tv Americas News HQ FOX News August 22, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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>> specter is hosting a comedy show at the pits berg improv. it's to raise money for the fund for children. although i think he used to be a lot funnier when he was a republican. it took in $2,000. the senator may be going back to scenes like those town hall meetings. this is a fox news alert. hurricane bill churning off the east coast as it surges north over the atlantic. hello, everyone. i'm gregg jarrett. welcome to a brand-new hour of america's news headquarters. >> hurricane bill creating rough waves. the storm is losing some strength. it's now downgraded to a category 1 storm. as it's moving a little north over cooler waters. safety officials in new england are urging extreme caution for folks in the area as bill is drawing near.
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domenica davis is in the fox weather center with the latest. hi. >> yes, this advisory came in, they have downgraded bill to a category 1, which is good news because it's 300 miles to the south of nantucket and that means it will make a pass to the east of the island late this evening, tomorrow. heavy swell also start to move in. that will be the name of the game, heavy rain bands moving through and as we've been looking at the pictures, some very rough seas right in toward sunday. the winds right now, 85 miles per hour. lead to go the north, 24 miles per hour. expected to stay a category 1 through sunday. much of sunday and then starts to diminish, becomes a tropical storm as it passes nova scotia. the rain bands now are moving in and the islands and cape. we can expect some strong wind gusts as well to arrive by this evening, anywhere up to 50 miles per hour. although the wind is not going to be the biggest concern. it will be the large ocean
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swells and the threat of rip currents. not only for the new england coast line, but even further down along the east coast. it will be a rough go at the beach and a lot of folk also have to just stay out of the water and watch out for that. a lot of life guards not letting people go into the water. that is going to be the case through the rest of the weekend before we see this system pull further to the north to diminish this threat. where we have the red, this is the cape, islands, we have a tropical storm warning that will stay in effect until sunday. again, the storm is hitting just to the south and the good news is it's being pulled away because we have a cold front moving in and a lot of folks have been dealing with scattered showers and thunderstorms up and down the eastern seaboard. that's not bill. that's the cold front and that cold front is helping steer bill to the north and away from making a landfall in the united states. that's good news, but in the meantime, stay out of the water and watch out for passing
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thunderstorms later this evening. >> thanks. hard to stay out of the water. it's been so humid here. >> i know. >> you want to go for a dip. the white house is now confirming to fox news that indeed it has hired an outside company to distribute these mass e-mails in support of the president's health care agenda. many of those messages ending up in the in boxes of people who never wanted them. now more from erik. what is the white house saying about this? >> the white house confirming to fox news that they did use an outside government contractor to send out all those controversial e-mails. that company when we first broke the story is gov they're based in minnesota, the largest company that sends out e-mails for a variety of government agencies, by my count, 11 cabinets, including the department of defense, justice, f.b.i., atf, irs, and others. i could not find where they say
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they represent the executive office of the president. but the white house says they did hire them between january 1, but before january 20 when the president took office to send out those e-mails. >> the irs, that always raise has red flag. what do critics have to say about all of this? >> the white house says they just were at the end product, the distributor. in other words, sending them out. they are being criticized heavily, some questioning where why would the white house use a government contractor to send what they think is a political e-mail. they want an investigation. here is a quote, statement from the head of the house republican policy committee, congressman there michigan, said, quote, this is yet another ominous chapter in the administration's to jam its scheme by any means necessary. that congressman is concerned
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about using a general government contractor for these kinds of e-mails and this type of use. >> the name of the company is gov delivery. what are they saying? >> they're not saying anything at the moment. i talked to its president on monday asking if he represented the white house and if they did send those e-mails out and he said no comment. it is the policy of the company, we're told, that generally don't talk about their clients or use of their systems. we have put that request in for an interview to find out their view. the white house saying -- they will not say last week. >> i'm assume nothing taxpayer money went to this private company. right? >> well, we don't know because if it was a government business or government contract, then it would be taxpayer money. what came out of the white house web site. >> it's clearly for a political purpose. >> that's what the critics say, yes. that it was their view of a political purpose. the white house view is that they use the gov delivery to
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send out information about the government and this, one would presume, would be an example. >> that's not the way the e-mails were reading. they were partisan and -- well. >> you hit it on the head, i think you hit the issue on the head. the use of a general contractor that has so many contracts with the variety of agencies in the federal government being use for this type of e-mail, that's what the critics are concerned about. >> and the fact that the white house didn't immediately say, by the way, no taxpayer money was involved, that would be the first thing i'm saying if i'm the white house. thanks very much. appreciate it. >> all right. >> especially in the government. >> congressional lawmakers across the country getting an earful from those voters over the massive overhaul of the nation's health care system. there is now a big split among the democrats over the so-called public option. caroline is live in washington with the latest for us.
