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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  August 8, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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you have on other people. >> glenn: you can expect more from this show, yes, much more from this show. from new york, good knight,ant america. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] this is ciello drive wheres 40 years agorgeous the summer of evil began. began nestled high inles, hbenedict canyon, it has always been home to many of ce hollywood's a-list celebrities. it was august, 1969 during aurn blistering heat wave, close to, midnight when three women and man, all around 20 years old, a crept up the driveway behindld me, carrying ropes, knives and a gun.yingopes on the order of charles mansont they were there to unleash what
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son, hocking th helter skelter. two more brutale murders would take place the following nighte in less than 48 hoursht los angeles was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. this is the chilling story of what happened to a beautifulst young actress named sharon tate and six others at the hands of a twisted family of drug craze hippies. a story that has it all, sex'st is, drugs, rock and roll, movie stars and murder. muer >> we have a weird homicide.>> >> in a scene described by one >> investigators as reminiscent o a weird religion right, five aronsons including actress sharon tate were found dead at the home of tate and heran husband roman polansky. po >> there were two more murderso 15 miles away.
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market owner leo la bean carl cameron and his wife -- labianca were found murdered. >> it was a story on page one all over the country.e on it was shocking. i mean if you are not safe ina. your own home, when are you asafe?t >> when the tate la biancao killingsr happened, peopleiker started locking their doors. people stopped picking up hitch hikers.a: >> greta: a band of hippies lei my an aspiring musician namedaf charles manson were later -labested for the tate and la bianca murders.e ers the killers would prove to beh the death nell for the hippyukn movement.mind >> i never killed any one.
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i don't need to kill any one! i think it. i have it here! >> greta: the hippy dream of peace and love was very much allove in the spring of 1967. turned its back on straightb society, instead, embracing,ine longhair, drugs and free love. the helppy mecca. one of the thousands that pour into ash bury in search of bo aropia was an ex-connamed charles manson. the 5'2" manson never knew his father and had spent most of his life in prison. >> i have been with prostitutes and bums an and winos all my l
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the street is my world. >> when was released in march of 1967, a federal penetentiara off long beach, he was 31 years outage. 17 of the 32 years spent inl jails, reform aitorrys and prisons.ories and p if you look at the crimes he he committed, nonviolent. stealing from the m t forging the government's check, taking a woman athe state st border for prostitution purposes. his background certainly washi not thes bac portrait of what o would expect of a future mass murderrer. >> he got outer of jail when he ashbury was i blossom and flowr power was the word at the time. and he got out and went to theu hate and as he told it, i a young girl came by and handed him a flower and said love andr he thought gee, things have "ov changed while i have been thoug
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inside. ve> he said he couldn't have even imagined in his wildeste ' imagination this type of life up there.tion t >> he became kind of a. self-styled guru. most of the kids at the hatemoh were this their late teens and early 20s and he spoke to them in his line of metafiscal conand prison jargon and street rap.sde of. >> you got a circle, man, that man lives inside of. c he is responsible for this circle and this circle only. ♪ don't do anything illegal t >> he could sit down with a guitar in front of people andod he could sing about the flies buzzing around the set or theg shirt he had on.nd >> this was very impress tiv these young kids and before you know it, they were following him. >> he began to collect young yo people. >> school buses were popular
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with hippies and before long manson had one of them. >> he picked up youngsters.ers >> the lifestyle was sex, orgy and lsd trips.ams. the first girl who joined the family, mary bruner, had a degree from the university ofid wisconsin.uan >> also susan atkins from sane jose, california. he had a pension for nicknamesa and christened her made may gluts.lic and he >> her mother who she adored e ad died very young of cancer. >> she didn't get along withsaa her father. she met manson. >> greta: also onboard waspt 19-year-old patricia from los angeles. the girl manson nicknamed katie and once wanted to become aota nun. >> she was not a very wom attractive woman and he focused
