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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  August 22, 2009 12:00pm-1:59pm EDT

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freedom." thank you for joining us. have a great weekend. hugs, kisses and hero's welcome for terrorist. the only man convicted of a bombing in pan am 103 is given royal treatment in libya. top officials in britain are having to explain their role securing his release. i'm shannon bream live in washington. outrage over the joyous welcome given to the terrorist givterror ist given to the man convicted of killing 250 people. amy ke can loll is following the story from london. she has the latest. hi, amy. >> the latest is the f.b.i. director has taken an unusual step writing a scathing letter to the man who made the decision to release
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megrahi. the scottish justice minister saying it's made a mockery of justice. the original homecoming was sensitive enough to people and leaders in the u.s. and the u.k., but some are saying that coural ch cou colonel gad there. last night, gadhafi went to al megrahi's home to greet him. megrahi has given a lengthy interview to the london times. and prospect of lucrative deals had much to do with the release of the only man convicted in bombing pan am 103. that would be megrahi. the foreign office in london has vehemently denied that suggestion, as the u.k. business secretary who calls the suggestion not only implausible but offensive.
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meanwhile, libyan leader paid a visit to megrahi at his home where there has been a steady stream of well-wishers. clearly the libyan leader was happy to have it televised because he didn't want it to be shown around the world, it wouldn't have been. here is what he had to say. >> i praise their kournl for proving independent and decision-making despite the unreasonable pressure they faced. but they took this right and humanitarian decision. >> he went on to thank his friend gordon brown, queen elizabeth and her son prince andrew for having put pressure on the scottish government or encouraging the scottish government to make the decision to release megrahi. >> shannon: amy, thank you. what the you think of the release of the bomber? we have a forum on the website to let your voice be heard.
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join the discussion at new signs of tension between north korea and south korea may be thawing. six envoys will meet with south korea president tomorrow in seoul. the envoys are officially coming to mourn the death of the former president of south korea. iraq foreign minister says the deadly truck bombings in baghdad earlier in week might have been an inside job. coordinated attack have shaken the country's government and cause many to question whether u.s. forces should have stayed longer in the country urban center. david piper joins us live from baghdad. hi, david. >> we have seen finger pointing and soul searching in the last few days since the bombings. there is now fears there could be more to come in the future. >> the foreign minister is warning there could be more powerful attacks in the coming days.
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he believes the the government has to admit the problem and deal with it. the most obvious measure is to stop dismantling of the force across baghdad. the government placed to remove them in 40 days to improve the city. some of the first were near the foreign ministry. they were put back up today. checkpoint had been removed there. iraq foreign minister raised the possibility today that the bombers got help from within the iraqi security forces. the iraqi government says it arrested members of network. the iraqi government needs to show they're on top of the security situation here as the bombings undermine their insistence they have security under control in the capital. for the people of baghdad, they feel anything but secure. >> yes, we need americans to return to the street. the troops are not good enough. our government failed. >> the government really needs to show it can beat the bombers, if it will restore
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credibility and have a chance in the january election. back to you. >> david,0david,david, thank yo. >> shannon: taliban militants cut off fingers of two voters. their index fingers were dipped in purple ink as fraud measure and were attacked in kandahar. millions voted in the second direct presidential election. partial results are expected to be released tuesday with final results next month. both candidates, hamid karzai and abdullah abdullah are both claiming victory. post election turmoil in afghanistan and renewed questions about the security situation in iraq have some wondering about the stability of the region. john bolton, the former ambassador to the united nations and joins us live from new york. thank you for joining us today. first, like to get your overall impression of the elections this week in afghanistan. >> there were troubling aspects. intimidation of the talibtaliba
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allegation of fraud and corruption can. and have to see how the vote count itself goes. that's obviously very important. nonetheless, despite all of these things, there was a substantial turn-out. it's very significant that there was an increase of registration from the last election. a lot of those first time women voters. not without difficulties but an important step forward. >> shannon: we'll begin to get some of the results on tuesday, full results a couple weeks down the road. what will it mean to people of the country if we get one of the top contenders versus the other, karzai versus abdullah, what will it mean long-term? >> in a way, having a runoff election between the two top contenders, which is a point, would be a good thing, because in contrast to the june 12 presidential election in iran, which was obviously stolen and fraudulent, but this would be an example again with its imperfections of people trying to establish
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institutions and representive government. it's important for afghanistan. it's important in the region as a whole, too. >> speaking in the region on a broader view, talk about iraq and the massive bombings there this week. u.s. forces pulled out of the urban centers six weeks ago. what the you make of the bombings this week and what message was being sent? >> there is a lot of speculation who did the bombings and what the consequences may be. but ity we've got to -- i think we have to focus on american policy. that really requires insisting that president obama tell us clearly what his goals are. his goals are to defeat the terrorist in iraq and try and lead a stable government or conditions for stability, we have to get away with the rigid withdrawal timetable. because the terrorists can read the timetable the same way we can. if president obama's objective is simply withdrawal, he ought to withdrawal now rather than drag this out.
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i think he needs to be a lot clearer than he has been. if he really wants to follow through on the success of the surge policy, we have to delink tactics inside -- de-link tactics inside there. >> shannon: thank you for your insight today. >> thank you. >> shannon: hurricane bill may be skirting the eastern seaboard but it's causing trouble for the mainland. category two hurricane is turning up huge waves and dangerous rip tide prompting tropical storm warning. meteorologist domenica davis is at the fox weather center. it's been a busy week for you. >> not the best day to be at the east along the northeast. it's making a northerly turn to keep it in the water, still make it a threat. not only for coastal areas along the east coast this weekend but for canada as it
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continues on the forward path. this is moving off the north at 23 miles per hour. the storm is come down to category one with 85-mile-per-hour winds by tomorrow. in the meantime, we are looking at decent waves and swells along the beaches for this weekend. so again, it's not the best time to get in the water. along the beaches, really all the way up to the campton islands, we'll look at the good waves in the order from 12 to 18 feet. you can see the waves here. that's with a we're looking at a tropical storm warning. that will stay in effect through much of this weekend. so, again, not a huge problem, but certainly not the best day to be out in the water. here is a look at what is happening and the storm is moving off to the knot east. we have a cold front moving in that will bring additional rain. it's what is keeping hurricane bill out in the
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water. flooding will be the problem for the east coast as well through the weekend with showers and thunderstorms moving through. the rain is coming up from the coast. a lot to track. so far, so good for bill. we have advisories for nova scotia. people need to be on the outlook in canada. we'll keep you posted. back to you. >> shannon: thank you. federal authorities are offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the location of ryan jenkins. he's the reality show contestant accused of killing his ex-wife jasmine fiore and leaving her mutilated body in a crash can. they believe he took off to canada. despite efforts to conceal the identity of the body, she was identified through serial numbers on her breast implants. fire set by rioting inmates by kentucky prison did so much damage that prison officials started to bus inmates to other facilities.
