tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News August 26, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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sean: i will put them on my website,, whether or not lou holtz should run. that is all the time we have left this evening. greta is standing by. we will see you back here tomorrow. greta: well, he fought hard. senator ted kennedy, the head of the kennedy clan, fought hard, but he lost his battle with brain cancer. >> the work goes on, because -- the cause endures, and the dream will never die. greta: you will hear more from senator kennedy in his own words, and karl rove talks about working with senator kennedy, what it was like to work with him and against him. plus, do you want to dish out more than $1 billion for
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farmers' markets and jungle gyms? if you do not pay attention, you might be dishing this adds. steve moore is here to explain. but first, we spoke to a senior adviser to president bush, karl rove. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me, greta. greta: the news that has consumed everyone in the last 24 hours has been senator kennedy's death. i assume a while you were here in washington, you had a chance to work with him -- i assume what you were here. >> he was hard-working. when you went to a meeting with ted kennedy, as we did many times at the white house, you had better had done your homework, because he did is. this is a guy that got every morning and said, "how can i advance because i believe in?" heç was a fervent advocate, and he did his homework, so i had a great deal of respect f]r him
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after i saw how hard he applied himself, particularly in comparison to a lot of people around him. he was an outgoing person, very friendly when he came to the white house, very courteous, a generous person. i found it hard to compare the person that i saw or the person that i saw with sambito or john roberts, particularly sambito and robert bork -- sam salida. i thought it was beneath the dignity of a senator and beneath the dignity of a candidate -- sam alito. i did have a healthy respect for his commitment. greta: what is interesting is that politics really is a contact sport in many ways, and some people can say such horrible, rotten things about each other, but they can work together for the common good. it is interesting how fluid the
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situation is. >> look. i think you can have a big, forbids the disagreement, -- for the disagreement, and with all due respect to senator kennedy, i think what he said about robert bork was not good, and i think what he said that samuel and beto diminish senator kennedy, not just as a leader of -- i think what he said about sam alito diminished senator kennedy, not just as richard justice alito. i would occasionallyç walk through the west wing of the white house, and there would be senator kennedy sitting there with margaret spellings surrounded by stacks of paper goingç through intimate, small, precise amendments and language of the bill, and it was not that's senator kennedy felt that he needed to take president
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bush's time of this. he knew he had authorized margaret spellings to be his negotiator, so senator kennedy had no ego in dealing with the policy chief rather than having to sit down with the president to on-air out subsection 43, paragraph five. -- rather than having to sit down with the president to acquire a out that section. -- to iron out that subsection. no one knew the nuances and language like he did. what about the health-care debate in this city? >> i year a lot of democrats say and some commentators that this gives health care a big boost, after having a bad august, it gives it some energy coming into september, but i doubt it. that may be the case. i do not think people are looking to pass a bill that changes their health care, make
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their health care wars, spends $1 trillion? change as a whole big chunk of the condit -- make their health care worse. changes the whole big chunk of the economy. i do not think at the end of the day members of congress are going to feel comfortable going home to say, "i know the bill was bad, but i voted on it because it had kennedy's name on it." greta: getting 60 votes on any bill, one less person in their corner. >> an interesting point. between now and the election, it is likely to be in january. i needi find out if there is a runoff, which may take longer, but now,ç they have 59 votes, o they cannot bring cloture. they just cannot ram it through with 60 democrats sustaining a cloture vote. so if it is going to be interesting to see how harry
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reid handles and. he has got a terrible job. the job of the majority leader in the senate has enough responsibility but not enough authority to match it, and he already faces a contentious senate, and it will be interesting to see how he handles it. greta: one of the things i just missed, or maybe i am a full, but suppose this bill does not get passed. let's say the president flat out loses on this. why can they not go home for one week and then start it back up again? why do we have this fixation that it has to be this one by a certain time? >> yes, it is because the president made it that way. the president said he wanted a bill out of the house and senate at the end of july. i thought it was a mistake on the administration's part, on the president's part, to set that deadline, because this complex bill, i mean, this bill is huge. this is a big piece of
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legislation, and members have to take a large amount of time to digest it, and by setting the deadline, he already set himself up for defeat. but you are right. they can start it again. if they start it again, does the president make the same mistakes he made earlier this year, or does he recognize the error of his ways and come out in a different direction? i would say three mistakes. he turned it over to the house of representatives, for them to write it with out any republican votes. there was the critical elements of the bill. is he for a public option or against a public option? and thirdly, does he personally intervene in this process in orderç to make sure that theres a true bipartisan bill? the president has sort of defined by partisanship in this and thatç republicans did into everything their democratic colleagues want, and "i do not take any responsibility for the bill." greta: no public option.