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on her and took her in anothern room and told her to take off all her clothes and look in the mirror and she how beautifulsh she was. talk about telling people whatb they wanted to hear about themselves. she left her car there with her pay check in the glove compartment and never came back back. >> greta: the bus carrying cing manson and his minuteons ona what they call the magical ar mystery tour arrived in los angeles for an extended stay in 1968. they landed on the sunsete strip. >> it was the hub of what was going on in the rock musicsi business in the late '60s. it was the beginning of ev everything. the go-go and the various club that came to symbolize the era and everybody was making it inr the rock music business at that point and manson got the idea in that he, too, could make it ini the rock music business. >> charlie, if he was serious about anything, it was heus ou ythilly wanted to perform and be in the music business. bin t
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>> greta: it was a chancegretaa meeting with rock royalty that got manson closer to the heat. as drummer for the beach boys, dennis wilson had it all, good it looks, hit records and fast cars.ast rs. while cruising aroundro los angeles he would often picn up hitch hikers, sometimes bringing them back to miss mansion -- at his mansion ato 14400 wilson >> he picked up two members of the manson family and brought them back to his residence on sunset boulevard.. >> dennis wilson. had sex with us.hem gone away and came back andme c found his house overflowing his with members of the manson family including charlie. >> he called me and said hey, you got to come down here ande. gihere is this guy and all the girls and i said it is late at night.ys you got to, you got to listen to this guy. anyway, i got nye clothes on and i came down and that waslon the first time i met charlie.
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met re were a lot of girls and some guys and everybody was partying and it was at night. it was fun. >> greta: one of those other men was 22-year-old charles tex watson. tsonormer wig salesman, he had picked up a hitch chinese h governmenting dennis wilson --. hitching dennis wilson.nsio watson came face to face with his future, charles watson. >> watson didn't have the havee longhair and gruffy work, youh would confuse him as ahim freshman -- people could confuse him as a freshman from cornel university. from farmersville, texas, aaveg average in high school. football, basketball, track>> e star. >> nice guy.i ever texasmet accent. drove a beautiful old semimet. restored pickup truck and was just a sweet heart. ansted to smoke we'd and just was always out for a good time and party with the girls and go swimming. >> with the family,. life with the beach boy was pretty good
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but they were beginning to wean out their welcome.s >> manson was also hitting wilson for money. they appropriated his wardrobe and did a lot of damage to the they d. theid gonorrhea bill the docto says it was the highest>> gonorrhea bill in hollywood history.w pay >> dennis was paying for everything and charlie and thed girls would stay there and the didn't leave. i know it started to get old and ultimately he had to get out of there.u'l >> greta: now, you will hearar how man san cleared the danceis floor at the sunset strip whiskey ago go from a man who was there. so what do you think? i think i'll go with the basic package. good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. this is my verizon small business specialist, tom. now, i know the catering business
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if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain, or severe or continuing heartburn. these may be signs of serious upper-digestive problems. promptly tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint, or muscle pain, or if you develop dental problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. call now for a free trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and help reverse bone loss. >> greta: in march of 1967, the same month that charles manson was released from prison, a beautiful 24-year-old actress
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named sharon tate began filmini her fourth film "valley of thel dolls." >> yes, i'll accept a call. hello, mother. >> tate had small roles in television shows like mr. ed h and the beverly hill billies of before starting in the 1966 eye of the devil. >> she was a so-so actress. at she wasn't anything particularly special. part she was stunningly beautiful.i. >> sharon was aware of the facx that she was extremely beautiful but she didn't act as if she had an edge on anybody because of that physical beauty. she was just a regular person. and that made her even moree attractive, if that's possible b>> greta: while filming eye of the devil sharon met and began dating german film directorm
