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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  August 22, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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hello, everyone. >> i'm gregg jarrett, welcome to a brand-new hour of america's headquarters. winds whipping up to 100 miles per hour, hurricane bill is prompting warnings for parts of canada and the united states eastern coast line. the storm left flooding and power outages in its wake and headed directly toward the coast of massachusetts. >> also a convicted terrorist who planned the bombing of pan am flight 103 killed 270 people, released from prison. why is he getting a hero's reception now and a hug from libya's president gadaffi upon his return?
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>> new developments in the white house e-mail controversy as the obama administration confirming to fox news it hired a private communications company to distribute mass e-mails promoting health care reform, shedding brand-new light on just how some of you folks out there got the e-mails, even though you never signed up for them. caroline is live in washington with the very latest on that. hi, caroline. >> gov is the company that distributed those from the white house to people that complained they never asked for them. they were written by the white house, but the company did the technical work that sent them out for axlerod and sotomayor. he insists they played no role in the formation of the list and merely an end e-mail distributor. before january 1, they handled 85% of mass e-mails for federal agencies. they cover departments like the
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defense department and state justice department. once people started contacting fox saying they want to know how they got on the e-mail list, the white house suggested to major garrett that it was most likely a third party group. it took until today for the white house to confirm the name of the group. listen to one of the people who received one of the unwanted e-mails. >> if i give you my e-mail address, by all means use it. but if i don't, then i don't want to be receiving e-mails. >> they have added features on the white web site. they put an opt out option so if someone doesn't want them, they can. they added a catch up, to let those know it's a human they're dealing with. white house points out that gov handles mass e-mails for republican, including rick perry and indiana governor daniels.
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back to you. >> thanks. >> # up and down the east coast today, folks being warned to stay out of the water. hurricane bill creating dangerous rip currents and huge waves as it churns atlantic ocean. a tropical storm warning is now in effect for parts of massachusetts, including the island of martha's vineyard where our president is scheduled to arrive tomorrow for a week long vacation. domenica davis is tracking the storm live. >> hi. we have latest advisory coming in and this storm is now a category 1, winds 85 miles per hour and it's just to the south of nantucket, expected to pass by. this will be the closest pass it will make to the u.s. is when it goes by cape cod and the island this evening, first thing tomorrow morning. we do have our tropical storm warnings in effect for cape islands and through the mid atlantic and carolina coast
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line. we're still looking at, large ocean swell, rip currents. the most immediate threat will be at the cape. the winds will play a role tomorrow as well. we could have wind gusts from 30 to 50 miles per hour. it's really the water that will be the major concerns right into sunday. here is bill, starting the normally trek. moving off to the north right now at 24 miles per hour. it's roughly 3300 miles to the south of nantucket. again, by late this evening, first thing tomorrow, making its closest pass, several hundred miles to the east of the cape and the islands. we have a cold front. that's what's keeping bill away, but it is making for some showers and thunderstorms. the wet weather will continue through this evening and that is also going to up our flooding concerns for the coastal parts
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of the east coast. we have a lot to monitor for you. we will keep updating you and will be back here at 5:30. >> good deal. we look forward to that. >> on wall street, the bulls are calling all the shots these days, or so it seems. investors are on a buying spree, sending the stock market to its highest level of this year. another number, that one is also soaring. this one is really quite worrisome. the white house adding $2 trillion to its forecast of budget deficits to the next ten years. can the stock market still surge? >> tracy byrnes with the "fox business" network. good to see you. essentially is the white house being forced to now admit, just about everybody knew in the beginning, and that is that they were using fuzzy if not fraudulent math and we're going to have to borrow trillions of dollars in order to pay for the
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president's new policies? >> pretty typical dc to come in -- to not come in under budget. they know these numbers they're putting out for the public are really light. so when you get down to it, everything is getting bigger, all the numbers all around are getting bigger. we know health care will cost another trillion dollars. tack that on to the budget. you're looking at potentially $10 trillion in deficit right now. >> the cbo at the very same time the president had initially at the beginning of the year put out his number, the cbo put out the true numbers and i got to tell you, they had had right almost down to the dollar, which invites the question, did the white house deliberately hide the depth of the fiscal crisis and dare i say it, try to mislead the public about how the obama policies could stabilize the debit deficit? >> i don't think anybody is intentionally trying to mislead
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anybody. they keep coming up with these stimulus plans here and there. couple billion dollars for cash for clunkers. who knows what will happen over the next couple of months. they keep giving money out. our deficit will continue to soar. that is what we're going to start to feel in the market, interest rates and really, overseas is where we'll see it quick because they're going to say that the debt is worthless. then we really start to feel the pain here. >> since this white house has shown little inclination toward reducing spending and neither the democrat controlled congress, then that means there's a couple of ways you can reduce the deficit and debt. one is obviously print more money. that's hyper inflationary. the other is raise taxes. that reduces wealth and deters economic growth, doesn't it? >> it absolutely does.
