tv Hannity FOX News August 31, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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we hope to see you again -- laura ingrham in for bill o'reilly. we hope to see you again next time. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute sean: tonight, harry reid tells his hometown newspaper to drop dead, literally. wait until you hear the reaction. the book that everybody is talking about. tom ridge come clean about the days leading up to the 2004 election. >> the first president who looks like me failed. >> one california democrat thinks that you are racist if you oppose the government auction. sean: vice-president cheney
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savages team obama. all of that plus mcmorris and geraldo rivera. the summer may be coming to a close, but politicians across the country are still feeling the heat from their constituents. thousands of ordinary americans are taking part in the tea party express. they are speaking out against government run health care, out- of-control spending, and the rallies that started in california will conclude in washington on september 12. she has been on board the express from day one. he joins me from flagstaff, arizona. >> i am in flagstaff, arizona. a few thousand americans got together today and they decided to have a tea party. we traveled over 1,200 miles since we live sacramento on friday.
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we have gone through nevada. we come in here to arizona. this is the story of the america that washington forgot. they apparently do not want to hear from. they are minors, small-business owners, nurses, they are mothers. what has been going on in flagstaff has been going on all across the american west. why did you come out today? what do you want to tell people? >> we need to take our government back. >> ♪ if you love my country come on enjoying our band ♪ >> i think it is very important. >> we are tired of seeing the government control so much. we do not think that we have representation. >> i do not care what side you
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are on. the republican side, the democrat side, there is a lot of corruption going on. we are getting to a boiling point. >> i am with curtis patrick. he is the first man that ronald reagan hired when he ran for governor. what is this all about? >> this is a grass-roots effort. these people are here because they oppose what they see happening in america today. >> i could not sit on the couch any longer. i could not watch our country go down the tubes. >> give us our country back. >> take back america. >> take america back. that is exactly what these people were saying. everywhere i go, these folks are handing me the constitution. they feel very strongly about
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it. they are about to write to this tea party that is under way. tomorrow they're heading to new mexico. albuquerque first and then lost purses, new mexico. do you guys watch sean hannity? they made me do it. back to you. sean: we now turn to a story that may explain why harry reid is tanking in the polls in his home state of nevada. bob brown, the director of advertising for his home town newspaper, "the las vegas review journal" was in attendance. as he shook his hand, he said that i hope you go out of business. the review journal was not about to stand for that sort of bullying. the paper hit back in an op ed. he called his tactics boarish,
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asinine, and a full on threat perpetrated by a bully who forgot that he was elected to office to protect nevadans, and not sound like he is shaking them down. dick morris is here. welcome back. how stupid to go after one of the biggest newspapers in your state and you are in the 30's in approval rating. >> his problem in nevada is that it is a state that is constantly being born demographically. whenever you run for reelection as a center of every six years, about 40% of -- for senator every six years, about 40% of your vote did not lived there six years ago. i believe that republicans have a good shot winning the house. in a wild shot, they could win the senate.
