tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 7, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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jamie: and that is your last call, a special one at that. we will close down shop. i am jamie colby informer greta van susteren. we will see you back here tomorrow. keep it here on the fox news channel, the most powerful name. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> he listens to fox. fox encourages listeners to terrorize. bill: more chaos for obama care and for the economy, and fox news is right in the middle of it. we will have a number of reports. >> hello? >> hello. >> hanel. we are in mcdonald's happy meal. bill: the peta people are
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targeting mcdonald's. they have an unhappy meal. >> i am an artist. bill: and actor brad pitt continues to say, well, dubious things. the culture warriors are on the case. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: hi, i am bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. more chaos over obama care and the economy. that is the subject of this evening's "talking points memo." kathleen sebelius said that the public-option health care is not needed. they may be backing away from government-run health care.
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however, within hours, the white house said that ms. kathleen sebelius misspoke. she is not the type of perçgk-u@ misspeak. she is often robotic in the way she speaks. howard dean and paul krugman went crazy. the feds could then shift resources to the poor and away from corporations and the and it is important that you understand the whole controversy is not about health care. it is about socialism. "talking points" watched the president over the weekend, and once again, i had no idea what he was talking about. he went on and on about stuff that seemingly only here understands. kind of like a poltergeist. he can see it. nobody else can. so here is the zero died -- the
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idea. he has to come up with five bullet points that even i have to be able to understand, five points that clearly tell us what obama care would do, and i tell you what. he can forget about the public option. it is not going to happen. even a liberal congress will not pass that when the economy is on the brink of collapse. and many do not believe that the stimulus package is working. in a foxhole, 72% of the americans polled what the stimulus money back. -- and in a foxhole. unlike some others, -- a fox poll. i just think he has lost control of the process. he had little policy experience. are we not seeing that now? this health care initiative is a fiasco, and most thinking
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americans know. it is time for the white house to regroup, we think, and wisse e up -- rethink. our guests join us now. all right, leslie, where am i going wrong? >> there has to be a public option, and i disagree with you that this is not going to go through. many of the plants in the house and senate include a public option, and without a public option, there is really not any health-care reform, and what people are saying is -- go-go why did kathleen sebelius say that? >> i honestly do not know -- bill: why did kathleen sebelius say that? she definitely shoots from the hip. she said the president would be satisfied with that, but i do not see how we can have health- care reformation without the public option, because if you do
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not have the public option, bill, we have the same amount of people uninsured as we do now. bill: they can do a whole bunch of other things, incentives and things like that to bring other people in. how do you see that? >> well, if he gave some of the stimulus money back, which we are talking about, maybe people can afford to buy their own health insurance, thank you very much. barack obama is no longer even in charge of his own party. they have lost control of the process, as you have noticed, and this is important, because as i have been saying for some time, when they believe they are in sole possession of the truth, they do not have a plan b in case something goes wrong. that is not the way to govern. will we see with president obama is the incessant need to win, regardless of whether or not it is good. if there is a public option in, it will fail, and if it is not,
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the democrats itself will kill it, and that is where the american people win. bill: i do not know about that. i do not know that there are enough far-left loons. >> there was a senator who was one of the co-authors of the proposal. bill: he was on "fox news sunday with chris wallace" yesterday, and he basically said, "look. there is no way it is going to happen." blue dogs are not going for it. the american people are not going for it. every poll says they do not want a big government takeover of the health-care industry, so even though you want it, lesley, and even though howard dean once it, the votes are not there, so conrad says it, kathleen sebelius says its, obama does not say anything directly, and i am telling you, as tammy just
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said, he has lost control of the process. he has lost it. >> i do not agree that he has lost it, and i do not agree that the democrats are going to continue to be fragmented. i think that they need to unite. i think that they needed to do that. bill: what? if they have not united by this time, i mean, are you going to lourdes to pray for this? because you are basing this on nothing. >> no, but -- bill: let tammy -- all right. >> what the americans are seeing is that in addition to losing this process, every other initiative that has gone under his pen has gone under. the cash for clunkers.
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americans are realizing barack obama does not know what he is doing, and that is why they reject this. is not the democrats. the american people across the board have rejected it, and president obama does not know what to do about it. he will get a life lesson. bill: the data is just not in yet. at the end of the year, i think you can say that. obviously, the american people do not have any confidence. the gallup poll says that. but the economy, it is still wobbly, but the experts on wall street say it is coming back. leslie, i am going to give you 30 seconds and then tammy 30 seconds. i agree that president obama is now officially in trouble. you say what to that? >> i do not think president obama is in trouble. i think the american public needs to stop being fearful about misinformation.