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we have a ton of liquidity in this market. you could argue the case for deflation on many levels. that's where there is a lot of money and still prices aren't going up because everybody is scared, no one is shopping. we have that to worry about as well. but gregg, you are dead on. taxes are going up. maybe it's not going to be your federal income tax, but you'll see it on other things. taxes on cigarettes, sodas, they're talk being taxes on plastic surgery these days. one way or another, they're going to have to take more of your paycheck and put it towards this debt. i think the frustrating part for the american people is that we at home are clamping down. we're paying our bills, getting our credit card payments down, doing all the right things and we're not seeing dc reprepare indicate and it's frustrating. >> when you reduce wealth, you're deterring business investment and in the long run, you're retarding economic growth. that's the last thing we need right now still in a recession. tracy byrnes, good to see you.
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>> thanks. >> audio tapes released in the stranding of 47 passengers aboard that continental jet back on august 11 and passenger high school to spend six hours out on the tarmac in rochester, minnesota, waiting it out with crying babies on board as well as smelly toilets. yuck. staffers from the airline, the only folks left, refusing to budge, despite requests to let them disembark, even pilot, saying security personnel left for the day. >> the people are not being really fair. >> they were out there for six hours on the airplane. catching the attention of transportation secretary la hood. he said it never had to happen, insisting these passengers could and should have been released on to a separate -- into a separate
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area. >> tragedy in harrison, ohio, small plane crashing very close to a high school. in fact, a football scrimmage was going on at the time. the plane narrowly missing the players as well as the crowd and horrified onlookers. watched the entire thing happen. both people on board that plane died. here is one witness describing the scene. >> it looked like he tried to recover and at the last second, it looked like he tried to -- like he was going to come toward the kids, so he shot straight down and he disappeared behind the buses over there and it was a few seconds and you heard a boom. >> no one at the scrimmage was injured. it's unclear if the plane lost power. the ntsb will investigate. >> the only person convicted in the 1988 lockerbie bombing which killed 270 people is not only back in libya, he's getting a hero's reception. greeted by hundreds of supporters. toing it all off, he was
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hugged by libya's president. the warm welcome not going down well here in the u.s. f.b.i. director mueller condemning the release in a scathing letter to justice minister of scotland. amy keller is live in london with the latest. >> hi. this continued celebration of al-megrahi certainly flies in the face of requests made by president obama and british prime minister gordon brown to the libyan leader in a letter that was released today, gordon brown said that a high profile return would cause further unnecessary pain to the families of the victims of lockerbie and this was a letter that he sent on thursday and he had addressed it, dear moammar, that the libyan leader. the director of the f.b.i. wrote a scathing letter in which he -- it was to the scottish justice secretary and he said that your action in releasing al-megrahi is as inexplicable as it is
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detrimental to the cause of justice. it makes a mockery of the rule of law. it gives comfort to terrorists around the world and he goes on. some say this in this moment, years of diplomatic work has beenen done when you see gadaffi embracing him. many believe he's innocent and may think this is how he should be receiving al-megrahi. but it's implied the reis all part of the bigger deal to receive lucrative deals. he said quote, the fact of the matter and this is something dated for the first time, is that in all the trade, oil and gas deals which have been supervised, you were there on the table. whenever british interests came to libya, we always put you on the table. foreign office denies that there was any sort of deal that was cut releasing al-megrahi for securing lucrative deals.
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also, colonel gadaffi thanking queen elizabeth and her son andrew for encouraging them to release her. and buckingham palace saying that was a mistake. >> disgusting. thank you so much. >> democrats may go for a two for to get health care passed. reporting considering splitting a health care overhaul into two separate bills. one would be aim at insurance reforms. the other would include the government backed insurance plan, called public option. with us now, republican congressman lee terry of nebraska sitting on the energy and commerce committee. and epstein.
