tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 27, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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morning 10:00 eastern time. 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. for all of us on the news team, thanks for trusting us for your news and information. mr. bill o'reilly is next. good night. laura: "the o'reilly factor" is on, tonight. >> we need affordable, accessible, health care. that's what he dedicated his life to. in his memory i will do everything i can to help achieve that goal. laura: are democrats using senator ted kennedy's death to push for health care reform. will it hurt or help their cause? >> i believe that the cia's best days are still yet to come. ufer will have my support as you carry on this critical work. laura: but with the attorney general investigating the cia and threatening to prosecute interrogators, some say the administration is waving the white flag in the war on terror. [sirens]
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and president obama now wants september 11th to be a national day of service. is that the best way to remember the thousands of americans who lost their lives on that day? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute laura: hi, everyone. i'm laura ingraham, reporting tonight for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us. playing politics with senator kennedy's death. that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. it only took a few hours after the death of ted kennedy for democrats to begin using his death to guilt lawmakers and the public into supporting obama care. poll after poll shows us that the people don't want this massive government intrusion into our medical choices, yet, democrats don't seem to care.
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slap the kennedy name on the bill and, fast forward to the signing ceremony. this is emotional manipulation of the rankest order. democrats have tried this tactic before. remember, 2002, remember when the funeral service for minnesota senator paul well stone was underway and it turned into a raucous democratic campaign rally for walter mondale? it was embarrassing and exploitative and we know how that one turned out. now the democrats are playing the death card again. wrapping their wildly unpopular health care bill in the sentimental gauze of ted kennedy's memory. decency and good taste aside, this is a huge mistake. any of bill that would take control of a sixth of the american economy should rise or fall on its own merits and should not be used as some mod lynn tribute to some adeceased senator. even as one as iconic and loved as ted kennedy. senator kennedy's personal generosity and graciousness is being fondly remembered today
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and tomorrow and for months to come. and that is aappropriate. we should not forget senator kennedy's liberal vision for america never became a reality. during his lifetime, he was on the losing side of almost every major issue. from nuclear disarmament, to welfare, reform, for amnesty to illegal aliens. and today the impassioned opposition to obama care at these town hall events is yet another public repudiation of senator kennedy's political vision. so, if democrats think that calling nationalized health care the ed ward kennedy memorial health care act is going to safe it? history teaches us another lesson. shut democrats proceed down this membershippive path, the next big memorial will be for the democratic majority in congress. and that's the memo. now on to our top story. a different take on this. joining us from new york, democratic strategist tara dowel and conservative columnist andrea tantaros.
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this is a tough subject because the country is remembering the contributions of senator kennedy whether you are republican or democrat, you honor the man's memory and what he tried to do with people. whether you disagree with him or agree with him. what's happening with the democratic party and the attempt to use his death to ram this bill through, i think is frankly disgusting. andrea, your take. >> well, that's absolutely right. i mean last week they played the god card. now as you said in your memo, they are playing the death card. i think it is pretty pitiful when you have to invoke the memory of a deceased senator to get your bill through. look, i think they are completely overestimating the power of the kennedy name. ted kennedy was an icon for liberal. he was not the hero that -- this guy was a god to one side of the party. frankly, laura. the reason that this bill is being rejected and spit out by the american people is because it's a liberal bill. so further branding it with a liberal icon is not going to move the masses.
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you can motivate by emotion, but you must persuade through reason and democrats have still failed to do that. >> hey, tara, the most recent gallup poll just out just broke just crossed the wires. president obama has fallen to yet another new low in the gallup approval rating. he is now at only 50% approval down a few more points. 47% disapprove. now, how is this going to somehow revive obama care when the people have actually looked at what's in the bill and have are a soundingly rejected it. how is ted kennedy's funeral and the memory of ted kennedy supposed to save a bill that the president himself is unable to save? >> this is not about using ted kennedy's death to pass this bill. this is about continuing his legacy. this is a man who referred to health care reform as the cause of his life. this is someone who has been since the 1970s has been fighting for this issue. so, celebrating his legacy by
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naming the bill after him is a contribute to him. it's not being done in any kind of exploitative way. laura: tara, you have listened to some the commentary, some the things being said on some of the other cable news programs about how barack obama is the last brother remaining? you know, one of our friends on another cable network said that the other morning. i was like what did i just hear from you? i disagree that there is not an attempt to use this moment as a very emotional moment for a lot -- >> -- cable news networks. i'm talking about our elected officials. laura: nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi right after ted kennedy died made an impassioned plea to, again, get this bill passed to honor ted kennedy. she said ted kennedy's dream of quality health care for all americans will be made real this year because of his leadership and his inspiration. you are saying she is not using ted kennedy to try to push through a bill that has been rejected poll after poll? >> you can't use someone when it's something that person would want. this is what ted kennedy would want.
