy home? we have a report. plus, in a country that has nuclear weapons, there is stunning new information. young boys kidnapped, training for something very evil. professor john bolton coming up will tell you all about it. oof!
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superior natural nourishment for your skin. greta: was the stimulus package supposed to stimulate the economy? should your stimulus dollars go to companies overseas? we report, you decide. president obama just handed out $2.5 billion in federal grant money with the goal of boosting the production of hybrid and
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electric vehicles. how is that money being spent? joining us live is jeff birnbaum, the managing editor for "the washington times." sounds like a good project, good for the environment, i think, but where's the money going? >> well, president obama would like us to think that all of it was going to americans to create gene american jobs for green american companies, but in fact nearly half of that 2.4 billion dollars you mentioned will be going to companies with ties to foreign companies, in places like china and south korea and even russia, and at least some of those green jobs will actually be green overseas. greta: so we're creating jobs overseas with this money, rather than creating them here. >> that's right. it turns out that the technology for hybrid and electric vehicles, especially the batteries, are -- that technology is asian in its
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origin. so south korea is one of those places where a lot of these batteries are made, and even american companies that are trying to get into that business have to use korean factories, at least until some of that stimulus money can be used to build factories in this country. greta: even if it's a wise thing overall to do this, because as we consider all sorts of different things in terms of energy consumption, it seems to me that that stimulus bill, that almost $800 billion is sort of sacred, that the whole point was to sort of stimulate our economy, create jobs here. if they need to like -- if they want to do that, why not get it out of another pocket? >> well, that is something that is clearly troubling members of congress. it's the impression the president wanted to give, because unemployment in this country has been rising, so he wanted to use that stimulus money to stimulate jobs here. but in fact, you can't quite do that in the environmental sphere, because europeans and
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asians are so much further ahead in terms of creating the technology for green anything, of batteries asia, sole la panels, europe, and we have -- solar panels, europe, and we have to catch up. i think the president wants to use some of the stimulus money to seed a u.s.-based industry in these areas. but to bridge us to get there, you have to use the technology where it exists and where the factories are, and that is overseas. greta: so leave the money here and find it in another appropriation from government and another pool of money to do that, if that's what you're seeking to achieve. the important thing is to sort of be straight with us. has the president been straight with us about the stimulus money? i know that your reporting has sort of surprised me. i didn't realize it was going overseas. but has the president been straight about this? >> he hasn't told the whole story. i think he wanted us to believe by going to indiana to announce
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these grants that that -- all that money was going here to create jobs here, and that's not the case. so he -- greta: is there any doubt to that? >> there's no doubt to that, no. greta: because he didn't say that today. he certainly didn't say today that this money is going to go to create jobs other places. >> even part of the money that went to general motors, for example, according to the documents, the batteries that g.m. will be making, some of them will be made in south korea and other places. greta: can't the screens build the plants here, hire american workers and build these batteries here in the united states? >> yes, they can. greta: why don't we give them an incentive to do that so we have jobs here? gh that's what some of this money will be used for exactly, but you can't do it right away. and so there's this transition, there's this bridge period in which there will actually be green jobs overseas, because that's the only place you can make these batteries.
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greta: they should take it out of other pockets, other than the stimulus. jeff, thank you. you made a very complicated issue very simple. thank you very much. here's what's coming up after this show on the "the o'reilly factor." >> how the media is treating the health care protesters. it isn't pretty. greta: you don't want to miss that tonight. bill's show, 11 p.m. eastern time. up next, this is grisly, vicious, dangerous, and it's happening in a company that is our ally. kidnapped children training for something very evil. ambassador john bolton is next, plus -- uh-oh, why was senator john edwards' former mistress and her baby slipping in the side door of a building today? we know, and you will, too, in a few minutes.
