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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  August 29, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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powerful name in news. good night from washington dc. babil reilly factor is coming up next"the o'reilly factor" is cog up next. laura: "the o'reillyç factor"(r on. tonight -- >> the reason is not in the bill is that the people who wrote it did not want to take on the trial lawyers, and that is the plain and simple truth. borodin. and we will play you an advertisement that the other networks will not let you see -- from how wardçç dean -- howard dean. an ugly battle in the war on terror. isçç this infighting making america less safe? >> jaycee dugard was found alive
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-- excuse me -- wasç found lyig in antioch.c@ laura: every parent's nightmare, a kidnapped child. caution,çç you are about to er the no spin zone. ççhi, everyone. i am laura ingraham, reporting tonight for bill o'reilly. now, right to our top story tonight. is the mainstream mediaç trying to use violent it's a critic? some say that is the motivation for -- is the mainstream media trying to silence a critic? >>ç how can theç obama plan cr 50 million patients without any new doctors? it cannot. it will hurt our seniors and medicare as we know it, ration care, ça limited life-çsaving
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madison -- ration care, limit edicine. laura: abc says that the spot departed and position on a controversial issue,çç which violates its longstanding policy -- says the spot takes a position on controversial issues which violates its longstanding policy. ççalso, some straight talk frm democrats, admitting it is too tough to take on some special interests in the health-care bill, like the trial lawyers. here is what dr/çç howard dean said. >> here is why tort reform is not in the bill. the more stuff you put in it, the moreçç enemies you make, right? and the reason that tort reform
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is not in the bill is that they did not want to take on the trial lawyers in addition to everyone else they were taking on, and thatç isç the plain ad simple truth. laura: joining us is amanda carpenter, a reporter for "the washington times" and one of our fox news contributors. çi amç thinking, abc, nbc, the networks, and everyone is out there. they want to make money. you have that2show, how to i want to find at how to survive, obama care. >> that does not seem a little bit bipartisan to you? i like someç debate. çmendes' have a longstanding policy that prohibits them from running -- they have a longstanding policy that
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prohibits them fromçç runnings type of advertisement. you know what? it does not bother me if they want to run it, but you cannot claim they are being singled out. that is just not true. laura: it is true that they have rejc]edç liberal advertisements at times, as well. >> i think we can all agree this is a controversial topic, so i think we have to look at what makes it a partisan. they have obama, and then they p @ they are not act it -- asking for people who support or oppose the legislation. the a.t.c. standards, it is very hard to figure outçç what it - hard to figure out, and on the case by case basis, they open themselves up to criticism --çç on a case-by-case basis. laura: this was shot down by the
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kind of thing that they did that really touchy-feely special in june, and it was slanted to be,g things. this is not a fully balanced view -- it was slanted to the obama care way ofç looking at things. including ours, i am happy to sit, does live remotes -- i am happy to say.c çabc controlled the editorial product the same way we at fox control our editorial product. there is nothing unusual. we all just saw that çadvertisement. it is going to and medicare as we know it, hurting seniors terribly. hello? you have to sayç it is a pretty partisan view. laura: some of it seems disingenuous to me.
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my point is, look. united states of america. we are talking about something more important than a lot of garbage, frankly, that is on these networks. çthey will spend a lot moreç y than the right on commercials, the left, that talk about health care, so why not put them all welcome everybody? i do understand that. çwhat was pointed out is the lk of voters -- is that the group? -- the league of votersç -- is that the group? >> he cannot say obama -- you cannot say obama's name. çç>> i am perfectly fine with that. i come and debate you, laura. i love debate. let it be all over tv, but let's notç just singleç out one sidd
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suggested that the field was not fair. laura: all right, let's move on to the howardçç dean town hall meeting. he said what a lot of people would not say. lawsuits against health-care professionals, and you can talk çtoç ob/tty and doctors and surgeons. -- you can talk to ob-gyn doctors. bought andç paid for. çthat was by the american association of trial lawyers. >> alisyn, he said, i am a doctorçç -- look, he said, "ia doctor." howard dean ççbasically givesa thank-you note to the trial lawyers of america.
