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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  August 31, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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and told police his profession was former actor. in the end, he did 60 days in jail and to mitchum's surprise the career soon exploded. but he got busted 61 years ago today. and now you know the news. mr. bill's friends will expand upon it now. laura: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> i think it's terrible decision. president obama made the announcement his administration would not go back and try to prosecute cia personnel. laura: yet the obama administration is pushing full speed ahead to investigate the cia terror warriors. how does that help us keep safe? >> we have a moral duty to pass health care reform and we need to pass it this year. laura: are democrats still exploiting senator kennedy's death to push through government-run health care? we will tell you what they are saying. >> he's crazy. he's out of his head.
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laura: and how did this evil freak keep this poor girl captive for 1 years? and did law enforcement drop the ball? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute laura: hi, everyone. i'm laura ingraham reporting tonight for bill o'reilly. thanks a lot for watching us. our top story focuses on the war of words unfolding between the obama administration and the former bush white house. now it's all about attorney general's eric holder's investigation into cia operatives who interrogated the most vicious, hardened terrorist terrorists 9/11 attacks. chief among the critics of the controversial move is former vice president dick cheney who, in a "fox news sunday" exclusive, was asked about how the investigation will effect the cia. >> it's a very, very
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devastating, i think, effect that it has on morale inside the intelligence community. if they assume that they are going to have to be dealing with the political consequence and it's clear lay political move. i mean, there is no other rationale for why they are doing this, then they will be very reluctant. laura: and cheney is holding mr. obama personally responsible. >> the president is the one who bears this responsibility. and for him to say gee, i didn't have anything to do with it, especially after he sat in the oval office and said this wouldn't happen and then holder decides he is going to do it so now he has backed off and claiming is he not responsible. i just -- i think he is trying to duck the responsibility for what's going on here and i think it's wrong. laura: also, senator john mccain, despite believing that waterboarding and other interrogation techniques are torture thinks holder is wrong to proceed.
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>> i worry about this thing getting out of control and us harming our ability to carry on the struggle that we're in with radical islamic extremism. so, look, i was radically opposed to it i think it harmed us. i think torturing harmed us. a number of antidotes that could substantiate that and i think it harmed our image in the world. but for us now to go back, i think, would be a serious mistake. laura: all right. it gets even better because today white house press secretary robert gibbs slammed back and cheney. >> this is the same song and dance we have heard since literally the first day of our administration. i think the vice president, if you watch some of his interview was clearly, clearly had his facts on a number of things wrong. i'm not entirely sure that dick cheney's predictions on foreign policy have born a whole lot of fruit over the last eight years.
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laura: it's getting good, isn't it? now, for the record, the "the washington post" reports that the techniques used by the cia on the 9/11 master mind khalid sheik mohammed were, in fact, effective. basically the info he gave interrogators before the enhanced interrogation techniques were used was rather unhelpful and then after the waterboarding he basically sang. and with us now fox news contributors juan williams and mary katharine ham. juan, let's start with you. now, this cheney versus the obama administration. obama administration hitting back at cheney. isn't this something of a distraction to this whole push on health care? i mean, is this helpful for the democrats? >> no. it's not helpful at all. in fact, there are some people who made the case that this was intentionally a distraction from health care because the obama administration's standings there were slipping so badly and they wanted to change the story. but i think if they change the story intentionally it was foolish because this is even more explosive and more controversial. i think it's more upsetting to the american people. gretchen: upsetting that the american people are worried
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about blowing second hand smoke in some detainee's face or what are they upset by, juan? that's one of the things that was apparently so outrageous is that they blew smoke and one guy was make believe dead in another cell or something. >> no. come on, look. laura: do you think people are up at night. like in ohio the unemployed factory workers oh my god do you know what khalid sheik mohammed there was this play dead scene in a cell? >> you know what, laura? we are worried about fighting wars in iraq and afghanistan. we are worried about the fact that our men and women are dying dying. as you just heard from the white house in a war that dick cheney said oh yeah go right in we are sure they had weapons of mass destruction they didn't have them. laura: we are north talking about weapons of mass destruction. we are talking about what's effective in keeping america safe? >> what you just heard from john mccain is when it comes to these torture techniques, enhanced interrogation. laura: we got a lot of information. >> no, we didn't. the "the washington post" had a major article on it just on