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the rioting broke out yesterday evening at the medium security north port training center, 30 miles south of lexington. new information in the case of a 17-year-old girl aberi who ran away of her ohio home because she feared punishment for islam to christianity. a florida judge ruled she can remain in foster care until a september hearing. governor said the first and only priority of my administration is safety and well being of the child. we will continue to fight to protect rifqa's safety as we move forward. you can write to the governor. there are new developments in the dust-up over the obama administration spanning people with healthcare reform e-mail. the white house has confirmed to fox news it hired a private communication company to distribute the unsolicited mass e-mail. eric shawn has been following
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the story and joins us on the phone. what is the latest? >> the white house confirming to fox news it did use a government contractor to send out the david r axelrod e-mails. it's a controversial issue sending out the e-mail. the company is based in minnesota started by two 30-year-olds and the largest, they claim, firm that sends out mass e-mail for the federal, state e-maie-mail s around the country. they boost by my count 11 cabinet agencies as clients including the department of defense, state, justice, the atf, the f.b.i. and i.r.s. but i could not find if they claim client was the executive office of president, which the white house. we broke the story because
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fox news viewers sent us their copy of the axelrod e-mail which investigation showed it came from gov delivery. scott burns the president of gov delivery refused comment and would have no comment whether his firm sent the e-mails to theous, but now they admit gov delivery was used and only used as inproduct e-mail dlis tribbor. not having anything to -- e-mail delivery. and not having anything to do with the content. they point out that gov delivery works for republicans rick perry and mitch daniels. a lot of controversy centers on what role it could have been where the company. the white house saying yes, they used the company that is a massive government contractor to sent out the e-mails. >> shannon: there is the admission. eric shawn has been on it all day long. thank you for joining us. >> major garrett has been on this also and i'm sure the questions will continue.
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>> shannon: absolutely. we enjoyed his head-to-head with mr. gibbs in the white house briefing that launched this. thank you for being on it. >> sorry to see it leave, but there has been problems in the program. we have 38 clunker deals of which i've been paid on 7. i have haven't been paid on any in three or four days. >> shannon: that is the reality for auto dealers across the country as the cash for clunkers program comes to an end. it's been wildly successful in terms of sales but dealers say they're having a tough time getting money promised to them by the government. compounding the problem, malfunction of the online system the dealers use to fill out all the forms that they have to turn in to get their reimbursement. it was down friday and we understand it's back up and running today. they're asking for another week for dealers to print out their paperwork.
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what did the program stimulate? look at the top five new cars out of the program. four of the five are foreign cars. the ford focus is the only american car on that list. filling out paperwork, undeniable part of government bureaucracy. if you want to get your hands on federal stimulus money be prepared to bring plenty of ink. james rosen has the story. >> cash for clunkers. amazingly successful program with tons of paperwork involved. we came to lindsay lexus to check it out. it will be fun. let's go do paperwork. c'mon, she's got some paperwork. when i say c'mon, i mean c'mon! let's go. >> this is a large stack of paper here. >> greg altman is general sales manager at lindsay lexus. >> this is a disposal certification form. >> there are procedures on how to disable the car sdpchlt we had one rejected. >> the automobile business is a tough business. >> a tough business. >> have you had anybody
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whacked? >> executives at lindsay say each clunker inflicts two dozen forms for them to fill out. >> how do you get through the days with the sheer boredom of it? ♪ ♪ >> hey, let's go. tired of waiting for you. >> here in this barren wasteland, we'll all deal. >> everything must go. come on down. we're overloaded with clunkers. every clunker has somebody's name on it. everybody falls in love sometime. that's amor! >> the first shop is getting the crucial first loan. sometimes they come with the exciting place, the las vegas of paperwork, the small business administration. >> bridget dean is the director of the sba office.
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>> it's forms that for unconventional regular loans. [ inaudible ] 45 out of 60 is a document that borrowers sign. personal financial statement. they say how much money do you have in stand. >> a statement of personal history. talk about jr. high school prom? >> no. we hope you don't. >> arc. a loan up to $35,000 to help small businesses. >> non-delegated lenders have lpc and -- goldilocks, this is papa bear. take the red skins in six. in this role playing game, i'll a big bossman who sits behind the desk and you're the small business owner and i have forms that you fill out to get a loan and i'd like it back in 20 minutes. to okay? >> absolutely. i better get started. >> yeah. i think so. >> shannon: you see why we love james rosen so much. even he can make paperwork
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exciting. james rose season now drowning in paperwork for weekend. thank you, james. still to come, stranded on the runway. airline pilot pleads to get her passengers off a plane. it sat for hours. you are going to hear the tape after the break. if you had to give up your summer vacation because of finances this year, you're not alone. check this out. stay tuned for a big story coming up. luxury resort is offering hotel stays for less than it cost to fill up a tank of gas. up next. i never thought i would have a heart attack,
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but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself. that's a-- tiny netbook. yeah, it's-- good-looking, lightweight. generally awesome. and you could just-- go online, video-chat with my cousin. this is un-- under $200. are you some kind of-- mind reader, visionary ? no, i have them. huh. the new lightweight hp mini netbook with windows and america's largest and most-reliable 3g network built in. only 199.99 with mobile broadband plans from 39.99 i am-- speechless, envious. wanna be me right now. getting one. a short time ago, this woman was limited by her lack of mobility. a month ago this man wasn't even able to get around his house. these are people who chose mobility. and they chose the scooter store. if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today.
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i guarantee, no other company will work harder to make you mobile. if we pre-qualify you for a new scooter or power chair and medicare denies your claim, the scooter store allows you to keep your scooter or power chair at no cost. that's the scooter store guarantee. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice ...or work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. you don't qualify for medicare? no problem. we'll work with your insurance company, even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. call the scooter store for free information today.
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>> shannon: topping the news, tropical storm warning is in effect for the massachusetts coast as hurricane bill churns up the atlantic. the alert includes cape cod,
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nantucket and martha's vineyards. winds could reach 40 miles per hour in that region. you can get the latest on hurricane bill, plus the president's upcoming martha's vineyard vacation tonight at 10:00 eastern time. when geraldo rivera broadcast li live. later this fall, president obama will visit china for the first time when he attends the asia pacific cooperative in singapore. china is the biggest holder of u.s. treasury with $801 billion in asset. the pennsylvania l.a. fitness gym where george sordini murdered three women earlier in month is reopening. the pittsburgh area healthcare has been closed since he opened fire in a class full of women august 4 and then killed himself. the white house now allows that obama's policies will force the u.s. to borrow more money over the next decade. the federal deficit is expected to be $2 trillion
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higher than previous estimates. earlier in year, the obama managers predicted the deficit would rise to $7.1 trillion over the next ten years. another large bank failure. this is the second largest u.s. bank to fail this year. the texas lender was shut down by the u.s. regulators. most of the operations sold at loss of billions to the u.s. government. guarantee is the first failed u.s. bank to be bought out by a foreign bank. in this case, the second largest. this is the 81st bank failure this year. we are learning more about the circumstances that surrounded the nightmare flight a few weeks ago where 47 passengers were trapped on an airplane for more than six hours. in newly released audiotapes you can hear the pilot pleading on behalf of the passengers to let them off. only to be refused. >> the people are not, they're getting real upset. we need to work out some way to get them off.