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talk house democrats seem to be split over this government-run health care. what are their differences? >> house speaker nancy pelosi says the government run health care, the public insurance option, is a must have provision. but number two doesn't seem married to it. listen to her comments and then hoyer's. >> there is no way i can pass a bill in the house of representatives without a public option. >> i'm for a public option, but i'm also for passing a bill. >> those who are usually -- this could be opening up a significant rift. >> what about the senate, what are those saying about this? >> different story over there. democrat conrad says there never has been been support for a government run health care in the senate. that's why they're trying for the private co-op. it's part of it to get republican votes. >> both the president and gop
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trying to butt some of the myths out there in the internet radio entreeses today, what all did they say? >> president obama said illegal immigrants won't get health insurance under reform. abortions won't be paid for with tax dollars, and there are no so-called death panels. he also spoke about government run health care with the government competing against private insurance companies. now that's where he and republican congressman tom price disagree. listen up. >> this is one idea among many to provide more competition and choice, especially in the many places around the country where just one insurer thoroughly dominates the marketplace. >> we all know when the government is setting the rules and it's backed by tax dollars, it will destroy, not compete, with the private sector. >> congressman price also said millions of americans will be forced off their private coverage and onto the government plan. >> thank you. live for us in washington. with the liberal wing of the democratic party refusing to budge on the government-run
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insurance plan, what can we expect when lawmakers return in september? take a listen. >> let me say it another way, there is no way i can pass a bill in the house of representatives without the public option. >> she's saying she will not pass a bill or vote for a bill without that public option. will a public option make it to the president's desk? should it make it to the president's desk? joining me now nor a fair and balanced debate, doug high, former communications director for senator richard byrd and taylor west, former campaign communications director for senator mark udall of colorado and a consultant with new partners. thanks for joining us. we appreciate this. >> thank you. >> such a chaotic debate and seem to be dividing the democrats in the country. should there be a public option? what is your opinion and tell me why. >> it really comes down to whether the democrats think they can pass it or not. as a republican, i don't think that the government getting even more involved is a good idea. but the democrats are divided
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among themselves. you look at president obama's address today, he spent more time talking about what isn't in the bill than what's in it. there is an old rule in communications, it says if you're explaining, you're losing. he's explaining and he's losing. we're seeing it in his poll numbers right now and seeing the poll numbers throughout the country. there is a lot of rumors that reid is under 40%. that's trouble for democrats. >> what's your opinion, taylor? >> i think you see both of the leaders in congress saying their number one priority is to pass a health care reform bill that fixes a broken system. we've seen a real turning point this week in that you can -- it's clearer than it's ever been that the only goal of the republicans right now is to kill any effort at health care because they know that a successful fix of the health care system that lowers cost for families and gets them out from under the thumb of insurance companies will be a huge win for the president and a huge win for democrats that will last for decades. >> i don't know if that's the case. i think republicans all agree, i think everyone in the country agrees that something needs to
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happen. there needs to be reform. that's why barak obama won. but i believe everyone differs on how to get there. we don't want to spend excessive amounts of money and have the government run the health care. >> i wish that were the case. but you've seen even the republicans who supposedly have been at the negotiating table, like senator grassley, made it clear this week that he even said he's unlikely to vote for a deal that even he negotiated. so what we're really seeing is a commitment by republicans to kill any attempt. >> i want to read you this, on july 18, barak obama said, any plan i sign must include an insurance exchange, including a public option to increase competition and keep insurance companies honest. basically what pelosi is saying, wants the public option. over the weekend, he said that the public option, whether we have it or we don't have it, is not the entirety of health care
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reform. so is he backtracking there? >> doug? >> no. he absolutely is backtracking. it reminds me of the movie, the godfather where rob emmanuel is saying, you got to cut a deal. the president wants a victory. i say, i don't know a single republican on capitol hill who doesn't want health care reform. you mention my old boss, senator richard byrd from north carolina, he's introduced health care reform legislation with senator tom coburn, a doctor. companion legislation has been introduced in the house. republicans want to fix health care. there is no question about that. except people really want to talk about the old partisan fights. it's democrat versus democrat. >> we saw this exact same thing in the early '90s and there is a memo from 1993 written by wilcrest tool that talks about how the best thing that republicans can do is kill any attempt at health care reform because they can't afford to give democrats a victory that helps so many middle class families. we're seeing exact same thing. >> i don't think being an american trumps everything.
