tv Red Eye FOX News September 6, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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editing process. >> if you lie to people some people might believe you. you shouldn't use your credibility that way. >> that is a wrap for fox news week this week. thanks to the panel. j >> greg: welcome to "red eye." it is like lord of the rings if by rings you mean sound proof basements. go to tv's andy levy for the pregame report. what is coming up on the show? >> the excitement level is so high i'm literally afraid for my life. >> greg: oh, dear. >> president obama addresses the nation's school children. will he be telling them if they don't help pass the healthcare bill they will be going to hill? then mahmoud ahmadinejad is coming to new york to address the united nations. we will take a look at the best ways to hide your jews and gays.
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>> and how to bolt the dand smell of your parent's basement. >> greg: see you later. let's welcome our guests. i'm here with patti ann browne. she is so hot that she can iron a shirt with her bea bare hand. kevin god lington. he knows fighting positions like i know house boy additions. bill schulz, in germany, he is strudel. and sitting next to me, coanchor of the live desk weekk's at 5:00 p.m. eastern. always reamin roaming the stud. what are you doing back there. he is so wise that owls friend him on facebook. >> i took a wrong turn and thought this was the fox reports studio. >> greg: to late, trace. >> great to be here, by the
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way. >> and he smells as bad as he reads, our "new york times" correspondent. good to see you again, pinch. >> what is that sensation. could it be elation? that is right, david brooks is back from vacation, only in the tuesday times. >> greg: president obama can't wait for the upcoming address to the american students next week. address. so much so the department of education sent out a suggested curriculum on how teacher cassiopoeia prepare before the speech, what they should do during the speech and how to reflect during the speech. the basic theme, obama is super awesome times 12. students are asked to ponder questions like why is it important that we listen to the president and other elected officials. what new ideas and actions has the president challenged me to think about and as part of the activity sheet teachers are told to build background
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knowledge about the president and his speech by reading books about president obama and are encouraged to tape key parts of the speech where obama asks students to do something. but students are asked to write letters to themselves as to how they will help the president achieve his goals. trace, okay. when i read this, i was going to puke. if this was bush, there would be screams from the media about this being indocktry nation and brain washing. what do you make of it? >> presidents have been talking to students so it is not a big deal that he is talking to students. the question here is, is there an agenda here. we are talking about the commune organizer in chief, right? this is a guy that does this very, very well. the question a lot of parents i talk to is what is going on
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here. read books about president and about barack obama. the question is a lot of the books written about barack obama are written by barack obama. >> greg: they are not going tell you to question global warming because that is not part of barack obama's agenda. you know you will get a liberally tinged agenda. am i exaggerating? could this be more about understanding the presidency as opposed to understanding the awesomeness of obama or more of the latter? >> i think you were right the first time. it doesn't make much difference because the education is already so liberal it doesn't much matter. i think he should stick with the jfk line, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country such as pay back the trillions of dollars in debt that we are leaving. >> or what can yew do -- what can you do for your school?
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quite frankly, this is tradition. the question is what is the speech about. >> greg: kevin, if this were to happen in england and gordon brown sent out an agenda to your kids, kevin, how would you deal with it? >> i think gordon brown could do well to maybe go with some of the classes with the students and learn how to address and do things anyway because he is pretty crappy at it anyway. you can't help but admire the genius of it. it is total mind control and brain washing. you will have like a hitler youth of kids running around america. what will be next? uniforms, arm bands, caps? a way to bring the next generation up in a way that you want. >> greg: i resent that because i went to a school where i had to wear uniforms. salt and pepper pants, saint gregory's. >> you know, i learned a lot of
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tricks there, bill. >> you sure did. >> greg: and made my way through dental college when i decided to go to dental college. is this brain washing? i think it can go in that direction depending on what the teacher's ideology is? >> it is silly, i will grant you that. just because the department of education sends this out to all of the schools does not mean that obama read it. the last time we had a micromanaging president like that was carter who read everything and i think we all know how that went. baddest president in the history of the 20th century. >> greg: it was some group like the teachers federation it was like a group of teachers nominated by the department of education and they just -- this is just stuff they do to keep busy. >> i have to say the white house is pretty good as adjusting the message to comport to the whole. can we take a look at a picture that they put out on white today. that is not photo touched. that was obama.
