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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  August 17, 2009 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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gave him his name. that went nowhere. police took him to his local hotel where people vouched for him. that's him. he says he was killing time before a local show checking out a local neighborhood. officers say they thought he might have wandered away from a local hospital, but then again, dylan always looks like that. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] martha: we start with some breaking weather news. in the atlantic ocean, hurricane bill is gaining strength. the latest advisory from the national hurricane center is just in. this thing is just now shy of a category two. >> let's get to janice dean. she is in the fox weather center for us now. that's a bit some annissa, isn't it, janice? there is a lot of water to cover between where that storm is right now and the u.s. coastline. >> that's a good point. we have five days, in fact, to watch this storm. not a -- a lot of forecasters are writing this off. they say it looks like it will move toward bermuda. a lot can happen. we saw claudette form like that
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in the gulf of mexico. if you weren't watching the television this weekend, you didn't see the three named storms that happened. so anything can happen when you have got that much warm water ahead of you. this storm is rapidly intensifying. this is going to be a category three very quickly. almost a category two. let's zoom in. you can really see the colder cloud tops, the deeper oranges. there you can see that eye right there. so we're entering a phase of rapid intensification. there is no reason why we couldn't see a category three or higher. here is the current forecast. as of 11:00 from the national hurricane center. again, a category one but very quickly becoming a two. then we go further out in time. we have this cone of uncertainty. a lot of variables here. we have a lot of warm water to travel. we have a lot of days out, depending on the strength of this storm. we have a trough that's going to dip south and east that we think is going to pick up this storm and make it sort of brush close to bermuda, but like i said if that trough isn't
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strong enough, if the storm is weaker, there is a lot of things we have to take into account. five days out is not a sure thing. so the east coast needs to be on guard and the gulf of mexico as well. there are some of the forecast models that we are looking at. again, five days out, seven days out. this is going to change. so we want to make sure that everyone is making their preparations right now. we had three storms form this weekend just like that. so a lot of folks need to be watching. this is claudette, tropical depression claudette. we could see 3-5 inches of heavy rain. of course ana is out there also starting to weaken. so we will keep you up to date, guys. we really need to monitor this storm, bill, which will be a category three in the next 12-24 hours. bill: janice, help us keep an eye on it. >> you bet i will. bill: the white house is making some changes to its website after fox news revealed the obama administration was sending unsolicited emails to private citizens about its health care reform plans. it all started on thursday when
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our senior white house correspondent major garrett first asked about the brewing controversy. take be a listen. >> do you in any way seek databaseses or information about people who might be interested in health care? >> i will certainly check. i am not under that impression. >> i would like to know how they got an email from the white house when they never asked for one. >> i would be interested to see who you got that email from and whether or not they are on the list. bill: the white house finally offering a response last night indicating third party groups might have been responsible for placing some names into email addresses on the white house distribution list. the statement reads in part -- bill: major garrett is live at the white house to untangle all of this for us. major, what's the latest? >> the latest is this, john.
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the white house has made a couple of changes overnight to its contact us section of the website. if you go to the white house website and go to the contact us section, you will find two things this morning that you didn't find last night. one is a check box where you can opt out of receiving any emails from the white house even though you're commenting to the white house on any given topic. previously, if you sent a comment in, you would probably receive an email from the white house even if you didn't want one. there is a read-in vare fire. you see it in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. that's the squiggly letters there. frequently if you go on a website to buy tickets for a sporting event or concert, you have to do that read-in vare fire to verify your intention. if you don't want to receive emails or even if you do, you have to type in that vare fire to confirm your own personal interest in either not receiving an email or receiving one. as a matter of principal, john, i suppose the third party
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groups which the white house theorizes put a lot of email addresses on their list that were not meant to be there. i have talked to some internet professionals who say what there should be is a specific opt-in dimension that's linked to an email address, meaning you have to opt in yourself personally. if you don't, you can't receive an email. so far the white house hasn't gone to that length to protect its own website from this kind of spamming context that it theorizes groups are responsible for. we'll bring you updates should there be more of them. john: on the health care front, major, there was this question about health and human services director cat len sebelius. she seemed to suggest over the weekend that government-run health care might not be happening or at least the option of dropping that proposal might be amenable to the white house. what's the reaction? >> well, senior administration officials -- and i have talked to a couple of them this
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morning, say look, even though the president in a radio address much earlier in the health care debate said the public option which is a government-run component to challenge and work in the marketplace alongside private insure he is must be in the final bill. now it's one of the potential elements that can reach the overall goal of bringing down costs and expanding coverage. what secretary sebelius said yesterday is it wasn't an essential element meaning other elements might be pursued. the reality is this, john, legislatively the government option or this public-run component is losing steam, generally and specifically, and the center of gravity for this legislative debate which has been in the finance committee and it appears that all we're waiting for is a suitable legislative burial. the white house will not say anything about that until that happens, but it appears this component of health care reform is losing steam in one part because of the vociferous
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curiosity and in some cases opposition to it visible at many town halls across the country. bill: thank you. >> senator arlen specter is back in the thick of it. he of course is the newly turned democrat from pennsylvania. he got hammered last week. you may have seen some of the loudier town halls like this one. take a look. >> you're welcome to go. now, wait a minute, now, wait a minute. now, wait a minute. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. he has a right to leave. >> what is the situation like today? david lee miller is in philly for us today. what has the atmosphere been like, david? >> jane, you know philly is called the city of brotherly love. today it was called that for very good reason. there was nothing but an orgy of goodwill at this town hall meeting. senator specter was drawn by the veteran administration
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secretary. at the end of the town hall meeting, they actually got a standing ovation. from just about one hour, the two men took questions. most of them dealt with benefits relating to benefits for veterans' affairs. there were three questions directed at health care reform, but no one at any time raised his or her voice. the senator later said, jane, that perhaps the tone was different today because as he observed there were no demonstrators that were bused in. by and large, this is a very quiet meeting, but this controversy continues as do the town hall meetings. jane? jane: david, was there a conversation today with the senator about the reports that the administration was going to maybe take out the public option, drop the option of government-run health care and maybe this morning oops, the health and human services secretary may have misspoken about that? >> well, it didn't come up during the actual town hall itself, but after the town hall meeting, senator specter held a very brief news conference.
