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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  August 21, 2009 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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night. the skies grew a little bit darker 67 years ago today. we will see you tomorrow. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute "the o'reilly factor," is on. >> a fox is the only one clear eyed enough to see them for what they are. bill: john stuart goes after fox news on health care. we will tell you why he did it and how he distorted the record. -- juon stewart goes after fox news. we have the reports on the health-care system in canada. >> oh, my god, it is sarah palin.
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bill: now they're making fun of sarah palin in the movies. >> i love what you have done with the heads. bill: caution, you are about to enter the "no spin zone." hello, i'm bill o'reilly. president obama goes into preacher mode on health care and that is the subject of the talking points memo. the battle continues between the obama administration and americans to know better. he appealed to religious people by saying it is and more obligation to provide health care who cannot have it. he criticized those who opposed the plan.
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bill: we somewhat agree with the president, americans should look out for each other but there are smart ways to do that and not so smart ways. his health-care vision is confusing, it might also bankrupt the nation. that doesn't sound smart to me. american people do not want to invest trillions of dollars in a program that is confusing. that would be insane. if president obama could articulate how exactly the investment would help all of us, i believe he might succeed in his quest to make health care more sensible. americans are a generous people, we give more money to the poor than any other country on earth. if you harm the economy of the nation, you are hurting more people and you are helping. that is what the president
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doesn't understand. it is a fact, since he has been in office, we have spent more money than at any other time in history and now he wants another trillion dollar entitlement. in the long run, he says it will be cost efficient but the congressional budget office says baloney. americans are skeptical. just 49% of americans hold a favorable view of the democratic party which is down from 62% last winter. while government spending least people very concerned. this does not improve the health care system but it can be done in a smart way which strips federal oversight on insurance companies. the left-wing doesn't want to hear that because they want income redistribution. government run health care is a way to do that. clearer thinking americans under thing that this whole deal is
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screwed up. the country needs a fresh start on health care. reaction from fox news businesses czar, neil cavuto. you can see him on the business channel. >> i really think this is the apocalypse. bill: either you agree with everything that i have said, maybe you have improved a massively -- >> or i have taken massive drugs. bill: utensil up when you are nervous. >> i am not remotely scared. -- you tense up when you are nervous. bill: you are the boss of the fox business network. have you crunched the numbers? >> i have, there is no way that you can pay off this or get
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savings from it from what i've seen from the house measures. bill: that is the 1000 page bill. >> this is the largest bill we have seen. they think that taking deductions for people like you will pay the balance. that cannot be done. bill: the congressional officbut office agrees with you. you say to your audience, president obama is misguided, does he not miss -- does heat misunderstand or is he intending to deceive? >> i don't think that he is intending to deceive. he thinks that this will give us savings. there will be an argument about the public auction are not, that is mumbo jumbo. that is when to keep the private
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insurance companies in check. -- that is going to keep the private insurance companies in check. this has never happened in american history, we have never seen the government do it on this type of skill. the fact that this will be more efficient what we have when we are just layering what we have -- bill: you see this as bankruptcy for the united states? >> we are already bankrupt. bill: the dollar has not collapsed. there is confidence in the system. >> this is hardly a ringing endorsement for us. we have our problems but the world has even bigger problems. bill: we are still able to borrow money to float what we want. >>if this gets past with a trillion dollars over 10 years,
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do you foresee what happenhappen california where the government cannot meet its obligations? >> i did not buy this price tag of one trillion dollars. it is more than that. with the government, it is never the dollar figure used. medicare is used as a shining example in history. i went back to see how this was received. did you know that people were upset with that? some liberals did not think it went far enough. they were hoping for $150 million and it was $65 million. this is a $400 billion program now. it is turning out five trillion dollars in benefits. bill: and it is going bankrupt. >> correct. bill: if this passes, are we on the road to economic ruin in the united states? >> it is among some many other