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the title is obama in august at work and at play. apparently he is working right there. no secretive muslim would have a halo like that. >> greg: he is not working, he is working it. >> exactly. >> looks fantastic. >> is the address going to be fair and balanced is the question. if you two to the school, do you give both sides of the argument, give both sides of the history and give both sides of the present debate going on right now. >> greg: it is great because i think liberal politics and the ideas of a kid go hand in hand because you don't know how money is made. it is just free and if you wish for good things you will get good things. >> there will be no adult discussions like whether or not his birth certificate is real. that will not be part of it. >> greg: from the brain washed to the brainless, should mahmoud be allowed to take manhattan. ahmadinejad has announced plans to speak at the annual u.n. general assembly meeting.
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that is always a lot of fun. i usually get there early and pack a picnic lunch. it corresponds to a deadline for iran to respond to a u.n. deadline. meanwhile, at the u.n. i didn't know they could dance that well at the u.n. i am beginning to think better of them all the time. trace, should the u.s. allow ahmadinejad in. >> should they allow tom delay on dancing with the stars is the question as well. the bottom line here is mahmoud ahmadinejad is against the clock again. he came here last year and said the jews are killers and now he is pushed up against the wall again. the presidential election didn't go as planned so now he is trying to reset the clock.
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he knows that he has an administration that wants to at least negotiate a little bit and talk about these things and he is thinking if i can reset the clock and say okay, we are listening, we are listening then he can keep going toward the goal of building nukes. >> how would you deal with this guy if he came to your country? i think it presents a problem for obama because obama passively in a way didn't really deal with the election wisely. would you allow him in your country? >> no, and this brings me to a very valid point here. it is not whether you should let ahmadinejad into new york. it is whether you should let the united nations see the itself in new york. it is a travesty of democracy. they do nothing but broker political stalemates. they argue around, never help the third world. the countless war zones and conflicts i have been to and watched the impotent beast that
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is the u.n. fail in every way. it is not about letting ahmadinejad in. kick the security council out and withdraw the billions that you spend and tell them to bloody go and find something useful to do. >> i'm getting worse from our producer, impotent beasts is the name of their softball team. 881 unbelievable. >> i think we should give the u.n. to iran and we would take ahmadinejad. >> interesting. >> p.b., should we give him a visa? should obama grant him a visa? >> there is a legitimate question there because the u.s. says that we always honor legitimate world leaders whether they are controversial or not. but the question is whether he is a legitimate leader. a reporter tried to ask if they recognize ahmadinejad and they answered he is the elected lead. there are no diplomatic tie
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there's. you kind of go for i know where you are going with kadafi thing. ahmadinejad, do we owe this guy anything? he clearly has thumbed his nose at us. they have the closed fist but there is one finger sticking up at this country over and over again and that is the question. >> greg: the most important thing here, bill, the reason that we want him here is we are dieing to see what he is going wear. >> that is the thing, greg. i say let him in if he buys a new suit. that is getting bore rat looking and probably smells equally the same. >> greg: why don't you invite him to go shopping? where would you take him? >> clearly we shop at same place. long time viewers will know i wore this last night. we can show him the kind of protests that we wouldn't allow from the galvanized youth.
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talk about the election that he would not let go down legally and note to any and all hippy chicks listening right now, i live three blocks from the u.n. i'm happy to let you crash at my pad. note to you, i eat mainly gegan. >> ring, ring, the awesome store called and wants the next story back. you alcoholics make the -- do alcoholics make the best athletes? better question, best make the alcoholics athletes? i'm drunk. (scott) rogaine®? i'm just a skeptic so i don't necessarily believe that anything is going to work but, i was like, hey, this actually works. (announcer) only rogaine® foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys.