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you have them protecting them even further. laura: çi do notç think this a liberal or conservative issue. this issue of a lawsuit reform in the united states, there are all sortsçç -- suddenly, the t is," oh, no. we cannot do tort reform" --çe left is, "oh, no." we appreciate it very much. directlyç aheadç, the white he says democrats should not exploit senator kennedy's death to push government-run health care, but that may be exactly what they are trying to do in what they are trying to do in theçç endmy health is importat to me.
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laura: and in the 'impact' çsewm9q tonight, some opinions about how to best remember senator kennedy. here is what one person said yesterday. >> we have all experiencedç a çpretty big loss, and that peoe are going to have to reactions and find different ways to memorialized his life. he is not going to make a comment on every singleç thing thatç is done to memorialize, r comment on senator kennedy and his passing. there will be a time when there is a discussion,ç butç i do nt think anybody thinks that is now. laura: but the obama health and human services secretary took a different approach. >> i hope alsoçç that is peope
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are truly interested in honoring his legacy, and there is a lot of conversation about that, the best possible legacy is to pass health reform thisç year and he could sign. hopefully, every step along the way, they will ask themselves, "what would teddy do"ç çand me it forward. laura: they are thinking maybe they could help break the gridlock on capitol hill, may be a catalyst for peopleç toç coe around and compromise. i am paraphrasing, but that is essentially what vice-president joe biden said. joining me now is a professor from uclaç andç a fox news political analyst, in juan williams -- analysts, juan williams. -- analyst, juanç(whlliams.
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if the brand it as just another big government program, and teddy kennedy was in favor of big government programs -- if they branded asç thatç -- brat as tahthat -- >> obviously, a health-care reform has been losing momentum. çç-- obviously, health-care rm has been losing momentum. the problem here, i think,çç s there was another death, and they try to make the minnesota senate' race about honoring him, and the people said that they çjust went tooç far, that thed gone too far to use the memory of the honorable paul wellstone, and that was the base that
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turned away, the democrats, and thatç is theç danger they face when trying to make health-care reform all about ted kennedy and ted kennedy's death all about health-care reform. laura: there is a whole country outt&ere. çit is said that america is between the parenthesis. he should be honored for his memory and so forth,ç but realy do not care that he used to a dinner with orrin hatch hassett and asked about people's kids. -- he used to have dinner with orrinç hatchç and asked about people's kids. >> i need the bill has a lot of positive things, and there are a lot ofç positiveç things that senator kennedy associated himself with, and a lot of it
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was the can-do spirit of the kennedys. there are people that never had the advantagesç that the kennes çdid, and that is part of their legacy, and kennedy was working on a bipartisan health care before he got ill. he was also working on a bipartisan immigration reform. jup)e the kinds of projects that the kennedys associate themselves with. laura: here is the problem with that. you have a lot of the blue doçg democrats, in ohio, michigan, and they have to go back to their constituents, and i do not think their constituents really care about that. çthey careç about the t they are probably not going to be able to keep their private insurance if their current employer decides, ok, the private option probably makes more sense for us financially,ç care gets past or kennedy care,
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whatever we have, so blue dog democrats are not going to be persuaded, juan, by thisç kindf thing. >> the people who loved ted kennedy are going to say, "it gosh, ted kennedy is a great guy." -- say,ç &jk ted kennedy is a great guy." laura: ççit was said on anothr network last night that there was always a new strategy coming out every week, and it could start at the eulogy. >> wow. ççlaura: it could start at the eulogy. i used the sound bite on my radio show today. respected commentators out there %ì(lc@&c+ renewed health- care brush at the eulogy? is there no shame out there -- for a renewed health-care push
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at theçç eulogy? >> people are going to be health care you have will not be the health care you get it tomorrow. will pay more for less next year. laura: there are the big programs in california. we could do a whole show on california. çç>> besides that -- laura: quick. >> there have always been causes. ççlaura: a political miscalculation. if they do this, this is a huge miscalculation. >> they cannot over use it or abusive. >>ç they willç not, juan. -- they cannot overuse it or abuseç it.
