tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 19, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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are you on facebook? we're on facebook now, too. you can like search for shepard smith or whatever you want. not necessary. i mean, if you want to. o'reilly does every day. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. i have no interest in doing it. bill: tempers continue to flair over -- to flare over health care. barney frank is right in the middle of it. >> on what planet do you spend most of your time? >> ♪ there will be poor always ♪ bill: now america religious leaders are getting involved with health care. what would jesus do? >> jesus, yes. you said what? >> if i quibble with you too much, next week it's penelope ann miller time. bill: and dennis miller will have some comments on congressman frank's shootout and michael jackson's doctor who may soon be indicted.
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caution, you are about to enter the no-spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. barney frank on the offense over health care. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. just to be clear, i'm not saying barney frank is offensive. i'm saying he is on the offensive. trying to convince americans that the government should run the nation's health care system. but as we all know, that's a very tough sell these days. >> why do you continue to support a nazi policy as obama has expressly supported this policy? why are you supporting it? >> a real solution. >> when you ask me that question, i am going to revert to my ethnic heritage and answer your question with a question -- on what planet do you spend most of your time?
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[applause] >> ma'am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. i have no interest in doing it. >> you're going to bankrupt this country, you and the democrats, and you are making a mistake. you're going to in debt my generation and we're going to pay more taxes because of you, sir. >> let me respond. first of all, first of all, the biggest single waste of money in one fell swoop in federal history was the war in iraq. it was a terrible idea. bill: now, what frank did there is petty fog the issue. he introduced iraq when the war has nothing to do with the man's question on the present controversy. frank does that kind of stuff all the time. he does it here when he is presented with points he can't answer. the guy is right. by the way, the first woman who challenged frank is a political activist, not ranking person.
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now, the health care chaos looks like it's never going to end. today we learned that presidential advisor david axelrod may have a huge conflict of interest problem on his hands. basically, mr. axelrod is owed about $2 million by a chicago political consulting firm that's now producing obama care commercials. so in theory, axelrod could be making money off the president's health care vision. breast cancery goldberg will have more on that coming up. as far as president obama is concerned, the health care war is breaking down along party lines. democrats well understand the president can't afford to be embarrassed on the issue. that would taint his entire presidency. most americans are now dissatisfied with the president's health care deal. according to brand-new nbc news poll, 47% now disapprove of the way mr. obama is handling health care reform while 41% approve. it's clear obama's health care policy is not playing among the folks. and that is a memo. now for the top story, is
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president obama losing some of his core support because of all the controversy? here now presidential analyst dick morris, author of the big bestseller "catastrophe ." core support, president obama, is it fleeing? >> more importantly, the core support of the democratic party is fleeing. the democratic party is based on six special interest building blocks -- blacks, latinos, single women, young people, labor union members, and senior citizens. bill: that's seven, isn't it? >> that's six. bill: and senior citizens is the last one. >> they are the largest of them. bill: they are angry about this health care? >> furious. what is happening now, what's at stake here is not just some blip in the polling. this goes back to social security being passed in 1937 when they became democrats because of f.d.r., medicare being passed in 1965 when it reinforced that under johnson. the democratic party could now
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be losing the elderly. that is a fundamental seismic shift. bill: what is the one thing that the elderly fear about the obama care plan? >> that they won't get the medical care they need. bill: that it will be rationed out because it will go to younger people when the government says who gets what. that's what they fear the most? >> it's a massive transfer of $200 billion from old people to young people, primarily at least half immigrants. bill: ok. now, there is also a medicare component to this because the obama administration has to cut back medicare payments in order to do this big federal government transition. >> the transfer, right. bill: are the older people angry about that? >> furious about it and scared more than angry, i think they are scared, which they ought to be. obama says we're not cutting medicare benefits. technically true. but what he is doing is he is going to cut medicare reimbursement. bill: some people won't take it then. >> some doctors won't take it. or if you get less money for each m.r.i., you don't have as