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i'll check it out and i'm like, nice. (announcer) rogaine® foam stop losing. start gaining. either it works... or it's natural. ♪ but why not both? try nature's source bathroom cleaner. a plant-based, biodegradable cleaner... with the power of scrubbing bubbles -- so you know it'll work. giving you the best of both worlds... leaving nothing behind but a fresh scent. the nature's source line of cleaners. clean. natural. s.c. johnson, a family company. bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back? now more than ever,
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>> greg: libyan leader has been in power for 500 years and to mark the occasion he is throwing himself a party because no one else will. when the times of london gained access to the rehearsal they saw video of the joyful home coming session of the locherbie bomber. in one letter to scottish first minister straw said that it wasn't worth the risk of "damaging our beneficial relationship with libya" but excluding him from a prisoner transfer agreement. i always wanted those. as always, u.n. reaction was swift. ♪
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great dancers. kevin, last time i checked you were british. what the hell is requesting on over -- is going on over there? what do you make of the situation? >> look, it is fundamentally and singly the most embarrassing thing that i can recall in the last decade. the fundamental fact of the matter is that hundreds of british soldiers have died alongside united states soldiers persecuting terror since 9/11. we have been out fighting criminalizing these idiots only for a couple of disjointed line tick politicians who are completely oblivious to what is going on in the rest of the world to release a mass murderer who should have seen his days out as a bag of fluid in the prison system. where has the justice system broken down? i want not only resignations but an explanation as to what this has happened. they can blame it on economics
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and all the rest of it, we all know libya wants to become king of africa but it is just wrong. just wrong. >> greg: kevin, do you see resignations coming and who would resign? >> we are hopefully getting people in that aren't just profound puppets and idiots who don't have a clue about space craft nor about diplomatic relations and the fact that we have been made a laughingstock of the united states. i don't think we will get resignations, no. i think they will get pushed off and retired out and become freakin' lords. >> greg: is it true that kadafi is no longer going to be in his tent? where is he going to go now? >> he will come here to the u.s. going back to the point, the conversations between the brits and united states over the release are very serious.
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it is important stuff. the united states was against that. we don't know how strongly telewere against the release and that is what is in the conversations is how much they say absolutely not. >> jonathan brought this up on the fox report tonight. very important point. does anybody think that gaddafi is not a terrorist and that he does not know what happened on pan am flight 103. in. >> i think at this stage of his career there is a lot he doesn't know. have you seen him lately is a shaying around in the glamour dresses and his eyes are like cuckoo for cocoa puffs. >> greg: how does he get his hands on american made jerry curl? who is shiping that to him. he is so grease. >> the underground jeri curl market.
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>> greg: does a six pack of bud give you a six pack on your bud -- bod. a new study suggests that booze is the key to a healthy active lifestyle sort of. researchers in the u.s. found that people who drink regularly seem to exercise more than toters around people who drink more than one or two drinks a
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day may be more active. they may hit the gym to counter act all of the calories and it may be part of a sensation seeking lifestyle. forgott to put the end quotes in this. skiing, rock climbing and my favorite activity, seen here. that burns like 600 calories. kevin, according to this thing, they are considering people that drink one or two drinks a day o theoretically if you drink seven or eight drinks a day, you are really fit? >> i think also what the important thing, what they are failing to point out is that alcohol also induces more calorie output because you fight more when you are drunk and you have one night stands more and you know what you drink the inevitable is delayed when you are having sex.
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you do like 5,000-calories in one session there. actually, drink more and you will lose weight. >> greg: that is a cover line for a magazine. >> it really is. >> look at bill. >> all of my friends and we are moderate drinkers, tell me again the definition of moderate. >> greg: they are saying one to two drinks which is not drinking in myoglobin to we are not moderate. >> greg: you are drunks. >> the friends that are have that are active and skiing and playing tennis, they drink. the others that don't do anything, don't drink at all. >> greg: that is because they are shutins. >> do you think. >> i drink moderately, of course. >> greg: i also happen to think that drinking is tied to team sports because when you are part of a sport you go out and drink afterward.
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>> i'm on a volleyball league and it is really just an excuse to drink. so the! er size is an excuse to drink afterwards. >> you are on a volleyball league? where do you practice or play? and what do you play when you play said volleyball? >> please tell me it's beach volleyball. >> i wear a parka. >> greg: i don't believe that. >> nothing liker exercise when it comes to the fear of the authority. people who have excessive personalities with activities probably drink excessively. but they foregot the main thing, this is no better hangover cure than a good [ bleep ] or sweating period. it is better for the mind, better for the body. keep all your tylenol and hair of the dogs. exercise is by far the best hangover tour and that is a good lesson for you kids
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looking to become alcoholics. invest more game time and then go home and drink. >> greg: you are like jack la lane on a bender. >> i think i just did a wonderful psa. >> i think it is wonderful that patti ann browne is in a volleyball league because so am i. i go to the bar and watch volleyball and then drink. >> greg: i was thinking of trace wearing a volleyball outfit and playing volleyball against you. he won nearly 3 million bucks off a power ball ticket that he bought at the gas station but he says he doesn't think the money will change him. the retired south carolina state worker says he will do good things with the money. not all lotto winners end up doing the right thing or doing anything for that matter. see this one here. [ laughter ]
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>> greg: things got worse after i moved out. can you -- let's be honest. if somebody gave you $300 million would you actually say i'm not going change? you are going to change, p.a.b., aren't you? >> i would not stop appearing on "red eye." and i would, you know, buy you guys a drink once in awhile. they have done stories on the lottery winners and they have the most tragic lives after they win. the monitoringly really does destroy our lives. >> greg: he is a nice guy. >> give it all to charity, hold on to your soul, it's all good. >> greg: no matter they say, something bad happens. can he ringkevin, what would you do if you got $300 million, i'm dieing to not. >> not a lot because it would buy you about one pint of beer here. i already have $7 trillion so i'm fine. >> greg: trace, you wouldn't be able to trust any of us.