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i specifically asked him about the public option. he told me point blank i still support the public option, even if support for it is to some extent eroding. when i asked him specifically again to what extent he thinks there may be some type of erosion, he said that he still believes there is support for it and it's just too soon to tell how successful the public option component might be. here now the senator's own words. >> it's too soon to make any evaluation as to the public response. the senate hasn't even brought a bill and the house hasn't brought a bill to the floor so it's much too soon to make an evaluation. let's see what we produce by way of a bill. >> and the senator again, jane, he underscored the fact that in his view health care reform is critical. an important component of that is the public option. one thing he says he is going
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to continue to fight for is bipartisan support to move health care reform forward. jane? jane: david lee miller in philadelphia for us. david, thank you. let's get to california now. the fire burning in the santa cruz mountains. this morning still only half contained. some residents, though, there are being allowed to return to their homes for the first time since that mandatory evacuation order. this fire started on wednesday. it's already burned 10 square miles. about 400 homes in the nearby community of swanton are still evacuated at this hour. john: a two-year drought has turned texas into the state with the most wildfires now. fire season started a month early there, burning most homes, barns, and other buildings in texas history. firefighters from 23 states are pitching in to battle those fires in central and south texas. jane: breaking news from moscow at this hour. officials there are now confirming that a russian cargo ship that had been missing for more than three weeks, it has been found. they are telling us it's off the west coast of africa. the crew of the arctic sea is
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alive. they have been taken off the freighter about 300 miles from the cape verde islands. a live report on the disappearance of this ship that was a mystery for weeks and what we know at this point. let's coming up with dana lewis in a couple of minutes. john: harris faulkner has word of a police officer shot. >> this is happening in south rockwood, michigan. monroe county sheriff's departments have confirmed that an officer has been shot. let's go right now to the live pictures that are just coming into our newsroom right now. there are several e.m.s. units there on the scene. according to neighbors, they are in a fullout manhunt now looking for the suspect in this neighborhood. it happened just a short time ago, in fact, about 20 minutes ago. the department is not releasing any other information at this time. i want to get on the phone and see what else i can find out about the manhunt portion of this. a lot of times they will tell us those details so people will be on the lookout. they may not confirm for me the
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condition of that officer. that's information that sometimes they will stick very close to the vest on with that police officer who is down right now. carrollton, rock road road in south rockwood, michigan. as i learn more, of course i'll bring it to you. those are live pictures coming to you from the scene. jane: a senior defense official is calling the situation on the ground in afghanistan winnable. what do our forces need to do to finish the job? we're live in kabul. upbeat rock ♪ singer:wanted to get myself a new cell phone ♪
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no matter how many you have. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. call or go online now to get started. jane: a couple things we're watching at this hour. one is the dow. down almost 200 points this morning. there was a selloff overseas. we'll talk about that more in a few minutes. also some new developments at this hour. in a deadly fire at a wedding in kuwait, there is word that a suspect has confessed, saying he set the fire for personal reasons. newspapers there reporting that the groom's ex-wife was somehow involved.
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this was horrendous. 43 women and children were killed, 52 other people are still in the hospital. it's not clear if the bride is among the dead or the injured at this point. kuwaitis celebrate weddings in separate parties for men and women with children attending the women's event. the fast-moving flames in this thing consumed the entire women's tent in just three minutes' time, and the bodies that were left behind were so charred they were basically unrecognizable. the fire chief there is calling it the worst disaster he has seen in four decades on the job. jon: there is a brand-new assessment just out on the war in afghanistan. it comes from the british defense secretary. this as u.s. marines try to root out taliban fighters from the southern part of that country. the u.k. defense chief now says progress is underway and that the war in afghanistan is winnable. connor powell is live for us from kabul. connor, the u.s. marines have this big operation underway in helman province. what kind of progress are they making? give us an update. >> well, jon, you won't hear
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many military officers talk about winning, but they do believe they are making real progress down in helman. about six weeks ago, the marines launched this massive assault. they don't control all of the area, but there are large population centers which they do now control. they say they are making progress, engaging with the locals and rooting out the taliban. in some areas they think they have pushed the taliban out completely. fighting has been very supported i can. at times it has been very intense down there as marines have literally gone from compound to compound, door to door trying to root out the taliban. they are hoping they can push the taliban out, and then they will engage with the local community, finding out what local village elders need in terms of rebuilding roads, schools, and removing i.e.d.'s. it's a very difficult task but one that they think they are making a lot of improvements on. jon? jon: i know they went into helman because there were elections upcoming. does it mean they have cleared enough of the taliban out that people are going to be able to vote? and when does that happen?
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>> there are still parts of helman that are very much controlled by the taliban. even the places where the marines now control, much of it is so remote and so badly damaged after years of fighting down there that the election commission here in afghanistan says many of the main points -- polling stations won't open. it's unlikely that most of helman will be taking part in thursday's election. >> i know that the taliban is pushing back, though. there was a huge attack in kabul over the weekend. overall in afghanistan, what's the cluret situation like? >> well, the city of kabul and the entire country is bracing for more attacks. days of attacks. we're just getting reports that just outside of kabul near the airport that there were several rockets being launched. saturday's attack rather broke about six months of relative stability here in the capital city. the taliban is threatening to -- to attack all over the country. yes, saturday's attack is sort of evidence that their reach is
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all encompassing. it hit one of the main nato headquarters. they are trying to basically say they can hit anywhere, even western facilities. jon? jon: connor powell streaming live from afghanistan. thanks. jane: we're continuing to watch these pictures coming to us out of south rockwood, michigan. that's monroe county. we're learning that an officer, a cop has been shot there and there are several e.m.s. units on the scene. you're looking at a chopper shot here. we can assume potentially they are looking for the attacker at this point. we're waiting to get more details. an officer down in monroe county, michigan. also watching the health care debate which is changing a little bit this morning. one of the most controversial parts of the plan, of course, is this government-run health insurance option that's out there. a member of the president's cabinet over the weekend said you know what, it's not really an essential part of the legislation. it doesn't have to be in there. that's cat len sebelius, health and human services secretary. what is the white house saying about what she said this morning? developments, wait until you hear. to demonstrate the allergen trappers in pledge,
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jon: government-run health insurance. once the centerpiece of president obama's health care reform plan, but with opposition growing, several democratic leaders now say they are ready to move forward without that part of the plan. >> he continues to be very supportive of some options for consumers. what we don't know is exactly what the senate finance committee is likely to come up with. they have been more focused on a co-op, not for profit co-op as a competitor, as opposed to a straight government-run program, and i think what's important is choice and competition. and i'm convinced at the end of the day the plan will have both of those. but that is not the essential element. jon: that's kathleen sebelius, secretary of health and human services speaking there.
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let's talk about it with scott stanzel, former deputy press secretary at the george w. bush white house. june green is with us from the d.n.c. a former president of rock the vote. there has been sort of this back and forth about whether kathleen sebelius was speaking out of turn. the white house seemed to suggest she didn't mean to say what she said. then they backed away from this. the point is is this public option government-run health insurance, is that dead, is that losing steam? >> thanks for having me, jon. i don't think we're hearing anything that is really breaking news coming out of this weekend. the white house and definitely president obama has remained flexible when it came to how we were going to ensure competition and choice when dealing with health insurance reform. i don't think we're hearing anything that is dramatically news. they have been flexible. they have said the bottom line is choice and quegs. the bottom line is making sure that hard-working americans who
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work full time are able to afford a family doctor. and i think that there are those on the left, the far left who absolutely are wanting to hold onto this. then there are those on the right who have been using this as a talking point to stop any sort of meaningful reform. i happened to actually support a public option, but i think that the president has been pretty clear, that it's about choice and competition. however we get there, that's what is important. jon: well, scott, if her description is correct that there are those on the far left who are more or less demanding this government-run health insurance, one of those is the chair -- howard dean, the chair of the democratic national committee. >> he is no longer chair. jon: i'm sorry. former chair. excuse me. >> i think it is, jon. i think it's remarkable that the public option, if it's not dead, it's certainly on life support. they have come to that conclusion over the weekend because it's certainly going nowhere in the senate.
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i think democrats have realized through these town hall meetings that the people who are coming to voice their opposition are not the un-american nor evil-doing nazis that harry reid and nancy pelosi disparagingly try to portray them as. they are very concerned about the long arm of government reaching in and making huge changes to a health care system that is the best in the world. jon: jehmu, rasmussen reports took a poll of the american people. here are the numbers they came up with. when asked which would be better, passage of the bill working its way through congress or no health care reform passed by congress this year, 35% like the bill that's kind of being formed. 54% said don't do it. i mean, doesn't that suggest that the political winds are aligned against the president and the administration on this one? >> well, i think it's funny because i have worked on a number of campaigns.
