tv Huckabee FOX News September 6, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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eventually leading to the design used in combat today. it's an idea that transformed military battle fields 94 years ago today. and now you know the news as fox reports this sunday, september 6th, 2009. i'm gregg jarrett. julie banderas back next weekend. weekend. have a great holiday weekend. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applaus [applause] >> am i supposed to be out here right now? i'm not governor mike huckabee, i'm not bush banish either. but i'd like to welcome you to-- what's that guy's name? huckabee. ladies and gentlemen, mike
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huckabee, the governor. bring it out. [applaus [applause]. hey, hello. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> i'm doing great. so, we had you on the show today. >> yes, i will be here. which means we have dozens of people on the show today. >> right. >> you want to give awes preview. >> how about some this have, some of this, and what were you thinking? and that kid going, i want to be jon voight. >> frank cal yanno is going to be on our show today. look forward to sighing seeing you. >> thank you so much and also, he says that president obama is trying to change america, maybe not the change you bargained for. outspoken conservative actor jon voight will be here to tell us why he's become so involved and will give us his take on health care reform, and also, paul harvey's commentaries for
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must-here radio and best selling author talks about the legendary broadcaster's leg have i, it's an interview you don't want to miss. plus, he had over 2300 career hits as a center fielder but can produce and hit music. former new york yankees bernie williams jams with the little rockers tonight. you'll enjoy the show. i trust that you and your family are having a wonderful labor day weekend. americans are pretty good about enjoying holidays. we're just not so good knowing why we have them. we take off memorial day and yet for many, it's more about picnics and water skiing than thanking and honoring fallen soldiers. we have president's day, but spend little time reflecting on the virtues of those presidents whose memory we honor for saving our countries. and sometimes to see if we can save money at the special sales of the department stores. and labor day seems to be that weekend that we have one more run at summer fun. and it marks the beginning of everything that is about back to
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school, all the way to the start of the political season in earnest. but with staggering unemployment numbers, that's accounting for those who aren't looking anymore, are those who are underemployed almost one in six americans now either don't have a job or are not enough of a job, just to make it week after week. you know, labor day might be a really good time to remind congress that more than americans want a government who will take care of them. they want a government that will remove the road blocks that keep the jobs from being available. >> if you have a job, celebrate today. and realize that if the government continues to spend far more honey than it collects and then places ominous regulations on the very employers who have a hope of creating jobs, you might not have yours for long. why are the jobs leaving us? it's simple, really, accepted taxation, regulation, litigation end up in strangulation and job migration, the answer is not
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more government involvement, but less. if government wants to help create jobs, it needs to do what the small business owners are doing, cut spending and cut more-- >> they're earning wages and if you're blessed with a job, let this labor day be an early thanksgiving day. and pray that government won't treat it like april fool's day and try to convince us that they can spend, tax and regulate us into prosperity. i hope you and your family have a wonderful labor day weekend, and i hope you enjoy our very special labor day edition of huckabee. thank you for joining us. and let me hear from you, you can compact me at mike click on the fox news feedback section, when you do, you can tell us what you think of the show, guest ideas, you can agree or disagree, love to hear from you. every once in a while we want to
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hear from our studio audience. we're going to do that tonight. take some questions from our studio audience and colleen is there with a microphone and this is a part of the show i sometimes think i might later regret. first question. >> governor, you talk about a reparati reparation of czars and advisors to the president that don't get vetted and seem to go unaccountable to the american people? >> i feel very strongly that it's sort of an end around the constitution. our government is supposed to work with accountability and checks and balances, no one branch of the government, be it executive, legislative or judicial is to have dominion over the other and supposed to be able to check each other. last count there were like 34 different czars, people appointed. no senate confirmation, the duties are sort of nebulously defined. we don't really know what they do, except they have been given extraordinary powers like the guy who can set corporate pay for executives, that's