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saturday. >> what did the article say? the sheik said that he lied. he told the red cross he lied initially. laura: after the fact. >> he lied. so, laura. laura: juan, read the whole piece. read the whole piece. and mary katharine you probably read the piece from saturday. i like how the "the washington post" seems to back load these things on the weekend. saturday, look, you will never know what you would have gotten out of these key detainees if there were different types of methods used. but the bottom line is we did get incredibly useful information out of ksm after the waterboarding. before the waterboarding, not so much. first of all is f. second hand smoke is torture then the entire state of north carolina needs to be under prosecution. i'm looking out for them on that. second of all, ksm did become the most prolific source about information about impending attacks and information on networks. the left wants to argue argues against the use of enhanced
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interrogation techniques actually says before he got them he wasn't saying anything useful. after he got them, magically, he starts singing. i think it's a really hard argument to make. i think it's a very bad decision for the obama administration to get into a political pr fight with dick cheney who is essentially a man with nothing to lose. he has no political ambition. he can just go out there and talk and he has proven able to move the numbers on this in his favor. laura: in fact, juan, by the way, how a detainee became an asset. this outlines how ksm became an asset. >> that tells the story overtime, laura. what happened overtime that he was abused. laura: i wish i had time to read the whole story on the air. >> he says he lied at certain points to stop the torture. laura: he doesn't want to look like he was a stool pigeon for al qaeda. >> maybe all we had to do was wait. maybe we could have used other techniques. we didn't have to sacrifice our moral standing or worldwide image. laura: our worldwide image.
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>> support that other people. laura: our image today is better? do you think that countries like iran and north korea are treating us better iran of iran they are our most dangerous threat to national security. >> care about troops that would send troops into iran iraq and afghanistan. people who would support us. laura: are you following the news in iraq? we have had more bombings in iraq over the past several weeks then i think anyone would have predicted. >> we want people who will support u.s. troops. our allies. we do not want people. laura: scotland is releasing the lockerbie bombing, juan. we can't even convince scotland to do the right thing right now. ok? >> that's terrible. >> laura: we have obama in the white house. it should all be soft power. scotland released the lockerbie bombing because of this? they released the lockerbie bomber because of the interrogation technique. >> act of compassion. act of craziness, when they talk about compassion they're trying to posit themselves as not like
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the u.s. who tortures people. laura: do you think these people respect passion? they are focused on power. >> all you are focused on is is terrorists you are not focused on our horlt and our allies. laura: the world is more dangerous in iran. and i would say north korea. i would say some of our allies aren't even as supportive as they should be. vends is still giving us trouble. mary katharine ham, look, dick cheney, his popularity seems to be going up. ok? all i know that every poll shows that the democrats, pelosi, read, president obama are going down, down, down. who is the winner here? who is the winner? >> well, i think what -- you know, obama needs to think about is the america public is actually to the right of msk contain on this issue and thinks that even if waterboarding might be a form of torture that people were probably justified in using it main live they do not want to go back and prosecute these guys. i think we need to be thinking about the is pressure we are putting those guys under and the fact that they won't be able to operate in the future listening to lawyer's advice from an
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administration and acting upon it and later getting prosecuted when, by the way, all the information pertaining to cia alleged abuses has been reviewed already by a panel of career prosecutors. and they decided not to prosecute because they don't believe they can get convictions because there is sill so little evidence. >> and juan, do you think the cia is people who work at the cia, do you think this makes them want to really stay there and make a career out of it? >> oh, yeah. see, look, i think there are some people who are in the cia who are having questions because because you want to make sure you have support. overall the cia is fine. by the way if you think dick cheney's standing could be any lower i don't know how it could be any lower. when you think about weapons of mass destruction. laura: i care about trends. >> how about the law? laura: how about keeping us safe for eight years, juan. laura: that's why i love having you both on on a monday. juan and mary katharine great to see you both. directly ahead, how is the investigation affecting the morale at the cia? we will speak to an insider. and then, do it for teddy, as in
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do health care for teddy is the democrats' rallying cry on capitol hill. is it working? we are going to present the evidence when we come back. um bill-- why is dick butkus here?