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almost nobody disagrees with the need for certain obvious reform reforms, reportable insurance, covering caps and guaranteeing coverage for anybody who wants it. maybe this was a good idea. why not pass that first version with all those things in it? >> why didn't it start that way? 3200, hr3200, the democrat leadership bill refused to involve any republicans in the process and it was written in the speaker's office and tried to ram down our throats. now they can't pass it because the divisions in their own democrat caucus, now they're trying to figure out ways out of the box that speaker pelosi has put everyone into. we can agree on a lot of these reforms. in fact, in our energy and commerce markup of this bill, we agreed on a lot of things that you pointed out. want it to be affordable, accessible, eliminating the
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preexisting condition was a unanimous vote. so there is a lot of room for us to work together. >> julian, according to the "wall street journal," that would leave the public option for the second bill and the tell mes would employ, according to the "wall street journal," so-called reconciliation that would require 51 votes instead of the filibuster 60. our own heat advisory has been reporting all day long that democratic negotiators on the senate side say there is no support for the public option in that body, the senate body. do you think they could even get to see one? >> i don't think anybody is saying there is no support for the public option. i think there is a question -- >> conrad said there. there has never been support, he said, for the public option. he's a democrat. i'm not making it up. >> you can count on at least 40 senators in the united states senate that support the public option. the question is, is there a
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majority or super majority. i think the democrats want to do three things. it's important for congressman terry say to say he's willing and other republicans are willing to play ball instead of politics. we want to regulate the insurance company so we cut out all of the abuses, the wrongful denials of coverage and the excessive profiting going on in the insurance company. secondly, to see universal coverage and i think that we can do that by either expanding the medicaid and medicare system or by tax subsidy, that kind of thing. those two things, if we could get those done, those would be homeruns and could be done in a bipartisan basis. >> i got to move on 'cause i want to throw in a quote here. congressman terry, since appetite in the senate, according to ron conrad, the democrat, support is not strong. michael leavitt wrote, the co-op
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would be federally controlled and staff -- bureaucrats will decide who gets care, what drugs are prescribed, what procedures are covered and how much money providers can charge. are co-ops really in true sort of dressed up government-run programs? >> under that definition, absolutely. i don't see a difference between the public option and was written in hr3200, and a co-op. if it's done on a regional basis, then all you've taken is the nationalization of health insurance or health care and made it more regional. you're not accomplishing anything. you're still creating a public plan. >> julian, there is a new poll out, i'm sure you've seen it, almost 60% of americans do not think congress should pass a health care bill supported only by democrats. would it be a mistake to do so?
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>> yeah, i think so. i think there are some polls that shows overwhelming support for a public option as well. you can read these polls a lot of different ways. again, i think -- i applaud some of what congressman terry is saying. if we can get universal court and jury and regulate the insurance industry, those two things, that would be a homerun and that would be sweeping reform. it would be very important for the country and it would be a big win for the obama administration. the third question, which i think you can isolate, is the question of a public option. congressman terry and i would agree -- grace on that. i think the public option is basically a nonprofit entity that will have far less waste and far less abuses than you see in the private insurance industry and good to compare the nonprofit version versus the private version and i think you would see a lot of money would be saved and a lot more people would be served. even if we don't get the public option or don't get the co-op, you can still have a huge win for the country if you get universal and regulation insurance industry. i think we can do that in a bipartisan basis.
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>> all right. julian epstein and representative lee terry, thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. >> she ran away from home worried that she could be killed over her new religion. now a judge issued a ruling in a muslim teen-ager who convert to do christianity. will she be forced to go back to her parents? we have the latest coming up next.
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time to take a look at the top stories. they are counting the votes in afghanistan. the chief electoral officer saying preliminary results of the election will be announced september 7. hurricane bill slamming into bermuda, cutting power to thousands, shutting down the island's airport. now downgraded though to a cat 1 storm, but its winds topping 100 miles per hour headed here, tropical storm warning now in effect for massachusetts. a major wild fire rages northeast of athen, greece. the government declaring a state of emergency. fire crews stretched to the limit, working overtime to put out 65 fires that have broken out since yesterday. three villages completely wiped out by the flames. new developments in case of an ohio teen-ager who ran away from home who feared she would be killed for convert to go christianity. she and her parents went before a judge where she has been staying with a foster family.