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this is what he spent his life fighting for. >> yes, you can. >> who want you to continue his legacy. >> lawyer remarks i think ted kennedy know in in this bill's current form it wouldn't have passed. >> let's put the american people aside. let's look at why democrats don't have the votes for this in congress. conservative democrat senators snow this is not going to go over well in their districts. so, the people back in these conservative states and these midwestern states, they don't care about ted kennedy, frankly, you could call it the brad pitt national health care plan. it's a stinker. it's not going to get run through. >> i need to make another point. there is still millions of americans who do support this bill. i just spoke with someone who is multiple sclerosis medicine cost $4,000 a month. one of her biggest fears is that if she loses her job, what is she going to do? >> sure, and there are a lot of waves to handle this problem. >> this presupposes why have a job tomorrow. i understand there are some who support obama care. they don't want a nationalized healthcare system or pass the nationalized health care.
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i think andrea touched on something very important here. i don't think the unemployed factory worker in ohio or some stay at home mom in cuss can a loose is a frankly really care that ted kennedy used to have dinner and back slap with orrin hatch. that's nice for the beltway manhattan crowd where that seems to matter for most people they are thinking what are you people doing to grow this economy? how is this going to bring down the health care costs of this country instead of create another massive entitlement program that drives us into the ground? that's what people care about. they don't care about bipartisanship. >> they have failed -- the administration has failed to answer the most important question that everybody is asking. that is what is in it for me? they don't care about all these other mixed messages they have sent. and democrats have failed to answer that question. >> i would love to answer that question. >> trying to motivate by slapping ted kennedy's name on and do it in like you said some guilty way to get them go-to-gout on a vote -- laura: tara, go ahead. >> i would like to eaten that
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question. the notion that this doesn't help everyone is false because any of us have vulnerable. unless you are warren buffet, you are vulnerable. we are in very difficult financial times. so to have more affordable health care coverage if you lose your job like the 575 people a day in georgia. if that happens, this presupposes that we are all going to be ok. laura: 78% of americans polled said they like their health care. they either rate it excellent or very good. >> but 7 9% say their premiums are too high. don't realize salaries are lower because employers are actually taking the money to go towards health care rather than put it toward salary. laura: we don't want to get into just a debate about health care here but what i think has happened is that as americans see that the federal government has just underestimated the deficit by $2 trillion. not exactly a rounding error. so they don't believe what the federal officials are saying about the cost of obama care or kennedy care or whatever we are calling it today. but we appreciate both of you
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joining us. thanks a lot andrea and tara. directly ahead, george stephanopoulos from abc news is going to be here to weigh in on the passing of senator ted kennedy. is the war on terror over? some believe that the obama administration has lost the will to fight islamic extremism. and we are going to debate it. if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol... a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. of the world's most revered luxury sedan. this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars...
