tv Glenn Beck FOX News August 8, 2009 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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career criminal living out his last days of a wasted life in prison. i'm greta van susteran. eastern time. we hope you will join us as we help you make money. see you then. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> three, two, one, beck! glenn: welcome to the glenn beck program. tonight, our are town halls really just filled with g.o.p. plants, or are they hardworking honest americans like you worried about their country? ann coulter weighs in. also, cash for clunkers, is it still stalling? we will show you some of the biggest issues the program is facing and glenn learns the problems with socialized medicine from a brittish lawmaker. if you believe this country is great but you fear the government more than the sun, stand up, and come with me.
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i'm back. congress is working to promote the massive health reform but it's not very popular many take a look at some of the latest uproars at town halls across the country. >> we won't budge! >> this is unamerican. look at what this has turned into. i don't think the senators are going to be able to do it. i'm scared! >> we have to make judgments very fast. >> no! >> this is about our fundamental constitution and rights. i realize that the politicians we have been electing have
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been taking that dream away faster than i can get my hands on it. as for president obama, he is just for huge expansion and we're realizing what madison said, which is anything that's worthwhile is not free. >> here to weigh in is ann coulter, author of the best-selling book "guilty," and steve moore, senior economic writer for "the wall street journal", and the head of the policy studies at the cato institute. i'm listening to these sound bytes of people who are passionate. they're angry. what do they want to know? do they want to know if these people are reading the bills before they sign them, or do they want to know whether or not they're going to be able to afford this? what is it they're complaining about? >> well, i'm once again so impressed and proud of the american people. they understand the constitution and capitalism
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better than most elected representatives do, including republicans, and what they're complaining about is totally consistent with polls on the subject. i think most people are happy with their healthcare. b, only about one to 4% of americans don't like their healthcare and want nationalized healthcare. they have to fiddle with the polls to get the results differently, that is to say, present them. is healthcare a problem, and people think that polls are i.q. tests and if you ask them is xyz a problem, they have to say yes or they're not paying attention, but it's interesting that the left is attacking these what is obviously totally genuine protests, consistent with what we know the american people think about the issue, and, you know, as fake, phony fraud astroturf, illustrating the ann coulter principle that liberals can tell what you're up to depending on what they accuse you of. politicians may be stupid, and they may be philanderers more
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than the average person, but the one thing politicians is good at is reading what americans really care about, so as much as the media bashes americans for being fake phony frauds put up by the pharmaceutical industry, i think politicians are prayed to know the difference. >> steve, i'm watching obama approval ratings plummet. it started at 67% when he was elected and now it is approaching 50%. was there a directive from are the white house to go out, hey congress, hey senate, go out and kind of garner support for this healthcare bill in any, way, shape possible? where does the white house stand on this? >> i have never seen anything more insulting than what has happened where the left is attacking. many of the voters voted for barack obama. eric, i actually went to a lot of these town hall meetings and a lot of these tea parties that have happened around the country. i know you have been to a lot
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of them, too. a lot of people voted for barack obama. a lot of them were independent. a lot of them had never been to a political rally before in their whole life. the only thing i would add is that of course they don't like the healthcare bill but i think it's wider than that. i think it is a spontaneous combustion of frustration, not just about the healthcare bill, but it also goes back to the bailouts, to the massive stimulus bill. people just feel like the politicians aren't paying any attention to what the voters care about, and then they have nancy pelosi say well, the people go to these rallies have swastikas just suggests she is completely clueless. >> michael, talk about this for a second. you know, there is a basis for a town hall. people are supposed to ask questions and they're supposed to get answers, and it seems to me that's the way things were gog, and all of a sudden, it is starting to turn into what they are calling mob
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gatherings. where are we? >> i'm an irony junkie, so this has been an absolute feast for me. you have a president or administration headed up by a president who is a former professor of constitutional law and they're complaining about people using their constitutional rights to petition the government for grievances. you have an administration headed by a former community organizer who is upset that the communities is organizing that. is one of the complaints about the protests is that they are organizeed. if you think back to 20 years ago, this is not the first time this has happened. 20 years ago this month, the same thing happened to congressman dan rostenkowski when he passed a bad healthcare. senior citizens surrounded his car, pounded on the hood until he got out of the car and ran away. that protest as orchestrated by a woman who is now a member of the house leadership, are representative jan shah you schakowsky. the ironies are plentiful
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here. >> we have a sound byte from -- you want to talk mob? take a look and see if this looks a little bit more mob to you. >> we are ray corn! we are acorn, mighty, mighty acorn! we can't take no more! who are we are? >> acorn! >> what do we want? >> justice! >> when do we want it? >> now! >> who are we? >> >> acorn! >> so, ann, i have seen a lot of these town halls and it seems like it is not the