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laura: coming up, americans want to keep their money rather than giving it to the obama administration. and then,ç theç justice depart is going toe to toe with the cia. is the war on terror becoming just another battle in washington? this is a honda pilot. and this is the all- new chevy traverse. it has more cargo space than pilot, including the most space behind the third row. and traverse beats honda on highway gas mileage too. more fuel efficient and 25% more room. maybe traverse can carry that stuff too. the all new chevy traverse. america's best crossover.
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laura: in "the factor"ç çfollp segment tonight, our national debt will grow by trillions of dollars in the coming year, but a new rasmussen poll shows that 62% ofç americans wantç the government to cut taxes instead of increasing government
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spending. hallelujah. so why is obama not listening to the american people? joining us now ia columnist ben stein. çben, the numbers on these pols that are coming out, whether it is 62% who want their money back or no more spending, or presidentçç obama's approval rating, gala announced it is at its lowest in the year. if it has dipped below 50, it will be the first timeçç since war that has happened -- gallup announced at its lowest in this year. >> buying the allegianceçç of various interest groups, he is an old-fashioned chicago politician, an old-fashioned radical. there are the upper middle- income income taxpayers, and he )the votes to make sure that they remain loyal to them. it is a strategy that is a
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famous strategy in chicago, but will it work to get the economy out of recession? doubtful. çthey have a stimulusç packagf $787 billion. less than 50% of it has been spent so far. yet the economy is starting to çrecover. started to recover without the stimulus package. laura: both in the cabinet secretary and the president have been arguing that the stimulus plan is oneç ofç the main catt for economic recovery. i think you can debate whether the recovery is real. >> the recovery sector looks like it is real in areas. çç-- the recovery looks by isl in several sectors. what makes it work is beyond the reach of anyone -- is real in several sectors. çlaura:ç moving the economic p
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in a way that was going to rescue us. >> when did probably help was the stress test in shoring up the banks. çthatç was a lot of money. it was guarantees, not actual expenditures, but the idea that you can just shovel money out of the door, that has neverç been proved,ç and the only thing tht has been proved is that our children and grandchildren are going to have a huge burden. laura: have you seen these in l.a.? the signs up? the signs alone, i do not know what that is doing to the federal deficit. >> it is scary to me. ççlaura: in my own neighborho, they are planting trees and blocking our intersections so we to a lot of people, a lot of this seems like make work. >> a lot of it is make work.
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i've given a small town in idaho. they are spending somethingç likeç $300 million to build a tiny highway bypass. small town in idaho. laura: ççyou wrote something t shocked me, because i am a huge fan of yours. you said we have a very, very, veryç rich or 1jo of this coun, and you said there are paid much less on their income than they ever have since the great depression. let's change that and tax them more. >> i agree with that. ççfor the very, very top, absolutely. how much do you earn? laura: i think you earn more than i did. >> people who earn more than $5 milli]n a year, iç think they n pay more. laura: how much more is enough? because they are already paying
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the lion's share of the taxes. >> the upper 10%. i do not know what the exact amount is. i just know if we need to raise money, what better way to get in than to get it from people who are already rich ornup should be çtax our children and grandchildren? -- who are already rich? should we tax our children and grandchildren? ççthe data that shows that dog it this way to grow the economy is extremely flimsy. laura: it is great to see you. time is up. have plenty moreç as "theç fa" rolls along the seating. -- we have plenty more. as "the factor" rolls along this evening. ççand a horrifying story aboua woman who was held
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announcer: ask your doctor about the healing purple pill. learn how you can save online. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. çwe now head back to the o'reiy factor. laura: in the unresolved problemsç segme%t tonight, is e obama administration at war with itself over how to keep america safe? there is a new report that cia director leon panetta and eric holder,ç the attorney general,ç are at odds with each other. and there is a shift in how high-value detainees are actually interrogated. the obamaç administration just announced theç creation of a nw
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interagency group. the fbi is charged with conducting the is sensitive investigations. someç say thisç means the administration has adopted a pre-9/11 standpoint. joining us now is a writer for "the weekly standard." how did we get to this so early on in the obama administration? >> then-candidate obama said he was going to do this. he said he was going to doçç w enforcement first approach to terror. when you look back, there was an article in "the los angeles times," and it unveidee a global çinitiative, in which a they we going to repackage the u.s. national security posture as relates to terrorism. -- in which they were going to repackage the security posture.# çthey said it would not be law