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>> all of the polls show that is a possibility. i have been around this game a little bit too long. we are more than a year out. it is pretty hard to predict. >> when you have a president that started out with a 65% with voters. his latest is 42. sean: he is down to 42%? i thought it was 45%. >> i get those in my sleep. at some point he is going to get below 40%. you are talking about a guy at 46% of the vote giving the benefit of the doubt, he got 52%. that is a six-point drop off. one out of a people who voted for obama have flight on him. sean: and do you realize that hillarycare when you were
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supporting bill clinton is more popular than obamacare. how dare he go after the guy that works for the newspaper. how dare they go after the american people. >> the interesting thing about the zogby poll is he reflected a 13-point drop among democrats. many of them are senior citizens. what is happening is that the fundamental base of the democratic party is getting straightened. we were talking about this earlier. the anti-health care forces used to talk all about socialism and government control and taxes and the deficit. that is all very important. i have always felt that the key thing to do is to do what i'd do in catastrophe, which is to go after the medicare issue. that is how we defeated the
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republican budget stuff in 1995 and 1996. in this case it is not a scare. it is a $500 billion cut. that is in addition to the cut that is going to come because of scarcity. this is a fundamental question that you cannot answer. how are you going to cover 50 million more people without any extra doctors? sean: do you think that this debate is going to be won or lost based on the elderly in this country? in droves, people are leaving the aarp. there is a more conservative group that they are going to. >> the american seniors association. i sent out and the mailing from my list promoting that. they are for health insurance. sean: back in the mediscare
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period, they were still supporting growth. in this case, it is a draconian cuts. >> not just medicare, medicaid. only 20% is poor people. that cut is going to happen. beneath the whole notion of the cuts, but need the specific stuff is the point that i'd make in catastrophe. when harry truman proposed compulsory health insurance, he coupled that with legislation to expand the number of doctors, 82 education. when obama is not doing that, and he is going to force scarcity enforce rationing which will always mean that the elderly will get less care. sean: after the health care debacle, bill clinton started talking about the end of welfare as we know it or the era of big
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government is over. >> i wrote that line. sean: conventional wisdom is that he would never win reelection. he made a conscious effort to work with republicans and welfare and limits spending and balance budgets. the question is, where does barack obama go? all indications are that he sticks to his radical views. >> i do not think he is going to do that. i am not going to answer my phone for the next year or two. sean: just when you are on the verge of being forgiven. >> i do not think he will move to the center. i believe that we are ending the recession caused under the bush administration and we are entering the one caused by the deficit and the debt of the obama administration. it will either be stagnation or recession. when you are treating an old person who is sick, they have two diseases.
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for one that you need to do x and the for the other you cannot do x. you can lower interest rates because of inflation and you will not be able to raise them because of the recession. sean: how bad do you view this presidency from the political perspective? >> catastrophe. when i said catastrophe in the book title, it was a prediction of these policies spread from a political point of view, this guy is totally inept. he is good at charisma politics, but not issue politics. they are worlds apart. an issue does not smile, it does not a joke, it is not handsome. sean: good to see you. the minister or propaganda under three words that we have not heard from anybody in this administration. what did he say? what caused this minor slip up?
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tom ridge uses his brand new book to lobby some spirit -- log some serious accusations at president bush and members of his administration. he may now be backing off those claims. they're strong once. the real question is can they prove it again and again. ♪ at northwestern mutual, we've answered that question compellingly... for over 150 years. northwestern mutual. consistency counts. put our strength to work for you. learn how at or 100 pringles. both cost the same, but only the pringles superstack can makes everything pop! ♪ ♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ hey, hey [ male announcer ] the choice is yours...
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politicizing the terror of lurked system following 9/11. he describes the days leading up to the 2004 election after a release of a video by osama bin laden. they recommended that the administration raised the terror of court level. tom ridge disagreed. he writes that there was no support for that position within our department. i wondered if this was about security or politics. the secretary is claiming that that passage is being blown way out of proportion. this is what he had to say earlier today. >> and lot of people are hyperventilating about that passage. people express opinion. the process worked. we were designed so that nobody could pressure anybody to do anything. the consensus is reached. sean: joining us now is "the
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test of our times" he is the former governor of the great state of pennsylvania. he served as the at first homeland security secretary. there is no war on terror anymore. it is an overseas contingency operation. >> one of the biggest problems is the sense of complacency that has set in. we cannot afford that. i started that as homeland security secretary. i've learned a lot along the way. we need americans to understand that they are strategic factors that are patient. they do not set their watches according to the western time table. we are still in the cross hairs. sean: i think we are in a pre = 9/11 mind-set. i think that barack obama is weakening this country. this is serious.
