tv Americas Newsroom FOX News August 17, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: good morning, everybody. we are waiting for new word on what has happened to a critical part of the president's health care reform program. kathleen sebelius, saying that the president would not be willing to drop the public option from his health care reform push. now the white house is backpedaling quickly, saying that she misspoke and that president obama still wants a public option. as we get new details, we both get them to you. new developments on the unsolicited white house e-mails that we wrote here on the fox news channel.
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the administration is placing blame on third party groups for and knowingly sending spam e- mails to americans. -- for on knowingly sending spam e-mails to americans. "the white house does not purchase, up load, or emerge from any other list." that is part of the statement. welcome to you on this monday. hope that you had a great weekend. megyn: well, the white house is shifting blame in a statement coming not from robert gibbs or even from our friend, bill burton, but from nick shapiro. the white house spokesman for new media. he offered this explanation after the white house refused to answer questions on how, exactly, so many people receive those e-mails. bill: major garrett, asking the questions live from the white house.
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good morning. where are we on this? >> already the white house has implemented a couple of noticeable changes. when you go to the white house web site to lead a comment, their position is that outside and third party groups have gone to the comments section and left comments with embedded e-mails from people without their permission. if you go to the comments section there this morning you will find two things that were not there this weekend. one, something asking for e-mail updates. second, you must copy in these squiggly letters. if you have ever purchased tickets online, to verify your attempt to purchase and you must copy down the letters. those things have been added since last night to the white house comments section of the web site. these are some of the attempts they said that they would undertake. i would like to read more of the
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statement released to fox last night. "we suggest that they unsubscr ibe from the list by clicking the link at the bottom of the e- mail or tell whoever forwarded it to them not to forward such information anymore. including preventing advocacy organization from signing people ought to our lists without their permission when they deliver a petition signatures and other messages on individuals behalf." the things that i described would not stop a group from doing that if they were able -- willing to take those third steps. those are two levels of protection on the white house web site that did not exist last night. they are implementing changes. bill: you ask a question last thursday. it is now monday. they are moving quickly on this. if you send an e-mail to the
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white house and you make sure that you do not want to be contacted, you can do that. if the word major is in that field, and you have to figure out the spelling, that is one of the provisions put into effect quite quickly, correct? >> certainly, the statement came out last night. 7:36 precisely in the evening. if you go to our white house blog on, we have received literally a kind of comments. more than 15,000 on this story. among the people who commented last night past midnight, they noticed the changes on the web site and brought it to our attention. one of the things that has driven this story is the internet chatter in our blog and on the overall internet sphere
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itself. obviously, i was ignored on thursday and friday. a critical mass developed over the weekend, the white house saw that we had caused tremendous public interest. they wanted to remedy the situation. bill: see you later today, maj. the white house is changing its e-mail rules. the folks at the aclu are questioning the changes. later in the hour we will speak to someone in your organization. megyn: looking forward to that. not every day that you see the aclu on fox news. learning about the future of this so-called public option in health care reform, yesterday morning kathleen sebelius said that the president was not making this so-called public option a mandatory part of health care reform. that he is open to not including
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it. 12 hours later a top administration officials said not so fast, saying that she misspoke. remember, liberal democrats think that it is essential to provide government sponsored insurance. this is a deal breaker for a lot of liberals. moderate democrats and just about every republican hate the idea, worried that it could cost billions and could crush private insurance. how are they going to fight against a government sponsored industry? then there was this. now, the white house backtrack a little bit. -- backtracked a little bit. that key bipartisan group in the senate, working on that only bill that has any chance, kent conrad is a member of that group and here he is speaking on "fox news sunday" yesterday.
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>> with the president be better off taking it off the table? -- with the president be better off taking it off the table? >> there are not the votes in the senate for the public option. there never have been. to continue to chase that rabbit is a wasted effort. megyn: there, he said. a democrat saying that it does not matter, they do not have the votes in the senate. we will watch that senate finance committee as they continue to work on a bill. if you did not see that interview yesterday, it was fascinating. especially what the senator was saying about what the truth is about the so-called myths out there right now. bill: they talked about that item in september as well, saying that it will be ready when it is ready. a good interview. very direct. questions about everything from the public option to death panels came up during the town hall meetings.
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this was on the outside of the town hall meeting in vermont. [lot of yelling] bernie sanders held and over for all -- overflow crowd meeting with a lot of passionate opinions and strongly voiced concerns. >> we do not want a bureaucrat telling us when we can go to the doctor, what kind of doctor we can go to, or where we can go for anything. we want to retain the freedom that we have in this country. >> all that i am asking is for the senator to make something that is not so wicked complex and long that it takes someone like me -- bill: august 17 on the calendar, at least two more weeks of town hall meetings. senator standards hopes to hold another. -- senator sanders hopes to hold
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another before leaving vermont. megyn: new polls show that a majority of americans think that this health care program is a big waste of money. you recall that our foxhole want their money back instead of allowing the government to spend it. stuart varney joins us with more. what are these newest polls? >> clearly, a majority of americans suggest that the stimulus plan is not working, that it has not helped the economy, and an even bigger majority, 60% today in a gallup poll say that it will not help the economy in the years to come. this is a huge problem for the economic program of the obama administration. they have launched a $787 billion stimulus plan. they have not created any jobs and consumers are not spending.