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people that that are violent. they are people that are concerned about like things is my healthcare going to get rationed and if it is going to get rationed, am i on the wrong end of the rationing? this article that you wrote has to be the best title article i have ever written in my life. it is ann coulter "take two aspirin and call me when your cancer is stage 4." take it away, ann. >> thank you. yes, exactly right. you look at the protestors against the healthcare, and it is striking that a lot of them look like old people, and this is consistent with the polls and consistent with common sense that if the government is going to be rationing healthcare, one good way to ration it is to kill off the old folks faster, provide the assisted suicide pills but not the hip replacement. thank you so much, michael, for bringing up the jan schakowsky thing, because, yes, there is provable examples of liberals doing what they accuse you of, what
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they are guilty of, of staging these fake protests. another one is one exposed by the new york post in 2005, a guy, sean tremblay who worked for pew says the entire alleged grassroots movements to get campaign finance reform passed was funded and organized by eight left wing organizations including george soros' society. it got out in the new york post, and, you know, the issue was dotal denials but those were totally phony protests. as anyone can figure out in retrospect, it was a groundswell of support for no campaign finance reform. you see this all the time where the right liberals running acorn go out, fine homeless people and give them a boxed lunch to protest something that no normal person actually cares about. that's why liberals can come up with this astroturf term,
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because that's what they specialize in. >> there is something i want to say. i don't have any problem with people going out and protesting and yelling, and it is the american way and people have the right to assemble. one thing that is really objectionable about acorn, though, that infuriates me, is that they get government money to do this. none of these conservative groups that are organizing people take government money. what is really infuriating is that money that was in the housing are rescue plan is going to groups like acorn. now, i would say, i don't like it too much when people go to these town hall meetings and they shout down the politicians and so on. i mean, ann and i have been in a lot of talks where people on the left shout you down. people should certainly stay well behaved but the idea of getting people out -- what happened to power to the people? why is the left so afraid of people speaking out? >> michael, i want to throw this at you. i saw video this morning of a town hall and saw people walking around with the seiu
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shirts on and it harkened back to the election when the black pan panther security was guarding the polling places. was this intimidation? >> i don't know if it is intimidation or not. what we're looking at right now is actually a really good preview of what healthcare is going to look like if obama's plan gets passed. it is not going to be a simple matter of you going to an exchange where you can select a plan you want. when the government is deciding your insurance plan, the way to make sure you get the plan you want is to take it to the streets, and so this is what healthcare is going to look like, under the obama plan and i'm amazed. the president has only been president for 7 months now and he has turned this nation into france. this is what they do in france when they want social change, when they want a pay raise or want to cut spending for this or that that or a health plan to cover something else. everyone has to take to the
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streets. it is not a matter of personal choice. it is a matter of political dispute. >> are we going to have this bill passed when congress comes back in about a month or so? >> i hope not. dave and i just solved the whole healthcare problem in the green room, which was described in my column. we just need a free market in health insurance plans and free market in doctors. >> i agree with you p there. steve, are we going to see a pass the bill? >> basically all you need to do to ak sen ewe ate that point is allow people to buy health insurance out of state. that would take care of half the insurance problem. then you do something about medical malpractice. neither of those are in the bill. i think congress will pass a bill but it will be slimed down and i don't think it will have the public option, thank you. >> michael, will we see a bill, a watered-down bill, a delayed bill but a bill? >> i think we definitely need healthcare reform. we need to inject market
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incentives into healthcare and give people control over their healthcare decisions because we will see innovation do amazing things. what the democrats are talking about doing, president obama is talking about doing is just going to make things worse. it is an unsustainable status quo is no excuse for making things worse. >> we have ann coulter, columnist, author, good friend of mine, steven moore and michael cannon with the kato cato institute. thank you, guys. you might have heard about this, a guy who demanded the truth at a recent town hall in upstate new york. take a look. >> i read the language. 53% say it is the same as the one that the bush administration tried to pass. listen, i'm a registered democrat. why would you want to shove this down our throat in three to four weeks when the president took six months to
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pick a dog for his kids? >> we decided to have him join us. with us is don gerard. don, you went there and spoke your mind. you were passionate. were you nervous? >> absolutely. i'm real nervous right now, as a matter of fact. let me clarify something. first of all, this wasn't really a town hall. this is set up to actually discuss high-speed rail, but we hadn't been able to contact our senator and we called his office and called his office. we had no idea steny hoyer was even going to be there. >> i would guess you had house leader steny hoyer, you might as well ask him what's on your mind t doesn't have to be about high-speed trains y not the most pressing thing on your mind, healthcare? what was the response from the crowd? were they behind you? were they angry?