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if a bill is passed minus that public option -- i do not know if it will be -- but do they do what lawyers do when they walk out of the courthouse and said that both sides won? do they announce that it was a great victory? >> if the bill passes without a public option, he has to say, but i was for it, but at the end of the day with people coming together, it did not work out. i thought it was useful, but at the end of the day, give it to what the bill actually does." it may be that he cannot get a bill with a public option, and he cannot get a bill without a public option. he cannot get a bill without a public option because he may ñihave a bunch of people on the left of the party, the sort of crowd, that he does not have the votes, or, click, and enough democrats are signaling that they are against the public option in the senate that he may not be able to get
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the bill passed in the senate "tdemocrats that say, "i cannot vote on a bill that has a public option in it," so they do not have enough votes for a cloture. i think the president is missing an opportunity here. there are some things where there could be some bipartisan agreement, and he is not trying item to move a separate- he has also made a mistake and that he has made the financing financing of this is dependent on medicaid and medicare cuts, and not just restricting the future growth, but absolutely cutting the money that will be spent on some of these programs, like medicare advantage. if i have this in my column tomorrow morning in "the wall street journal." one out of every five seniors have a medicare advantage plan that will be demolished by the president obama health-care plan. this is seniors in every congressional district.
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that is enough to tip aíyç closr race, and if you are a have got to be thinkingç about what happens when president of, once to cut medicare and our medicare advantage program and kill it in order to pay for this health-care plan that you are already suspicious about -- what to cut medicare and medicareamt- advantage programs -- the president wants to. greta: stay tuned for more with karl rove, and former governor sarah palin is under attack, and they are targeting her friends. what friends, and how are they doing it? stick around. you will find out. and you can save up to $43 every month. we'll look at every detail and help you get the right coverage at the right price. our first priority is looking out for you.
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they are urging people to go to town hall meetings in support of the bill. i found interesting than they are sort of so overtly doing it. >> they had to. they can smell the difference between áhe seiu and the teamsters busing people in who are being paid a wage, and there is the kind of ppáárjz that they are seeing from ordinary americans showing up at town hall meetings. i get a lot of emails. they say, "look, i've never been involved in politics." "i am a democrat." "i am a republican." org "i am an independent." this has touched and lot of people. the last box poll shows how strong the opposition is. i may be wrong -- the latest xbox poll shows that. i think it is 30% of democrats
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do not support the president's plan -- the latest fox pioll. oll. çin the abc/"the washington po" poll, ç40% support it, 50% thie opposed it, and many strongly opposed this plan while only 27% strongly supported it. those numbers of got to be discombobulated -- have got to be discombobulated for the people in the white house. even a significant amount of democrats who do not like what the president is proposing to do on health care. greta: do you think president obama, or rahm emanuel, is making daily calls that say, "get your democrats in line"? just as sort of a flight on the wall, is back and forth with kerry reid saying, "this is your
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job to a range this"? -- is back and forth with harry reid. >> whether they can peel olympia snowe of, or whether they have3 last weekend, senator schumer, the former head of a senatorial committee, and he has big leverage inside the democratic caucus, he said, in essence, we are ready to go without republican votes. we will do it with 51 votes as part of what is called "budget reconciliation." i think this was a threat. this is indicative of seven minds of some of the key letters -- leaders, whi(r is, "forget working with republicans. we do not need a bipartisan bill. we are willing to go forward with democrats only and try this risky procedure of reconciliation which would require only 51 votes."