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this back-to-school season is one of the worst in a decade. megyn: why is it such a problem for them? they have already gotten the $787 billion. it is scheduled to be doled out. if the american people do not like it, that is a done deal, is it not? >> yes, but it is the bedrock of his economic policy. going forward, is it likely to work? 60% say no, because it contains wasteful spending and out and out fraud. much of it, three-quarters of the money -- which has yet to be spent -- is going on social programs to help the state's, going in the form of very small tax cuts that are being saved. not working as advertised, the people have no confidence in it. these town halls, you often hear the expression that you are out
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of control. megyn: i want to ask you, is there any chance that we could get it back? the day might not spend the remainder? >> the left is talking about a second stimulus plan. i do not think that that happened, and you will not get your money back from the first land. bill: if those numbers do not change, you have a tough road ahead. megyn: like he said, good luck passing stimulus ii. bill: a 22-year-old college student challenging the president to an oxford style debate. did he get an answer to his question? he joins us live. megyn: the mayor of milwaukee is being called a hero today. we will show you what happens when he saw -- what happened when he stepped in to save a woman being beaten with a metal pipe at the state fair. bill: rain and high winds, tropical storm cloud that.
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bill: we have live pictures from the white house. ironically, during president obama's saturday town hall in colorado, one that he was holding there, the toughest question of the day was when he was asked about a public option. >> can a private corporation providing insurance compete with an entity that that does not have to worry about making profits, are not subject to
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local property taxes or regulations -- how can they compete? bill: 823-year-old college student. -- a 20 3-year-old college student -- 23-year-old college student. he is with us this morning. thank you for your time. you said you did not get the answer that you were looking for. what were you looking for? >> the truth. he even gave examples like fedex and ups, how these companies might be able to survive. do we want the public option to fail? is that what is going to happen? bill: i think that you actually got some news. part of his answer was that the public option, whether we have it or we do not have it, is not the entirety of health care reform, sending a signal across the country that the white house
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is starting to compromise on the public option. did you hear when he said that? >> you have got to look into what they are saying. this is the same as the fairness doctrine, which they said was of the table, now we have diversity in media ownership. just because they say one thing does not mean that they will not try the back door way to get it. bill: why are you so dubious about a government plan? >> well, it is pretty easy -- social security, medicare, medicaid, all going bankrupt. we have $56 trillion in unfunded liabilities and promises. this government wants us to buy a plan that does blooper to nothing to fix that -- this government wants to -- wants us to buy a plan that does little to nothing to fix that? it is absurd. bill: you know, you make
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yourself known at this event. how did you manage to get his attention? >> it came during the part when he was talking about medicare. he was using it as an example of how the government can cover people. i said that it was bankrupt, i used that example. as far as you sts and fedex, there is not -- u.s. ps and fedex, there is no way that an expansion can be sustained into nowhere alaska. bill: i have been to know where alaska, it is a beautiful place. >> big supporter of sarah palin. bill: i was being sarcastic. were other people behaving like you? were you standing in a line? did you have your hand up?
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>> i put my hand up every time he asked four questions. he saw me when he made the comment about medicare. he looked me in the eye. when he came around on the last question, i waved my hand back and forth. i had seen him and i was called on. bill: you volunteered for john mccain last year, not in an official capacity, and you go to school in boulder, colorado. grand junction is a long way. i guess that you got what you were looking for. thank you. thank you for your time, my friend. >> thank you, appreciate it. megyn: the white house has yet to explain what they have been doing with those fishy e-mails that americans are for redding. where is the aclu in all of this? i will tell you where. right here on "america's
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newsroom" in about 10 minutes. bill: janice dean joins us in a moment to tell us where tropical storm claudette is going next. >> like i said, we did not know it would get this bad. geico's been saving people money on car insurance for over 70 years. and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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sfwhen you own a business,g saving sounds good. so hear this: regions makes it simple to save money and time with lifegreen checking and savings for business, free convenient e-services and regions quick deposit, so you can deposit checks right from your desk. so switch to regions and start saving. plus, get a business financial review imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm dan weston. we're experts at getting you the scooter or power chair you need. in fact, if we pre-qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free.
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i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information. megyn: fox news alert, tropical storm claudette is dropping heavy rain on the panhandle of florida this morning. bill is causing all sorts of trouble in the southeast. if i had a nickel. janice dean is live in the fox extreme weather center. let's start with tropical storm
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claudette. janice: we are at the fancy large screen for the fancy weather. we have got a lot to talk about. , " -- tropical storm claudette made landfall yesterday in the florida panhandle. it is a depression, bringing lots of rain up towards alabama. there are flash flood warnings and watches in the fact -- in effect. let's move over to an and the bill. anna is a tropical depression. it was a tropical storm. we have three named storms in the atlantic. hurricane bill, this is the one to watch. hopefully like our anchor, it's bart will be worse than its bite. -- bark will be worse than its bite. bill: bill does not listen to
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folks like you. he does whatever he wants. [laughter] janice: i know. let's take a look at hurricane bill, forecast to become a category three -- it could even be a category five. the atlantic has had nothing but warm water in it. do you see that coma of uncertainty? it looks like it might brush bermuda, but you know -- with these storms and we cannot forecast. here are the models that we look at when we see the cone of uncertainty. it looks like we will not have a rush this time with bill. megyn: where are you going? are you trouble? are you going to florida or bermuda? bill: i am planning. megyn: he is the classic middle child, a peacemaker and not an aggravated. that bodes well for our friends
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in the southeast. he looks scarier than he is. bill: you will lot now, you know? [laughter] janice: we also have a couple of other bills in the building. they are everywhere. bill: hard on the outside, soft on the inside. [laughter] megyn: thank you, janice. if you are in the south where tropical storm claudette, or even bill, is hitting the coast, send us the pictures you can also up load your videos. bill: nice to see janis of here, right? megyn: nice to have her use the box. bill: the mayor of minneapolis -- the mayor of milwaukee, leaving the state fair, protecting it woman who was being attacked by a man with a
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metal pipe. he fought back against the suspect, he broke his own hand when he punched the suspect. the mayor is in the hospital, recovering from rather extensive head injuries. >> i have spoken to him personally. he has a good sense of humor. he is a great brother. he is in great shape. he will be fine. he has a sustained some significant injuries. but the doctors say that he is stable and he will be fine. bill: nice to hear. more on that story in about 15 minutes. the vote in milwaukee, he was elected by 80%. megyn: he will win that other 20% now.
