tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 14, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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skies, you are killing my grandma ♪ \ shannon: thank you for being with us. takeover. i don't want government bureaucrats mettling in your health care but i also don't want insurance companies mettling in your health care either. laura: president obama takes his health care crusade to a town hall in montana. we will let you know what happened this time. >> you ought to go to one of those congressional health care meetings. [ laughter ] >> you would do really well there. >> plus, bill clinton takes on a heckler and jumps into the health care reform fray. >> i'm telling you, i don't care how low they drive support for, this with misinformation, the minute the president signs a health care reform bill, approval will go up. laura: is clinton helping obama or upstaging him? dick morris will analyze the situation. >> i don't think that it's going to be real pleasing for americans to consider health care being taken over by the feds. laura: the power of sarah palin.
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why she may be one of the most powerful voices in the health care reform debate. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute laura: hi, i'm laura ingraham, in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. when democrats attack, that's the subject of tonight's talking points memo. in honor of the 40th anniversary of woodstock and the town hall protesters i'm humming that old buffalo bill springfield song. remember that line? ♪ there's something happening here what it is is exactly clear. the people have had it. all that the party in power can do is to dismiss and denone nice. what happened to the democrats being the party of the little guy? white house press secretary robert gibbs keeps saying that the town halls are not
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representative. it is just all a lot of chatter and team obama says that the people are just misinformed. the left has spent a lot of time, effort, and money trying to discredit the town hallers as the yahoo racist fringe. this strategy has clearly back fired. look, democrats have been caught flat-footed, it's obvious by this popular uprising. all those harvard grads at the white house should have known better. powerful arguments against socialized medicine have been around not for months but for decades. ronald reagan was saying this back in 1961.
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laura: i have to believe that ronald reagan is smiling down on town hall forums where law abiding and hard-working americans are standing up for freedom. independence, moderates and now even democrats who are senior citizens are saying no to a government-managed healthcare system. their worries are real and while violence is never justified, the passion certainly is. until people see real practical signs that president obama is taking their concerns seriously, these protests are going to continue, regardless of how well-produced the president's own town hall events are. simply put, the country is nowhere near as left wing as president obama obviously is. and he never had a mandate for this type of radical change. and that's the memo. now on to the top story tonight. the president's latest town hall meeting in boseman, montana. the crowd was overwhelmingly friendly but there was this exchange. >> as you can see, i'm a proud nra member.
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[ applause ] i believe in our constitution. it's a very important thing. i also get minus from the cable networks because i don't like the spin that comes from them other places. >> you got to be careful about them cable networks, though. [ laughter ] >> we keep getting the bull, that's all we get is bull. you can't tell us how you are going to pay for this. you are saving here, you are saving over there. you are going to take a little money here, and take a little money over there you have no money. the only way you are going to get that money is to raise our taxes. you said you wouldn't. laura: joining us from los angeles is radio talk show host tammy bruce a fox news contributor and from new york tara dow a democratic strategist. tara, let's start with you. do you think president obama today took on his critics? >> absolutely. i think he did an excellent job. i think this should have been done a lot sooner. he laid out the compelling reasons why we need health care reform. you take a state like georgia
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where part of my family is from, you have 575 people a day losing their jobs, which means they are losing their health care coverage. these are hard-working americans who, through no fault of their own, have ended up in this situation. there should be a safety net in place to make sure that these people are taking care of and we give them a hand up, not a hand out but a hand up. laura: tammy, i watched this town hall and i didn't see really many tough questions. that gentleman talked about the constitution a little bit. but, in general, this was an overwhelmingly friendly crowd. president obama kind of rolled up the sleeves and turned it into a campaign event. i still think he comes up against the wall though on this idea of expanding coverage and somehow not rationing care. no one believes that the government is going to be able to manage that when he, himself, cites the post office as a horrible example of efficiency and says that medicare is unsustainable. he said that today. that medicare, if we keep going, is unsustainable.