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if john ashcroft and donald rumsfeld were suggesting to you, is this about security or about politics, you also thought it seem possible to me and others around the table that something could be a foot other than the country's safety. >> thank you for putting some of the words up. you need to read the context of the entire chapter. there was an accusation against two men met with whom i dealt with on a regular basis. every day i met with john ashcroft. we would talk to the president and the vice-president. this dramatic video on the eve of the national election was not like other videos where we were discussing threats. these were judgment calls. they are tough calls and tough decisions. i think we made the right decision. we were unanimous within the department. others were arguing strongly for it.
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i muse in the book, not the accused. i do not suggest that anybody's motives were it to do anything other than protect america. sean: you said, is this about security or politics? this is right after osama bin modern releases a tape. do we not always -- usama bin laden released a tape. do we not always wonder if there is a secret message that will set off a cell? >> there strong advocacy in that instance was based on their belief that we need to raise the threat level. when i wrote the book, since i would be in charge of overseeing the consequences of going top, if there was something there that i did not see. at the end of the day on this occasion and every other occasion when people argued one
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way or another, we made the decision. sean: why did you think that it might have been about politics? >> i was musing in the book, i did not keep a diary. is there something that i am missing or something that my department is missing? if people want to talk about it in that fashion -- security is not black and white. sometimes the commentary is wrong or right or black and white. sean: you talk about the possibility -- you talk about character assassination. he was a war hero. >> he lost three limbs and he was a vietnam federation -- the vietnam veteran. sean: who question his patriotism? >> they took his picture and
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superimposed then laden on it. sean: was that a bad decision? >> i do not think that a man who lost three limbs on a battlefield should be considered a weak person. sean: was a bad judgment? >> you can question his judgment, but not his patriotism. we could have sent a message in a much more decent way and respected this man's service to the country. i wished that we would have done it better. sean: is barack obama, bringing this country to a pre-9/11 mentality? >> the man who interrogated in the aftermath of 9/11 are now being investigated by a special prosecutor. -- prosecutor. they are wrong. sean: the controversy about the
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sean: one democrat thinks that she has discovered all of the roots of the opposition to the president's health-care plan, racism. she explained her theory at a town hall meeting in los angeles. >> remember, they are spreading fear and they are trying to see that the first president that looks like me fails. i want you to know, people look at the united states as a country that has changed its ways and has elected someone from kenya and kansas. sean: she sounds a lot like fidel castro, who said the same
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thing just last week. she would probably take that as a complement. here is what she had to say about the cuban dictator. >> you can think what everyone to about fidel castro. he was one of the brightest leaders i had ever met. sean: he was also a murderer. it takes a real genius to come up with a race-based. like that. tom hall attendees have been suggest -- if subjected to a ridiculous double standard by democrats. you know -- they are discouraging people from speaking their mind. a congresswoman is the latest elected official caught trying to silence one of her constituents. take in the get this video that shows her encouraging a security guard to remove a retired new york security guard from a town hall.
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>> i do hope that you can be and abet quieter. >> put your hand up. sean: that is quite a drastic change in attitude from this congresswoman in february, 2005. before she was elected, she was tossed from a george w. bush event in new hampshire. she told her story to anyone who would listen. she said that a man viciously threw her out. it was like a drug being thrown out of a bar. washington really can change people. president obama return from martha's vineyard only to find that things are worse than they thought. take a look get his approval rating seven months ago today.
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fast forward a seven rocky months later and the president's approval rating now stands well below 50% and his disapproval rating has skyrocketed almost 20 points. he plans to clear his head when he goes back on vacation this wednesday to camp david. what a life. science and technology is -- he has made headlines for the crazy environmental policies that he advocates. he has a strange fixation with population control. he has contemplated something frightening in terms of achieving it. and in 1977 text book co- authored with environmental advocates, and he wondered how population control laws and even those requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing constitution. he argued that a program of sterilizing women after their second or third child might be easier to complement than trying
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to sterilize men. this would be feasible. only in countries where the majority of birds are medically assisted. such a program is not practical for most less-developed countries. that is really a shame, is it not? is this the kind of thing that he published for the public to read, then only -- one could only imagine what sort of advice he gave to the president in private. we have a great, great, great american panel coming up. talk about a wake up call. i had a heart attack at 57. my doctor told me i should've been... doing more for my high cholesterol. what was i thinking? but now i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk...
