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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  August 29, 2009 12:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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boat to race, just four, but my dad of course dug around until he found a rule around the rule. sound familiar to you, those who serve in the senate? kids under 12 he found out, especially scrawny little redheads like me could tag along. my dad found that rule that meshed with his mission. he refused to leave me behind. he did that for all of those around the world who needed a special voice as well. when we raced in foul weather there was lots of salt water and lots of salty language. those experiences not only filled my vocabulary, but built my self-confidence. i saw a lot of his political philosophy in the sail boat races. one thing i noticed on that
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boat as in this country, there was a role for everybody, a place for everybody to contribu contribute. second, in the race as in life, it didn't matter how strong the forces against you were, so long as you kept driving forward. there was nothing to lose. maybe you'd even come out a winner. my dad was never bowed, he never gave up and there was no quit in dad. and looking out in this audience, and looking out at the tremendous number of people who align themselves along the roadways, coming up from the cape, throughout boston when we went around, who waited in line for hours to see his casket as they came through the jfk library, there's no doubt in my mind that my dad came out a winner. i want to thank all of you for the amazing tribute that you've given my father in the last several days and i want
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to say just as proud as i was to be a crew on his sail boat, i am forever grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him in the united states congress as his colleague. i admit, i used to hang on to his t-shirt and his coat sleeve on the capitol when i was just a little boy. so when i got a chance to serve on capitol hill, all i needed to do was set my compass to the principles of his life. my father and i were the primary sponsors of the mental health parity and addiction equity act which was signed in law last year. this bill represented not only a legal victory for 54 million americans with mental illness who are being denied equal health insurance, but as one of those 54 million americans, i felt he was also fighting for me to help ease the burden of stigma and shame that acompanies treatment. i will really miss working
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with dad. i will miss my dad's wonderful sense of self-deprecating humor. when the far right made dad their poser child for their attack ads he used to say, we kennedys sure bring out the best in people. (laughter) >> and when he first got elected and my cousin joe was a member of congress and i came to congress, dad finally celebrated, saying, finally, after all these years when someone says who does that damn kennedy think he is, there's only a one in three chance they're talking about me (laughter) >> most americans will remember dad as a good and decent and hard charging senator, but to teddy, kerren, caroline, cara and i, we will always remember him as a loving and devoted father. and in the 1980 campaign my dad often quoted robert frost at the conclusion of every
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stump speech to indicate he had to go on to another political event. he would paraphrase the line from the "road less traveled" the woods are laovely dark and deep and i am promises to keep and miles to go before i sleep, and miles to go before i sleep. well, dad, you've kept that promise both literally and figuratively to be your brother's keeper. now, it's time for you to rest in peace. may your spirit live forever in our hearts, and as you challenged us so many times before, may your dream for a better and more juts america never die. i love you, dad, and you will always live in my heart forever. forever. [applause]
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[applause] >> vicky, cara, edward, patrick, kerren, caroline, members of the kennedy family, distinguished guests and fellow citizens. today, we say goodbye to the youngest child of rose and joseph kennedy. the world will long remember
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their son edward as the heir to a weighty legacy. a champion for those who had none. the soul of the democratic party and the lion of the united states senate. a man who graces nearly one thousand laws, who has penned more than 300 laws himself. but those of us who loved him and ache with his passing know ted kennedy by the other titles he held, father, brother, husband, grandfather, uncle teddy or as he was often known to his younger nieces and nephews, the grand fromage, or the big cheese.
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i, like so many others in the city where he worked for nearly half a century, knew him as a colleague, a mentor, and above all as a friend. ted kennedy was the baby of the family who became its patriarch. the restless dreamer who became its rock. he was a sunny, joyful child who bore the brunt of his brother's teasing, but learned quickly how to brush it off. when they tossed him off a boat because he didn't know what a jib was, six-year-old teddy got back in and learned to sail. when a photographer asked the newly elected bobby to step back at a press conference because he was casting a shadow on his younger brother, teddy quipped, it will be the same in washington. that spirit of resilience and good humor would see teddy
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through more pain and tragedy than most of us will ever know. he lost two siblings by the age of 16. he saw two more taken viole violently from a country that loved them. he said goodbye to his beloved sister, you know, nis in the final days of his life. he narrowly survived a plane crash. watched two children struggle with cancer. buried three nephews and experienced personal failings and setbacks in the most public way to be possible. the string of event that would have broke and lesser man it would have been easy for ted to let himself become bitter and hardened, to surrender to self-pity and regret. to retreat from public life and live out his years in peaceful quiet. no one would have blamed him for that.
