tv Americas News HQ FOX News August 15, 2009 12:00pm-1:59pm EDT
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activator stocks -- cheryl: this show ends right there. that is it for the cost of freedom. have a great weekend. president obama takes his plan to the road today. >> hello, i'm brian wilson live from the nation's capital with the debate at a fever pitch. fox news is an all over this story. mary anne silber is in georgia where a congressman will try to talk to constituent after a heated confrontation last week that grabbed national headlines and hateful vandalism. and caroline shively with how it goss t got the addresses to
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some folks on this topic and malini wilkes as the president prepares for the 10th town hall meeting of his presidency. >> good afternoon, president obama will answer questions in grand junction, colorado. the third town hall of the week and today focused on people who have insurance that get hit with the benefits or large out of pocket fees. now, mr. obama is on a four-day western trip. first up, in montana where yesterday he focused on patients who get dropped by their insurance companies in today's web address. the president says he realizes there's skepticism about his proposal. especially at a time of economic upheaval, but he asked for a discussion where we lower our voices. his town halls lacked the raucous crowds that some congressional democrats have faced, but he did take a couple of tough questions yesterday. >> and that's all we get is
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bull. you can't tell us how you're going to pay for this. you're saving here, you're saving over there, you're going to take a little money here, a little money there, but you have no money. >> you're absolutely right. that i can't cover another 46 million people for free. you're right. >> even some republicans are facing confrontation al crowds in their towns. senator chuck grassley is coming to the table with democrats. a larger theme in many of these forums is mistrust of big government solutions and republicans are hammering that message. >> unfortunately the path we aren't taking in washington is to spend another trillion dollars for taxpayer money to further expand the role of the federal government. >> the president is taking the family to yellowstone park and tomorrow, visit the grand
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canyon. >> malini wilkes. a related story caught my attention. pennsylvania, 19-term john murtha says it's unlikely congress will pass health care legislation this year. an interview with wjpa radio in washington, pennsylvania, most members are telling house speaker nancy pelosi, it's a mistake to rush the legislation through. >> would like to see this happen. the speaker is very, very enthusiastic about something happening, but she said we are going to have-- before we left, we said no, no, we want some time to think about this so we're taking some time to make sure it's done right. i don't know that we'll get something done before january and even then we might not get it done. we're going to do it right when it's finally done. >> congressman damon scott is wading into the health care debate with another town hall meeting. and the democrats last drew national attention when he got into a heated exchange with a local doctor. mary anne silber live with
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this story from jonesboro, georgia, hi, mary anne. >> hi, brian, right now, the town hall meeting is going on. a rowdy town hall with a heated exchange with one of the people about a question and what he said at that time. if you want a meeting on health care i'll give it to you and that's exactly what he's doing today. he entered this particular town hall meeting to some cheers and some boos and the crowd seems to be balanced on both sides of the debate. a little different than what we've seen here lately. congressman scott answers the promises of the obama administration bringing reform and introducing for the insurance companies, denying people with pre-existing conditions. and they want to lower out of of pocket expenses and offer a public option. the first question from a woman who is fighting breast cancer who is for reforming health care, but she says she's against adding to the deficit. deficit. >> this is going to cost a lot. i mean, we're already in debt
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with our health system now and how are we going to be able to do this? >> now while hers others say they just want help. a diabetic says he wants to know how this plan is going to help her. >> for her, that's my concern was pre-existing conditions, what type of coverage can i get for her under this. >> one of the biggest questions here today is from this crowd on both sides, how to deal without the issue, where is the money going to km from in order to fund this health care reform. and yesterday, we heard from president obama who spoke at a health care meeting just like this one in montana and he said, two-thirds of it's going to come from things like stopping subsidies and government subsidies and the other half, he said approximately 30 billion, he wasn't sure on that, probably
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come from tax increases, but yesterday, he reiterated, not going to raise taxes on the middle class. brian. >> mary anne silber in georgia, thank you very much, mary anne. >> after a heated exchange after a briefing between major garrett and white house spokesman robert gibbs this past week, the white house says it's looking into a list of names provided by fox of people who claim to be receiving unsolicited e-mails from the white house. caroline shively is here in washington where he continues to follow the story, hello, caroline. >> hi to you, brian. followed the freedom of information act request, explaining how some of the citizens got on the mass e-mail list, the white house received hundreds of e-mails from people who say a senior white house advisor david ax axlerod landed in the inbox. they're wondering how and why they wound up with their addresses. the first one says he received the actionrod letter as a
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pop-up via the aol service. >> they have a conduit to put the message out to people who haven't contacted them in any w way. therefore, they're using aol the same way that a spammer would be. >> it's not the government's right to have my e-mail address unless i am dealing with them on a specific issue. my tax return with the irs. >> the white house has a huge e-mail list it uses to promote its issues. ax axlerod asked for help and in the recent weeks, he they asked americans about fishy comments they've heard on the health care debate and that's what the a.c.l.u. officials don't like the idea of any white house collecting information on this end. >> if the white house is creating a list for whatever purpose of those disagreeing
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with the president, that's a problem. if people know there is a chance they will be on such a list, people mae may feel inhiblted in expressing political views. >> the white house adamantly denies it's keeping any e-mail list for any purposes. >> thank you very much. if you received any unsolicited e-mails or major garrett's adventures at the white house this week, you can check out major's block, row two, seat in other news, in the biggest bank failure of 2009, the fdic has approved the sale of 25 billion in colonial banking, bb and t corporation, colonial with a large real estate ledger that collapsed, and bb and t is one of the largest holding companies dating back to 1872 and currently has around 150 billion dollars in assets. four other banks failed yesterday bringing the total
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to 77 for this year. and more shocking details emerging about that deadly mid air crash over the hudson river. transportation officials now say the air traffic controller was on the phone joking about a dead cat at the time of the crash. he initially did not warn the pilot of the plane that the helicopter was in his path. nine people were killed in the scent. the paroler and supervisor now off leave, and the aviation administration says the actions were unacceptable, but did not initially believe responsible for the accident. you may be asked for more personal information when buying a plane ticket. they need your full name, date of birth and gender and should match the i.d. you use to travel with. the new retirements are part of a transportation security administration's program aimed at improving security and reducing misidentification on people who might be on the terrorist watch list.