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i have talked to some experts who say there are real problems with the democrats in doing this. it cannot be pulledç off with e ease that chuck schumer talked about on sunday. greta: do you thinkç senator harry reid is in trouble? his numbers are slipping down, but, politically, for him back home? >> yes, look, his numbers are dreadful in nevada. not only that, it spilled over with an effect to his son, though is running for governor, and there is a twice failed candidate running for office, and basketball coach, and he is losing by 5 points to a former republican state assemblywoman who is a state chairman. i mean, harry reid's numbers are dreadful, abysmal. it is partly due to president obama and to a very negative reaction to president obama by
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the people in nevada, but mostly, it is harry reid. he is not representing the values of nevada but washington valleys. he has become more unreliable and more liberal than he is trying to convey back comments, ann's, guess what? his numbers are dreadful -- that he is trying to convey back home, and, guess what? his numbers are dreadful. greta: i wonder to what extent his sort of slipping numbers at home undermine him, corralling his senators to figure out this bill? >> i am not sure it has much impact on it excepted the degree that it makes a more engaged in is own business -- except to the degree that makes him more engaged in is own business. again, that is the worst job in the world. trent lott wanted to have it, and senator mcconnell which want to have it, and harry reid has it, but once you have it, it is
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a difficult job. remember, there are a bunch of more senior democrats that have a more liberalç viewpoint then harry reid. he is sort of a western moderate, or he came as a western monarch -- have a more liberal viewpoint then harry reidç -- than harry reid. they let him have it. as a result, he has always had sort of a weak control over his caucus. again, i do not waná to talk about the specifics, but i am talking about this and my book because he would say, "i will do x," but he had no ability to do x, and the democrats would say, "that is just harry trying to create atl." greta: karl rove, thank you --
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just terry tried to create a deal -- just harry trying to create a deal. and there is a dispute going on with the libyan leader and new jersey. i was in the grocery store when i had a heart attack. my daughter was with me. i took a bayer aspirin out of my purse and chewed it. my doctor said the bayer aspirin saved my life. please talk to your doctor about aspirin and your heart. i'm going to be grandma for a long time.
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greta: all right, you all knows steve moore. he is here m&a and nine. he has been sifting through these massive health care bills, and he is talking about $1.60 billion for farmers' markets and your favor, and jungle gyms. all right, steve. jungle gyms? it is different to stimulate the economy and the health-care reform. >> pages 382 to 392 in the bill. it is amazing what you find out when you do read this bill, and there are provisions in the bill, for jungle gyms, for parks, for urban farmers' markets, for bicycle trails. greta: who has got their fingerprints on this, by the way? >> we do not know. there are a number of groups that testified when they were drafting the bill of that these would be things to help
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may, but you have;háo ask aboua bill that is supposed to be reforming the health-insurance market, do we need to be spending over $1ñbillion on these programs? greta: that is not a small amount of money. $1.60 billion or $1.80 billion. >> it sure is. , $1.80 billion. greta: that could rescue some of the smaller states almost. >> that is right. you have the state of rhode island, where they have to shut down the government for 10 days. "tstuff in year. there will be sort of health o intowill be sort of health business is, that will go into restaurants, that will go into schools and make sure that they have healthy food and all of this stuff. greta: belonging in the stimulus
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bill? >> if you run a business, do you want some kind of health, cop coming into your business? greta: i did not say i was in favor of it. i just notice the irony that it was health-care reform so people could get health insurance so they could take care of their physical health needs, and this type of pork that gets shoved into this bill, and if there was pork to be shoved in a bill, you would expect it to be in the çstimulus bill. >> the way the members look at it, remember, we talked about theç other night the devils a f trillions of dollars. nobody is going to notice this. nobody reads the bill. greta: but who did this? somebody has done this? >> i will report back tomorrow night. greta: it is probably somebody