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the white house said that they would never stop unsuspecting americans by visiting -- who visited their web sites. now there are a third party is sending unsolicited e-mails. what is the aclu saying? i will ask them when their spokesperson joins us in a few minutes. what's up, smart? being smart. yep. just booked my 10th night on, so i get a night free. you. me. getaway. really? where? anywhere you want. a bed and breakfast? bed and breakfast. check. a place by the beach? a place by awesome. oh, you are smart. accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcome rewards from smart. so smart.
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bill: president obama, ready to speak to the nation's largest organization of combat veterans later today. he will address them in phoenix, arizona. later tonight the president and the first family come back to washington after traveling west. mostly on the political front, pushing health care reform with a sightseeing on the side. the government run health insurance, new questions about whether or not it is dead, alive, or on life support. kathleen sebelius misspoke, saying that a government run health insurance option is not an essential part of reform. the president referred to that as well on saturday. we are trying to parcel language. stay tuned for more developments on that right here on "america's newsroom." megyn: the white house is pointing the finger at third parties to explain why americans
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are getting unsolicited e-mails from the white house on health care. third party groups might be signing americans up for them without americans knowing about it. the white house said they will try to prevent that from happening. what about the snout -- so- called white house snitch list? you know, the request that people forward fishy e-mails on health care reform -- get one from your neighbor, ascended to the white house, remember? what happens to those e-mails? i tried to ask bill burton about that last week, it was hard to get a straight answer. just answer my question. just answer my question. are you purging the e-mails? >> you keep, you are flabbergasting -- i have got to say. megyn: where is the aclu in all of this? chris hanson is with the
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american civil liberties union working group. let's start with that. i had bill burton on last week, asking him over and over. of what happens to these so- called fishy e-mails that are forwarded by one american to another? i could not get a straight answer out of bill burton, but it seems clear that the white house is required to keep the e- mails for about one dozen years because of the white house paper act. what is your position? >> it makes perfect sense to me that the white house wants to know all of the arguments being made against the health care plan and wants to respond. but any time that the government is collecting the political views of americans when americans have not given permission for their views to be shared with the white house, it is a troubling situation that could lead to potential of use. megyn: the white house that does not seem to get that.
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we heard the president last week saying "all, people think that we are creating an enemies list." that is not the point, it is not what they are calling it or dubbing it, it is the effect of potentially chilling free speech in a community. now you are thinking that if i tell my body about a health care complaint, what if it is sent to the president? and i do not want to be the subject of potential attacks. >> that is exactly right. i take it that the administration's word that they're not doing anything wrong with that the minister -- with the information they are gathering. but they are gathering it. this administration or some future administration, there is potential. the second point that you make is correct. if the government -- if we know that the government is collecting political views, we
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will be inhibited from expressing them. this comes of often when law enforcement takes videotapes of people at demonstrations, trying to name the people. fewer people are going to want to go if they think that their name and image is going to go into a database held by the government. megyn: right, now you have got -- for example, gene green is requiring, in a related matter, people that show up at a town hall meeting to give their driver's license and names before they show up. he said that he wants to make sure their constituents. that type of behavior has a potential chilling effect on free speech, you do not want people carting you for your first amendment rights. >> politicians are not going to allow any citizen to express their views, they do not allow people to yell in the congress,
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but anything that inhibits the process is wrong. megyn: do you think that some of the press and folks in general are giving the president a pass on this because they identify more with the obama administration? it seems to me that if george bush had done this, left-wing groups would be going nuts. >> it is almost always true that conservatives give more of a pass to conservative administrations, liberals giving it passed to liberal administrations. that is the nature of politics in america. we are proud of the fact we will criticize any administration at the aclu. megyn: i will not touch that one, i know that we will have disagreements on that. one more thing before you go. major garrett was asking the obama administration why people were getting unsolicited e-mails from the white house, they said they did done now.
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now they say that they think it could be the third party groups are registering people to receive white house e-mails without those people knowing about it. the white house said that they would change their policy, i will show the statement to our viewers. "we are implementing measures to make subscribing clearer, including preventing advocacy organizations from signing people ought to our lists without the permission when they deliver petition signatures and other messages on individual poli's behalf." >> the question is if i have given permission to the white house to gather my political views. if they are doing so without their permission, that is troubling. it seems to me to be a sensible step, eliminating some of that effort. all of it? i do not know. megyn: chris hansen, thank you
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so much. it is tough to get the aclu to join us, but you are a stand-up guy and we are happy to have you. >> happy to be here. thank you. bill: there is a political battle in texas, kay bailey hutchison is kicking off her campaign for senator. she will have to fend off opponents. carl, is this the race to watch? if so, what is the potential for it getting nasty? >> it has already got nasty. kay bailey hutchison has announced that she is a 16-year incumbent. a courteous backroom operator that gets things done. rick perry has been governor since 2000, the tenant governor reelected twice -- lt. gov. reelected twice.