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>> shannon: the transportation department investigation cleared express jet, the regional carrier that operated the flight for continental airlines. instead it blames musaba airlines which was in charge because it had the only employees left at the airport at the time. many americans have had to cut back on vacation plans this year. but this next deal might be too hard to pass up. families get a chance to kick back and take advantage of the luxury rancho bernardo inn in san diego for $19 a night. the man behind the hotel's invented deal is general manager john gates joining us
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from san diego. mr. gates, thank you so much. i got to ask you, you have done unique things. starting out with using twitter to get the word out about what you're doing. how has that worked for you? >> it worked great. social media platform that allows us to personally talk to our customers and it worked beyond our wildest dreams. it's been fun. >> you come up with different packages and ways to get people involved. maybe they think they can't afford a luxury vacation like yours. $19 a night. what is that about? >> it started with the twitter campaign where we do things like bring me a sandwich and we'll buy you a brunch. things like that. we thought well, go ahead and come up with a creative promotion as opposed to upping the standards, 50% off, two for one. we decided to take things out of guest rooms and let the customers determine what luxuries they'd take out and have the beautiful resort. we got nutty with it. >> the prices are based on
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amenities. if you are giving up the ironing board, one thing. giving up the mini bar, that's one thing. giving up the bed, what is left if they take that option? >> that is the lowest price point. we take the bed out and knock out the air conditioning, electricity. families are doing it. surprising how many people want to camp on carpcarpet. it's fun. parents of children that want the experience of camping in a room and mom goes to the spa and dad plays golf and the kids go to the pool. a lot of fun for customers and the staff. >> they have plenty of facilities to choose from, even if the room is a camp out to and tent and those things. >> has anybody showed up and said maybe bring some of the furniture back, or are they cool with what they have? >> a good question. a couple of times people had camper remorse and they'll call up at midnight and say hey, can i have a pillow.
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they is a you're on survivor package. do you want to upgrade? we ultimately deliver materials to them. >> that has helped you fill room but has it hellped bring in business people willing to pay full price and take less survivor like vacation? >> over whelm iing response. like we were selling springstein tickets for a while. 25% are doing it with the $19 but they spend money on different activities. most folks take the towels out or sheets and bring a sleeping being or something like that. it's been great exposure for the local area and nationally people taking advantage of get away where they don't spend as much money on guest room but can still experience the facilities. >> shannon: this is very creative. we'll sign up for your tweets. thank you. the president is calling out his critics on healthcare reform accusing them of phony claims. but congressman tom price, also a physician says the president is playing fast and
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loose with the facts. we talk to him when we come back.
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>> an issue of vital concern to every american. i'm glad that so many are engaged. >> we are going to talk live to congressman tom price who gave today's republican radio response on healthcare. washington in his weekly radio address the president did set the record straight on some of different myths. he talked about outrageous myths including the fact that abortion would be covered by taxpayer dollars, and it was outlined if his message today. we'll talk to the representative about the accuracy of the claims coming up. british officials deny claim of release of the convicted lockerbie bomber and energy deals in the work with libya. the convicted terrorist returned to libya on friday to hero welcome, embracing
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gadhafi and expressing gratitude to gordon brown for his release. he denies responsibility for the bombing of pan am flight 103 and 270 deaths that resulted from it. the cash for clunkers program ends monday. but some have stopped giving the rebate to the customers, saying they want to make sure they have time to submit the paperwork they have. that prompted them to give dealers another week to get the reimbursement forms in. >> public confidence may be waning for handling healthcare reform. president obama says he is not backing away from the public option. >> let's make a public option one choice of many choices that are available to people who are joining the exchange. i see nothing wrong to have
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the public option for federal employees as well. the important thing that i think i have to make absolutely clear, nobody would be obligated to choose the public option. >> joining us is republican congressman price and member of the house financial services committee and himself a doctor. congressman, thank you for your time today. >> start with the myth that the president is debunking. he says if you like your plan and like your doctor you can keep it. you say it's not exactly accurate. why not? >> it isn't. in the first 25 page osthe bill of the bill in the house if the employer doesn't offer the insurance the government says you must have you can't keep the plan regardless of what it is. the truth of the matter is the president is playing fast and loose with the facts. that's not what the american people want. they want to make certain we
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fix what is wrong with the system and preserve what is right. what is right is 83% of the american people are very happy with the kind of health coverage they have now. >> you said today that people are happy with what they have. you and the republicans acknowledge there is a need for some reform. >> status quo is unacceptable to everybody. as a former position, i know how difficult is it treating in this day and age. we need to make sure that those who can't afford insurance where v the wherewithal to get insurance. if you change or lose your job you can take the insurance with you. we need to make sure the medical decisions are between patient and families and physicians, not with the government in between. which is the bill in the house would do, make it so the government stands in between the patients and physicians. we also need to make certain
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that we address the liability issue. the lawsuit that drive up the cost of medicine and drive the practice of defensive medicine. none of them are addressed in the democrat or president bill. that's not what the person people want. we have want to make sure we productively and activity and positively reform the system. >> the issue of public o
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>> we have created a seven-mile car-free corridor for people to bike, walk, roller blade. it highlights the fact that, you know, for biking it's a clean way to get around. inexpensive way to get around and great for the city. >> is it dangerous? people are concerned about biking around the city. not just in new york but nationally as well. >> actually, we found when we put in bike lanes, traffic injury goes down by 50% for every bike lane we put in. so we're doing everything we can to engineer safer streets for new york city. this is part of the program. >> animosity between bikers and drivers, long brewing street war if you will. >> there are 8.2 million new
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yorkers and sometimes there are 8.2 million traffic engineers. everybody has an opinion about the way the streets should go. and that's not a surprise, because the streets of new york city are the front yard. they're the playground for new yorkers. >> good luck with the program. this is happening as i said across the nation. many are doing this to get out of the car and get on a bike. be safe. >> shannon: healthy option. thanks. when it comes to the abortion issue what is informed concept. many states struggle with the question what physicians should tell women seeking the procedure. we talk to an expert when we come back. talk about a wake up call.
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30 days to try lifelock absolutely free. call now and mention id. call now or go to ♪ >> shannon: you are just tuning in, here are the headlines. the top challenger is weeking out to presidential candidates in the wake of thursday's election. with no clear winner, runoff is likely. taliban militant militants, it' reported, cut off ink stained fingers of voters in the kandahar province. new development over the healthcare reform e-mail from the obama administration. the white house confirmed to fox news it hired a private communication company to distribute it to the unsolicited mass e-mail. new information in the investigation of michael jackson's death. federal drug agents raided
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pharmacy. this is weeks after they raided a nevada pharmacy where dr. murray bought the anesthetic that allegedly killed him. >> judges in oklahoma and south dakota issued rulings to change the way healthcare providers care for women who want abortions. the ruling in the latest twist in the national discussion over informed consent and what is required of doctors performing abortions. according to the institute, reproductive think tank, seven states want women to undergo counseling including ultrasound screening. 4 states require women to wait period of time, 24 hours or more between counseling and the brother. in south korea, judge on thursday upheld requirement that they tell a pregnant woman an abortion will terminate the life of a whole separate unique living human being. art caplan is an expert and joins us from philadelphia.