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is brother-in-law is a manufacturer of jungle gyms. who came up with this idea? that is the other thing. is that a staffer is says, "how about this? $1.60 billion for jungle gyms and police to see if whether or not people are sq&ling good food." >> wellness programs and incentives, and of the optrjju @ menus, reducing racial and ethnic disparities, and it goes on and on. greta: this has nothing to do with health insurance, and if the theme is that we become better at e.d. in the short term, we get healthier in the stupid way of doing it by creating more government. >> if there is no doubt that if people be healthier lifestyles, and if they eat better, if they exercise, -- if people have healthier lifestyles --
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greta: it would be better to have the public service announcement. "do not need too many -- eat too many fries." çthank you. coming up, one of the best ways to knowç of a person is to hear directly from that person rather than people talkr'g about that person. senator ted kennedy this morning died, and in a few moments, you will hear senator ted kennedy in his own words, and later, court it or just shady? it or juhem out to the tune of billions of dollars, did they hide something from you? are things totally out of control? you decide. against acid attack. only crest pro-health toothpastes protect all these areas dentists check most. new crest pro-health enamel shield.
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generic prescription for $4. amandashe's also able to get a three-month supply for just $10. sandrai just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. vo: save money. live better. walmart. you all want to run your businesses more efficiently, so we've brought in a team of experts to help. one suggestion is to make your shipping more efficient with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. call or go online for a free supply and up to $160 in offers from authorized postage vendors.
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brain cancer early this morning, and this just in to fox. senator john mccain will speak for senator kennedy this friday in boston, and today, senator mccain said the late senator was someone to, quote, ", always kept his word." he was a political dynasty filled with triumphs and tragedies, and there was president kennedy and senator kennedy, both assassinated, his older brother shot down and killed in world war two, and, of course, his nephew died in a plane crash. he was known as "the alliance of the senate -- the lion of the senate." he devoted himself to reforming health care, calling it "because of -- the cause of hisç kufe == çlife."
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senator kennedy in his own words. >> from our experience, my brother jack's, bob's, mine, in our travels around the state, there has been every indication that people are interested in the man and what he represents. we have lived through periods of more faith and violence than perhaps any timeñin the history of our country. it is the likes of which we must never and can never lived through again. as we approach the 1970's, we must keep in mind the events of the 1960's, and it has been said we lived the past we have forgotten. he saw suffering and try to heal it, saw a war and tried to stop
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it. for all of those whose cares about and our concern, the market goes on, -- the work goes on , the cause endures, and the hope lives on. that we never lose sight, and that we view ourselves with a sense of perspective and a sense of humor. in today's global economy, the quality of the nation's work force is its most important asset. investing more inç america's workers is the key to america's future economic success. how many times are theyç not going to pay their utilities?ñ+ this is what we are talking about. hard-working americans that deserve a living wage. this issue is as old as the last 70 years in the united states
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it, but we have come together at this important time of decency and fairness for working americans. i, for one, am tired of being on the floor of the united states senate, where virtually every member of the united states senate has a good health insurance program, and is subsidized by each and everyone of you that are out there. the torch will be passed again to lay new generation of americans -- to a new generation of americans, so with barack obama and for you and for me, our country will be committed to his cause. the work begins a new. the hope of rises again, and the dream lives on.
