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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  August 30, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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into c.i.a. interrogation techniques. and now for the very first time, former vice president dick cheney is speaking out about it. >> i guess the other thing that offends the hell out of me, frankly, chris, is we had a track record now of eight years of defending the nation against any further mass casualty attacks from al-qaeda. this approach of the obama administration should be to come to those people who were involved in that policy and say how did you do it? what were the keys to keeping the country stable over that period of time? instead, they're out there now threatening to disbar the lawyers who gave us the legal opinion, threatening contrary to what the president originally said. >> jamie: good morning, everybody. much more on that story. i'm jamie colby. >> eric: i'm eric shawn. the vice president giving that explosive excusive interview aired on "fox news sunday" this morning. he calls the investigation into the c.i.a. purely
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political and claims president obama, in his words, is not prepared to do what is needed to proect the nation. live in our washington bureau, with the latest. what else did the former vice president say? >> good morning. the former vice president called the investigation of the c.i.a. interrogation technique asterable decision. he thinks it's a political move that the obama administration is caving to pressure from the left wing of the party and think it will be an enormous blow to morale of the c.i.a. more of the interview -- >> it's a very devastating effect, i think, it has on morale inside the intelligence community. if they assume they're going to be dealing with the political consequences -- it's clearly a political move. there is no other rationale for why they're doing this, then they'll be very reluctant. >> of course, what he's talking about is the attorney
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general's decision last week to investigate c.i.a. interrogate torse for possible de -- interrogators for possible defeign knee abuse. they g attorney general say some interrogators went beyond the authority. >> it's not only criticizing the issue but harsh words about commander in chief. >> president obama said repeatedly he wants to look forward, not backward on investigating allegation of torture from the previous administration. mr. cheney points out this is going backward. the white house indicated this was the attorney general's decision, but there cheney says the president is the one who bears ultimate responsibility here, eric. >> attorney general eric holder said they have to look into this. slamming what happened in the past and the vice president has strong words about this.
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melani wilkes thank you for giving us the latest this morning. if you'd like to see the whole interview with the former vice president, watch it on fox news channel. sunday sund be repeated at 6:00, seven hours from now on fnc with chris wallace and check your local listing for the local fox station where you live. >> jamie: we have been following the wildfires that have been raging in the last 24 hours. they have increased so much, not only because of the hot temperatures but because of the winds. take a look at the live pictures now that i want to tell you about. you can see how close the fires are now to neighborhoods. that's right. homes. already three people have been burned by the fires and fire crews are out in force trying to get them contained. the problem is that there isn't just one fire. there are multiple fires. they are trying to get them under control. they're doing it from the air, doing it from the ground. they're warning people in many areas to evacuate. if you are in the areas you
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can -- see here some of the resources coming in. the pictures again are live. they are trying to get the word out to everyone that if you're in one of the areas of mandatory evacuation, near the angeles national forest, for example, including pasadena and glendale, you need to pay attention to the evacuation orders because you staying in your home will make it more difficult for fire crews to do what they need to do. three homes have been destroyed by the fires and the concern is they're not in remote areas. the commander of the u.s. forest service is calling the perfect storm here, because of fuels, hot weather and also the amount of brush that are in the forests, the areas that many of you may go to visit on vacation now in jeopardy. as well as the homes. that's why we want to bring you the live picture to show how close the homes are to the firing line and we are
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tracking all of the developments here to keep you apprised, not only if you're there. kabc, i believe, is that who is bringing us the -- >> eric: it is a growing situation. there are in evacuation now, 1,000 homes. untold number of people on that evacuation ongoing. if this threatens, 10,000 homes around los angeles. you can see the people wearing the masks and see the thick dense gray smoke that you are looking at, at the screen right now. this has an indication of how hazardous the situation can be. >> jamie: let's get some more information. bruce quinntillia is joining me now on the phone. bruce, what can you tell us? >> well, the station fire that began a couple of days ago above the city of la pinata has grown to 35,200 acres. and it's only 5% contained. yesterday afternoon late, it