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but that was not ted kennedy. as he told us, individual faults and frailties are no excuse to give in and no exemption from the common obligation to give of ourselves. indeed, ted was the happy warrior that the poet wordsworth spoke of when he wrote, as tempted more or able to endure, as more exposed to suffering and distress, hence, also more alive to tenderness. through his own suffering, ted kennedy became more alive to the plight and the suffering of others. a sick child who could not see a doctor, the young soldier denied her rights because of what she looks like or who she loves or where she comes from. landmark law that he championed, the civil rights
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act, the americans with disabilities act, immigration reform, children's health insurance, the family and medical leave act, all have a running thread. ted kennedy's life work was not to champion the causes of those with wealth or power or special connections, it was to give a voice to those who were not heard. to add a rung to the ladder of opportunity. to make real the dream of our founder. he was given the gift of time that his brothers were not and he used that gift to touch as many lives and right as many wrongs as the years would allow. we can still hear his voice bellowing through the senate chamber, face reddened, fist pounding the podium, a veritable force of nature in support of health care or workers rights or civil
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rights, and yet, as it's been noted, while his causes became deeply personal, his disagreements never did. while he was seen by his fiercest critics as a partisan lightning rod, that's not the prism through which ted kennedy saw the world, nor was it the prism through which his colleagues saw ted kennedy. he was a product of an age when the joy and nobility of politics prevented differences of party, platform and philosophy from becoming barriers to cooperation and mutual respect. a time when adversaries still saw each other as patriots and that's how ted kennedy became the greatest legislator of our time. he did it by huing to principle, yes, but also by seeking compromise and common cause. not through deal making and
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horse trading alone, but through friendship and kindness and humor. through the time he courted orrin hatch for support of the children's health insurance program by having his chief of staff serenade the senator with a song, orrin had written himse himself, the time he delivered shamrock cookies on a china place to sweeten up a crusty republican colleague, the famous story of how he won the support of a texas committee chairman on an immigration bill, teddy walked into a meeting with a plain manila envelope and showed only the chairman that it was filled with the texans famous cigars. when negotiations were going well he would inch the envelope towards the chairman. when they weren't, he'd pull it back (laughter) >> before long, the deal was done. it was only a few years ago on st. patrick's day when teddy
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button-holed me on the floor of the senate for the support after certain piece of legislation that was coming up for a vote. i gave him my pledge, but expressed skepticism that it would pass. when the roll call was over, the bill garnered the votes that it needed and then some. i looked at teddy with astonishment, how have you done it? he just pat immediate on the back, and said, luck of the irish. of course, luck had little to do with ted kennedy's legislative success. he knew that. a few years ago, his father-in-law told him that he and daniel webster just might be the two greatest senators of all time. without missing a beat, teddy replied, what did webster do? (laughter) >> the thing is, teddy's
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historic body of achievements we will remember, it is his giving heart that we will mi miss. he was a friend and a colleague who was always the first to pick up the phone and say i'm sorry for your loss or i hope you feel better or what can i do to help. it was a boss so adored by his staff that over 500, spanning five decades, showed up for his 75th birthday party. it was the man who sent birthday wishes and thank you notes and even his own paintings to so many who never imagined that a u.s. senator of such stature would take the time to think about somebody like them. i have one of those paintings in my private study off the oval office, a cape cod sea scape that was a gift to a freshman legislator who had just arrived in washington and happened to admire it when ted kennedy welcomed him into his office. and that, by the way, is my second gift from teddy and
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vicky after our dog b ocho. and it seems like everyone has one of those stories. the ones that often start with, you wouldn't believe who called me today. ted kennedy was the father who looked not only after his own three children, but john's and bobby's as well. he took them camping, and taught them to sail. he laughed and danced with them at birthdays and weddings, cried and mourned with them through hardship and tragedy. and passed on that same sense of service and self-lessness that his parents had instilled in him. shortly after ted walked caroline down the aisle and gave her away at the altar, he received a note from jackie that read, on you the care-free youngest brother fell a burden a hero would have begged to have been spared. we're all going to make it because you're always there with your love.
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not only did the kennedy family make it because of ted's love, he made it because of theirs. especially because the love and the life he found in vicky. after so much loss and so much sorrow, it could not have been easy for ted to risk his heart again and that he did is a testament to how deeply he loved this remarkable woman from louisiana and she didn't just love him back, as ted would often acknowledge, vicky saved him. she gave him strength and purpose, joy and friendship, and stood by him always. especially in those last hardest days. we cannot know for certain how long we have here, we cannot forsee the trials or misfortunes that will test us along the way. we cannot know what god's plan is for us.