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california's wildfire situation may go from bad to worse. fire crews were already fighting multiple wild fires are now worried strong winds could whip up new ones. casey stegall is at the fire in, hello, casey. >> hey, brian, but before things get potentially worse, right now, firefighters are really taking advantage of the early marine layer, i'm going to step aside and let you take a look and explain what's going on. at this hour the weather is actually really, really cooperating and it's allowed firefighters to make some progress because in the last 12 hours or so, the fire went from 5% contained to 15% contained. and it's a little deceptive because what you're looking at now, a live pictures of the hill side there, that is not all entirely smoke from the fire. it's about a mile ahead of us where the flames are, but what you're looking at is a fair amount of marine layer in the area, which a lot of people know about, it's moisture that rolls off the ocean and it's
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invisible to the naked eye, that obviously increases the humidity keeping the fire from spreading, it sort of keeps a cap on the fire, if you will. still, nearly eight square miles have been destroyed since going up in flames on wednesday. mostly from wilderness, only two small structures have been damaged, but more than one thousand remained threatened at this hour. mandatory evacuations are still in effect for smaller towns around santa cruz, california, affecting about 2400 people. hundreds of firefighters from across the state are out here on the front lines. in case it turns hot and windy, again today. which is the weather that they've experienced in the last 48 hours or so. meantime, california governor arnold schwarzenegger is scheduled to arrive here in just about an hour. he is going to be out on the front lines touring some of the damage, talking to some of the first responders and of
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course, fox news is going to be here, we're going to talk to the governor and bring that to you later throughout the day here on fox news channel. but for now, the weather is co cooperating and firefighters have a their fingers crossed they can get an upper hand on this for now. >> casey stegall on the job in california. thank you. back to the top story, town hall meetings demonstrates that many in america have serious questions about the proposals under consideration. one major point of contention and sticking point for my next guest is the so-called end of life language. congress us from michigan, congressman pat mccotter. good to see you. some people are worried about what they perceived to be the so-called end of language-- end of life language that's in this house bill. where is that exactly? is it real? is it something to be concerned about? >> end of life provisions, brian, are not per se
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something that people tend to object to. if they're in the proper context, in the compassionate bill that empowers patients, that leads to the increase in supply of health care, and these are places that these provisions would be acceptable to many of them. when you put it in the context of a government rationing bill that's a place we do not think is to put an end of life provision. down the road you could see where the misuses that have could occur. supporters of the provisions of the current bill, compassionate choices, former hemlock society, would argue with that, but what i would say, you take that provision out and deal with it as a separate piece of legislation, you could avoid many of the concerns that people have, you could still have the end of life provision properly done, but putting it into the government run rationing bill is not the place to do this. >> congressman jack murtha has been heard on a local radio station up in pennsylvania says he doesn't know that they can get a deal this year. where do you think it stands? >> i think the american public knows that the health care system has problems, they're
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concerned. it's an issue to them. what we have to do, brian, get past the rhett recognizance rick that the-- rhetoric that the entire system is it broken. there are things about it that they like and they're concerned, mr. murtha and others, as republicans we're more than happy to engage this from the center on a bill that will actually help address some key reforms, but the decision has to be made because we're exiting a debate internally among the democratic party about a bill they do not have unanimity on and that's a question, will they come back and try to rush it despite the wishes of the american people on a bill from the left of their party or come back, start in the center and work with those of us willing to try to accomplish something. >> some of the town hall meetings have been contentious. have you had a town hall meeting and how have they gone? >> we've done telephone town hall meetings on the specific issue of health care. you have i've been continuing to run around my district, it's my job to serve the
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people to get their input. my concern with the town halls, what we're seeing, with the media attention, you'll attract vehement support eers and vehement against the bill. the key thing for people to do, and i continue to say this, even an opponent of the bill, is go online at energy and commercial committee, download it, take the time to read it and see how it affects you and then make your voice heard one way or another in a clear and concise fashion. >> thaddeus mccotter, nice to have you on the show. we'll be talking to democrats later in the broadcast. if you have lingering questions about health care, tune into fox news sunday tomorrow. chris wallace will do a fact check with senators richard shelby and ken conrad along with the president of the american medical association and the executive vice-president of the aarp. check your local listings for the time and channel of fox news sunday. seven people dead, the 1 are wounded in afghanistan after a
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suicide car bomber evaded raids of afghan police detonating explosives on the steps of the n.a.t.o. headquarters in kabul. the first major attack since february, and the taliban is claiming responsibility for the assault. we will have a full report from kabul in just a few moments. well, i'm just back from rochester, new york, where an elected official is caught on tape using an ugly slang word to describe a colleague, it's sparked outrage and whoever said it won't fess up. it's another installment in our nowhere to hide series. you'll see that a little later in this hour. what do you think? i think i'll go with the basic package. good choice. now at meineke, save 50% on brake pads and shoes. at meineke, you're always the driver.
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>> topping the news right now. president obama will be in grand junction, colorado today for another health care town hall meeting. today's town hall will be the 20th of his presidency and the 10th on the issue of health care. right now the president and first family headed over to yellowstone national park. thick, white smoke hanging over the santa cruz mountains where wild fires burned close to eight miles. more than one thousand homes and buildings are said to be in danger. quarterback michael vick will practice with his new team this afternoon. vick just signed a one year, 1.6 million dollar deal with the philadelphia eagles, but he will not be allowed to participate in regular season games unless he getsnal commissioner roger goodle to give the final okay. new information, the suicide bombing in afghanistan we told you about earlier, it detonated on the very doorstep of n.a.t.o.'s military headquarters in kabul.
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connor powell is there and he joins us with more, hello, connor. >> brian, this was an absolutely massive explosion. we're broadcasting about a mile away from the n.a.t.o. headquarters, at 8:30 this morning, it felt like the bomb was going on right up, right under our feet. now, afghan police say that the suicide bomber evaded three police check points with more than 600 pounds of explosions in his vehicle. now, there's about a 30 foot crater outside the n.a.t.o. headquarters and seven people were killed, seven afghan civilians, including several children and more than 90 people were injured with also some of the n.a.t.o. soldiers stationed in that area. now, afghan police aren't exactly sure how they got this much explosive devices into the country. there are some thoughts that maybe the taliban had helped from an outside source, possibly pakistani militants or al-qaeda was one name that
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keeps popping up in here. but, kabul is very much on edge right now, and with the election just a few days away, the city is bracing for more violence. brian. >> brian: all right, thank you very much. we'll check back if there are new developments. with the presidential election set for next week, the u.s. is stepping up parts of the country that had fallen into taliban control. a lot hinging on the election for afghanis and americans. i'm joined by the professor of islamic studies at american university and lt. colonel bill callen, a former u.s. marine and fox business news military analyst, gentlemen, good to have you here, thanks for being with us. colonel, by the way, good to see you. where are we in securing the country side prior to these elections? >> well, we've got limitations what we can do primarily because of power top levels. we've got about 20,000, unlike
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iraq, brian, the big difference is the villages, the population is widely dispersed there. in iraq, primarily big urban centers. we've got the difficulty getting the security into towns, villages that we need in order to ensure a fair-- >> are we likely to see breakouts of violence? >> in order to do that, taliban has to do that and don't want to expose themselves outside the battlefield. they'll use intimidation to keep the voters away. >> brian: i want to ask you about the political situation as well. karzai is going to be reelect there had? >> expected to get about 45% of the vote and the second man is estimated to get about 25%. the problem is, brian, we've been involved with karzai almost a decade. the question is really, what would he do different? >> the bush administration at least reported mr. karzai, president karzai, but i'm
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getting the sense that the obama administration is sort of looking for other players within afghanistan. >> that's right, but i think with karzai, the problem is, the problems of corruption, of human rights abuses of law and ord order-- bomb going off in kabul a few hours ago, these problems have not tackled. unless karzai or whoever takes over can-- nothing much is going to change. >> brian: long-term what are we looking 0 for, bill? >> great question, brian. we hear estimates it's a two-year problem, a five year problem, a ten or 20 year problem. my estimate is we are going to be there a long time and we are going to win and i don't know that we'll have the political will or the desires of the american public to lose lives. >> brian: there's a dual effort to secure the country side. we're looking for a guy, aren't we. >> we'd like somebody to step up. >> brian: i'm talking in the mountains of afghanistan. >> excuse me, looking for him
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and omar. we don't have the matching u.s. presence to do that that's focused more on intelligence gathering of one particular guy who may be in pakistan and afghanistan. >> brian: it's clearly important to the afghanis, why is this important to americans? >> america it's critical, brian, america cannot just walk away from afghanistan and pakistan, they have to look at the two countries together. if america walks away, it will create a huge vacuum and that vacuum is that part that is up by others followed up in the region and just look at the map. it's critical for services for the future for access to much the east, that america stays the there. failure is not an option. >> brian: and do you see a path to victory here? >> right now, my friend, the colonel says, it's a very, very shaky situation, president obama has given a couple of months ago in the speech of his, he calls it the most dangerous place in the world and unfortunately, the last couple of weeks, my
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impression is that the focus on the issues, and afghanistan, now, the history of that place, brian. >> a tough place to operate. >> and punishing anyone who is not watching carefully so you're not going to catch very easily. >> brian: professor and colonel, greats to have you with us. the town hall health care brawls spilled over to the web and two senators are in the middle of a tweet war, kung fu fighting on twitter, you have to read this to believe it. we'll explain later.