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enforcement forests. but then, you had a congressman tell our magazine -- it would not be law enforcement first. ççthey had met with interrogas off from the cia in afghanistan when they said they had been told to read the miranda rights to terrorists. the obama administration pushed çon monday, you had the announcement of this high-value intelligence detainee group, which the fbi is running. it isç run!óut of the fbi. laura: they say there is going to be people plucked from the different intelligence agencies. they are going to work together to, with a more comprehensive çapproach asç to what can be de in these high-level interrogations -- they are going to work together to come up with a more comprehensive approach. >> the fbiçç director and oths said since changed their story a little bit. i think they're trying to find out what this group is going to
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do. garko you are asked to head up the cia,ç and youç are going o take the cia into a new direction -- more crohn's your asked to head up the cia. -- laura: you are asked to head upç theç cia. >> if i am leon panetta, i have quit. he isçç neutering the cia. president obama is neutering the cia. there was the dispute between cia director leon panetta and the director of national intelligence over who gets to choose the toxç intelligence çofficial in countries aroue world, something that has long been something be cia director did, but he wants to do this. it looks increasingly like that  goingo you have seen the cia being stripped, basically, of its function. laura: the left has already
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hinted -- always hated the cia. ççthe cia is a domestic -- is basically spying on people with political concerns, domestic concerns, and it symbolizes ç s controversy. it symbolized what is wrong with america and the world, and i think this goes at the heart of what is going on here with this interagency panel and"truju @ is going to come out. >> i think you are exactly right. i had a conversation, a high- level intelligence officer in april. ççwhen you look back when they unveiled the memos that interrogations, and this person said, look, i think the said, look, ants toç destroy te cia. i thought that was a little extreme, a little over the top, and then you look, one thing after another.
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he may be trying to discredit the cia so it isç justç basicy important. laura: exactly what role with the cia play? an intelligence gathering role, but with the information they got out of khalid shaikh ççmohammed and others, they we successful. that is, in the end, what is important to americans. thank you for being with us. up next,ç billç o'reilly and bernie goldberg talk about why president obama, can you believe it, has a beef with fox news. and a woman that has been and a woman that has been gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people.
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laura: thanksç for staying with us. for bill o'reilly. in our weekdays with bernie segment tonight, looking back at some of theç coívimq%=9m:) @ goldberg pre-empt we will start the obama administration's of criticizing fox news -- with bernie goldberg. we will start with the obama çadministration'sç criticizinx news. fox. >> that is a pretty big megaphone, and watched the entire day to find a
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positive story about me on that front. bill: he is just too smartç to throw thatç out off of the cos. what do you think it is? >> i do not think it is very complicated, frankly -- he is too smart to throw that out off of theçç cuff. fox news is the boogeyman that haunts liberals, and i think part of it was just that. there are two points i would like to make,ç çbill. one is that he is wrong. there are liberals and democratic strategists on this network all day long. he is right that there are a couple of people onç thisç nek to suffer from obama derangements syndrome. they will not give obama a break under any circumstances, but they are very, very few. what i find interestingçç abot this, besides the fact that is factually wrong, where he says that you can tune in day or night, and there will not be
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anything good said about him, butç heç has got 90% of the pe to use the title of my book to have a slobbering love affair with him. there isç a straightç shooterr the most part his said the love affair is so obvious that these two ought to get a room, the mainstream media and obama. ççbill: they used to be a monr in the ratings when tim russert was the host, and the show is now declining in the ratings really quickly because mr.3 says stuff like this. while the tape. >> and then, there was this image -- roll theçç tape. a man with a gun strapped to his leg held up a sign that said thatç. refreshed from time to time with
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the blood of patriots and tyrants. that has become a model. çç that says that we have to have blood in the streets, basically, çcn kill off the tyrants. having said that, the men at the town hall meeting or outside the