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what we can do is to live out our lives as best as we can with purpose and with love and with joy. we use each day to show those who are closest to us, how much we care about them and treat others with the kindness and respect that we wish for ourselves. we can learn from our mistakes and grow from our failures. and we can strive at all costs to make a better world. but some day, if we are blessed with the chance to look back on our time here, we know that we spent it well. and we made a difference, that our fleeting presence had a lasting impact on the lives of others. this is how ted kennedy lived. this is his legacy. he once said, as has already been mentioned his brother bobby, that he need not be idealized or enlarged in death
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because what he was in life, and i mantel -- imagine he would say the same about himself. the greatest of expectations were placed on ted kennedy's shoulder because of who he was, but he surpassed them all because of who he became. we do not weep for him today because the prestige attached to his name or office, we weep because we loved this kind and tender hero who persevered through pain and tragedy, not for the sake of ambition or vanity, not for wealth or pow power, but only for the people and the country that he loved. in the days after september 11 11th, teddy made it a point to personally call each one of the 177 families of this state who lost a loved one in the attack. attack. but he didn't stop there. he kept calling and checking
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up on them. he fought through red tape to get them assistance ap grief counseling, he invited them sailing, played with their children, and would write each family a letter, whenever the anniversary of that terrible day came along. to one widow he wrote the following "as you know so well, the passage of time never really heals the tragic memory of such a great loss, but we carry on because we have to, because our loved ones would want us to and because there is still light to guide us in the world from the love they gave us" . we carry on. ted kennedy has gone home now guided by his faith and by the light of those that he has loved and lost. at last, he is with them once
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more, leaving those of us who grieve his passing with the memories he gave, the good that he did, the dream he kept alive, and the single enduring image, the image of a man on a boat, white mane, tussled, smiling broadly as he sails into the wind, ready for whatever storms may come, carrying on toward some new and wonderous place just beyond the horizon. may god bless ted kennedy and may he rest in eternal peace. [applause]
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[applause] >> let us pray. lord god, your son jesus christ gave us the sacrament of his body and son to guide us on his way, may our dear friend who shared in the eucharist come to the banquet of life christ prepared for us. we ask this through christ our lord, amen. >> amen. >> and his eminence cardinal shaun o'mally will conduct the final coff
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fin final >> mr. president, we thank you for your presence and for your words of appreciation for the life and work of senator kennedy. we've gathered here today to pray for a man who has been such an important part of our history. and our country. we are here because ted kennedy shared our belief in prayer and in eternal life. vi vicky, you and the family surrounded ted with love at the end of his life and gave us all an example of love and compassion in the face of suffering and death. we die with dignity when we are surrounded by love and such care. and now, let us commend ted's
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soul to god's loving mercy. before we go our separate ways, let us take leave of our broth brother. may all our farewell express our affection for him. may it ease our sad neness and strengthen our hope. one day we shall joyfully greet him again when the love of christ, which conquers all things, destroys even death itself.
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>> in your hands, father of mer mercies, we commend our proper brother edward in the sure and certain hope that together with all who died in christ we shall rise with him on the last day. we give you thanks for the blessings which you bestowed
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upon edward in this life. they are signs to us of your goodness and of our fellowship with the saints in christ. merciful lord, turn toward us and listen to our prayers. open the gates of paradise to your servants and help us to remain to con for the one another with assurances of faith until we meet in christ and are with you and with our brother forever. we ask this through christ our lord. lord. >> amen. >> in peace let us take our brother to his place of rest.
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♪ america, america, god shed his grace on thee ♪ ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪
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♪ >> as the flag is folded and prepared for delivery to the wife of senator kennedy who on this day has taken us back to a time and place we've experienced something of this nature. someone we love and respect and cherish and miss so much is now gone and who among us
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cannot appreciate which each of these persons inside this building, especially the family members is experiencing tod today. seems to me a worthwhile exercise to pay tribute to those who have been loved and lost as this family does today on a rainy afternoon in boston. we've just hit one o'clock on the east coast of the united states, now, the remains of senator ted kennedy will be taken to washington d.c. for burial across the potomac at arlington national cemetery. an american icon will be laid to rest. it's a day for politics aside, the memories of a great man who did his best for those who had little. ed klein is with us, ed wrote a book on senator kennedy, one which was brought up repeatedly at least in name today "ted kennedy, the dream that never died" and clearly, ed, today it did not. >> it certainly dependent. i was really struck by the
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history and continuity, the four presidents sitting so close to each other in a 2000-year-old catholic liturgy. the last surviving child of joe and rose jean kennedy smith and then the grandchild of ted kennedy, what, seven, eight years old, it was a portrait, a very touching human portrait of somebody very likeable, putting aside his politics and it struck me that whoever referred to tenny sop sopson-- tennyson in describing ted with more suffering and therefore more alive got it right.