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>> this debate is so tough for people on both sides. what do you make of the ruling? it's very specific language out of south dakota. >> it's difficult to imagine that courts up to the supreme court are going to uphold requirement about counseling and certain language. different people need different information. some people don't read well. some people are well informed by the time they show up to get a treatment or an abortion. others don't know much at all. single standards, difficult to put it in place. difficult to legislate that. >> let's talk about the issue of all tra sounds. obviously, that technology continues to advance. it's become less expensive and more widely available. pro-life groups say that women who see an ultrasound are twice as likely to decide against abortion. do you think they're used appropriately in the various
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offices? >> informed consent with an ultrasound, you want to give a patient, almost always the woman, option to get information. let's not forget you don't have to listen to any information as informed consent. you wave it and say i don't care, i don't want to know anything. i'll let my doctor make the decision, let my husband or part never make the decision here. you are starting to do what people are critical of, let government get between the doctor and patient. one thing is an option, look at the ultrasound. another thing to say as a counselor i force you to look at this. >> shannon: what position does this put the physicians in? they have to be careful complying with specific laws based on the state they're in. what are their concerns? >> i think physicians say that the government shouldn't be telling you what to do. we heard a lot of protests about forced counseling, bureaucrats getting in the end of life care discussion.
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doctors in this area feel the same way. they will say look, i negotiate with my patient, but what she wants to know about what she wants to hear, give out all options but don't try to make the state government tell me what to do. a lot of the docs won't do it and they'll risk prosecution to say you're not going to intrude in the doctor-patient relationship. that's not what a state legislator should be doing. >> shannon: difficult debate. one that is not likely to end nine soon. art caplan, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> shannon: lawmakers have been on recess this month, the healthcare debate has gone from an similarer to all-out boil. how much will it change the debate in congress? we talk to a member of the house budget committee a former administration anywhe -- former healthcare administrator when we come back.
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"what do you mean homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods?" "a few inches of water caused all this?" "but i don't even live near the water." what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you. including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $119 a year.
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the countdown is on for the space shuttle discovery set to blast off early tuesday morning. forecasters say there is a 70% chance that the weather conditions will be acceptable for a launch. in the 13-day mission, seven astronauts will deliver 17,000 pounds and supply and equipment to the international space station. >> despite heat eed town hall meeting across the country, president obama is hopeful a bill will make it to his desk. has the recession changed the healthcare debate? allison schwartz of pennsylvania is a member of the house budget committee and former healthcare administrator and joins us live from philadelphia. thank you for your time today. >> good to be with you. >> let me ask you what you are hearing from the constituents. are you having town hall meetings? what input are you getting? >> with a lot of my institch wents and hearing from all of
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them, i can't walk down the street without discussing healthcare. it's on the minds of so many americans. my own feeling is that most of my constituents certainly many of them say really can you tell me what is in the bill? they have been somewhat, created some uncertainty because of all of the extreme distortion out there. you have to do something. cost of health insurance is so high. or i have health insurance and it doesn't cover what i need. you have to do something. don't be deterred. move ahead and do what is right for the country. really, what we have with the house is a moderate, reasoned approach to helping all americans get coverage. > >> shannon: everyone agrees there needs to be some reform. how to tackle it is a splitting point. but the public option was
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front and center. we talked about it with tom price and that it seems to police some democrats. with anthony wiener saying it could pull away 100 votes or more in the house if the option is not included. how is it going to play out? >> there is strong support for the public option in the house of representatives. understand as i'm sure you do the public option is that, an option. side-by-side with private insurance carriers offering what we hope and expect to be reasonable cost health insurance, particularly for individuals and small businesses that have very hardest time finding affordable health coverage in the country. that is geared for the plan. it's side-by-side, a level playing field with the private insurers. in many of the markets, there are only one or two health
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insurers that are willing to participate in the getting the health coverage for small businesses and individuals. we will make sure there is an option. if all americans are insured we need a public option. >> how do you answer the critics saying it would give the government a seat at the table in the marketplace, which could be positive creating more competition but saying if the government is there on the playing field, setting the rule, as player and umpire. how the you respond? >> we take up structure for regulators for the exchange, insurers in the marketplace and the public option is separate from those who will within the government be administering the public option. it's interesting because a number of people say i don't think there could be public option because government shouldn't be involved in any way helping to provide health insurance coverage.
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not involved in the doctor you pick or what health services you get. many of the people have medicare, which is a government option. it's a debate and we expect the public option to make sure there is an affordable option for americans who have a hard time finding health coverage and it will be an affordable one that will be clearly set. you will know what to expect. we'll be there for you. >> shannon: we'll watch as it plays out when you return from the reset. congresswoman, thank you. >> check out fox news sunday tomorrow as chris wallace expose exposes new information about so-called death book, apparently used by the department of veteran affairs from the white house directive of faith base initiative jim towey and tammy duckworth discuss whether they're trying to
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pull the plug on the veterans tomorrow. >> cash for clunkers is wildly popular. we have more up next. check out the bass pro shops fall hunting classic with these amazing daily specials. thursday only the caldwell lead sled is only $75 and friday only a 3-pack of thunderhead broadheads is only $14.94.
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>> shannon: check on the headlines. hurricane bill moving up the coast. tropical storm warning has been issued for the massachusetts coastline, including cape cod, nantucket and martha's vineyard. a florida judge ruled a 17-year-old girl who ran away from home in ohio because she says she feared punishment for converting from islam to christianity can stay in florida where custody issues are hammered out. rifqa bary will remain in custody. and the rickets family,
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long-time cub fans and supports are part owner of the ameritrade business and they signed to buy a stake in the wrigley field home. it will include 25% of share of comcast sports net in chicago. what happens to all of us on occasi occasion, pick up the phone and have to say wrong number. imagine doing it 150 a day. that's what happened to awe flower shop owner whose number is similar to the cash for clunkers and the information line. joining us live is judy van foffen, owner of flower corner in clinton, illinois. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> shannon: how did you first discover this problem? >> it just kind of the, phone began ringing off the wall. it was the people calling for the cars for clunkers. it just continued on day after day. many, many calls. >> shannon: the issue appears to be you have the same phone
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number but the prefix, 800 and the 877 that is different between your shop and the government's hot line. is that what the problem is? >> that is correct. yes. that is the only difference. >> shannon: okay, what has it done to productivity of your shop? if you field 150 extra phone calls every day and they're not ordering flowers, i imagine it has some impact. >> yes, it does. a couple of girls, that's what we do. they just answer ph kelly wrigh.
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far out in the atlantic now, but hurricane bill strength bringing powerful rain and surf to the east coast. the category two storm packing a punch. parts of new england under a tropical storm watch right now. folks from florida to massachusetts told to brace for high tide and treacherous rip currents. we're tracking bill right here and we'll have the latest forecast. >> kelly: there was chaos in kentucky. a medium security prison, that's right. that's what it is set on fire by the inmates during a brazen riot. we'll tell you how it started. and where many of the inmates are headed now that the facility is nearly destroyed. >> kelly: all right. as we stated earlier, we are
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keeping an eye on hurricane bill right now. the category two storm and the 100-mile-per-hour winds triggering tropical storm warnings for parts of the u.s. bill is turning out to be a beach bummer up and down the east coast today. where swimming in many spots off-limits due to dangerous swells and rip tides all thanks to bill. domenica davis is standing by in the fox weather center with more details on bill. >> we are watching the storm and it's expected to make closest path to new england tonight and early tomorrow morning. this is turning in the atlantic with winds of 100 miles per hour. still a category two. it's expected to start to lose some of its strength and speed. the current track, down to category one sunday morning. that will make the closest path to nantucknantucket.