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>> it's the bottom of the hour, here are the top stories we're following on america's news headquarters. president barack obama is back in campaign mode as he tries to sell his plan for health care reform. in town hall meetings across the country he and other democrats met intense public skepticism. right now, for example, congressman david scott is holding another forum and last week sparks flew between the congressmen and the local doctor and today's meeting in jonesboro, democrats were completed with cheers and jeers, and the crowd seemed evenly divided between supporters and opponents. there are still many hard questio questions. >> oh! >> (inaudible) i think this is
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important. important. >> boy, i'm telling you this stuff is intense out there. we continue to see live pictures now. president obama meanwhile will hold a town hall meeting on health care in grand junction, colorado at 6:25 eastern time and fox news will bring that to you live. police are searching for a woman who may have been abducted in northern georgia. investigators found a cell phone just three and a half miles from the town of blaresville, where they think that christy corn as well was taken. her boyfriend was on the phone with her at the time of the alleged abduction, he said he heard a scuffle and then the phone went dead. they're looking for a white s.u.v. and a golden compact car, as well. and fires could fan fires already burning. the lockheed fire in the
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mountains forced 2300 people from their homes and the biggest problem is dry weather. parts of california are experiencing a severe drought at this moment. lawmakers have battled over health care reform in halls of congress, taken sweeps at each other at town hall meetings. now, the fight has spread to cyberspace. cyberspace, senator arlen specter and chuck grassly are going at it on twitter. they called this instead, they called senator grassley to tell him to stop spreading myth about health care reform and imagery death penls. grassley didn't like that, didn't take it lying down. the iowa republican, spector got it all wrong that i ever used the words death boards. even the liberal press never accused me of that. so channing your last tweet, arlen. and the scene was almost
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identical at dozens of democratic town halls across the country. hot tempers over health care reform led to shouting matches and sometimes violence. democrats congressman from pennsylvania joins us now live. congressman, we've seen some of the stuff that went on, and in arlen specter's town hall meetings. tell me about yours. >> i've had one of my district, a senator in philadelphia and two more coming up and mine have been contentious at times and by and large respectful. keep in mind on all moments i'm a public servants. i made sure to shake everybody's hands, thousands that lined up in philadelphia beforehand and third, i stayed until the very last person left five hours later. there are angry people out there. >> brian: why are they angry? tell me why they're so upset? >> well, they have had years
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of where washington has said things would be done and we were not watching-- washington was not accountable for it. somehow they're in this savage recession. somehow they've begun to lose their health care plans. now what, how can they be expected to trust washington when it placed them in the position not through their own fault. so i understand why they feel the way they do. this is not a republican, a democrat, an independent, a nonpartisan. this is everybody has real cynicism over how well government can do. we should be out there arguing this. >> let me ask you about a comment that was made. i'm sorry to interrupt. let me ask you a question made my congressman jack murtha, one of your democratic colleagues, a 19 year-- 19 term veteran of the house of representatives. he says he's not sure we can get a deal this year, most democrats are telling nancy pelosi let's back away from this and not rush it. what do you think about those
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comments? >> i respect jack murtha, vietnam vet, but frankly, we must do this. we have done nothing for the last eight years. seven million americans lost their health care plans and health care in pennsylvania went up over 90%. and each week, each of those cities, a number will lose their private health care plan options. this is a time we want leadership to be judged by the size of the problems to tackle and this is a moment of time where we have to address the anxiety, understandable anxiety of our citizens, but do if we must for the good of america and i intent to be out there every day battling this idea by listening and explaining calmly and deliberately. >> brian: all right, congressman, thank you very much. we should point out the congressman mentioned that arlen specter has been a rough time with the meetings and the congressman running against arlen specter. more trouble for michael
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phelps, according to baltimore police he was driving with an invalid out f stof state driver licen license the other driver ran a red light. no one was seriously injured in the incident. you know, words matter and they can also be hurtful. when we come back, a politician is heard using the word retard. there are questions about who said it, but no question about how the comment has hurt those with disabilities. another installment in my nowhere to hide series when we come back. it's brian wilson in washington, you don't want to miss this next story. this is the year trends are replaced by tradition. now, during the bass pro shops fall hunting classic you can use your bass pro shops visa to purchase
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satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! new! nutrisystem d. lose weight. live better. call or click today. >> topping the news right now. the the white house says it will review the names of people who received unstate police ted e-mails on the issue of health care. the move comes after a heated exchange between fox news correspondent major garrett and white house spokesman robert gibbs. some people received the e-mail, how did they end up on that list. we have the first named atlantic storm of 2009 hurricane season. forecasters say that ana could extend to the leeward islands, but unlikely to be a full flown hurricane soon. the bigger concern is another behind ana, named bill if it continues. a ransom made for a missing
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cargo ship. it's not clear at all if the demand is legitimate. nowhere to hide, now, let me ask you a question, if you make a mistake, what should do you? as something of a personal expert most people agree, stand up and admit your mistake and say that you're sorry, that's called taking personal responsibility, but as i found out this week in rochester, new york, in the world of politics, it's sometimes hard to find anyone willing to do the right thing. >> the monroe county legislature is a place where the politics are partisan at 29 county legislators, last month during a role call vote, someone went too far using the socially unacceptable word retard. >> (inaudible). >> the others were in the direction of who said it. the review of the county's
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tape is inconclusive. democrats provided their talk that shows dan quattro fiddling with his microphone when it was heard. he denied it was him. >> did you say it? >> no, i did not say it. >> it was during a roll call vote somebody said it under their breath. that wasn't you. >> no, it wasn't. >> it wasn't you. >> i'm positive. >> how come so many people seem to take it-- >> i don't know. >> disabled citizens in the area are outraged. stunned anyone would use such a painful term. they converged upon the county legislature the bruce darling center for disability rights. >> if you think somebody is being an ass just call them an ass, don't bring us into the session. >> it was an emotionally gut wrenching 90 minutes as they stood before the political body to explain how they had been hurt by the comments. >> (inaudible).
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>> especially feisty young woman tried to take a roll call vote to try 0 to get to the bottom of matter, but she was quickly gravelled down and ruled out of order. all the folks wanted was an apology from the person who made the comment. >> whoever said it, you know, i would like it to be stopped and you know, please stop. >> we make mistakes, things go away so much more easily if we admit them... that i think unfortunately that's not what's happened here. if you said something like that you shut come forth and apologize. >> on this night there would be no political profiles in courage. >> what they want is somebody to man up. >> well, i'm manning up, i'm
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taking responsibility. i'm not admitting i said it because i didn't say it, but what we need to do-- >> somebody in the room knows who said it. >> i can't speak for everybody in this room. i can speak for myself. i can tell you i don't know who said it. >> well, those in the disabilities community in rochester are well-organized and they vow they will not back down until somebody takes personal responsibility for making that remark. and yes, it's true we live in a country where free speech is a treasured right and even unpopular or unappropriate speech is suspected, but if you're going to say it you should at least be willing to admit it. in other news, developing story for you overseas, virginia senator jim webb secured the release of a american prisoner in myanmar. webb met with the myanmar president today, the first american leader to ever do so, arranging the release of an american prisoner, and urging the release of nobel peace prize laureate.