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crossed the major ridge which separates the rural side from the desert side on the back side of the mountain in other words. now it's progressing toward the community on the desert side. >> jamie: we are looking at live pictures of canada flint ridge. i don't know if you can see the picture we have courtesy of kabc. can you describe the conditions? how hot, how dry, how windy? >> the winds have not been extremely bad. we are not under santa ana wind conditions like often we experience in the fall, late summer. the bad news the relative humidity is very low, single digit numbers. the temperatures have been hot. the high 90s, low 100 degrees
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range. for numerous days. that with the dead fuel it's consuming you have a situation that leads to a rapid rate of spread. >> jamie: in the last 24 hours the conditions deteriorated making it more difficult for the firefighters. you mentioned the dead fuel. where is that? what is that? can it be contained? >> the dead fuel is a result of many years of accumulated underneath and mixed in with live vegetation. a lot of the area that's being burned has not burned in 40 to 50 years. because of good fire suppression efforts. we have been fortunate in many regards. it's brush primarily but there are rockets of trees,
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oak, pines that the fire will go through. >> jamie: bruce, we are encouraging everyone to heed the warnings put out. we wish everyone good luck. thank you for your time. >> anytime. >> eric: investigators in california are trying to determine if the man who is accused of holding a kidnapped girl prisoner for 18 yeayears, if he is actually also a serial killer. jaycee dugard who was kidnapped in 1991, snatched right off the street when she was only 11 years old, you may know she turned up last week at a police station in the san francisco area. they say nancy and phillip garrido held her compound in a backyard -- held her captive in a backyard
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compound of tents. investigators this morning searching for clues that could link him to the death they think of maybe ten women who they believe were murdered in the area. casey stegall live in antich with more on this. why do they believe he may be linked to the rash of killings? >> this is really playing out like a script from a movie and sadly, it is real life. the bodies of a few of the victims that went missing in the early 1990s apparently turned up near an industrial park where garrido was working. again, that was in the early 1990s. what other specific evidence that investigators have that may in fact link him to the crimes, at least why they call him a suspect, they are being tight lipped about. we assume they are searchiing more evidence in house, house of horrors it's started to be call, behind me. but yesterday we saw the crime scene expanded to the house immediately next door. my photographer can pan over that way. it's covers by bushes, but
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yesterday afternoon we saw the police pulling out lights and they started looking around in the neighbor's backyard. this is all sort of playing out. police not really telling what they're doing but we assume they are searching for potential evidence to link him to these crimes. we also know they are processing the crime scene where jaycee was held for nearly two decades in the backyard right back there behind me, eric. >> eric: this really is a scandal. first of all, we know he is a paroled sex offender. unbelievable. tents in your backyard. authorities were called to the house several times and they never even found the kids back there. what else are we learning about him? >> this slipped through multiple people. the neighborhood kids knew him as creepy phil. the father said he had a history of drug abuse, an accident when he was younger, he apparently hit his head. reports he talked to god and
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a box he was able to hear god through. when we talk about it slipping through the cracks, someone called 911 in 2006. in fact, the neighbor whose home they look at now, the neighbor called 911 in 2006 saying he was a sex addict, saying there were kids living in tents in the backyard. the sheriff deputy showed up and apparently never went inside the house, never went in the backyard and left. the sheriff department apologizing if profusely to the public. he was on parole for life because he was convicted of kidnapping and rape in 1971. through the years multiple parole officers visited the house and no one knew what was going down in the backyard. hard to imagine. >> eric: it is. lots of questions. not the end of this by any stretch of means. casey stegall live outside the home. thank you very much. >> this is a fox news alert. new reaction to the democrat proposal to give the