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bill: i do not know. we cannot get into policy at this point. tammy, go ahead. wrap it up. >> it is impossible, and the american people realize that this is an error and that the election was an error. what barack obama needs to figure out is how to be truthful with the american people. in another poll, 72% said they did not believe he was telling the truth, and that is very serious, and he is disconnected from what is happening. bill: ok, ladies, thank you. john edwards and a passport is almost criminal behavior. we will compare that with mark sandford. and later, more dubious comments from brad pitt. ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0 ú0ú0brú0adú0brú0ú0lp") achoo! ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0
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(announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst symptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life. bill: in the "impact" segment tonight, it was to be forthcoming that john edwards may be in trouble because he used campaign money to pay his mistress not to go public with their situation, but, amazingly, the national press pretty much ignored the story. there was the frenzy that occurred around mark sanford and his affair with an argentinian woman.
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what is going on? i have two guests, and i hold in my hand the actual data of the reportage of edwards last week when the story broke. nothing. the edwards news, nothing. nobody mentioned it. >> nobody picked it up. bill: there is a proceeding that could put him in jail for a long time, and we have got the mistress with the baby and a grand jury. we have got a man whose wife just read a best seller about cancer and infidelity that her husband hoisted on her, and you get no coverage at all? what is this all about? >> i love the sex stories involving former politicians. as soon as there is criminal stuff that to get actual -- bill: a grand jury investigation with a mistress and a baby. >> i have no problem with your
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analysis that says that one story got more coverage than the other. bill: why was that? >> there are many reasons. one is that john edwards was basically an irrelevant story when it broke. bill: a former presidential candidate? >> i think there was a lot of sympathy for the wife that really did have a terrible case of cancer. bill: what about the family of mark sanford? there are three teenaged boys. where is the humanitarian aspect there? >> they all suffer in these kinds of cases. mark sanford really handled it particularly bad, the dribbling of it out, the appalachian trail. bill: sanford handled it badly? sanford handled it badly? edwards went on nbc news and light. "i did not do anything." "it is not my kid" -- went on
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nbc news and allied. it is almost exactly the same, and the media did not cover it anywhere near the same. why? >> because edwards was not news. you could throw him out with last week's fish. bill: his wife has a best seller. >> how can you compare what this story is with a guy who went to argentina and said he was walking on the appalachian trail? bill: nobody knows him. >> he is a governor as opposed to a politician. bill: nobody knows him. >> wait a minute. suppose there was a tornado in his state. who was going to declare a state of emergency? he was walking the appalachian trail. bill: i cannot believe -- he was such a liar.
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edwards goes on abc and looks into the camera. >> he is old news. are you saying this because he is a democrat? bill: i am saying it because the press is corrupt. that is what i am saying. macready was a local story. >> what about eliot spitzer? was that a local story? hello? hello? bill: that was criminal activity. it is the same thing that edwards had. >> no, it was because it was salacious. bill: you both know -- you both know this story is equal. edwards and sanford is equal, and the press did not cover it. >> here is the problem. edwards has always treated people in the media well. he treats people with respect. sanford, even some republicans
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cannot stand him. bill: so it is personal? >> it is a lesson in life. you treat people right, and then you are in a jam. you may be the exception. bill: all right, look. >> the lesson is a -- bill: here is the lesson. if they can get a republican, they will get him. >> what about eliot spitzer? what about all of these people? bill: this is about, and you guys need to know this. this is absolutely true. if a republican conservative gets in any kind of trouble at all, the press is going to work that person over to the maximum amount they can, and if a liberal gets in trouble, they are going to get a pass as much as they can. you are saying that nobody ever can commit a sin on the other side of the aisle, the gop aisle
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side, because they stand for something. that is ridiculous. >> that leaves you open for na na na na na. bill: that means that you have to be jesus. >> na na na na. bill: it was a criminal deal. >> it was also salacious. bill: because of his wife, we let it go, but not the hypocrisy is overwhelming. thank you. directly ahead, should president obama stop talking? is he making everything morris? and peta and mcdonald's.