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astonishing. and nobody has voted him in. nobody can vote him out. those are things that really ought to be a concern to us. yes, next question. >> governor, the country is looking at trillions of dollars of deficits over the next ten years. and everybody wants to pay less taxes, not more taxes. even if we don't have a health insurance plan, how can the country cut the spending of trillions of dollars of deficits. >> i think we have to look at restructuring our tax system, i've become a strong advocate of of a strong fair tax, a tax on our productivity and would tax our consumption, it would open americans up to be productive and not penalize for them. you would lose all income tax corporate and individuals, wouldn't be taxed on savings, dividends, capital gains, it would take all taxes away from those things which are productive. that's what we need to create a strong economy. the sooner we can get to that,
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taxes to the point of consumption. what that does, it cuts spending, but raises productivity and that, more than anything else, would make a huge difference in helping to turn this economy around and get us out of the deficits. unfortunately, that's all the time we have so i survived another round of question and answers with the audience. well, my first guest says the obama administration is trying to force government-run health care upon american citizens who don't want it. please welcome academy award winning actor, jon voight. [applaus [applause] >> hello, jon. >> hello, governor. boy, this is nice. >> nice to see you. it great to see, you know, it's
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great to be with you patriotic americans. and you've got a great fan club here. >> isn't that right? >> you know, jon-- yes, you do. you have a great fan club your entire career, you've had an incredible acting career. >> i want to say, i watched you. >> mike: yeah. >> i watch governor huckabee on a weekly basis and you're such a comfort it all of us. >> mike: well, thank you. >> you're such a terrific (applause) >> you know and now i've never been on the show with you, i've been on the satellite a little bit, but now i'm here on the show and i see where the audience is and cameras are and there's where the little rockers work out. >> mike: yeah, you've got it all figured out now. >> nice to be here with you. >> mike: i want to say how much i've appreciated your public stand for what you believe in. and there aren't many people in the entertainment business, particularly hollywood actors, who are willing to come out as boldly as you have, jon, and just say what's out of your
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heart. tell me, what is it that's motivating you to be a very outspoken american citizen right now? >> well, i've lived a little bit of life and i've made, now, made a mistake or two, learned a lesson and by this time, i can see things a little clearer, and i see the dangers where they are and as a citizen of this country, you know, we've given this freedom and the encouragement to speak out when you see troubles brewing and i'm just, you know, just being a citizen that i would like other people to be. >> mike: but you've had some remarkable statements that i've listened to instead, it's pouchl. you've talked about the need of this country to pay attention to where we're headed, down a path that really is the equivalent of, i think, you've used the term, jon, civil unrest. what do you mean by that? >> well, we're in a situation
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where, obviously, at this hour we're being-- the american people are being forced to do something they don't want to do. let me say this, i'm here to validate all the millions of people who are opposed to the obama health care. [applause] we're witnessing-- we're witnessing a slow and steady takeover of our true freedoms. we're becoming a socialist nation and obama is causing civil unrest in this country. what's going on, what we see, first of all, that the-- the stimulus package didn't work and now we see the government taking over banks, we see the government taking over, over car
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companies and insurance, we're being told what cars we can drive, what-- how much we can make and now they want to take control of our health care and tell us what doctors we can see and what treatments we can have. >> mike: i want to talk specifically about health care. how president obama is invoking god into the discussion. >> let me, let me get to that. >> mike: we'll take a break and when we get back, that's where we'll start. good, want to hear this, i think you've got some powerful views we want to hear. that's where we start when ecome back. jon voight. >> he's so professional. [applause].
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announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia ♪ ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another right now ♪ [ female announcer ] the time has come to get a diaper that really works, without the really high prices. the time has come for luvs. say yes to ultra leak protection, no to pricey diapers. it's time for luvs with the luvs money back guarantee. ♪ was it really for fun, or to save money on heat? why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service--
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you (applause) >> we're back with jon voight, who has won oscars for his successful acting career. he's not acting when he talks about his passion regarding the concerns you have about the health care bill. >> yes, i was saying that the people don't want this. they doesn't want the government into their lives in this way and they're happy with the health care they have. but it seems that obama has made this a personal crusade now and if it's successful, if he brings this off, then it will be his personal triumph. he says, he keeps repeating this is not about me, this is not about me, he says that, but as we can see, this really is about him and he's arrogant and he's adamant that he's going to get this pass no matter what the outcry and he's crying everything, even the so-called god card. if you love god, if you love god, then it's your duty to vote this health care bill in.