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i think we all want everyone to have health care. who in their right mind would not want a child on the street or a child born to a poor family not have health care? of course republicans are -- >> one thing to keep in mind, president obama is going to be at martha's vineyard this week. that means he's not going to be campaigning on health care. he's not going to be pushing his agenda forward. really looks like it may stall. >> the government failed when it comes to medicare, when it comes to social security, that money is running out. these car dealerships are not getting their money back from cash for clunkers. how can we trust the government when it comes to our health care? >> medicare is actually one of the most efficient ways that people -- >> but the money is running out. >> seniors are overwhelmingly happy with the care that they get from that. this is actually the whole point of a public option is to give families the choice to keep the insurance or the doctor they have if they're happy or the choice to buy into a
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medicare-like program. >> taylor and doug, thanks so much for being with us. i think we all want a solution. we're tired of talking about it. thanks. >> thank you. >> you may find this story disgusting. he's being hailed a hero. in truth he is a convicted mass murderer. we're talking about the libyan man who helped bomb pan am flight 103. the scottish government saying al-megrahi was let go on compassionate grounds. british doctors say he only has months to live. perhaps most shocking, this terrorist receiving a highly warm welcome from libya's president and hundreds of supporters on friday. the f.b.i. director robert moeller blasting al-megrahi's release. he wrote a letter to the scottish justice minister and i'll quote here, your action in releasing al-megrahi is inexplicable as detrimental. it makes a mockery of the rule of law. your action against comfort to
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terrorists around the world who now believe that regardless of the quality of the investigation, the conviction by a jury after the defendant is given all due process and sentenced appropriate to the crime, that terrorists will be freed by one man's exercise of quote, unquote, compassion. where i ask, is the justice? amy kellogg live in london. how will this impact relations between our country and libya? >> frankly, more and more journalists are saying that they think it may impact relations between the united kingdom and the united states. that special relationship, though it was the scottish government acting independently in the capacity that it does, to release al-megrahi, the united kingdom had given the americans assurances that he would serve out his sentence in scotland in the prison where he was up until thursday. now, back to the issue of u.s.-libya ties, president obama
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as well as different government officials in washington have said they found the hero's welcome on thursday quite distasteful, but they were going to take sort of a wait and see attitude. they were going to reserve judgment until they saw further how this played out in libya. so the events of the last 24 hours, which there were many. you have the video of colonel gadaffi embracing al-megrahi at his home. you have an extensive interview in the "london times" with al-megrahi and a picture of him with his family. you have colonel gadaffi's son implying that some sort of deal was struck between the u.k. and libya in terms of securing lucrative deals for the release of al-megrahi, all of that is likely to cause trouble between trip apply and washington. >> that's galling because gadaffi was come lift.
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there is an abundance of evidence that he was involved. what is al-megrahi doing now? >> obviously you know both gadaffi and al-megrahi say that they had nothing to do with this bombing. so they continue to at least al-megrahi, is continuing to say that the truth will come out. he is not under house arrest as president obama has said he would like to see the man under. he's at his home in libya, according to the times reporter who interviewed him yesterday, there is a steady stream of, quote, smartly dressed visitors driving bmw's to visit him. he's talking about how there is no need for house arrest because the only place he's going to is the hospital for his cancer treatment. and he is, again, saying that he's going to put out some information that may change the world's opinion. but again, all of this probably quite troubling to washington. we haven't heard a lot of comments other than the f.b.i. director's letter today which was a separate issue to the
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scottish justice minister. but this is likely to further inflame tensions between tripoly and washington because washington and london hoped after thursday, this would kind of quiet down and there wouldn't be spotlight on al-megrahi and we wouldn't see him particularly with libyan officials. i think the public reaction was something different and something that meter washington nor london expected was going to make much of. but it's more important behavior the government as the process of rehabilitation of libya back into the greater community continues. of course, gadaffi making historic visit supposedly to the u.n., to the united states in september for the general assembly. >> well, maybe they'll rethink that invitation. thanks very much. amy kellogg in london. >> we've gotten an enormous response from our opinion poll. we asked you, do you agree with the decision to release the convicted lockerbie bomber? take a look at the poll.