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>> you want to believe that everybody in the world will be great. i think in my talking points before the show was all about the pink floyd song, money it's a hit, don't give me any of that do goody good, you is always by new cars and new homes and a lot of things that get you in trouble. that is what happens. all the lottery winners get themselves in trouble ultimately. >> greg: what would you buy? >> i am a swing bachelor. i would do what anybody would do in my situation, invest in the emerging market funds. greg, you have to spend money to make money and that is what the funds are all about. >> important advice for kids out there. amazing they don't have you on fox business channel. >> i don't know why. i send them e-mails constantly. >> greg: you showed up at neil cavuto's house once.
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>> i sure did "red eye" have a comment on the show, and leave a direct message on my voiceline. and still to come, the halftime report from tv's andy levy. tonights it halftime report is sponsored by humility. the quality of having an opinion of ones own ability and rank. thanks, humility. when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day.
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let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we go to tv's andy levy. andy, are you going to write a letter to yourself about what you can do to help the president? >> greg, i write a letter to myself every day about what i can do to help my leader and that leader is you. >> greg: fantastic. i would love to see the letters at some point. >> you would love to see them, greg, maybe a little too much. i think i keep them -- i will keep them in the vault. >> greg: i demand that you dip them in wet water and then eat them. >> okay. >> greg: it is like eating hot dogs. wet water. >> wet water. >> as opposed to the dry water. >> that is powdered water. >> greg: continue. >> i was going to point out that it is nice to not be without a trace tonight. >> very nice. >> thank you, thank you. obama's speech to the nation's school kids. you claim that after the speech the students with sacrifice a republican virgin at an altar made from the tears of the
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homeless. i believe the term used these days is dispossessed. there is no evidence that that is what is going to happen. >> greg: okay. >> though to be fair downstairs also no evidence that that is not what is going to happen. i'm adopting a wait and ciatti todd. >> greg: i'm on the fence as always. >> feels good. >> um-h'm. >> well. trace you pointed out that one of the things the department of education is telling things how to do is how to read books about obama but it is obama who is speaking to them. it wouldn't make sense for them to be reading books about warren g. haring. >> no. >> what about warren g.? >> warren g., yes. >> greg, you said this could go either way as far as what the ideology of the teachers. i'm pretty sure we could hazard a guess. >> greg: i was drying to be more diplomatic but hopefully there are teachers that don't
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drink the kool-aid. >> after what you put in the kool-aid i hope they don't drink it. >> it's not kool-aid. >> kevin, i don't see how we can not let j-jad into the country. the better question is why don't we send the u.n. to some place like nigeria. >> or iceland. >> good call. trace, you said the iranian election didn't go as planned. seems the outcome went exactly as was planned. >> and then switched. >> greg, you said we would make a trade, give the u.n. to iran and we would take ahmadinejad. >> greg: yes. >> what the hell does that mean. >> that means we only have one jackass to deal with as opposed to like 300. i was just doing the math, look into it. >> yes, you mentioned that robert gibbs said that of ajad
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he is the elected leader of iran but to be fair he later back clarified. >> he back tracked that. >> celebrates 40 year is of gadaffi, not 400. >> thanks. >> you said the release is the most embarrassing thing over the past decade. i'm assuming you mean politically because i have been with you when some more embarrassing things happened personally. >> i was trying to keep my personal life out of this. >> i also thought maybe you couldn't recall those. >> most of them i can't but there are a few glaring ones that always come back as positive
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con vulsiofs when i wake up sweating. p.a.b., why were you relieved there wasn't time to go to you in the segment? >> it is an upsetting topic but pretty much kevin covered it all anyway. >> fair enough. drinkers exercise more. trace, we were trying to folks out if you were a moderate drinker. that would be 30 to 75 drinks a month. heavy would be 76 or more. >> moderate. >> just missed, didn't. >> if i worked late enough and if i'm on "red eye" enough, i'm not. in -- i'm moderate. if not, heavy. >> you said it overlooked that running is a good hangover cure. they pointed out that some regular drinkers use exercise z to counter act the calories in alcohol. >> i was pretty far from that when i read it, in fair innocence. >> i'm done. >> greg: thank you, andy. see you on the back half of the show. don't go anywhere.