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now details from miami. >> with christian demonstrators speaking loutly outside the orlando, florida courtroom, inside she spoke softly. the judge ruled she will not return immediately to ohio, did you stay in state custody in florida while investigators determine whether her allegation is true, that if the christian convert returns to her muslim home, her family will kill her in a muslim honor killing. >> it brings tears to her eyes, seeing the fight and terror in her. >> she ran away from her home a month ago and took a greyhound bus to orlando, florida. there, another couple took her into their home. the lawrences are co-pastors of a new church which they founded. they were being accused of brainwashing the daughter,
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saying she's in no danger. >> the next hearing will be like an arraignment with the parents first testifying on whether they accept or deny the allegations, then the law enforcement investment -- they will either support the claims or dismiss them. >> the next hearing for that girl is set for september 3. be sure to check out our web site. fox on this developing story, you can even weigh in on the story on our on-line poll. >> the slumping economy is even changing the line - up of contestants on game shows. who wouldn't like to have a million? could you be the next person to come on down? how to get a shot at getting on,
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coming up next.
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time now for top of the news. the f.b.i. is now addressing the release of lockerbie bomber al-megrahi. the f.b.i. director robert moeller blasting that move, saying it gives, quote, comfort to terrorists. 1988 bombing killed 270 people.
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>> in kentucky a prison set on fire. this happened during a massive riot. burning six buildings. four inmates are in the hospital. hundreds more being sent to other prisons throughout that state. president obama about to take his very first week long vacation as commander in chief. he's heading to the exclusive island of martha's vineyard off massachusetts. >> they would never let a guy like me on that island. it's a fancy place. i do not want to go to martha's vineyard. speaking of which, because that island is under a tropical storm warning due to hurricane bill. the storm churning in the atlantic, packing strong winds, bringing dangerous rip currents to the eastern coast line. domenica davis tracking that storm live in the fox weather center. >> hi, gregg. it has to be tough for these life guards today because they have to keep telling people, out of the water because the surf is so high. the swells are high and it's
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really been a rough day along the beach. not only for the cape and the islands, but all the way down through new york, even jones beach, they've been dealing with some problems today as well. all wait from beaches down to cape hatteras, dealing with rip currents. this has been downgrade to do a category 1. winds 85 miles per hour. out of to the north at 24 miles per hour. it's entering some cooler water and that means that this form will continue to weaken. it stays a category 1 right through sunday. by monday, we'll see this become a tropical storm. but it is expected to pass, just to the east of the island. a few hundred miles east of the island late tonight and early tomorrow morning. this will be the closest path it will make to the united states. for that we do have tropical storm warnings in effect for the cape and the islands, we can expect gusty winds, 30 to 50 miles per hour. again, the biggest concern will be the rough seas and the large
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ocean swell, especially around high tide. rip currents. certainly not a beach weekend. if you are on the vineyard, nantucket or visiting cape cod, it's not going to be the best water weekend. here is bill. it is heading to the. >> no you can see the rain sitting on the east coast. that's courtesy of a cold front that's moving through the area. that's what's keeping bill out of the picture for us, which is good news, but we do have very heavy rain up and down the east coast. flooding is also going to be a big concern with these two events combined, we will have coastal flooding possibilities from the mid atlantic all the way up to new england by tomorrow. now by sunday afternoon, this turns further enough to the north that we'll start to see clearing, from the south to the north. so conditions will improve by late sunday. in the meantime, bring the umbrella and stay out of the water. gregg? >> so much for the president's golf game. maybe later in the week.