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already we are seeing rip currents. some ocean swells. that is a big concern. the rain you see now up and down the east coast from a cold front that is keeping bill off to the coast. notice we have the outer rain bands coming in. they're going start the hit. nantucket, fairly soon. the heaviest rain is tonight. but remember you also have the cold front coming in. flooding is an issue from east coast to the next couple of days here. here is a look at the tropical storm warnings now for the islands. winds are not the biggest concern but we could see tropical storm force winds tonight and tomorrow. the rip currents and the large ocean swell that is the major concern with the system. we have a lot to talk about this weekend but it could be
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worse. stay away from the beaches and not the day to go surfing or get in the boat. >> that's good advice. especially up and down the east coast and martha vineyard as well. geraldo will host a show live from there later tonight at 10:00 eastern and will report the latest on hurricane bill. plus president obama's first trip with the first family on the island. healthcare reform is the topic today of dueling radio and internet addresses from the president and g.o.p. president obama saying he would like to debunk what he is calling outrageous myths circulating on the internet, tv and town halls. >> we have all heard the charge that reform will bring about a government takeover of healthcare. it sounds scary to many folks. it sounds scary to me, too. but here is the thing.
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>> [brief technical difficulty] >> the democrats are trying to sell something that hasn't been finished like trying to sell a car that hasn't been manufacturered yet. give your money and your faith up front and trust us. we have almost gone beyond the facts at this point and we're in the credibility. the polls all show that most of the american people now, majority of them don't believe what the president is saying. congressman price just eloquently put it in the video you just read.
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>> steve, cal raises a very important issue right there. that is trust. and the president somewhat losing some of his approval ratings because of the whole healthcare debate. i'm kind of reminded of what one florida congressman stated this week that when they get back to capitol hill in september, maybe they should start all over again. what do you think? >> they are not going to start all over again. cal is right about one thing. they are going to pass a bill. it will be a good bill. a comprehensive bill. and you know, right now, it's true that the democrats are getting to use a military term defeated in detail in the public debate about this healthcare legislation. democrats need to get a coherent, cohesive piece of legislation put together and present that to the american people so the republicans can -- we can beat them and n this cherry picking that they're doing right now. taking one piece of this out
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of context, making up a rumor on the other end. right now, there is no legislation to sell. and i tell you what, the democrats will pass this. because they must. because of votes. especially the independent and moderate voters. we're in charge of everything and they're demanding with the bad poll numbers we get it right. >> kelly: steve, i hear you loud and clear. talking about the democrats, the democrats, the democrats. cal, i think that most of the american people would like to hear democrats and republicans doing this in a bipartisan fashion. it doesn't look like it will happen now. so in terms of the senate trimming back the bill so it's possible for bipartisan support where do the guys have to go, or the men and women have to go when they go back to convene and start hammering out some sort of plan? >> unfortunately, in recent years, when we go back to the bush attempt to reform social security in 2005, the democrats knew that it needed to be reformed but they'd rather have the issue. the republican as increasingly would rather have the issue. everybody knows what needs to
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be done to reform social security and what needs to be done to really reform healthcare. the biggest element in it is not in this bill, at least what we know about the house bill so far, that's tort reform. the reason doctors do so many tests is to avoid malpractice lawsuits. the biggest expense in a doctor's office is malpractice insurance. if the democrats really wanted to have healthcare reform they would go after tort reform and reduce the outrageous malpractice lawsuit that drive up the cost for everybody. but they're not going to do that because a lawyers give a lot to their political campaign. >> the reason why doctors do so many tests is because the patient is a profit center in our system. that's why we pay twice our gdp as the country's countries don't do that. >> and have the best healthcare in the world. >> we don't have the best health system. we have the best care, not the best health system. >> kelly: let me get a question in based on that.
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the fact is there is a problem getting healthcare reform to a bipartisanship kind of consensus on capitol hill. no bun is finding any common ground. as you bothell quently stated. so should the white house lower expectations to trim the fat from the bill, get a bill on table that american public can agree with and actually something that is more palatable to the american public? >> what you will have is the camel in the tent. they'll get something. as soon as government introduces itself in to this, as the arbiter of what good healthcare, healthcare reform, health insurance reform, whatever is it the president is selling based on the opinion polls they're going to establish it. it's a truism in washington that the only proof if you turn a life in this town is the government program. once you get started you can't kill it. so they are going to have something. the president will sign something. what it is, we don't know yet. but once the precedent of government involvement in your healthcare decisions is established, then the democrats if they maintain
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majority after the 2010 election are going to try to do it incrementally. >> cal? >> we already have almost half of the healthcare system provided through the government. medicare, medicaid. the v.a. if kidney disease, children, and now the medicare prescription drug benefit which is the biggest increase in the last 30 years, which the republicans did themselves -- >> kelly: gentlemen? >> this is not new government takeover. >> kelly: steve, on that note, we end it there. obviously you both have your own passionate views about it as well as the american public. we'll see what happens when congress returns in september. thank you. >> thank you, kelly. >> thank you. >> jamie: never lacking in passion. >> kelly: never. >> jamie: new developments in a white house e-mail controversy that fox told you all about. the obama administration in fact confirming to fox news that it did hire a private communications company to distribute mass e-mails on healthcare reform, maybe you got one. shedding some light on how some of you got the e-mails, even though they never signed
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up for them, people who received them. caroline shively is live in washington tracking the developments. caroline, good morning. government, is gov, i believe, the name of the company. they distributed the e-mails saying it was coming from the white house. what do we know now that the white house told us this company did in fact send out the e-mails? >> well, it's a huge company. before january 1, gov delivery handled 85% of mass e-mails for federal agencies from cabinet level department like defense and state and justice department. once fox started being contacted by people who said they want to know how they got on the e-mail list, white house suggested to major garrett it was likely a third party group. now we know the name of the third party. coming up, did the technical work from david axelrod to citizens about healthcare and nomination of sonia sotomayor to the supreme court. but the white house insists that gov delivery plays no form in the formation of the
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e-mail list, but an end product distributor. >> jamie: interesting. i remember the bewildered look on gibbs face when major asked the question initially. he was not sure that the e-mails were even sent. we know who sent them and we know the connection to the white house. the white house said they'll make changes to the website to make sure that the e-mails don't go out again in that way. what specifically have they done? >> well, on their website, white, they added a feature if someone doesn't want white house e-mails they can click on it to opt it out. they added something with a -- you know the squiggly let they're a us user types in so website knows they're dealing with a person, not a computer. the people who receive unwanted e-mails from the white house are glad to see the changes. here is one person. >> i get my e-mail box, use it. that's a great thing. technology at it its best. if i don't, i don't want to be receiving all these
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e-mails. >> those people will certainly get back in touch with fox if they get more of the unwanted white house e-mails. >> jamie: they say they won't do this again, but this company is known for doing this. sending out mass e-mails like that. they're not partisan from what i understand. and they've also been used by republicans. on what occasions? >> they have. they also handle mass e-mail for texas governor rick perry and indiana governor mitch daniels. they're republicans. a massive company, handling much of the federal e-mails. also, on the state and local level. >> jamie: all right. caroline, thank you for that. interesting update on the story. >> kelly: well, disturbing and tragic scene in harrison, ohio, when a small plane crashes near a high school. high school football scrimmage was going on at the time. the plane narrowly missing the players and the crowd as horrified onlookers watched. both people on board the plane have died. here is one witness describing the scene. >> looked like he tried to recover. at the last second, he looked like he tried to, you know,
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looked like he was going to come toward the kids. he shot straight down. and he disappeared behind the buses over there. it was a few seconds. you heard the boom! >> no one at the scrimmage was hurt. right now, it's unclear if the plane lost power. the ntsb will be investigating. >> jamie: you may have been in this situation before but now it was caught on tape. audiotapes have been released. in the stranding of 47 passengers that were aboard a continental jet and they had to spend the night back on august 11. imagine this. six hours, held hostage, on the tarmac, in rochester, minnesota, waiting it out with all the crying babies and the smelly toilets. the staffers from masaba airlines were the only folks left in the terminal at the hour it was held up. they refused to budge, despite requests to allow the passengers to disembark even from the plane's pilot saying security personnel had simply left for the day. listen.