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what was their feeling? >> it kind of went back and forth. make no mistake, at the end, michael and steny hoyer got a huge hand. it was an invitation-type democratic event. i'm really disappointing, and i think it points out the absurdity of the situation where an average american can call a politician a liar and he gets on national news. these guys aren't used to being called liars. he was either ignoring me or being deliberately ignorant. >> don, what concerns you most about the healthcare reform bill? >> what concerns me most is the government control. the government is a sledgehammer. there is nothing subtle about our government. it's a logical progression. money is going to get tight. it always does. when that money gets tietsd, the healthcare for the elderly is going to be cut back. they are the least productive citizens from the government's
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point of view. the truth of the matter is there is no problem with american healthcare other than the cost. we have the best healthcare in the world, but you don't burn down your house or tear down your house to remodel your living room. you work with the existing structure. >> don, i have asked congresspeople and senators and anyone who will come on t.v. and have an opinion if they're in a place to vote on a bill like this, have they read it. did anyone ask steny hoyer if he read the bill? >> i don't think we did that day. we sat there and did this, you know, everyone calling me the angry democrat or the angry guy, but we sat there and listened to the local congressman speak. i certainly do not agree with the guy. when steny hoyer came up and he actually told what i knew for a fact to be a lie, i confronted him on t i sit there and yell at my t.v. like most americans. i have done it for years and years, and to actually call one of these guys out, the way
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glenn: european socialized healthcare is not spooky. no, it's not. you're not going to be unhappy. it will be sunshine an lollipops. socialized medicine. some will say, no, glenn, it stinks on ice. you have to talk to someone who knows about it firsthand. daniel hannon is a member of parliament from southeast england. big fan, sir. welcome. >> nice to be here. glenn: now, do you think you could stay and run -- you can't run for president but you could run for president. you have a lot of fans here in america. >> i'm a big fan of your constitution. glenn: you are one of the only people that i have heard in a long time that says you are a
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fan of the constitution. it is not real popular here in america. >> i'm not popular among all the politicians. look, it will make you rich, free and independent, and it as driven value to thest of the world so that the world owes you something. glenn: here we have a congress and president not listening to the american people and about to deliver us the universal right to medicine that is just fantastic in your country. tell me about how great universal healthcare is. >> the most striking thing about it is that you are very often just sent back to the queue. you turn up with a complaint or ailment and you are told how about october of next year or whatever it is, and you are not able to supplement your treatment, your healthcare treatment with any private money of your own. people who had conditions and tried to buy drugs independently, they were told that the health treatment
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would be stopped. i had a friend of mine. this is an amazing story. a friend of mine broke his ankle. he went to the accident and emergency. it was friday night. now, one of our national traditions is that on friday nights we all get drunk and have fights with each other. there was a long queue of people to get in. he said, look, i'm in real pain, can i have some painkillers while i'm waiting. they said no, go to the back of the line. they became aggressive and said, no. the national health service, we don't have any p provision for independent purchase of medicine, so that's the mentality. glenn: i can't imagine what americans will do. cataract surgery, 8 month's wait. hip replacement, 11 months. you may be free, but what is your quality of life? you have to wait 11 months for a hip replacement. herniateed disk, five months. >> and if you are out of work
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during that period, it is not free, and in any case, it is not free because you pay for it through your taxes. glenn: we just found out, and it is a guy i disagree on almost everything, and he is my senator, but i don't wish him ill, but we just heard that senator chris dodd has prostrate cancer. i would like to make a challenge to senator chris dodd to go over to your country and be treated with prostrate cancer. here in the u.s., five-year relative surgery rifle rate is 100%. in canada, 95%. in the u.k., it is 77%. >> quite right. that is an extraordinary figure. think of those statistics and maybe that explains that your senators and congressmen are not proposing to be part of this system themselves. our system was when we were under full mobilization in 1944. it was a time when we had food