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laura: in the impact segment tonight, we continue with our coverage of the death of senator edward kennedy and what it could mean for the future of health care reform. joining us now from new york abc news chief washington correspondent george stephanopoulos who has interviewed senator kennedy a number of times. george, look, the contributes have been pouring in over the last 48 hours for senator kennedy and emotions are running high for sure. >> that's for sure. what we were talking about last segment is what the democrats have been saying about senator kennedy, obviously laud tore
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commence, many republicans as well. but the attempt to resuscitate health care reform right now, wrapping it into the, you know, the memory of ted kennedy, do you think that's going to be successful? >> i think first of all there isn't anything wrong with saying, now he, let's work on health care, pass health care to honor ted kennedy's memory because that's what he wanted. this is something he fought for throughout his 47 years in the senate. and i do think there is a chance that the passing of senator kennedy is going to at least change some of the tone of the debate. you know, perhaps make it a little more civil on the floor of the senate and the house. i don't think his death though is going to have any significant impact on what happens on the whole dynamic of this debate substantively or where it goes from here. laura: the new poll numbers you just alluded to gallup showing now new all time low for president obama today down to 50% approval. other polls obviously have him
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lower. the recent days don't seem to have helped him either, could would he be seeing a new strategy coming out from the democratic party on how to refashion or repackage this or are they basically where they are going to be? >> i think there is going to have to be a new strategy. that's actually where the importance of invoking senator kennedy's memory comes from. you know, when you say you want to have a bill in honor of senator kennedy, you are not speaking to conservative democrats. you are not speaking to republicans. you are speaking to liberal democrats. you are speaking to progressive democrats. i think the white house knows and most democrats who follow this closely know that if anything is going to pass this year, it's going to have to be a scaled back version of what the president has called for. it's pretty clear right now that there aren't the votes in the senate to pass a public health insurance option as much as a majority of democrats in the house would like it. it's not going to get through the senate right now and i think that what democrats may try to do is remind people of another side of the kennedy legacy. that was kennedy the
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compromiser. kennedy the negotiator. the man who was willing to take a portion, incream mental gain even if he couldn't get everything he was calling for. that's what ted kennedy did when he helped pass the americans for disability act. that's what he did when he helped work with president bush. no child left behind in 2003. and that's what's going to have to happen here. laura: now, when you think about what his effect has been on the political landscape, and i'm talking about america's political viewpoint. do you think that america itself has been transformed i had logically in any way by ted kennedy? >> i don't know about i had logically. but i think if you look at his 47 years, in the senate. if you look at his legislative record, 2500 bills drafted, 300 signed into law. if you look at the big debates at the was at the center of, those civil rights bills i just talked, about including the voting rights act, the expansion of the children's health insurance program, the
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children's state health insurance program he worked on with senator orrin hatch, a republican, his involvement all the major judicial -- >> that's true, george. but his approval rating, when you go back and try to find his most recent approval rating, it's not like people in like missouri or arkansas -- the idea that people like in arkansas are colorado are sitting around going oh my god, thank god we had someone in the senate who is going out to dinner with like, you know, jesse helms. i mean, isn't that great? no one cares about that except inside the beltway people who focus on this quest for bipartisanship that most people don't care about. >> i was trying to make that point a minute ago. i don't disagree with you. he was always a polarizing figure with the public. he didn't shift the ideological follow crumb of the united states. laura: he didn't have the effect president reagan did which he really was transformative.
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>> i think that's right he was a transformative figure. president obama said the same thing. took a little heat for it in the middle of the campaign. that is true. he was a president. after all. ted kennedy's impact was as as a legislature first and foremost. i think that's where the message of his death has to be targeted right now and as i said i think it's going to have to be liberal democrats in the house who absorb the lesson of ted kennedy and say let's take what we can take at this time. one of ted kennedy's greatest regrets in his career is that he didn't accept the health care proposal put forward by richard nixon back in 1972, which was a start towards universal health care. he looked back on that moment and said that was a time when democrats should have compromised. laura: the relationship between ted kennedy and the clintons obviously your old boss bill clinton and he were very different in their approaches to issues and problems. ted kennedy the liberal lion, bill clinton more of the dlc top, more of a moderate democrat
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on many issuesment tell us about that. >> i think that is true. there is no question about that it was a real sore spot for president clinton as you know. and if you haven't read the book on the 2008 campaign, they have a terrific blow-by-blow phone calls he made to ted kennedy before he made that enforcement of president obama, then senator obama. they also did work together on a lot of issues. including that expansion of the snat health insurance program in 1997 where i think ted kennedy had the most impact was after democrats lost control of the house in 1994, he came in and even though bill clinton was moving to the center in a lot of ways, was working with dick morris and trying to triangulate the liberal democrats in many ways, ted kennedy also gave him the advice to pick a couple of issues. especially an issue like medicare and draw the line there make the stand there. and make you're fight there and that's exactly what bill clinton
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did do during the government shutdown in 19 -- in late 1995. laura: there was not a lot of love loss between the clintons and the kennedy's, right? >> i don't think that's exactly right. there actually was pretty great affection by -- especially by the end of his presidency between the president and senator kennedy. i think that's why it hurt so much when senator kennedy ended up endorsing senator obama during the campaign. laura: george, great to sigh. thanks. >> take care. >> laura: is the obama's administration decision to -- why is president obama making 9/11 a national day of service? critics say is he trying to white wash america's memories of that horrific day. we'll get to it.