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to say what i'm about to say is probably not good. this poll is being controlled by the millions of dollars that the insurance companies have poured into their methods. they don't want any sort of reform. they don't want to be forced to have competition. they want a man in a suit to get in between a decision that me and my doctor are going to make. so yes, they have been very successful with their messaging. so it's not a surprise that the poll is reflecting that. they were very successful in the clinton administration, in completely knocking down this plan. i think that we are going to see a different outcome this time because working americans need to be able to have a family doctor. that's not going to -- they are not going to be able to derail it this time. jon: scott, just let me give you 10 seconds to respond. >> i think this public option debate shows the fissures that are in the democratic party. they have wide majorities in both houses. if they actually want to pass
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something, they could, but the american people are not for it. they are having a problem pushing their agenda through. jon: thank you both. jane: this is not the way to start the week. one of the largest cities in the country right now is closed for business. forced to shut down because they don't have enough money to keep everything running. who is going to pick up my garbage? jon: that's your old home. when i was seventeen i was not good to my skin.
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jane: we have been watching the dow. it's down close to 200 points so far this morning. really a selloff i guess kind of overseas in the markets overseas? >> it started there, jane, certainly. now it's translate norwood a selloff in our markets. it all started in asia overnight. china was down 6%. a lot of people are relying on china, they have to pull us out of this whole mess. some are beginning to question that. in japan, japan is obviously a huge economy. they had an economic growth number, g.d.p. that was expected to be positive. the headline would be japan is out of recession. that's good news for all of us. it was positive but it wasn't as strong a growth as people expected. that's when we started to see the selling in markets. it did come over to europe and here in the united states. not helping matters is some of the earnings we had in the u.s. lowe's and home improvement had a brutal number. bad quarter, bad outlook. that is obviously driven by housing which is still a problem.
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home i am. stocks down, commodity stocks down. kind of a rough start to the week. we're up 50% from the lows in march. a lot of people have been expecting this pull back for some time. jane: that's good to remember. check back with you. thanks. jon: keeping an eye on the atlantic where hurricane bill is gaining strength, janice dean is watching it from the fox weather center. >> we have a rapidly intensifying hurricane here. category two storm would be 96 miles per hour. we're at 90 miles per hour. you can look at how tightly wound these winds are, right around the center of this storm. that's a good indication that we are seeing some rapid intensification. waters are very warm here. 1,000 miles east of the lesser antilles, we have days to go. you're going to see this storm for the next several days, all of the forecasting, talking about what's going to happen. forecasting five days out is a really tough thing to do. i can't emphasize that enough. so as we go out further in time, that cone of uncertainty
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gets a little bit wider. now we're starting to see a couple of models starting to deviate a little bit from this track. that's what i am afraid of, people are going to become complacent if we see the center of this cone. a lot of people saying we'll brush bermuda, not worry about it on the east coast. because we are five days out and expecting the storm to be a category three or higher, a major hurricane, we need to watch and make our preparations right now. everyone across the eastern seaboard needs to be thinking about their preparation plan if indeed some of these models start forecasting this storm, become a little bit closer to the u.s. again, some of the forecast models we're seeing, a couple of them are starting to deviate a little bit. some of them coming closer to the caribbean. one model bringing it right up to the northeast coast right close to new york city. guys, something we need to watch over the next five days. you're going to be sick of me. jon: we will never be sick of you, but you are in charge of watching that thing for us, ok, janice? jane: harris is at the breaking
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news desk. we're watching this manhunt about 20 miles or so south of detroit. a police officer has been shot. >> a couple of developments now. first of all, neighbors are being told to say locked in their homes. local stations are reporting there that they believe that they have got this guy barricaded in this area. see that command post off to the left center of your screen? all the cars are kind of pointing in one direction, if you will, toward that house. the man may be barricaded. that suspect in this cop shooting may be barricaded there. i have not been able to confirm that. i did get on the phone with the monroe county sheriff's department. just about every cop in the area of south rockwood, michigan, which is about 20 miles south of detroit, is at this scene. so you have got several jurisdictions including the county sheriff's department there at the scene. this is south rockwood, michigan. the streets are carrollton, rockwood, and armstrong road. the whole area now has been cordoned off. all roads in and out of this neighborhood have been closed and security by those other
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legal agencies, law enforcement agencies as they have come to give support. back to you guys. jane: harris, thanks. we'll get back to you as news breaks. jon: now to the mysterious disappearance and recovery of a russian cargo shop that had been missing three weeks. the russian government has just confirmed that the freighter the arctic sea has been discovered off the west african coast. rumors of hijacking, pirates, and a nuclear cargo sparked global concern about this shift and its 15 missing crew members. dana lewis joins us with the latest from moscow. the mystery, i guess, has been cleared up, but still a lot of questions, huh, dana? >> well, the mystery has been cleared up, jon, in the sense that we now have the ship. the arctic sea has been located in the atlantic ocean about 300 miles off the african coast of cape verde. we understand that over the weekend the local coast guard spotted it and a russian warship was called in. the russian president dmitry medvedev, that's how high all of this story has gone, was just briefed by his defense
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minister. we're told by a kremlin source the russian warship approached the arctic sea, they boarded the ship, they took the 15 crew members off the ship. there were no gunmen on board, no signs of any piracy then and the shape members are in good health and they are intensely being questioned now as to what happened to the ship that disappeared for three weeks, jon. the initial reports were that especially from the firm itself that ran the ship that this was an act of piracy which would have made it the first act of piracy in european waters in about 60 years. many people want to get to the bottom of exactly what happened to this ship and what happened to the crew and why they didn't contact anyone for three weeks. back to you. jon: another big story in russia these days, that deadly midair collision at a moscow air show. what do we know about that, dana? >> well, jon, it has been called pilot error right now. a tragic training exercise of five ships yesterday. flying in a five-man formation. apparently, one of the planes lagged a little bit, then
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accelerated too fast and hit the squadron leader. the squadron leader we're told now apparently tried to reject. at one point he tried to steer his aircraft away from a neighborhood then. he was unsuccessful. the plane hit the ground, started several homes on fire. in the end, he did eject. his parachute deployed but then it caught on fire. he was dead at the scene. unfortunate for that aerobatic team and unfortunate for the russian arms industry, jon. at that show, that is where they show off all of their aircraft to the world, to countries like china and india and they market that. that obviously wasn't a very good marketing tool yesterday at that air show. the squadron leader of the sequoia 27 killed on impact to the ground. jane: to the city of chicago now where things have shut down. the city has shut down. we're not kidding here. jon: chicago is closed? jane: the budget cuts there have forced the city really to tell all nonessential workers stay home today, we're not going to pay you so don't show
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up. that means no garbage pickup, most of the city offices are closed, libraries won't open up. steve brown is essential to us. he's on the job. explain to me here who is furloughed. >> well, it's basically all public employees, minus those that work for the fire, police department, and emergency services. you hit a lot of the majors. garbage isn't going to be collected today, senior centers are close. medical and health clinics run by the city are not open. and city hall is shut down. it affects all of those folks. jane: i hate to say this but if you're looking to the future, chicago may not be alone in this. i suspect there may be other cities that are heading towards this? >> no, this is an unfortunate trend likely to be headed to a city near you. we talked with one gentleman from the civic federation here in chicago, and he said if you dislike this, then chances are you will get a chance to dislike it up close and personal. have a listen. >> oh, i think other cities are