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many m.r.i. tests. bill: that might be a good thing. >> some good, some bad. if you don't have the office visit, you're out the door in 30 seconds. bill: the most important thing for americans i think everybody would agree is security. personal security and security to protect them against the evils of the world. so the elderly americans -- i think that's what's making up moss of this polling -- are saying my security is in danger here because i am old and i am going to have medical problems and this seismic shift is going to negatively impact me. it's as simple as that, is it not? >> that's all it is. bill: ok. now, let's get on to my theory here. listen to the brilliance of this, morris. i submit that every time a barney frank, a barbara boxer, a nancy pelosi or any of these far left bomb throwers get out there and start to tell people that they are idiots, ok, as mr. frank obviously did, that hurts obama because by sticking up for obama care, these people associate themselves with the
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president. so the president is now being demonized by his own crew. >> right. i think that's absolutely true. i think that that's -- young people turned against richard nixon when he demonized the protesters because they were like the protesters, but they were just a small group of the population. now the mainstream senior citizens find themselves being mocked, ridiculed, derided by the left, by the obama people. and i don't think they are very happy with it. bill: so you have got a real strong one-two punch in obama land. he is losing senior citizen support, much of which is democratic. do you think they are going to flee the whole democratic party and go over to the g.o.p.? >> absolutely. i think that -- think of education. that's an issue for parents primarily. health care is an issue for seniors primarily. bill: ok. so you are going to lose or is losing a big block of voters that put him into office and the democratic party needs -- >> to be exact, 14% of the vote. bill: then you have the far
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left, mostly very vocal in support of obama care. now, he is now president obama who ran as a moderate is now being put into that jar just because they support him the most. >> when i was on your program in november and december after obama was elected, i quoted the advice i gave president clinton right after he ron the election. i said if you only look to the democrats and you let them lead you, they will make you a creature of the far left, much farther left than you want to be. bill: why? why do they do that? >> because they are leftist. if you need every single democratic vote, you have to get every single leftist. you have to get barney frank's vote. to get that, you have got to move to the left. now, obama i think willingly moves to the left, but he has to go to the left to get those votes. bill: do you think he understands, last question, the seismic shift in senior citizens and in the perception that he is now -- obama is now
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a far left guy? does the president understand what's happening? >> yes, yes, absolutely, completely. but as far as he's concerned, sitting where he's sitting, he believes in his principles more than he believes in getting re-elected. he is one of the first presidents where you can say that about him, to his credit or discredit. and he has got 60 votes in the senate, 78-vote margin in the house. and unless the elderly read the facts in "catastrophe," my book and other places, use those facts to deluge senators and congressmen with letters right now during this recess, he will take the loss in the polls and march those guys off a cliff. bill: dick morris, everybody. next, bernie goldburg on the octomom getting a tv show. and later, dennis miller wants a piece of barney frank. opportunity.
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condition or dropped if you get sick. it means putting health care decisions in the hands of you and your doctor. bill: now, we are willing to give mr. axelrod the benefit of any doubt, but it's an interesting story. joining us from north carolina, fox news analyst bernie goldberg. this is on the internet, on the political sites. i don't think you're going to see it on the "cbs evening news." is it a big story? >> you know what? i don't think it is. i think you and i probably disagree on this. i don't think it's going to resonate with the american people. you remember not that long ago when dick cheney was criticized by the left for taking us to war in iraq so that he and his former company halliburton could get rich? well, what are we supposed to believe now? what's the right saying now, that david axelrod is taking us into health care reform so he and his former company can get it? i just don't get it, bill. bill: i think the story is who hired this firm to do it, do the spots, and did axelrod