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government more control over the nation healthcare system. republican senator orrin hatch of utah saying the healthcare system in his state is working and the federal government should stay out. and let each state determine the best healthcare plan for them. >> utah is not massachusetts or like any other state. massachusetts is having a very, very difficult time because of the cost involve of their program. it's their right to do that. utah has one of the best healthcare systems in the country, most people agree with that. as does minnesota. the democrats in each state are different. if we get flexibility we might have a good healthcare system. >> remember the finance committee, and i've been part of the discussion, though many of us would like to see it broaden in some ways. >> my question is who are the republicans? who are the republicans plural, who are prepared to step up and do as ted kennedy
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would have done? >> jamie: senator kerry suggesting compromise could become necessary when democrats get to the point they cannot pass the bill on their own, which has been speculated. what could be to wrong with fair and balanced debate on healthcare? this is what the critics want to know. after nbc and abc both refused to add -- to air this advertisement. take a look. >> how can obama's plan cover 50 million new patients without new doctors? it can't. it will hurt the seniors. and medicare as we know it. ration coverage and care. limit life-saving medicine. >> jamie: that's a neurosurgeon, a real one doing that commercial, talking a little bit about what could be in store. and the question is according to top brass that the two networks, abc and nbc, they
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say it's too partisan. nbc says it will run the ad if revisions are made. what is the problem here? joining us to talk about it, bob adams, the corrective director of the league of the american voters, the group behind the add. i want to welcome you. thank you for being with us today. >> thank you for having me on this morning. >> what was the reaction initially when you heard that the two network, especially abc where they had given a complete hour at the white house on healthcare they wouldn't run the ad? >> by political standards this is a mild add. you don't have morphing. it's a mild ad in general. overall, a powerful ad and it's powerful because it challenges the president's proposal from the weakest point. which is the truth. the truth is the president's proposal will destroy the quality of healthcare for seniors in this country,
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anyone over the age of 65. that's what abc news is afraid of in airing the ad. why we will continue to push it and put the message out there. >> if you make changes to what they call inaccuracies they'd be happy to run the ad. what are the inaccuracies they've note and would you make the changes? >> the case with nbc, they're asking for revisions in terms of the citation for some of the claims we make in the commercial. we will look over it and see where they're coming from on it. but abc slammed the door in our face and said it was partisan and controversial ad and the network policy is not to air such ads. the point i make is there is nothing controversial about the ad. what is controversial is socializing one-seventh of the u.s. economy over the course of two or three weeks. what is controversial is
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rationing healthcare to senior citizens, seniors, anyone over the age of 65. what is versial is congress not -- controversial is congress not even reading the bill that many were prepared to vote on. >> that is a separate issue. you're trying to get accurate information you say in the hands of americans to evacuate whether or not the reform plan proposed is the nationalized healthcare that will work in their interest or not. what specifically, though, i'm not clear, are the inaccuracies that have been cited. get out here and get the right information so if and when the add does run people will know. >> the inaccuracies are the plan, itself, that the president's plan would end up rationing healthcare to those over the age of 65. for that matter, everyone as a whole, you just can't cover 50 million new people in
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healthcare and have the availability of medicine you have now. >> you say the networks determined because your add disagrees with what the congressional proposals and what the senate is talking about is a plan you say won't work. they're saying something different. that's why you are not agreeing to run the ad? or will you verify facts in the ad and make the changes. you want the ad to run, right? >> we believe the ad is rock solid and the citations are rock solid on this. it's really about another viewpoint. in our view point we say is a viewpoint held by the vast majority of americans that the proposal was a bad idea for americans. >> jamie: i have to end it there, so sorry. bob adams, nice to have you. thank you for telling us what is behind this. the networks saying they won't run the ad until you
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make changes. >> thank you. >> eric: billions of dollars of taxpayer money has gone to the banking businesses. almost hundreds, hundred or so banks across the country failed so far. now another 200 banks could go belly up. what is the bottom line for us, the taxpayer? >> jamie: new development in the murder of the two virginia tech students. the woman you see here is the daughter of a state trooper. we're going to hear new details from police in a live report straight ahead. carol, when you replaced casual friday with nordic tuesday, was it really for fun, or to save money on heat?