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>> he did a conference call, john, with a thousand ministers last week and if president bush had done that or others had done that, they would have been casty gaited for invoking the god card and he did that and the liberal press sort of said that's okay if he does that. >> i say they're taking away god's first gift to man, our free will. and it's-- (applaus (applause) >> and no man, no matter what his title, even if he's president of the united states, has the consent of god to decide thats' god. >> mike: you said something to me earlier that i thought was powerful. you quoted thomas sole i think is a brilliant mind in the u.s. today. he said-- oh, you have it, that i think it's very powerful. >> it appears and you know, people you know, some people
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said to me, you're getting on the old side. there's a lot of that stuff i'm getting on the old side. when i was in transformers the director came up to me and said we're going to run 50 feet or something like that to one of the vehicles, to escape from the transformer, and he says, jon, ve very-- said this to me, do you think you can make it? oh, my god, and of course, and they said, people say to me, how can you read? like i write big (laughter) >> but anyway, i want to read this quote and this is what this great man, one of the wisest of our fellows has said. this african-american writer. what they are trying to do is create a measured america very unlike the america that has existed for centuries. the america that people have been attracted to by the millions from all over the world, the america that many
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generations of americans have fought and died for. the thing associated with ameri america, freedom, is precisely what must be destroyed if this is to be turned into a fundamentally different country to suit obama's vision of the country and of himself. >> that's a powerful statement, thomas sole, a great thinker and writer. jon, i want to say thank you for coming and being here today. especially for your courage. you've been outspoken, you've been clear. we need voices of clarity and conscience and you have been one and i want to say thank you for being a part of it today. >> thank you, governor. it's an honor to be with you. i want to say to the governor, i want to say to the governor. try it again, we need a man like you! (cheers) >> thank you jon, nice to have you here. jon voight. jon voight. [applause] >> how many of us really know
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about the legendary paul harvey's life story? author steven mansfield who recently wrote a book about harvey, shares memories of the great radio broadcaster next. he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old! - oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers.
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- ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber! ( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) joint custody. - phew! - announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access i'm just a skeptic so i don't necessarily believe that anything is going to work but, i was like, hey, this actually works. (announcer) only rogaine® foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'll check it out and i'm like, nice. (announcer) rogaine® foam stop losing. start gaining.
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there is no one in >> there's no one in broadcasti broadcasting history that had moore impact than paul harveyment steve mansfield is with us today. great to have you here. this is a story that obviously has to be told. the magnificent story of the golden throated paul harvey and there will never be another one
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like him. >> what made him so unique and very american? >> it was all the things we know. the audio branding and hello america, this is paul harvey and i think it was love. you know, much of our political broadcasting and much of our radio is hate based and he loved this country. even though when you heard bad news, you felt encouraged. he said there have always been times like this and this is the kind of comfort and wisdom he brought. >> one of the special relationships in paul harvey's life. the special relationship was the magnificent bond he had with his wife angel. >> yes. >> mike: tell me about it? >> he loved her. he asked her to mamarry him on first date. in a white coupe on the way, the day she died was still in their garage all the decades later. he was a sentimental guy, but you know, at a practical level,
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she is the one who determined those early times of day for his broadcasts. she is the one who came up with the idea for things like the rest of the story. so, paul had the gift, but she had that manageal that framed him properly and allowed him to tell an amazing story. >> mike: she died, what, in the spring of '08? >> '08 and then he died the last day of february this year 2009. >> mike: a lot of people thought after she died he pretty much decided he just wanted to be with her more than he wanted to be-- >> haven't we seen that so many times. a man loves a woman so much when she passes from his life he loses the desire to stay. >> mike: they had been married how many years? >> 70 years. >> mike: he was 90 when he passed away. >> they met early, early in college. >> mike: his broadcasting career started at a time when a.m. radio was all there was. >> yeah. >> mike: but he was able to span the generations and many tran formations of the broadcasting injury when there
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were so many people littered on the roadways of radio broadcasting yet he remained up until his last month of life an on air personality? >> you know what he was almost 9 90, abc offered him 100 million dollars contract for 10 million dollars a year. and one of the competitors who didn't get the contract said, in ten years we'll give you, you know, the guy is 90. so, people wanted him and part of the reason, frankly, in addition to the marvelous broadcasts was that when he sold a product. we all remember, when he talked about a mattress or a life cycle or an exercise machine he had used it, he tried it, he talked about where it was in his bedroom, how he used it every morning or evening and you believed it. he was the best salesman and says toward the end of his life. i am a salesman and i want it sell the american people on america. >> mike: he did a wonderful job selling americans on america. that's what made him an endearing figure in our lives. after 9/11, or after the kennedy