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rationing, everything had been rationalized and hugely high taxes because everything was conscripted into the war. that was the product or the thinking that led to the state healthcare system. i find it incredible that a free people living in a country dedicated and founded in the cause of independence and freedom can seriously be thinking about adopting such a system in peacetime and massively expanding the role of the state when there is no need. glenn: because they will say this will save us money. >> well, you know it is the single biggest item of our government bill. the state doesn't do things as efficiently as the market. if you know you getting the same teements without paying for, it you have no incentive to keep costs down. glenn: do you follow what is happening on the ground with our politicians, because they are currently getting hammered by the people as they're coming home. these congressmen are coming home. i hope to good, congress, you
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learn from this, because it's only going to get much, much worse for you. what could they possibly be thinking? >> i mean, i don't know, but i just say as an elected representative myself, no politician can disregard his constituents' opinion. there is dishonor with an elected politician not listening to the people, so i hope the people watching this program, whichever side they're on, are going to make their views felt and i hope their representatives will listen to them over the summer vacation and come back, quite apart from anything else, i just wonder at a time like this how the u.s. can afford something of this scale. they're telling us we can't afford not to do it. they're iting us if we do this this will solve our problems with our debt and deficit that somehow we're going to save so
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much in healthcare. i can't imagine how. you deny people of a certain age certain procedures, do you not? >> the worst thing is to be elderly. it is not so bad with kids. it reflects social values. i can tell you horror stories about elderly people left starving in wards, and the amazing thing is why do we put up with it? the reason we put up with it for so long is because it is such a huge system. it has such an enormous bureaucracy. we have 1.4 million people employed by the national health service. it is the third biggest employer in the world after the red army in china. the managers outnumber the doctors and nurses that. makes it impossible to get rid of. if you do this thing, don't imagine that you can come back and change your minds a couple of years from now. glenn: america, you cannot let
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this pass. you cannot let any of this structure in, because you think the third largest employer in the world, do you think -- now you understand why they want it so badly. that's why. this is going to change the face of america, and they will do it forever. daniel, thank you very much. the sixties were all about freedom. ♪ and now in my sixties, they are again. grandpa, are we there yet? i have the freedom to do what i want... and go where i want. grandpa, come on! freedom is what i like about my medicare supplement insurance. i can see the doctor i want, where i want, anywhere in the country. now your sixties can be a time of freedom again... with aarp medicare supplement insurance plans... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. because any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare... will accept aarp medicare supplement insurance. anywhere in the u.s. the freedom to do my own thing, without worrying about which doctor i can see. medicare covers only about 80%...
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eric: thank you, chris. the dow closing up 113 points today, up better than expected because of the jobs report. check this out. this is the year plus a couple of months. here is march. february is when barack obama told us we needed stimulus. look what has gone on since. markets have been very, very strong, up 50%. give me the next screen. jobs report. we talked to you about the jobs report, right? in january, we lost 741,000 jobs. it's on a better pace, and we only lost 247,000 jobs this last month. things are better. get it? now, remember the $787 billion stimulus bill, remember that? as of july 31st, a couple of days ago, we paid out $73 billion. that's right, less than 10%. that leaves $714 billion, but they have ok'ed spending for another $197 billion, so that
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leaves about $590 billion. don't go anywhere. you see that? $590 billion sitting there. all right. how about tarp? well, banks have repaid about $72 billion back to the treasury. that money was supposed to go back and then do something with it, right? what should we do with that? let's think about that. we could do this -- add stimulus to tarp repay, and that comes to $661 billion, and i got an idea. why don't we pay the taxpayer back? it comes to $8,500 per tax-paying household. do you think you're going to see that? i don't know. i'm guessing not, but i could be wrong. with me now is kevin williamson, the deputy editor of the "national review" and wrote the cover storn ry on barney frank in the current issue. thank you for joining us. all right. you saw in the news piece just before that barney frank --
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no, it wasn't barney frank. it was kiss dodd, was cleared of charges surrounding his preferential treatment of a v.i.p. loan from countrywide. >> yeah, yeah. eric: what about that? >> conrad and dodd, one is in charge of the budget committee and one is in charge of the banking committee and neither one knows a good deal when he sees it? they got the sweetheart mortgages, points were waved and thousands saved in each case, and conrad got a loan for an apartment building which normally is only supposed to be covering for houses and they said they didn't know. now, the guys if countrywide said they knew. if you're in charge of the banking committee, how do you not know a really nice mortgage when you see one? eric: conrad sits on the banking committee and chairs it so he should know. $661 billion, right, it's money that we haven't paid out. it is probably closer to $750 billion or $800 billion. let's just say the money we