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why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service-- you can save money and keep the heat on. great idea. that is a great idea. well, if nordic tuesday wasn't so much fun. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money. fedex
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ú#÷@çs - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. >> eric: a new development in the grisly mass murder in
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brunswick, georgia. police announced they arrested the man who called 911 to report the killing. investigators found the body of seven victims there, ranging from children to middle aged adults, all in a mobile home in brunswick yesterday. two others are critically injured were found and they're in the hospital. police say the man who reported the killing, well, he has been arrested for making false statements to the cops and drug possession but they're not saying whether or not he's an actual suspect in the murder case and he has nod been arrested for murder. heinz is related, they say, to one of the victims. >> jamie: a new report out of britain that seems to confirm the deep suspicions about the release of abdel baset ali mohamed al-megrahi. the libyan is the only person convicted in the 1988 lockerbie bombing and he killed 270 people aboard pan am flight 103. the "times of london" is reporting that prime minister gordon brown government released al-megrahi in a deal
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for oil. not for compassion, due to his terminal cancer, as was previously claimed. this is according to leaked government correspondencorrespo the paper says. >> eric: well, the economy may be showing signs of improvement and wall street has been up, but you can't tell by looking at some of the nation's banks. the number of bank failures have been accelerating in recent months. so far this year, 84 banks have gone under. compare it to 25 banks last year. they say it's not over yet. they think 200 to 300 more banks could soon go belly up and they blame trouble in the commercial real estate market. fox news's brenda buttner with us from the fox business network with the latest. what does it mean for our bank? what does it mean for our money? are our savings safe? >> well, yes. your savings are safe. the fdic basically ensure -- it guards $6.2 trillion. now the fdic itself is in
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trouble right now. its funds went from $13 billion to $10 billion in a couple of months because of all the bank failures. so to it will charge bank more fees. if you have deposits of 250,000 per bank, per deposit, you're okay. the fdic will, will guard that. you'll get that money back. so, but, you know, that doesn't speak to the larger issue obviously of the fact that there are more than 400 banks on the fdic secret list of troubled institutions. that is a lot. many of those could go under, because as you said, we've been through the kind of, the personal housing market failure of the bursting of the bubble. now it looks like commercial loans, commercial real estate could be about to have trouble. that is going to hit the
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banks hard. >> eric: we saw what happened with the financials, the banks, bank of america, citi bank and their stock last year. what could it do to the banks, the folks that have financial stocks? what do you think will happen once this hits? >> it's interesting. i was just doing some research on august. financials definitely led the bulls. financial stocks have been way up. among them, some of the ones you min mentioned. they cratered last year. a risky business to bet on financial stocks right now. some of the bigger ones, the ones that got our money are doing better. they may be actually about to get even too much bigger to fail. they may buy some of the banks that are in trouble. there could be a new wave of consolidation in the industry as well. >> eric: i guess it means there could be opportunity. bottom line, if 200 banks,
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300, 400 banks go, go under, your sense is that really won't affect the pocketbook that much, because of the fdic insurance? >> well, yes. on a personal basis. keep in mind 400 failures would be 5% of the nation banks. they will tend to be the smaller ones. the deposit under $250,000 are guaranteed by the federal government. >> eric: good news on wall street is they've been up but we still have trouble and issues. thank you. >> jamie: in a fox news exclusive, eric -- i'm getting a lot of e-mails from viewers on this -- former vice president dick cheney says putting c.i.a. agencies on trial will make qualified men and women think twice about signing up to defend america. how is morale at langely these days? we take an inside look.
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>> eric: speaking of morale, what is the in the mind of american troops in afghanistan? the death toll of u.s. forces is hitting a high there. 175 of our troops this year. just as the white house is feeling the heat to try to turn things around. colonel oliver north is there. he will be joining us live from bagram air base in afghanistan, north, the troops, afghanistan, what's next coming up. - ( rock music playing ) - ♪ oh!
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situation throughout the morning. and saturday edward kennedy has been laid to rest near his brothers in arlington national cemetery. the day long funeral events yesterday ended with a military burial near the eternal flame, as you know, that has been lit for president john f. kennedy. senator edward kennedy's grave will bear a white oak cross identified to the one his brothers have. >> jamie: the summer vacation may be coming to a close. same for the president. president obama and first family will leave martha's vineyard this afternoon heading back to d.c.. congress, of course, is still on break. the president has a number of hot button issues he's facing and our molly lion is live on the vineyard. i know you are keeping track of what the president is up to and what about everything he has to take care of when he gets back to washington. it should be a pretty busy week. >> that's right. after an eventful vacation week as well he returns to washington this evening with his family. while there is nothing on the schedule for monday there are
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a few key issues looming. of course, his healthcare initiative always on his mind and escalating sense of violence in afghanistan. and also the controversy over the administration's probe over what is happening with the c.i.a. and previous interrogation. a lot on his plate as he moves forward. nothing on the agenda either yet for tuesday or wednesday, but then as of wednesday, he is expected to move to camp david for perhaps a more relaxing vacation and time away with his family. jamie? >> jamie: perhaps a little less eventful. as we know, we listened to the president yesterday during saturday senator kenned funeral. tell me what will happen at camp david. is it truly r&r or will he meet with advisors perhaps about some of these issues? >> of course, the president is always getting briefed, each and every day. the president of the united states never seems to be quite fully on vacation. he is expected to get more family time in and the hope for him would be that he has a bit more time to spend than he has in the past week. this was a working vacation.