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this battle will reflect a lot of what is going on in the republican party nationwide. hudgins and argues that gov. perry has been to conservative. -- too conservative. he supported those who wanted to secede from the union, he has been bashing washington, accusing k bailey hutchison of taking too much of the t.a.r.p. money. she is a supporter of abortion rights, he is opposed to row vs. wade. i have to get down to a whisper as they readied behind me. i think that they're going to do the pledge of allegiance. i will keep selling, as they say, this battle will be lengthy and one of the most expensive, reflecting what is going on in the gop, write verses centrist -- right versus
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centrist. bill: thank you, carl. carl cameron, live from lubbock, texas. megyn: milwaukee, finding a hero in their mayor. mayor tom barrett rescued a woman and a child from a violent attack, the mayor is now hospitalized. bill: fingers are being pointed, but are they being pointed at the right person? we have a video, coming up. megyn: an update to a story that we brought you here on "america's newsroom" last week. georgia congressman, david scott, david -- gave a doctor an earful for asking a question. now he willingly gives that same
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doctor the microphone. how did that go? you will see it here. >> why not? [shouting] ♪ for just nine dollars, you can get them shoes from names like danskin now and starter. ♪ select eyeglass frames are just $9 at walmart -- and they have a 12-month guarantee. ♪ juniors tops from op are $9 too. and you can get them the school supplies they need to start the year for just $9 total. nine dollars. considering what you get... that's a really great price. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart.
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claims and send you a free meter. call right now and they'll also send you a free diabetic cookbook. diabetes doesn't have to slow you down. join me and over a million people who trust liberty medical. megyn: fox news alert, we have been looking for this russian ship off of the coast of west africa, now it has been found. there was a rumor that it had been hijacked, maybe pirates were involved -- the question was what happened? the crew has been found alive, the ship has been recovered -- we are waiting for details on where it has been and why it was missing in action for the last several days. more as we get it. bill: earlier, the mayor of
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milwaukee and that heroic rescue at the state fair? he risked his own life to intervene in a domestic dispute, saving a grandmother and her grandchild from a pipe-wielding attacker. j., good morning to you. first things first, how is the mayor? >> he is in a hospital, but there is a good chance that he will be able to get out today. we spoke to his brother and things were looking up. apparently he set up last night and was surprised. bill: he had a broken hand? >> that is right, he busted his hand trying to find of the attacker -- fend off the attacker. bill: tell viewers what happened. he was leaving the state fair with members of his own family and a grandmother was trying to
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protect her grandchild from a 20-year-old man. it was apparently a domestic dispute of some sort. he intervenes. he calls 911. what did the attacker do? >> of the suspect went right after him. he hit the mayor in his head and torso. that is when all of this stuff started coming. it just went on from there. he had had the hospital. the suspect has been arrested and is behind bars. bill: did the suspect even know the mayor? >> i do not think that he even recognize that it was the mayor of milwaukee. it was a quick incident. i have got a feeling that that is what transpired. bill: he is a popular man as well. he won reelection with 80% of the vote? >> even people that disagree with him always save that he is
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a good guy, even if i have problems with his politics. but he seems to be able to go across the board politically. bill: the people of milwaukee can probably relate to him even more so after this. >> especially considering the facts that some of the first thought he had after coming to or how his children were doing. he is still able to enjoy his favor of local custard shake, always connected in the milwaukee area. bill: he has said that his only event is that the family witnessed what went down. how are the grandmother and a grandchild? >> they are fine, the mayor took the brunt of the entire attack. bill: our best to you out there. we will invite him on the program later in the week if he is up to it. thank you. megyn: a watershed moment in the
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health-care debate, arlen specter's town hall meeting that he watched here, live, six days ago. he is at it again. will this town hall go any better? bill: what this, a deadly mid- air crash as elite firefighters train for a major attack. we are learning from investigators. ♪ (announcer) introducing new tums dual action. this tums goes to work in seconds and lasts for hours. all day or night. new tums dual action. bring it on.
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mountie doomed. residents have been allowed to go back home. firefighters said the flames are 60% contained. they expect to fully surrounded by thursday. it could have been a lot worse with the wind and the dry conditions out there. it is the wild fire that threatened to the most homes. megyn: this is a crucial week in afghanistan. the country's presidential election is this thursday. the taliban has threatened anyone that tries to vote. u.s. troops have been working hard to secure the area so that citizens can safely cast their ballot. gregg has been on the ground and he joins us now. this offensive that you just got back from provided the most up close images we have seen. what is the latest on the effort? what is happening? >> it was pretty up close for james and myself, we are just
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back from there. we hear that the marines are continuing to do get out. the latest that we are hearing is that they wiped out a compound on the southern side of the town where the taliban had been firing on marines. now the issue is to engage a shell shocked populace in the town. i can tell you that they are knocked around by the fighting. the idea of setting up a polling station does not seem to be on the agenda. megyn: i guess it would seem difficult, to put it mildly. here we are, monday, the election is a few days away. what have you seen? what can we expect for thursday? >> they are doing everything that they can to derail the election. a car bomb went off on saturday near the international military
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headquarters. seven people dead the, 90 injured. threats from across the country against the populace to not go to the polls. the ugliest threat of all, listen to this, in afghanistan you stick your finger in a pot of ink to protect you from going to the poll again. the taliban says that they will cut your ink stain finger off. megyn: quite a reminder of what our troops are dealing with. thank you, greg. bill: those threats are still very real. alive or dead, what the president calls the critical part of his health care reform package is in intensive care at the moment. watching the monitors and more, coming up. megyn: michael vick says of the dogfighting behind us and except -- and play football. the philadelphia eagles are ready to forgive and forget, but
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eight dishes that fit into your lunch hour... starting at just $6.99. at red lobster. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute megyn: the so-called public option might be dead on the vine when it comes to health care reform. that comes from kathleen sebelius, secretary of health and human services. now i white house spokesman says that she misspoke. -- now a white house spokesman says that she misspoke. hi, everybody. it is a great new weekend -- great new day here in "america's newsroom." bill: did you have a good weekend? megyn: started to feel self- conscious at the beach. bill: another one. [laughter] a leading democratic senator, part of the negotiations on the
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senate side, admitting that the government run health insurance does not have the votes to pass. last month the president said that any plan that he signed it would need insurance exchange. you would be able to track a variety of plans. megyn: mike, traveling live with the president. kathleen sebelius suggested that the administration was willing to give up on the public option. it set off a firestorm. >> all indications are that the health and human services secretary was reacting to the political reality. negotiating a deal that the public option is not going to be able to get through. what seemed a bit more acceptable to moderate republicans and democrats, the idea of a cooperative plan,
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basically saying that the government option was not essential, but that the president wants choice and that sort of thing. megyn: so, she comes out and says maybe not on the public option. then, an unnamed administration official comes out and says that she misspoke. what is the deal there? >> i have been chasing them down for hours. i can tell you that every administration official that i spoke to would not go after the secretary. they pointed to a comment made by linda douglass, saying that nothing has changed, that the president believes that the government option is the best way to go, wanting lower cost and choice for consumers. all indications are that they realize they do not have the votes to get it done.