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while the shrimp are endless, this offer isn't. come in now for the best value of the year. at red lobster. sean: tonight on our great, great american panel, he is a fox news contributor, all around left-wing guy, bob beckel is here. it he is the editor of one of the largest conservative communities online. erick is with us. she is the member of a former pop group that recently graced the cover of "playboy" magazine. welcome aboard. good to see you. before we get to some of the more political targets, i always wanted the u.s. out of the un
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that have come up with an advocate report that includes sex education guidelines -- international sex educational guidelines for kids. 5-8 year-old son pulled that touching and rubbing it one's genitals is masturbation. do you think that is appropriate for a five year-old kid to be learning? >> absolutely. we have to remember that this is a united nations program. a five year-old in new york is different than a 5-year-old child in its third world country. i travel to various places in africa. i have not talked to kids that have gotten aids because their fathers thought that they could read it themselves of the virus because they could be with the virgin. sean: do you have kids?
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>> i have two puppies. sean: when you have kids, you can raise your kids your liberal way. if you raise your children very conservatively. you do not find this appropriate, do you? >> you have met my son. they're both raise conservatively. i pass. the fact of the matter is that i will only say the difference between the five year-old in africa, aids is ravaging of africa. if anything you can do about sex education is appropriate. there are lots of others. we took a one line out of a 98- page report. sean: it is not one line. my point is leave the children alone. all you liberals out there, if you want to raise your kids liberally and teach them about this stuff, fine.
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they want to institutionalize it. this is where i have the problem. >> its us something about the standards of the people who write these reports. i do not know if people in africa or new york, whether they need it or it is useful, why are my tax dollars being spent to generate this report to the united nations? >> because we care about the country and our global world. we do not want a huge problem with aids and pregnancy is. i would rather pay to educate than -- to save lives. sean: the united states citizens, should we pay for health care for the world? >> it is not as clear as that. we should help. sean: why should you not help on your own? why do you want the government to take other people's money and confiscate it to pay for these programs? >> when you see it and you experience it firsthand, you
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have an opinion about it. sean: why do the girls in "playboy" not donate? >> i have a foundation. >> are there any other subjects? >> they are 5. >> there are different setups of the age categories of this program. that gets more graphic as you get older. each is about transgendered anti-gay community. sean: bob is having an meltdown. fidel castro, the murderer, let's roll the tape. >> you can think whatever you want to about fidel castro, but he was one of the brightest leaders i have ever met. sean: he still everybody's land. he murdered tens of thousands of people. he is a dictator and an oppressor. when she says, one of the
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brightest peters i have ever met -- >> you took this piece of tape and put this out here and now you want me to suggest that this represents the entire democratic party and are we not all just a bunch of commy lovers? i will not go further and tell you what i think about to republicans. if that is your opinion, that is your opinion. it is not mine. sean: you are struggling tonight. >> you started off with masturbation for 50, what do you want me to do? junto unit -- for five-year olds. what do you want me to do it? sean: you are upset that we're talking about it. >> why are you getting so upset about it? >> have you boys ever wondered what your doing and asked to be educated it earlier than you were?