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town hall meeting, that is not in the same universe as timothy mcveigh. çthereç is not an ounce of mol equivalence between an angry but peaceful protester, even one with a gun on his leg, and a psychopathic killer. bill:ç çnow, william f. buckls gone, and there are a the rush limbaughs, bill o'reilly's, and glenn beck's. ççi think "newsweek" has jumpd with this one. there is a far-ççleft acela. the editors of "newsweek" did not tell its readers about his ideology -- there is a far-left writer. >> i am sus@risedç that you wod not understand what "newsweek" is. you take it is a news magazine. neither is "time" magazine a
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newsmagazine. ççthey are liberal journals of opinion at that. so what would they identify this person as a left-wing activist? because their audience, their readers do notç care that this personç was an left-wing activist. they're in a fight, literally, bill, for survival, and in that fight, they are aiming at a niche audienceç of liberals wih çmoney. bill: urban, affluent people. that is not what the editor of newsweekç putç the journal ofo be. ççhe is about as far left as e can be. >> he hates fox. çheç joined a movement to -- i
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forget the name of it, but it is a hate fox movement. bill: all right, now, as they have been exposed asç a fraud. ç>> i have come to the conclusn that cap and trade is the most effective way to go. ççi just think that cap and te is the more practical approach. bill: and id cap and trade is passed, they stand to make millions -- çand if cap and tre they do not even care, bernie. they want this guy to be president so they can make billions of dollars. >> listen. çit is no!cecret that guys who own a big conglomerate have one goal, obviously, to make as much money as they can. we are capitalists. ç . but these guys do not have capitalism in their dna. the problem is that a lot of journalists and do not have capitalism in their dna.
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ççjeffrey immelt has declaredt the news is literally going to run if thousands of stories on health care, but not critical stories. ççto say that obama care is ad thing. they want to generate billions of dollars to the bottom line of g.e., said the question0now -- çwe know what msnbc is going to do. they are a holy subsidiary -- so the question now,ç wejejjpá msnbc is going to do. they are a wholly owned subsidiary of them. bill: that is going to be supportive of barack obama, because we can make a lotç of money. all right, bernie, thanks. laura: up next, a california nightmare finally comes to an çend. to this woman for
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with you. step forward.
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help renew america at >> the powerful, heartwarming story. and joining us now, from reno nevada, gene watson, who is the lead investigator.
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the undersecretary of the california corrections department, both of you, it is great to see you. >> late today, we learned that apparently the county sheriff said that just three years ago, there were people living in tents. they said that there were people living in the backyard in tents. the deputy gave him a warning, did not know that he was a convicted sex offender and did not even check out the in camera and that the neighbors saw. the neighbor also described him as psychotic. i do not want to second-guess or judge.
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i know what our procedures would have been. i guess that the share of this an opportunity. there were absolutely no excuses. obviously, could have, should have, what have, this is such a horrifying crime. scott, as a parole official, my question to you is what can we do to stop the role of sex offenders. he was supposed to be in jail for 50 years. he got out after fifth pete -- after 10 years and then went on to commit one of the most horrible criminal acts against a child that any of us can imagine. >> the nevada jurisdiction to camp in in 1999 -- took him in
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in 1999. >> but the question is this. can people who have raped women in the past, actually be rehabilitated and put back into community settings as this man has been? i think people are watching this across the country and saying that he was supposed to be in for 50 years and then it was a current sentence with five years to life. this can happen. >> i share your other guests sentiment. he was paroled to us and we follow bilal -- paul bilal -- followed and the law but obviously he is the criminal here. what do we know about him?
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can you give us some insights into that? >> actually, i know very little about him. during the course of our investigation, his name never surfaced. he was never brought to our attention. he was no one that we ever looked at. but he was not a known sex offender living in the region at the time? >> no, not to our knowledge. we obviously collected information from the department of justice to try to coordinate vehicles and to known sex offenders and try to identify likely persons we needed to look at and his name did not appear on any of those lists. >> jenna and scott, thank you so
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much. coming up, we will take a look at the criminal profile who allegedly kept this poor woman captive. that is coming up. that is coming up. new aches and pains, ...and new questions about which pain reliever is right for your body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... layer that lasts all day ...and no layers that irritate your stomach the way that ibuprofen can. it's tough on your body pain. not on your body.
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