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>> moments ago on the left-hand side of your screen you saw vicky reggie, the wife of the late senator ted kennedy and ed klein, she's been a sign of strength, if she shed a tear, i watched closely, i missed it. she is apparently for these days their rock somehow. >> i think you're right. i was amazed at her fortitude throughout this whole thing. er her ability to greet everybody with knowing exactly who they were, because she is such a political wife and also, to emanate through her very poise the kind of suffering that i think the whole family is going through. >> as the families make their way into their vehicles and the rain falls on gray day in
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boston our martha mccallum is live and on scene at this moment and i wonder, martha, we know how this translates in television. give awes idea, if you can what it's like there. >> it's just a tremendous amount of weight in the air. we just watched ted kennedy's coffin as it was put into the hearse and the family members coming out and i was watching the granddaughters of jfk, president kennedy coming out. carolines daughters as they walked out. and got into the hearse as well and you know, just, it's a tremendous american family story, with all of the ups and downs and rockiness that anyone could imagine putting into this story has been experienced by this family, but you feel, you know, sort of a tension and a weight in the air i would say as they gather and walk out of here and i was listening to what ed was saying moments ago, that the image of these presidents, president bush, president clinton, president carter, standing there, looking up at
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the children of ted kennedy as they gave these extremely personal stories of their father, and it's one of those moments when you see the gathering of our government, of the people that make it work and the american spirit in one place, in one moment in history and it is, it's very, very striking, shepard, and a very emotional moment for this family, just watching jean kennedy smith, she's about maybe ten yards from us standing there watching as she is now the last surviving sibling of that kennedy family and she also, you know, betraying very little emotion on her face. no doubt because she has a heavy heart today, but this is a very, very strong bunch of people as we well know, shep. >> we certainly do. the weight that has been upon this family as individuals and collectively has been very heavy. and as difficult as any family struggle can be, it is magnified with the cameras and
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the weight of the world watching and this family has always endured that and ted kennedy was one who was always, it seemed, very strong in it and i know that he is one who worked very hard, major garrett, our senior white house correspondent who has worked at capitol hill for decades now, he is one who has been a guiding force for the younger ones within the family who have endured and will endure this sam pressure and to see his young grandson up there this morning, with the long hair, standing, standing tall and proud, remind me of moments in my family and i can't imagine that it doesn't viewers, major, from sea to shining sea today. >> the family is obviously rallying, as they have so many times, but what i'm struck by right here, shepard, i'm about ten feet from the hearse and i look at the honoree pallbearers spilling out of the front of the mission church and one of the things that people may not appreciate
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about ted kennedy, yes, he was a great legislator, but also had tremendous people who came to work for him and who wanted to work for ted kennedy on capitol hill more than any other lawmaker. i know that edward klein would agree with me, no senate office, no senate office operated more than a mini president, the stat got there -- staff got there early and stayed late and worked late. he knew what he want today do and worked hard. look at steeven breyer on the supreme court one kennedy's chief of staff. and ted fineberg master of compensation after 9/11. now president obama's pay czar, working with-- he worked with ted kennedy and helping him get the votings rights act approved in the mid 1990's. 1990's. >> well, we apparently lost marriage -- major garrett's mic.
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>> the point is well taken. >> it certainly is, the washington is filled department after department, white house, everywhere else with former ted kennedy officials who-- whom he trained and infused with his particular kind of idealism and point of view. so, his influence goes well beyond the single man into hundreds, literally hundreds of kennedy accolites, who has made washington what it is today. >> i believe it was caroline kennedy who said just last evening before us are many who have worked for senator kennedy for years and years and many will work for him forever, even in death. major garrett, our connection is reconnected if you would continue. >> reporter: yes, shepard, when i covered capitol hill for nearly 20 years, you know, the kennedy staff was respected, but it was also feared because it understood
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the-- can you hear me shepard? >> of course, please continue. >> reporter: okay. they knew the legislative information, they knew the facts behind the argument they were making and ted kennedy's staff in addition to the senator himself understood the politics of the senate and that's what made all the people who worked for ted kennedy very, very effective and many have gone on to tremendously influential political lives in america, but first and foremost, if you were young person arriving on capitol hill, if you had your dream job, the dream job was always to work for senator kennedy because you learned all three aspects of capitol hill. legislation, tax and politics and when we see these pallbearers there, we see the fruits of those long legislative and political labors and it's just a testament not just to the man, but what he created and what people wanted to be a part of and i think that's part of, we talk about the family legacy, if you want to talk about the individual legislative and political legacy. that's an enormous part of it
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because ted kennedy inspired great people to work for him, taught them what to do and they went off and did other great things. on behalf of senator kennedy and the democratic party and it's really an enormous personal legacy that we see here at this church outside of it now and we will see last long after ted kennedy in the white house, and other legislative bodies around the count country. >> if i may just add, i think i agree with all of that, of course, but the loyalty went both ways, not only up to kennedy, but from kennedy to his assistants. one time kennedy was in a room with his-- an atennassistant of his, with senator sununu who used to be ronald reagan's chief of staff, and isununu had a reputation, and ber rating kennedy and his assistant.