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i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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laura: continuing now with our lead story. even democrats say they are not happy with the way the attorney general is handling the cia investigation. >> candidly, i wish that the attorney general had waited. every day something kind of dribbles out into the public arena, very often it has mistakes, very often it's half a story. and i think we need to get the whole story together and tell it in an appropriate way. laura: meanwhile, a valid liberal helen thomas grilled robert gibbs today over what's going to happen to detainees. detainees in that sense other places? >> detainees are not sent to
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other places to be tortured. that's the policy of this country. >> to be interrogated? >> well, some may go to other countries to face charges that they have in those countries. but they are not shipped in the dark of night to be tortured. laura: with us now dr. michael scheuer, the former head of the cia's ben laden unit and author of the great book "marching towards hell" america and islam after iraq. dr. sharier, i just want your take on where we are right now with what the attorney general says he is going to do order ordering this full-fledged investigation. what the president has said in the past about moving forward, not backward. and now this. >> i think what they have done is two things. the administration clearly has declared war not only on the cia but their entire intelligence community. and it's going to have a freezing effect, an effect where people work to the letter of their instructions and no more. the second thing they have done is probably more damaging. and that is informal died and
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its allies not only of all the things that are in our arsenal of to-do to them if we get them but also the fact that we are not going to do it anymore. and for better or worse, the cia has been al qaeda's most damaging enemy since 1996. and what the president has done is what his party has always done. kind of unilateral disarmament. this is reminiscent of the cold war when they wanted to get rid of our nuclear weapons. thinking that that would encourage the soviets to do so. laura: isn't it also going right to the heart of this idea that the left has never liked the cia? i mean the cia represents all things that is bad about the united states of america. is it not? i mean, this is a long-running left-wing dispute with the way things are done in washington. >> sure it is. i have always said that if the country survives my generation, we're going to be in very good shape because most of the people i grew up with share mr. obama and mr. holder's attitude of hatred toward the central
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intelligence agency. and that's what we are seeing here. we are seeing the 60's at doe less cents work out their hatreds now. laura: i love you are doing the psychological profile. you are a doctor after all. can't we just make ahmed call doctor? holder says he has no choice but to proceed with this investigation because the ethics office at the justice department, you know, came forward with this information. first of all, i don't think that is necessarily the case. number two, when the president himself reassured the cia early this year that, you know, targets weren't on their backs, you know, keep up the morale, you know, we are in your corner, we are going to move forward, not backyard. -- backward. this has to be signed off. >> if it's not we have a minor cabinet official running the united states government. of course the president signed off on this. this is just politics. it's not only on their side of the aisle. both parties are playing politics on this issue. laura: juan williams in a previous segment got into it whether or not weather in fact we learned valuable things of
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waterboarding of can a lead sheik mohammed. how many people were waterboardinged in this entire process. >> less than half a dozen i think. laura: just a handful of people was waterboarded. he was waterboarded many, many times. he provided information, according to the most recent reports in the "the washington post" and other places, that was extremely useful. a lot of it was bloviation. a throft went to the iideology, operational structure and even some agents of al qaeda were named by him over the course of many months. >> yes. once you get them talking, if you can engage them on islamic history and their place and they often say more than they think they are going to say, so khalid sheik mohammed and many of them have been not only manipulated in terms of interrogation techniques but in terms of conversation and debate. that's what the recent reporting is showing. they are leading us into how al qaeda thinks and how it's allies think. laura: he was an effective resister before the waterboarding. >> yes. laura: and, again, you can never know if other techniques also would have worked with him. but you can make an educated
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guess that this was the most hardened of the terrorists we were interrogating and he wasn't the garden have a right, you know, stooge for al qaeda. gheas charge of planning. he was a master mind. it was outline on the line for him. >> people, lawyer remarks never talk about the fact that al qaeda guys are trained to resist interrogation. laura: their manual that we found and the british found manual. >> they believe they can die in the battlefield and go to allah or die in our prisons. they are very good and trained at resistance. laura: the interagency task force that has been now tasked by these special committee of the obama administration to come up with these new, you know, interrogation methods, does this give you much dismfs it's obviously taken away from cia and the variety of officials that are going to be involved now. >> no it doesn't. what it does is i ran the program. i founded the program. we were the most oversaw, -- overseen organization in the government. there was a lot of examination. this is now in the white house. no one exams the white house but