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greta: a true public servants, senator ted kennedy will be buried on friday at arlington national cemetery. next up on "the record," yes, you are going to be livid. of dollars in bonuses, and whys- are they doing that, and are they hiding soscáhing from you? and president obama sending a private jets -- and a president sending a private jet to california to bring home a terrace. pitching a tent in new jersey. you'll meet one very angry neighbor, next. -- to bring, a terrorist -- to bring home a terrorist. i have t. huh. the new lightweight hp mini netbook with windows and america's largest and most-reliable
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index science nutrisystem d works. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! new! nutrisystem d. lose weight. live better. call or click today. greta: there is much more "on áhe record ahea" ahead, but fire go to our new york newsroom with uma pemmaraju. >> and possible h1n1 outbreak has prompted the government to order millions of doss of vaccine. the complete order will probably not be ready by october -- a possible outbreak. the fda is still expected to approve it. just-released government numbers reveal nearly 700,000 cars were sold in the cash for clunkers program, close to $3 billion in
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new car sales. toyota, honda, nissan account for 41% of the cars bought, and they worry that inventory shortages in the interim will keep prices high and drive down the sales of new vehicles. i am uma pemmaraju. now, back to "on the record." stay with us. greta: did somebody do something really shady? this is what we know. bank of america bought merrill lynch in this winter. merrill lynch wasç going under when it was bought with its executives were awarded big time. they got $3.60 billion in bonuses. now, here is the shady part. the shareholders were not told of the $3.60 billion paid to executives at merrill lynch. bank of america and got expos. the sec jumped into it, hit bank of america with a civil suit, and now, that suit may be
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settled with millions of dollars, but a federal judge may say not so fast. he wants to know whose idea it was to hide the bonuses. it was yours during a caught my attention, louise. attention, louisour story that t my attention. >> it was somebody looking for some answers. greta: what ij the excuse the bank is giving? the judge wants to know, a ok, who sort of hid this from the shareholders and thought it would be ok to do it -- the judge wants to know, ok, who's sort of hit this from the shareholders and thought it would be a gate -- this sort of hid this from the shp)eholders
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and thought it would be ok? >> there is a turney-client privilege, so right now, they are not speaking -- there is a turning-client privilege -- a ttorney-client privilege. greta: all right, i read in york "the new york times" article, why can they just notç waive that -- i read in your article that. >> bank of america ha&o asserted 550 pages of privileged documents that they do not want the sec to review, and they are relying on the attorney-client privilege. they told the sec that you relied on your lawyer is a vice.
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you may have waived attorney- client privilege by doing so -- on your lawyers advise -- more yea-- lawyer's advice. greta: they paid billions to the merrill lynch executives. we do not know where that money came from. the shareholders have to pay that. then, the sec its n n slaps them with a fee. again, the shareholders have to pay that penalty if the judge oks it -- the judge hits them with a fee. so they paid $3.60 billion, $33 million, and attorney's fees. the judge must be furious. >> why executives are not being called to be responsibleand
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even yesterday wondering what the lawyers were not being irresponsible. -- what the lawyers were not being responsible -- why they were not. taxpayers are shareholders of bank of america, so this is really a public interest issue. greta: it is. it is a great story you wrote in "the new york times perper thank you. >> thank you. ì(lc@&c+ that you wrote in "the new york times." thank you. check out these housing plans for moammar gaddafi. he wants to pitch a bedouin tent there, something he does when he travels, but the neighbors are fuming. why? well, for starters, muammar qaddafi gave a killer of the welcome of a hero.
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he was released from jail after only eight years. the scottish government released them on compassionate grounds because they say he has terminal cancer, but people are furious. he killed 270 people. do the math. that is about 14 days per murder. many of them were from new jersey. we spoke to one very angry residents. in particular, a rabbi. rabbi, is nice to see you, sir, in person. we have spoken before. >> we have. greta: where are we? >> we are in a suburb of new york city, across the hudson, and we are only minutes from the town of manhattan. greta: there is some noise in the background. what is that? >> they are -- bret: is "they -- greta: who is "date -- "they"?