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roman polansky. he was known for his dark andte sinister films. >> made him sort of an international superstart, sort of the next big director and there was a lot of buzz about athe t the time he met sharon. >> greta: shay ron hadgr a remain -- sharon had remainedlb friends with her hollywoodrsty >> i made up my mind i would dp all that i could to elevate the profession. >> i'm absolutely positive that sharon was jays with one true once love.hawa once sharon metro man, that it was, there would never beoman another chance.o >> i think they were a fabulous match.>> i t they roman is a very interesting person. he is one of the most brillian people i have known.ttled >> greta: they settled inere p los angeles where polansky
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dire began work on his next film. released in june of 1968, rosemary's baby was a critical, and financial >> and really catapulted roman to sort of the top of ranks ofe directors around the world and at that time being married to sharon, they sort of becameg mr thisri very glamour us and very mod couple. >> they were very, veryry charming. very emblematic of the new hollywood. >> roman polan ski and sharontw kell in way with hollywood and the stars and kind of moviesre they were making. >> hi, sorry, i didn't see you come in. >> how do you feel about doing nude scenes in a film? i >> well, i -- i feel that iff
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it's a real thing, an honestd thing and if it is something where you are stripped naked that you would be doing naturally, making love, i could imagine, taking a bath, young know, that is lovely. you kn >> gosh, she was so cute.ut >> greta: while tate and polansky were leading the highh life in it hollywood, beach boy dennis wilson decided to flee the home to get rid of the manson family.the >> he said can you get me outoh of there, move me. i found another house down atal beach and literally moved out. that was the only way to get f. rid of the family. t >> after the family left the wilson residence they moved to spawn ranch.vy >> greta: located in chatsville california, shawn's movie ranch was owned by 80-year-old georgp
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spawn.e used as a western movie set inn the '40s and '50s, it was a far cry from sun sit boulevardn >> it was dusty and dirty andde lacked the amenities.g >> greg jacobson used to visita out the at ranch. for the 20 or so members of the family the mood was gettingark darker. te, ch >> one time charlie was foolinw around at a gun and point the the me and said what would you do if i pull the trigger and i said well, i guess i would be r dead.then cha and that was the end of it. if i said ooh, put that down, he would love it, he would ld continue on with the kit. it was always a kit with charlie. >> despite no longer livingis together, dennis wilson wasoet still trying to get manson area record deal.ed he persuaded a friend whopr worked with bands like paulcer revere and the raiders toeds a audition manson.r melcher, the son of actress
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doris day lived with candice bergeron in a house they rented at 10,050. >> he found his lifestyle musi interesting and the girls ands bus and the ranch. >> greta: greg jacobson will never forget the night he accompanied manson to the whiskey ago go on sunset.ny >> charlie away from the booth and the next thing we knew th r. ere was something happening on the dance floor and it wasif charlie on the dance floor andr ba, cle were literally moving back, clearing the dance floor. for charlie.s if tr it was as if electricity were,f coming out of his hair or his head and people were dumb struck, it was a speck thata: cal. >> greta: dennis wilson managed to arrangeelped some recording on sessions for manson."c t one of the songs recorded was
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this tune "cease to exist." >> greta: this is the beach bo version. y l ♪ dennis changed the phrase ceasn to exist to cease to resist when and the beach boyso r recorded the song in september of 1968, now called "never learn not to love." although credited to dennisns wilson manson still got paid when the song was included on the 1969 album 2020. but the lyric change infuriated him. >> i think he became farefu and fearful of manson after he sawg the side where he got angry about the changing of lyrics. he was an angry young man. >> greta: charles manson thinks the beatles are speakinga
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directly to him on their white album and seven people end up dead ♪ when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr.