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the white house. laura: no one seems to know who is on first? we don't know who is in charge. >> power to the president. laura: you can argue that the executive branch is getting more powerful and the intelligence agency is obviously being sapped of their power. >> the intelligence anies are not going to come into the white house, laura. >> dr. schurr gait to see you as always. vial comments paid by ted kennedy's victim at chappaquiddick. it's lower than low. some town hall supporters get rough at a town pal hall. where is the outrage from the left? all of it coming up
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laura: are democrats politicizing ted kennedy's death? new rallying cry for health care reform seems to be win one for teddy. a writer on the huffington post even invoked kennedy's chappaquiddick vim in a discussion about the senator's legacy saying, quote: laura: wow, joining us now from detroit, radio talk show host nancy skinner. and, nancy, we should say that this woman, i guess her name is
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melissa lafsky. she does not work for the huffington post. she is not employed by them. they have, i think, have put up a couple of her blog post over the past year. this is a heck of a one to choose, is it not? >> it's completely insane. i mean, it's outrageous to think that anyone would willfully give up their life, laura in order for someone's political career, however outstanding that career was, absolutely. it's a ridiculous thing to say. i completely, laura, you and i completely agree with something. laura: scarey. the segment is over go to the -- no. nancy, why do you think the huffington post, which has become, you know know, a pretty big deal left leaning web site across the united states, pretty big deal, why do you think the huffington post would link to this of all the things it could link to on ted kennedy's life? i know they have a a variety of things on the huffington post, why this? >> i don't know. i really wouldn't know why or who chose it or. why i think it's an outrageous
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statement. if i were the editor of the huffington post. i would say get down and apologize. laura: if i were mary jo kopechne's family i would be outraged. if conservatives or republicans did something similar people would be outraged. why do you think it's ok to be up there on capitol hill saying do it for teddy? why is that ok? >> you said are they using ted kennedy's death? ted kennedy himself called it health care the cause of his life. ok. so it's not using it laura. and here is what really bothered me over this debate over the weekend on radio that we were all talking about it had you these moving eulogies by orrin hatch at obviously the services but mccain and mitch mcconnell and even fox news coverage said liberal lion crossed party lines. everybody said how wonderful and how he crossed party lines. now that he is gone, they can't see how health care can get passed because he is not there to do it. that's like using him as an excuse to bury health care
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reform with him. you are eulogy guising him and saying he went to your mother's funeral. you loved him, but you can't do what it is he has done his whole career, not a single one of his dear friends can do what he has done. laura: that's not quite accurate though because over the last several months carks clearly, the democrats vice president been saying let's do it for teddy. let's do it for senator kennedy. is he struggling for his life and let's fight for it i didn't hear that a lot over the last several months. only after his death and after the polls show that the public basically doesn't want this owe whole obama care thing do they think that ok the whole rebranding, the first two times around hasn't worked. so now we are going to try. this let's play -- we have a sound by the at one of the prayers at the prayers funeral mass on saturday. this is one of the kennedy grand kids during the prayers. let's listen. >> for what my grandpa called the cause of his life, as he said so often, in every part of this land that every american will have decent quality health
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care as a fundamental right and not a privilege. we pray to the lord. laura: nancy do you see that little are a adorable boy came up with his own it sounds like it's out of howard dean's speech. this was politicizing the funeral. >> but you know what? i was there, laura, at the convention when ted kennedy actually gave his last speech. and he was bed-ridden before he even gave that speech. so i'm telling you, he said this is the cause of my life. everybody -- laura: who cares? nancy, who cares? who cares that it's the cause of his life. it's a sixth of our economy. it's not a tribute to one man. this is our future. this sour liberty and our freedom at stake. >> you are right. that's why he worked hard at it. what the calls are for, laura is for bipartisanship. if he crossed the line for nixon he got nixon's cancer institute passed. and nixon didn't want his name on. laura: we are going back to nixon for bipartisanship. >> he has done no child left behind. he has done lots of things. it's not about ted kennedy.