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a vast majority of you did not agree with the decision to let him go. fox to weigh in and get more details on this still developing story. thanks, gregg. afghan's leader preparing for a possible second round of voting. former foreign minister is reaching out to some of the other candidates, but not president karzai. both claim to be in the lead after thursday's election. but if no one secures the 50% of the ballot, there will be a runoff between those top two vote getters. for that, they might need to muster support from their rivals. abdullah would not say who he talked to or whether any alliances have been discussed. >> missing hiker rescued from the side of a mountain thanks to pretty nifty flying by a rescue helicopter pilot, the dramatic story and the rest of this incredible video. this is really death defying. we'll show it to you next.
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here are the stories making headlines. president obama accusing his critics of making phony claims about health care reform. the president using his weekly radio and web address to dispute notions that the current proposal will -- >> republicans say it's the president who is misleading the public. tom price saying private insurers would be destroyed under the democratic overhaul. hurricane bill now a category 1 storm surging north over the atlantic, the powerful storm expected to bring dangerous surf and rip tides to the eastern seaboard. >> amazing video of a chopper rescue out of utah. take a look at this video. the chopper hovering over the
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red mountain area. the man on top of the rock there, see him hunched over, he was the hiker missing for three days. he fell off the ledge into a narrow canyon. rescue crews had to land on top of that rock, very dangerous. they repelled down and hoisted the man onto a stretcher. he was taken to a local hospital. the fall knocking out most of his teeth, but the good news is, of course, the -- they rescued him and he was alive. >> folks who are struggling to make ends meet in this very rough economy finding a fun way to go after some fast cash. you got to love it. jobless and underemployed americans trying to score big time on prizes to make ends meet. casey stegall is live in los angeles with more. all right, tell us about this. by the way, start it off by telling us your favorite game show. i told you mine last time
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around. >> yeah. i think mine is price is right. i'm in there with a lot of americans. just that excitement, seeing the people run down to the front, cheering, making fools of themselves, everybody loves the price is right. shows that were really once for more of an entertainment value are now drawing people who want to use their winnings just to put food on the table. >> he's won $1 million. >> if your husband were a bachelor again. >> millions have tuned in caught am in the day dream of perhaps one day hearing those words in person. >> come on down. >> game shows sort of take people out of their environment. >> but shows that once attracted housewives, retirees and college students now attracting a new breed of contestant. >> we're seeing about 10% of our contestants who are more sort of upscale, qualified professionals who are out in the workplace.
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>> i probably have more of a chance winning this than getting a job. >> while those fabulous prizes are well, fabulous, cash is king. >> how about a new sony camcorder? >> but wait. there is a catch. people have to pay taxes on prizes over $1,500 and more and more contestants are turning down the winnings because they're already in the red. >> the situation is so dire for some, anything will do. >> now i have like a second chance. i'm doing it all for my baby. >> by the way, you heard in the piece, gsn says 10% of its professional hopefuls, a producer with nbc deal or no deal show says 20% of its total contestants are also in the same boat. of course, this past week, the new jobless numbers came out. things still not looking good. so this is certainly a way people are looking to supplement their income.
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pretty interesting. >> you know, you were pretty good doing that game show stuff there. if this reporting thing doesn't work out, you've got a future elsewhere. >> i've got a back up. i've always wanted to, you know, spin that wheel. that was a lot of fun. i have to say. >> yeah, you can hang with vanna white. not bad. casey stegall. >> of course, she's from south carolina. not bad at all. >> game show host. >> remember the newly wed game? i was not allowed to watch it. >> that was a little racy there. >> i know. >> cycling, it's not just for kids anymore. more and more new yorkers apparently two wheeling it to work to safety planet and to save green on that commute. the report from the city that never sleeps.