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things that are going to kill us. bill: you are making a statement, that are going to kill us. >> absolutely. you cannot create money out of thin air. you cannot all of a sudden double and triple down and hope that you come up aces. bill: he is putting in more obligation tag on that and understand. the moral obligation is to make the country fiscally strong. -- he is putting the moral obligation tag on that. >> he has a moral obligation to protect our currency and our economic stability and our system. he has a moral obligation to protect our way of life. bill: you don't think he is doing that? >> he is placing his bets on a government that has never delivered. if he succeeds, he will be the first president that use big
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spending to stimulate. short of the stimulus after world war ii, we will never see this again. bill: oil prices have risen and originally this was caused by oil speculator. >> i heard you lie about this. you were talking about the the idea of cornering the market which you conveniently left out. bill: the prices are falling up to now, the supplies never hired. -- higher. >> the supply is in the eye of the beholder. bill: they say they cannot bring any more in because there is some much stockpiled. >> news flash, this is a global commodity. if their economies pick up a little bit, ours has picked up a
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little bit. bill: no speculators? >> i think that they can have a wide variations. "the factor" does not listen to the financial factor. bill: you are just jealous. >> you know what the inconvenient truth is, i get it and you don't. bill: i have a better time than bill: i have a better time than gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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bill: the incoming head of the canadian medical association says the health care system is "imploding." some liberals point to the canadian health-care system as what we should have in america. do we really want a system that is imploding? she declined to appear this evening but joining us from vancouver is the former president of the canadian medical association. what is the biggest problem with your health care system in canada? >> well, the biggest problem is
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access. by access, i mean that we have -- in the canadian system, the first line of defense is a family doctor. we have a population of 33,000,005 million don't have a family doctor. -- we have a population of 33 million and 5 million don't have a family doctor. bill: is it because you don't pay your doctors as much? you are about $30,000 down. >> no, we rank 26 out of 28 in the number of doctors per population. it is part of the mechanism of rationing that has to happen when you promise to deliver everything and you don't have enough. bill: you have enough doctors but you have too many cases and illnesses to treat some people have to get in a line.
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is this a major problem, rationing? are people suffering because they cannot get in to see a doctor? >> yes, we have over 1 million people waiting for surgery and another million waiting to see the specialists before they get to wait for the surgery. bill: that is very disturbing because our government tells us that that would not happen here, that everyone -- look, if i need to see a doctor, i can see a doctor within an hour because i buy my own health insurance. i go when a doctor sees me and that is that. projecting out, you are in vancouver. if we pass the obama bill and the government has a big say in how much doctors are paid, what procedures they can charge, do you foresee rationing of care here? >> well, i have listened to
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president obama and my take on this is that we focused on each other. the canadian doctors overwhelmingly endorsed a transformation of our health- care system. it needs to change and it is not working. we would not want to copy your system as it is now and we don't believe you probably would want to copy ours. bill: there are many people who point to your country as an example of what we should do. many people in new england across the state to purchase cheaper prescription drugs in canada. -- many people in a win-win cross the border to purchase cheaper prescriptions. what other problems to you have? >> right now, cost. 40% of total spending is on
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health care and it is projected to go up to as high as 90%. bill: why? >> it is a very expensive item in our budget. we promise everything. in fact, the other misapprehensions about to the canadian health-care system is that we have a single payer system. 70% of canadians have to carry insurance so they can get their drugs carried which are not part of the system in the government. if you have a heart attack and have to go to the hospital, that is not considered medically necessary. we have many individuals who do not have that kind of insurance. we have many other groups that are not part of the single payer system like injured workers, the armed forces, the federal police force an, and so on. bill: president obama says that
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if we pass this bill, over 10 years, health costs will go down. you said in canada, over the san amana time, it skyrocketed. -- over the santsame amount of time, it skyrocketed. does it make sense that our prices will go down? >> items think so. we were just rated on a value to payment basis and alongside 29 european countries that were raided, candidate came in bottom in value for money. -- alongside 29 countries that were rated, canada came in at the bottom.