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conservative or liberal. sean: i did not have a clue about any of this stuff until i was much earlier. we are robbing kids of their innocence. >> you are a minority. >> i was drinking then. >> how is education robbing a child of their innocence? >> this is a 5-year-old kid. let me go back to fidel castro. >> i do not understand what it is about the vocal left, the hollywood crowd, that like fidel castro. he has terrorized his people, he has killed political prisoners. >> as someone who has met him, i have worked with him when i was in cuba. i am not defending his behavior in many instances. i will 100% agreed that he is a brilliant man. he has outlived tons of our presidents. sean: you do now that we met a
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murderer? you do know that fidel castro is a murderer. >> i am not condoning -- >> his predecessor was a murderer. >> we have supported a lot of murderers. i am addressing her comments suggesting that she is a brilliant man. i think cell. i am sure that many murderers were brilliant people. sean: was hitler a brilliant man? >> i do not condone hitler 1 ounce. yes, he was a brilliant man. can you guys bank said that he was not? he ran a country. sean: standing by for a sneak peek at what is going on the record "" and six minutes. greta: i do not know if i can save you from that discussion about hitler. tea party on the road. we are going to that bus. mark fuhrman is going to be here.
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her father is in a bit of a fuss with the white house. that and much more. i must admit that the hitler discussion, i am not missing that. i am sticking around. sean: i will be watching. we have more of our great american panel and her role though and i shoot it out. you. me. getaway. really? where? anywhere you want. a bed and breakfast? bed and breakfast. check. a place by the beach? a place by awesome. oh, you are smart. accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcome rewards from smart. so smart. are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips...
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sean: we continue with our great, great american panel. harry reid has his approval ratings in the tank. he is losing by double digits. he takes on the "vegas review journal" and they go after him in as part of a hitting a editorial as i have ever heard. is the -- is this not the culmination of the town halls? >> you have a show opening up in vegas.
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let me tell you something. what harry reid had, he seemed to be joking. i happen to go to lay down -- a town hall meeting because i wanted to be on scene two mondays ago. a lady in a wheelchair had diabetes and cancer and recognized me. she said that my wheelchair payments for medicare work going to be cut back under obamacare. i said, who told but you that? she said, those two guys over there. you lying right wing cowbirds iran after you scared this little old lady. if you think you're going to get somewhere by schering little old ladies,, and scare me. -- by scaring little old ladies,, and scare me. -- come and scare me.
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sean: there is not 47 million uninsured. you cannot keep your policy. taxes are going to go up. medicare is going to be caught. >> those are all exactly wrong. >> it is in the legislation that medicare will be caught. >> show me one place and that this is the insurance part of medicare. >> this is the great weight that a lot of democrats say that these are myths. a lot of things that the republicans are saying are true, they just are not in the specific piece of legislation. they are in ancillary pieces of legislation. they say no abortion funding in the legislation. why did henry waxman have a revote? >> did you agree with her when she said that she was going to
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lose her wheelchair payments? sean: we should pay for health care for the world. this is about your view of the role of government. should government pay for people's health care? should everybody have health care from the government? >> yes. sean: should they have in? >> yes. sean: if you are a person and have children and want a job, after the government provide day care? >> yes. i want the government to provide civil rights. in my opinion, it is unfortunate that this has become such a debate between democrats and republicans. this is about basic civil rights. sean: your philosophy in life is to every american based on what their needs are and from every american based on their ability to contribute? >> in my opinion, i do not think that we should go overboard and
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indulge that theory. i think that we should give people basic human rights. we should take care of necessities. >> the insurance companies will not do it. one last thing for the insurance companies. you are in good hands with the republican party. when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day.
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about his brand new book along with the bizarre kidnapping story unfolding in california is the author of "the great progression" how hispanics will lead america to a new era of prosperity. my wife says that her role though is my favorite show on the weekend. >> thanks for having me on. sean: last night you had on the father of this girl, 18 years of this -- 18 years of this. >> imagine being kidnapped at the age of 11 and recovered at 29 and having two kids in the interim. imagine all of the things that happened in the last 18 years. cell phone, the internet. sean: somebody made the accusation that she got cold, why did she not run away? you brought that question up last year. if she tried to climb the fence every day, she would not be here today.