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>> jamie: ridiculous. that's what they were told. the scenario one we have definitely seen before catching the attention of the transportation secretary ray lahood and he says it never had to happen. insisting that the passengers could and should have been released and simply put in a separate area. hope i'm never in that situation. >> kelly: yeah. someone lacked the common sense and courtesy as well. here is something else that might have been lacking in common courtesy, inmates torching a prison in central kentucky during a riot. authorities say prisoners there set fire to several buildings. at the medium security north point training center in burgen last night. that's about 30 miles south of lexington. officers used tear gas to regain control. no officers were hurt. some inmates suffered minor injuries. the fire caused so much damage that some inmates are
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being housed in other prisons. the prison had already been on locked down since tuesday after an inmate assault. >> there are wildfires raging out of control near athens. the pictures are incredible. they show villages 25 miles away from a greek capital torched. the government claim i claimin injuries. strong winds and they are kicking up the fires, forcing some residents to evacuate their homes in that area. there were farms, olive groves and forests. they're all burning. no casualties reported so far. the wildfire is now inching closer to ancient city of marathon. they're keeping an eye on that. >> the only person convicted of the 1988 lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people and he's not only back in libya, he's getting a hero's reception. abdel baset ali mohamed al-megrahi greeted at the airport by hundreds of
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supporters. topping it off, he was hugged by libyan president moammar gadhafi. the warm welcome, sign of defiance to the obama administration who had asked that libya place terrorists under house arrest. amy kellogg is live in london. somehow the u.s. reaction to this continuing celebration of terrorist? >> i spoke to people in the state department of washington and foreign office of london who said the next few days would be critical. that he would watch to see the action in terms of the libyan leaders in how al-megrahi was reintegrated in society or celebrated in anyway. clearly the greeting between him and gadhafi will have aggravated the situation between washington and tripoli. it will not have gone over well. gordon brown asked specifically in a letter that
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gadhafi not make a big deal about al-megrahi's return to not inflame the sadness and emotion among the families of the victims of pan am 103. in an unusual move, f.b.i. director mueller wrote a letter to the scottish justice minister who made a decision to release al-megrahi and in it he said -- kelly? >> kelly: amy kellogg bringing us up to date from london. thank you>> i'll never forget going to interview bob
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barker. "come on down!" that's what they say on the game shows. it didn't get to play for real. i don't want to make you jealous. it did get to spin the wheel. now it's not just college students, moms and retires playing the games. oh, no. wait until you hear who is lining up for a shot at the big money. wheel of fortune and why! so what do you think? i think i'll go with the basic package. good choice. only meineke lets you choose the brake service that's right for you. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. tutdoors for your indoor cat. specially formulated to promote hairball control and healthy weight. friskies indoor wet cat food. feed the senses. a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills.
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just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. that's a-- tiny netbook. yeah, it's-- good-looking, lightweight. generally awesome. and you could just-- go online, video-chat with my cousin. this is un-- under $200. are you some kind of-- mind reader, visionary ? no, i have them. huh. the new lightweight hp mini netbook with windows and america's largest and most-reliable 3g network built in. only 199.99 with mobile broadband plans from 39.99 i am-- speechless, envious. wanna be me right now. getting one. pothole:h no...your tire's all flat and junk. oh, did i do that? here, let me get my cellular out - call ya a wrecker. ...oh shoot...i got no phone ...cuz i'm a, bye!
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anncr: accidents are bad. anncr: but geico's good. with emergency road service. ding! introducing the all new chevy equinox. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up to 600 miles between fill ups. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4
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>> jamie: we'll take a look at the other top stories. hurricane bill hits bermuda causing power outages and minor flooding. it's been downgraded to a category two storm. but it's still dangerous packing winds of 105-mile-per-hour. rip tides and big wave warnings are closing beaches up and down the east coast of
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the u.s. inmates at a kentucky prison set fires at several buildings in a riot they staged. authorities are saying the median security northpoint training center is so badly damage they're having to bus many prisoners to other facilities. there is a group overseeing the election in afghanistan and they say the taliban has followed through on a threat. cutting off the fingers of two voters. the val taliban threatened the attacks before the election. >> kelly: much a piece of americana as apple pie and baseball. for nine decades, folks have been reading reader's digest, learning about politics, inspirational americans, maybe even getting a chuckle from a funny joke or two. but now the magazine is facing a bit of an uncertain future. david lee miller has all the details. >> when "reader's digest" published the first edition in 1922 the movies were silent. tv was decades away. and the internet was science fiction. now the magazine faces a
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challenging future because its parent company the reader's digest association is planning to file for bankruptcy protection. reader's digest global editor says the magazine made famous for the homespun humor and inspiring story is not in jeopardy. >> we certainly plan to be around and serving our readers for many years to come. >> reporter: it was only two years ago a private investment firm bought the corporation which publishes other popular magazines such as "every day with with rachel ray" for more than $2 billion. hurt by the recession, the investment firm now wants to hand over control of the reader's digest association to the banks it owes money. >> it's about the company's balance sheet. it's a simple thing. it's like we made the mortgage smaller. that's good for the company and magazine. >> industry insiders warn "reader's digest" magazine hasn't kept pace with the times. in a twitter world, even the quick read format can seam like a russian -- seem like a russian novel.
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the jokes can be corny. such as this cartoon, a doctor telling a patient, i have troubling news, mr. fine gold. you're in my parking space." articles are upbeat. focussing on hometown heroes, like this couple who saved a truck driver trapped in his burning can. one troubling sign, the number of subscribers has dropped. >> i think the condition now is critical but not life threatening. >> the magazine available worldwide in 21 languages is evolving. once a condensed rehash of already published material, most of the content is now original. >> we have a message of uplift and optimism. which i think is all american. >> it's a message that is also in the magazine's website, which boasts more than 2 million visitors a month. the brand is an american icon, not going away anytime soon. the reader's digest version of the story magazine staying in business despite tough times. in new york, david lee miller, fox news.
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>> jamie: speaking of the down economy, another example of changing the face of one of america's favorite past times. have you ever wanted to be on a game show? guess what? producers are seeing more and more out of work white collar workers showing up looking to hit the jackpot. casey stegall is live from los angeles. i want to be on, casey! is everyone eligible? >> you were talking about, talking about bob barker. if i remember correctly he had a little bit of a crush on you, maybe. i just -- >> but i didn't leave with any cash, casey. not even a refrigerator. tell me about the other people. >> everyone, we have all played along, yelled out answers at our tv set in the living room and shows that were once primarily more for entertainment value are now drawing more people who plan on using the winnings, just to make ends meet. >> he's won $1 million! >> on almost every channel --
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>> if your husband were a bachelor again. >> for generations. >> welcome to deal or no deal. >> millions tuned in caught up in the daydream of one day hearing the words in person. >> come on down! >> game shows sort of take people out of their environment a little bit. >> shows that once attracted housewives, retirees and college students, now attracting a new breed of contestant. >> we are seeing 10% of the contestants who are more upscale qualified professionals who are out in the workplace and don't have a job. >> i thought i have more of a chance of winning this than getting a job. >> while the fabulous prizes are well fabulous, cash is king. >> how about a new sony camcorder? but wait, there's a catch. people have to pay taxes on prizes over $1,500. and more and more contestants are turning down the winnings, because they're already in the red. >> the situation is so dire for some, anything do.