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megyn: is this all an exercise in intellectual stimulation at this point? kent conrad said that this will not happen, that there are not the votes in the senate. does it really matter how president obama feels at this point? we have got half of congress saying now. >> you get a sense that there is sensitivity of how the liberal base might respond. many liberals thought that this would happen, they had a big democratic majority, they thought that the public option was a go. now that it is going away, many liberals will be very disappointed. some of the semantics or wordplay might be trying to protect against their own base. megyn: more and more people are talking about for getting a
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bipartisan approach. time will tell. thank you, sir. bill: in the meantime, the white house is hoping to get a health care reform bill passed. another deadline that has been spoken about publicly, the 15th, 15th of september. kent conrad told chris wallace the back to be in jeopardy as well. >> we hope to be able to reach conclusion by the middle of september. if we do not have all the answers back, we will not be bound by any deadline. but then the most important thing was to get this right. bill: several polls show healthcare rose 4 dwindling and fast, his statements might not be seen as welcome news by the white house.
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at the moment, he says, that will not happen, that they will work day and night. megyn: supporters of nationalizing health care often cite canada as a good model. might want to rethink that. the incoming president of the canadian medical association says that their medical system is sick and needs a cure. the doctor that runs the group is warning that patients are getting optional care. for a new approach, he says they should focus on patient treatment. novel. he is calling for private health care to play a bear role -- play a bigger role. how is that for irony? bill: the white house, taking the blame for sending unsolicited e-mails to americans. americans getting e-mails from the oval office. now a white house spokesman says
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that a third-party group is at fault. bill salmon is tracking this down. where do we stand on this? groups on the far right and far left mixing of the e-mails? that is how you got one? >> in other words, it is not our fault. that is what they were saying. all they did say that they hoped no one was inconvenienced. basically, third party groups must have gone on to the white house web site and entered in the names of unsuspecting americans, one by one half, so that those unsuspecting americans suddenly got on to the white house e-mail list. that is the explanation they are giving. whether that will satisfy the hundreds of thousands of people that have complained about this, i am not sure. it does not seem to address the other part of the scandal, if you can call it that, that is this idea that the white house
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has asked for americans to forward fishy e-mails that are critical of the president's health-care proposal. that could be some kind of an enemies list. bill: that is the white house e- mail that came out a couple of weeks ago. they said that if you have a question about health care reform, send it to us. or that if you hear something does not make sense to you, send it to us. from what i can tell, those people say that they e-mail the white house a few times and never got an answer but that what they got in return was an e-mail from david axelrod that threw up the red flag for a lot of folks out there. here is what i would like to get at. this is a new thing. we are in the internet age. it is technology. we have not been here before. take us backwards 10 or 20 years. what if the white house had been
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contacting people in reverse after gathering their addresses. >> setting aside the format, the subtext of the controversy would likely be the same. people receiving unsolicited mailings that might indicate that somehow they had reached out to the white house when they never had, i think if you would have a similar outrage. you are right, the internet has only been with us for the last couple of presidencies. it was in the infancy during the clinton presidency. only brush -- only bush had the presidency during its full blown aids. if people had been getting e- mails from karl rove, there would be a lot more outrage. filling out major garrett brought it up last thursday, the white house seems to -- bill: major garrett brought it up last their stay, the white house has done a bit of an about face.
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if you do not want to get any correspondence, you can click on the box to make sure that it does not come your way. megyn: we have new video of an air show disaster caught on tape. new information on what exactly these two fighter jets were doing before they fell from the sky. bill: also -- [applause] we have seen thousands of worried americans turning out at town halls from coast to coast. by my count, we have at least two more weeks of them. now, an effort to change the tomb at the town hall. ♪ gecko vo: geico's the third-largest
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car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently
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bill: senator arlen specter, holding a health care event today. in the audience, a concern to military veterans, asking the senator why some groups and projects are getting funding that could better serve the veterans. >> i am asking why we are willing to waste money -- spend money on wasteful things that i do not think half of america would care about, especially funding area -- acorn. it is not whether we fund it or not, why are we wasting money on other things when money needs to be put into veterans affairs? cuff bill: senator arlen specter is answering that question today, saying that it is up to congress to cut out the wasteful spending.
