tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News August 10, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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greta: are these people on your screen un-american for protesting the health-care plan? house speaker nancy pelosi and majority leader harry reid said yes. rush limbaugh does not like it. you will hear when you're an years what rush limbaugh thinks about these un-american comments. -- you will here with your own years -- hear with your own ears. this is a bombshell. olivia newton-john's ex-
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boyfriend thought to be dead for years. first, protestors were called angry mobs, and now "and american." in a "usa today" op-ed, it is written -- and now "un-american ." >> to disrupt public meetings and members of congress from conducting a civil dialogue. these interruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views of the facts themselves, drowning out opposing views. simply an american. so -- simply un-american. so are they? >> we are not going to do anything. >> why do you not go home?
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>> how dare you. how dare you think that i am part of a conspiracy. how dare you! >> something that was brought up in the early 1930's in germany. >> i hope in a civilized manner without yelling -- >> to eliminate discrimination. [yelling] >> the constitution -- greta: are fox reporter is live at a town hall held by ben cardin in maryland -- our fox
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reporter. >> let me tell you. the crowd was both outside and inside a heavily slanted against president obama and the congress' health care legislation. you had protesters, about 1000 or so, 6-1, 5-1. they were shouting at each other across the street. it was an amazing thing. i did not feel that2rjtk was being bused in. people were certainly against it. the scene inside the same thing. senator cardin got a bit of a shock when the majority of allegis -- people in the room where against the legislation. we thought they would be heavily pro obama, heavily pro it, and it was not the case at all. certainly a lot of tough questions hammering senator
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carden. -- cardin. there was this "usa today" article, but let us give a look at what went down. -- get a look at what went down. >> america cannot be silent. >> we cannot have this in america. this is not a we stand for. this is not what we are. >> -- this is not what we stand for. >> what do we what? health care. when do we want it? now. >> what is your message today? >> everyone deserves the right to have health care. >> we definitely need health-
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care reform. >> we need to look into the real problems that people have with their health care when they lose their jobs. then they would see that what we have now is not working. >> we are now ready for questions from the audience. >> the president is saying about people who make $250,000. are you kidding me? seriously? >> mr. cardin, we are so far removed from the philosophy of the founding fathers that if they were here today, we would be talking about one thing, and that is out to get the government out of health care. -- how to the government out of health care. >> greta, that is just a snippet. passions are rising. that was certainly the case here in towson.
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i asked senator cardin after the meeting if he was surprised, and he said, "i knew i was going to get tough questions. i had no idea it would be like that." but he is going to have another town hall meeting on wednesday. greta: it is interesting because senator cardin is very low-key, very well liked in maryland, and it is interesting, watching the passion of the people, giving him the tough questions, which is so unlike what you would see theire. >> senator cardin did a very good job handling the passions of the crowd. at one time, they were booing, trying to take over, and he was pushing back when he won is to make a point, and it did not get out of control -- when he wanted to make a point. dealing with a passionate people feel. mainly, they were upset about the government intrusion. that is what most of the
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questions were about. talking about the fanning fathers. greta: thank you -- talking about the founding fathers. a congressman joins us live. congressman, i am sure you have read the op-ed piece in "usa today," where the speaker and steny hoyer referred to some of the protesters as a "un- american -- as "un-american." >> the meeting that we had could have that more discourse. -- we could have had more discourse. i think we got across the fact that some of the myths about were being out there were indeed minutes, and we let the health- care professionals on both sides talk, and i think that is helpful to the discussion -- were being out there were indeed myths. greta: there are a lot of people
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have gone to town hall meetings. disavowing that term for people to our past and it -- who are passionate and going to these town hall meetings? >> well, i think an american goes back to joe mccarthy and accusing people -- i think un- american goes back to joe mccarthy. they were indeed americans that came to my meeting. they had a right to express themselves. i wished that we would have had a little bit more opportunity to discuss things before they started to boom, but they're all kinds of performance art -- before they started to boo boo -- to boo, and i think it was a good discourse. greta: the people at your town hall meeting, where the citizens to challenge you? or< did it seem that it was st of organized -- where they
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citizens to challenge to prove -- were the citizens to challenge you? >> they were not necessarily representative of the ninth district. my district is 62% african- american, and i would say that at this particular activity, it was 5% to 10% african-american. there was an activist who circulated petitions on the email to encourage people to come and to be concerned about some of the myths, some of the ideas that congress had acted out, which is not true, that abortion was part of this, which is not true, that seniors would be hurt by the diminution of health care, which is not true, that there would be euthanasia, which is not true, but that is what they wanted to cheer and cheer about. -- cheer and jeer about.