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definitely watching this. mayor daley has been a leader in not only use of furlough days, but also in some privatization techniques where he basically outsourced the delivery of city services. >> and despite all of that, they are still looking at furloughed days and possibly going back to the unions and asking for even more of them later on, and this is a similar sort of scenario that both the cities of los angeles and seattle have been taking a look at. jane: what a bummer. steve brown is in chicago for us. steve, thanks. jon: the white house is now indicating that outside groups might be responsible for signing people up to receive white house email. the concern is that the white house may have been somehow trying to lobby americans to get on board with its health care plans. what kinds of organizations have the technology to get involved in this kind of thing? senior correspondent eric sean has been looking into this troubling issue. >> john, the email from david axelrod was addressed "dear
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friend," but as we have been reporting a lot of people who say they did not ask for or sign up for the white house lobbying effort are angry over it. the administration says only the people who emailed the white house web address were contacted but it also admits unnamed third-party groups could have sent in names without people knowing about it. what are those so-called third-party groups? one of our viewers, lisa kalgrip of maine, sent us her actual email and said she did some investigating of her own to find out where it came from. she told me it was sent by a company called gov delivery. the company based in minnesota bills itself as the world's biggest provider of government to citizen communication services and it has a fully automated public communications system. the president of the company told me he had no comment on whether the white house used his firm to send out the axelrod emails and he pointed me to their website. gov delivery does a bevy of work with federal and state and local industries including by my count at least 11 cabinet
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level departments, including the departments of defense, state, justice, as well as the f.b.i., i.r.s., a.t.f., that's alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, the u.s. marshal's service, the director of national intelligence, and the federal reserve. i could not find a listing for the executive office of the president, meaning the white house. but chris hansen of the aclu says if the white house used the private firm, it's the same as if they sent the emails. >> if the government is directing a third party to gather the political views of americans and forward those political views on to the government, knowing that the americans didn't give permission for their views to be shared, that is very troubling under the first amendment. it raises the potential for abuse and it has a chilling effect on people's willingness to speak. >> we have contacted some other web firms. google told us they were not involved in the emails. the white house says it is their general policy not to make personal information available to anyone other than their employees, staff, and agents. the white house says they have now changed their email system,
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by the way, to try to prevent the forwarding of the emails. jon? jon: eric, thank you. jane: harris is now reporting from the breaking news desk. that story we're watching out of michigan. police can now be seen going door to door there, hunting for whoever just shot a police officer. this is in monroe county. you're looking at some live pictures here about 20 miles or so from detroit. she will bring us more details as she gets them. also, huge concerns. i don't have to tell you about the u.s.-mexico border where fears are growing about drugs and violence spilling over into towns in our country. the mexican government has just done something pretty stunning. took hundreds of border agents off the job. who did they replace them with? also, two school officials could be face jail time. their crime -- offering a prayer at their mealtime. lp
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border with mexico. the mexican army took control of customs there while hundreds of agents were relieved of their duties. they have been replaced now with newer and hopefully less corrupt models. the former chief of staff of customs and border protection is with us. you liken this to elliott ness. you come in and sweep them all out and replace them with fresh new faces. >> that's right, jane. good to be with you again. if everyone watch the movie "untouchables," what elliott ness did when he wanted to assure himself of a unit that wasn't corrupted by the local mob, he got a bunch of guys right out of the academy that he had personally screened and made sure he had untouchables. on a larger scale, that's what the mexican customs is doing here. they want to make sure not by going through individually and putting people on polygraphs, but by doing wholesale change, getting rid of all the current inspectors, letting them reapply for their jobs in some cases, but bringing in a bunch
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of fresh recruits who have been trained, given polygraphs, and given new technology so they can get serious about the drug problem. jane: the numbers are pretty stunning. if you look at the new replacements, 70% of them university educated versus 10% university educated on the old force. will this work? >> i think it's a great step in the right direction. the mexican government and the commissioner bravo really deserve praise for this move. it sends a very strong message. it's easy to focus on this being all about us and narcotics, but remember the mexican government relies on these customs officials to collect a large percentage of their revenue. not only are they serious about stopping drugs from getting into mexico, mainly cocaine, 90% of which comes to the u.s. through mexico, but also about collecting revenue. a lot of smuggling goes on that has nothing to do with drugs there. things that the mexican government should be getting money for and is not when you have corrupt officials.
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jane: a lot of economic concerns. back to the point we care most about, will it make us more safe here? >> i believe it will. remember, these are not officials inspecting a lot of stuff leaving mexico in most cases. they are inspecting things coming in. hopefully it stops a lot of the cocaine coming from south america into mexico, but it also is focused on stopping those guns that are coming south along with money coming south from the united states into mexico and hitting the cartels where they get armed and where they get their money is a big step in the right direction. jane: we sure hope so. thad, thanks. jon: a couple of school officials are facing jail time. their alleged sin -- offering a prayer at school. we'll talk to the man who is defending them, next. spectacular.
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women who drink crystal light drink 20% more water. crystal light. make a delicious change. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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>> south rockwood, michigan, the scene of a cop shooting today. a beautiful neighborhood. we're seeing a tactical team moving in. it looks like they have isolated one house. i'm watching this very closely. they are moving into this one house. just moments ago. we could see it at the bottom of our screen. that tactical team, very ominous looking. i will keep my eyes on this. police have been going door to door in this neighborhood, telling people to stay locked inside as they look for someone who shot one of the members of the south rockwood police department. it's about 15 miles south of detroit. i'm all over it. we'll get back to you with more. jon: a florida high school principal and his athletic director could be spending most of the school year in jail for praying. the two men go on trial in federal court next month for offering a prayer at a session for school employees. the aclu says the prayer violated an agreement reached last year to limit religious activities at that public school.
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matthew staver is representing the two men. he is founder and chairman of liberty council. he joins us now from lynchburg, virginia. the situation was this. it was a lunch for school employees. the principal asked the athletic director to offer a prayer, and he did so, right? >> that's right. actually, there were only a few school employees who were there. there were no students. the people that were there were private individuals that were not associated with the school other than the fact that they were part of the boosters club that had given money to the school for the athletic fieldhouse. so this was a lunch to honor them for supporting the athletic program. as part of this program, they had lunch. the principal simply asked the athletic director would you say a blessing over the meal. he did. they never thought this would be a violation of any order. they certainly never thought they would be defending themselves under a criminal contempt charge and face up to $5,000 in fines and up to six months in prison. they never thought they would jeopardize their collective 70 years of employment, one 30
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years, the other 40 years, because now they have recently gotten a letter, as all state employees would, if they are charged or particularly convicted of criminal activity. if convicted, they stand to lose their retirement benefits. collectively, that is 70 years of their life investment into the school district. jon: who complained? >> the aclu did complain. the aclu has been placing monitors within the school. they have been running roughshod over this particular school, trying to literally eliminate anything that's religious. in 33 years of the high school where principal lay actually is the principal. they have had the student government association, student president always speak at graduation. this year, the aclu said you can't have that student president speak because she is christian and she might say something religious, even though they didn't know what she was going to say. so under pressure, the still just removed the student body president from the agenda. that's what the aclu has been doing all across the school district.