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bill: in the "personal story" segment tonight, mary katherine is in raleigh, north carolina, and juan williams. what about kathleen sebelius? does this mean that the president has lost control of this whole health-care process? >> oh, yes. in fact, he has not only lost control. he has failed to take control of this process. bill: how can you say this when he is running around the country doing town hall meetings, colorado, nevada? >> he is playing defense. he is played defense, bill. this is what you noted in "the memo." "let me show you what i stand
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for and why this will make you better." bill: key cannot do it, juan. what do you say? >> -- he cannot do it, juan. what do you say? >> when people here public option, they also hear government-run health care, and they think that means you are going to cut my programs. he is out there trying to salvage it, and part of the reason is that he has been talking in general to these -- generalities the whole time, no nuts and bolts, and he is at these town halls. i think it has solidified the fact that they are not going to vote for the public option. bill: on saturday, it was warm and sunny on long island, and i had the opportunity to go to the beach, but before i went to the shore, i turned on the television set, and there was
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president obama in grand junction, a town i know very well, and he was in front of the folks, and these folks are regular folks, these people, and i timed it. 17 minutes. i, mary catherine, did not understand a word the man said. -- mary katherine. they did not say much. does it mean that i am the dope? >> i think the sales job is really, really bad, and i think they were thinking that barack obama would say these things over and over, and they would come to be, but that is not the way it works. bill: juan, how much damage has this done to president obama's administration? >> his numbers are still very strong. do not be mistaken. he is still very popular, but in terms of his ability to get this
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health-care legislation through, and i think a lot of this debate about the economy, many think the economy is not picking up the way they think it should, especially in terms of the unemployment numbers be they are release spooked by the deficit, and they think this will be high taxes and inflation in the years to come, so they are worried, but it opens it up. obama has not laid out exactly what he stands for, so people throw out crazy stuff, and grandma is going to have the plug pulled, rationed care. >> rationed care is reasonable. bill: they have that in britain, and i do not think that is not reasonable. mary, there is a lot of craziness going on. go ahead. >> there is certainly some overblown rhetoric going on, i think, on both sides. obama has to deal with this co-
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op thing. bill: i do not want to get into that now because it makes my head hurt. look, look, look. just do what i do, ok? just bullet point them down. explain it so even i can understand it. i do not want to hear this bs anymore. thank you. all right, john edwards. i am telling you what the edwards and the sanford story are pretty much the same, but the national media does not treat it the same, mary katharine. am i hallucinating? >> you are not hallucinating, and i think it is because he is a democrat. i think what your two guests were missing, when they said he was a has been, the story would have broken while he was a candidate for president. the liberal press stayed away from it, so it did not break until he was a has been.
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bill: there is not going to be any comeback. he is done. he is done. >> four years from now, you will see. bill: no. thank god the only people suffering with john edwards not running again are the hair spray people. now, juan, at one point, there were more than 100 reporters in alaska trying to dig up dirt on sarah palin, more than 100. you cannot tell me that the media is fair in this country anymore. i will give you the last word. >> well, i do not know about them being fair and honest, so i will agree with you on that, but, look. john edwards is history already. you should be getting him on the show. bill: i my sense water is down. we went down once before. -- i might send waters down.
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he has got the big mansions. >> if that happens or he is indicted, big news, national news, and you get your story across every front page. bill: all right, juan, mary katharine, thank you. in our new bill o'reilly poll. -- and our new bill o'reilly poll. and the new question is this -- ú0ú0ú0t?ú0ú0ú0 ú0ú0ctú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0 ú0ú0"nú0ewú0 yú0orú0k ú0tiú0mes0 ú0ú0cnú0nú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú00 ú0>>ú0 there is plenty more ahe0 ú0ú0e ú0faú0ctú0orú0 moves alon0 evú0enú0inú0g. animal rights peoplú0e telling ú0ú0ot to eatú0ú0 atú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0 ú0passing out unhappy meals toú0 ú0ú0maú0keú0 tú0heú0irú0 point.0 ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0 pittú0ú0 cú0auú0si0 controversy. the culture warriorsú0 areú0ú0ú0 um bill-- why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak.
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a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express female valve: hahahaha...i am sfx:strong like the ox.ght. i crush you like tiny clown car. because you are... ...clown, yes? female valve: come, you hit me again and i break you. male valve: oh, you messed with wrong pipe now, car. ha, ha trust me...i have to live with her. announcer:accidents are bad. but geico's good with guaranteed repairs through auto repair express.
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up to five shared wi-fi connections. two are downloading the final final revised final presentation. - one just got an email. - woman: what?! hmph. it's being revised again. the copilot is on mapquest. and tom is streaming meeting psych-up music - from - ( heavy metal music playing ) that's happening now with the new mifi from sprint-- the mobile hotspot that fits in your pocket. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearing, and people with speech disabilities access bill: "unresolved problem" segment tonight, once in a while, a happy meal makes the kids happy, and that is a good thing if you are a parent. peta, they do not like the happy meal and are putting out some on happy meals, featuring a knife- wielding ronald mcdonald among other things.