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when you're ready to ship, we'll even pick them up for free, no matter how many you have. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. call or go online now to get started. >> greta: in the fall of 1968ao the beatles released what is known as the white album, featuring revolution, pick eas and helter skelter. sp ocharlie thought the beatles were prophecying him personally. >> greta: for years manson rantedno about a looming race now, it had a name, helter skelter.t he lto manson, it referred to the last final destructive war on the the face of the earth among men. he called it helter skelter. >> charlie believed it would be
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a revolution and the black against the white.r >> he told his family look, thh blacks would win the war buthi blackies only know what whiteys tell them to do so they wouldrh turn power over to the people s that survived the heltera skelter. >> he said the only hope of mi survival was hear in death valley. temperatures regularly soared 5 to 150 degrees in summer. it was in this surreal landscape that manson claimedud they would find a bottomless>>w pit. charl >> somehow, some way, he waser convinced that they would find this gateway or hole in the ground and it would be some kind of paradise. >> greta: manson convincedat " followers that helter skelter was coming down fast. manson's control over theome m family had become mindthe boggling. d >> he was the dictateoral ruler
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of the family. >> greta: countless lsd trips combined with manson's teachin convinced the family membersnvc that manson was the second that coming of christ. >> he controlled them with drugs.>> he controlled them with group sex. >> he had all c these kids andl couples having sex and then on a given month he would sayg ex change partners. >> he was a master of making people follow >> he is ad sai say sadie not argentina and get a coconut for him.nufor hi >> one person m.not as eager ws record producer charlie cod o is icher. >> he started counting on him that terry is going to get him into the music business. crl terry appreciated charlie fora what as he was, but not aoldpee
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musician. he said got some talent,lbut charlie, and there is nothing chan do for you. and charlie was bitter about that. >> that undoubtedly increased>k manson's view toward the establishment. >> i think he felt abandoned,s something he lived with his life so he was backing more and more depressive. >> the new tenants, roman polansky and a now pregnantront sharon tate. they moved in in the spring of 1969 before taking off tofore europe to work on separate fil projects.he >> her departure was very rushed.ure it was chaos knowing that by the time she got back home it would be just prior to heriw delivery.just >> in the summer of 1969, sharon finished filming what was to be her last movie, 13
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chairs in rome and returned to1 the house in time to watch the moon landing on july 20thretu with her mother and her younger sisters.o to >> it was veryt hot. and she was extremely pregnanta and we all went into the maste bedroom and piled into the bedt and i was at her feet and we te watched the moon landing. and that was the last time that any of us saw her alive. >> greta: two consecutive consg nights shock the world, that next on summer of evil, theer manson murders. the manson murders. thank you so much. constipation's uncomfortable enough,
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this is america's news headquarters. i'm lauren sivan. we have the latest now on that mid air collision. it happened here in new york earlier today. at least nine people are presumed dead after a small plane and a sight seeing helicopter collided over the hudson river. the ntsb tonight updating the search and recovery efforts. >> three victims have been recovered. dive operations have been suspended for the evening. and they will resume at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. they have located the helicopter. it has been marked with buoys and the site has been secured by the coast guard and local authorities who will be there throughout the evening.
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>> the helicopter was carrying five tourists, there were three people onboard the plane. the wreckage of the chopper has been located. i'm lauren we now head back to "summer of evil." eta:greta: friday, august 8th, 1969.a film director roman polanski was in london working on theh day of the dolphin.he five thousand miles away awelte sweltering los angeles was blanketed by a brutal heat wave. at their benedict canon home,t sharon tate was counting the days until the birth of their. baby. >> august 8th i was supposed to go up there.. she was so miserable a thet lalastst stages of her pregnany and says can we do it another time and i says absolutely.gras
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>> greta: sharon did haveany g company, her friend jay see bring was a regular visitor and had two house guests staying he with her while roman was away.g aby gail followinger and her boyfriend, a long time friendti of polansky. sharon and abbeyir game and jay went out to dinner gr that night.mhe >> glenn: the four came here to the restaurant. unbenorthwesterned to them,the this would be their last meal. >> left a little after 10:00,ac 10:30. got back to ciello. >> greta: meanwhile, a sinister plan being hatched. >> he said we can ignite heltet skelter and start the war between blacks and whites. committed the murdersp ourselves. to p>> manson told watson to go u to the house and kill everybod there.drivd kill eve >> why that house?