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jon: the student body president was not allowed to speak at her own graduation because she might say something christian? >> because she might say something christian. they didn't know what she was going to say. she never submitted a speech. she never discussed what she was going to say. they have been just uber sensitive to this kind of activity. they literally are trying to erase it, not just during the school day, but after the school day on school campus and even now off campus. so the teachers and the staff are running with fear not knowing what they are going to do next. that's why our liberty council team is so aggressively defending frank lay and robert freeman from this ridiculous charge that they now face criminal contempt, thousands of dollars in fines and six months in prison and also potentially lose their collective 70 years of retirement benefits. jon: we'll keep an eye on that controversy. thank you. i also wanted to mention that we asked the aclu for a
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statement about this controversy. they declined to give us one. jane: janice has been keeping her eyes on a couple of storms in the atlantic. claudette is dumping heavy rain on florida. this is hurricane bill which is gathering strength in the atlantic. she is going to be along in just a moment to update us. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers.. and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever.
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save up to thousands of dollars... on potential out-of-pocket expenses... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. call now for your free information kit... and medicare guide and find out... how you could start saving. jon: president obama in phoenix, arizona, right now getting ready to deliver a speech to the annual veterans of foreign wars convention. the president veering from the health care debate to talk military policy, but it seems much of the country is not ready to make that same change. there is new video here of angry protesters gathering outside the convention center as health care reform seems to be taking a new turn. there is a new possibility that the so-called public option of government-run health insurance might be dumped in whatever bill comes out of congress. secretary of health and human services kathleen sebelius
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saying yesterday that the president would be willing to drop the key element of his health care reform push. mike emanuel is live outside the v.f.w. convention in phoenix where the president is set to speak this afternoon. so what did secretary sebelius do? did she misspeak as one report suggested, mike, or was she just putting it out there? >> all indications, jon, are that she was basically evaluating what the white house has been hearing from members of congress which is there does not appear to be a possibility of a public government-controlled health care option getting through congress. so she may have just been being honest. what we can tell you is aides at the white house have said today that the president still stands by government-controlled health care, still think that's the best option. they say nothing has really changed, but all indications are secretary sebelius was being honest in saying it doesn't appear it's going to happen. so they have to be prepared to move on.
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jon: it didn't take long. already the white house is getting some pressure from the left on the government health care option, right? >> you're absolutely right. howard dean this morning making the rounds on the morning talk shows said that there is no point in doing health care reform if you don't have a public option. there has to be a government option in all of this. and so immediately getting hit from the left by howard dean. a preaddictable person who would be speaking out in this regard. obviously more moderate people in the congress, both republicans and democrats, are more comfortable if there is not a government-controlled option because that has been so controversial during these town hall meetings across the country. jon: the president as was mentioned earlier is speaking to the v.f.w. convention in phoenix. should we expect this is going to be all about military policy or will there be health care references there? >> we expect there will be a brief reference, jon, to health care in terms of veterans' benefits. obviously, veterans are a group that would be concerned about what health care reform may mean for them, so we expect a
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passing reference. i don't know if you can hear in the background, but there are certainly people on all sides of the health care issue, the war issue, and other protesters out and about today. my sense is a lot of people called in sick today here in phoenix. jon: we can hear them. that's for sure. mike, thank you. jane: some news just developing on this story that fox news has been trying to get to the bottom of for a couple of days now. why are hundreds of people getting unsolicited emails about health care reform from a white house email address? they say they didn't give their addresses or information to the white house. the administration now says a third party basically spammed them. that's where it got the addresses. shannon, also there is something just breaking on this now, right? >> absolutely. on another front involving the white house and technology, we're just getting word about that email address that was set up to report information. if you heard something that didn't sound right to you about health care and you wanted to set the record straight, it was this flag@white house point gov where you were to send
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information that people thought might be spreading this offings or to get more information. we're getting information now. if you try to go use it, it does not work. it appears that email address has been disabled. one of our producers here tried it. it basically responded back. we're not using this for information. if you want to find out more about health care, here is another place to go on the website. that reporting email address appears to be no longer working through the white house, jane. jane: i know that you have talked to some of these people who have gotten these -- i guess you want to call them mysterious emails. they show up in their inboxes and they didn't pass along their addresses to receive it. are they buying the explanation coming from the white house? >> some of the ones that i have been able to talk to have been very skeptical about how the white house got their addresses. they received this email from david axelrod about health care last week. a young woman i talked to specifically this morning now that we have an explanation from the white house said i find it hard to believe it came through some third party. she said she got an email at her work address. she has only been there about
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three, four months. she has never used that email address to sign up for anything political. trying to keep it separated from her work. here is what she said when she heard the explanation and what she makes of the white house now having her email address. >> i find it very disturbing and a little scary, to say the least. that, like i said, i have no idea how they got my email address and they have it. >> of course like a lot of other people, her next question is what are they going to do with it? what kind of list am i on? for her the explanation so far hasn't been good enough. jane: don't a lot of these third-party groups make no secret of the fact that they may pass along your email address? >> if you read the fine print in a privacy policy of a lot of websites out there, a lot of groups you think may be connected to this white house issue, a lot of them say there we will share your email address or your personal information only if we think it will help another group to get to some goals and aims that we share with them. of course our question is does
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that mean sharing them with the white house if you're talking about a or another group? all of their privacy policies are very different. many of them do have that proviso that we may pass them along. of course, we have been making those calls. we're still waiting for information and answers back from a lot of those groups. jane: shannon bream is on the hill for us watching this. thanks. jon: several big storms seem to be making up for what had been a slow start to the hurricane season this year . the season's first hurricane, bill, is gathering strength. moving across the atlantic right now. this as tropical depression claudette is drenching the florida panhandle area with rain. a third weather system, tropical depression ana, making for a wet mess in puerto rico. janice dean has her hands full in the fox weather center. >> if you weren't watching the news over the weekend, you missed not one, not two, but three storms forming in less than 48 hours. as we mentioned, ana and claudette moving in towards the florida panhandle. just a depression now. there is ana, also a
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depression, 35-mile-per-hour sustained winds over puerto rico, bringing some heavy rains. this is the one we are watching, though. this is hurricane bill. as we go further out in time, bill is going to be one to watch. i want to advance my maps. just going to go off screen and advance for you to show you the strength of this storm because it is rapidly intensifying. we can see a discernible eye right now. i have written the sea surface temperatures. that's the warm water that is traveling over the next 12-24 hours. 80-85 degrees. warm water is the fuel for this storm. that's why we're seeing that rapid intensification right now. we are expecting this storm to become a category three. that could be conservative. there is no reason why this couldn't be a cat four or even a cat five. the highest on the stafford-simpson scale. this is the track as of 11:00 from the national hurricane center. you can see category three within the next 12-24 hours, making its way towards bermuda. however, we are five days out.
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forecasters can rarely get a handle of what is going to happen five days out. you can already see these are the models that we watch. as of 11:00 a.m., some of these models are making kind of a westward trek, and then moving northward. a lot of variables here. is the storm going to slow down? how strong is the storm going to be? how strong is high pressure across the atlantic basin that steers the storm westward? how strong is the trough going to be that is eventually going to take this -- pick this storm up? all of these things are unknowns right now. we don't even have national hurricane center hurricane hunters out into this hurricane. so that's another thing we have got to get data from. so as we head out further out in time, the forecast gets a little bit uncertain. i can't stress that enough. so the next five days are going to be crucial. all residents across the eastern seaboard need to be watching this storm. claudette popped out of nowhere
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this weekend and made landfall across the florida panhandle as a 50-mile-per-hour tropical storm. so it can happen, it can happen anywhere across the eastern seaboard and across the gulf of mexico. guys, back to you. jon: so we shouldn't be assuming anything is what you're saying. >> no. these are just forecast models. we can't stress enough that anything can change in the next couple of days, jon. jane: california now where some crews are gaining some ground on nearly a dozen wildfires that have been burning throughout the state. the fire in santa cruz, in the mountains is about 65% contained. there was a mandatory evacuation order for the community of bonnie doon. that has been lifted. some people are starting to trickle back home. fire crews say the danger is still very real. dry and windy weather along with extremely rough terrain is making the several other fires in the state really tough to control. some areas are still without electricity. some areas are still under the evacuation orders. we'll keep you updated. jon: a check on wall street now. the dow down about 165 points.