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suggest that the firm get hired so they could pay him the $2 million that they owe him? i mean, that's really the story. you follow the money. >> i understand that, but your first question was is it a big story? it will not be a big story as far as the american people are concerned. and i think you're absolutely right that you're not going to see it on the network evening news. bill: "meet the press" used to be a monster in the ratings when the late tim russert hosted it. they replaced mr. russert with david gregory. the show is now declining in the ratings fairly quickly because mr. gregory is a left-wing guy and says stuff like this. roll the tape. >> and then there was this image this week outside of portsmouth, hall of fame, a town hall event that the president had. this man with a gun strapped to his leg held that sign. "it is time to water the tree of liberty ." it was a reference to that famous thomas jefferson quote, the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time
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with the blood of patriots and tyrants. that has become a motto for violence against the government. timothy mcveigh, the oklahoma city bomber, had that very quote on his shirt the day of the bombing of the murrah building when 168 people were killed. bill: all right. so he is tying in a demonstrator, an obama demonstrator with timothy mcveigh. is that valid? >> no. let me start out, though, bill, by offending half of the people watching us right now. if they think that the -- the ones that think that anything goes at town hall meetings. i want people to understand i am against the: who shout down speakers they disagree with. i am against people who bring guns to town hall meetings. i am against comparing barack obama to adolf hitler or his health care policies to fascism, as several people on this network routinely do. and i am against a general philosophy which made sense when thomas jefferson said it that says that we have to have
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blood in the streets, basically, and kill off the tyrants. having said that, the man at the town hall meeting or outside the town hall meeting in new hampshire is not in the same moral universe as timothy mcveigh. there is not an ounce of moral equivalence, whether david gregory meant there to be or not, between an angry but peaceful protester, even one with a gun on his leg, and a psychopathic killer. so david gregory had an obligation, it seems to me, to say but let me make clear i am not saying this man in new hampshire is a potential timothy mcveigh. i'm not saying he has -- he has anything -- that he is ever going to do anything like timothy mcveigh. >> if you look at the sum of nbc's reporting on the protest to the last five weeks. >> that's a bigger issue. bill: they are all the same. it all comes down to group
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think. and the group think is these people who come out to the town hall meetings to protest health care are all a bunch of yahoos. >> exactly. bill: and so it could be gregory, it could be anybody on nbc, it could be anybody on "the today show ." they all bang the same drum. there is no legitimate protest here. it's all far right crazies. and you ought to know. >> that's an important point, bill. the very same people at nbc and frankly some other place that is have this thinking, they never cared when their guys were calling george bush, president bush, a nazi and a fascist. that never bothered them. when liberals on college campuses would shout down speakers that they disagreed with, they never -- they never -- not a peep from them about that. but all of a sudden they are
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very sensitive to the instability of the demonstrators. that's the hypocrisy that bothers me. bill: ok. fox broadcasting running a special with the octomom. >> right. bill: she apparently says she was wrong to have the babies. i think this is rewarding bad behavior. i guess you would make an argument that the money that she gets goes to help the kids. how do you see it? >> i think this is just the latest example of why they call television the boob tube. look, i'm not the tv police, i'm not the taste police. it's a free country. people 0 could put on whatever they want. people can watch whatever they want. but let's make no mistake about this. this is about -- tv executives would run two-hour specials on manhole covers if they thought they could get enough eyes in front of the tv set. this is -- for me -- i'm not saying for anybody else. for me, this is crap. this is the kind of stuff that we don't need two-hour specials
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about. but bill, we both know what it's about. it's about just getting people to watch. if you can get them to watch, they will put it on. they will put anything on. bill: bernie goldberg, everybody. directly ahead, what would jesus do? would he back obama care? we'll debate it. and then a harrowing video about people who drive and text. a viewer warning. this is shocking. he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old!
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bill: some american religious leaders are now becoming involved in the health care debate. today president obama held a conference call with some faith-based people in an obvious attempt to rally religious americans. joining us from washington, sister simone campbell, executive director of network, a catholic social justice lobby.