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and kennedy stood up over sununu banged his fist on the table and said, don't you ever talk to one of my people like that. sununu said i'm sorry and sat back down, but kennedy came to bat for his people. >> reporter: if i can jump in on that? >> please do. >> there's something on capitol hill with senators. they're not always as respectful of their staff and underlings generally as two people on capitol hill that i covered extensively. one is senator kennedy and the other is senator mccain. they have tremendous staff loyalty because the staff understood that senator kennedy and senator mccain would get tough with peers who would get tough with underlings. that's not always true. my experience has been a lot of senators forget how tough they can be on underlings, either that work for them or don't work for them, but neither senator mccain more
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senator kennedy would tolerate that and they treated their own staff with an agree of loyalty and affection over large things and small and one of the things you learn about a senator on capitol hill, shepard, a staff that stays year after year after year understand they have something special. in both offices, john mccain and edward kennedy, you had staffers who stayed for a long time not because they had to, but because they very much wanted to. >> as senator kennedy's remains leave boston and mission church for the last time. final thoughts from our anchor mccallum. >> we're waiting for the former presidents to come out and president obama, too. i sort i wanted to look back on the prior funerals of the kennedy brothers and teddy of course being the last of those and each of those brothers, eulogized the brother above them. we all remember and have watched teddy's eulogy of his brother bobby. and so, there was a question of who would be the appropriate person to eulogize
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teddy, the last brother and it was of course president obama. he got up there and he called teddy kennedy the soul of the democratic party. he talked about his inspiration to the party. talked about him as a painter, he talked about him as a colleague and a friend, but i was very struck by the fact that you think about the kennedy history and the work that they did throughout their lives, it was for civil rights and voting rights act. and the image of watching these presidents looking up at the current president, the first black president of the yoits, surrounded by kennedys looking up at him was a, terrored northwest airline powerful moment, i thought. and one that, you know, is worth recognizing that the eulogy today given by the first black president of the country to the final of the kennedy brothers is quite striking. >> it was, the final of the kennedy brothers who many would argue through legislation and powerful pushing made that possible in
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very many ways. major garrett, there as well, some final thoughts from you? >> shepard, picking up on the point, george w. bush was in the church paying respects to senator kennedy and in his remarks, president obama talked about a texas house committee chairman who ted kennedy courted on a legislative battle with cigars, well, that was jack bush, he lost in 1994 in the sweep that put republicans in the house and senate and george w. bush won his gubernatorial race against ann richards in 1994. ted kennedy was one of the few to survive the onslauts. he beat back mitt romney's charge in massachusetts and he became solidified more in the mind of democrats of not only a capable legislator, but a very, very good politician, one who could survive the greatest republican sweep lector alley and knew m mayorically in the house and senate in american history and
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further intensifying not only real status, but mythic status as a legislator and politician. george bush likely would not have been our 43rd president had he not beaten ann richards in the 1994 republican sweep one that ted kennedy survived and went to go beyond. >> major garrett live from boston. and ed cline, an author and known senator kennedy for some 40 years, dream that never died. >> you know, as we listened to all of this articulate talk today, i was reminded of the fact that senator kennedy himself off the cuff was not a great speaker. and that he in fact was often referred to as somebody who was a parody of yankee manger casey stegall, nouns in search of a verb. he was a great speaker when he had a speech in front of his.
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but his words were not as important, obviously, we could see today, as his behavior. his behavior won the hearts of all the people he worked with, whether it was his staff, whether it was his-- other democrats, whether it was the soul of the democratic party or even his republican colleagues. and it was because of his personality and behavior and i think that is what will be remembered of senator kennedy. >> ed klein, thanks very much for me, i suppose, this day was about a man who liked to be with his family. throughout the day, and yesterday, and i guess for many years, what you hear about ted kennedy is, he wanted everybody together. he wanted the kids there, and the grand kid there, he wanted the nieces and the nephews, he was add his happiest when they were together as a family. and if anybody knows the importance of family, it's the kennedys. and if all of us can learn
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anything from them and from this day, it's how to be strong and ref vaverent and remember the importance of love for someone who has done so much for you and is suddenly gone, that no matter how prepared they may have been for it, no matter how well they knew what the word terminal meant, the passing of a life of a loved one, be it kennedy kennedy or anyone else, is difficult. and maybe today we all learned a little bit about how it share that love in times of very, very difficult passing. today is not over for senator kennedy or this family which has been through so much for the past days and weeks, the hearse will now depart en route for the air force base, then arrive in andrews air force base, all of that will be closed to the press. then there will be a movement then to the united states capitol, and senators motorcade to stop at the senate steps for a brief prayer so that the senate staff and members of the
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broader senate community with whom the senator worked can bid a final farewell and then, eventually, a burial service for senator kennedy at arlington national cemetery. cardinal theer or mccaris of washington will perform the service. the burial will be closed, but two cameras there so the nation can watch senator kennedy to rest. chris wallace will have coverage there and fox team will be as well. for all of you in the fox news family. thank you for joining us. jane skinner and jonathan scott is next with america's news headquarters. i'm shepard smith. good afternoon.