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megyn: house speaker nancy pelosi calls rowdy town hall protesters un-american. it is a contrived movement, according to the democrats. here is what they said a couple of weeks ago. >> you be the judge. carrying swastikas to a town hall meetings? megyn: the latest polling shows that opponents of the democratic plan are having an impact, undermining support for the democratic push for the health care bill. now a left-wing group has said that democratic lawmakers are being advised on how to handle these critics and how to provide cover for lawmakers at these town halls. who is the astroturf and who is
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not? joining me now, richard kirsch, the national campaign manager for health care for american now. good morning. your group, which has several members -- including acorn, the national council larasa, urging groups to consult with lawmakers before the town halls to shut down the opposition? >> no, to show that we can have a civil discussion. no shouting, we want to have a civil discussion that is not based on lies and disinformation. let's talk about what this legislation does -- providing affordable health coverage for everyone in the country. megyn: i read this memo that you send out your members, you say remember, these lawmakers and members of congress need cover. they are getting beaten up by
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right-wing zealots at the meetings. you are trying to coordinate with lawmakers on how to provide cover to our u.s. congressmen and women. that does not sound like an open and honest debate, it sounds contrived. >> we are working with members of congress to make sure that they can have a simple discussion. it is outrageous that people can hang members of congress in effigy. we want to work with the public as a voice of discussion, talking about what health care will do to benefit the american people. megyn: you stand by the memo in this campaign? >> our campaign is about being sure that people understand what the health care reform is. megyn: you stand by it? >> we stand by our efforts to make sure that people are organized to raise voices in a discussion.
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to fight the allies that we are hearing from the other side to scare americans. megyn: which lawmakers have you coordinated with? >> we are working with members of congress all throughout the country. megyn: who? >> i cannot remember all of them. megyn: pick one. >> i will not. megyn: why not? if you stick by your campaign and there is nothing wrong with it, tell us which lawmakers you have coordinated with to provide cover. >> we have them around the country. these are local organizers at work in local communities. but what you do not want to talk about is how this legislation will work. megyn: that is not what this segment is about. this segment is about your memo offering to provide cover to elected representatives. i am by asking you right now, are you going to name one
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lawmaker? >> i do not have a list of lawmakers. megyn: you cannot name one? >> they are local -- megyn: you cannot name one? you cannot name one? you are dodging. you are dodging. you cannot name one lawmaker? >> we are here to talk about -- megyn: you are not answering my question. you should know me better than this. i will not let you off. provide the name of one lawmaker. which one? which one? >> lloyd dogged, texas. megyn: how did you provide cover for him? >> we did not provide cover, we supported turnout for people that supported health care. megyn: your memo says that you have to provide cover and make sure that the right messages do not get drowned out by the other side. how did you do that? >> what we are doing is having people turned out and asking
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simple questions. not letting the other side be disruptive. let's talk about what this legislation does, which you do not want to talk about because it will benefit the american people. megyn: i know that makes you happy to say that, but let me assure you, this show more than any other has been all over health care from the beginning. this segment, even though you are not happy about it, is not about what is in the bill. it is about your tactics in response to the other side. my question to you is that you seem to be dismissing the other side, coming from your national spokesperson, saying that legitimate conversation is not happening. you said that there is a lack of intelligent discourse by those who oppose the bill. how do you think that your efforts have proposed that legitimacy and intelligence into the debate?
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>> we are explaining how we will benefit the people with these programs, making sure that employers are providing responsible coverage. and insurance companies can no longer rationed care by stopping payment when you are seriously ill. megyn: did you see the arlen specter town hall last tuesday? >> i did not. megyn: you did not? >> i did not. megyn: i ask only because most of america saw parts of it. it was on virtually every newscast. you did not catch any of it? >> i did not. megyn: that might be your problem. many people saw that and thought that i do not see the absence of intelligent discourse. i do not see a legitimate people asking questions. i see concerned citizens, many of them seniors, worried about their health care and do not want a group that is made up of organizations like acorn
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shutting them down. >> we have seen seniors talking about not wanting the government takeover of health care, but they are on medicare. they have a government run health care that lets them see anyone they want and pays most of their bills. they are getting scared? programs like yours that are spending lies, that is the real problem in america. megyn: so, it is our fault for spreading lies and not that people might have a legitimate concern on health care reform? but the truth and facts, that they just do not like it? >> the facts are not being laid out. lies and misconceptions are being laid out. we need a discourse on what is really going on in this country. a simple fact, if you do not have a good health insurance, you should be able to get it. it will no longer be a situation where you will be medically bankrupt if you get sick.
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megyn: that is your take on it. our viewers now understand how you have been providing cover to lawmakers to get that message out. thank you for coming on, richard. we will be right back. my grandkids are a great reason for me to keep my bones strong but even with calcium, vitamin d, and exercise, i still got osteoporosis. i never thought i could do more than stop my bone loss. then my doctor told me i could,
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bill: breaking news out of moscow. the russian cargo ship that has been missing since least -- late july has been found. dana lewis is updating us with exclusive information. what are you finding out there? >> is still as big a mystery as it was a few weeks ago, the ship disappeared off the coast of sweden. some people are saying that it was an act of piracy.
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apparently russian authorities located the ship last night, some 300 miles off the coast. according to a source from the kremlin, they said that president of russia has been briefed by a defense minister that every member of the crew is safe and on their worship. i am told that there were no shots fired, no pirates or gunmen on board. that everything was peaceful when the russian warship approached. and now the crew is in the safety of russian authorities. it depends on your perspective. they will be questioned in great detail. the company started saying that there was no piracy but that on july 24 they had been thwarted by armed men off the coast of sweden, a radio locating device was mysteriously switched off and the ship was never heard
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from. now they are in the custody of the authorities, we hope to hear some detail about what happened to the crew and the ship. bill: these masked men were not found today? >> that is correct, according to a kremlin source. they were not found on board, there was no hijackings in progress, there was no need for russian authorities to use arms to free anyone. we were told that there was no problem at that point. but why did these guys disappear? why were they not in touch with anyone? it was originally reported the they were carrying lumber, it has been surmised that there may have been a more notorious or nefarious cargo. bill: david, thank you for that. we shall see. megyn: fox news alert, take a
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look at the market. one hour into trading, not good news -- down 180 points on the heels of a consumer confidence report that it not bode well for how americans are feeling about the economy. according to reuters, the preliminary index of consumer sentiment was at the lowest in august in terms of consumer confidence. the market reacted badly to that on friday, we are seeing more signs of that this morning as we are down 175 almost 50 minutes after the opening bell. bill: a heck of a run, it has got to pull back at some point. a man in minnesota goes out for barbecue and a beer. he winds up like this. -can video, police moving in -- details coming up. megyn: a georgia congressman becoming a youtube sensation.