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a representative from peta is with us. you have got some parents mad at you. parents are saying, "leave my kids alone. if they want to eat a burger, that is not your business." what do you say? >> behind every happy meal, there is a lot of unhappiness. birds have their bones broken. they may be abused. they may end up put life into a scalding tank of water, and we think this is something that compassionate kids would want to know. bill: you know this is not a pretty thing, and it has been going on for centuries, you know, thousands of years the we slaughter animals for food consumption by the human race. i do not think anybody celebrates it. >> there is a better way to do it. bill: but it is the natural cycle of events, and you are
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trying to change eating habits. you do not want anyone eating it at all by basically terrorizing children who go to mcdonald's. do you not think that is a little bit much? >> i have three kids, and i know every week, they turn on the television and see worse than this, but there is something called contained atmosphere killing, and mcdonald's suppliers in europe already do it. it would be easy for mcdonald's to adopt that. bill: it is ok if you wanted to make a point to mcdonald's or whatever food distributor that you're angry with that they can do it in a more humane way. i am probably going to support that, but to give out and i'm happy meal with ronald mcdonald with a knife, ketchup-stain ed blood, and i have said this to peta people before, you are doing more harm.
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yes, you get on the show and get publicity, but i tell you that my mail tomorrow will run 10-1 against you. so i do not know why you continue to do this. >> well, because violence is literally death for animals, and i also think when you talk about what peta does, let's take a look at what mcdonald's does. they pushed their unhealthy food in a brightly colored box. it is unhealthy, and this is one way to get the point across to compassionate children and their parents that there is a better way to do this. bill: but is there not a better way to get the point across that to terrorize kids, to make them feel bad? you went to albany, new york, and a bunch of parents were so enraged that they said bad things about peta. look. i do not have any problem with anybody eating at mcdonald's at all. it is a freedom of choice issue.
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now, i respect your freedom of choice that the food distribution can be donet( in a better way. i think that is healthy, but i do not get any problem with americans going to mcdonalds and eating. that is what freedmen is all about. if they went to eat a fat-laden meal once in a while -- >> if they are going to do that, then at least tell them the truth behind it. i think when it the children find out that there is cruelty behind it, that those animals were dropped into a scalding vat of water by the suppliers, they will want to do something about it. this and powers children to be able to do something. this is one way to do it. bill: all right, thank you. when we come back, the culture warriors on more bad parenting. and actor brad pitt talked about his pot days. and commotion at a town hall meeting.
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>> fox encourages listeners to terrorize. ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0 ú0ú0meú0etú0ings. ú0ú0 is abjectú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0ú0 ú0ú0 with ziploc? the average family wastes over $500 a year in food. don't throw away food, protect it in the freezer. ziploc freezer bags form a fresh shield, freezer burn stays out, freshness stays in. so your investment in dinner pays off every time. ziploc freezer bags. designed with you in mind. s.c. johnson. a family company.
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ú0ú0miú0ghú0tú0 rú0unú0ú0 for o0 ú0ú0anú0tiú0-mú0arriage pro-gay0 ú0ú0tiú0ckú0etú0.ú0 ú0ú0w is he yuking canú0ú0ú0ú0ú0 bill maher about past drug >> i remember being with you at a new year's eve party many years ago. >> that was not me. >> yes, it was. >> certainly, you were very sober, but you just all night world these perfect -- rolled these perfect joints, like a machine. it was better than a cigarette. >> i am an artist. >> you are. [cheers and applause] and now, you gave it up. why did you do that? >> i am a dad. bill: the culture war years, gretchen more year, -- culture
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warriors. gretchen carlson is here. there is a new book out that says that marijuana addiction is the biggest problem of all substance abuse for kids, american teenagers, young or adults, college kids. brad pitt, he is successful in that world, saying this, and i am saying that is not so good. what do you say? >> with bad parenting, the real story here is that they so often glamorize drug use. the real story here is that he said he quit and that he is a responsible parent, and there are over 40% of americans that have tried pot. bill: glamorizing it. that overrides in your opinion that? >> yes, they spent about 40
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seconds talking about this. bill: i did not get the big anti-pot message. >> i did not get the big anti-ot message, but we did get honesty. he did fess up to it. he finally did get it after he became a parent, and that is the time to get it. bill: i am not so sure. the reality is more than anybody else -- i want to see these people, these hollywood people, musicians say, "look. you know, i did it, but here is how it hurt me, and here is why maybe you should think about it." i never hear that. it is always, "i am having a great time, but now that i am a super dad, i am not going to do
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it anymore." pitt gave it up, and he seems to be ok, although i think he is a pen and a little bit, but other people are not. other people get in trouble. >> but there are others. bill: who? who? i sound like an owl. >> there was a campaign that said "do not do drugs." >> relaxing in front of his kids drunk, but you have brad pitt saying that he stopped because he wants to be a good dad, and commented that i cannot be alert, and i cannot be a good dad with my kids" -- and, "i cannot be alert." bill: this kid is going 40 miles an hour.