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greta: is it clear to you, or are you understand -- or do you understand what people would be upset with the bill? people who have gone through it? >> well, all legislation is difficult. i have been in office for over 30 years, and legislation amends certain sections that has a certain code numbers and technical burbidge, and so, it is difficult to understand, -- and technical burbidge -- verbage. there is the to give people the truth about the bill. greta: smart people can write stuff for the rest of us to understand it, and if it is so complicated, the people down the road are going to have to implement it, and they are not going to get it right unless you guys write a bill that is very
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plain and easy for us to understand. i actually believe you can if you want to. >> well, greta, you might. but if you do not make it simple enough, that is where the courts come in, and if you do not get the words to be precise and specific and based on president and refer to code sections that exist now, that the courts will get involved, and you never know what the courts will do -- words to be precise and specific and based on precedent. greta: up next, were rush limbaugh about nancy pelosi and harry reid. -- up next, rush limbaugh. and taking massive heat for something he just did, bill o'reilly, but get ready, because bill is digging in his heels, and he is ready to fight.
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greta: the war over health care just got pushed up. nancy pelosi and steny hoyer. they are saying that some of the protests at recent town halls are un-american. what does rush limbaugh think? >> they have an op-ed in "usa today," in which they refer that un-american attacks cannot derail the health-care debate. those of you showing up to the debates, nancy pelosi first call view "nazis," and now they have said that you are "on american
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-- unamerican." greta: senator rick santorum joins us. i bet they can pull those words back. >> yes, there was the offhand remark by the speaker, and that is one thing. that is bad. that is horrible. but this was a vetted up and down the line. this is what they think. -- this was vetted up and down the line. they wrote an op-ed, and they called the american public showing up at these town meetings un-american, and you want to talk about putting gasoline on a fire. they're going to guarantee that this thing is going to be hot to drop their rest of august. -- throughout the rest of august. greta: frankly, she did not use that were. that is the problem, and it is probably true of others, and maybe many members of congress and others protested when they
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felt passionate and strongly about things, said to come at now and say -- is just a terrible choice of words -- so to come out now and say that -- it is just a terrible choice of words. >> not only steny hoyer and nancy pelosi, but the deputy chief of staff right under rahm emanuel, he is the one who was quoted as saying last week, "we are going to hit back twice as hard." there was the 2005 social security debacle, if you will, when george bush said we were going to go out and try to reform social security. he was the guy who was coordinating the opposition and got the service employees union out to my town hall meeting where we had to napoli's to make sure that these folks who were very threatening -- we had our town hall meeting, and we had to have the police out to make sure that these folks who were threatening -- one person had to be taken out of the room, so this is not new tactics for
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them. they are just not used to ordinary americans getting just as upset, only this time, it is real as opposed to being paid to do that. greta: i would like to hear the president to say something about this, because, remember, he was a community activist. people coming forward and may not have a voice to come forward and speak as a group, and senior citizens, the weber was speaking -- i am not talking about somebody who may be busted. -- whoever was speaking. "i want to understand it. i really worry about my health care. i want to see the president's support my right to speak appier " if yelling, so be it. -- i want to see the president's support my right to speak." -- the president support it. >> i heard them talk about that abortion is not in here and that all these things are lies.
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he is just not telling the truth. we need to confront them ensure that the sections and tell them exactly what we now know to be the case which we need to confront them and show them the sections. -- we need to confront them and show them the sections and tell them exactly what we now know to be the case. we need to confront them. greta: i do not know why this bill has to be so complex that you cannot pick it up and understand it. i think that is a disaster. if it is complicated and convoluted, the minute they try to implement it at a health center or some doctor's office, there is going to be hell to pay, so they have to make one that we can understand so that we can fairly debated. you agree with me go? -- fairly debate it. >> no, i agree with you, greta, but when you take on the massive job that they have of taking over the health-care system, it is not going to be simple.