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so now we are going to have another government program that is unsustainable. >> there is no government program that's worked. i can tell you i have to give president obama props here. the props i need to give him. he provided probably the best imitation of charlie brown's teacher today than i have ever heard. the difference today at the same time is what the obama administration in your talking points -- they don't seem to understand is that conservatives have never really responded like this before. organizing conservatives is like organizing cats. you can't do it. they are mistaking this for some kind of organized effort whereas, in fact, it is organic. they don't understand how deep it is. and they have no plan b. so the result has been to malign the average american citizen and nobody likes that. approval is, listen, i don't want him to stop. every time he does this now, the numbers go further down. people become more frustrated and democrats, republicans, and independents alike are realizing that an error was made in
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november of last year. laura: tara, the more the town halls take place the more sympathetic are the people attending the town halls. i know you are a supporter of president obama. i respect that something is not working here with what they're doing. it's not getting through to the average person out there that this new government program is going to be different from all the other government programs that are inefficient, that waste money, and that end up cutting services to people who they will promise to take care of. >> look, i take exception to the fact that no government program works. i'm a graduate of the university of virginia which is a public institution. the number one public institution in the country and one of the top 25 schools so government does work. our military, the fbi. laura: large federal program. >> does the fbi not work? what's government. but that's government. laura: you are talking -- anything the government does. >> but what i'm saying is no, that's what tammy said. laura: services, large
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government bureaucracies social services to the people. >> entitlements. laura: medicare unfunded liability. social security unfunded. >> this is not a government-run program. there will be a public option which is simply. >> obama called it that today. laura: one at a time, guys. >> obama called it a government-run program in today's town hall. >> public option would be government option. but the public option is going to be government run insurance company that will law officer. laura: one at a time we can't hear anyone. >> here is the problem. the bill hasn't even been written yet. this is the thing that people are concerned about. nobody knows. when sarah palin can do type, type, type send and get something removed from committee from the health care bill, which would be the death panels, when she becomes effectively the 101st senator it indicates what's going on is. she influences a bill type, type, type send from some vacation somewhere. laura: we are running out of
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time. ladies, thanks very much. next on the rundown, why is the white house dodging questions about whether or not they are sending unsolicited emails to americans about health care. we are going to get some answers. later, he's back and making some noise. but is bill clinton trying to undermine president obama? dick morris will be here towho d assistance getting around their homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no
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cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today.
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laura: in the impact segment tonight, why is the white house sending out unsolicited emails about health care? fox news white house correspondent major garrett tried to get to the bottom of that yesterday. >> assume that somebody is violating the lawnchts send emails to people who never ever signed up for anything related to this white house, senator obama as a candidate, senator obama as anything and have received emails from david axelrod. how could that be? >> i would be interested to see who you gotcha email from and whether or not they are on the list. >> i just want to be -- but i just. >> what you are telling me is i need to give you these people's emails so you can check them on a list. i'm just asking. >> you are asking me if they're on a list. >> they are telling me. >> different way of checking without asking me to double-check the name, i'm happy -- it's apparent -- >> on a list because they never asked for an email from the white house. >> i have got to look at what you got, major. i appreciate the fact that i have omnipotent clarity as to what you received in your email
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box today. >> omnipotent clarity. you don't have to impugn anything. i'm telling you what i got. emails from people who said they never asked anything from the white house. and they received something. >> let me go some place else that might be constructive. laura: but who is on this list and how did the white house get their names? with us now to sort it all out is fox news contributor steven hayes a senior writer at the "weekly standard." now, steven, i'm imaging if the imagenning list. suddenly these people have emails collected by the white house start getting messages from david axelrod. let's say karl rove. what do you think the left would have done. >> i'm so surprised i haven't gotten my email from the aclu announcing an investigation on this or try to raise money from. this. laura: privacy concerns. >> in the whom scheme of things i do, think this is a huge deal and there is some big white house campaign to obtain emails of people who might be skeptical