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domenica davis, thanks very much. >> it's already one of the strictest islamic groups in the world. now hamas is launching a virtue campaign to impose a stricter imlasik lifestyle. now more from jerusalem. >> delegates of hamas, all men, take their virtue campaign to the streets of gaza. they're armed with posters that read in arabic, covering enough isn't enough, women need to wear clothes loose enough to cover their figures. >> like preventing smoking and drugs. one of the important issues is to dress a woman in public. >> reporter: representatives of the religious ministry have gone around to stores that sell revealing women's clothing, the kind of thing a woman would wear in the house, and asked them to stop displaying these goods in public. in fact, they've gone as far as to demand that all mannequins be covered in traditional islamic dress. hamas police patrol the beaches,
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ordering young men to put on their shirts, guaranteeing that women wear the full dress, even while swimming. virtue campaign is in contrast to the pledges of hamas when it seized power in 2007. the deeply religious hamas vowed never to force its fundamentals on the people of gaza. but that was two years ago. now the hamas appointed chief justice issued a decree which says female lawyers in gaza must wear the head scarf and loose robes while in court. >> the decision violates the basic laws of insuring the basic ruling of the lawyers. >> it shows hamas is confident it has cemented its hold on power in gaza. this creates the opportunity to extend its ideology to the basic freedoms of the people, similar to the way iran controls life in
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iran. >> thank you. >> a follow-up on the deadly helicopter and plane collision over new york's hudson river. we are beginning to hear from one of the air traffic controllers who was suspended following the crash. dennis moore, he was not actually in the building when they collided, but he tells the new york daily news that he doesn't deserve to be punished, but he is keeping mum on why he left the building. he and another air traffic controller are implicated in a scathing report about lapses at the teterboro airport in new jersey. nine people died in the midair collision. >> busy streets of new york city, a cyclists paradise? it looks like it more and more these days. the city is hoping more people will follow suit. laura ingle live with the latest. >> the biking number are on the rise. the city of new york is reporting an increase of at least 35% of people hitting the
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roads on their bikes over the last two years. that is due in large part to a lot of programs that have been going on in new york to help encourage those folks get out of their cars and onto the bikes. the program for one calls city streets and summer streets. we want to give you a look at what what we saw today for a major thorough fair closed down. it was part of that program. big part of park avenue, along with other roads that were closed around the brooklyn bridge, up to central park today. kicking up the summer street pork, the new york department of transportation closed them down to allow bike riders to wield their bikes so bikers could be aware of the new bike lanes and wanted to showcase this safety improvement that have been put in place. >> we just finished installing 200 new lane miles for bikes in new york city over the last three years. we have over 620 miles of bike lanes in new york city. we're creating a network that
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makes it possible for you to get to point a to point b without leaving the bike network 'cause we understand the people do feel a little worried. >> and people are worried because they don't want to get hit while riding a bike and get hit by a car. accidents apparently are down, according to city leaders here. other cities around the nation are rolling out similar programs, none quite as big as the one here in new york. city leaders say they're point to go stats that 50% of americans commute might have miles or less to work. why not save gas, give the environment a break and get on a bike? there are concerned with the bikers hitting the road, pointing to a new study. we've been looking at the study that shows many bikers ignore traffic rules, wrap on their cell phones and cause accidents. another stat that these people want to point out is that 97% of those killed in a bike riding accident were not wearing their helmet. it's a good time to point out to get your helmet on when you hit those bike lanes that are now
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making things safer. i want to see you on your bike. >> i know. >> we can race down 5th avenue. >> game on, baby. >> we were wondering, what do we bike when is we ride them into fox? we take them in the elevators and put them in our office? >> sure. >> why not? >> put them in the boss' office. >> oh, that's a good idea. always a good idea. i've been a bicycling fool all summer long. i live in the burbs. parks and water. >> good for you. you lost weight. you look good. >> the down economy is changing the face of one of america's favorite past times. we're talking game shows here. producers seeing more and more unemployed white collar workers hoping to hit the big jackpot. casey stegall has more on that. tell us, the new breed of game show hopefuls.
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>> good to see you. i wore my tie for this story. come on down, i've been practicing it. didn't we all like grow up wishing we could experience those words? in all seriousness, so many people have been affected by the economy, obviously doesn't matter what career field you're in. the shows typically that were more for entertainment value and drew more of housewives and college students, well, it is changing because now more people who are out of a job are trying out for game shows. sort of a last ditch effort to try to supplement their income. in fact, some of the people we talked to had some of -- at some of these casting calls in new york and in los angeles feel that they have a better chance at getting on a game show than they do getting a job. listen to this. >> conceivably, you can make enough money on a game show to really last you, say, the next six months. >> opportunity to have fun, that's why i came out. sitting around applying for jobs all the time is kind of boring.