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yeah, my buddy's got all that. ouch. we've done corn dogs, pizza, and nachos. put it down. [ moans ] dude! pepto guy: sorry to hear that. everything ok? no, we are a little strapped for cash. do we need to buy a bunch of different medicines? pepto guy: oh, no, pepto alone relieves all five symptoms. it's a real value. plus gas too. dude. we're covered. you guys enjoy the game. easy. pepto guy: pepto-bismol. yup, you're covered.
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bill: 10:31 in new york, our folks are trying to track down what is going on. grand junction, colorado, president obama saying that the public option may or may not be a part of the reform. kathleen sibelius saying something similar yesterday. her comments were quickly pulled back. we are trying to figure out what the white house physician is this morning. is the option in or out? the president, making his case for why americans need health care reform. health care leaders say that many of the claims are rhetoric with no basis in reality. we are going out to march of black men, in tennessee. the morning to you. the president says that the public option, whether we have
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if, is -- whether we have it or do not have it, the questions being proposed by college students are moving forward in grand junction, colorado. take as the alliance, is this a compromise from the white house? are they taking the shade to get a bill done? >> interesting to see where they're going on this. i have got the copy that they printed out of the bill that came out july 19. what is so interesting here, 116 to 118, they are mandating to create a public option in the bill. it actually says establishment and administration of a public health insurance option as an exchange qualified health benefit plan. bill: what does that mean in english? >> it means a that you have to have a government run option plan in order to compete.
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bill: the reality might be that they are backpedaling just to try to save the bill. they have got a september deadline coming up. we are not bound by any deadline. looks like a second one might come and go. i know that you came in today to review the claims that were made by president obama. he made a bunch of statements, the second one was that reform would bring skyrocketing health- care costs under control. you are coming on television to say that it is not the case. what was the example you found in your own state, tennessee? >> we had the test case for public option health care, put in case in 1994. it was a $2.5 billion program. it wound up being about $8 billion, consuming 36% of the state budget. it has been a very difficult
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plan. there has been a lot of work to try to bring it under control. even in scoring the coverage component of hr 3200, they are looking at $8.9 billion additional. bill: you are saying that the cost went up in tennessee after no one expected them to? >> that is right. costs quadrupled. what you are looking at now is a bill that has scored over $1 trillion for coverage. so, if you say that they are looking at it as being over $1 trillion, it would probably be closer to $3 trillion if you look at the tennessee example. bill: the president said this on sunday, "naysayers will continue to exploit fear for political
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gain." >> i am looking at past experience and there are a lot of lessons learned from the tennessee health-care example and how it played out. we should be mindful. we should be listening to cbo. when they tell us what it will add to the annual deficit, what it will add to the accrued that, we are looking at debt that will be upwards of $13 trillion. those are dangerous numbers. what we are doing is capping the future of the children. it is of tremendous concern to me. bill: in the 15 seconds that we have left, tried to lay this out for us. how does the white house save health care reform? >> they need to take a clean sheet of paper, start over, look at what everyone agrees on. health-insurance costs too much.
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look at restricted access. we need market reforms. we need liability and tort reform. bill: i appreciate your letting me interrupt you for the last six minutes. thank you. megyn: she is just a tropical depression right now, but do not tell that to the folks along the gulf coast. tropical storm claudette, the damage in the next destination? just ahead. also, he slaughtered and tortured innocent animals with his bare hands. once again doing damage, but this time in the end zone. michael vick, back in the huddle. not before a few stunning confessions, next in "kelly's court." show and tell
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you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet hair in the air, i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or longer. which is good, 'cause there's a lotta paws to shake. with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products. is what i need find it in the allergy aisle to control my diabetes, to stay healthy - and get on with my life. it comes from liberty medical. and now, it's not only where i get my diabetes testing supplies - but it's where i get my
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prescription drugs as well. see if you're on medicare, the cost of your diabetes testing supplies as well as your prescription drugs may be covered. liberty takes care of all the paperwork with medicare and sends the prescription forms directly to your doctor for approval. then, on your schedule, packs up this box and sends it right to your door with no charge for shipping. and liberty assures you have everything you need to manage your diabetes, including most brand name meters. call now and we'll send you a free meter. plus, a free cookbook when you join. call liberty. they can help you live a better life. call the number on your screen. megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. a second chance and a fourth
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down for a convoy that was once one of the most talented quarterbacks in the nfl. michael vick -- michael vick, his talent has not aged a bit, but his public image is in the toilet. his apology comes after being released from two years in prison. $1.6 million in a contract with the philadelphia eagles has been in. activists and animal lovers alike are sickened by his actions. last night on "60 minutes" he made a public plea for forgiveness. >> there is no way of explaining the hurt and guilt that i felt. that is the reason that i crashed so many nights. that put it into perspective. >> you cried a number of nights? >> about what i did.
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letting so many people down. letting myself down. not being on the football field. being in prison in a prison bonk, writing letters home. that was not my life. megyn: so, it should he be given this second chance? let's ask our panel. good morning. >> morning. megyn: there he is. he has served his time. now, the film -- philadelphia eagles -- one of two dozen teams that said they would never take him, they have reversed course and are offering him a second chance. was the coach right? >> he has paid a huge price for that colossal mistake. $135 million, out the window. he lost his endorsements. he spent two years in jail. he is on probation.