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>> the house was a symbol. it didn't matter who lived there. it was striking out at something that melcher had been attached to. the. >> he knew that melcher was non longer living there., >> glenn: he remained behind ah they drove off in a ranch hand ms missio n joining them on the mission or murder was a recent addition to the family, 19-year-old linda kasabian. >> she was a runaway.asabian she had left home and was traveling around the country and wound up at the manson ranch. >> and susan atkins and myself d gettetting ready to leave and charlie came out and said ad something like oh, you girls, leave a sign, you know what i leav mean, something witchy. >> greta: in her only television interview in 40
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years, lin is a told fox television steve don dunleavy n 1988 about the savegery.. >> he had rope and wire cutt canners and we got there and hd climbed up the telephone polegt and cut the wires and we started going around the embankment. and after we all got over to the other side a car startedo coming towards us. >> a parent who had been visiting the care taker started driving the car toward then ter gate. must have been terrified out of clis mind to see the people climbing over the gate at midn midnight and pulled the car tot a stop and said i won't say anything, don't hurt me.ivery >> a delivery boy, 18-year-old steven parent just graduatedd o from high school. >> watson shot him four times, two times in the face and a couple of times in the chest, killing on the
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>> greta: in the house on the hill, nobody had heard a thingg >> abigail was reading a book and voitek napped out on the couch in the living room. sharon was in the bedroomco talking.e house. >> the three of them continued on to the house.wn >> they went into the house and rounded up sharon and jay,d ha abigail followinger from her bedroom and when tex watson entered the living room, voite? was asleep and he said who are you. watson said i'm the devil. >> when tried to stop tex watson fromman handling a pregnant sharon he shot him. voitek managed to get to therc door as susan slashed his legs with a knife and tex hit him
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with the gun. >> i started walking towards the house and the next thing i know a man comes stumbling outt of the house covered in blood e nd falls down and tex starts stabbing him. --> do you remember what started going through your mind? >> i remember looking up towaro the sky and realizeing that charlie was definitely the devil. >> greta: having been stabbed y 51 sometimes, bludgeoned with a time gun 13 times and shot twice.wie >> and in the background i see a white figure of a lady in a nightgown and patricia is on here stabbing her. >> abigail died after being stabbed 28 times by patricia and tex. and the killers then turned their attention to a terrifiefied sa sharon tate.t >> she was the last to die.e lt
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she was left alone, begging, pleading, crying for the life of her life and the life of her unborn child. susan atkins told sharon, look, bitch, i don't have any mercy on you, you're going to die. fo >> tate was stabbed 19 times i the back.'b susan atkins used sharon tate's blood to scrawl the word pig on the front door. r >> i lived at 10090 ciello drive. >> greta: then 15 years old,en jim was warming up the family car when the horrified made came running down the street. >> just screaming when she first came down to make the phone call down to west l.a. >> it was almost unbelievable because it was more like aauoue slaughterhouse.t h
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>> greta: in a 190 interview, wa the lieutenant recalled the search for a mot1ive. >> we started turning up smalld antidings of narcotics, maybe cocaine so immediately you connection.nnec >> 16-year-old debra kate was in the shower that morning when her mother rushed into the bathroom. >> mother flung the shower door open and said sharon's dead. i was fighting for the showerde door back and what are you talking a bout and she collapsed. >> greta: that morning the police took into custodyollapse only survivo survivor on the po the care taker, 19-year-old william garrettson. >> he was the chief suspect. >> he wasn't really the chiefh suspect. chief there wassent no blood in his quarters. who serve did it had to be covered with blood themselves.h >> greta: as the lapd scoured for clues, manson decided theru would be another night ofd be o murder.night ofrd this time, he went aloerng..wel behind this home on waiverlyhoe
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drive 20 miles from thehe slaur slaughter, the manson family struck again, butchering beanok and rose la bianca.even >> they stopped in front of tho home of leno and rose labeen t bianca. they had been in theore, neighborhood before. >> 44-year-old leno was thefay head of gateway markets, a small supermarket chain. leno and his wife rosemary just returned from a weekend ofa boating when manson slipped into their home. >> he convinced leno that if ho cooperated no harm would comete to him, tied his hands behind his back with his leatheriedh thongs and then came back to the car and sent his killers in there. >> greta: this time, watson and cren wrinkle were joined byin lesscy van how ton from>> monrovia, california.