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if you want to do health-care reform and do it piecemeal, you can do very simple bills that are understandable to the american public, but that is not what they want to do. greta: ok, senator, you got the last word. senator, thank you. up next, there is breaking news on capitol hill, and you can be about for this, because you just saved yourself if you hundred dollars million -- and you can take me bow for the -- take the bow for this. you just saved yourself a few hundred million dollars.
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greta: there is breaking news right here in washington. tonight, controversy exploded recently on capitol hill about a house plan to spend millions of dollars on eight gulfstream and boeing jets. now, you taxpayers were outraged about this, and you let your senators and congresspersons know about it, and guess what? many of them apparently heard about it. they were angry about the plan, and including a senator who went on the record earlier today. -- they were angry about the plan, including a senator. "the wall street journal" says the house has just scrapped that plan.
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they will buy one gulfstream plane and one boeing aircraft, -- and three boeing aircraft. the senator was fighting this one, and he was one of the senators who fought this expenditure, and u.s. banks are ready to cash in big time, not taking money from the government. guess who? their customers. u.s. banks will apparently collect $38.50 billion in overdraft fees this year. keep in mind, these are some of the very same banks that you just bailed out be joining us is steve moore, a senior economics writer for the "the wall street journal" editorial page. they are outraged. >> deservedly. members of congress were taking junket trips. and now they are," i had no idea." greta: -- and now, they are," i had no idea."
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-- they are, "i had no idea." >> $100,000 to go to antarctica to study global warming. ok, this is an amazing story. $38 billion in overdraft fees. the american people, we have got to be more financially literate. i mean, the way people -- the banks make money is when people bounced checks. people, do not bounce checks. -- when people bounce checks. it suggests to me that people are living from paycheck to paycheck, and in a lot of cases, they cannot make a living paycheck to paycheck. i think americans are -- and this is why it is so foolish to be raising the payroll tax, as the democrats want to do in the health-care bill. should the banks be charging lower fees?
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i do not know. greta: all right, here is mine rub. here is what i want to know -- here is my rub. we gave them a lot of money. are they paying the cinema on that money that we bailed them out with -- are they paying the same on that money? but the banks make huge amounts of money. -- >> the banks make huge amounts of money. greta: they want to take it from us on overdrafts. >> but, you know, the banks did not have to take the money in the first place if they did not want to. greta: that is worse. that is worse. >> i agree with you. i think maybe patients show -- i think maybe the banks should show a little of what the american people did. 60%, 7%, 80%. greta: on the overdrafts? --
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60%, 70%, 80%. >> at this point, greta, i would just be happy -- the banks still of the federal government over $500 billion. some of it has been paid back, but very little of it. greta: what a mess. the senator from rhode island was one of the senators. anyway, steve, thank you. up next, caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. bill o'reilly goes on the record. o'reilly says he is taking major heat for something he just did, but he is not backing down. plus, this is not a joke. apparently, former governor rod blagojevich is really stressed for cash, and we have the video to prove it. ú?ú?ú?ú?ccú?÷y÷y
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greta: do not adjust your television. we thought we would give you an early dose of "the o'reilly factor." earlier, the master of the no spin zone went on the record. all right, so you do a tv show. it is number one of all cable news. your best selling books have flooded the bookstores, but now, "parade" magazine. bill: we wrote an article for sunday entitled, "what kids can learn from president obama." some people do not like me saying anything positive about the president, and those that hate me do not like me saying anything, period.
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greta: so what is it you admire about the president? bill: the article was about children, not president obama. i took his biography, which i think is interesting to any fair minded person, had you get from a broken home with no data and a kind of wacky mother, that is quite a story -- how you get from a broken home with no debt -- dad. the best lesson is, of course, forgive, do not blame your parents, be consistent, and your dream can come true. you read the article, and you would think, "gee, that is a positive thing." all kids should read this article and get the point of view that you can do it, regardless of what you want that you can do. but, no, you get the ideologues in there, and it is kind of been pressing -- depressing, but i am glad i wrote the piece. greta: a broken home, that is
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common, and then you lay out these lessons, persistence, hard work, in america, everything is possible, and overcoming whatever sort of cultural mess we have got ourselves into. bill: i wanted people to clip the article and send it to people who may be having trouble. i think it is straight 40 and i hope that children read it. it is not for adults so much -- i think it is straightforward. i would say this to our conservative friends. on my own website,, there are some nasty things about me. what is the difference about bush haters, and we all criticized that, what the left did to president bush, what is the difference between haiti president bush and haden president obama? haden -- haden president bush and 18 president obama? -- hating president bush and
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hating president obama? hate is hate. i want to say what i like about president obama, and if you do not like it, tough. greta: nancy pelosi and steny hoyer saying it is un-american to participate in some of these town halls, and i guess they need to be boisterous. i am sure you are able to say something about this. >bill: i am overly a boisterous. -- overly boisterous. at this juncture, i think this is ridiculous. the president has not been able to explain it. i do not know what is going to happen. i do not think the president knows what is going to happen. it could very well bank of the united states, causing our dollar -- it could very well bankrupt the united states. look.