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i'm coming at this from a practicing roman catholic. i do believe that christians have an obligation to help the poor in any way they can. we do that with donations. we'll donate close to $1 million to the poor this year and people who need help. i do need that obama care may do more harm to the country system. they harm more people than help. what say you? >> obviously, i disagree with that. as pope benedict xvi said in the new encyclical, it's the role of government to fill in when the marketplace has failed. in this instance, we have a marketplace that has had free reign for many years to the working poor. insurance has been out of their reach. it hasn't been affordable. this is a time when we read some regulation in order to limit costs and to provide services to all the people that are left out. bill: so you believe that jesus
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if he were alive today would be saying look, the government of the united states has the obligation to make sure that every american gets quality health care and that's that. >> i think what jesus says over and over again both in our lives and in the scriptures that it's our response to make sure the least are cared for and that it is a societal responsibility. therefore, we must as a nation make sure that everyone has access to health care. bill: there are a number of ways to do that. i support the clinic way whereby the federal government would have clinics in . lfer county in the country that do provide services for the poor. however, if the government takes over health care and begins to legislation health care as everybody believes would happen, begins to tell people when in could live and when they could die, more people will be harmed, including poor people. >> we can talk about that.
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let's talk about that. he added a lot of things that are not in play, not on the table. for instance, the clinic idea is one method of getting services, one of the challenges, however, is in especially rural areas. it really doesn't function too well. bill: but it can function well if the government would run it and educate people. >> so you're in favor of government? you're in favor of the government involvement? bill: actually, i think we need a safety net for the poor. i think most americans agree with me on that. i don't believe -- i think there is more harm to come to all of us including the poor by a government-run chaotic health care proposal than -- >> oh, i don't want chaos. i don't want chaos. bill: you have got it now, sister. you have chaos now. that's what you have got. >> i don't think we have -- well, in some ways we do have chaos because we have 47 million people that don't have access to health care. bill: they can walk into any emergency room in the country, they have access to health care
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free. you know that. >> but then, please, where what that then does to those of us who have insurance, how it escalates our costs. bill: valid point. >> i run a small business. actually, network is a small organization. we have 13 members. paying for health insurance for our employees is getting more and more difficult. we have got to find a way to rein in costs. bill: i don't disagree. but i don't think the big government nanny state is the way to do it. here is what i think jesus would say if he were on "the factor" instead of you. render to caesar the things that are caesar's. that means get the best public policy you can get for the welfare of the entire nation. sister, we respect you. you do very good work. we appreciate you coming on to debate me tonight. plenty more ahead as "the factor" moves along this evening. dennis miller coming up. and then a shocking video about what can happen to people who drive and text. a viewer warning on this one.
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maybe he is. >> that's a joke. bill: it is. ok. i have not a beef with you in particular, but a beef with right-wing radio talk show hosts in general, ok? and that is, i think, some of them -- and i want to know if you're one of them -- would oppose anything barack obama wanted. across the board, if obama wants it, we hate it. are you run of those people? >> i will tell you what. i have opposed flat out everything he has done since he took office on january 20. i'll tell you why. barack obama ran for president as a virtual moderate. now, this belied his senate history and his record in the senate where he was the most liberal guy out of 100 senators. we believed, those of us on the right believed that he was a radical, he was a far-left guy. his record in chicago, h record in illinois, his record in the senate told us that. he ran as a moderate, so a lot of people --
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[inaudible] -- remember, he didn't just get elected with moderates voting for him. there were a lot of crossovers voting for the guy. they liked his message. since he has been in office, he has governed from the far left. even those of us who wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt are going whoa, he is governing out of control. bill: ok, you're overstating it. in afghanistan, he has been very aggressive. it's not a left-wing position. the nuts in pittsburgh last weekend were killing him for it. the other nuts are going out to martha's vineyard to demonstrate against him. in iraq, he hasn't done anything harmful in iraq. he has kept the infrastructure in place. yeah, he said some questionable things about america at the muslim conference in cairo. i'll give you that. but i think look, here is what i'm worried about. if you demonize everything the man does because you believe that he is a far left guy, and i think you're right. at this juncture, if you were
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going to evaluate barack obama domestically, not foreign policy, he is governing from the far left. that's what he is doing, ok? but if you don't keep an open mind on stuff that comes down the pike because you're playing to your choir and you want to get good radio ratings or whatever it may be, and you know there are a lot of people who have obama derangement syndrome, they are off. they hate him. every time i say something good about barack obama, i get -- >> people go crazy. bill: i get letters. i wrote the nice article in "parade" magazine about what kids could learn, i have vitriolic stuff coming on in. i'm saying that isn't helpful. >> i tell you what, i think most of those who oppose barack obama do it not on a personal basis, but they really hate his policies. bill: so you can never do anything worthy? >> i think if he started to govern the way he campaigned and started to really bring in republicans. remember, bill, when he was campaigning, he said he was going to be mr. bipartisanship.