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>> champion for those who had none. the soul of democratic party of the lion of the democratic senate. a few of the words president obama used on describing senator edward kennedy at the
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basilica in boston. >> to give a voice to those who are not heard, and a rung on the ladder of opportunity. make real the dream of our family, you have agiven the gift of time that his brothers were not and he used that gift to touch as many lives and right as many wrongs as the years would allow. >> we welcome you to our continuing coverage on this saturday, i'm jon scott. >> jane: i'm jane skinner. our coffin continu-- coverage continues, and we'll watch outside the basilica there. the casket will make its way to an air force base outside of boston and family will travel with senator kennedy's body to the nation's capital. senator kennedy will be buried near his brothers in arlington cemetery. he got a send-off from
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colleagues and friends and from his beloved family. ted kennedy as we've been hearing touched so many lives in his long senate career, especially those of staffers who are like an extension of the family. so many of them went on to distinguished political careers and a couple of them join us noch. susan, a special assistant to the senator, both knew him well. susan, it's been said that the senator had a hand in planning what we've been seeing over the past couple of days. can you see that hand in what we' we've' seen unfolded? >> oh, absolutely. jane, you know, my job was where is the church, it's a big one in downtown boston. she said, no, it's in mission hill. and i'm from boston, my daughter says you must have the wrong location, i said, tell me is it in the north end. >> no, she says it's mission hill. for those who don't know boston, i grew up there and i
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lived there most of my life. i can count on one hand on mission hill, a formerly poor, struggling working people, a real neighborhood in boston and it was there today because that's where senator kennedy prayed and those were the people senator kennedy served and he and vicky, who is an amazing woman, picked that church, picked those readings, so that he brought the leaders of the world to a poor neighborhood of government, to underscore the message of his life. even in dying. . >> richard, you know, as we watch that service, it was obviously a incredibn incredibl assembly of the powerful of washington and beyond. three former presidents in attendance and yet, to me, the most moving were the tributes given to him by his two sons, your thoughts? >> yeah, listen-- listening to the family members, not just the sons, but the nieces and nephews and grandchildren, is a reminder of how personal and this was
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to them, what the kennedy-- what he was to that family. i mean, it's amazing the stories that you read over the past few days, where he's, you know, called all of these 9/11 victims, these people who wrote in and said they needed a certain surgery, they needed red sox tickets, the colleagues that he would always call for visit and yet, he had such a big family and for them, for many, he was the surrogate father. it really speaks to the fact that for ted kennedy it was almost like there was more than 24 hours in a day because he was this incredible force in his life on top of being such a major presence in washington, legislatively and otherwise. you know, shepard smith talked about the sense of loss. i think anybody who's experienced that could see in the service today how the family felt it and you know, all the talk about who is going to be the heir. i think it's way premature and
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may be a little silly and i am pertinent today. there was just love that filled that cathedral and for good reason. >> jane: susan, as richard mentioned, the funeral service was more somber than last night. the irish wake, the memorial at the library last night and incredible and i was struck by something senator dodd said. so many people asked what was the key, the magic to ted kennedy. how did he get the stuff done that he got done. i'll tell you what it is, it was simple. everybody liked him. do you agree? >> well, i think the people who knew him well and knew him as a person liked him. i went to work for him 30 years ago and i ended up working both in the senate and then on the campaign and i got to tell you, you know, i've been out there for bill clinton and hillary clinton, they were nothing compared to be out there for ted kennedy in 1979. there were a lot in the senate that did not like him and
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still don't like him because of chappaquiddac and this and that. so he took a tremendous amount of abuse in many respects, but instead of being bitter and angry, he works incredibly hard and that was the secret to getting things done. he worked incredibly hard and he treated other people in a very human way. and he was in his own way, very modest and self-deprecating and that's a pretty rare combination. >> jane: and i think the senator was probably talking specifically within the halls of the senate there that his colleagues liked him so much that it was kind of hard to turn him down. susan and rich, thanks for your thoughts today. >> thank you. >> sure. >> jon: we will continue our coverage of this day, saying goodbye to senator edward kennedy and his final journey to arlington and also check in on some of the other headlines of the day. keep it here.