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real life interrupted as well in the past week. perhaps a bit more rest, a bit more r&r. >> jamie: it was a lot more serious i'm sure than he had planned but the girls had a major candy purchase this morning so there was a little bit of fun at least for the kids. thank you so much. molly line, good to see you. >> eric: a somber milestone for american forces in afghanistan. the death of 45 u.s. troops making august the deadliest month so far there. so far this year, 175 of our troops have been killed in afghanistan. the battle against the taliban intensify as the white house finds itself under increasing pressure to try and turn things around there quickly. what is ahead for our forces in the years ahead? the host of "war stories," colonel oliver north joins
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live on the telephone. at bagram air force base in afghanistan. good to hear from you, sir. >> eric, i wish i was up on tv. we have of all things a lightning storm. we have can't be up live on tv but glad i can be on the phone with you. >> great to hear from you. you have a lini lining storm, b that is not the real enemy. taliban, even the chairman of the joints chief admit it's going badly. how is the troops, the men and women and how is the mora morale? >> fist of all, if it's bad morale, i can't find it. i talk as you know to soldiers here in regard to the marines every time i come out to a war zone. their morale continues to be high. they are fighting the taliban in places that the taliban had free reign for years. there is no doubt there is more american troops on the ground out here and no doubt they need more logistic
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support. but this country is desperately in need of things like roads. the basic infrastructure by which an economy can survive and people can be put to work, that is going to change things as much as the military situation. that and dealing with a serious narcotics problem coming out of the southern part of the country which is fueling the taliban insurgency. >> eric: you are on the ground and you always go right in the hot war zones. 68,000 troop troops, what do yo think we need? what does the future hold? will it be must have? what should the president do? >> they need more american troops and also more afghanistan troops on the ground. the afghans are volunteering to serve in the police services, they're entering narcotic forces. those are the things that will spell victory for us. just like in iraq or any
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other insurgency, they have to win this themselves. dealing with the rampant destruction part of the karzai administration and endemic for the government for a long time, that has to be done. but i'm confident that what the course that they sset, i don't think is as long as some forecast or as desperate as some make out to be. no doubt a tough fight right now. >> eric: especially some on the left say get out. code pink and other groups, senator russ feingold saying american troops should leave. you are hearing that rumbling now. what is your view of that? >> you and i remember in 2005 about iriraq. not withstanding the fact that the iraqis are now standing up. yes, they have challenges. but the reality of it is suicide bombings, the likes of which we have seen now in this country and particular ly in iraq. most of the suicide bombers
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are not local. they're being imported from outside the country. to do what the afghanis don't want to do and iraqis didn't want to do before them. i'm confident that this is the right course. this will be a difficult fight, no doubt there is a struggle ahead. i don't think that the united states or the young americans that we've got serving out here, the young remarkable men and women are on the ropes at all. i think they have a good fight in them and taking it to on the enemy. >> god bless our troops, the young men and women in afghanistan and iraq and elsewhere in the posts around the world. those who are in harm's way. colonel oliver north joining us live from afghanistan. we thank you. we thank you for your service and your reporting alongside the young men and women. thank you, colonel. >> jamie: a fox news alert. i have to draw your attention to the live pictures that are coming in. we're monitoring it whole hour of the wildfires in california. see the red roof to the left of your screen? this fire rescue vehicle just
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pulling up to check it out, because the flames have been moving down this mountain closer and closer to this particular home. right now there are already mandatory evacuations in the neighborhood of glendale, pasadena, la crucenda and other canyon areas. the reason i'm telling you this is to point out the wildfire that started in the mountains has now moved closer and closer into the suburban neighborhoods. this is in los angeles. it surged in every direction going from a modest threat in a single day, yesterday, escalating to a danger to 10,000 homes we're looking at. the problem also is the high temperatures and the low humidity as someone -- a representative from the national forest service had told us a short time ago. they evacuated 1,000 homes, three destroyed. this is live pictures people checking out to see if the