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and send them propaganda? probably not. in the whole scheme of things, when you think about trillion-dollar deficits and wars that we are not fighting and winning, is this a huge deal? probably not. but what struck me about that segment is robert gibbs and his hostility to actually getting a difficult question. he is so unaccustomed to getting tough questions and follow-ups. he doesn't know how to answer it then he insults him by saying you are going to impugn my motives? laura: fishy information that might be out there about the health care debate. please email us about it i think what the sense about the administration is, steven, it's more than being in permanent campaign mood. it's being in permanent war room mode, which is what you are seeing now. with the level of dismissiveness and divisiveness toward the people of america who show up at these events. you add that to this idea of this -- some type of list is being made up and robert gibbs could have -- you know, could
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have easily said gosh, i have no idea how they got those emails but i will find out and get back to you. >> imagine if he would have said that now apparently major can't get an answer. >> there is an answer to the question. how did these people get on this list? again, my default position at this early point is that there is probably an easy explanation. white house list and put their emails in as a joke. who knows what the explanation is. the fact is, robert gibbs could have said hey, look, i don't know the answer, i will get it for you. and then we can move on. laura: we're not in the business of intruding on people's privacy in the united states. we don't want to collect information. you see i think this does resonate, steven, is in the house bill, there is that provision that allows for the tracking of individual checking accounts because you will be able to do payment for services at the point of service. it will be automatic withdrawal from your account and there is concern with that section that they will have an enormous amount of information about your financial situation. individual's financial
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situation. so there is a data-keeping issue involving health care in the bill. and then this pops up. so i think there are a number of issues that make people very uncomfortable. >> those are the things that we actually know about. remember, the problem with the bill or an undertaking like this reforming or transforming one sixth of the u.s. economy is there are going to be unintended consequences. though unintended consequences when you get to something of this magnitude will necessarily involve massive government intervention in the most personal aspects of people's lives. that's why people are concerned. laura: now, when you saw obama at the town hall today, obviously they are trying to change the momentum. this trajectory, regardless of what gibbs says about the town halls are not representative. is zogby representative. is rasmussen, begin pack, nbc? all of these polls come out and most of them have shown that the popularity is plummeting for the program and for the presidency. given that how do they rebrand this campaign? i don't think it's working with boseman, i don't think it worked with portsmouth.
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they were well-produced events. people don't believe you can expand coverage, cut costs and not do rationing. >> strong sense of common sense, i think the problem is the white house at the end of the campaign, you remember, they had this opportunity -- they were on the ropes and struggling for a moment there they had a tough time. what they they did attacked the people going to john mccain's town halls. they made a big difference about this. the media went along like a puppy dog. that's what they know how to do. they know how to put president obama in front of a teleprompter. attack people rough around the edges not saying things as positive as they should be. that was the strategy. that actually worked for them. they overlearned that lesson. they are trying to aapply it now to facts that doesn't work. >> a lot of the people i have heard are doctors or it specialists standing up and said i have read the bill. i think a lot of the people are extremely well informed and i would dare say better informed than some of the congressman who can't even cite the sections of the bill that have some of the more disturbing provisions.
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steven, it's always great to see you and come back soon. in a moment, bill clinton jumps into the health care debate. in his push for reform, undermining obama. is it? dick morris is going to be here to analyze the situation. then, a stunning reversal of fortune. democrats have seen their poll numbers plummet in the last few months. is there anything that they can do at this point to stop the bleeding? these stories and more when we come back. hñí
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laura: in the unresolved problem segment tonight, bill clinton stirring things up at the far left net roots conference in pittsburgh last night. it wasn't a complete love fest, either. at one point clinton took on a heckler who went after him over don't ask-don't tell. >> you know, you ought to go to
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one of those congressional health care meetings. [ laughter ] >> you do really well there. [ laughter ] i will be glad to talk about that. if you will sit down and let me talk, i will be glad to discuss it. laura: speaking of health care, clinton jumped into the middle of that debate as well. reminiscing about his failed effort at health care reform. >> you want to go through that again? of course you don't. i'm telling you, i don't care how low they drive support for this, with misinformation, the minute the president signs a health care reform bill, approval will go up. and i want us to be mindful that sometimes we may have to take less than a full load. laura: less than a full loaf? does clinton's call for compromise undermine president obama's plan for reform? joining us now a man who knows how clinton operates better than anyone dick morris author of the big big best seller