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>> welcome back everybody. just past the bottom of hour. a whole lot going on in saturday to tell you about. leader moammar gadhafi looks like he'll have to stay someplace else when he visits next month. his request to pitch a tent somewhere in new jersey will be denied. his visa will be limited to new york city and the state department though has not publicly confirmed that's the case. >> jon: the out of jail next month, sentence reduced for good behavior. he threw shoes at bush last december during a news conference in iraq. the youngest person who sail around the world is back home in england, he sailed 28,000 miles by himself. he turned 17 during his trip that took about nine months. the casket carrying senator
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edward kennedy is making its way to washington. once there his mode cade will stop at the senate steps for a brief moment of prayer, one last moment at the institution where senator kennedy cherished where he worked for 47 years, laid to rest not far from his brothers at arlington national cemetery. our caroline shively is live on constitution avenue along the route. that motor vad will drive through the streets of washington. explain the significance of the route it will take. >> he worked here for 47 years and raised his children outside of t at the funeral, dignataries and four different presidents and nearly 80 current and former senators. i think here in d.c. is where some of the regular joes will get to say their goodbyes. you also mentioned one of the first stops on the motorcade is outside the senate steps. that's where the senate staffers who loved kennedy so much will get to say a private prayer and a private goodbye. from there, his motorcade will
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take to the streets coming down constitution avenue. past the mall, past the lincoln memorial. over the memorial bridge and finally, to arlington cemetery. now, that route is significant of course, because it's similar to the route taken by his two older brothers, first john f. kennedy after his assassination, but a few years later, his other brother, baby kennedy. he will join those two brothers over in arlington cemetery, just about a hundred feet from baby kennedy's memorial, that fountain over there and not farther from jfk's eternal flame. it's indeed a significant day and this motorcade will see just about four hours from now past our spot on constitution. >> we can see how boston is marking this day, what about washington? what is happening on the streets there? >> well, over on the capitol you'll see the staffers. many folks here on the street don't realize that this is the spot that he will pass. once they see our cameras and the microphone, it kind of clicks in and they say when is he coming, when is he coming they apparently want to stand
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by and honor him as the motorcade drives past. >> caroline shively in washington d.c. for us, thank you. >> we're learning that president sat down for a private meeting with the senator's widow, vicky kennedy. weather permitting the president is due back on martha's vineyard to resume his vacation. the president will not be going to d.c. for the burial, is that right? >> that's correct. we have word now, he's actually on air force one and that he ap first lady michelle are headed back here to martha's vineyard to resume their vacation after his solemn journey to boston to give the eulogy for his friend, senator ted kennedy. we're expected to land in roughly a half hour and they have weather to contend with and they'll meet up with daughters and extended family members and the president had a little time to golf this week and do some bike riding and the word is, a possibility that there could be an ice cream run in his future this weekend before he returns to washington tomorrow. there's nothing on his schedule while he's here, nothing on his schedule in washington for monday, either. and then come wednesday he's
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expected, along with his family, to travel to camp david later on this week to enjoy an extended weekend. >> a little bit of work, sound like he did still release his weekly address. >> that's right, in his weekly address, focused on the fourth anniversary of hurricane katrina, that's being marked this weekend. he talked about the recovery efforts that are underway right now, and also, plans for preparation to deal with emergencies in the future. earthquakes, pandemics, that sort of thing. president obama says that complex recovery efforts, federal, state and local authorities and one thing he says is no more turf wars that this is something that everyone has to work together on now and in the future. president obama. >> i've also made it clear that we will not tolerate the red tape that stands in the way of progress or the waste that can drive up the bill. government must be a partner not an opponent in getting things done. >> he also talked about the possibility of dealing with pandemics in the future and specifically cited the threat
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of h1n1. the h1n1 virus and says he's working with state, local and authorities to be ready in the fall when there's a possibility of resurgence of that virus. jane. >> jane: molly, thanks. >> jon: politics has not entirely ground to a halt, on this, the weekend of the burial of senator ted kennedy. former vice-president dick cheney is slamming the white house for the possible prosecution of cia personnel over enhanced interrogation. in an exclusive interview with fox news sunday, the former vice-president says the obama administration should be debriefing cia interrogators about ways to keep the country safe not investigating them. >> the approach of the obama administration should be to come to those people who were involved in that policy and say, how did you do it? what were the keys to keeping the country safe over that period of time. instead, they're out there now threatening to disbar the lawyers that gave us the legal opinions, threatening contrary to what the president originally said they would go out and investigate the cia
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pae personnel that carried out those investigations. there's much more from mr. cheney talking about the potential prosecutions and the newly released declassifying of reports of enhanced interrogation techniques. you can catch the entire interview said to be explosive. former vice-president dick cheney on fox news sunday right here on fox news channel and you can also check your local listings for the time it runs on a fox station in your area. >> jane: it appears the united arab emirates seized a ship secretliyinged embargoed north korean arms to iran. the flagship carried ten containers of weapons, included rocked poe pelled grenades and ammunition and it was linked to a guard. it comes at a sense tef time. north korea invited the u.s. for bilateral talks on the nuclear issues and western
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corrup countries pressing for talks. >> search for the black boxes of the crash of a yemeni flight. they're they're analyzing the voice and data black boxes. the teenage girl the only survi survivors. family members say they flew unsafe airlines. the rescue teams will work two weeks to bring up wreckage and look for more bodies. 37 victims have been recovered so far. >> jane: president obama could be ready to drop plans for u.s. missile sites in the czech republic, could improve relations with russia and sour those with american allies in europe. the new york times is reporting today, the white house is working to finish a review of the anti-missile system in time for the president's meeting with the russian president at the next assembly. the white house says no decisions have been made and
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all options are on the table. >> jon: we're continuing to track h1n1 at fox news channel and the world health organization is warning now of a new and more dangerous strain of that flu. the who says that this aggressive form of the flu directly attacks the lungs, making otherwise healthy young people so sick, they need intensive care treatment. the who says countries need to be prepared for increased demand on intensive care units which could be overwhelmed by sudden surges in the number of severe cases. >> jane: take you back to boston where we're watching live pictures to come in. a crowd gathered outside the church in the mission hill neighborhood of boston where the funeral just wrapped up for senator ted kennedy. his body right now is on its way to the air force base, about 20 miles or so outside the city of boston and family will escort the casket to washington d.c. ap buried later this afternoon at washington arlington cemetery.