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they taste fresh... say it again! what? say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you were good too! but you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew... yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like...
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lawyer hour in the factor follow up segment tonight, is the obama administration doing all it can to keep america safe. some think eric holder's decision to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate possible cia abuse is hurting our ability to keep america safe. dan henninger wrote in the "wall street journal" today:
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laura: with us now my old classmate who worked on bill clinton's security council. great to see you. >> great to see you. laura: how many american lives are we willing to put in jeopardy for these principles of the way we should treat detainees during interrogation? because it's clear that we saved american lives with these enhanced interrogation techniques, no? >> i don't think that that is clear. and i think the office of inspector general report that just came out from the cia also raises questions to that effect. what's interesting is that the office of inspector general's report starts by noting that allegations of human rights abuse and mistakes by interrogators, those allegations were made by cia employees who were worried about human rights violations. and the fact that this was
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undercutting cia objectives, so the report was self-reporting, which i take very seriously. i think that the obama administration made a good decision to take a review of what happened to find out -- laura: the president said he wanted to look forward and not look backward. when people say eric holder's decision. this is barack obama's decision to go back and dredge up the bush administration's, you know, quote misdeeds and interrogations. is it not? this is the president driving this. >> eric holder has made clear that those cia interrogators who acted in good faith and in keeping with the guidelines are not going to be prosecuted. laura: why are cia interrogations not going to be done anymore? they will be done by a fbi special commission. >> it's going to be done by interagency task force. laura: i love interagency task forces. >> that's important you don't want information to be bulk niced between agencies. the review of the special prosecutor is whether or not guidelines were violated by interrogators. not whether those guidelines that were followed resulted in
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some kind of criminal act by the interrogators. that's important. we don't want rogue government employees. laura: what is also outlined in this report and a lot of this is not new news. what was outlined in the report is that there was a meticulous follow-up by the justice department and the cia in monitoring what was being done in these interrogations. sometimes hour by hour updates going back and forth from the places where they were being interrogated back to washington. so, the idea that if people would just often doing whatever they wanted, i'm sure always bad apples in every group. it seems to me they were meticulous in how they were monitoring in what was going on. >> actually, i don't think they were that meticulous. laura: that's what the report says. the "new york times" also reported that this week. >> the objective of the special prosecutor will to be to clarify that what this initial review will do will bring out evidence as to what was done, what was not done to protect evidence in this type of thing. one of the things that's unclear to me is this destruction of videotapes.
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and it's important that the special prosecutor that holder has appointed to do this review is the same special prosecutor appointed by a republican, appointed by mukasey who is reviewing the possible destruction of videotapes at the cia. possible destruction of evidence. and i think we need to know that because, you know, in the end, lawyer remarks what's going to keep us safe is not brutality. brutality breeds terror it doesn't defeat it. laura: cankhalid sheik mohammedd reveal incredible information by the examination of this report. a lot of it is redacted in a way that wind indicate that useful information, classified information was garnered from these interrogations. he wasn't very forth coming before the waterboarding. after, you know, dozens and dozens of waterboarding he did reveal some useful information. i think it's a mistake for democrats to try to go out there and tell the american people that these hardened terrorists were not giving any useful information during these enhanced interrogations.