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"catastrophe." what do you make of this net roots, nut roots convention. whatever you want to call it. the booing from the gay activist wasn't that you will surprising to me given what the tension about prop 8 and so forth. but, was it something unexpected for him? >> yeah, well, the thing i mainly was wanting to focus on was the health care thing. that half a loaf line i can't help but go into a little history. in september of 1994, early in the month like the first day or two, i spoke to hillary by phone after the monahan committee refused to report on health care bill. i said compromise essentially later became casing bam. hillary said you don't understand, dick, we can't change part of the system and leave the rest unchanged it will just get worse. you have to do all of the change or don't monkey with it. i said hillary, i feel like i'm talking to a communist. so, i don't know. laura: she didn't want to
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compromise. you had advised compromise. >> i just want to say this about compromising. you can get all the facts about this in my book catastrophe. that's why i wrote it. the compromises they are talking about are ir. irrelevant, irrelevant, to the reasons why the elderly oppose this bill. what they are going to do in the compromise is reign in the idea of a public health insurance company shah it doesn't put insurance companies out of business. i'm glad they might do that. it's a bad thing just to have a public company. but public or private, it's still going to be subject to the same government's imposed rationing. the other thing they dual is probably increase the cuts and decrease the amount added to the deficit. that will actually hurt the elderly because the cuts are going to come out of medicare. the fundamental problem with this bill that exists in any of the compromises, is that you are trying to treat too many people with too fee few doctors. the result is a cut in the reimbursement rate to doctors,
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fewer doctors, less medical care. what it essentially is is a transfer of medical care elderly to immigrants who are now uncovered under the health insurance program that obama is proposing. and i don't begrudge the immigrants the care buff i absolutely do not believe that the 12% of the population that's elderly should absorb 40% of the health care cuts. you know when i worked for that guy, bill clinton, we opposed those medicare cuts. laura: i think you hit on something here which is that the common sense angle here is that people just don't believe you can expand coverage to this extend and as president obama said today, we are going to make the whole system more efficient, cut costs and yet, somehow not have to ration care. that just doesn't make sense to people, especially when he is touting medicare as a great shining example and then he says medicare is not sustainable in its current form. if it's not sustainable, fix medicare. >> when he says efficient and cut costs, what he means is
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quarry. quary. it's a phrase everybody is going to know and hate if this bill passes. quality adjusted remaining years. what that means is you take the cost of a hip replacement or bypass surgery. going to cost 100,000 bucks. 75, diabetic, high pressure. you have three more quality years left to you. in fact, you are a little bit deminted maybe you only have two years left to you. i'm not going to pay 30 or 50 a year for this denied. you are 30 or 40 years old, i will approve the operation for you. that's what he means cut costs and increase efficiency. that's decoding barack obama. i have a whole chapter in "catastrophe," where i say what obama says and what he really means. laura: yeah. read through the lines. dick, we have been 30 seconds up against a hard break. do you think the rebranding that they are attempt something working?
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did it work today? >>. no absolutely not. what he is trying to do is to make the insurance companies and the special interest the villans when the insurance companies, the drug companies and all of the various vendors are all lined up in support of the plan because they have gotten their payoffs there are no special interests opposing this plan. just a couple million mad elderly people. laura: none of it makes sense. dick, we appreciate it as always. as we move along this evening, sarah palin gks -- becomes a sarah palin gks -- becomes a major player in the health care introducing the all new chevy equinox. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up to 600 miles between fill ups. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4
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laura: personal story segment tonight the power of palin. when sarah palin went on facebook page last weekend, worrying that the democrats' health reform plan would include death panels, she kicked up a storm that no one saw coming. now, key senators say they will exclude an end of life care provision from their legislation. joining from us las vegas is amanda carpenter. a reporter for "the washington times." and from los angeles, matthew littman, a former speech writer for joe biden. now, i want to start with you, joe, because it seems like friday nights you are always on the show friday nights when i'm hosting. i want to start with you about the power of palin. was she able to move this debate with the death panel branding? that resonated with a lot of folks across the country.