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this is a new poll that shows most americans giving a thumbs down to the president's $787 billion stimulus package. a "usa today"-gallup poll finds 57% of americans think the stimulus package either had no effect on the economy or perhaps even made it worse. adam shapiro has more from the fox business network. adam, most of that $787 billion stimulus was supposed to go to infrastructure projects. has that money been spent? >> well, a lot of the money has not been spent. some of it, a large portion, has gone to help extend unemployment benefits. but the money they talked about to help with the infrastructure projects, the airport construction projects, all of those -- remember shovel ready, we kept hearing about that, those projects, the money is in the pipeline. it has not yet been spent. but the survey also found 60% of the people who responded don't think when that money is spent it will have a positive impact on the economy anyway. jon: well, something that did i guess stimulate car sales, the
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cash for clunkers idea, that was part of the stimulus package, wasn't it? >> part two of it is part of the stimulus. the first billion did not come out of the $787 billion that was put into stimulus, but the $2 billion that is now being used to keep the program alive, that is coming from the stimulus package. that's a direct impact you can look at. jon: there was some talk a few weeks back about maybe doing a second stimulus package. >> it's still talk. a lot of economists say one of the reasons -- it depends who you ask is it working or not working? a lot of them said we needed to do more even bigger than the $787 billion. of course a couple of weeks ago we heard the administration -- different statements from the administration about whether or not there would be need for a stimulus package or not. nobody is talking about another stimulus package as imminent now, but it's always out there. jon: thanks. jane: u.s. and afghan forces are really struggling to provide security from attacks of the taliban ahead of the election this week in that country. a crucial election. we'll be live in kabul to explain what's going on.
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also from the breaking news desk, harris is watching this story from out of detroit. police are going door to door at this hour looking for whoever shot a cop there. she is working the phones. the swat team we saw a few minute ago has been out. ?7@is d
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jane: u.s. and afghan forces have been battling the taliban. what they are trying to do is secure polling locations ahead of this really crucial election coming up on thursday. supporters fear that threats the taliban has made disrupt the second presidential election to hurt support for the incumbent hamid karzai who is a friend of the united states. greg palkot is in kabul for us streaming live. can you update us? >> those very, very important presidential elections as you noted coming up on thursday. the taliban is doing everything in its power to blow them up.
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there would be something like 7,000 polling stations all across afghanistan, but the officials even today are acknowledging that maybe about 10% of them won't be able to open. that is because of the taliban. the taliban said they are going to blow up those polling stations. they say they are going to attack the people who do vote. they are already putting those warnings out. despite this, however, politicking is going on. in fact, today was the last day of campaigning before thursday's elections. president hamid karzai is seeking re-election. his chief challenger is former foreign minister abdulla abdulla. he had a big rally here in kabul. karzai needs 50% plus to win in the first round or he faces a runoff. polls put him at about 45% now. again, jane, the spector of violence is hanging over these elections. just saturday we saw a suicide car bomb in front of the u.s. and international military headquarters here in kabul. seven people were killed.
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close to 100 injured. a message that the taliban is not playing around. just tonight, jane, fox news has learned that military officials snagged a truck near the airport here in this city with explosives on board. two people detained. maybe another blast avoided. back to you. jane: greg palkot in kabul for us. thanks. jon: police are going door to door looking for a suspect who shot one of their fellow officers. harris faulkner is watching it at the breaking news desk. harris? >> what i can tell you right now is they have been going -- a tactical team has been going door to door here. they have gone into at least one house that had a huge broken window. from what we could see it looked like glass was broken out. we don't know what happened there. now they are working on the third house on the perimeter there. they are on the porch, looking in the windows. this is exactly what they had said they were going to do when this first happened. it's going on two hours ago that a police officer was shot in south rockwood, michigan.
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this is just south of detroit. it's described as a beautiful neighborhood. neighbors told to stay inside. first reports are that this guy was barricaded, the shooter was barricaded somehow. now we're just led to believe this is a full-on manhunt with them going door to door. i will keep my eyes peeled on this. the officer, this is new, university of michigan hospital in ann arbor. they are very close to detroit. he in fact was airlifted to that hospital. i'm trying to learn if maybe that can tell us something about his injuries because we still haven't been given by the cops any sort of condition. i'm talking with monroe county sheriff and the south rockwood police department on this one. back to you guys. jane: angry protests we have seen, heated town hall, a good deal of concern out there over the president's proposal for health care reform. is the debate helping republicans get back into the public favor? r.n.c. chairman michael steele on that next. bicycle, i've missed you.
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jane: in the state of texas, senator kay bailey hutchison is kicking off her campaign for governor today. she is heading to houston. one of 19 cities across the state that she will be stopping in this week. she served as a senator from texas for 16 years. she is facing a tough race for governor. she will have to beat the state's longest serving governor and fellow republican rick perry. jon: as president obama and his democratic allies in congress try to regain momentum on health care reform plans, there are some brand-new polls showing the opposition party is picking up support among americans. when likely voters were asked who do you trust more to handle health care, for the first time ever, republicans are favored over democrats. take a look. 44% favor the g.o.p. that's up 3% since june. 41% liked democrats to handle the issue. that is a big dip from 47% just
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two months ago. also take a look at a brand-new fox opinion dynamics poll on next year's midterm elections. in august, 40% favor republicans. that's a big boost from 33% back in april. democrats lost about 6 percentage points over the last several months. it seems the health care debate has reignited the conservative base more than some of its leaders might have expected. one of those leaders joins us now, the chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele. does this remind you of 1992 all over again when bill clinton ran into so much problem with his health care reform plan and the democratic majority was blown out in the next congressional election? >> well, yes and no. i think, jon, there are some differences that are very clear in terms of the depth and the breadth at which the federal government wants to intrude in on this issue. hillary care such as it was called back in 1992, 1993, was
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tailored in a specific way and had some very fine points that it addressed. this is much more broad based. it's not just about insurance coverage. it's about the various ways in which you access the system, who gets to make those decisions. i think there is a big difference there. certainly, i was one of those leaders in the party, particularly our house and senate leadership who felt there was a drumbeat that was brewing out there that we needed to speak to as a party. that was the people were largely happy and content with the type of health care they are getting, the access to that health care, the quality of health care. where their concern really turned was on the cost of that health care. and also for those folks who didn't have access to insurance, how do we help them get it and who pays? i think in addressing those questions, particularly with respect to the cost side of it, the republican party struck a chord. people are paying attention. they are listening. i think that's being reflected in the polls. jon: speaking of polls, there is another one from fox news at
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opinion dynamics. voters were asked who do you fear more on health care, the government or private insurance companies? 51% of americans say they fear the government more than the insurance companies. what does that suggest to you? >> well, i think that suggests to me that we haven't lost the core principle that we were founded on, is that we are a government of, by, and for people. when the government tries to usurp that equation where it puts itself in a predominant role, the people respond accordingly. i think that's what these town hall meetings have been about. this is a reflection of america. you know, the fact that nancy pelosi and her crew would say that we're being un-american, what i say, we're being uniquely american in our response to this and rightly so. when the government decides that it knows best how to run your business to make your cars, to run your banks, when it comes to your health care, the people have clearly drawn a line and they are saying enough is enough. i think that the untold, unprecedented intrusion into
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this area by the federal government is something that people are paying attention to. and the federal government, ala nancy pelosi and the president, need to pay attention to that. jon: there is obviously disagreement on the democratic side about health care plans. senator kent conrad suggesting that these health co-ops might be a possibility. some disagreement from the white house and others on that. at the same time, not all republicans are entirely singing the same tune either. how do you take whatever dissatisfaction is out there among american voters and translate it into political victory? >> well, i think the core thing is to look at what america needs versus what america wants. i think what america needs right now is a found, reliable health care network or system that is patient-doctor centered. that's what they need. what america may want down the road is something very different. but right now, people are paying attention to what my
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need is. i have got access to it here. i have the quality that i want. i have a real concern with respect to the cost. i have a group of americans whose numbers are not 47 million. it's more closely around 18 million to 20 million, that really need access to health care insurance. how do we address those particular needs right now? who pays? what ultimately is the role that the american people play and the government plays in the lives of the american people here? that is the question the administration has to answer. so far, they have fumbled the ball in answering that question. and the people are saying you know what? if it's going to be you making the decision, the answer is no. if you're going to empower me to do it, the answer is yes. so the idea now that they are going to develop these co-ops. again, what role will the government play in these co-ops? what is the ultimate end game here? who is going to pay? how do we affect a new -- effect a new system that brings in people who are currently outside of it in such a way that we're all paying that burden?