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it turns out that they were. >> you know, laura, it's not a democrat versus republican thing. let's keep america safe thing. >> right. and we haven't had an attack in the last eight years. do you think that's just a coincidence that we haven't had an attack? >> most important thing is that we find out what techniques were. the report itself. laura: now that we have revealed all our techniques to would-be terrorists they know what to prepare for. we have turned it all over to them. i have a question for you. would you sign up to be an interrogator for the cia today or fbi, whoever is doing it? would you stick your neck out up against a hardened terrorist who we know has useful information to keep americans safe. would you stick your neck out and do that? >> you know, laura. laura: i don't think most people would. i salute those people who risk their lives and their health by. laura: going to be prosecuted and demoralized. >> overseas and interrogators and so forth. the best thing that can be done to help them is to give them clear guidelines as to what works there was a real vagueness
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early on after september 11th that allowed people to do what they want. and chasing people around with power drills and throwing people on the floor threatening people's families. that's kind of. laura: the amount of water that could be used. how many times they could be waterboarded. within the course of, you know, two days. i mean all this information was out. >> there misuse of law and violations of due process at home threaten our strategic objectives abroad. laura: well, we didn't -- well, all this soft power has really helped scotland really helped us recently with the release of a lockerbie bomber. how is soft power working for us. >> that was a terrible decision. laura: plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. president obama wants to make 9/11 a national day of service. is that how we should remember the 3,000 americans killed that day by muslim fanatics. more bad news on the economy this week. critics are saying the stimulus isn't working. it's time to come up with a plan that does work.
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progress... it starts with more models than toyota or honda with an epa estimated 30 miles per gallon highway or better. next, it's a lineup of hybrids that fit the way you live, and one day, chevy volt, a car that can go up to 40 miles before it uses any gas at all. that's an american revolution. i've been hangin' up there for, what, like, forty years? and then - wham - here i am smacking the pretty off that windshield of yours. oh, what you're looking for an apology? well, toss another coin in the wishing well, pal. it's not happenin'. limb: hey, what's up, donnie? how you been? anncr: accidents are bad. anncr:but geico's good ding! with onsite windshield replacement.
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>> i'm loren sivan in new york. family, friends, and cirnts are paying their respects to senator edward kennedy tonight. you are looking at live pictures now from the john f. kennedy presidential library in boston. this is where thousands of people are filing past the late massachusetts senator's casket at this hour. senator kennedy's body will lie in repose for two days. 85 members of the family accompanied the senator's casket
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from his home in hyannis port. following kennedy tradition, family members and friends will be at the senator's side until he leaves for the funeral mass at the basilica of our lady's perperpetual on saturday. president obama is expected to give a eulogy at that funeral. senator kennedy will be buried later that day at arlington national cemetery near his brothers senator john kennedy and senator robert kennedy. i'm loren sivan. we head back to the o'reilly factor here on fox. laura: in the unresolved problem segment tonight, a controversy is brewing over president obama's decision to remember 9/11 as a national day of service. some critics believe that marking 9/11 as a day for volunteerism gheens the memory of the thousands who were killed by muslim extremists on that fateful september morning. joining us now from new york, fox news analyst and my old friend alan colmes. now, alan, i knew it was going to be something like this when
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you and i were back on television together it was one these raw meat subjects. look, the 9/11, the day of volunteerism. that's fine, volunteering, isn't that great? but when i looked at the groups involved on this teleconference call that had to organize, get everything in place for the day of service, it's acorn, afl-cio. the color of change group. the group that's boycotting beck or trying to. the community action partisanship partnership. these are a bunch of left wing crazy groups, are they not? what does it have to do with 9/11. >> your argue. is national day of service and remembrance put together by david payne of a group that includes 2 different organizations which consists of families of those who lost loved ones on 9/11 and responders who are lost on 9/11. that is who really put this thing together. obama did sign a bill having to do with this initiative by a nonprofit group that was not done by the government. you want to single out -- you are quoting from a spectator
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article by matthew who was on the radio show two nights ago who can't think of one liberal he likes by the way. laura: i like you. >> because of a conference call on that call were the groups you mentioned plus a must be of other groups which are not necessarily liberal. and who was on that conference call is not what this is about. this is about a day of service and remembrance and that was issueinitiated by a nonprofit gp that was not government tall group. laura: how does acorn remembering the islamic jihadists. >> this has nothing to do with acorn. it was initiated. laura: they are involved with this day of remembrance. >> many groups. if you want to extrapolate one group. laura: rainbow push coalition. >> mention some of the other groups in here which you don't happen to like. national black police association. national coalition of black civil participation. 80 million strong for young american jobs. those are some of the other groups. they are all urge abunch of