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university of massachusetts. people lie between three and 12 times in a single ten minute conversation. unfortunately, the more the lying, the better they got at it and difficult to tell they're lying and the study found that most people lie to impress other people and to feel good about themselves. president obama says he wants to clear the air over health care reform. take a listen. >> i want to just explain this previous briefly because this is the myth the government takes over health care comes from. not everybody, not even every democrat agrees on the public option. i want at least the people to be informed about what the debate is about. >> brian: in a new fox opinion dynamic poll, based on what you know about health care reform, are you in favor or do you oppose the current legislation being proposed? it seems like opposition for the current plan is growing slightly, up 2% to 49% just a few weeks ago, with only 34% of new favor of the current
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legislation. so, what fact, what's fiction, how the government could spend potentially a trillion dollars on health care reform. roy robertson is the editor of fact, a nonpartisan group that monitors the accuracy of politicians and political ads and she joins us to separate fact from fiction. there's a lot of stuff out there. so this may be sort of a real challenge here. one of the first questions i want to ask you is, will the government pick your insurance program, is that true or false? >> that's false, there's nothing in the plan that requires anyone to join a certain insurance plan the government to have you. >> what about the claim the administration was making right now many democrats, the health bill can be paid for? >> well, not-- it's not yet. can be, i guess, that's a matter of opinion, but right now, that house bill is about. 239 billion short over ten years and the senate bill is
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even farther away, about 600 billion over ten years. so no one has yet demonstrated exactly how they're going to make this thing work. >> exactly, exactly. >> brian: if it goes forward at the current plan it would be costly. >> yes. >> brian: now there's a claim that medicare might be slashed in all of this. is that truth or a myth? >> well, the medicare benefits are not the thing on the chopping block. the house bill aims to get savings and projected increases in medicare spending that we thought this was interesting because an of aide to john mccain last fall made the same kind of claim, he was going to get the savings out of medicare and the obama campaign quickly came out with two ads saying john mccain would cut medicare benefits and the shoe is on the other foot, it's no more true than than it was then. >> brian: now, does the end of life provisions, we talked about those. what are they really? >> okay. >> brian: how will they be applied under the language of the house bill?
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>> the house bill has a provision that says medicare would cover a voluntary end of life counseling session between seniors and their doctors. so right now, medicare doesn't pay for that. if the bill were passed and medicare would pay for that, and those types of sessions can deal with many things, a living will, talking about care, the type of treatment you'd like at the end of your life. supporters would say, well uwant to make these decisions before you're too sick to do so. but that kind of got turned into, well, i'm not sure some claim is the government. the other claim is interests are going to be telling seniors how to cut their life short. >> brian: and then they also talk about death, anything to that at all. >> you won't be surprised to find that the words death board is not in the bill. >> brian: nothing in the bill we'll pull the plug on grandma. >> no, there's nothing-- >> who started that really in your estimation? >> well, i guess, i believe,
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the first to word death board, but maybe somebody else used that first. >> brian: and overall, how would you classify the quality of the debate. truthful or a lot of misinformation? >> a lot of misinformation. which i guess is good news for fact or we wouldn't be in business. >> brian: all right. well, it's good to have you, lori robertson, managing editor of fact, helping us separate the fact from the fiction. just the facts ma'am, that's all we want. 'tis the season, it's hurricane season that is. it's been a mild one thus far, thank goodness. ana, the first tropical storm of the 2009 atlantic hurricane season is now beginning to swirl and we learned that tropical depression three has formed right behind it and it will likely become tropical storm bill a bit later today. meteorologist domenica davis is at the fox weather center with the latest. people down in florida and the
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keys taking a close look at this. what can you tell us, domenica? >> yeah, they absolutely should be taking a close look at this. as you mentioned we have a new tropical depression that popped up on the screen behind ana. ana is now the least aggressive of two. we are going to encounter some infavorable conditions over the next couple of hours, but on track to stay a tropical storm. it doesn't look like it will be a hurricane because the water is going to be entering moderately warm and going to encounter some wind sheer that's just going to sort of tear the storm apart and really, the conditions won't be favorable for it to strengthsen over the next several hours. if we could take with us, we'll show you the track of two storms, they're going to be tracking off to the west and again, both of these storms will be headed towards the florida coast line, but as of right now, t schs-ana looks
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like it won't be a concern. we'll see an updated forecast of the track and it does become a tropical storm as it approaches the tip of florida there and also with td 3, by next week we'll keep monitoring all the storms and let you know the latest coming up. >> brian: all right. >> thank you. >> brian: thank you very much. you've heard the term nimby, what people say not in my back yard, believe it or not there are of yimby's where they think that guantanamo bay of detainees should be sent. we'll talk to one in just a moment. me again. okay, now this is the last time alright? thanks, you know we don't deliver anything like this. this crispy flatbread. mmmm. mmmmm! so delicious! are you like havin' a party or somethin'? ( slam ) hello? introducing the taste that's never been delivered. digiorno crispy flatbread pizza. for deliciously italian-inspired toppings on crispy flatbread crust,
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it's not delivery, it's digiorno. hello, i don't think we have met. s who need assistance getting around their homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information.
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should start around 6:25 eastern today. helping firefighters battle a blaze in santa cruz county, california. the fire is now 15% contained. more than 2400 residents are under a mandatory evacuation. wildfires are burning throughout a drought-stricken state. mtsb officials say that the air traffic controller responsible for keeping traffic of small plane involved in the mid air collision over the hudson last week was talking on the phone. he reportedly failed to warn the pilot there was a helicopter in the path. he was telling someone, we're not making this up, about a dead cat. the controller and his supervisor, as you might imagine, have been placed on leave. well, earlier this week, officials from the obama administration toured a prison in standish, michigan, and now, the mayor pro tem he wants the prisoners sent there to help keep his jobs in his town. the mayor pro tem jerry nelson
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joins us, doing so aboard that neat technology skype. mr. mayor, thank you for joining us. why do you want the guantanamo bay detainees to come to your back yard. >> well, right now, the prison's-- we stand to lose 45% of our revenue and about 25% of our-- if that happens, (inaudible) there's an agreement with california, but-- we just need to keep it going and the revenue coming in. >> brian: i understand in some communities, a lot of people say, i don't want these guys in my back yard. don't want them in my prison, don't want them with other people we might have in the prison. have you been able to overcome that sort of talk in your town? >> yeah, we had the prison here for 19, 20 years, it's a max security prison and some bad, bad people in here, so, it's never been--
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(inaudible) for that matter. mainly people are now worried, a little concerned about being one, a target of the world, but people understand that with the economy. down 72% in the area, we can't stand to have 350 to 400 jobs leave and nothing to replace them. >> brian: as the obama administration officials came in. what did they seem to think about this facility? >> well, there's the obama officials, there was actually the department of justice and the feds and homeland security, and some white house officials, they were very impressed with the the facility. they didn't make any promises, they were just giving us assurances a week or two maybe, now, showed us that one or two places and that-- >> all right, we'll continue
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to monitor the situation and maybe come back and tell us how it's going. as you hear more. mayor pro tem, jerry nelson of standish, michigan, great to have you with us. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: if you heard about the story, two families, two different sisters, two different births, two daughters all on the same day in the same hospital. >> she had a girl and it was like, oh, there's no way we are going to have a girl, too, got to be a boy. >> twin cousins. >> well, christa meyer and sister gave birth to daughters within hours of each other and delivered by the same doctor at the hospital in cincinnati, ohio. the cousins are 21 inches long, and they share the same middle name, which is rose. on that note. that's all for me here in washington. america's news headquarters rolls on. kelly wright and jamie colby are standing by in fonew york. the president's town hall at
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6:25 eastern time tonight. i'm brian wilson, i'll see you i'm brian wilson, i'll see you soon, everybody. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. i'm jamie colby. >> i'm kelly wright. stopping the news this hour, the health care debate heading to home towns across america this weekend. we'll show you what happened earlier at a town hall in georgia. >> jamie: the threat is growing and wildfires are growing fast and emergency, state of emergency declared on friday on santa cruz county, fire officials are saying that weather will make or break the attempts to put out the flames and we will have a live report from the scene. >> a homicide bomber makes his way through the police security in afghanistan, detonating a bomb, the biggest attack in the region is six months and we will have the latest on that attack and what it means for the presidential election set to take place just five days.