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it is 5:00 o'clock on the hour. -- top of the hour. downgrading hurricane bill to a category 1 as it nears the u.s. coast line. that doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet. tropical storm watches and warnings remain in effect for the massachusetts coast line and parts of canada. >> f.b.i. director robert mueller blasting scotland's decision to release al-megrahi.
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calling it a macery of justice. the bombing killed 270 people, mostly americans. >> allegations of voter fraud following afghanistan's presidential election. the president karzai and his opponent both accusing one another of tainting thursday's vote. preliminary votes due out tuesday. both men claim to be in the lead. developments in this week's deadly string of bombings in baghdad. investigators searching for suspects in wednesday's deadly attack says al-qaeda in iraq is more than likely responsible. but some are blaming former basses for killing and wounding the people. >> they say the attack in baghdad could have been an inside job and he's also warning of more powerful explosions to be on the way. this mounting concern of the
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security lapses which allowed the bombing this week. the foreign minister is now warning there could be more powerful attacks in the coming days. he believes the government has to admit the problem and deal with it. the most obvious is to -- the government pledge to do remove them within 40 days to improve life in the city. some of the first were put back up today. a checkpoint has been removed there. it raised the possibility today that the bombers got help. the iraqi government says it arrested those loyal to the former ruling party. they have to show they have it under control. the people in baghdad feel anything but secure. >> we need the americans to return to the city. our troops are not good enough and our government failed.
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>> the iraqi government has not asked for help on the ground. but that could change if the situation deteriorates further. >> david, thanks. a u.s. investigation into swiss banking giant ubs ripping aside long kept secrets about money, lots of it. there are charges the bank allowed rich americans to evade taxes for a long time. they agreed this week to reveal the names of more than 4400 american clients suspected of hiding assets. so what effect does this have on white collar crime? could this provide a windfall to the irs and you, the taxpayer? fox news business contributor gary joins us now. as i read this thing, it strikes me as a water shed moment that will pierce the veil of secrecy that long surrounded swiss banks that thousands of americans who for years have been evading taxes.
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what say you? >> i think it may be slowly getting out of the money hiding business. the united states is looking for 52,000 accounts, not just 14 -- 4450. so there will be a little windfall to bust up the deficit a little bit. but total in those accounts, was about $18 billion. it's not going to really do too much to help us out here. i'll tell you the big winners, the bankruptcy court for people that were hiding money from being in bankruptcy and how about this one, ex-spouses. there has been a lot of money probably hidden during divorces. i think those will be the two big winners out of this. >> $18 billion is a chunk of change. let's assume that the irs is going to get a portion of that once those 4400 names are revealed and 52,000 names in all. they're not just going to stop at 4400. but here is the op ed in the
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"new york times". the tax network estimates there are 11.5 trillion in global assets hidden and the formerly uncooperatives have rushed to sign on to the new multi national norms on information sharing. we're not just talking about the swiss. think about all the other offshore havens that now may get suckd into this if the justice department here in the u.s. and the irs continues to get tough. is this the tip of the iceberg and that's good news for the american taxpayer? >> absolutely. not just for american, but around the world. i think what basically happened -- by the way, the united states has kind of said that any of you out there that have been hiding assets and owe the irs, we'll give you a window of opportunity to come forward.