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let me welcome back our guests. pab pab. patti ann browne. she is so hot that hot wheels are now called pab wheels. kevin god lington. if fierce commentary were water skis i would struggle to stay up on him. and trace, if charm were break dancing, i would do him on a piece of card board probably on a street corner with my homeys. live long and perspire and smell great while doing it. that is the tag line of the new star trek colon. one of the scents is an obvious reference to the mating cycle vulcans experience every seven years where they must make love or perish. you go through that, don't you, bill? said one trekky, how the hell does star trek smell anyway?
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it mels like a vhs tape. oddly enough, he said that while making love to a vhs tape. sounds like one you would buy. >> the one seven years and then you have sex, that sounds about right. what i said that is a typical remark about people that enjoy sci fi. we did an experiment about celebrity look alike sperm. we should be encouraging these people to mate so we have brains in the country. i'm worried it will be all hot dumb people like myself. >> greg: kevin, like can you go and buy like a dr. who pepper mill? >> does anybody have a clue what bill was just ranting about? what were you talking about? you know, i love you bill. you are one of my buddies but you are weird. [ laughter ] >> wait a second.
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on the colon. >> you go. >> greg: keep talking about bill. >> i struggled to understand why anybody would want to dedeuce a scent from star trek. i see them wear those same klingon jump suits all the time so i imagine they would smell quite bad so bo and sweat. enough said, i'm spent. >> have you ever dated a star trek fan? >> i believe i have. >> greg: you have? >> not my husband, though. but i don't understand why you would want to use a subsequent is named after a ritual that gets you laid only once every seven years. >> that is possibly twice as many for you, bill. >> why are we delling into my personal life?
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>> i can't believe patti ann browne just said laid. does. >> i love my moms a basement and shorter just to put. >> on. >> and what was bill trying to say? because i'm with you, kevin. >> i'm saying we should encourage smart people to have sex so they can reproduce and make smart people. >> greg: thank you, kevin. see you soon. wonderful always to hear from you. what is great in the next awesome block? what will the author of flying drunk have to say about flying drunk? something about flying drunk, i bet.
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>> greg: my next guest is ooh pilot but in 1990 he was a drunk one. while working for northwest airlines he and two other members of the the crew were arrested for flying under the influence of alcohol. they were convicted and sent to federal prison. he recently came out with a book detailing his story called flying drunk, the true story of a northwest airlines flight, three drunk pilots and one man's fight for redemption. you flew a plane drunk and then went to federal prison. for how long? >> i went to federal prison for one year. i was initial listen tensed to
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a minimum security prison and turned myself in to the minimum security prison and they told me i couldn't stay that because i might steal an airplane because i was a pilot to they took me to the montgomery city jail and then i was chained up at the ankles, wrists and waist. >> you know you did something wrong. >> oh, absolutely. >> greg: so, yeah. >> absolutely. >> greg: do you look back and say you were glad you were sent to a federal prison? did you learn anything valuable there? >> when things like this happen in your life you have to search your soul and i had to find a way to be useful when i was in prison. i found other inmates who didn't know how to read and write and spend my time teaching them how to study and things like that. >> greg: what happened that it was march, 1990. how did you get caught? what happend that day? >> well, that morning, about
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1:30 in the morning the faa was notified from some folks who were in the bar, three crew members of the 727, all three of us were out drinking, had way too much to drink. sad for me because i tried to quit brining a year before. i had a blackout in los angeles and tried to quit without a 12 step program or any others in with wisdom in my life. it seemed like there were times when i drank i continued to have problems and loss of control and found myself there that morning the federal aviation administration was alerted and they were there that morning actually before the flight left and i was full of fear and i asked for a blood alcohol test before the flight left but the safety inspector didn't feel like there were any signs of inebriation. we flu and then were pulled off
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the airplane and tested. i was surprised that i had alcohol in my system but looking back today as someone who has been sober for 19 years and with that clarity, i realize i did something wrong. >> greg: you are pilot now. >> i started traveling coast-to-coast telling my story to pilot groups and student groups and when i got into recovery. so, the airlines, you know, caught wind of my story of recovery and i was given the chance to fly again. >> greg: is this -- i mean i don't want to make a big deal out of it because i don't want to scare people. is this a big problem? >> the problem is that nationwide alcoholism is the number one public health issue and my personal at the time knowledge and education about what alcoholism is and what it isn't, i was ignore rant. i know more about the disease today. hopefully people can read the
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book and might build a bridge in their own lives and understand alcoholism. >> greg: is this something that happens a lot? are pilots being arrested a lot or is it underreported? >> i think that pilots are safe today and the airways are safe. the pilots do a great job. alcoholism doesn't discriminate from pilots or kindergarten teachers or. >> or talk show hosts or cohosts. >> absolutely. >> i find that the host can afford a better class of drink. >> alcohol can visit him at any time. >> i just got time for one more question. alcoholism or aalcohol lot of the drinking because of the layovers and you got nothing to do? you have eight hours and going okay, not enough time to go home so we just go to a bar? is that what drives a lot of it?