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>> jamie: but first across our nation today, many people are filing into town halls meetings and they're fired up and they're voicing their concerns on proposed health care reform. and one of the events taking place in georgia, with congressman david scott, who previously held town halls, made national headlines. you might remember earlier this month, a congressman walked in, when the doctor quizzed him on reform and get this, the doctor and the congressman meeting again at today's event. you won't believe what happened next. mary anne silber is live in jonesboro, georgia following all the developments. tell us what went on. >> hi, jamie, that was dr. brian till involved in the heated exchange earlier this week at another town hall and during that exchange congressman scott said if you want a health care meeting i will give you one. that's what they were doing today. and there was quite a turnout.
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the doctor got up, was given a chance to speak at length. he actually spoke longer than some of the other people with questions to talk about what his concerns are. he said he tried to contact the congressman's office and did not hear back and he voiced concerns today and what he says he wants to see the program done on a trial basis, you know, try it out first before you make this a plan for the entire country and that's some of what he talked with congressman scott about today, but it was very organized, very cordial to each other and he got out what he wanted to say. >> jamie: i remember, mary anne, in the initial meeting. the congressman said this is not the forum for you to ask question, even if you're here to get information for your parents. he says, call my office, with finger pointing in play. did that happen, did they meet privately? >> no word whether they've met privately. i can tell you when we talked earlier, even though there were some boos, the doctor did receive some boos from the
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crowd, but also some cheers, it was cordial. the doctor went over everything he wanted to know from the congressman, asked some direct questions. the congressman answered as best as he could, but the doctor ended up sitting down without the last question being answered which was what he said before, let's do this on a trial basie, would you consider that? that's some of what they talked about today. >> jamie: before i let you go. we're looking at the crowds, looks like every seat is taken, something that everybody across the nation cares so much about. the pore people that are there that got to ask the questions, what are on their minds most? >> you know, jamie, regardless how people feel about this, regardless what kind of health care they currently have they seem to want to know how this is going to be paid for? of course, we heard president obama talking at the town hal meeting in montana and said the government would to things like cutting subsidies to insurance companies to try to find the money to fund this and once
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again reiterated was not going to raise taxes on the middle class, those making less than $250,000 a year, but the money has to be found somewhere and a lot of people found here today are asking that question. how are they going to do this >> sounds like the crowd is still very much interested in what is being said and the answers they're getting today. we'll check back to you, mary anne. thank you so much. >> thanks, jamie. >> well, as you imagine we've seen lots of folks from both sides understandably fired up about this crucial top, health care reform, but we've also seen some rhetoric out there, as well. but is the real issue of health care reform being lost in the shuffle? let's ask fox news analyst, and the democratsic, thanks for joining us this afternoon. when we get right into this, the politics being what it is, yeah, the democrats, and republicans pointing fingers at each other again, and who is to blame for the raucous behavior we've seen
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in the town halls although they've been cordial lately. the bottom line in all of this, has the message been lost? are people walking away from the the meetings kind of scratching their heads saying, i asked questions, but never got answers and angela? >> well, kelly, i-- in mississippi, now, that's where i'm from, we had a town hall meeting on august 6th where we invited our congressman to attend the meeting and we could actually hear it from a member of congress. we held it at a church, over 300 people attended, democrats and republicans and they did get their questions answered, not by politicians, i'm a political analyst so i'm not a lawmaker, but you had interesdoctors from different kind of fields, o bchb obgyn's, cardiac surgeons, answering what's going on in the bill because they've read the bill. these folks did not leave this town hall meeting scratching their head.
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so i think the mainstream media would think that people are protesting ab not getting answer, but we're having in the state of mississippi town hall meetings where congressional members are not attending and we have absolutely doctors and experts come and speak on the issue and september 2nd will be another town hall meeting in jackson, mississippi. >> brian: . >> okay, so you're getting people that get the answers. >> one argues that you're taking the message out there. again, i want to ask you, has the message that we've seen at the town hall meetings from the politicians of the have you have a third mission for them to scale the wall? >> i would have thanked angela for taking an active role. i think that in the community for leading the church and talking about an issue that affects every american. >> and say that-- i'm sorry, and angela, the fact that the congressman was
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invited, never showed up for whatever reason. again, get to the point that in her particular event, being as proactive as she's been, which is still applauded, with the congressman not showing up and the idea would be to get the congressman to be involved in the passage of the health care legislation. >> i can't obviously speak to congressman chillers or what is on his attention. i'm not sure where he'll line up at the end of the day, but what i think you're seeing in all of these town hall meetings is two things and i don't think that-- one, you're seeing the emotion come out. health care cuts to the core of who we are as americans because it's associated with the highlights, everything from the birth of your first child and then sometimes the heart break, such as finding out a loved one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and that's what you're seeing in the meeting and also seeing a level of frustration on all that.
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look, out of the 20 industrialized nations in the world, there's 3.9 trillion dollars up on health care. 2.2 trillion dollars spent in the united states and yet we're not in the top 30 as far as life expectan expectancy. >> my friend-- >> and finish your question. >> okay. >> my friends in-- you're exactly right. you're exactly right, on the money that's being spent, but having said that, in canada we have universal health care, you have people coming down here in droves because they're the last on the list and a lot of tax dollars going forward that type of universal medical services and also in massachusetts, you have folks that have universal health care. >> all right. >> it's not working. >> let me step in ask you folks. >> angela, and let me ask you folks. >> if i could respond, kelly-- >> let me ask you both, as a message, the message not being
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lost as you both side, but is the ledge being explained well. for example, we have president obama out on the trail much as he did for the campaigns, talking about health care, trying to redefine the message. let's listen to him hows' trying to dispel the myth as well as allay the fears. this is president obama. >> if you do have health insurance we'll help make sure that-- if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. this is not some government takeover. if you like your doctor, you can keep seeing your doctor. this is important, i don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care, i also don't want insurance company bureaucrats meddling in your of health care eithers. >> that's the president stating how he feels about health care reforms. and people are walking away raising doubts and saying i dbts gets my questioned answered.
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and the government expanding too much, nick? >> health care already costs too much. i mean, we're seeing double digit inflation in health care costs where core inflation rates have been the single digits for the past decade. again, it's crushed small business to the point where they cannot even offer minimum benefits much of the time to their employees. it's driven chrysler and gm, iconic american corporations into bankruptcy. we see people when they get sick, they get dropped from the rolls and sometimes they end up hitting annual caps and withdrawn from their coverage altogether. >> now, nick. >> i say this to everybody 50 and above and a part of aarp or otherwise, medicare will be insolvent in ten years, fix this now or work out a-- >> you're right with health care, insurance companies got themselves-- when my mama had colon cancer.