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assassinations, he cried on air off the john f. kennedy assassination. >> i grew up as a son fof an officer, a paul harvey was america to me. as i've written in the book, and dave holland has written with me. he was having fun telling jokes on the town square and wise as a country church pastor, brought the heart and soul of america to you. when america suffered a tragedy, it was as if he was able to articulate it to us to frame our own grief and i'll never forget that. >> mike: paul harvey had political views and how did he manage to stay between the ditches? >> i ought to ask you that question because he reminds me a little bit of you, a man who went along the lines and blurred the political category. he was unusual, he was not hard right as some people did expect. he supported the era, a little
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conflicted about abortion, may have been angel's influence, that seems to be the consensus, but a champion of law and order, a champion of capitalism. arct articulating american core values. you're right, he was definitely right of far center, but wasn't particularly left or right and articulated american politics in a way that won a lot of hearts. >> mike: the book is "paul harvey's america" and the book is all of our america, because he was embodiment of everything great about this country. the author is steven mansfield. great to have you here, thank you very much. [applause] and frank kaliendo and all of his characters coming up. you do not want to miss this. come on. [ kissing ]
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>> from america's news headquarters, hello i'm gregg garrett. the white house now commenting on the resignation of controversial czar van jones. the president saying that jones understood he was going to get in the way of president obama's agenda. jones was linked to efforts suggesting the government has a role in the september 11th attacks. and gibbs said that president obama does not endorse jones' comments. the only swimmer at some massachusetts beaches, congratulate white sharks. officials keeping people out of four beaches at cape cod for the
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long weekend. people have been advised, several great whoots spotted yesterday and scientists tracked them with a device, the first in the atlantic ocean. i'm gregg garrett. now back to huckabee only on the fox news channel. [applaus [applause] >> okay, he tried to take over as host in the beginning of the program. his hilarious impressions of jack nichols, robin williams, and make him my favorite of all time. give a welcome to the very funny frank caliendo. [applaus [applause] >> here he is now. i have to tell you, the audience at home didn't get to see, during the break when jon voight sang happy birthday to michael,
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with a that was cool, wasn't it? >> that's why they take the cell phones. >> mike: that was awesome. i'm not sure where to start with you, frank. i tell you every time i watch you, i just think you're the funiest man in america. >> i'm crazy. >> mike: no, i'm amazed. 120, 130 different characters. >> it's actually-- >> that sounds like 130. and new version. >> . do you realize what a politician you could be with that nl faces? >> i could speak out of this side of my mouth and then go to this one. go back and forth. >> mike: first impression you ever did. >> jay leno, yeah, i was in front of the mirror and jutted my chin out and hey, how would you like some nacho cheese flavored doritos, hey, going to prime time. baby. >> mike: what did he think when he-- hey. and always with the bobblehead. >> the at the audience, hey,
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what's going on. hey. (laughter) >> what is jay leno think when you did him? >> i'm out of breath. come on. give me a second i have a weight problem. >> mike: there you go, all right. >> he was very nice to me, very nice to me, some. nicest people in the world. >> yes, second to you. >> mike: you're good. and what he's saying you're good. >> you're good, very good, nice prompting, very goodbye you. huckabee, huh? i like this guy. you, you're very good. >> mike: all right. . >> the comedy my friend, switch voices, there you go. >> mike: robin williams was a guy who got a lot of thinks stuff jonathan winters. >> watching the impressionist to grow up, he was very vaudevillion, older school. i watched jonathan winters and robin williams and switched from the voices.
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jonathan winters he was just like, a little weird today. some people didn't do, box a dog and paper, and not supposed to connect with the toy. >> mike: did your parents-- i was a loner little kid, i watched a little tv. my parents, good for them they never said, frankie, what are you going to do with that? never watch too much tv. a lot of material. >> mike: get serious, got testify a career. >> perfect, that's my dad. >> mike: the you're grounded. >> jon voight was right. how awesome was that, so intense he was great. >> mike: i've got to tell you one of the things you do so well, you jump back and forth from entertainment characters to political characters, we have a whole, i think they're both the same. >> really? cool. when we come back we'll get to a bun p of them. when we get back we're going to ask frank's alter egos what they would do to deal with political
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issues dominating the headlines. don't you go anywhere, frank caliendo is coming right back. unlock a supreme seafood experience with yellowfin and albacore tuna, crab, salmon and ocean fish flavors. he better not be on the bed. you know you're gonna need it. why not stock up now? get everything you need for fall cleaning and fall allergies at an unbeatable price. save money. live better. walmart.