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this is the thing. if we are going to look at compromise on health care, that's what everybody is talking about. >> now the far left wants single pair universal. that's gone. far right wants status quo. laura: far right? how about 55% of the country? far right? i don't think that's necessarily working now when you look at these polls. it's broad based opposition. nancy, we appreciate it very much. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. obama care supporters have money blizzed protest around the united states. and some of them are, yes, getting violent and did authorities drop the ball in the case of the little girl missing for 18 years? we have disturbing details on the investigation. and we hope you stay tuned for those reports.
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is some lunch.
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call now - and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. laura: in the impact segment tonight, the health care debate gets a little physical. a obama spater stormed into a town hall in tucson and began mixing it one the crowd. it quickly got ugly. the protester threw an elbow at a man's head. he was then escorted out by bliss police. and at a recent tea party rally in georgia. another obama supporter started a verbal confrontation and police were called in. >> i am not going to be moved by people who don't care about other people. >> sir, you have a permit to be protest out here? >> do i have what? i'm not going to move and you are not going to arrest me. >> we have a city ordinance.
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you are going to obey it. >> i don't care what you have. get off. get off. >> put your hands behind your back or i will shoot you with the taser, now. put your hands behind your back. >> get on the ground. >> turn around and put your hands behind your back now. laura: joining us now from new york is kelly ann conway a republican pollster and here in washington democratic strategist julian f stein. is that going to get the coverage of some of the other scuffles in the last couple of weeks on health care? >> i don't know and, look, i mean i think these town hall meetings have been great for the country. i think it's a sign of a very, very healthy. laura: a true liberal. we found a true liberal. i love this. >> i think it's good there are legitimate views on the left and legitimate views on the right. the debate should occur. to the extent that people try to disrupt debate whether it's obama or -- they ought to be arrested for misconduct.
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this process going s. going to be very good for the democrats. we made missteps in the initial faces of the health care debate. i think it makes you stronger. laura: i don't want we want to be quoting nichey. we want to appeal to middle america. i get your point. kelly ann, let's go to you. you can argue, i guess, not political either way. this has been a pretty raucous summer. it was raucous in the last couple of days and somebody gets their head elbowed or whatever. this is going to happen, is it not at these type of events. got people on both sides. union people turning out. lots of conservatives turning out. this is kind of rough and tumble stuff. i don't really have a problem with it as long as no one is getting hurt. >> no. it's fine. i love seeing a full display, too. i think it's part of the first amendment. they get to express themselves. we get to view them making fools out of themselves. everybody's first amendments being protected. laura, it really does show how out of control this debate has become for a president who has always liked to practice discipline, who has talked about hope you can believe in. change for us. if this is hope we can believe,
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in i mean, some of these people look loonatical. some of these protesters stand out because they are the only ones there. where is where is the supporters young people who rallied around his candidacy who gave money to a political campaign for the first time. they're back on their couches in their boxers. if you look at the demographics of the town hall participants, these are junior, seniors, and seniors all of them who lived through hillary care 16 years ago and are back to fight it again. they had more skin in the game during hillary care than barack obama who was back in illinois, i don't know if the state senate warming the bench or organizing communities. these folks are serious. their anger is real because they are not going to countenance a trillion dollars worth of spending on top of a trillion for tarp for cap and trade for bailing out detroit. laura: is kelly ann wright, some of the excitement for obama is it receding a little bit? some the reports are that they
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can't get the excitement and passion that you saw last fall for president obama, then candidate obama on the part of the young people. i would argue that kelly ann is wrong. they are not sitting on their couches in their boxers. they are sitting on their parent's boxers in their briefs. go ahead. >> well kelly ann is partially right. first of all there are crazy on both sides, crazy on the left and crazies on the right. la. laura: crazies right here in this studio, you and i, come on. >> it is true in terms of democrats and progressives they have had a harder time immobilizing them on behalf of the health care debate. laura: don't you think young people are worried about this health care thing? maybe they like obama personally and supported him but maybe they don't like this. >> here is part of the problem what the a messaging has been thus far from the democrats. they haven't been talking about the need for health care reform for people who already have health insurance. you hear the president and the democrats starting to say right now the status quo is intolerable because health care is already taking up a 50 of your income and that's going to double in the foreseeable future. so we have got to fix the waste. we have got to fix all the unnecessary cost.