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>> now i have like a second chance. i'm doing it all for my baby. >> game show network says 10% of the contestant hopefuls are people who have been laid off from their job. nbc's "deal or no deal" says 20% of its contestants are also in the same boat. jamie? >> jamie: i guess it's one way to go. casey, thank you so much for that report. very interesting, kelly. i got to play plinko. you have to be a regular on the shows to do well. >> kelly: i remind american people that bob barker has a crush on you. >> jamie: he hasn't called lately. >> kelly: you didn't win anything. you have were able to spin the wheel. >> jamie: it was just interesting to see a game show up close and personal. we wish everyone going that route good luck. speaking of luck, a girl trying to stay safe in florida. >> kelly: serious situation going on for her. fate of a muslim teen who converted to christianity. she may rest in the hands of a florida judge.
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rifqa bary fears she will die in an honor killing if she is forced back home to ohio. her parents say they just want her back safely home. our legal panel on how the courts will switch all of this sout and find out how you can weigh in on the controversy. >> jamie: we real aly want to know what you think.
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bottom of the hour. here are some of the stories we're following for you on fox. folks along parts of the east
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coast are warned to stay out of the water, because hurricane bill is churning up high surf and dangerous rip currents. a tropical storm warning already in effect in massachusetts. >> kelly: ominous warning from iraq foreign minister saying iraqis should be prepared for bigger and more powerful attacks. he says there has been obvious change in security. >> jamie: state of american. athens, greece, check out the picture of amazing fire there. they're trying to keep the flames from engulfing their homes. yesterday, we learned that there will be a temporary reprieve for a teen who was raised as a muslim, but then converted to christianity and her parents didn't know. florida judge says rifqa bary can remain in the state until the next hearing that will be held on september 3. she is a 17-year-old convert. she fears that the muslim family back in ohio will harm her if she returns home, even
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kill her if she is forced to return. but her dad was in court and told the judge that he will be safe. and she'll be allowed to practice christianity, any religion she chooses if she returns home. how will the court balance the safety, rights of the parents when a final decision is made? joining me now is the legal panel today, former prosecutor mike argloff and joanna greenwald. good to see both of you. thank you for joining us. >> good afternoon. my pleasure. >> jamie: we're both florida lawyers and we know the law there, but this is a very complicated case. >> it is. >> jamie: the parents say we let her go to a foster family in ohio, send her home, protect her in any way you want but we have no problem if she wants to practice christianity. why did the judge delay the hearing? >> well, in the abundance of caution he wants to wait and make sure everything is okay. ultimately, he is the one that makes a factual finding
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as to whether the child faces harm in the hand of the father. that will not be disturbed on appeal. i made the factual findings and i looked in the ice of this child. i looked in the eyes of the parents and i'm making a factual determination that she's not in any harm. >> jamie: she's there on an emergency basis. there is an emergency rule. she can be on her own or remain in foster care until she's 18. >> there are remedies in ohio that her parents agree to. they agree and signed something that she could go to foster care for 30 days in ohio. i work with domestic violence women, children who are abused and there are other remedies. her fleeing after four years, if there is something wrong, there are judges in ohio who
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can find the same thing that the judge in florida can, that there might be something wrong. >> jamie: what about the court of convenience? she is there already. the governor has gotten involved. charlie crist pleaded it's florida responsibility to make sure the child is safe. now that she is in florida. did he act in an appropriate way and will he have impact on the court? >> i don't believe he acted appropriately at all. if we weren't talking about somebody muslim, hot topic now in the country, this would be -- you would have higher ups involved in a family offense. this child should be protected. absolutely, categorically yes. should a governor be involved? no. does the court system in ohio have foster care, police, different things there? yes, they do. >> jamie: they could get restraining order for her in
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ohio. the picture we just put up, she's in a cheerleader uniform. she loves being a cheerleader. which her father lets her. do that's interesting. it's a little bit of evidence that the father is allowing this teen to lead a life that may or may not be part of the islamic religion and lifestyle. now would the judge have taken that into consideration? he may have. >> judges are human beings. maybe it meant something to you and maybe it meant something to the judge or he found it of no value. that's why the power is in the hands of the judge to determine what facts he should believe. back to politicians in general getting involved in judicial cases, i have concerns about that. i have recognize charlie crist's desire always to look after children. it needs to be made clear that different branches need to remain separate and he should in no way, i don't think he is, but in no way
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influence the judicial branch and make a determination. >> he is influencing -- please, any involvement, we know this is politics and he has some. this does weigh on judges. as much as impartial as they are, there is something clinical and a hot topic. >> jamie: i will wrap it up there saying that the legal council was there. but the girl was represented. a guardum is representing here. the parents did come and plead that she would return and they'd let her live in the foster care. we will know september 3. much more on the case. thank you for weighing in. >> thank you. >> jamie: you should weigh in as well. we know the honor killings happen and we know the girl says she's afraid. we want to know what you think the court should do in this case. click on you decide on the fox news website where we have coverage of the controversy over the case. you can vote in a fox news
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poll. if you want to tell charlie crist how you feel and who you think he should do, contact him as well. c-r-i-s-t. >> kelly: thank you. uncle sam's cash for clunkers program generating the huge sales in the auto industry. now the government is pulling the plug. setting a deadline to make a deal by monday. did they benefit from the program, or were the foreign auto makers cleaning up and getting most of the clunker cash? ask jonas max ferris from max good to see you. what say you? did detroit do well or the foreign automobile makers, did they make out? >> they did well that they sold more cars than would have the program. they're selling cars that they would have sold in the future today. that's the point of the program, get people to buy cars in a recession, not after a recession.
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they didn't do as well as foreign car makers. the big three in general represent 47% of the u.s. car sales in america today. that is town a lot in the last four years. in the program they estimate 42% of the car sold in the program were u.s. big three cars and they did a little worse than they normally would do, at the normal distribution of car sales. which means people favor hon the and toyota. six of the top ten were honda or toyota cars sold in the program. there is a reason for that. the program was geared around the miles per gallon, not an intent to buy the u.s. cars. russia had a program you had to buy cars made in russia. this was about the miles per gallon. and the foreign makers have better cars in the miles per gallon. it's not america doesn't make fuel efficient cars but they lose that battle essentially. >> kelly: they're looking to see if it work for the auto maker or the public or
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american auto dealer. the likelihood, should it continue again, would it make economical sense to do so? >> compared to giving loans, i would say it does. compared to doing something, perhaps not. i mean a lot of countries, we were late in the game in the incentives to buy cars. most major countries go down the line, germany had a program like this. u.k. had one. it's not unusual program. we were late. we did loans first and this later. it kind of -- i guess it does what you want it to, do someone who is putting off a large ticket purchase to do so with expiring deadline. it did work. they would have given less money it would have probably worked at $2,000. they didn't need to go to $4,500 which is what you got if you made a re real-miles-per-gallon jump, which is why toyota and honda did well in the program. in some ways it wasted the taxpayer money as well. >> kelly: jonas max ferris keeping us up to date and sharing insight on the cash
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for clunkers program. by the way, you have until monday to get your car. thank you. >> jamie: next, kelly brings us an incredible story. young basketball player cut down in the prime of his life. he was on his way to a career in the nba but died suddenly, victim of a drug abuse case. his heart-broken mother stops at nothing. she turns a tragedy into an opportunity. helping so many others along the way. that story next. you will be inspired.