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>> i think it resonated with some conservatives and i think more importantly was that charles grassley, basically repeated what sarah palin said the other day. of course, as it turns out, what sarah palin referred to as death panels she was for a year and a half ago when she was governor of alaska. so this is the usual back and forth between sarah palin and sarah palin. laura: how so did she favor a death panel. >> i could read this to you. when she was governor of alaska, she came out for the idea of talking to people about living wills, of the government having having -- paying people back for their living wills. she came out and said that was a good idea and talking to people about end of life care in advance was a good idea. some health care day or something in alaska. laura: was that for doctors being given incentives? i'm not sure she favored doctors being incentivised to give those kind of consultations and discussions. amanda, what's clear here is that sarah palin, like her or not, seems to be able to really
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get under the wisdom tooth like a raspberry seed of the left in this health care debate all the way from alaska, even though she is no longer governor. >> yeah. all she did was issue a facebook statement on august 7th. a friday night at that and then less than a week later, that provision that she is talking about is out of the bill. i know of no other republican that has been able to break through, you know, the medical debate over this issue. she got president obama to talk about death panels and grandma in the same sentence. i mean, that would not have happened otherwise. i think she is making a really powerful offensive move in separating herself from other republicans. you have guys like bobby jindal talking about how to make health care bipartisan. she is saying no, this will end up to rationing care. clearly, that has a lot of powerful influence. laura: matthew, she mentioned something in her blog yesterday about rahm emanuel's brother who has some involvement in the health care debate with the white house. talks with the white house. and one of his analyses involves
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is this something called complete lives system, which is a way to allocate resources based on someone's age and past infirmities, some type of calculation on how to look and assess people's current condition. and she is concerned that obviously because the brother rahm is so close to the white house and he has been consulting that this could end up having some influence in this process. do you think that's overstated or real? >> >> well, i'm sure it's overstated because it's coming from sarah palin. i have to tell you i don't read sarah palin's facebook page and i don't follow her on twitter. and when she is on vh-1 dating flaf a flaf i in a few years. laura: dating what? >> flav-o-flav. laura: this is what i don't get the democrats ar getting smashed by insulting people. by insulting people who show up at the protests. you will say nasty things about
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sarah palin. she is actually trying to engage in a conversation about. >> i don't think that -- i disagree with you. laura: yes, she is. she is actually. >> i don't think she is. i think that that thing was b. death panels was a made up thing. i disagree with you. laura: you make some slam on her, which i think is -- i wouldn't -- i don't like calling things sexist because i think it's overused but i think your little comment about her just now reveals just how positively desperate the democrats look. they called the crowd out there at these town halls, they were the mob, they were the cable chat errors, they are influenced by militias, they are practically the racist yahoo fringe. this is what they have done to the people of this country. the more they do that the more popular both the town hall protesters are and the less popular obama's health care plan is. amanda, i'm not surprised. i'm not surprised that matthew took it there because she is obviously resonating with americans. you know, on this issue. you don't have to agree with her
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on everything. she is resonating on. this i think it's amazing that she can get people talk about death panels and health care and really democrats really didn't pay attention to what she thought and just dismissed her as a failed vice presidential candidate and former governor. i mean, she wouldn't have this influence. what is really interesting about what sarah palin is doing is that she is talking directly to the public through facebook. i mean, this is pretty innovative move for a leading republican like her not to go -- not to use pr spin. i mean. >> where no one can ask her any questions because she can't answer them. >> if you want to see someone who is genuine who talks about what she wants to talk about. who isn't doing all the pr spin. it's sarah palin. >> she is genuine. >> people don't like to inject that into the public debate the way she is doing. matthew, you are one of them. >> i don't think thee is genuine. i think she is a complete phoney. i don't think she is genuine at all. laura: here goes the personal attacks. >> it's not personal attack, laura. the fact of the matter.
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laura: really? >> she is phony? she should be dating flav-o-flav that's not. >> no, i think it's a compliment. she is on both sides of every issue. laura: i think what unwittingly you have shown tonight is that the democrats, they have got nothing left, so the throwing up anything against the wall and demeaning people, i don't think it's working. it just doesn't matter of a political strategy you might get a few yucks from the left. >> do you want to bet me that health care reform passes? do you want to bet? laura: i hope not for our country. up next, it's a special friday edition of miller time featuring some of miller's best bits ever. the democrats are seeing their support slip sliding away big time. can they turn things around? (announcer) this is nine generations of the world's most revered luxury sedan. this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars...