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jon: michael steele, thank you. jane: with the first big storm of the hurricane season now gaining strength as we have been watching in the atlantic, hurricane bill. how prepared are we to handle a major one? can we in these lean times actually afford the cleanup costs? ?7 my name is chef michael. and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen... so she can watch me cook. you just love the aromas of beef tenderloin... and, ooh, rotisserie chicken. yes, you do. [ barks ] yeah.
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jon: seniors enrolled in the medicare advantage program say they get more bang for their
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buck. their medicare benefits are administered by private insurers offering better coverage with less out of pocket costs. but it comes with a bigger price tag for the government. anita voting he will is live in los angeles with a closer look for us. all right. what is medicare advantage, anita? how is it different from traditional medicare? >> hi, jon. think of medicare advantage as more of a managed style h.m.o. rather than a traditional fee for service program. there are more than 10 million enrollees across the country. that's one fifth of medicare recipients. we recently spoke to two cancer survivors down in the palm springs area. they both have medicare advantage and received their treatment at desert oasis health care facility. that's part of the heritage provider network. now, they claim they really believe that the reason they are around today is because they received personalized, more coordinated care through the medicare advantage program. take a listen. >> if it wasn't for my
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caseworker being there with me and when i would come home from the hospital, there would be a nurse and a doctor come in two and three times a week, checking on me, making sure everything was healing right, checking my blood pressure, checking my medication. >> doctors in the program say because they are able to provide a more personalized, coordinated, managed style of care, they can also offer better preventative care. that's keeping seniors out of the hospital in the long run and keeping costs down. jon? jon: so president obama wants to eliminate this program, is that true? >> that's right. we have seen over the last several town halls that he has attended, he has taken direct aim at medicare advantage. he has called it wasteful, inefficient, and he says it's really not keeping seniors any healthier. he also points out that insurance companies are subsidized by taxpayers at a rate that's 14% higher than traditional medicare. he says the country could save about $150 billion over the next 10 years by eliminating
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the program. but again, doctors who support the program say they are keeping seniors healthier because they are offering that preventative care. they are keeping seniors out of the emergency rooms, out of hospitals, and in the end they say they are actually saving taxpayers money. they say the president is just wrong about this one. jon: all right. we'll continue to watch that one. anita voting he will in los angeles. thanks. jane: the first hurricane of the season is brewing over the atlantic. it's named bill. if a major storm hits this country, are we actually prepared for it, particularly in the midst of a recession? laura howe is the senior director of public affairs for the red cross and joins us now. let's start with bill. janice, our meteorologist, has been updating us throughout the past couple of hours. she said we're still a few days away. when is it too early to put people on notice and alert people to get ready? >> i don't think it's ever too early to put people on notice and help them get ready. preparedness is something people should be doing all year long. all it takes is one hurricane. as we all know, we have heard the stories of the 1992 season
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and andrew. it's really never too early. we hope people prepare all year long, not just during hurricane season. that goes for the red cross as well. jane: have you found because of these recessionary times, people are not spending a lot of money, that maybe they would be hesitant to stock up on things they would in the normal year? >> i think it makes people think twice certainly. it may make them think a little bit -- really try to get things closer to the time of the disaster. we really want people to make sure they have their kits, that they have their supplies as early as possible. plus there are some things you can do that don't cost any money at all. making a family plan and knowing where you would go in the event of an evacuation, how to leave your neighborhood, how your family would contact each other. those are all things that don't cost any money. they are free. jane: how is the recession? do you expect it will affect the red cross as well? i can imagine as government agencies, even the city of chicago is shut down today as an example of what's going on locally with governments there, that they may end up relying
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more on groups like yours. >> we feel like we're in good shape going into this hurricane season and really into the height of this hurricane season as well. it's been interesting because this is a tough economy. no doubt it has had an effect on everyone. we have actually just come off of a $100 million fundraising campaign. we actually raised a little bit more than that. the american people have always come through for the red cross. they have done it again. so we feel like we're well positioned as we go into the height of this -- of this storm season. jane: laura howe is the public affairs senior director there at the red cross. laura, thanks. jon: remember the cyberattack a couple of weeks ago that crashed twitter? turns out millions of twitter users unknowingly were caught up in the conflict between russia and the neighboring state of georgia. cyberattacks just the latest weapon in this international dispute. steve centanni is in our washington bureau with more on that. what was the goal of this cyberattack, steve? >> well, jon, this was a coordinated attack on the websites of the government of
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georgia aimed at crippling their ability to communicate with the public. this was during the attack on georgia by the russian military one year ago this month. the five-day conflict, as you know, left hundreds of people dead and crushed the georgian army. fox news acquired a copy of a new research summary from the u.s. cyberconsequences unit, a group which advises u.s. government and corporate officials on just this kind of danger. it shows that common microsoft software was refashioned to launch this attack and the hackers collaborated on popular websites like facebook and twitter. jon? jon: i guess there are some broader implications, though, for this other conflict, huh? >> yeah. for any conflict around the world, it's a growing danger. that's just what worries the author of this report. in an email, john baumgartner told me this isn't just about georgia. he says it's about the sort of cybercampaign we can now expect to accompany most future international conflicts if they
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become intense enough. and it's about the way ordinary home computers in the middle of america, for instance, can be contributing to wars on the other side of the earth without their owners even being aware of it. the white house, by the way, did complete a review of cyber security back in april and looked at how international law may need to be changed and reworked in light of these cyberattacks. jon? jon jr. thank you, steve. jane: we have all heard about products made in china recalled because of high lead content, other health hazards. get this. new product safety standards, the standards have now touched off a violent protest in china after 600 children who live near a metal smelting factory were diagnosed with lead poisoning. amy kellogg is watching this story for us. amy, what happened in this village? >> we don't have pictures of the attack on that firm, but it happened apparently over the weekend. people really just so upset. this is four out of five children in this area, jane, who have been hospitalized with lead poisoning or are sick with
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it. more like a quarter are in the hospital, but it's very serious. and the plant was, in fact, shut down last week. a smelting, zinc and lead smelting plant in a remote part of northwest china. it's too late for those children who have been hospitalized now. villagers again attacked this plant over the weekend. this apparently is a growing trend in china. a grassroots movement often just springing up in these so-called pollution hot spots where people just feel the government simply isn't doing enough to protect their health, safety, well-being, as china experiences this massive industrial boom, jane. jane: china is known, of course, for having some really serious environmental issues, the high rates of pollution. are they doing anything about it? >> what i understand, jane, is that the government, especially after the olympics last year, and these protests that have been happening in different parts of china, have really started taking it very seriously, but that said, beijing has been serious about it for a long time.