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laura: none of this does that that's the problem. >> the thing why this is so good for the democrats is the lesson of 1993 is not to let the house write the bill. the less of 1993 is to get a moderate bill. cut a deal between the committee chairman, the moderate blue dogs and the white house at the outset. keep it simple, understandable and sell it get some moderate republicans in there. laura: too late for that, julian. it's over. >> i don't think so. that's the other misstax stake. there is still plenty of time here. we have got at least four months in this year for the president to get something done. this can go into next year. there is no need to have to rush. this. laura: that's not what he wants. he was talking the middle of september. >> the rush is a mistake. at the end of the day what the democrats say here is the public option has been there out there so much that becomes part of the grand gesture if the democrats have to gettive public option they can still get universal coverage by extending medicaid and medicare and regulate the insurance agency so that we did you tell out all the wrongful denials and we begin to cut away. laura: incream mental? >> information your most host on
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this show bill o'reilly has spoken about the swiss system. it's something that is actually -- regulate the health insurance industry. make sure everybody has got health insurance. mandate it. it could get republican support. you know what i would be willing to talk about probably caps on punitive damages for tort reform reform. laura: julian is arguing tort reform. >> get some republicans along with that so long as you towering about, you know this well as a lawyer, talking about punitive damages rather than compensatory damages. a lot of times tort reform in the past has been very wrong. you talk about death panels. death panels who decide your right arm is only worth $2,000. >> what's. >> democrats get smart and get a bill passed in november or december. more moderate and incream mental. laura: kelly ann? >> my prediction is he either doesn't have republican support which will back fire like it did with the stimulus. independence will say we are not supporting obama and the democrats in 2010. they lose double digit in the house or it is passed without a public option and the liberals
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get mad. so i think either way obama is in a tough spot. >> rome wasn't built in a day. laura: if only we were building rome here. laura: we are building a democracy. laura: directly ahead how did this monster get away with making an 11-year-old girl his sex slave for 18 years? we will have the heinous details. and then sarah palin is preparing for a big speech in asia. is she trying to boost her foreign policy credit to lay the groundwork for 2012 presidential run? those reports all coming up.
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laura: thanks for staying with us. i'm laura ingraham in for bill o'reilly. in the factor follow up segment tonight. more details in the casey of jaycee dugard, 11-year-old girl held captive for 18 years by a convicted sex offender until her dramatic release last week.
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phil garrido has been charged with 29 felony counts of kidnapping and rape in california. he allegedly fathered two children with this young hostage. and his wife has also been charged in this heinous crime. and now investigators are searching for other possible victims. but the big question is this: how did garrido allude law enforcement for so many years? joining us now from irvine is anita k. she is a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor and from san francisco henry leah reporter who is falling this following this for the san francisco chronicle. henry, i want to start with you because reports started emerge late last week that in fact authorities had visited this home of mr. garrido after hearing complaints from neighbors that children were living in tents at the house. they called him a creepy phil and thought he was like a psychotic. and the authorities went there and apparently never found the encampment. >> theamplet and i was sitting right next to the sheriff of the
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county. he acknowledged that his deputy more or less dropped the ball. they could have looked under a rock or two. back in november of '06. the deputy paid mr. garrido a visit and thought that this was nothing more than a code violation because of people living in the backyard. he did not go in the backyard did. not see the children. though this was one of many missed opportunities, laura. laura: anita, i want to bring this up idea that we have sex offenders living in communities across the united states. isn't this the whole point of having the registry? you are supposed to know who is where and what they are doing and have aggressive follow-ups? i mean, again, police have a really difficult job adoes cross the country. i'm no a big supporter of police police. -- i'm a big supporter of police. how did he not know this little girl was here. >> the majority of time the police do do a good job. here you have got someone making a complaint against garrido. you know, the officer could have done a background check.