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deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access >> kelly: it was a story that rocked the world of sports and the nation. promising young basketball player that some believe could be the best to ever play the game ends up dead. the cause, cocaine abuse. but now, years later, lynn's untimely death and death of another son, their mother has found a way to turn tragedy in triumph as we go beyond the dream. >> sports analysts say he was as good if not better than michael jordan. many believe he had the skills to become one of the the nba's greatest player. len bias, college basketball superstar for university of maryland appeared destined
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for greatness. the year was 1986. bias on june 19 had reason to celebrate after being drafted to his dream team. >> the boston ce celtics select len bias, university of maryland. >> but two days later, joy quickly turned to sorrow. bias died from cocaine abuse. stunning the sports world, his friends, family and his mother laniss bias. >> one of the most difficult cups to drink from is the death of a child. the natural order is reversed where the child should be burying the parent, the parent is boor are you iing the child. >> this is when len came back from beating north carolina. >> as she shows me picture of her precious son she recalls four years after len's death grief would pierce her soul once more with with a senseless drive-by shooting death of her son jay. the scourge of drugs and
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violence claiming two of her sons and inflicting unbearable pain and grief. >> my lot should have been the local mental institution. it should be out of my mind and at the cemetery today crying what happened to my son, why me, why me? there was a bigger plan. the bigger plan involves humanity and taking out me sangs of inspiration and hope to other people in difficult times. i believe in you. >> by finding hope, she found comfort and triumph over tragedy. through her faith. her pain f painful experience i compelling her to invest in life of the youth. she created abundant resources, a more excellent way. she shares her story around the world speaking at a summer for success camp graduation, sponsored by the d.c. metropolitan police.
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the camp places teens side-by-side with cops who care. about helping teen avoid snares of drug and violence. >> when the opportunity, temptation comes you stay strong. that is how you develop character. >> bias talks to the kids, parents and police about strategy that will build stronger families and stronger communities. we believe heal the youth and heal the family change community. so we go forth bringing messages of hope at the grass roots level, using practical grass roots methods of prevention and intervention. >> the dreams she once had to the two sons to become successful and prosper, are now the subject of giving
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hope to other children to rise above tragedy and adversity and she supports the belief broken communities can be transform and the crooked path can be made straight prchlt the ashes of drugs and violencing something good and beautiful can be made beyond the dream. >> kelly: an incredible woman. she believes children are reachable, teachable, lovable and saveable. for more information on her outreach communities log on to she is someone that i'm so impressed with. >> jamie: i have chills. >> kelly: her heart, her faith. >> jamie: she will save lives. it promised you inspiring. cine edible. thank you. great story. a group of lawmakers being wooed like none other when it comes to your healthcare and reform. they're called the blue dogs. you've heard of them. coming up, we explain who they are and we'll ask one of them to give us his take on the crucial issue that
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>> kelly: time for the top of the news. kentucky authorities bussing inmates to other prisons after inmates torched the north point training center. correction officers had to use tear gas to regain control. no officers were hurt. but some inmates suffered minor injuries. the ntsb investigating a deadly small plane crash near an ohio high school. a football scrimmal was going on at the time. the plane narrowly missing the players. both people on board died. hurricane bill growing a little weaker as it passes bermuda. now downgraded to category two storm, but the wind topping 100 miles per hour. the forecasters say bill's main impact to the u.s. will be high surf.
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>> jamie: the blue dogs, remember them? they're all back home, meeting with their constituents right now. if you haven't heard the term before it refers to the 52 democratic lawmakers considered to be democrats, but moderates. they are being heavily wooed by democratic leadership to support healthcare reform, but many of them, well, they remain non-committal on the issue. some of them are skeptical on the bill. what can we expect when the blue dogs head back to washington after the recerecess? straight to congressman jason altmire, one who voted against the bill in the house committee. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. glad to be here. >> i know you have town halls scheduled. i was on your website reading about your position on healthcare and what you want your constituents to know. what kine of reaction have you gotten since you got home? what will you take back to washington? >> well, i haven't seen the overwhelming negatively response that you have seen
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in some area of the councilmember. i have seen concern about certain provisions of the bill. most realize why we have the best healthcare system anywhere in the world, there are things we could do better. we need to work to bring dun the cost of healthcare, do insurance reforms that everyone knows are necessary to make it a more fair insurance system. i think this has been healthy for the process to have people all across the country speak with their members of congress over a five-week period. now each one of us is going to return to washington and try to incorporate into the bill the differences of opinion and move toward consensus, because in america that's what we have to do. >> a tlz hand there has been ta splitting the bill or changing the rules with a nuclear option. the question i have is the blue dogs were very vocal before the recess. we haven't heard much since everyone has been back in their home state. and i'm wondering whether or not you'll take a position
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different than other democrat us when you get back and what would be at the top of the list that you hope is consensus on? >> top of the list is cost containment. we're on unsustainable growth path with the healthcare system for now. it's unaffordable for many families and small businesses in america. we just cannot continue with the status quo. the cost curve has to change. we have to make it a system where we're going to be able to restrain the cost growth. ref to make sure we do reform that is necessary. no health status will matter when they set the rate. small businesses will get the help they need to pull their employees and get a better ability to negotiate with the companies. if you do that you'll have a good bill. >> jamie: can you have cost containment without tort reform? >> there is a difference of
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opinion on tort reform. that is something that will be discussed. it comes up in almost every meeting i have. i'm sure that's the case for members across the country. there is a difference of opinion with the congressional budget office. it believes there are no savings with tort reform. there is a lot in the medical community. i met with a medical society here that disagree with that. if the cbo says there is no savings in the budgetary impact of putting the cap on the non-economic damages is minimal. >> jamie: will you exercise, the democrats, will they exercise do you believe the nuclear option? president said in an interview last week there must be a program that's deficit neutral. is that possible? >> we have to be deficit neutral. no question. we have to pay for every added expense in the bill. it cannot add a penny to the federal deficit. that is a must. with regard to senate rule and procedure, i don't know
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the way they'll approach the bill. all i know is in the house, to achieve con ken consensus, we to reform the bill. it wasn't good enough. that's why i voted against it in committee. we can do better and move to con ken consensus. i think we'll get it done. >> jamie: thank you for joining us. >> kelly: here is one for you. cubs are under new ownership. say goodbye to the tribune company and hello to the rickets family. they're agreeing to fork over $845 million to buy 95% stake in the haim and the historic home wrigley field. also in the deal, they will control 25% of regional sports network that televises cubs games. rickets are long time fans of the cubs. joe rickets who made his fortune starting ameri trade. it needs approval from bankruptcy court ancourt. >> i'm jamie colby.
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