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he was going to knock down the walls of bipartisanship, bring the republicans in. he did not do that on the stimulus, he did not do it on cap and trade. he certainly did not do it on health care. if he started really bringing in republicans and listening to them and starting to incorporate some of their ideas -- bill: he did say he was going to do that today. >> i think a lot of people -- ok, then it remains to be seen. bill: look, i don't object to any viewer not liking barack obama. you're an american and you don't like the guy. you think the guy overall is bad for the country, fine. you're entitled to your opinion. i have now changed my opinion on obama a bit because of this health care chaos. and whereas i was giving him the benefit of the doubt, as you know, for the first three or four months, this is ridiculous now. it's absurd now what is happening. >> here's the point. bill: wait. i'm taking it on a case by case, though. i didn't condemn the health care vision obama had until he couldn't explain it to me 18 times.
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>> right. bill: then i said, you know, you had 18 chances and you can't do it. this isn't good. >> but i think that that's what americans are doing. they are taking it on a case by case basis. remember, as soon as he was sworn in -- bill: i don't know. a lot of hatred out there. >> he had a 72% job approval when he first came in. it's now below 50. why? the american people are seeing case after case, policy after policy, where it's costing trillions of dollars for social engineering and liberal politics, that they are saying, you know what, enough is enough? bill: the tide has definitely turned. there is no doubt. monica, as always, we appreciate it. colmes, i hope you're enjoying the communists you're hanging out with on your vacation. we would like to you vote in our poll, asking which news agency do you trust the least? "the new york times", cnn, pbs, msnbc. please select one. dennis miller wants a piece of barney frank, riskally, of course. he also has some thoughts on brad pitt's marijuana stance.
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electing you back to congress. you say that you want us to trust you with health care? >> i didn't say that. >> sir, let me finish my question, please. >> quote me correctly. i never said i wanted you to trust me. i guarantee that. bill: we're glad. here now with some thoughts. talk show star dennis miller. barney, that was a facity, facity meeting. a couple of plants in there, a couple of larouch people gave him a hard time and stuff like that. what do you say? >> you talk about let them eat cake. barney frank makes marie antoinette look like a storefront lawyer doing pro bono work. the look on his face reads the ingrates are running the asylum. he is going to have to say, though, the people have got to stop showing up on both sides of these things with hitler's sides. unless somebody has actively croaked six million of their fellow human beings, we have got to stop throwing this hitler thing around.
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it's a bad discard. when he lit that woman up and said it was like talking to a dining room table, i have to admit i kind of laughed. here as my theory on barney. i think barney has to feel intellectually superior to people because there is more promisal lism mbic self has kind of mortified him over the years. he finally becomes a u.s. congressman. he falls for the brawny paper towel kid, he is working a male prostitution ring out of his apartment with barney's franking privilege. i guess he is a little mortified by that. when he goes out with the regular people like this, i think he likes to feel a little intellectually superior. he is sort of good at it. it's like frederick meecham meets liberace. >> who is liberace? >> he used to play piano. >> i know you said -- look, barney is a guy who has an attitude, and the attitude is he is always right, and if you don't know it, you're an idiot.
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now, that's barney's attitude. i will repeat it. barney is always right. if you don't mow it, you're an idiot, ok? you have to give barney props for showing up on "the factor", at the town meeting. you have to give him props for that. people like nancy pelosi, barbara boxer, they never do. barney, we give him that. >> he digs it, billy. bill: he loves the battle. there is no doubt. and he likes the attention. i told morris that by barney attacking people, that hurts obama. that hurts obama. because people are now associating barney with barack. >> you know, at this point i don't think barney cares about barack. necessary such a wired district, barney could literally come dressed in the barney dinosaur outfit to congress and nobody would care. he is going to get voted in. he knows he can throw his weight around. i think he was probably tortured when he was a little kid because he seems to have a bit of a speech thing.