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enough is enough. there is a call to justice. he has served his time. he has done a lot more than a lot of these other players. no one is calling for this man that killed a pedestrian to stop lying. megyn: before i go to david, mercedes -- mistake? is that how you are characterizing what he did? >> he said it himself, he fell into this culture in he could not pull himself out. he started to raise these issues about race. megyn: while i attempted to control my gag reflex, david, take it. >> that was the one word that got me as well. locking your keys in your car is a mistake. conducting a pit bullfighting ring and having the losers suffer electrocution, drowning, hanging, it was not just animal
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abuse -- it was torture. this is the nfl that keeps o.j. simpson in the hall of fame. 21% of the players in this league have been arrested, many of them for violent felonies. the league as a whole has suffered a tremendous damage. now the philadelphia eagle has suffered this. he will be the dogfighting ambassador? what redemption. he committed these heinous crimes, released after serving a relatively short sentence. >> two years? megyn: mercedes, in a stand that if you make a stupid mistake, you get drunk in a bar, there's a bar fight and you hurt somebody. that is a mistake. you systematically tortured dogs, put them in a so-called rape stand, hold them under
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water with your own hands and to drown them and electrocute them personally when they underperform? you personally kill innocent animals, the most vulnerable among us? you have got children and animals. this is what the man did. for months. how on earth can you call that a mistake? how can you condone giving anyone who does this a second chance? >> he does acknowledge that it is a mistake. megyn kelly is a fundamental character defect. >> he says that it is a part of his culture. megyn: who cares? >> he is acknowledging that what he did was wrong. the fact that he is acknowledging it, at least he is not out there saying don't kill dogs can be like me. megyn: and he wants to get a million-dollar contract now? >> absolutely. i have no problem with him
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getting out on parole. i am sure that he studied something that he can do. but the nfl is an extraordinary privilege that should be reserved for those who deserve it, not people that torture animals, get out in 18 months, and become dogfighting ambassadors. this is the most offensive thing i have ever heard of, that he would be promoted into an instant millionaire to teach people that it is wrong? it is shocking and, if anything, circumstances demand the opposite. >> $135 million out the window? he is coming back for a $1 million contract. a huge loss. megyn: respond to mercedes point about the others in the nfl who have done everything from drug crimes to committing involuntary
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manslaughter on the road to have been allowed to play? >> that is my point. lee has no integrity. -- the league has no integrity. >> dante stalworth just killed someone. maybe michael vick killed some dogs, but he was in for two years. dante was in there for only 30 days for killing a person. megyn: do you see a person, horrific as it is, the taking of a human life -- he got drunk and it was, hence the word, and voluntary manslaughter. michael vick was a sustained personal, hands-on torturer of the animals that he apparently delighted in and. -- in. >> 75 dogs were exhumed and found to have had horrific
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injuries before they died after torture. i just do not get it. what message is sent to the nfl by allowing him back into the lead? is it too much to ask that if you commit a felony of moral turpitude, you are done? >> you are saying that he should be tarred and feathered? that is over with? flight c will have to work in a different profession that does not -- >> he will have to work in a different profession that does not involve him being a role model. megyn: like it or not, many children sure they look up to these nfl players. a fact. thank you both so much. a final word, it is true that michael vick has served his time. does that mean that we should forget what he taught us about the kind of man that he is? this is not a man that made a
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mistake, he systematically tortured and killed innocent animals with his own bare hands, encouraging others to do the same. why would an organization like the eagles won him representing them? i personally feel for the eagles fans, so many who are outraged. i, for one, will not be patronizing that organization until michael vick is gone. bill: arlen specter, taking it all at a recent town hall meeting. back out there at this hour, taking tough questions on health care reform from a roomful of veterans. how did he fear this time? megyn: how did he fail? bill: what is in a name? or a word? megyn: there is your man. bruce springsteen, bob dylan -- which one you love more?
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bill: now that there is a growing mystery at the white house, how is the white house obtaining private citizens' email addresses and why is it sending unsolicited emails pushing health care reform? the white house says don't blame us. shannon bream is on the story out of d.c. this morning. shannon, good morning to you. so the white house says third party groups may be the ones to blame here. third party. how would that work? >> you know, actually, we have reached out to look at a lot of websites and organizations that you would think have the same
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goals and some of the same aims as the white house that have used the internet to their advantage. things like and other top political leaders on the democratic party, those kinds of things. we're trying to get answers from them about what they may have provided. it's very interesting to look at their privacy policies on their websites as well. we have one for organizing for america which has been born out of they say on their website. >> bill, we have calls out to a lot of these groups to find out if those group connections there could mean white bill: would the third-party explanation explain it all away, shannon? >> we have heard from plenty of people who say i didn't sign up for anything with any of these third parties. i talked to a young woman this morning who said i have no political involvement with any
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of these groups. for me, that does not solve the issue of how i got an email from david axelrod telling me all about the health care debate. it doesn't yet resolve the questions for everyone out there, bill. bill: so the ethical and legal implications then, what would they be if third parties did supply email addresses to the white house? where would we be then legally? >> well, there is a very fine line when it comes to political parties. say the democratic party, the democratic national committee sharing information with governmental entities. i talked to scott stansell this morning. he worked at the white house under george w. bush. he said ultimately, though, the burden is on the white house. here is what he had to say. >> the obama white house developed their own website. they are in charge of white they are responsible for monitoring that. they are responsible for making sure people can't misuse from that point they failed. in that respect the explanation is not thorough. in my view, place blame where
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it shouldn't be instead of pointing in the mirror and looking at third parties. >> we'll continue to go after the third parties to get some answers about what they knew and how they could have played a role, possibly. bill: shannon bream live in our d.c. bureau in washington. megyn: the windy city is running out of money and something has to give. what happens when a major city completely shuts down? you're about to find out live in chicago. bill: also, what was bob dylan doing in back of a police cruiser? wouldn't you like to know? cheti) ( whooshing, riders cheering ) gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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