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haven't paid out yet. that's never going to come back to us, right? >> no. eric: why not? >> because they're not going to stop spending. if we don't spend it on this, we're going to spend it on something else, either new phony stimulus stuff or on all the pork packed into things like cap and trade. we will spend it on the green jobs and solar panels an magical smurfs they are going to make cars run on. eric: what could they do with that? i was being fairly facetious because i don't think they would send every family $8, 500, but they could buy back debt from china, right? >> they could just not spend it and let it stay on the books and not drive ourselves antics tra 70% of a trillion into debt. you are talking almost a trillion on these. we never talked about trillions. it wasn't until the middle 80's before the entire federal government was a trillion. eric: what does barney frank want to do with the money that came back from tarp, $72
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billion so far? >> he hasn't announced any specific plans for that money. the democrats have a number of things that they would like to fund right now. one is extending unemployment benefits as long as the recession is going on, things along those lines but generally they just want to spend it on the same old stuff they always spend it on. eric: i remember him saying he wants to use that money to help home owners who couldn't afford mortgages, right? >> there are a couple of programs that people have kicked around some ideas for down payment assistance, and other sorts of subsidies for people who want to buy houses. that worked so well the last time around. you eric: this is an old newspaper quoting barney frank from 2003 saying i want to roll the dice more on the situation towards sub subsidized housing. he was at ground zero for pushing the mortgages out there that ended up being subprime that turned into the financial crisis. >> he rolled the dice and
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didn't know what he was betting. we were betting a couple trillion dollars which will end up being the real cost of the crisis in terms of what we spent in lost ref news, recession & the rest of it. when you roll the dice, you have to know what you are breting first. clearly he had no idea. eric: ken, thank you very much. you're the feature of the cover story this week, right? >> yeah. eric: ken williamson, deputy editor of "national review." ok. cash for clunkers just got $2 billion refueling. that will help get the gas guzzlers off the road, right?
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in the editorial meeting, i'm like, you know, i got just the guy for you. kenny, what is going on with the program? i have seen you talk about the fraud and misrepresentation that could go on where people turn in their car. they get the $4,500 bucks but that car, unless i'm mistaken, is supposed to be crushed, demolished and gotten rid of, but they're turning up elsewhere, right? >> yeah, yeah. it appears that way. they're supposed to be disabled and sold -- or crushed and sold to a scrap yard. what is happen something there is a little known loophole where the dealer is allowed to sell the car out of the back to a wholesaler. what the wholesaler is, he is in the business to buy the cars from the dealer and send them to the auction and resell them. it looks like that is happening. you will see your car back on the street and maybe you can repurchase it. we don't know exactly what is going to happen but it is lies by omission by the administration. let's put it that way. eric: is it a loophole? i think i read somewhere that the industry is filled with
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thieves an scoundrels. are they doing anything wrong? >> well, you know, it's hard to say. it's a big program. with big programs, there is always going to be some seepage, if you want to call it that. i think there is a good chance. i think we know for sure that after the new car comes into the new car showroom, it is taken to the back and supposed to be crushed. there are a lot of hands that are going to touch this car between the time it comes in as a trade and the time it gets to the scrap yard to be destroyed. there is also a situation i'm hearing about, as i said, talking to my connections where they're telling me that the dealers selling the cars out of the back and there is a legal loophole to do that. if someone trades in a $5,000 car and the dealer is only going to get $3,500 from the government, the dealer is going to take it out an sell it for $5,000. they're not going to lose the profit. >> i want to talk about something else. here are things that people don't think about. what about the mech can ibs --
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the mech can mechanics and used car salesmen and people who sell tires, are they going to be driven out of business because of this program? >> the first thing that is going to happen is that there is the $3,500 to $4,500 price point for used cars. this price will go out f you take these cars out of the market and scrap them, the economy is an ecosystem, as you know. if you add a false something into the ecosystem, something will suffer down the road. we're convinced that these $3,500 to $4,500 price range, starter cars, the cars you buy four kid going to college, for first-time drivers or people that have to come in and do small financing to get on the road, these people's cars are going to go up in price, regardless of what you can say, that's got to happen. eric: what about poor people? let's say you can't make the payments even with your $4,500 off, what about those people? >> absolutely. this is who i'm speaking of. what about the guy who goes to the junk ward to -- junk yard