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we won't put you in jail, but you'll pay the fines and pay your back taxes and if you don't come forward and we catch you, you are going to jail. so that's already been put out there. there will be a lot of bucks coming out of this. the big issue was we have deficits now trillions of dollars, we're spending billions on clunkers for junkers, and next will probably be refrigerators. it's probably small, but we'll take it. it's a good thing. there has been too much secrecy throughout the years. >> there is a bill out there that currently is being considered in the house of representatives that would demand foreign banks doing business here disclose information and withhold taxes and if they don't do it, the irs automatically gets to do it and seize money being made into those accounts. thanks. >> the big apple is being green in a very big way. more and more people are ditching their cars, grabbing
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their bicycles and the city is embracing this, pumping plenty of cash into the efforts. there are critic, calling it a waste. laura ingle is live. it's hot, humid. what happens in our fabulous city today? >> there was a lot of excitement today because many of the city's main thoroughfares were shut down to normal street traffic so that bike riders could really sort of have their way with the streets and it's a way for the city to encourage bike riders to ditch their cars, get out there on their bikes and see all the brand-new bike lanes that have been put in over the last three years. we are talking about 200 additional miles of bike lanes that have been added all over meat. so park avenue was closed, streets around the brooklyn bridge up to central park were closed to encourage people to see exactly what the city has done, remind the residents of new york city that there are safe bike lanes to use and really promote the idea of
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cheaper transportation, getting cleaner air into the city and it never hurts to get the additional exercise. one of many programs the city has been trying to do to encourage people to get out there. >> not a day goes by when i don't see a bicyclist almost getting hit by a cab driver 'cause all these guys are out delivering food to everyone, we all call in our to go orders and some of my friends work in the trauma unit and they get so many people in that have been hit by cars. is this dangerous? what are they going to do about that? >> there has been sort of this street war going on for years. not only here in new york, but nationally in major cities like this. you're right. there are a lot of bike accidents. so the city of new york is reporting that accidents are actually down with all the additions of the new bike lanes. but people do have to be safe. we were looking over a new study, that observed over 5,000 cyclists in manhattan. they observed 37% of cyclists
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did not stop at red lights at all. 13% rode against traffic. 29% did not use designated bike lanes and that's where people get into trouble. 75% did not use a head light or tail light. a lot of people now talking on their blue tooth and talking on cell phone, texting while biking, all of it dangerous, all of it needs to be taken into consideration when you do hop on a bike. people need to be careful and you got to wear your helmet because once they go on, that's when the injury rate drops down. >> absolutely. how does new york compare to other cities? >> pretty good. these programs, the city of new york has implemented have really turned out to be great because 35%, they report a 35% increase in people using bikes and using them safely. as i mentioned, san francisco has huge baking programs. they are also rolling out programs like sharing bikes and getting people to cycle to work and after you said that about you and i cycling down the street, i went and actually got
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a bike. i have it out here for you. >> good for you. >> i'm going to try to get another one. i'm not saying that this -- if we can find a delivery driver, you and i can have that race. >> i'm ready. i'm sure we can find another delivery guy. they're everywhere. are you wearing slacks or a skirt? >> i am wearing a skirt. it will be interesting. >> this will be great. thanks so much. laura ingle live on the streets of new york. >> i want to see that one. >> i'm sure you do. >> i'll brown bag it to work. you deliver it? >> do you? i never ordered delivery here? >> really. >> i was visiting my friend in florida. we wanted some food and i said, don't you miss new york because you have make one phone call and any type of food is at your door. >> invisibility, it's kind of long been considered the stuff
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remember that clip? 1930s classic film, invisible man? i know i don't. >> i don't either. okay? >> now the scientific fiction of yester year could be happening today. scientists say making things even people, invisible could indeed be possible. it's just a matter of bending around the notches, just to bend the light enough to disappear out of view. joining us now, professor heart from st. andrews university, been working on this blueprint for a real life smoking device. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> this is interesting talking to him on his cell phone. how is this possible, professor?
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>> invisibility is an optical illusion, like a mirage in the desert. it's possible because materials, they bend light. you just have to understand what you need to do. and then it's possible to build a cloaking device. >> go ahead, i'm sorry. >> hello? >> how close are we to actually seeing this come to fruition? >> how close? that's difficult to say. the first prototype was introduced in 2006. the next part is to reach the ability for light, for example and broad range of the spectrum and that's for prototypes within the next two years. >> you say you can block natural
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disasters. how in the world is that possible? >> that's a different class of story. light -- there are other ways around light. waterways. if you learn to manipulate waves like light, it's possible to manipulate other ways. you may build a cloaking device. >> in some of the research i was reading, you said that you can actually make like an oil rig invisible to a tsunami and that could help protect the oil rig. but if it's actually there, we can't see it with the naked eye, i understand that, and i'll let you figure out how to do that. but it's still there. how does the tsunami not get the oil rig? >> whether that's really possible, it's a different question. but it's not about invisibility.