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>> some quick numbers for you. we visited the game show network, or gsn studios in l.a. and executive there is told us that now about 10% of contestant hopefuls are white collar professionals, people who are out of a job and a producer with nbc's deal or no deal show says that about 20% of its contestants are also in the same boat. it's sort of a new breed of contestant in this economic down turn. >> i don't think it's all fun and games 'cause isn't there usually a catch if you win something? >> there is always a catch, isn't there? always a fine prison absolutely. in fact, if you win a prize over a certain dollar amount, you have to pay taxes on that. doesn't matter what state you live in, if you live in iowa and you come out here to hollywood and you go on the price is right, if you win a prize, you have to pay the state of california a tax. so one of the prize coordinators for one of these game shows told us more and more people are, in
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fact, turning down prizes because they're already in the red and they can't afford to shell out any money, but that's why cash is always the best option. that's really the most popular, what everyone seems to go for because they go ahead and take that chunk of taxes out of the cash total first, so you're still getting cash and not fronting money right off the get go. >> my favorite game show was grow chough marks, you bet your life. >> thanks, pal. >> #. >> this a terrible story. crime of unspeakable brutality. the body of a former swim suit model, here is her picture, mutilated, stuffed in a suitcase and guess who is accused of doing this. her ex-husband, a reality star being sought for the murder. he's now on the run, international manhunt is underway. we'll take a closer look at the story straight ahead. >> lots of folks squeezed for
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cash these days, at least figuratively. literally, this next story, we're getting away from the bears and we're heading to the snakes. you got to hear this one, coming up next.
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customers wanting to withdraw money were given a rather nasty surprise in serbia. instead of getting cash, they found this.
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yikes. a slithering snake, police in the southern city of nice found a python sprawled over the cash machine. no garden snake. the python is six and a half feet long. they used a shovel and a bag to capture the snake. with no one claiming ownership, officials think it's a pet that just got away. thanks, gregg. an international manhunt is underway for the killer of the swim suit model, jasmine fiore. her mutilated body was found stuffed in a suitcase and dumped in a trash bin. police say her fingers and teeth were removed. in an effort to prevent them from discovering her identity. her ex-husband, ryan jenkins a former reality tv show contestant, is the suspect in her murder. how strong is the case against him and can anything explain the brutality of this crime? we're going to bring in a fox news legal analyst and joey jackson a former prosecutor. thank you for being with us. just a disgusting story.
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i cannot believe anyone could do this anyway. but a husband? is it predicated on jealousy, on obsession? i know that several things come into play. he was jealous of the ex-boyfriend text message, he didn't report her missing, she got the marriage annulled. they were married for 2.2 seconds. obviously what predicated on obsession, you you think? >> absolutely. i think the sickist problem here is going to be what they found is that the two were in the hotel at the same time and only saw jenkins leave with a suitcase similar to the one where they found her body. that is one of the most incriminating evidence there. lots of folks are saying he was in love with her. constantly called, e-mail. he was definitely obsessed with her and to come to a criminal act. >> it's always more fun to disagree with mercedes, but she's right on point. you look at motive and
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opportunity and consciousness of guilt, all are present. the motivation with respect to how this person acted, jealousy, her ex-boyfriend, text messages, him going insane, you have the opportunity. he's in the hotel room with her. and you have consciousness of guilt because most people, you know what they do when someone is missing? they report them missing. when you check into a hotel with your spouse, you are with them. something is amiss. the other trouble thing is his background. a guy has a past record involving -- he's going to trial supposedly in december in nevada for a domestic charge against her and we know he was on probation for an assault charge also. the background, his propensity to engage in this type of behavior is present. >> you hear that, women out there that are watching? he was charged with domestic violence, scheduled to be in court in december. if this is happening to you or anyone you know at home, it can always lead to worse. and it usually does.
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in this case, it's murder. >> 85% of murder victims know their murderer. that's a staggering historical data that they have. 85%. certainly the first person they suspect was her husband and certainly because of his behavior. some of his background that came forward that. behavior was a little too weird. >> so young. >> and the nature of the crime, you talk about removal of the teeth, talk about taking off the fingers and the identification was in regards to an implant she had apparently. they matched the serial number and that's how they i.d'd the body. what you see in a lot of these domestic case, they're lovey dovey, the next day. they're the people get together, there is a reunification. >> i'm so sorry, i'll change. >> exactly. that's what you have the m.o. here because when there was the annulment of the marriage, he came back, please, i had a spiritual awakening. >> i've been praying for you, he said. >> exactly.