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lefties. this is just amall gom of groups of people coming together to make a day of remembrance and service. this is what this is about. laura: what i don't understand what does this have to do with the fact that we had these fanatics who took it upon themselves to try to bring down the mighty united states of america on that day? they hate our freedom. they hate our way of life. they hate who we are. they hate our liberty. they hate our liberal ideas with a capital l. that's what they hate about us. why -- this day of volunteerism and remembrance. that might be fine to have. but on 9/11, that just doesn't seem to -- the connection, i don't get it. >> i disagree with you and in fact i disagree with your run up and your question why we were attacked on 9/11 in the first place. they hate us because of what we do not because of who we are. and that's what was said cia book the head of the bin laden
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unit michael schurr. the fact of the matter is to remember 9/11 and make it a day of service to your country, i can't think of a better way to honor 9/11 what is your problem with making it a day of service and remembrance. what is your problem with that? >> what's obvious is a smattering of left wing groups is trying to co-opt 9/11 and make it their day. alan: a number of other groups i just mentioned, laura, you are only mentioning those groups you don't agree with why do you have a problem with a dave service and remembrance. laura: first of all i i don't. it blurs the importance of what happened on that day. what i think would be really help ffl we actually spent the day educating our young people on the threats to freedom and liberty representative democracies that exist around the world to women and gay people and all these, you know, all these minorities who are threatened on the jihadists. alan: recognize by service and remembrance. that's exactly what this day is.
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that's exactly what's going to happen here. laura: alan, we appreciate it as always. the ad wars are heating up in the health care debate. frank luntz will tell us what's working and what is not. the obama administration is coming clean about the money. guess what? we're facing trillions more in debt. is this the change americans voted for? but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself.
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the average family wastes over $500 a year in food. don't throw away food, protect it in the freezer. ziploc freezer bags form a fresh shield, freezer burn stays out, freshness stays in. so your investment in dinner pays off every time. ziploc freezer bags. designed with you in mind. s.c. johnson. a family company. why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but--
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i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express
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laura: thanks for staying with us. i'm laura ingraham in tonight for bill o'reilly. in the personal story segment tonight, the health care debate has taken to the airwaves and groups are spending millions of dollars to make their case for or against obama care. the question is, which ads work and which ads fall flat: joining us from new york how the folks are reacting to the ads is pollster and fox news contributor dr. frank luntz. the author of the but nook what americans really want, really. frank, great to see you. >> thank you, it's a pleasure. laura: frank, we have a number of ads that we have racked up here. and the first one is an ad that i think you rate as fairly effective. let's listen. >> working families continue to bail out wall street banks. we pay mortgages for those who borrowed too much. we own general motors the federal deficit tripled in just one year. where does it end? now some in washington wanted
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take over health care. government insurance means exploding tax ware cost. there is a better way to health reform with patients and doctors in charge not government and insurance companies. tell harry reid we can't afford government-run health care. laura: frank, your thoughts on. this it's off the chart with republicans. it's what they will believe. we already spent trillions of dollars and now we are going to add to our debt? and health care is supposed to be a personal issue. not a health care issue. even the democrats agree with this ad. what works so effectively, laura, is it is not hyperbole. it's not extreme. it's states fact after fact after fact and the american people can follow it. laura: after the news broke that the obama administration underestimated the deficit by a figure of $2 trillion as george will said not a rounding error. that's got to make this even more powerful. as people are seeing these revisions of deficit projections
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and also the shrinking of the economy that we now see is going to be greater than we thought before. that has to be even more effective. >> it's a simple question, how much is this going to cost? look, the american people do believe that the healthcare system has to be fixed. they do have problems with health care. with insurance companies with pharmaceutical companies. they don't want to destroy american health care to fix the things that need to be fixed. laura: now, frank, we have a couple of other ads that we are ready to play. i want to ask you before we get to that the ted kennedy funeral mass is going to be this weekend weekend. everyone remembering ted kennedy his life and accomplishments. you think the democrats trying to wrap the bill up in the memory of ted kennedy is going to help and persuade blue dog democrats in alabama or missouri to vote for a bill that their people seem not to like? >> it's a good point. what's happening now is that the battle is no longer on the left or on the right. it's in the dead center. and the people in the center who had supported barack obama in the election by about 55 to 40
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are now turning against health care plan faster than anyone else. and that's because it's become an ideological debate for them. they are not interested in government control. they just want to fix what's broken. they are not interested in beating up on the republicans. they just want to make sure that their health care is affordable and there for them when they need it. so they look at this. if they make this the kennedy health care plan, those people in the center are going to say wait a minute you are playing politics with my health. don't do that. laura: in fact, it makes the bill even more of a plicial measure that i think hurts the blue dogs and their districts because they are trying to say no, this is going to save us money. this is going to help reform the way we do business and health care. this is going to be kind of, in the end, a moderate thing but putting kennedy's name on it actually goes the other way. i think that hole strategy is misconceived. now, there is another ad that you charted and this one doesn't get such high ratings. let's watch it. >> the right wing extremist republican base is back.