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fathers mean that people do not understand the trauma of an 11- year-old girl ripped away from her family and emotionally and mentally, how devastating that is. to spector to escape is unfair. >> look at how we fit -- to expect her to escape as unfair. >> look at how we forget patty hearst. she became a bank robber. she became a bank robber and a series of crimes in which people were hurt. she was a young adult when she was taken. this was a child. she was 4 ' 6" of the time. phil garrido, he is six ' at four -- 6 ' for". he is a convicted rapist. he was allowed to out on parole after serving six years of an 11 year sentence. we believe he is a suspect in
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murders of several prostitutes. sean: they are digging up the backyard and in corresponding areas. you look evil in the eye. you interviewed charles manson. i see pure, unadulterated evil. what was that like when you sat across from charles manson? >> he has the same dead face with the burning eyeballs. whenever they are in terms of being sociopaths, they are also among the most selfish, narcissistic people you'll ever meet. they believe that the world revolves around them. they are insane, but to say that they're crazy gives them too much ground. they understand social responsibility, even though he is in that job even though he has his own personal religion. he knew, even in the towns of the diatribes and his rants, he knew that he had perpetrated this tremendous evil.
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sean: i am not going to get in a big fight with you. we have been friends for a long time. you are one of the most charming people on television. that said, high and disarmed. i love the fact that you are so passionate about the hispanic community. i'd love that and i love your passion. a lot of what you are writing and talking about reminds me of my grandparents from ireland who came here poor and worked hard and labored 18 hours per day and faced discrimination. irish catholic need not apply. my father grew up poor. he worked hard after world war ii. it is the same story. when you start getting into the political side of this equation, it bothers me that somehow you seem to have a perception that conservatives have views that are anti-hispanic. >> i am a registered republican.
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this is a book that i wrote with the republican philosophy. ronald reagan said because of their inherent social conservatism, if their traditional values, the fact that they're churchgoers, they love their family and they are hardworking people. they are mainly catholic. there are also pentecostal and baptist in recent years. latinos are republicans, they may not know it yet. nobody understood that better than george w. bush. he got more than 44% of the latino vote. what happened since 2004? it was the immigration debate amongst other things in which latinos perceive themselves, even doctors, lawyers, people were prosperous and middle-class or higher, they for the language being used. it was the slander of an entire race of people. the people who would ordinarily be republican voters fled the
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party and they went to barack obama. sean: let me say one thing and defense. i often agreed with george bush. one of the disagreements i had was on the issue of immigration. i am pro immigration. i have been there five different times. i have looked at the poverty and ministry. if i lived on one side of defense with poverty and minister -- misery, i would come over the border illegally. i want immigration, i want it to be legal. if you have the opinion it should be legal, it should not be seen as anti-hispanic. >> it does not matter if a single man, woman, or child crosses the border again. there are over 46 million latinos in this country. the vast majority are citizens. that is 15% of the population. people who are patriotic and
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work hard and whose destiny is interwoven with that of the united states. social security, the average white person in this country is at age 40. the average hispanic is age 27. who is going to do the heavy lifting for the social security trust fund going forward? the baby boomers will be retired and there will not be a lot of workers. sean: just because of that one little disagreement, i do not think that the hispanic voting blocs should leave the republican party if they agree on faith, if they agree on moral values, if they agree on a limited government and the work taxes. i agree with the quote you use for reagan. i believe that it is a natural constituency for the republicans. >> let's agree to use civil language and not smear everybody with the same brush. the language out there has been
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very insulting. you take a person like the dobbs. -- lou dobbs. every night, the same shot of a young latino climbing the wall or wading across the river. he has made latino's a profoundly negative hype, and. -- negative icon. sean: the impact on our education system, criminal justice system has been dramatic because people who climb the walls. >> $1.30 trillion, that is the annual contribution from the largest minority, the hispanics. walmart is developing a hispanic theme store. entire shopping centers throughout the southwest. this is a community that is co
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