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bill: i like jon stewart, he is a clever guy. he is usually not mean-spirited. last night, he went off the rails deriding us for our coverage of the health care controversy. i feel it is my duty to set him straight. he told his viewers that fox news has become liberal because we defend the timid protesters on the health care front. -- legitimate protesters on the health care front. then he ran a clip of our show. we don't describe the protesters as loons. >> of course you don't, what kind of monster would describe
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protesters voicing political opinion that way? bill: surveys show many of the political protesters are loons. >> to be fair, those are protesters that he disagreed with. bill: to be fair, ha. here is what i really said. there are the anti bush protesters here in new york city. more than 1000 have been arrested and many protesters are simply loons calling for the destruction of the american system and calling for retreat in the face of terrorism. we were talking about arrested protesters. to be fair, you are a satirist.
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you have a license to distort. everyone should know why you are doing and why. 45% of the "daily show" audience is liberal. in order to retain his view ers, he has to play them. >> one thing i hate about liberals, they are victims. >> liberals make themselves victims. >> everyone makes fun of us on this case, fox news is on the extreme left. >> no one gets beat up more than a woman conservative or an african-american conservative. >> in this society, christians are the easy targets. >> dial 911. bill: here is what she said in the discussion about media attacks on christians during holy week.
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>> christians are the easy target, they are not for to do it to muslims or jews. they should not do it to christians either. bill: perhaps even johjon stewart would agree. as he did when i said this. i like barack obama. he has run the best campaign i've seen anyone run. i make that clear. >> you are not an ideologue. bill: i don't know what he is wanted to. i toodon't take cheap shots. >> i get paid to. bill: is that an honest job? we know what the obama is doing now. is obama sayinjon stewart saying
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anything? snow. he is mocking us. -- no. some people thabelieve that he is presenting an accurate picture of the country. that is frightening. he is welcome on the program editing time. elizabeth edwards faces another embarrassing
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bill: according to a raleigh, n.c. television station, and john edwards has confessed to the paternity of the child that was claimed to be his. this must be painful for his wife. >> is any solution about the continued questions about the paternity? >> my expectation is that something happens. i hope for the sake of this child that it happens in a quiet way. >> herbill: here now, is geraldo rivera. if she was to be going on these shows talking about this?
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>> she is courageous for nogoing on despite her husband's actions. she is unable to the subterfuge. she knew very early on that he has had not only the mistress, the affair, but had impregnated his lover. bill: how do you know? >> it works out and the time line. this is before the "national enquirer" broke the story. they have not been wrong yet about john edwards. bill: the facts of the case are the facts of the case but it is not fair to say what she knew and when she knew it. i think that she knows now. just from the body language, i think she knows the whole story. i don't know whether this money with her can -- this woman with
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her cancer treatments knew what this guy was doing running around the country. >> i cannot identify the exact moment but i remember vividly an appearance on "60 minutes," where she sat next to john edwards and john edwards was asked about character. he said, you can tell a lot about the character as a candidate with a the way they are with their families. he said that at the time that hunter had already had this child. he is a despicable lowlife who was in the hall of fame when it comes to hypocrisy. he has given cover to john ensign, mark sanford. i believe what he did with, with the wife suffering from cancer.
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moving the mistress and child close to their home so he can be part of raising the child. bill: this story makes me queasy because of elizabeth edwards and the baby. now this becomes a federal crime. a federal grand jury. >> it certainly appears as if he who participated in public campaign finance used donations and taxpayer dollars to finance his affair. moreover, he did something that in my code of honor is even worse, he went to a young assistant. he was a married man with children and he asked him after "the enquirer," exposed him, for andrew young to pretend he was the father of this child. andrew young did that. he also took money from a
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fellow, a tort lawyer, to fund and to say that he funded the lover moving around the country. he was given $15,000 every month to support her and the child. take this scenario, john edwards is now the democratic candidate. things could easily have gone his way. he is now the democratic candidate or even worse, he is the president. andrew young swears that john edwards and hunter made a sextan tape. can you imagine the president in the white house at a crucial time and the russians or someone gets a hold of this tape? give me a break.