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home is in danger. there is one to the right, you can see the roof. the fires we're watching in the camera now tilted down to the homes is very, very close. firefighters doing all they can. if you are in this area, you must heed the call to get out if you're told. there you can see the flames. they're on the top of mountain, making their way down. these are big areas now that are being watched by firefighter firefighters because of the changing condition and inability to get them under control. we have the latest on the wildfires in california for you on fox. in exclusive interview, unprecedented at that, dick cheney is blasting the white house over the newly announced investigation of the c.i.a. the former vice president calling it a slap in the agency's face. so how will the new probe affect the morale of men and women who train and defend our country at langely? that's coming up. >> eric: a horrible story about two virginia tech
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students. they were both gunned down and left to die. one of them is the daughter of a state trooper. we have new details on the hunt for their killer. a live report next. welcome to the now network. right now five coworkers are working from the road using a mifi-- a mobile hotspot that provides up to five shared wi-fi connections. two are downloading the final final revised final presentation. - one just got an email. - woman: what?! hmph. it's being revised again. the copilot is on mapquest. and tom is streaming meeting psych-up music - from - ( heavy metal music playing ) that's happening now with the new mifi from sprint-- the mobile hotspot that fits in your pocket. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearing, and people with speech disabilities access
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coming up live in washington, more of former vice president dick cheney exclusive interview, pressing outrage at the justice department decision to go after c.i.a. interrogators. we have live reaction from congressmen on both sides of the aisle. republican royce and democrat sesnak. plus, is now the time to buy a house? that story and more in about 20 minutes. >> jamie: new developments in m manhunt going on for kill canner of two students. they say the two appeared to be victim of ran dam act of violence. the bodies found by passerbies in jefferson national forest thursday at a campground popular with tech
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students. they had been shot to death. laura ingle has the latest from the newsroom. hi, laura. >> as we continue to follow the case, of course, there are a lot of questions about who could have taken the lives of the two young people? popular, christian folk who had gone to virginia tech and had a stellar reputation. investigators tell fox that the investigation is ongoing but that the sheriff's office has no new information to release to us at this point. the most cig ca significant development is this appeared to be a random act. some thought it was a revenge murder of some type in connection with the father of the female victim heidi child. he is a virginia state trooper. we continue to monitor this and we're on the phone with investigators trying to figure out what the late zest on the case for you. >> jamie: i know there was information he had a 1992, if i remember correctly, toyota camry and i think they were saying if anyone had seen that car some place before it might be helpful. why would they have been
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there in the woods? is this a place that students frequent? >> it is. you know when you look at the pictures on the website of this particular field where the car was found, the man was found inside in the car and she was found outside the car. this is very popular area for virginia tech. and somewhere they all go camp. >> jamie: thank you, laura. stay on it for us. we'll continue to let everyone know if there are developments. >> eric: have you heard about the scandal in italy involving the prime minister there? no one does it better than the italians. now he's firing back wanting to sue the media for liable. what would happen if a prominent politician in america was quat a m caught wit mistress or having sex? what would the media do? liz trotta on the media in america next. inner beauty is important,
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>> jamie: we have been telling you about an exclusive interview on "fox news sunday" with former vice president dick cheney in which he claims that it is politics behind a new c.i.a. investigation and he insists the probe will end up hurting the men and women that are charged with keeping america safe. >> but my concern is that the damage that will be done by the president of the united states going back on his word about the investigation of the personnel carrying out the policies is seriously going to undermine the morale of our folks out at the agency. >> what is the mood inside langely right now? there will be a chilling effect if the investigation going forward on the ability of the c.i.a. operatives to do their jobs and keep us safe? joining me on the phone is jack rice, am forec.i.a. agent. jack, thank you for being with us. >> pleasure to be with you.