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th> she had been a home coming queen in her hometown but fellt in with a man who brought her to drugs and brought her to thn ranch. tim >> greta: leno was stabbed 14 times with a knife. the knife was jabbed into hisan throat. the word "war" had been carvead inside his stomach. rosemary was stabbed 41 times.. death to pigs, rise and a misspelled healt y, helter skelter. >> my initial feeling was that it was a copy cat murder, there is just no way of connecting the people. they didn't run in the sameect circles, don't know each other. >> greta: on august 10th,a: oau dr. thomas nagucci and his staff conducted autopsys.opsie
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>> the only time in my career kedat i walked out of an autopsy was when the doctor cut sharone tate's stomach open to remove that baby. i just had chills coming down i my spine. i just turned around and walke out. >> reporter: a jailhouse confession breaks the tate la bianca murder investigation wide open, when "summer of♪ nll evil" returns. ♪ hello hello hello can anybody hear me? ♪ ♪ i know i know i know i shoulda gone to ♪ ♪ free credit report dot com! ♪ that's where i shoulda gone! coulda got my knowledge on! ♪ ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage.
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motive, the murders had the city of los angeles paralyzed s with fear. >> it was like los angeles was having a nervous breakdown.t ce >> reporter: deputies came looking for charles manson but it had nothing to do withpropey murder. >> the property other ors wners around the ranch were complai complaining about the hippy type people driving their dunei buggies on the other ranch's private property. 102 deputy sheriffs completely surrounded thehis r. ranch.a >> reporter: the raid netted a olen huge stockpile of firearms and stolen vehicles.eo >> i'm sure they felt they were being arrested for murder. >> greta: more than 20 people were arrested but the family's leader was no where to beng found. one >> manson was hiding under one of the buildings on thehe refused y and refused to come out and was eventually forcefully removed. n >> greta: when the district attorney decided there wasn't
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ou enough evidence to prosecute, the group was released from the county jail. manson decide that staying there was getting too businessl >> he talked about going intor. business and i said that is a -- out to the desert and i said that is a good idea, go to death valley. >> getting here wasn't easy. it was difficult, verywas difficult. they showed up with this bus, but was a miracle that they got the bus up here. >> greta: the family moved here to barker ranch, built in the 1930's, it is located in it extremely rugged and decemberoa late area of death valley. you are look at the last footage of the ranch shot by fox news before it was gutted by a suspicious fire in may of 2009. his prospecting partner iss try pictured here with manson. >> he was trying to talkeryfa
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religion.on's >> the manson family wasre splintering.lia a few days after the murders. linda fled the ranch andded returned home to new hampshire. tex watson decided to bolt and headed back to texas. t t i tex was the only one thha was ever suspicious of at that time. he utcher boy.rew >> greta: other members of the family remained with manson ate ranch.nson >> it was much like living at h spawn ranch but it was darkere. and you could feel the tension. >> raising through the decemberer in the stolen duning but itgies, manson creamed of recreating the days of rame and the desert core.cop a highway patrolman began toaml take a closer look at the familiar. >> i our interest in the group was a group of hippies and a stolen car ring. we had no knowledge that this was a group from the los angeles crimes.los
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>> the two made a visit toll barker ranch where they encountered a group of scruffy young women. >> the manner of dress ranged from totally nude to totallyere clothed. thesq gyood later identified as squeaky palm told us they were girl scouts from the bay a sre >> began hearing wild tales of drug use, sex orgies around alluder who thought he was jesus christ. it was confirm that the group was in possession of stolenn t vehicles. et iwe hike into the barker ranch area and took upas positions around the cabin waiting for everybody to get in place. >> greta: 17 family members were arrested but manson was ns where in sight. two days later, he was spotted entering the cabin. >> i went to the backdoor of the cabin, shove id the door we open. i could see s cain andoe in the room.or o i directed each out.
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>> greta: once again, theeta: a 5'2" manson seem to have vanished. he searched the tiny bathroom. >> there was a sink, a tiny cu board beneath it.s longhair was hanging out and this figure emerged from this tiny cub board andim i asked hm who he was and he said charless manson. >> charlie was booked in as manson, charlie m, a.k.k. jesus christ, a.k.a. god. her on >> greta: it was right here onf this corner where the manson girls put on a show during the ads an trial. o han coming up. (announcer) some people don't just work.