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nancy pelosi is a right ideologue. that is to the woman is. she is a far left person -- she is a rank ideologue. she does not care about opposing points of view. all she wants to do is impose her far left values from california on the country. obviously, people do not want that, and they are going to object to it, so nancy pelosi and her not liking the protesters, you know, i did not get a lot of that would be left protested. i did not hear nancy pelosi saying, "hey." the minutemen and all of this. it seems to me that she does not value protests at all. if it comes from the right, it is bad. if it comes from the left, well, it is not. greta: do you think our politicians have satisfactorily laid out what this health-care plan is? >> no. greta: that is what i think the frustration is with american voters.
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i have looked through it, and, frankly, a lot of it does not make sense. it is incomprehensible, this bill that is being passed around. bill: more than 1000 pages? when they get it down to at three pages, then i will look at it. you can get it. i can get it. we can put it up on the talking points memo and explain it to the folks. if you cannot tell me in three pages what this program is, then there is something wrong with it. greta: senator john conyers said if you cannot understand it, and you cannot understand it, but you vote for it -- suddenly, who can implement it? if it is to be implemented, what about thexd person who has to implement it back down the chain? bill: this is just like they do in california. i mean, what is california the nation's most populous state with every resource you can think of going bankrupt? it is going bankrupt because
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lose control the legislature. the governor cannot get through the loons -- it is going bankrupt because the loons control the legislature. the country is going to be in dire trouble, so the folks are right to be anxious, skeptical, and there are right to voice those concerns. greta: -- they are right to voice those concerns. greta: our next guest has a giant bull's-eye on him. the last time spoke up, his enemies tried to scare him. they got two of his relatives, murdered avandia who is this individual? later, -- murdered two of them. who is this individual? and we have a report. the boyfriend of bolivia newton- john. -- of olivia newton-john.
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the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only new dove has nutriummoisture... which can nourish deep down. new dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. greta: there is much more "on the record" ahead, but first, let's go to our new york newsroom with ainsley earhardt. >> hundreds of people still missing. in eastern china, and mudslide has toppled an apartment building. a few residents have been pulled out, but no word on how many they still be buried in that debris. it is the aftermath of a typhoon which triggered an earlier mudslide in a village in taiwan. as many as 800 people are reported missing, and an
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offshore earthquake of 6.6 shook tokyo. no reports of injuries. in northern tokyo, about three dozen thrill seekers are shake after a roller-coaster messapic look at this. they were left dangling at the santa clara theme park -- in northern california. it took several hours to get them down. now, this. greta: risking the lives of his family by going on the record, and his life. he is running for prime minister of iraq. two of his relatives were murdered after he spoke out in july, but he will not be silenced. schick, thank you so much. welcome to the united states -- chic, welcome. -- sheik. is iraq going to be better off in the long run? because the united states went in in march 2003, or is this
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worse for iraq? >> i want to tell you one thing. the coalition and specifically the united states, they did a lot of things for iraq, but they do not have the right partner inside iraq to ensure the success of the united states. 20032004 -- they spent a lot of money, and to achieve a different situation, opportunities, and jobs, but there are some people that block what you're trying to do. >> who are those people? >> the alliance of our neighbor
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country. greta: meaning? >> in iran. greta iran. iran is really your enemy. >> yes. i think they have a very negative effect in the political process. they do not want to see any success in iraq. greta: and how is in iran doing that to iraq now? >> we have a lot of iranian representatives. greta: so if you become prime minister, is there something you can do about to sort of get rid of the iran influence in iraq? >> this is one of our issues, and we want to have belonged to a positive relationship with all of our neighboring countries. we do not want anyone to have influence on the political process. we want to have exactly a good relationship, and positive relationship.