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this is a traitor. bill: there's something really wrong with edwards, no doubt. this young guy, has he turned on edwards? >> yes. bill: we can assume with his testimony and with the dna tests that edwards will be indicted and he could go to prison. >> i believe this scenario will work out this way -- i believe that they have him nailed but in sympathy for the fact that he has racked his family's life, they will let him plead to a federal misdemeanor. i believe that this man will be a convict before he ever returns to public life. bill: geraldo rivera, thank you very much. very much. the ec help yo he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old! - oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half.
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bill: thank you for staying with us. 3 hot topics beginning with the aclu suing sheriff arpaio. he is very tough on illegal aliens often taking them into custody because they are
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undocumented. that has angered the aclu. here to analyze is megyn kelly. two men both united states citizens were taken into custody by the sheriff's men and that has led to this. >> exactly right, they claim that their fourth amendment rights were violated. father and son, the sun is driving his father to a job. the reason that they pull him over is that they have the ability to conduct this raid on the business that had been reported as hiring illegals. they conducted a raid and they got a search warrant. the judge signed off on it and these people were arriving at the work place -- bill: but they were not there. >> that is the controversy. because they were not there they are covered. bill: what is your take on this?
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>> this is probably part of a larger scenario where they're trying to get him. bill: they should settle. they should apologize. if it got into court, would they get into court over a technicality? >> i don't think the aclu cares. by the way, he did find 15 illegal immigrants in the course of that raid. bill: the aclu might sue here. this could happen in any school in texas, you are allowed to teach the bible this coming fall. it is going to be mandatory that they be offered as an elective. they have to offer the class but the students don't have to take it. bill: why would they mandate that you have to offer it and
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they don't mandate that you have to offer a course on the civil war? >> the same reason that they might mandate that you require kids to read certain history books. they believe this is an important historical reference. i don't have any problem because they teach it in a legitimate historical context. bill: this opens the door to proselytizing. >> some people are doing this and some teachers started preaching. that is not allowed in the school. they sued and settled. right now, as long as they keep it objective and historical, they are ok. bill: you are concerned, fascinated, outraged about a south african runner. i don't care about this. i want you to convince me why i should care. >> you have to see the tape.
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watch, she is going to kick the bottom of everyone behind her. no one is even close. look at how far ahead she is. is she a man or woman. bill: she says she is a woman. >> she says she is a woman and then they raised the challenge. you would think that they applied the test you use in third grade. you show me mind if i show you your spent do -- if i show you yours. bill: that kind of test. they should do that and a locker room. i think it is easy to tell if you are a woman. the woman who won the race, they don't know if she is a man or a woman? >> they have to have weeks of testing. they have brought in and
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gynecologists, a psychologist, an endocrinologist, and a gender expert. they will spend the next several weeks figuring out if she is a member woman. do you see why i'm fascinated. bill: >> no, i do not. you have to assume something is going on if the visual investigation did not come to a conclusion. >> right. bill: let's start there. let's be sherlock holmes. the visual did not lead to a conclusion. there's something biologically. you can do that these days. >> they are doing all kinds of blood tests and so on. apparently there are certain genetic disorders where you can have both male and female hormones or, sounds, this is
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not a master died or you have both sex organs. this is just the crumbs sounds. -- chromosomes. you might be a man on the inside but look like a woman on the outside. she would have an dominos like a man, she would be straight like a man without the kurds. -- she would have and domino muscles like demand. i cannot understand it. i have to find out. bill: why do you care? >> the rules require that you compete and the gender that you are born with. bill: she have it for certificate that says she is a girl? >> if she is a man, do we pay attention?
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bill: when you are growing, you are not a man or woman, you are a baby. you are born and the birth certificate says -- she gets a birth certificate and it says she is a girl. >> she's dead is little girl. bill: then she is a girl. >> what if genetics say she is more boys than girls. should she be allowed to compete in these races. there is a reason why we don't let the men race against women because the men are faster. bill: you think we should look at this in greater detail. she might have been baby sydney. >> they made a mistake. another thing i have to worry about. i am already obsessed.