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he probably knocked him. it was his time to give back. i have to say most of the time i don't agree with him. if you're going to show up at the nazi side, he is going to cut your legs out and i understand that. bill: ok. the michael jackson doctor made a p.s.a. i'm not going to say it because it is incredibly boring. he wants to thank all his friends who have supported him, i guess in his quest to give michael jackson as much anesthesia as humanly possible and not kill the man, but he made a mistake and he's dead. why would anybody support a doctor who puts -- you know, supervises an unbelievable narcotics transference into a troubled man? can you make any sense out of this at all? >> all i know is i have to feel some empathy for this guy because jackson, what did he go down two months ago? this guy is still trying to figure out which box to check on the ethnicity thing on the death certificate. he can't figure out black, white. he doesn't know what is up.
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all i know is he probably wishes this is one patient he wishes he hadn't taken on. i'm not sure they are going to charge him with manslaughter. bill: online they say he is going to get charged very, very soon. >> i don't know if they charge him with manslaughter or your guess is as good as mine slaughter. this whole case is a mess. in my case, i don't even think michael jackson committed suicide. i think he murdered himself. the way he led his life, 50 is old age. don't make him put it on this guy. you're talking about a kid who lived life in a bubble for the last 40 years. he was going to do exactly what he wanted. some people went along for the ride. some people went along for the check. they get caught in the wake of this. the simple fact is michael jackson led about as screwed up a life as a human being can lead. i'm surprised he made it to 50. that was an ancient mariner for the life he was leading. bill: i agree with that except i don't cut doctors a slack who take $100,000 a month, which is what this guy was allegedly making, to supervise a human
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being and then they bring in powerful, dangerous narcotics and administer those narcotics and then leave the room to make phone calls and the guy is dead on a slab when they come back. i think that there is culpability there because the guy is a doctor. you said it. he's along for the check. 100 k a mandate to supervise this crazy guy. go ahead. >> just let me say this, billy. as crazy as michael jackson was, he would still be alive under obama care. bill: so he would have -- that's right. the panel would have said it's too expensive to give him the massive amount of narcotics that he demanded. >> you can't give him any more horse tranquilizers this month. we're not paying for it. bill: talking about gallows humor. we are disrespecting the dearly departed. we are going to hell. you are dragging me to hell with you, miller. >> michael jackson turned his
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life into a character. not me. i'm just here to squeegee up the mess. bill: brad pitt. i don't know why we're talking so much more about brad pitt. people seem to like this guy. he wants legalization of marijuana but then tills mauer that he gave it up because he wants to be a good parent. how are you seeing this? >> count me as somebody who digs brad pitt, man. he runs for mayor, i'm down there in a shot to work for him. i think he is a good cat. his business with pot is his business. all i know is this. if you're a parent out there and your plan to keep your kid from smoking pot is to cherry pick cast members from the remake of "ocean's eleven" and tell them to emulate the ones you like, that's a plan you come up with when you're stoged. that's like telling my kids not to age backward. benjamin button, it caught up with him. i saw him with diane sawyer once in a mug hut going down to africa to hug for a second time a girl that was dying of aids.
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he went right in and embraced her. man, that is a fine, fine man there. he might not believe in god, but the people who see him coming into that mud hut, they believe he is sent by god. i think he's a good man. his business with pot is his business. bill: dennis miller, everybody. in a moment, one of the most shocking public service videos we have ever seen and a viewer warning, very gruesome. it concerns people who text and drive.