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great, because flat rate boxes come in four sizes. call and we'll send a free supply, plus up to $160 in offers. when you're ready to ship, we'll even pick them up for free, no matter how many you have. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. call or go online now to get started. greta: up next, ambassador john bolton goes "on the record." bus first, we go to our headline news. >> winds up to 45 miles an hour are making it very difficult for firefighters in southern california. fire and forestry officials are saying the flames have burned about 125 acres. mandatory evacuations are in effect for about 20 homes. the fires are now about 35% contained. new jersey police safely detonate explosives found in a car. acting on a tip, cops found a
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package containing five to eight pounds of homemade explosives. the car was parked outside a home which police say was the site of a drug raid in may. youth movie director and writer john hughes has died of a heart attack in new york city. hughes launched the careers of many young actors in the 1980's and 1990's with such films as "the breakfast club," "ferris bueller's day off" and home alone. he was 59. we now head back to "on the record" with greta. greta: this report is nothing short of outrageous. according to the pakistani army, the taliban is kidnapping pakistani boys, grabbing them from their homes and dragging them to camps where they were trained and brainwashed to be suicide bottomers and killers. some of these boys are reportedly 7 years ofment keep in mind this is a country that is one of our allies and has nuclear weapons. joining us live is john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations. i find it -- i'm speechless on
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this one. >> it shows the methods the taliban uses. they don't necessarily want to be popular in the areas like the northwest frontier provinces. they use this as a form of intimidation. each worse, some of these children are being sold by their own families. girls are often sold in trafficking. it's a surf territory. greta: and these young boys are actually out there fighting and killing themselves. >> they're being indoctrinated by the taliban and sent to places possibly for use as suicide bombers. the pakistani army is trying to show people just the conditions that they have to put up with there. greta: how is that army? i know that pakistan is one of our allies and i'd like to think things are on the straight and narrow there. but i'm highly suspicious that this is a country that's on the right path. >> well, i think it's a very difficult situation. there is corruption unquestionably. perhaps even worse, there's infiltration of the army itself by muslim radicals, by taliban supporters, and that obviously
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make it very hard to deal with at a tack tig cal level. >> is it getting better or getting worse? >> i think it's getting worse. as the intelligence agencies and the pakistani military, as the young recruits rise through the ranks, it's becoming more difficult. and if we don't do something, eventually the nuclear arsenal is going to be very much at risk. greta: do what, though? what can we do? i know the nuclear arsenal is terrifying, and you've got india next door and they hate each other, but what can we do? >> well, i think in pakistan, the military, which the people there are called the steel skelton, because it's the one institution of government that really holds the country together. we have to make sure that does not turn against us. that's not going to be anything we can do in a few days or a few months. it's a long-term proposition. if we lose that struggle, though, and the radicals take over in pakistan, they've got dozens, maybe hundreds of nuclear weapons to use against india or to give the terrorist groups that can be used around the world. the stakes are very high around
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the world, i think today higher than afghanistan or iraq. >> can you -- i mean, we hear from our government that the nuclear arsenal is safe, that it's under control. i don't know why, but i don't feel comfortable with that. can you convince me that that's true? i know that even a.q. khan, is almost like the devil, like the wal-mart of nuclear weapons. he's giving nuclear weapons all over the world, north korea, syria, and he's a hero in north korea. and the worst thing they do is give him house arrest and let him go. so this is a country where, don't worry, our nuclear arsenal is under control. >> i dealt with that when i was in the government, and from a technical point of view it's unlikely that you'll have accidental detonations of nuclear weapons. greta: i'm not worried about the accidental. >> the real problem is the political control, and if that fragments, if the military croms apart, if radicals take
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over on the civilian side of government, you can have all the technical protections you want, those weapons can be given to terrorists or used by the people in political control. that's where the risk is. it's not a technical problem. greta: so now you have the pakistani army, and you've got them fighting the taliban in the northern part of the country and if they are ineffective to keep even children from being taken from their homes, even protecting the children, why in the world should we think that they're so effective in protecting their nuclear arsenal? sounds like an infiltrated army at best. >> increasingly at risk of being fragmented, obviously, the nuclear weapons are pakistan's ultimate defense against india. so the military's done its best to keep them under control. but that was even before the islamists began working their way through the military hierarchy. that's one reason we're at risk. we haven't paid enough attention to this problem over the years, so we're down in a pretty difficult situation. greta: so what do we do? >> well, i think you've got to
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try and use the pro-western, pro-american parts of the pack tan stanny military to work with us. i think we made a mistake in forcing president musharraf out of office, and i think a lot of people in pakistan understand that now. this is a divided country. it's not entirely against us. but we are in a desperate and really end-game struggle here. greta: that is not the important part. the country is divided. they don't all want to work with us. some are completely -- they're almost our enemies. >> some are, particularly those areas that have been funded by radical islamists from outside of pakistan and these people who have turned out a young generation of radicals, really, it's many of the older population that had more contact with the west, especially in the military, who are more likely to be on our side. but it's not something we can give up on. if we lose in pakistan and they get control of that nuclear arsenal, our concern about iran getting nuclear weapons will look small by comparison.