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in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia [applause] and . >> mike: and the studio audience equity to hear frank caliendoment frank, air going to be doing a gig in vegas. >> yeah, i signed a gig in vegas for ten years and i realized i have to start reading the contract. >> you're on television shows, fox sports. >> and it was a pre-game show with terry broad shaw and every week like being on american idol and he'll do a sketch. he'll be like dr. phil tells players stop being so stupid, what is your problem? and after
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the segment. not funny, not funny. >> and very funny, very funny. we haven't explained it to me at that point. i wish, i wish there were a joke because that's an actual conversation. >> mike: one of the people you're famous for happens to be involved in sports and it's of course john madden. >> yeah, if you think about all the things you do in life with all the things you don't do and you put those together and that's pretty much everything, you know what i mean? >> you know, you have crossed over a lot of different sports. a person who has talked about getting into politics, getting out of the sports arena is charles bar clay. if charles barkley announced for governor of alabama. what would that be? >> i would say this, don't drink and drive, don't be a knucklehead, care about your fellow citizens, it's good. it's important to love each other and that's what this is about. knuckleheaded listening. >> i love barclay, it's based
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on the word terrible, he doesn't say terrible, he says terrible, that's a terrible, terrible thing. where did the vowels go in the word. trying to find the home game of wheel of fortune, cons nents only. scrabble. trbl. what's that? terrible. that's a triple word score, you just got again, fool. i go from voice to voice. sometimes he makes sense, sometimes he doesn't. you try to figure it out when he doesn't know where he's going and boom. aeiou and sometimes y. >> i love the vowels. >> and i love the consonants, asia, europe. the george bush impression got you a lot of play, including in washington d.c.? >> yeah, you performed at i guess at congressional correspondent's. >> vice-president cheney next to me. >> what had a was that that? did he laugh?
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>> very surreal. >> he didn't shoot you? >> i was worried because i looked over and the president was supposed to be there. and the vice-president made fun, the president couldn't be here today, he's in cancun. and then i was like, good the president wasn't there and realized he didn't know what i was doing and vice-president cheney, boom. and then he was on the floor, like, oh! i've been working on the obama impression, the president obama impression, i don't have the voice yet. i'm relying on my physical re m resemblance to him. >> what do you do to-- >> well, first of all, it's like cartman from south park. but it's somewhere in here. look, here is the deal. and he says look and here is the the deal. he wants to you listen and might cost awe couple of bucks. i don't care in your a republican, democrat. >> mike: i care and--
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>> here is the deal. i'm going to talk slow at the beginning and fast at the end. ta-da ta-da ta-da. bush would get to the end of the sentence and couldn't find the last word and rooting for him to get it. like the team on the "water boy," you can do it. with president obama sometimes the teleprompter gets behind him and here is the deal. you want to move that forward. i winged it and it worked better. >> i don't think it did. whatever. >> did george bush comment on your impression of him? >> no, i had karl rove come up to me one time at an event and karl rove, like a similar kind of where i met you and karl rove came up and he was-- i want today meet him thought it'd be neat to meet him and neat to meet some of you guys and i went to him and he came walking over to the car and told me to roll down the window and what do you think i'm in, a model t? and so he's like, hi, frank. he knew who i was, what is this the patriot act? and sitting here and i'm like
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rover, what's going on man, red rover, red rover, let karl rover come over. so people have been generally pretty nice so it's very cool. >> mike: has anybody got mad at you. >> i don't want it say, boo! you know, like leno and letterman have been great and letterman i went on letterman's show and david letterman show, you know who that is. apparently explaining things you don't have to. sometimes that's okay. and just not too much. here is the deal, getting back on track. and i know that story. i went on letterman and i went on with my zipper down. he's like, is your zipper down, hee hee. here is the top ten things you shouldn't do on letterman, paul. awkward, dave. >> hey. >> mike: donald trump. >> the most luxurious incredible human being in the history of the world. [applause] >> i actually talked to-- i talked to him on the phone, you can't surprise trump. there's no surprising trump.
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he knows exactly what is coming because i surprised him on the radio show i so i thought i started doing to incredible human being, your conscience talking and it he even calls you mr. trump. that must be frank, how are you doing. >> mike: we're talking about the sports figures moving to politics, what about politicians moving to sports. what would al gore say if he were the starting center of the new york knicks. >> don't shoot that basketball too high, it might bring down acid rain. the environment must be saved listen, i understand the environmental argument and all that kind of stuff i totally get it be it, but sometimes al gore seems like a bad mall dracula like some of the factor there, sam of the facts, wait, if i think that's true that doesn't make sense. so i almost did a glenn beck there. like-- that's glenn beck.