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this is the world record for longevity and endurance. and one of the most technologically advanced automobiles on the planet. this is the 9th generation e-class. this is mercedes-benz. so? mmmm ok. you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! what? say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you were good too! but you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew... yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. they taste fresh because you make them fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers. in the soup or pasta aisle. sfx: chear that?can shaking that's the sound of people saving. saving money, saving time, and saving for the future. regions makes it simple - starting with lifegreen checking and savings -
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laura: thanks for staying with us. i'm laura ingraham in for bill o'reilly. in the miller time segment tonight, we thought we would send you off into the weekend with a little dose of dennis to keep you going and hear he is riffing with bill. >> your brother, jimmy miller, handles borat, manages borat and borat falls on eminem's head tv awards. roll the tape. >> [inaudible] my trunk is
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losing. eminem, nice to meet you. >> are you serious? >> are you [bleep] serious? bill: so, miller, can you explain this to me? >> some people like their m&m's plane and some like them with nuts. [ laughter ] bill: i don't know what that means. why am i laughing? >> yes, you do. you know exactly. >> i swear to god i don't know what that meant. all right, now. >> look at that it and tell me what it means. bill: pirates, i heard your show the other day. arguing with something called the pirates. >> yo-ho, ho it's end of life to me. barack obama showed humanistic side here when he shot them simultaneously. is he all about spreading the wealth. if you shoot them in some descending order the last two pirates are standing there hey, wait a second, wasn't i good
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enough to get shot first? i like the fact that he this blew them all away simultaneously. it cracks me up we are throwing the word pirate around now and they won't say terrorist. i am watching gibbs conference eye patch, parrot on his shoulder and they won't call a terrorist a terrorist. something had to give. i'm glad it was their skulls. bill: i understand you were invited to dinner with chavez and obama but you couldn't make it. how did you see from afar? what was your assessment? >> well, listen, all through this campaign i heard from barack obama, the that words matter and pictures are worth a thousand words. i understand keep your enemies closer but you don't have to spoon this muke, ok? >> where is your other hand? >> between two pillows. >> imagine how it breaks the spirit of a freedom-fighter to look up and see barack obama in a pod to do with this pig.
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it's unbelievable to me. you know, barack, it appears that he does have some part of him a bully. he likes to bully people who aren't bullies but who bully bullies. i just don't understand why he would want to be in a photo on with this five and under extra player in the sopranos. bill: what if you were the president, god help us, and this guy walked over with this dopey book in front of the cameras. what would you have done? hit him with the book? what would have you done? >> listen, i would have said if this guy tries to get anywhere near me with a book, i want him tackled. i want him duck and cover like the bomb shelter thing. >> first you duck, and then you cover. >> kris allen! bill: do you care that at&t slipped up a little bit one guy voted than another guy do you care? >> i do care? obviously there are bigger things in the world than pyongyang yesterday. we have this little economy --
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chia head guy. this is not the biggest ticket in my life. maybe we ought to turn it over to up in the house of representatives give it to old rat tattoos waxman who seems to be cam czar of the incon general. let him hold hearings on this. bill: do you know what we can do to disarm north korea. we can give kim jong il a reality show. >> give a little bit and go. bill: i think that would go. >> that's brilliant. get them when they are marching. they have that weird rocket march. we perfect some join laser from space, fire a beam on several the groin down flap leg, get it flapping around like a broken window shade. bam, we are in on. they you know their dogs are going to join. in they have been on the menu so long they are looking to get up and out. bill: rumor is you are going to be on dancing with the stars shortly is that true. >> i heard you are on next year with barney frank. now what the heck is that all
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about? bill: i'm not dancing and if i'm going to show ann margaret is dancing with me. >> here is you on dancing with the stars. you are walking around doing a pier yet with julie ann huff. you spin to the camera in that satin shirt and start tearing jeffrey immelt a new one right in front of the camera. bill: listen, i used to be a wicked disco guy. but you are big into this dancing with the stars deal, huh? >> yeah, what are you a virgin? you always act like you don't watch. what are you sitting at home at night watching the factor? bill: i have never watched this program, miller. i read books. >> i'm sure you are out there curing lep pers and throwing factor porter in the kilm. come on. bill: i have to read books so i can understand what you are talking about. >> i like the show because it's horny but it's not sceefy. where elsewhere you going to get that these days. bill: i know what that means.
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the "sports illustrated" swimsuit edition they washed out danica patrick's tattoo. what is that all about? are tattoos not sporty anymore. >> you remember that night you and i got blasted at woe len ski and i gotcha tramp stamp. i got to get that out. bill: tattoos are so big in our culture now and they wash it out. i'm not a hip guy. >> then if we are cloaking this in the serious first amendment g string. let me say this. what has happened to my country when they take a tattoo off a tukus and they don't consult the owner of the tukus? what has happened to my america? laura: straight ahead, the tide is turning against the democratic party. stunning new numbebebebebebersbe
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limb: dude that was sick! i've been hangin' up there for, what, like, forty years? here i am smacking the pretty off that windshield of yours. oh, what you're looking for an apology? well, toss another coin in the wishing well, pal. it's not happenin'. limb: hey, what's up, donnie? how you been? anncr: accidents are bad. anncr:but geico's good ding! with onsite windshield replacement.