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bill: i did not want to do this story, calley has been sending us the e-mail all day long to do this. -- megyn kelly has been sending this e-mail all they long to do this. you are on the job. when it all comes in, you tell us the facts. >> i want to hear from you, is she a man, a woman? she a man, a woman? bill: i'
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bill: reality check for the search for the truth is ongoing and uplifting. once in awhile, a liberal
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congress person will drop all of the bs and let it fly. >> it sounds like you think that there's a need for us to have private insurance. >> what is it about you? what did they bring to the deal? what are we getting from this? >> i am astounded by your question. you are suggesting that there's no need to have a country that is run on free-market principles. this is not a commodity. health care is not a commodity. bill: health care is not a commodity. how about a decent place to live? socialism, alive and well. edward kennedy is gravely ill. he has asked that the magistrate your -- the legislature changed a lot about appointed a senator
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to take his place. he wants a temporary appointment by the democratic governor before the special lecture. it was kennedy who championed the five month election no option because he feared that mitt romney would appoint a republican if john kerry one. ted kennedy once what he wants when he wants it. chris edwards confesses that he violated federal election law and cut a deal to testify against a corner and another director. -- against acorn and another director. dianne feinstein is in another health-care controversy. >> we are outside of dianne feinstein's office. protesters have gathered. >> how did you find out?
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>> i got an e-mail from the obama people. >> we ask everyone we know to come here today because we are expecting a large contingent of the opponents to health care reform. >> did you come in on a corporate bus? >> we just housewives to care -- are just housewives who care. bill: the pro obama cared demonstrators showed up with professional signs while the nt obama care protesters made their own. a new movie starring sarah jessica parker features this. >> i recommend that you enter the witness relocation program. >> i cannot commit to spend the rest of my life with my husband. >> i and stand. >> where you going? >> fleming.
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-- i and the stand. hip-hop or rap >> i hope you will be comfortable. >> oh my god, seeing sarah palin. bill: now we have the primetime rankings. we led the way and we even be to the cbs evening news. we thank you all for the great ratings. ratings. i'm glad anticavity listerine® smart rinse™ attracts stuff like a magnet, then shows it in the sink. ewww. gross. cool! (announcer) listerine® smart rinse™. save, visit
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bill: time for "pinheads and patriots." a model was smeared on the internet. she was called all kinds of terrible names trying to do damage to reputation. she sued google to find of the identity of the person and she won. cohen knows the name of the person who attacked her but has not made public. she is a patriot. governor arnold schwarzenegger has made commercials for the japanese market. >> ♪
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[laughter] >> [speaking foreign-language] bill: no wonder california is bankrupt. is arnold a pinhead? you make the call. "bold fresh" is a good vacation read. if you like fiction, let me recommend "rain gods." it is by my favorite novelist these days.
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bill: are you kidding me? i was all over those people.
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bill: most likely, stephanie. bill: careful what you wish for. have you ever seen miller eat? arnold. bill: i think i can tell you. i am taking a nap. bill: i have done that, and your tips. take it easy, very slow.
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rest a lot. drinkwater constantly. "bold fresh" will provide some amusement while you are resting. bill: how about a website? please e-mail us with pithy comments from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to apply. please when writing to was, do not be jejune. another great word. i am bringing them back. "the factor" continues 24/7 at we have a great hat. check it out. we will see you premium members
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on the post-game show shortly. i am bill o'reilly. gretchen: we can finally say tgif. we hope you have a great friday. it's august 21. cash for clunkers. it hits a zed end. the government is out of cash again. and the dealers still aren't getting paid. we'll tell you why you should be running to your dealer today if you want to cash in. >> and health care reform. it's now a guarantee according to president obama. >> i guarantee it, joe. we are going to get health care reform done. peter: will president obama be able to walk the walk? brian: he called you joe. it bothers me. and a harrowing adventure for one world champion runner. is this guy


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