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>> the libyans. it is supposed to be the second residents of the libyan ambassador to the united states. for years, the building was completely and utterly derelicts. it was overgrown, a community eyesore, and about three months ago, it sprung to life -- and utterly derryl at -- derelict. when youç are a middle eastern and dictator, whose regime set afloat of an ocean of oil, and youç have a lot of money to spend, even for your two-week jaunt in new jersey. muammar qaddafi has the habit of pitching is bedouin tent under which to receive visitors when he travels abroad. he had no place to pitch in that tent. he asked for a permit in central park and was turned down. if you looked at the level of expenditure that is going on
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here, you can see is staggering. it was a derelict property. it did not have a roof. this fence is brand new. my offense was taken down without my having been informed, without my permission, without my authorization -- my fence was taken down. i was not informed. they cut down all of my trees, and you do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand why. he cmes with an army to protect compromise.r privacy is entirel- uno is what state of the art eavesdropping devices they will use. this is the last thing that we need -- who knows what state-of- the-art eavesdropping devices they will use? i am a rabbi. he is contentious with human life. his behavior over the weekend with a welcoming and mass murderer who killed 270 people,
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including many americans, including many residents of new jersey, returning to him as a hero, that was stomach turning. al-megrahi, the lockerbie bombing, was a member of libyan intelligence. he was not officially a terrorist. he carried out the ordersç to place the bomb on pan am 103 which went off over lockerbie, piniella is what these guys are involved in? can you imagine these families 20 years later are just beginning to get on with their lives, and now, they have to feel this shocking horror of having to see their murderer, not just being welcomed home, but being welcomed times as a hero, this coward? and what did he do? he put a bomb on a plane with innocent people, any blew them up, where people were dismembered, over a small scottish town, and this man is a hero? this is utterly inappropriate.
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greta: , are you the only one in this neighborhood saying this? who is speaking bqár"e you? >> we are a unified voice, and we have a big rally oñ sunday where the residents are going to make their voices heard. we dz not want them here. we do not want a terrorist here. "t#inancier here. we do not want him here. -- we do not want a terrorist fiancée your -- financier here. greta: coming up, sarah palin, and mark sanford has a bombshell. plus, painting the town red, literally. we are not kidding you. make sure you stick around for this. applebee's 2 for $20!
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announcer: for many, one prescription nexium pill a day can heal damage to the esophagus that acid reflux disease may cause over time. and nexium can provide 24-hour heartburn relief. headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are possible side effects of nexium and other serious stomach conditions may still exist.
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greta: you have seen our top stories, but here is the best of the rest. former governor sarah palin is under attack, a cyber attack. well, sort of. since leaving office, she has been using facebook to post messages, and she had 800,000 facebook friends, and now, when her 800,000 followers log on to herk page, they see anti-palin
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messages. one says to have for stop lying çabout death panels. -- log on to per page. -- herç page. and a super sized food fight. do not worry. that is just a matter. 40,000 people are involved. parte years came from as far as japan and australia. the party is in its 64th year. ole. he may be running out of places to go. first, ms. white said, "it is time to go." and now, the lieutenant governor is saying it is time for him to go -- first, his wife said that. now, legality of governor sandford's travels are being
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investigated. >> it is my belief that the people can no longer be served.3 already been revealed, along with the lingering questions and can distractions, -- and continuing distractions need a change in leadership. greta: cella governor mark >> the end in my time up politics will be in the end of 16 months, but i do want to make the most of it. i will not be railroaded out of this office by political opponents or folks who were never fans of mine in the first place. greta: well, we guess that is a "no." and the)e you have it, the best of the rest, but still ahead,
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your last caller, one more quick round before we turn down the lights. çtiger woods. what is it? you will see,ç but you will hae to stick around just a couple of minutes. -% he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old! - oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go.
10:56 pm
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10:58 pm
10:59 pm
greta: 11:00 is almost here. flash the studio lights. something in common with president obama and tiger woods. >> denying rumors that president obama has plans to play a round of golf with the tiger woods. they say it is not going to happen. however, president obama is going to ask tiger woods of the government can borrow? $300 trillion. $300 trillion.
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