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they work to make a difference. to make an impact. to improve the lives of others. they're people in positions of great power. the power to effect change. for them, career advancement is a goal. but not the only goal. for them, it's not about the money. although money is always nice. it's not about a corner office. it's about a greater good. there's a school for people like this. an online university where advanced degrees
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greta: november, 1969.
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>> greta: november, 1696.were held for -- 1969. h charles manson and the family were slowly being tied to ane f string of murders.ia bootsinger started talkingi about susan atkins being a kile can. the strip, musician gary kinman who had been stabbed to death two weeks before the tate/la bianca murders. suddenly, amping came crashingw down.ol >> she told these two coinmates of hers that the family wastata responsible for the kate-la bianca murders. one of the girls called the a lapd with a dime on the payone. it broke the case. >> the persons for whome n warrants have been issued are charles d. watson.paicia patricia crem wrinkle and chanda casabian. >> they were charged five counts of -- they were charged it
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ewith murder. >> they were kids from average homes. >> hippies up to that pointmmt were never r never associated a:ith violence and murder. >> i'm not committed to nonviolence in any way.b >> greta: the killings didn't rich pigtice by bernadorn. weatherman's mark ride said the group adopted a four finger fork salute. 24 july, 1970, all four went on trial at the hall of justice in downtown l.a. >> the problem was that manson was not physically at the murder scene participating in the murders and the two main pieces of evidence that i usedi to connect manson with the thad murders were motive and his domination over his >> back in texas, tex watson awas still fighting extradition to california. in l.a., a a cleaned up linda l became the star witness for thi
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prosecution. >> i would like to see them ssall on their knees on beg for forgive glance because she was so neces,ssary as a witness,mmt casabian was given evo immunity.yo as eve every prosecutor says yr don't mind witnesses to a murder from hell.ita >> manson jumped with a pencil in his hand and screamed at th judge, someone should cut yourn head off, old man. date the women, they did whatever he told them to do. >> they carved xs in their foreheads. manson later changed his into . in swastika. when shaved his head, the girl did, too. outside the courthouse, the circ circus never ended. the girls staged their call fon freedom. ericthey were like creatures from outer space to the majority of americans.t a >> what i remember most is hisp
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eyes. he was staring at me as i gr naestified. dark, piercing, evil eyes. >> rumors ran child when lesscr van houghton's lawyer disappears. >> hughes goes up to work onthc his argument and when the cour reconvenes, hughes does not show up.i >> my god, i just wonder theyon family of hue. >> what what anybody could discern, a flash flood claim1, along and washed him away. to >> in january of 1971 it took the jury seven days to reach a verdict. be the jury could only come to one verdict,lief guilty.ict, ul >> each defendant was convictev of every count to which theyetu arche charged jet the four were sentenced to death. in october, tex watson was als convicted and sentenced to an death. >> next year, 1972, the california and u.s. supremecour court ruled that the deathea naltalty was unconstitutional
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and everyone on death row in the country, the death penalty tenses were reduced to life inn prison. >> i don't harbor hate for them.em. i wish them the best within aol controlled environment situation.eta: >> greta: manson member charged with trying to assassinatethan0 gerald ford in 1935. she is set for parole nextnext week. w after 40 years, the public's fascination with the manson wane.has yet to >> you think how could this have happened.el >> unbelievable. >> goes beyond the weirdestth concepts of sick fiction. >> the story is just too faroof out.out. >> greta: stay tuned for more "summer of evil: the manson murders ." now, i know the catering business but when i walked in here i wasn't sure what i needed.
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call now for a free trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and help reverse bone loss. greta: 40 years have passed since the utter madness that was "helter skelter" was unleashed. the image of young, wide-eyed glaring charles manson remains an iconic symbol of evil. but the most recent prison photo of 74-year-old charles manson says it all. he


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