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>> mike: frank, we've got to go. >> next time on huckabee! >> thank you, frank, what a pressure. frank caliendo. coming up, he's gone from center field to center stage. new york great bernie williams, we'll talk to him about his career after baseball and hear him jam with the little rockers. inner beauty is important, but not nearly as important as outer beauty. ♪ that's why i use covergirl's simply ageless makeup with olay regenerist serum. a department store brand can glob up in lines and wrinkles and actually make you look older. simply ageless stays suspended over lines and makes you look amazing. simply ageless from olay and easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. ♪ and try new simply ageless sculpting blush
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>> back >> back in june we kicked off the summer with one of the boys of summer. a talented player who was signed to the new york yankee organization when he was just 17 years old. he had a tremendous career. and was a big reason why the team won four world series titles since 1996. >> your attention please, ladies
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and gentlemen, now batting for the yankees, number 51, bernie willia williams. >> a drive out to left field, that's a beautiful swing. >> out to center field, bernie williams, gone. he makes the play! burn, baby burn. >> line drive, fair ball. that's his 2000th base hit. >> deep to center field, it goes over the wall. a grand slam. >> bernie williams! bernie williams! bernie williams! bernie williams! >> well, now bernie is focused on his love of music. he's a classically trained
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guitarist with a brand new cd called moving forward. please welcome superstar bernie williams. [applause]. [applause]. >> hi, bernie. great to see you, man. >> thank you so much. well, this is your town. they love you in new york. >> well, i certainly appreciate it. >> except the mets fans, some of them are-- >> i know. >> you know how disgusting you are in the sense you're a phenomenal athlete and one of the best musicians i've heard e when we went through rehearsal, i thought this guy is the real deal. >> i felt i was blessed with the talent and a good opportunity to make the most out of it. >> mike: a saying about second blessings, i think you've had a third, man. it's just amazing, because your baseball career was that of a superstar, destined for the hall of fame and i mean, not many people see one world series, you
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were in four. four times golden glove. just a phenomenal baseball career, and all this time, what you were really getting ready to do is to launch this music career as a classically trained guitar player. >> yeah, i never would have had it that i was in this situation, but i was having a great time with it, but when i started playing, i started playing guitar around the same time i started playing baseball, around eight years old. i remember my dad, a merchant marine, he brought a guitar from his travels in spain and every night he used to play it at night and i would sit and listen to him. i was six, seven years old and asked him dad could i teach a couple of chords i would like to learn and he was the first one to really have me loving the guitar and i started taking formal lessons when i was eight years old and then i went into a performing arts high school when i was in my freshman year in high school and from my freshman
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year to my senior year, i spent enough time in that school basically learning music, reading and writing and pa playing the guitar and then this opportunity came along and i couldn't pass that up. >> mike: i don't think you could when the yankees signed you at 17. difference is you did baseball and music at the same time. i gave up baseball because i wasn't good at it, i might be good at music and i wasn't that goo at that either. >> no, you were-- >> we've got a big surprise, somebody you might know just a little bit is joining us by satellite. so i'm going to ask me to look at the monitor and do you know joe torre, your manager from the yankees. >> oh. >> mike: joe, thanks for joining us from los angeles, joe torre (applause). >> bernie, that's-- i'm sorry to hear about this music career 'cause i was going to ask you to come on board here and try to help us out a little bit, but obviously, you've got
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something else on your mind right now. >> i know, we talked about a year ago and they said, well, give me a call and we'll put you somewhere you can play, but i'm having too much fun playing music right now. >> mike: this guy was truly phenomenal on the field and one of those amazing players that did it the old-fashioned way, just by playing the game and playing it with his full heart. did you know this guy had the musical chops that he had? was that something that was well-known to the yankee organization? >> well, every once in a while i'd walk into the clubhouse and i'd hear the guitars in the corner as i walked through the doors and there was bernie, just tuning up. and then, if we won a ball game, i'd hear the guitar and then there's be paul o'neill on the drums so it was quite entertaining in the clubhouse. >> mike: joe, thanks for coming and being a surprise guest and giving awes thrill. good luck to the dodgers on the ball game this weekend, take care, thank you. >> thank you.
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[applaus [applause]. >> that was a great surprise. >> mike: and-- >> incredible there. >> mike: this is an amazing cd. called moving forward. bernie williams, unbelievable range of music. i told you when i first heard it i thought oh, my gosh, i was expecting you to bang a couple of boards. and thises some truly incredible music. we are going to have bernie williams on guitar next, you do not want to miss it, stay with us, we will be right back. for all the moments that make every day special. fancy feast introduces an entirely new way to celebrate any moment. fancy feast appetizers. simple high quality ingredients like wild alaskan salmon, white meat chicken, or seabass and shrimp in a delicate broth, prepared without by-products or fillers. new fancy feast appetizers. celebrate the moment.
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