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after she was cured they dropped her and an age high risk. having said that though, the reason you have the questions because of obama's stimulus package, it let us down. we still lost jobs, we talk about we're losing health care, but we're losing jobs so there's a distrust, kelly, of government out there. and to we need health care reform, yes. but congressional members need to go out there because there's a distrust in government and people don't understand this process. >> angela and nick, we could debate this for the rest of the hour, that's how much passion is involved in health care reform. i thank you both for weighing in and sharing your comments and we'll continue to follow the developments in health care reform as they pursue. >> thank you, kelly. >> determine what will take place. >> thank you for having me. >> good day to you both. >> jamie: let's talk about another issue, a sensitive one pushing to the forefront in washington. have you gotten one of these e-mails? just how is the white house obtaining private citizen's
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e-mail addresses and why is it sending unsolicited e-mails championing health care reform? our senior correspondent major jarrett, a serious setback when he tried to question spokesman gibbs about it this week. caroline shiefl is in washington with the latest, good to see you. has the white house given any answers as to how they got the e-mail addresses? >> not yet. fox has put together an foia request, freedom of information action. those takes months or years to produce anything. officials say they're looking into it and they certainly don't keep a list of e-mail addresses for a fef fair y purposes. >> jamie: i'm glad we're looking into it. i got one. this particular one said let's start a chain letter, it was from the white house on the white house e-mail and i just
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wondered whether or not if i it forward it to anybody, which i didn't, whether my address book would actually make its way to the white house. do we know specifically what happened if you respond or forward those e-mails or part of our request to find out? >> that's part of what we're requesting in the foya request. ap that's what you've seen major jarrett and robert gibbs at the press briefing go to the. how did you get the lands on the e-mai e-mails and you've gotten hundreds of people e-mailing him saying they want to know how the white house got a hold of their names and mrieprivate e-mails addresses, they never asked to be put on the list. listen to these guys. >> i wanted to protect their e-mail address so as not to get pieces of e-mail from people you don't want to hear from.
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i'm not particularly interested in hearing from david axlerod. >> some people asked why can't fol folks-- for many, it's a privacy issue. >> jamie: the a.c.l.u. generally steps up in cases like this. they do that a lot of time are outfitted to look at the cases. what are they doing and what do they have to say? >> they don't seem to be too bothered by unsolicited e-mails. last week they asked americans, the so-called fishy comment and the health care debate and take a listen. >> if the white house is creating a less for whatever person of equal to disagreed with the president, that's a problem. if people know there's a chance they will be on such a list, i think that people may feel inhibited in expressing their political views. we will keep you post $. >> we know you will, thanks so
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much, caroline. >> a fox news alert. major wildfires raging in california. firefighters there continuing to make progress containing the flames. you're looking at live pictures from santa cruz county and we'll be sure to see those pictures soon. strong winds kicking up the flames and there they are, igniting new fires and the inferno has now been close to eight square miles. flames forcing more than 2,000 people from their homes. a danger for fire crews and the fire is moving to a more populated areas. crayssy stegall is live and just how bad is it up there? >> well, kelly, let me set the scene, we're about a mile or so from the main line of the fire. it's burning rugged terrain right now. it's very difficult for us to even get the fire to show you the flames. the story again, really told from the air is the aerial pictures are coming in, but the
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good news to report right now is that the weather, at least this morning, seems to be cooperating because yesterday the state was only at about 5% contained, but when we started our day early this morning, it was at about 15% containment and we're getting brand new numbers into the fox news channel, now, saying it's at 30% in payment. and one of the good things here is because of the marine layer. we've seen a very heavy marine layer, we're not far from the ocean. these are coastal communities we're talking about kelly, and a lot of moisture rolled in overnight. there's a mixture of moisture that's keeping the fire from racing out of control like they've seen since wednesday when the flames started, but again, about a thousand homes are still threatened at this hour, about 2400 people are still under mandatory evacuation kelly. >> all right, based on that, how many resources are available to the fire department in order to
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knock down those fires so that people can return to their homes? >> well, as you can imagine, they're throwing a lot of resources at this. there were about 700 firefighters from all over the state of california that converged on this area. we've heard word that governor schwarzenegger was calling for additional fires to be brought? . the governor is seweri touring speak. and from the front lines, something the governor typically does when an area is affected by wildfires. the problem is there are fires burning in a couple of different points throughout the state. alabama is one of the most serious, it's very dry and doesn't take much fire to whip out of control. kelly. >> and sounds like we should be praying for rain out there. thanks, casey. >> absolutely snoof strong winds and extremely dry conditions that are make it go very difficult for the fire officials
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in california, so they're preparing for the worst as they monitor mother nature. and they're asking for mercy. there's trouble brewing in the eastern atlantic, too, tropical storm ana kicking offer the official start of the hurricane season and domenica davis with those stories and those at the fox weather center, hi. >> hi, a slow lead into hurricane season, but e-and now the past week a lot of activity is popping up. tropical storm ana as you mentioned, this is not that impressive right now and not expected to become too impressive, but the latest one is just to the east of ana and that's td 3 and this looks like the one to have the most potential to become a hurricane. >> and those storms, northwes northwest-west track and following a single path. with storm ana, you can see it stays a tropical storm and is expected to stay a tropical storm right through next week. taking it by the middle of the
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we week, close to the florida coast line. a weak tropical storm, max winds 70 miles per hour. i should say a strong tropical storm, 74 for a category # hurricane this is the projected path and strengthen by the beginning of the work week looks like the system is going to fall apart because it's not going to have favorable the conditions with dry air that will be coming in and upper level wind sheer. latest one we're looking at td 3, does have better potential to become a hurricane, it will follow on the heels of ana and pretty much follow the same path. so, by the middle of next week, wednesday, we are looking at the possible hurricane forming as the system approaches the bahamas. and those are the systems to watch, but now, if you live in florida may be the time to start thinking what you want to do in preparation for the tropical sto storm. >> jamie: thanks. >> we're days before citizens are scheduled to vote for
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president in afghanistan. some are doing all they can to discourage it, including the scene of deadly violence today outside of an n.a.t.o., we have a live report next. i think i'll go with the preferred package. good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself. that's a-- tiny netbook. yeah, it's-- good-looking, lightweight.
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so take care while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. you deserve better than to always be compromised by urges and leaks. ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare. >> taking a look at today's headlines. president obama is on the road pushing for health care reform. today's stop, grand junction, colorado. he's asked americans to turn down the volume and knows people are concerned. you'll see the president live on fox news channel. an air traffic controller is under fire for the deadly collision of a plane and a helicopter over the hudson river last weekend. this, after transportation officials say the controller did
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not warn the plane of impending danger. and michael fep phelps getting a ticket getting in an accident without a valid license. he did admit to having a beer an hour before the accident, but the accident on thursday was not the olympic swimmer's fault and showed no signs of impairment. the other driver ran a red light and hit the swimmer's car. >> kelly: 19 inmates dead and 20 injured, they were seen reut rioting from the prison and gunfire was heard as police surrounded the facility. police are saying it was sparked between a rivalry with gangs inside the prison. relatives of the inmates waiting to hear words. the fate of their loved ones. it's 75 miles south of the texas border, one official says the situation is very much under control, but calls the prison, quote, a time bomb.