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it's the local areas, the municipalities, the provinces where a lot of corruption reigns. people who are running these factories or different companies, for example, simply for their own benefit to get ahead will ignore regulations in order to grow these different plants. they often are held to account, but it's too late. so what really needs to happen is for the central government to be more vigilant about what's happening in the provinces, but as these provinces expand now at a very rapid rate, it's difficult for beijing to do that. that said, there are some moves and some signs that they are starting to do more of that now, jane. jane: amy kellogg is in london for us. thank you. coming up, a question that is stumping dozens of investigators in georgia. where is christy cornwell. she has been gone almost a week. she was on her cell phone with her boyfriend. she heard her scream don't take me.
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now her family is speaking out. we'll speak to her brother and investigators on what evidence they have at this point. jon: also we'll be speaking with fox news host and former presidential candidate mike huckabee about his ongoing trip to the middle east. also a principal facing jail time for leading a prayer. it's a story mike has been watching. with his secretary! she's 23 years old! - oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber! ( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) joint custody. - phew! - announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access
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>> at the breaking news desk. i want to get you caught up now on a story we're following in south rockwood, michigan, which is just south of detroit where a police officer has been shot. a neighborhood where a tactical team has been going door to door. now they are concentrating on that house in the center of your screen, the white one. they have broken out a window in one of these homes and thrown in tear gas, going after their suspect. but their main concern right now appears to be this house in the center of the screen. neighbors being told, they are being called by the way from
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the police department to stay in their homes while police go door to door looking for the suspect. i will stay on the story. as i learn more, i will let you know. back to jon and jane. jon: harris, thank you. former arkansas governor mike huckabee is in israel now, part of a three-day trip to the middle east. look at some of the video. the former presidential candidate appearing in jerusalem. huckabee has been a critic of president obama's mideast policies. he says the u.n. has taken too harsh a stance against israel during the obama administration on the issue of settlements, and he says it's hurting peace negotiations. arkansas governor -- former arkansas governor, host of "huckabee" here on fox news, mike huckabee joins us now live from israel. you say the settlements are pursuant toing peace negotiations, but isn't it true that the palestinians are refusing to do any negotiations while these settlements are being built? >> actually, the obama
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administration has said that the peace talks will halt unless there is going to be an absolute commitment to the israelis to not move into land that they own. i just want to say how many people in america would tolerate it if another government told americans what neighborhoods they could or couldn't live in? the truth is that there are a lot of integrated neighborhoods. some 200,000 jews, some 270,000 arabs already live together in mixed neighborhoods. it's working a lot better than the idea of segregation. we have seen in the united states that segregation is a policy that does not promote the kind of relationships and healing that are needed. there are some deep wounds here. the reality is the obama administration seems to be very concerned about 20 families moving into an israeli-owned apartment complex, and it doesn't seem to be the reason that we should be that upset. we ought to be worried about iran, not 20 families located in an apartment building. jon: so you're suggesting that the obama administration ought
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to just basically butt out of that issue, the settlement issue? >> they have every right to talk about what might lead to peace. i still believe -- and i have been coming here, jon, since 1973. this is my 11th trip here. through the years, the one thing that i have seen consistently is it's unrealistic that jerusalem can be a divided city. it needs to be a united city. the jewish people here have accommodated the access to the holy sites for christians, for muslims, as well as for jews. the idea that two sovereign governments can own the same piece of real estate is pretty unrealistic by anybody's standards. we all want to see peace in the middle east. i'm not here to be critical of the obama administration, but i'm here to say that i think most americans understand that people have a right to live where they want to live. it's part of liberty, part of freedom. we understand that the united states -- israel is the closest thing to a true pure democratic government anywhere in the
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middle east and almost in the world, and i think it's unrealistic to say that israelis shouldn't be able to live within the context of their country where they wish. jon: you have also had some disagreements with the obama administration regarding health care. now there are signals that the public option as it's called, basically government-run health insurance, that that might be getting blown out of this -- whatever comes out of congress. your take on that? >> well, i think we have seen the white flag on that one. the obama administration has had to capitulate because it just wasn't selling. it wasn't selling because whether it was democrats or republicans, people rejected the idea that the government could do a better job with delivery of health care for everybody than a lot of people are already getting. if the real goal is to cover people that aren't covered, that's about five million, six million people. not the 47 million people. those numbers are skewed by a whole host of things. everything from illegals to people who could get insurance, just choose not to buy it
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because they would rather buy a car. the fact is there are things that we could and should do to reform health care, portability, personalization of health care policies, not tying it to employers, put a greater focus on prevention. i think the co-ops senator conrad has put forth, that's a good idea because it creates the kind of atmosphere in which people can purchase health coverage, particularly for those high risk and pre-existing conditions. we all i think agree that there ought to be coverage for people who are uninsurable for various reasons, and that can be done without creating a government program for everybody. jon: former arkansas governor and presidential candidate mike huckabee, host of "the huckabee show" here on fox, thank you. we wish you well on that trip. jane: we're following this intense search for a woman in georgia. christie cornwell was out walking for exercise, chatting with her boyfriend on her cell phone. he hears her scream "please don't take me" and she is gone. it has been almost a week. was she targeted?
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jane: the family of a missing georgia mother is making a plea for anyone who knows anything to come forward. christie cornwall was adopted one week ago when she was walking again taking a walk. she was talking to her boyfriend, and the last thing he heard her say was, "please don't take me." with me now is an officer with the investigation. what is the latest? >> divers are currently in diving under a bridge -- are currently diving under a bridge.
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jane: we are hearing that when the boyfriend her desk, he called the family, and then they called 911? >> yes, he was in the metro atlanta area. we have confirmed that he made the phone call from there. he called the mother so that they could call 911 in union county. jane: it has been reported that you have ruled out the boyfriend. she also has three former husbands that have been ruled out? >> we are not going to talk about that. we have confirmed that the boyfriend called from the atlanta area. jane: thank you. we want to get to christy's brother. your thoughts on whether she was targeted, whether this was a random? what are your thoughts? >> we have no idea.
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we are just taking the lead from the police. game go was there anybody -- the jane: was there anybody who might have been angry at her, wanted to get at her? >> no, we have wracked our brains for the past week and have in her mate -- provided the information already, but we cannot imagine that this could happen. jane: we have a photograph of you and your sister on the screen. you said something interesting. if she was subducted, she would be fighting back because she had self-defense training? >> that is right, she went
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through law enforcement training. that includes self-defense. she worked at a correctional facility as a counselor, so she has much experience in negotiations and dealing with these types of people. jane: we have more information and photographs on our website. the family has set up their website. it is on the screen as well. our thoughts are with you. let us know if you hear anything. an update on hurricane bill, also, tropical storm claudette.
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