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they lost the election. they lost on the recovery act. the budget, and children's health care. they've lost the confidence of the american people after eight years of failed policies that ruined our economy and cost millions of jobs. now desperate republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing angry mobs, just like they did during the election. their goal? destroy president obama and stop the change americans voted for overwhelmingly in november. laura: tell us how this played, frank. >> i want to remind viewers is that the goal is to bring both lines over a 50. if it's a pro republican style ad then you want your side, against republican side to go over 70. that was a democratic ad. the democratic line didn't even climb above 50. the republican line was down around 20. i asked people after they saw it, how did you feel? notice on the right hand side of the screens in how slowly the lines go up. nobody likes the yelling and screaming. they want to know the details of
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the plan not who supports it and who opposes it. tell me the details and how it effects me. by the way, laura, calling these people an angry mob, i have been to these town hall meetings. these people are angry. they are not organized. they are not professional. they are average americans. you are telling me that that woman that you are showing right there is a professional? she is just one of millions of people who are nervous about this. laura: frank, you compare those people up in their righteous anger. they are angry because this is their future and their children's future and these private medical decisions and so forth. but you compare that to the very fancy organizing for america science. those beautiful blue and white and red signs that are being passed out and handed out. if anyone is organized it's the organizing for america crowd. we have one more ad. you pick this and i think you give this one a gold star. let's watch. >> my husband and i are doctors who started a medical practice to serve the less fortunate. if government takes over health care, your choices will be taken
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away. health care will be rationed, and quality will decrease. your health care will be reduced to one simple question. are you worth the cost? just look at canada and england where government controlled health care. patients wait up for a year for vital surgeries, delays that can be deadly. many drugs and treatments can be withheld. laura: frank, who is responsible for that ad. that's a winner. >> it's an organization that protect patients now it is so effective because it's a doctor who is speaking. it's a female doctor who is compassionate. she is explaining the difference between the american plan and what goes on in canada. and those lines, those weights are -- waits are true. even people who support this legislation acknowledge if the canadian and british you have to wait a long, long time to get care. if you notice the most important thing, she is calm, she is measured in her tone. that's what the american people want to hear when they are being informed about health care. laura: did you see the most
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recent poll, frank, that most people think they know a lot more about what's actually in the bill? i think it's rasmussen than the actual legislators who will be voting on the bill? so, this is one of these amazing moments in american domestic political history where the people are devouring the information as fast as they can. obviously there is hyperbole out there and so forth. people are really engaged. i think that's a really positive thing. >> i love the fact that there are more people attending these sessions than attended some of the rallies during the campaign. there is more excitement about this and as a pollster, i am loving life. laura: frank, it's great to see you. directly ahead, more bad news on the economy this week. is it full-time for the obama administration to come up with a different plan? we'll get to all of it. p@ñp introducing the all new chevy equinox.