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you don't make the oil rig invisible. what you do is you guide the waterway around it such that they don't hit it. that is similar to guiding light from an object for invisibility. it's the principle. >> that is fascinating. could this whole idea backfire, though, because if another country catches on to this, and let's say they have weapons of mass destruction, could they make those weapons invisible? >> well, yes. if you see many people disappear, it would indicate there is something going on. but it is like with all forms of technology, there is a danger that it goes into the wrong hands. >> it's fascinating. i didn't do great in physics. i can't even imagine this actually being possible. i'm glad we have folks like you smart enough to figure it all
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out. thank you very much. good luck with your studies. >> thank you. >> wow. amazing. >> just like the klingon birds of prey. this is very, very cool. cash for clunkers program, enormously popular. one government program that got raised. but like most things involving the government, big problems. the latest drama next. %%%%%
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participation in the government program aimed got getting the gas guzzlers off the roads. companies say they want to leave enough time to submit the paperwork from the rebates it's given. the program officially expires monday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. they sold 11,000 cars under the rebate program and estimates the government owes around -- owes auto nation around $45 million. >> passions are running high on the president's plan for government run health insurance. listen to this recent exchange at an aarp meeting in florida. >> aarp has not made it clear to everyone that they are not supporting the government program. [ applause ] i resend the fact you have not done that!
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>> you have been quoted by obama and being for the government option. >> there is a difference between having health reform and whether or not you support a government option in individual and small groups. and we also, after obama made his comment, came out with a statement immediately, we have not taken a position on the government option. >> can the president get his overhaul and what would the plan mean for you? ordinary americans and health care professionals. dr. john goodman, the president and founder of the national center for policy analysis, dr. anna, with the baylor college of medicine. thank you both for being with us. dr. goodman, our own fox news poll found 84% of americans rate their current insurance as either excellent or good. the president must know that because he keeps promising if you like it, you're going to get
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to keep it. but there is nothing in any of these current proposals that would prevent an employer from dropping worker coverage and simply paying, let's say, the 8% payroll penalty because it would be easier and cheaper. so do you believe the president when he says you're going to get to keep your coverage? >> no, i don't believe him at all. the easiest way to allow americans to keep their coverage is to pass a bill that doesn't affect those who already have health insurance that they like. but what congress is about to do is nationalize the entire health care system. they're going to tell you what kind of health insurance you have to have and if you don't conform, they're going to tax you, they're going to tax your employer and you're right, millions of people will lose their coverage and they'll be over in some other plan. >> tom price, a congressman and also a doctor, delivered the republican web and radio address today and he said the president
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is not telling the truth. for starters, he says within five years, every health care plan will have to meet a new federal definition for coverage, one that your current plan might not match even if you like it. thus shifting you onto a government plan. what do you think? >> well, i think that people are afraid and i think that's what we're seeing in the town hall meetings, that people are afraid. but they're afraid of losing the little health insurance they have. they're afraid they're going to get sick, too sick to work, lose their health insurance and then be uninsured. i don't believe that people are worried about a government takeover. i don't believe that they're worried about their taxes paying for the immigrants or paying for abortions or that the government is going to decide when to stop care for seniors. i think what people are afraid of is actually losing their -- getting sick, losing their job and then losing their health insurance because they know
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somebody who has gotten sick and had to go and went bankrupt because they know somebody who actually lost their job and then lost their health insurance or home and then their -- people are afraid of that. >> let me stick with you because we lost our satellite communication with dr. goodman. i have talked to several doctors on our air and they have all agreed that there is no way that you can add 50 million people to the health care system without corresponding increase in doctors and nurses to handle all of those people. that means, they say, inevitably rationing. cuts into medicare, all of that is going to hurt seniors the most. i think -- is that right or wrong? >> no. i don't believe that. i believe that what we need to do is to look for an alternative. i do agree with probably even dr. goodman that the health care bill that is currently in the
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house and in the senate would actually cost an awful lot of money and end up not covering all the people we need to cover. the alternative, of course, is a single payer system, medicare for all. we have a wonderful program. in 1965, we decided that we were going to have a single payer, universal health care bill for all of our seniors. it does cover all the seniors. what we need to do is to -- actually to cover everyone under a medicare for all. we can do it for the same amount of money -- >> i hate to cut you off. thank you very much. my apologies to dr. goodman, we lost his satellite. we'll be right back. this woman was limited by
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