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garrido was on parole and he is a registered sex offender. and my understanding is that he registered every single year. so they knew who he was and where he was. all he has to do is find out what the background is and say hey, you are on parole. i'm searching your entire house. i'm going in your backyard and i'm going to check everything out. and they didn't do that. i mean, we could have -- they could have found jaycee three years ago and found her kids three years ago. they have -- laura: doesn't it look like he is trying to set himself up already for insanity defense? that's the next thing we are going to see raised. >> right. that's always the possibility when you have got a case that's so gruesome because all of us look at it and say he must be crazy. but when you are talking about the legal insanity, here is the thing. what have you got to look at in california, first of all, is we decide guilt first. guilt or innocence first. then you go to the sanity phase. and it's -- were you insane at the time of the crime? why look at this and say this
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was a crime ongoing for 18 years. so how do you pick apart and say he was sane sane in 1991 but in 1996 he was insane? i think that's going to be a real difficult uphill battle for defense attorney because you are basically going to have to say he was insane for the entire 18 year period because basically for all we know he committed a crime every single day when he violated her. laura: oh, no, no. it's so heart wrenching and oso horrific it's really hard for any of us as human beings to contemplate that one can do this to another human being. henry, there are heroes out there. and these campus police officers who thought that something wasn't adding up here when he came to college campus to permit to speak, pass out pamphlets. and it shows you that once again if something doesn't seem right when you are in the public setting. something doesn't seem right it's good to follow up if you can and campus police officers are often teased for not being real police well they did a
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great job. >> the sheriff who admitted that his department had not done enough actually lauded the work of uc berkeley police officer jacobs. i'm proud to say u.c. berkeley is my alma matter. people think they are just campus cops but they are an agency that is paid to be curious. they deal with a lot of people. different kinds of people from, you know, studious folks like myself to homeless people. they really caught the ball in this case. and got the ball rolling. laura: henry, what do we know now about the victim jaycee? have you been able through your reporting find out how she is doing? >> the first thing she did say to her mom over the phone was hi, mom, i have kids. mother and daughter have since reunited. they are together at an undisclosed location. obviously there is going to be a lot of counseling and a lot of catching up to do. and obviously they are going to have to see, ask jaycee what happened to you over the past 18 years. and at the same time, be cognizant that this is a little girl in many ways.
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she is 29 now. they are going to have to ask her a lot of diligent questions while respecting her privacy. and being sensitive of this whole situation. laura: and also the privacy of the two children? any word on them? >> well, pictures are surfacing as you know of these two children. obviously these three young women have a lot of debriefing to go through. they have not made any public statements for many obvious reasons. the police will be talking to them very soon. laura: anita and mr. lee, we appreciate it and coming up, it's the dog days of august. that means hot for words. the summer edition. and then sarah palin is back. first it was health care and death panels. enough to she is stepping her toes into the murky waters of foreign policy. we have the details coming up. 
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laura: summer boo who is winding down we thought it was time to revisit our warm weather vocabulary lesson. here is our hot for words expert morina. bill: here we go with the summertime edition of the morina show. ready for this? >> yes, of course. bill: now bikinis are on display. where did the word bikini come from? >> bikini is a fun word because of the origin of the word
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bikini. back in 1846, after two atomic bombs were dropped on the island of bikini by the united states as a test. >> fire. [explosion] >> and was broadcast all over the world on tv. so a french designer saw it and he decided to come up with a smallest bathing suit in the world. bill: atomic bomb is big. he wants a little bathing suit. >> he wants a little bathing suit so he named it l' atome after atomic bomb. because he saw the fact when people see his bathing suit. will be the same as the fact of an atomic bomb like wow! bill: i see, that they would be you aked. >> take your trunks and head for the beach. bill: you can't really name the bathing suit l' tome. you have to think of a better name. the association was? >> bikini.
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bill: bikini island. >> it was lowe who came up with the name. so risque that he couldn't find a model to wear it. so he had to hire a stripper or a nude dancer from a casino to just show off his bikini. bill: frankie and annette do they understand where bikini. i don't know if you get that in russia. >> that's what i call a healthy girl. bill: second, vacation. >> vacation, i mean, the thing that we all love, right? vacation actually means empty. it comes from the latin word vacare where vacate comes from. it used to mean empty. but because your work load is empty, you are free from work. bill: it's interesting so vacation means empty, you don't have anything to do. you just relax ♪ vacation, all i ever wanted. >> i work on vacations too. bill: many of us in america do. not in rome apparently. it's empty. >> vacation had to get away.