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laura: numbers are out and there are conflicting signs about the state of the u.s. economy. democrats have been saying that the stimulus package is working. but it at what price? the new numbers show that our country's debt is exploding by thrill trillions of dollars. joining us now from new york fox business network's alexis glick, the host of money for breakfast. alexis, i'm telling you i see this omb report that comes out
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this week, the office of management and budget. and they say essentially, whoops, we kind of god our projection wrong on the deficit. ten years out, we're going to be almost $10 trillion in debt. $2 trillion more than they were telling us. unbelievable. >> yeah. it is unbelievable although unfortunately, i am not sure that many people were surprised. there was an expectation that they were off the mark from the start. let's remember that when you look at the jared berstein, kristina roamer paper that was used as a projection for what the stimulus package would do to the economy, owe oh, by the way, keeping unemployment at oh around 8%. we knew there was something wrong with the numbers. the administration did something pretty smart. they reappointed the fed chairman ben bernanke on the same day that the cbo and the omb numbers came out. so, in some respects, look, that, in my mind, was the
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smartest decision that the administration has made thus far. that calms the markets. it is really usual that the guy who is implementing the policies right now to get us out of this recession is there for the exit strategy but coincidence, i don't think so. laura: i always try to put myself in other people's shoes. and even though i don't agree with a lot of what president obama tries to do i think, gosh, if i'm going to sleep at night. i'm thinking about how am i going to keep this country safe. and then i think about jobs, jobs, jobs. we're looking at unemployment records; not the phony numbers but the real numbers. michigan, ohio, arizona. these numbers are through the roof. michigan is what, now, 14%? this is going to supposedly get worse. >> it's the highest in the country. if you live -- look across the board in michigan. some in california the unemployment rate is 20%. there is no doubt in my mind that this administration realizes that we are still very
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much in dire straits. we can talk about all the -- green shoes we want. a lot of the green shoes are steroids we are providing for the country. cash for clunkers program. first time home buyer tax credit. we are trying to incentivise the consumer to spend because the consumer represents 70% of the economy. if we don't spend, this economy will take even longer to recover. but that unemployment data is unnerving. the reason is more and more americans across this country are starting to exceed the full unemployment benefits. in states across this country. i guarantee you one of the next topics we will be discussing over the next two to three months is whether or not they will extend benefits. laura: again. >> again across the country. laura: how many times have they extended them? every time you turn around they are extended. >> during this administration. they have been extended several times. you know what the problem is? everybody is focused on the
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stock market. it's great that the stock market is rally for the march lows. laura: jobs. >> it's not translating to the american consumer across this country. they are still in pain. they are still having problem with their access to credit. they are still worried about their job or they can't get a job. and that is going to take time. laura: asex sis, isn't it true a lot of the reason, the majority of these companies that have really seen economic uptick, going up in their profits is because they have been able to stream line their payrolls. they have dumped a lot of people off their payrolls, yeah, they are doing a little bit better. that does not benefit to the american worker. >> absolutely. what it's called at the end of the day is productivity. usually during a recession you tend to have productivity gains which means we become more efficient. we use more technology. those are good things. but here is the problem. we have lost 6.7 million jobs since the start of the recession. it's going to take a lot of time to work through the process.
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one of the most dangerous parts of the economy is housing. and we are starting to see some signs of stabilization. the problem is if you look at something like existing home sales, a lot of those sales are distressed sellers, foreclosures, things like that. we have got to work our way through the inventory. there is some signs of hope. laura: some positive signs. alexis, it's great to sigh. coming up, an outpouring of reaction throughout the country on the passing of senator kennedy. we will share their thoughts and mine when we come back. . he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old!
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laura: finally tonight, a special edition of the mail. best emails we received last night. an emotional reaction to senator kennedy's passing. richard doyle, clayton, missouri. thank you for condemning the cockroaching who have written violent, vicious comments concerning ted kennedy. look, the factor speaks out against hate from both the far left and far right. alex lopez, though i disagree with ted kennedy's views, if more republicans who have had the same passion he had, we wouldn't be fighting obama care today. then there's this, after watching all the clips today, it is clear that kennedy's last deal was to endorse obama in return for his promise to pass health care. we don't know, but it looks like senator kennedy's death has
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inspired some democrats to make a renewed push for health care reform, that's for sure. joan, oshkosh, wisconsin, rather than huge and wasteful displace of flowers for senator kennedy, perhaps donations to food banks and low income health care clinics would be a better way to show tribute. david douglas, chandler, arizona, said, bill, you asked laura if you were an angel? apparently she is, since she didn't slap you. i like that one. that's not bad at all. and how about the email, email us with pippy comments. and that is it for us today. just a reminder, the new factor hats are going fast. the american patriot hat and the t.f. hat is going sell out soon. please check out these items online. also please check out my radio show. hundreds of stations carry it across the country and next month it will be in l.a. on kfwb and my website,
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