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laura: unresolved problem segment tonight. a devastating reversal of fortune for the democratic party. a brand new fox news poll shows that democrats are losing support big-time. here are the numbers. back in april, when asked if people would support a democrat or republican candidate for congress. the democrat had a very big 13 percentage point lead. but today, the numbers are tied 40% for the democrat and 40% for the republican. now, this does not bode well for the party in power. with us now is democratic strategist richard goodstein. now, no spin zone here. you can't spin this away. what's happening? >> well, think about what the sense of the nation was back in april when that democrats had that lead, obama was realively knew into office. the stimulus had passed. there was this great sense of hope and, you know, he was a
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magic man, right? reality has set in by now. but, the fact of the matter is, look at what democratic voters wanted and what they have gotten. take foreign policy. rack did call difference. i think all to the good from the standpoint of certainly what independence and democrats were looking for. that's been delivered. not a bad thing to do in the course of a few months. al difference in afghanistan. >> standing with the u.s. around the world. if we are going to beat the bad guys. i think we are better -- we have appear better chance. laura: do you think poll numbers start with policy. we start with poll numbers. richard. i put myself in position. or trying to get democrats elected. wait a second. >> we had this guy who had came in on this highly produced incredibly successful campaign. no one can take that away from him. they got stimulus passed but then people started finding things that were in the stimulus bill like these bonus provisions that were allowed and people started saying wait a second, what's going on here? these numbers across the board
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reflect discontent with government's handling of domestic i. nothing to do with foreign policy it? >> is shocking that it is still 40-40 considering we have got 9.4% unemployment. an economy that is still pretty much cresting up but slightly. this is obviously something that the president inherited. i know people kind of balk at that but he did. it was a lot worse than people. laura: it doesn't -- >> the fact that it's still 40%-40%. when we had similar economic numbers under reagan and the republicans lost 26 seats. that was pretty bad. that wasn't a 40%, 40% deal. laura: evil mongers as we heard harry reid refer to people at the town hall events. evil monger, astro turf fringe, food fight. none of that has worked. discussing civil engagement in this way, a man who was a community organizer, we have people organizing. they might not agree with his
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agenda but they are organizing. why isn't this celebrated? why is it constantly dismissed as irrelevant and by the white house. >> i don't think the white house is so much dismissing it as. laura: food fight. robert gibbs called it a food fight. it's not respective of the country. was boseman monday that tana representative today. >> i'm sure people on the left would say today was. people on the right would say arlen specter was. laura: i think the president of the united states should celebrate the fact that more people are engaged in this public debate than ever before. that's what we thought about it. >> i think what you are seeing in the outrage at the town halls is powerlessness. these are people that by and large, their party is out of power. and they don't like it. laura: all right, richard, we appreciate it up next what do sharon osborne, kathie lee and dancing monkeys all have in common? they all have a starring role in reality check straight ahead. fall hunting classic.
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>> ♪ who let the dogs out who let the dogs out? ♪ bill: do not, i repeat, do not mess rooped with our pal kathie lee giffered. >> get in there. oh. oh. >> who are we thinking about? >> i don't want to talk about it. bill: my motto is never give a woman a stick. remember fox news anchor megyn kelly criticizing brit knee
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spears that was out of line, prompting ms. spears to reapply. megyn: love me, hate me, all of the boys and girls are begging to, and then she says if you seek amy. doesn't make any sense, does it? it's not supposed to. if you say it quickly with no space in between the letters, it basically spells out the f word and then me. >> if you seek amy. >> doesn't make any sense, does it? bill: we believe that is supposed to be megyn. some folks are not exactly getting the 911 concept.
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bill: get the shrimp police out there. that was a new dish on the menu. pinhead fried rice. laura: we thank everyone for buying factor gear. bill's goal is to give $1 million to charity this year and he is on track. check out my radio show and my website. and you can follow me at remember, the spin stops here, because we're always looking out for you.
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