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>> i can speak for myself. i know when i was on layovers. there were times i could have a couple of drinks and be just fine and other times where i would have more than i could remember and i couldn't remember how i got back to the hotel and that is indicative of alcoholism. >> greg: i do that in order to fly and i'm not a pilot. i have to literally med kate myself before i get on a plane. so we have something in common but i will never fly a plane. good luck with getting our message out. maybe little about listen but i don't know. >> i'm not a pilot, greg. >> greg: the book is called flying drunk. it is in stores now. check it out. coming up next, i will read your e-mails, yay! half a cleaner? either it works...
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or it's natural. ♪ but why not both? try nature's source bathroom cleaner. a plant-based, biodegradable cleaner... with the power of scrubbing bubbles -- so you know it'll work. giving you the best of both worlds... leaving nothing behind but a fresh scent. the nature's source line of cleaners. clean. natural. s.c. johnson, a family company. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine,
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i'm christopher kid reid. i know you are wondering what am i doing in a fine suit and tie? i'm here to tell you something. about is not always about the hip-hop house party stuff. sometimes you got to get clean. time to take your lady out, your mother out, one of your home boys got shot and you have things to do and you can't wear shorts and flip flops. >> greg: that was kid from kid n play. apparently he sells suits. good for him. i always loved bust-a-move. >> mail time. the address is you write and i read and we go fishing in a blake filled with blood. disgusting. robert from florida leads things off.
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the other 49 states who have to stay up past bed time to catch your show. >> as they say in your country, gracias, senior. i would like to some day visit the capital of your country, gnarring what but i don't want to get month xue ma's revenge. reynoldss from reno, nevada. a lot of things illegal there. i'm writing this in response to the hateful -- how was is hateful? >> it was very hateful. >> hit on ram bow five. stallone is a patron and american hero. you hate it because it would be a conflict of trw your mexican house boy/drug trafficker miguel. >> he is a house boy/massage
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therapist. i would tell you that he with be extremely angry at your letter. >> i know it is post times but they can't read. >> only in edge lang, greg, they are a problem. >> ron, from kentucky. i would love to supply you with a photo for the so-called rec room. what kind of photo with you like? most shirtless, some that involves flexing and another that incorporates primitive clay pottery although you really can't see them. we will close things out with the post game wrapup with tv's andy levy. to see clips of recent shows go to fox ted in sk.
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onto the dust of the moon, a levee in the heartland, the marble steps of a dream. you may ask yourself: "where is my moon, my levee, my dream?" well, it's here... with you. step forward. help renew america at >> greg: coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye," return appearances from adam, awesome. andrea, awesome and lead singer is back in the studio for the entire hour. awesome. awesome. awesome. and dr. baden will be here. yippy, yeah. ttgb to tv's andy levy z for the post game wrapup.
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>> patti ann browne explain this gorgeous painting. >> not only is that suppose to be me but you can see the severed heads of bill and greg in the corner and fluffy mcnutter on a leash and the uni corns dancing in the background. >> they are headless. >> one of the "red eye" fans painted this oil painting and auctioned it off on ebay. it sold for $521. i don't know. pretty dark. >> unreal. amazing. >> the guy's name is david combs. it is an 11 by 14 oil on canvas. i'm assumeing that is inches and not feet but who the hell knows. >> he said the response was good so stay tuned and he will be making more "red eye" paintings so watch for them on ebay. >> how did your daughter's first day of kindergarten go? >> fantastic. moms still cry when they take their kids down to the bus stop. man, i had the video camera and mom was crying.
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