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to get parts for his car? the parts will go up because there will be less of them. they're scrapping them, if they're really doing it. i think this program is absolutely going to hurt the bottom end of the buying economy, if you would. there' no doubt. eric: kenny baird, thank you for joining us, president of u.s. autos limited. glenn interviews best-selling author christopher reic icic
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i will never recommend something that i don't think is a very good book. then i have somebody like chris reich on, and i say this is a fantastic book. i'm only halfway through it right now, but i tell you, chris reich, welcome to the program. this is a book -- i haven't read one like this. i don't even know the last time i did, where i have no idea how it is going to end and somebody told me, the ending will blow me away. >> i just try to write books that i love reading. those are fast-paced turners, set in the world of espionage. i have gotten to know a lot of people in the intelligence community over the last few years so they give me the insight of what is really going on and i try to put that in the book. glenn: if you have been seeing the show this week, you will see these baggy eyes because this has been keeping me up at night. i have been up to 1:45, i think last night or the night before, they're all running together, reading this, because i couldn't put it down.
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just great, great stuff. i noticed that you put at the beginning, you have -- your dedication to james sloane. who is james sloane? >> jim sloane is a close personal friend or was. he recently passed away from a.l.s. lugar ig's disease. he was a servant with the f.b.i. and the coast guard. i wanted to pay attention to the fine service he gave to this country and this disease he just passed away from. glenn: i'm not sure who the good guys and bad guys in this book. i'm halfway through. there is one central character, a female, that i don't know if i buy the story yet, and she is -- how would you describe her? >> her name is emma ramson and she is an american spy, but the question is she working for america or another country, and and is she good or
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bad? it is very compelling. glenn: i find out, right? >> you do find out. glenn: good. have you read those books where you're like, they leave you like, no, wait, wait! >> that's not my idea of a good book. i hope it will be to your satisfaction of what she is really up to. glenn: there is always a book every summer that you want to read and you will remember the summer because it was, oh, that was the summer, i think it was like three years ago, my daughters were like, dad, you got to read it, and i read twilight against my will. i loved it. it was the summer i read "twilight." this was the summer i read "rules of vengeance." unless the ending stinks. the story line is basically in a nutshell what? >> an american doctor who works with doctors without borders and he discovers his wife is not who she said she was. she is actually a spy working
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for this intelligence agency and she drags him into a plot involving a car bombing of a russian diplomat, and he is accused of having bombed this motorcade. so to save himself and to save his wife, he has to discover who was behind this car bombing. glenn: really good stuff. i notice a theme in a lot of fiction books out right now, and that is "i looked in putin's eyes and he wasn't a good man." russia is not a friend. russia is not a friend. >> russia is not a friend. we certainly can't believe they are. they are still the evil empire. they are certainly the great black bear over there keeping their eyes on us. the one thing you have to keep in mind about russia, they, at all costs want to see america fail. anything to destablize america. glenn: why do you say that? like china, i don't believe that in china. i don't believe that china is a friend of ours, but they like stable worlds. why would russia -- why can you say with such confidence? >> putin wants to bolster his
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position and his strength in the country, and to do that, he needs to create a strong enemy to unify his country, ok, against, and so he portrays america as doing everything to hurt russia, and you were talking about that, so anything he can do to make himself look stronger in his peoples's eyes is the main thing and the main thing he can do is to make america look weak. glenn: christopher reich, the name of the book is "rules of vengeance." grabbbbbbbb
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glenn: done screw with me norman. do you recognize her face, america? how are you? >> i'm doing well. >> hi, glenn, how are you? >> very good. >> glenn beck, love it or hate it, you just can't miss it. >> it's about time you classed up this place a little bit. eric: stay in touch with the program by signing up for glenn's free e-mail news letter a at for his latest news on his radio show, t.v. programs an books. check it out. thanks for watching. dplerch is back monday. thanks for letting me sit in. i will see you tomorrow at noon eastern, and also on fox business
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