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>> do me a favor. could you say senator instead of ma'am? it's just a thing. i worked so hard to get that title. i appreciate it. thank you. >> yes, senator. bill: about 100 people showed up to senator boxer's book signing in california to basically demean her. >> throw barbara out! >> barbara must go! barbara must go! bill: with us now, fox courtney friehl and fox news anchor jane skinner. ok. malicious those demonstrators or just giving voice to their disenchantment? >> i wouldn't say they are malicious. they are not as bad as some we have seen at the town halls. it depends on who you believe. they will say that barbara boxer doesn't give us a lot of time. we call her office. she doesn't allow us to come in and talk to her personally. they will set us up with a staff member, etc., etc. on the other hand, how constructive is that? bill: they go to a book
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signing. this was not a public forum. she was just signing one of her books. they want to go and vent their displeasure. now, i see it, courtney, as a legitimate form of protest against somebody that they don't feel is looking out for them. >> this health care issue is so complex. i think they would rather have her spending her time not promoting her book but reading the bill and having these town hall meetings and her press secretary says she doesn't have any plan. i have been to one of her book signings. i interviewed her in palm springs. she does take questions. she does use this as a platform. so i'm sure she is talking about -- bill: you don't have any problem with those people demonstrating against her, do you? >> no. it's a free country. bill: you don't have any problem with the demonstrators? >> i think they were more polite than some we have seen. she did -- at this event, there was a q and a session at the end. she did take questions. she hasn't hosted any town halls as some members of congress have. bill: she won't take questions from me. none of that matters. she has been running from us
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for years. this is the second video. this is a viewer warning, please. if you have young kids in the living room or the family room, you have got to change the channel. they shouldn't be seeing this, ok? it's a public service announcement running in great britain about texting and driving. go. >> whoo. >> [screaming] [crying] >> no! bill: legitimate. runs on tv. no viewer warning as i just gave. i gave four viewer warnings on that one, ok? if you were watching the telly in great britain, this can pop up. you have got kids in the room. what do you think? >> they are going to be showing it to high school students,
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driver ed kids. this video is -- has been picked up everywhere. that question is being asked. should kids be seeing this? a lot of the -- most of the viewer comments say yes, show it to area kids, bring it to the u.s. teenagers' brains aren't fully developed, but they do respond to peer pressure. we need to shock the kids to get this message across. i think everyone should see this, frankly, because we're all at risk of someone texting and driving and running into us. bill: we cut out the worst part. we didn't show the worst part. it gets really, really bad after -- when the people take the young women out of the car. >> i had to stop it at a point, i was telling courtney, because it was very disturbing. at the end of the day i went back and watched it and thought if i have a teenager in a car, i want them to see it. it runs like 30 minutes. it's like the "scared straight" documentary back in the 1970's having the juvenile delinquents talking to the convicts. it's worth a try. i think adults should watch it,
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too. i think there are more adult offenders. bill: there are idiots all over the place doing the texting and talking on the phone and all of that business. you both believe it's worthy enough because of the life-death issue involved that even though it's painful to watch, you should watch it. >> it's not something you're going to forget. >> obama is having a summit coming up to discuss the issue. bill: we appreciate it. pinheads and patriots coming up next. . ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber! ( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) joint custody. - phew! - announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access
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bill: time for "pinheads and patriot." don hewitt died today. he was 86 years old. we talked with him in 2001. >> you guys changed the game. you either had to wait for walter cronkite or someone else to find out what happened today. that does not happen anymore. bill: don hewitt was a patriot. it is summertime and britney spears knows it. she made it presentation on "the david letterman program." >> reasons to vote britney spears for president. >> i would be the first president to wear eye shadow since nixon. >> number four. >> america might have a more
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coherent fiscal strategy. >> the number one way the country would be different if britney spears were president. >> finally, the media would pay some attention to me. bill: is she a pinhead? only you can decide. an embarrassing display on here i am modeling the american patriot hat. we also have "tf" hats standing for "the factor." check it out on the e-mail.
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bill: let me break this to you. it is impossible to watch too much "factor." bill: with me, not at me, i hope. we have a very interesting talking. memo to dick. if you missed it, you can pick it up online. e-mail us with pithy comments from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. please, when writing to was, do not be a hotspur. it is a real word. do not be a hotspur. that is it for us today. "the factor" continues 24/7 on
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