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>> deadly violence in afghanistan today and it's only five days before the presidential election there. seven people were killed when a homicide car bomb went off outside n.a.t.o.'s headquarters in kabul. there were nearly 100 people hurt and it's the deadliest attack there in six months. fox's connor powell is live in kabul. connor, how close are you to the scene of the bombing? >> well, jamie, where we're broadcasting from tonight is about a mile away from the headquarters. and our entire building was shaking violently and felt like the bomb was going off underneath our feet. afghan police say the suicide pommer made it through three police check points with 600 pounds of explosive material and detonated his bomb just about a hundred feet outside of the main gates. seven people were killed, 91 injured including several n.a.t.o. troops, also in the people who were killed and
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injured were several children who are typically outside the main gate selling sticks of bubble gum and sunglasses. the taliban has vowed to step up attacks leading up to the afghan elections next week and kabul is very much a city bracing for more violence, jamie. >> jamie: the taliban is claiming responsibility from what we've heard. 600 pounds. how did they get so much explosive material past the check points. >> that's the question being asked. moving 600 pounds into the country around afghanistan is very difficult and there's questions about how they actually pulled this off. afghan officials have mentioned that maybe the taliban received help from outside, maybe pakistan militants and possibly al-qaeda helped the taliban with this project, with this explosion here at the n.a.t.o. headquarters, jamie. >> jamie: thank you so much. live for us as we monitor the aftermath there. thank you. >> kelly: all right, we keeping an eye on president obama's
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myanmar. his name is john yettaw. stephensed to seven years of hard labor for secretly swimming to the house of detained opposition leader. >> kelly: senator john mccain meeting with the kurdish leader there. tensions between the kurds and iraq, iraqs i should say poses a long-term threat to the country's stability than insurgen insurgency. >> jamie: multiple wildfires continue to rage and a state of emergency for santa cruz county. governor schwarzenegger is set to visit the fire zone later today. >> kelly: we've been telling you about it. president obama continuing to sell his prescription for health care reform and travelling to colorado for another town hall meeting this afternoon and he's asking americans to lower the volume on the rhetoric. his meetings have been called, mostly compared to the shouting at some lawmakers events and
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molly line is live with the news from washington d.c., and what should we expect from today's town hall today, molly. >> yesterday' town hall is in montana is any indication, should be orderly, but maybe with a few tough questions. it might see that they're okay with booing and cat calling with their congressmen and a different tone with the president. and the president spoke with people who have insurance, but hit by a cap on benefits or large out of pocket fees. yesterday, the protesters were people who were dropped by insurance companies. this is part of the strategy to tap into anger against insurance companies, here is what the president said at his address. >> talk about the differences that really exist because while there may be disagreements over how to go about it, there is widespread agreement on the urgent need to reform a broken system and finally hold insurance companies accountable. >> the president and his family are touring yellowstone park
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right now. the town hall this evening 6:15 eastern. >> kelly: it's good he's squeezing in time for his family, but we've heard about the confrontational town halls that have gone on. >> we heard from a republican congressman, who had an interesting comment. he questions the value of town halls, representative mccotter of michigan. >> you will attract vehement supporters of the bill and vehement opponents of the bill and normal people will sit home and say i don't want to be a part of that political circus, it will not help to inform me. >> congressman mccotter-- avoid, he says in a clear and concise fashion. >> kelly: you know, that sounds like a capital idea. read the bill and then debate it. i've got to ask you, so many people malini are involved in the debate. tv ads and what else is out there? are americans for quality care? >> americans the coalition
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began airing a 12 million dollar ad campaign this week. that though is peanuts next to the pharmaceutical industry that may spend up to 150 million dollars in support of health care reform. on the opposite side for the economists, chamber of commerce is airing ads, a multi-million dollar campaign that they won't give the exact figure how much they're spending, kelly. >> kelly: malini wilkes, thank you. >> jamie: kelly, president obama as you said is crisscrossing the country, something for health care reform he wants and yesterday, he hosted a town hall meeting in montana pitching his case and helping to win over any skeptics about the top legislative priority. today he will be in grand junction, colorado. what kind of reception can the president expect? we're going there. the chair of the mason county republicans are also on the
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phone, thank you for both for joining us. >> thanks for having us there. >> jamie: fair and balanced, i'm curious about the kind of turnout each of you think you will get and martle, let me ask you, what is the issue that's really at the forefront for your constituents or democrats in grand junction? >> well, i think at the forefront in the issue, the insured, who are paying too much and are going to continue paying a lot. and then of course, the uninsured with interestingly enough, is not children in terms of the greatest number or the hispanics, it is the working cla class, white, adult, and those are the people that are uninsured so i think those are the class that are most concern concern concerned. >> jamie: and also, chuck, this week had an interesting conversation with a physician, first black surgical chair of any medical school here and he's
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an obama supporter, but he was gravely concerned about some of the statements that he feels have been made by the president about doctors, about doctor's intentions and that it will ultimately discourage physicians from getting into the health care business. we saw a doctor at one of the town halls come back for a second visit with his representative today. are you concerned there about getting health care to the people who need it when the reforms potentially will insure all, but might give them less, according to some of the proposals? >> you know, nobody wants to see anybody go without medical care, we want to see the best solution put in place, but the concerns of the doctors that you mentioned are very sound. i think they're projecting right now, 35,000 doctor shortage in the next three years, and that's at the current system. we start adding in millions of new patients into an already packed system.
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i want to know where president obama is going to get the qualified doctors and how to motivate them. i don't know very many doctors who want to get hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and then become a government employee. and-- >> and not to stick on this point, chuck, but martle, let me ask you about the fact that tort reform is not part of any of the plans that are proposed right now. but the ama whi they said they support supported reforms, specifically said that's something they wanted. how do the people of are states feel about that? do they feel it's necessary in order to pay for whatever health care plan is put in place? >> well, first of all, let me say the director of ama supports president obama's plan. secondly, as tort reform, you know, tort reform was to some extent started 20 years ago and nobody really saw an increase in their liability insurance policy, so, while tort reform is important, tort reform is really just a couple of buzz wards that
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inge get in the way of the real reform. >> jamie: check before i let you go. what do you expect will happen today in grand junction? >> i think there's going to be a very good debate. i wonder if there's going to be a good body of representatives from the community. we understand only a third of the tickets that were put out to the public were actually given to moderates. two-thirds of the tickets were given out in circles of the democratic party so with that kind of sampling, unfortunately, i don't think we'll get a representative sample of the county conservatives who are respectful of the president and want to ask them a fair question he and i would like to have that debate at today's town hall. >> jamie: martle daniels and chuck, thank you, fair and balanced coverage will continue. we'll be looking at that event li live later on today. thank you. >> thank you. >> kelly: 6:25 p.m. tonight
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right here on the fox news channel and president obama speaking in grand junction, colorado. other concerns out there right now regulators are expecting to take over one of the largest failed banks of the year. colonial bank is now in government hands. the federal deposit insurance fund says it will pay out almost 3 billion dollars to cover the depositors. anyone keeping their money with bank group will have access to their accounts today. nearly 400 bank branches in alabama, florida, georgia, nevada and now reopiening for normal business hours. of 25 billion in asset. fdic approved of the assets. >> jamie: the big concern is that the fdic can only cover so many banks going under. consumer confidence may have impacted by hearing such a large bank actually had to close its doors. there's a report that says that
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consumers are a lot less optimistic, personally about their own finances. less optimist take than in the past 60 years. ed is joining me now, the managing partner, that's huge ed. for people to have such little confidence and we saw the stock market on friday, it certainly shows pessimism over the recent round of optimism. how low has consumer confidence dropped, what should we wire about as an average consumer? >> well, jamie, thanks for having hee on. let' look at 10%. super confident around 66 as measured by the surveys that came out and economists were expecting it to go to 68. looking for a positive number. what happened was it dropped down to 63, completely unaccepted, but the lowest number by the way was in november, the tax-- i think it was about 55 was the number there. we're off the low, but what occurred, jamie was simply this.