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greta: terrifying. terrifying. >> exactly. greta: ambassador, thank you. sir. a special programming note tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern, check out our fox news special, "summer of evil, the manson murders." a bloodbath in l.a. that shocked the entire world. we are taking you inside the gruesome and chilling manson murders. >> two nights of savagery, seven dead bodies and no suspect. >> my initial feeling at that time was it was a copycat murder. there's just no way of connecting it. the people didn't run in the same circles. they didn't know each other. >> on august 10 dr. thomas noguchi and his staff conducted autopsies on the victims. >> it's the only time in my career that i walked out of an autopsy room was when dr. noguchi cut a stomach open and removed that baby. i had chills go up and down my spine. i just turned around and walked out. greta: 10:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow night, "summer of
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evil." the manson murders. don't miss it. up next, "the best of the rest." the former mistress of john edwards was up to something today with her baby. we don't think senator edwards is going to like this one. a pelican in idaho is getting poor cell phone service. this will make sense, trust me. you'll never know what you might find in an inmate's rolls of fat. we honestly couldn't make this story up if we tried. did you know just one sheet of bounce outdoor fresh gives you more freshness than two sheets of the leading store brand? wow! who knew? bounce...
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greta: you've seen our top stories, but here's "the best of the rest." no matter which way you slice it, it's never a good sign when your former mistress slips in the back door of a courthouse where a grand jury is sitting investigating you. this morning miss hunter showed up at a federal courthouse in raleigh where a grand jury is meeting. the raleigh u.s. attorney's office won't say what the grand jury is about, but senator edwards has acknowledged that a federal investigation is underway about payments his campaign made to hunter's rouks company. the senator denies any wrongdoing. hunter arrived at the courthouse today with her 18 mold daughter. senator edwards also denies reports that the child is his. we'll let you know what happens at the grand jury. now, we actually wish we had made this story up, but it is true. an obese inmate has been caught illegally bringing a gun into a
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houston jail. parent hear the man went through five searches by the jail and no gun was found. it turns out the man was hiding a 9-millimeter handgun in the folds of his own fat. you heard right. a gun hidden in his fat folds. the man is 510-, weighs about 500 pounds. he's been charged with illegal possession of a firearm in a correctional facility. he was arrested previously for compact disks. no word where those were stored. a pelican at a zoo in iowa decided to eat an interesting snack this week -- a cell phone. someone dropped the phone into the pelican exhibit and several birds started playing with it until the phone suddenly vanished down the hatch of one of the pelicans. for three hours zookeepers couldn't figure out which pelican scarfed down the phone until the hungry bird regretted his decision and coughed it up. now he's fine and considering
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upgrading to an iphone because he heard it's an apple. ok, and today, history. >> on this vote the yaes are 68 and the neighs are 31. the nomination of sonia sotomayor to be a supreme court justice of the united states is confirmed. greta: judge tote mire will be sworn in on saturday by chief justice john roberts. as an aside, we are hoping the chief does better with her oath than he did swearing in our president. she is the first hispanic judge to sit on the supreme court. and congratulations to our new justice. and there you have it. "the best of the rest." but still ahead, your last call. one more quick call before we turn down the lights. is marijuana just a stimulus our economy needs? conan reports, you can decide. (marco andretti) i race to win.
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greta: 11:00s almost here. flash those studio lights, it's time for "last call." leave it to conan o'brien to find something funny about the recession and illegal drugs. >> hey, this is weird. today police in detroit busted a marijuana-growing operation that had more than half a million dollars worth of pot plants. yeah. way to go, police. police found the only profitable business in detroit and shut it down. [laughter] what are they doing? greta: well, i suppose that's one way to look at it. that's your "last call," though, lights are blinking and we are closing down shop. thanks for being with us don't. we'll see you all tomorrow for "summer of evil -- the manson murders." go to and blog with us. i wonder what you think of health care reform. ep
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