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>> the defense attorney with this case, ultimately the law is going to catch up to him and they will say, let's work a plea to save your life because frankly, in this jurisdiction, you may have to forfeit it in your convicted of it. this is all -- all of the evidence will come forward, how the body was disposed of afterwards, which is stomach churning for anybody who is looking at this case. >> when we do catch him, and i hope to god that we do catch him or the police catch him, will he be tried in san diego, because that's allegedly where this crime happened? >> it will be the cite of the crime. in respect to what she was saying, california is a death penalty jurisdiction. there will be a trial there and they'll put together the facts and all the rest and we'll see where it leads. the u.s. marshal service did say they will leave no stone unturned. they're pretty tough. >> they absolutely are. >> i know you'll be back for this story. we'll continue to follow it. thank you.
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>> it's been more than a week since anybody has heard from kristy cornwell. she's the georgia mom who vanished while talking on the telephone with her boyfriend. her family just making a big announcement about the case, new developments coming up next. >> according to the constitution. americans just like that woman packing town halls, giving the representatives an earful when it comes to health care reform. how much are all of these loud voicing influencing the politicians and indeed the president? is the president's biggest goal in trouble right now? the public option, some answers, coming up. 
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some developing news to tell you about in the case of the missing georgia mom. her family announcing a $50,000 reward for information on her disappearance. police say she was abducted while talking on a phone to her boyfriend more than a week ago. authorities have called off the ground search for kristy. they do say they are intensifying their investigation. joining us now, correspondent for america's most wanted. good to see you. why have they chosen to call off the ground search and do they have any meaningful leads? >> good evening. what i can tell you is that there are leads that are coming in with credible information. what will happen is investigators are moving forward with that set of information and then assembling their teams to go out to search the particular areas as opposed to an all around ground search that encompasses the entire area or at least a three-mile radius from where the abduction happened all the way out to three or four miles out, including reaching into other
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states at this point. having said that, i just got a message from one of the lead investigators on the ground and what they tell me is that they're looking for more witnesses in the area along jones creek road in playersville, from the new union church. there has been a witness that has come forward with some pretty helpful information about kristy and they're looking for more witnesses who were around the church at that time. so it's going to be in the town of blairsville, between 6 and 9:30 p.m if you have any information, and if you were in the area and you did see kristy around that time or any other suspicious activity, you can call us at 1-800-crime tv. gregg, tonight we will air this case on america's most wanted. we're hoping to get into more homes. >> there is a picture of kristy. take a very close look, anybody, especially in that region in georgia. she worked formerly, as i understand it, as a probation
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officer. is there some kind of connection there? i'm looking for a motivation to kidnap. >> this is very possible. this is something that investigators are looking into. she was a former probation officer. she does have police training. she did work as a drug counselor as well. she was very active in the law enforcement community for a while, until her career change. she's currently a full time college student. she's going to school to learn more the lab tech side of things and to do a career change for her son to be able to spend more time with him. so exercising in the evening was something, according to her family, she did frequently and staying with them over the summer before the semester started up this fall. so yes, investigators are looking into her past and to people that she had contact with, including her ex-husband and boyfriend, which they have no indication that they had anything to do with this. >> douglas davis, he's been on our air and he has represented to us that he is not regarded as
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a suspect by authorities because they were able to pinpoint the conversation he was having with her as being two hours away from her while talking on the cell phone. the interesting thing about cell phone signals is they don't say who is on the other end of the cell phone. in other words, it could have been somebody else who was using his cell phone. i mean, has he absolutely been ruled out as a suspect? >> i think at this point investigators are still -- everything is open. everyone is open. i don't think that they're really willing to come forward and say, no, this person is not a suspect. no, this person is not a suspect i've spoken extensively about this. at this point, they have no indication to believe that douglas is responsible for kristy's disappearance at all and that he has cooperated with them and has brought them information. if that changes down the road and if that -- then things could
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change. but at this time, they are looking at this as a stranger abduction, someone that she didn't know. they're still looking for two vehicles in the area, a white suv, unknown kind, unfortunately, and also a small er compact car, tan in color. >> michelle, thank you very much. >> have a great evening. >> pennsylvania senator arlen specter has had some very memorable town hall meetings with his constituents. who can forget these scenes? now we're seeing another side of the senator, arlen specter, is he a standup comedian? apparently he's bringing down the house, all for a good cause, next.
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pennsylvania senator arlen specter putting the health care debate on the back burner for a while to show his funny side. >> i am glad to be with you. after being at town


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