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you saw, really, the health care debate taking effect on everybody. people were vulnerable and they spent less and questioning everything going on in the country. everything that's going on with the obama administration, because of that people were spending a lot less-- >> but there are many people who support everything the obama administration is doing and may be pessimistic for other reasons, loss of jobs and unemployment numbers go up. a lot of people homes are suddenly worth a lot less than what they owed. that will have you spending less and holding on to every dollar you have. and the banks going out of business, record numbers. >> at home-- >> but did they juanunderestimaf things of these in terms of pricing of goods, and not stayed the same? >> i absolutely-- sorry to interrupt you there, the point i want to make the things you're saying are dead
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on. unemployment is affecting them, everything going on in the economy is affecting them. just as an unexpected drop was because of the health care, but prices dropping, then there are questions about deflation, we know we are going to see inflation, but right now we're not seeing the pricing pressure and a lot of things are questioned right now in the econoand country and because of that we have to watch this, it's not a trebd yet, but watch the numbers next month and month after because if we start seeing a trend we know a plan is out there that's not working. >> jamie: trend, everybody has been enjoying it, the 401(k) is now looking more like a 401(k). what's going to happen with our retirement savings? . >> great question. >> we talked about this before. be careful the month of september is always a bad month and october is always more volatile so be very careful we've had a really nice rise and our 401(k) looks better. don't make any rash changes
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really september, october, and we'll look for a nice rally the end of the year. >> diversifying very important for the home investor trying to keep their money safe and maybe making a little profit? >> yes, that's the key, make sure you're diversified, but also, don't be too careful and too cautious right now, get your money into those equities because you'll be reward are for doing some. >> jamie: all right. ed, always great to talk to you. i think we've covered a lot of ground. thank you. >> thank you. >> kelly: all right, for one chances are headed to the beach. i know you are, wait until we're done. the fact and pack the sunscreen in your bag. holds on jamie colby, are you safe from the sun? the makers of sunscreen put all kinds of numbers on labels now supposedly about protection, can you really believe them?
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>> we're hearing the same things over and over again when it comes to staying safe out there in the sun. doctors are urging people to wear sunscreen outdoors, we've known that for years. many of us diligently lathering up when we go to the beach or park. whether you're following the rules or not. you may not be getting the whole truth and nothing, but the truth. david lee miller is live in new york city. what's the problem out there? we lather up, but-- did you lather up? >> you're out in the sun, dude. >> i have to tell the truth only outside for a few moments, but i
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have to underscore what you just said by pointing out that if you ever purchased sunscreen, there's a pretty good chance that you really didn't know what it was you were buying. for two years now, the f.d.a. has proposed changes in the labeling of sunscreen. and here we are, almost the end of yet another summer and the changes have not yet taken effect. what are we talking about here? well, let's start with the broad points first. number one, a number of brands promise all day protection. experts say, forget it, that does not exist. number two, we talked about the spf, sun protection factor, sometimes you see numbers, 80, 90, 100. experts say uh-uh, the most you can probably expect is spf of about 50. that's should be about the cap. another thing to consider spf protect you from uvb rays only? those are the ones that cause you to burn. you are not usually protected from uva rays, those are the
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rays that cause you to get a tan, but can cause very serious skin damage. one of the things that the f.d.a. wants to do, to change the labeling so it will reflect uva and uvb protection as well as those other things as well, kelly. what specific type-- what type of changes are we talking about here? >> let me be more precise. let's look at a graphic, f.d.a. graphic. one side of the screen you'll see a container of sunscreen lotion the way most products are sold today and on the other side, the proposed labeling changes. what you see here is the spf or the uvb, the number here, i believe it's 45, and you'll see a star system, they prp they have 1, 2, 3 or 4 sthars that will indicate the level of protection for you, and another thing to be mindful of when you see claims that it's waterproof sunscreen, don't buy it, they
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say it does not exist. the best to hope to purchase is water resistent sunscreen and this is also one of the changes you'll be able to soon see in labeling. as i how soon? they've been working on this for two years. they've been dragging their feet. could see changes by the end of the year just in time for january. kelly. >> kelly: all right. i'll use it when i go to the bahamas in january now. thanks, david. >> jamie: if you have diabetes you definitely need to hear this. the f.d.a. has a warning about blood sugar tests. the government is saying that certain tests can give you an accurate result if you're taking other medicines. here, let me explain, they say do not use glucose testing strips in combination with die al list or-- die al list and other they can falsely elevate blood sugar results and increase the risk of taking an insulin overdose. >> the search for a missing
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>> developing now, president obama's gearing up for another town hall meeting on health care reform. he will be in grand junction, colorado. trying to win over the skeptics of his health care plan and fox will have live coverage. you'll want to keep it right here, 6:25 p.m. in the gaza strip, meanwhile, hamas says the head of a terror group blew himself up during a fierce gun battle and security forces at hamas surrounded a mosque where the leader was holed up and got a hundred followers, at least 24 people were killed in the shootout. and tropical storm ana is strengthening in the atlantic ocean and is aiming for florida. it's the first tropical storm of the season.
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we're following a story, nine women dead or missing in north carolina town and locals are demanding answers. is a serial killer on the loose. take a look at a billboard in rocky mountain, north carolina, asking for help. so far, six bodies have been found dead since 2005. the latest behind a burned out house in june. three other women are missing. cops aren't saying frp a-- much, and some wonder whether the case has low priority because many of the women were prostitutes or drug addicts. the fbi is now involved in the investigation. >> kelly: the case after missing woman in georgia. they've found the cell phone of christy cornwell, she disappeared on tuesday, her boyfriend says he was on the phone with her when he heard a struggle and the phone went silent. no one has seen her since that time. resear searchers found the phone
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several miles from where she disappeared. joining us is a reporter from the atlanta constitution, following the story. new for joining us, i understand that you spoke with her brother; is that correct? >> yes, i did. >> kelly: what kind of information have you gained from him in terms of where the georgia bureau of investigation and other police in that local area, what are they finding so far? >> well, the delivery of the cell phone helped us determine a direction, that-- so they had an expanded search and they're moving forward from that location. >> kelly: all right, we also understand that that community, right now, we are looking at police find of up through the area in search of any future clues or possibly could lead to her whereabouts, but we understand that the community has rallied together in support of her. if we can, we can show the water bottles they've dispensing with her picture all over it and they're doing that to show
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people if they have any idea that they might have seen this young woman, to call them. what are you getting from there, in terms of community support, really? >> well, from-- speaking with the brother, he says the family has been overwhelmed and they're hearing from people they don't know, for example, a man in another town has offered a reward. the details of that aren't specific so he didn't give me much information on that, but did say that this man was a friend of the family. >> kelly: we're looking at a picture right now. attractive woman, about 5-5 and when people see her, they can contact authorities. what are they telling you about her personality? what have you heard from her brother? >> her brother said she was adventurous, she loved motorcycles, one of the things that is new to the investigation is the georgia bureau of investigation is looking at probationer she may have supervised. she was a probation officer in
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2002, quit that job to go to school full-time. so, that's another option that they're looking at. they've ruled out the registered sex offenders in the area so they're going aftvapro bayings-- >> shedding more light on this for us, again, people are looking for christy cornwell in the area. we can give you the tip line number. can we bring that number up again real quickly, there is the number for you, it is 706-635-2900. >> jamie: i hope if you have information, pick up the phone right now. meanwhile, nothing more determined than a bride to be. they don't call them bridezillas for nothing. when they go looking for a bargain on a wedding dress, you better get out of the way. the wedding dress warriors, they don't mess around. mr. evans? this is janice from onstar. i have received an automatic signal you've been in a front-end crash. do you need help?
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and spiring others with every wave they catch. they're all am pewees, the association of amputee surfers, operation restoration, teaches disabled men and women how to surf and many people you see here are vets who lost their legs in combat. >> jamie: nothing could come between a bride and a wedding gown of her dreams, especially when the gown goes on sale. >> buy me a wedding dress! >> the women screaming they were well behaved, but here is the stampede of blushing brides. guys, this is the woman you're about to marry. sto storming filene's basement, some on the squawks guaranteeing they will be the first in line. the goal is to grab
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