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>> jamie: you saw the interview with the former vice president and you know about the investigation and the call for the investigation and the prior investigation. what do you think should happen? s>> realistically, leon panetta is trying to carry the fight to the hill and carry the fight to the white house against what is happening with eric holder and the attorney general's office and the justice department. the real problem happening right now is how they balance those two, how they deal with one another. that is sort of over and above whether or not there should have been an investigation in the first place. in a narrow sense, i think that there are short-term problems, long-term we're going to see. >> jamie: based on the information that you have, and obviously a lot of americans are concern if an investigation goes forward there could be classified information that becomes not classified and that we give away secrets that could perhaps jeopardize the national security. but based on what you know, do you think an investigation is called for and if it goes
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forward could it have a chilling effect on the ability of c.i.a. operatives, like you served as, in their ability to do what we need them to do? >> well, this may sound crazy. i think there should be an investigation. i think there should be a lot more transparency in the first place. the agency has always needed more transparency, not less. every time there is a failure, that's what people find out about. they don't find out about successes and they don't understand sometimes what it is the agency is trying to accomplish. let's go broader now for just a second. the reason there needs to be an investigation if you take a look back at what has come out of the 2004 i.g. report, the c.i.a. i.g. report as well as the 2005 justice department mememo. a lot of things have come out that strike me about inconsistent of the illegalities and violation of the geneva convention and people doing things over and above what they were allowed to do under the justice department now. to simply say that well, because they were fighting terrorism, that's good
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enough. for my perspective it's not. there should be an investigation. >> sorry, i'm out of time. but that is a perspective from a former c.i.a. agent. we appreciate you weighing in on it. i encourage everyone to watch the exclusive interview where the former vice president dick cheney to hear his thoughts as well. fair and balanced. that's how we do it here. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> eric: have you heard about the sex scandal involving italy's prime minister? the story about silvio berlusconi, a naked girl, teenage model, paid escort. if it happened here like it is happening over there, what would our main stream media do? does it depend upon the politician? liz trotta with her take. >> jamie: plus, there are new details on the unbelievable kidnapping of jaycee dugard. her life in a tent in the backyard of the man accused of snatching her off the street when she was only 11. guess what? police are back and looking for more. we will tell you why they're at the crime scene next.  um bill--
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>> eric >> eric: when it comes to political sex scandals, covering them, no one likes it better than italians. silvio berlusconi has been linked to bevy of bikini duties. he's suing newspapers for liable in several countries over the coverage of the frolicking females and the prime minister. how do you think the american media would handle this in the wake of john edwards and mark stanford revelation and others? joining with us her take, author and journalist and fox news contributor liz trotta. good morning. >> good morning. >> eric: well, well, well. i don't think we've seen anything like this in the country. what is going on? >> machiavelli once said politics has no relationship to morals. that's what you have here. there is an historical cynicism of the italians when it comes to power and politics. here as a politician, he
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probably would be gone. because for years now in his three terms as prime minister, berlusconi has flaunted his call girls, his 17-year-old girlfriend, all kind of things that we would normally try to cover up in the west. it's interesting because of all the top european countries, italy probably gets the least coverage. now we have a colorful prime minister who draws bulk of the coverage. "vanity fair" magazine can't get enough of him. they said getting away with it has become part of his charm. but, you know, he owns half the television audience in italy. he owns the top advertising agency. he owns the soccer team. he's worth $9 or $10 billion. he has extremely control can lorful background. he started singing on cruise ships. and to this day writes anthems for the team and other music. so he's a very
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multi-dimensional figure whose own divorce has been played out publicly. there are sex tapes that were released by live republico, the leftest leaning newspaper that his chief tormenter. every day they've been running ten questions for the prime minister. every single day. and of course, he doesn't answer them and it infuriates them. this is politics italian style. >> eric: man, it seems great in a certain way. but look, he says nothing untord has happened. his wife is suing him saying she made her look ridiculous. what about here? you have john edward and mark stanford and his soulmate in argentina. monica lieu lewinsky and presit bill clinton. >> italians have seen everything and they draw that
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they despise the power. they have an ambivalent relationship with the vatican, as does by the way, mr. berlusconi. the paper that is bishops read has been hammering like mad. they responded through by the way berlusconi's brother saying the editor is a homosexual and trying to take someone's husband away from his wife. i went to court. there has been a dozen lawsuits that he's beaten, berlusconi. and it has to do with things like does he foster connections with the mafia? is he part of the mafia? i mean, all of the allegations. of course, the british press particularly has had a field day with this. >> eric: if you can read italian i urge people at least to get the, have the google translation, because it is wild. >> it is wild. >> eric: i think much more than anything we've ever had. talk about inter -- talk about entertainment.


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