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provider for 2-layer ambien cr. >> senator ted kennedy served almost 50 years in the u.s. senate. his work was vital to him, but of course so was his family. it was captured well in the personal photograph in the book called "kennedy family album". the author who put these together joins us now. linda, tell me about, we are going to look through some of these and scroll through them. who was the photographer here? the pictures are intimate. >> well, bob was not only an associated press photographer, so he was able to get a lot of the milestone political photographs, especially in palm beach, but he was also a friend of the family. particularly the senator. so he was invited to birthday parties, all sorts of wonderful holiday celebrations. >> this is a guy named bob davidoff. what did you learn about the senator when you got to look through the photographs?
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>> just how important his family was to him. bob was always in the home, these are vacation photographs and you really see how much the senator cherished his family. i know you have a favorite. we asked you a little bit earlier, one of them i think we have in our stock hereof ted kennedy on a bicycle. put that one up and tell me why, what you see in this one? >> well, everyone loves this photo. you know, he, as i said, he loves his children, and spent a lot of time in palm beach, he's in palm beach about to take his little son patrick for a ride and he's just, it could have been any father in in photograph and it shows such a tenderness he had with the children. >> and he had a few favorites, also, of the photographs? >> yes, usually they were photographs with his mother. bob actually took the last photograph of rose and there's a photograph of the family, mostly the schrivers, ted, his
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children, and rose. and you always see him right next to his mother. he was always photographed in the final years with his mother rose, he adored her. >> how much input did the senator have when you were putting this together and what photographs are selected to be included? >> i really didn't. he gave his free rein. he trusted bob, bob was a friend of his, that meant so much to us, he also did the forward and really, that was his only involvement with us. he really gave us no instructions, and what was wonderful, was to be able to give him such a gift, a scrapbook, a scrapbook of his life in his final days. >> the author "the kennedy family album", linda, thanks. >> jon: supporters of health care reform lost a powerful backer in senator ted kennedy. are democrats and republicans actually closer on some parts of the plan than it might seem or are the chances dropping by the day? we'll discuss that next.
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( conversation ) garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go.
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>> new details emerging about the man accused of kidnapping and holding captive a young girl for nearly two decades. the father says his son has a long history of drug abuse and mental problems and claims that he's seen here in a red jump suit did not know what he was doing. he called hits son a sick man
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and says he should not be punished, but treated with a mental illness. garrido and his wife were arrested for kidnapping jaycee dugard and helding him for 18 years and they say he's the father of two children. >> jane: california attorney general jerry brown is joining the investigation in the death of michael jackson and the maintains a drug monitoring system and investigators will be working with l.a.p.d. and the state's drug enforcement agency. jackson's death ruled a homicide due to acute intoxication from appropriate afollow. the personal doctor admitted to giving him the drug in the hours before he died. >> jon: tropical storm danny weakening to a tropical storm depression right now. but the storm is still dangerous, whipping up strong winds and high surf as it
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bears down on the east coast. rick reichmuth is live in the fox weather center tracking danny's path. >> two weekends in a row a washout across the eastern seaboard. this is the one, this is danny, just a tropical depression, actually more mixing in with another storm and barrelling quickly towards the northeast and this is the other system that has gotten wrapped up in and pretty complex system is going to continue to bring some very heavy rain today across areas of the northeast, especially in towards eastern new england, and see the red and yellows here, these are the heaviest of it heading towards the boston area, areas like cape cod and the islands and by the time we're done isolated areas of four to six nchts of rain and it's causing big time flooding corpse. two other stories we're watching, one is cool air across the northern planes and
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the next one, record breaking temperatures across the southeast, 9 r5 5 in los angeles. >> jane: stories we're following today. a girl kidnapped 18 years ago and resurfaced. jaycee dugard and we'll have contin continuing coverage as we watch senator edward kennedy's body buried in washingtgoing th washington d.c. and buried in arlington. >> jon: thanks for spending saturday with us, bye-bye.
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