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we should respect each other. i do not want to interfere. they should do the same. greta: you supported or helped plan and support the surge. is that right? >> yes. greta: why? >> because i knew from this beginning that this conflict was created by a third party for his interest to see the sunni and americans fighting together. greta: who is that third party? >> i mean iran. >brit: in july, you were in london giving a speech, and it was titled the "lessons are fighting insurgents say." it is about the awakening in anbar. -- "lessons in fighting insurgents."
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>> we wanted to convince them to protect themselves from the insurgents and from al qaeda, and this was done, and they start to believe that these people they are not the enemy of the coalition, and they accept that, and they start to go together against al qaeda. crudup after your speech, something happened to two of your cousins who were advisers of yours, right? >> yes. one was my nephew. greta: what happened to them? >> they killed them. greta: who is "the?" -- who is "the"? -- "they"? >> there are some people who get
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paid from foreign countries to do such things inside our province to stop any leader in iraq to talk. greta: so you think this is iran during this? >> i am very confident. greta: how do you know that? >> the marines and the coalition, they get used in the attacks. it is from iran. greta: your cousins who were murdered, what were the circumstances? >> they were to move from a certain place to another place, and there was a bomb in the middle of the street, and when he passed by, exploded.
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-- it exploded. greta: how do you know it is related to giving the speech? >> because this is not the first time. this is the third accident. the first one, i lost some brothers and cousins. in the second attack, i lost my brother, and there was a meeting at a conference in fallujah with marines, and this is the third one. in two years, i have an accident. greta: so this is no accident? this is murder of your representatives? >> yes. greta: and what makes you think it is in reaction to your going to london to talk essentially about building peace, working with the coalition? why do you think is in direct relation to that? >> because i try to explain that
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we try to stop iran. greta: so what makes you confident that if you gave the speech in london, you went on the bbc, then two of your representatives get bombed? now, you are here in the united states, and you are on fox news channel, and it is going to go all over. why would you anyway feel safe for your relatives at this point? >> i do not feel safe. i do not feel safe. that is why i went to convince our allied countries to protect us during the next election and to monitor the election. we want to have a real elected government in iraq. greta: do you think there is a target on your back by iran? >> yes, yes, i do. that is why i left there in november 2003, because i received information that i would be attacked in fallujah at 12:00 midnight, and i left at
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11:00. greta: up next, a bombshell about the ex-boyfriend of olivia newton-john who was presumed dead for years. well, your mind is about to be blown. and a cat accused of doing something horrible in florida. we will explain it in the best of the rest. how does jell-o sugar free pudding fit all that rich, chocolatey taste in 60 calories? ♪ ♪ oh, so delicious who cares? jell-o sugar free pudding. every diet needs a little wiggle room. my daughter was with me. i took a bayer aspirin out of my purse and chewed it. my doctor said the bayer aspirin saved my life. please talk to your doctor about aspirin and your heart. i'm going to be grandma for a long time.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute greta: ok, you have seen our top stories, but here is the best of the rest. the ex-boyfriend of olivia newton-john has been presumed dead since 2005. well, guess what? there may be proved that he is a lie. he disappeared in july 2005 on a boating trip, and police suspect he fell over -- there may be proved that he is alive. -- there may be proof. they think he is working as a deckhand on in mexican vessel. he allegedly owes massive amounts of money in child support to ex-wives. olivia newton-john married a different man in 2008. -- owes a massive amounts of
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money in job support to his ex- wife. more than 1000 images were found on one man's home computer, and he said the cat did it. he claims the cat jumped on his keyboard when he was downloading music. according to the man, he left the room, and when he came back, strange things appeared on his computer. the cat could not be reached. and a man has been evicted from his luxury home. it was found inside an atm machine. he made a fancy nest by chewing a $20 bills. do not worry. the mouse is being released into the woods. there you have it, the best of the rest. still ahead, your last call, one more quick call before we turn down the lights. we know he is out of a job, but what is former governor rod blagojevich being paid to sing.
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10:57 pm
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10:58 pm
10:59 pm
greta: 11:00 is almost here. flash michele steele lights. last call. rod blagojevich is no longer governor of illinois, but he made his singing did you, belting out and elvis tune at the chicago block party -- flash the studio lights. >> ♪ [singing] [cheers and applause] greta: what can really say about that video? the party was thrown
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