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bill: third one beach. >> beach, actually the meaning of the word beach used to be totally different it used to mean the pebbles. worn down by the waves. bill: pebbles worn down by the waves. >> right. bill people used to say go lie down on the pebbles. bill: worn down by the waves. >> in england. people thought let's go lay down by the ocean, by the sea. not on the little pebbles ♪ bill: it's not good to lay down and fall asleep because you can get swept away. now we know that beach came from england. >> not comfortable at all. bill: finally picnics. >> picnics, i love picnics. do you? bill: sometimes i like them but the ants and the bugs it can get complicated. >> i know. especially in russia. bill: why? are they bigger there? >> oh my god. bill: giant ants. giant bugs in russia.
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go ahead. >> comes from french word pique-nique. it sounds very french to me. [ laughter ] bill: it means to pique because you pique at the food and nique was added as it rhymes with pick pick. bill: it was added because the french like that rhythm. that kind of thing. i don't know if you go on picnics do you morina? >> i love picnics. i go lie down on the pebbles. bill: you don't lie down on the pebbles but you do go on picnics. >> i do. bill: morina, buy her new book when it comes out thanks as always. >> thank you so much. laura: coming up, sarah palin is preparing to deliver a major speech in asia. is she burn issue inning her foreign policy for a white house run? we will tell you what we know. . .
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announcer: keep moving with new nature made triple flex. newly formulated to work in as little as 7 days. with glucosamine to support cartilage health, hyaluronic acid, known to lubricate joints, and chondroitin complex for fast joint comfort. it's like a new beginning. new nature made triple flex. learn more at nature made. fuel your greatness. also available in liquid softgels. laura: sarah palin leaves alaska for asia and what some are calling her first that towards reprinting herself politically. during the 2008 election if she was widely criticized for lacking international experience. now comes word that she is heading to hong kong to deliver a speech at a global investors' forum. are we reading too much into this or is this the first that? this is a pretty big event and
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she is speaking at. greenspan and other bigwigs have spoken at it before. >> it is a pretty big list. nobody should turn down a paid trip to hong kong. at the height of her popularity, she has a easy time doing this. whether she has any plans for any kind of political office weather at the capitol in the congress or to run for the white house, she needs to shore up her resonates. this is a good thing for her to travel abroad. she should do as much as she can. energy is her strongest issue. she has challenges in pakistan, north korea, iran. she needs to shore up what she can on her resonate. >> it is interesting to look at her numbers --
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in july she had a favorability rating of 38% and then on favorability of 58%. she has fallen from a year ago. at the convention she was new and shiny and everybody was fascinated by her. and then came "saturday night live" i would say and what was media bias. nancy pelosi's numbers are lower than hers and she is speaker of the house. >> the best thing for sarah palin to do is to not give television interviews for a long time. she should give the speeches in front of friendly audiences and bone up on her resume. she should stop answering questions from the media. laura: if you could guess, she seems like she got a lot of bad advice early on from people who were not used to how the national media would become
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nasty. people are nice and alaska. it is a different vibe in alaska. we are going to make fun of your hair and your glasses and make all of these outrageous accusations. >> i never want to second-guess anyone's staff. i am sure they were all good people. they make decisions about which interviews to take and how well prepared they are. that is an area where she needs to work hard. laura: of all of the people speaking as republican leaders, there is mitt romney and others. sarah palin is still the one bet -- still the one that gets noticed. people can go to town halls and they still get attention. people are still curious about sarah palin. she knows politics. a lot of these other guys are good on the substance, but not so good on the one on one. >> she has raw political talent and skill. she will hone that.
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she is like hillary clinton. she is toxic. she has people who adore her and people who go to her rallies that cannot stand her. >> they just want to be with the thousands of people who love her? >> they cannot get enough of her. laura: i think i remember it was in northern virginia during the campaign. in the middle of the morning she got 12,000 people to show up. i do not know any other republican who can do that. >> she is a phenomenon. she will remain so if she sticks to the book and stopped giving these interviews. laura: she should be a little bit and accessible. that is in for us today. the factor continues 24/7 on please check out my radio show. i am more and grump in for b


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