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now, the quebec authorities are investigating. they throw it on the internet, as always, and i say to myself, "you know, something is changing about parenting in america," carlson. something is changing. i cannot put my finger on it. and there is the htoat on sideways. >> none of the kids have seat belts on. this is all about the internet. bill: and the father is selling it. >> 20 years ago, this was probably going on. bill: you think so? seven years old? >> probably. the difference to me is that the internet has glorified all of this, and people put it on youtube because they want to be famous. it is stupid.
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bill: what do you say? >> i could not agree with her more. in an age where the internet is everywhere, you have these indelible lessons of your responsibility for people. bill: i think we would admit that the culture warriors are right on this, that the lure of some sort of exposure on the internet override some kind of common sense. the authorities in quebec, i would not put them in jail, but i would slap them with a fine or something. ladies, as always, we appreciate it. coming up, a shootout in georgia. >> you told a lie, man. bill: and she did. we will tell you what it was. ú0ú00 ú0ú0riú0ghú0tú0ú0 back wú0itú0h0 ú0ú0coú0ntú0inú0ueú0s ú0allú0ú0
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terrorize these meetings. that is an abject lie. not once have they encouraged anyone, anyone to terrorize anyone. >> i am going to be on fox news tonight with geraldo. now, let me say fox news is the no. 1 cable station in the world. bill: check two. last thursday, another town hall featured a bunch of acorn people. griff jenkins reports the acorn people were bused in, another example of coordinated action. the moveon organization also encouraging people to support obama cairn. we have no problem with that, but you will not hear any criticism in the press --
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support obama care. the nbc store is selling obama merchandise. dolls, shirts, mugs. you can get them all at the nbc store. you did not see any sarah palin stuff there. uh-uh. no "bold fresh" stuff. and health care. >> can you say yes or no? >> of course not. >> it is not socialism. it was done in the 1960's. >> for your listeners, york illustrating why msnbc's viewership in the tank -- you are illustrating why msnbc's viewership is in the tank. bill: and katie couric.
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>> at a town hall meeting hosted by senator arlen specter, a resident stood up to say that the health-care debate has awakened the sleeping giant. not exactly. what it has done is stir up a hornet's nest and things nothing to do with policy. bill: the "check" sees it differently than ms. katie couric. they are venting. it is totally legitimate. i do not know if they sell obama staff in the cbs store. check 6, 40 years ago today, the woodstock festival was rocking. >> ♪ if i had a tune stand up and walk out on me lend me your ears and i will send you a song
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and i will try to sing not out of key ♪ bill: not people -- not many people know this, but that was brit hume 40 years ago. instead of lsd, i had lp, latex paint, because i had to work. it seems unfair, but that is the way it was 40 years ago. "reality check," newt gingrich giving advice to sarah palin. >> here is the problem. he is trying to treat her like a serious person. she is not, ok? she is about half of a wet job, and she does not have the intellectual heft of meet gingrich or almost anyone else
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boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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the one deal in the neighborhood where you get the real food. featuring a half rack of our new double-glazed baby back ribs with your choice of sauces. get one full-sized appetizer and two real entrees for just twenty bucks. it's 2 for $20. only at applebee's. bill: time for pinheads in patriots. derrick teeter has more hits
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than any in history, but it is demeanor -- is his demeanor that separates him from other athletes. he has done a lot of charitable work and he is an excellent will moderate heat -- a role model. because of that, he is a patriot. bernie sanders, who admits he is a socialist, is not a big fan of fox news. >> we need to do grass-roots organizing. we need to understand that it is hard for the president and anyone else to take on not just of the republican party, but to take on all of right-wing talk radio. all of the fox network, which is nothing more than an arm of the republican party. >> listen, here's the deal. stop talking like that. it is false. here -- he is a pinhead. he has refused to come on our show in a while. another pinhead move. on how well the patriot mine is
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smiling, -- selling, you can only get them on our website. this is perfect stuff to wear to the beach or a health call -- health care town hall meeting. we sell this merchandise to make you happy. "many middle-class folks: ge stocks." "they are taking a beating. as a former employee, i feel bad for the good people that work there. they are being harmed by the board." "i am highly alarmed at the connection between general electric, nbc, and the president. manipulation of the press can lead the states like north korea and the soviet union." "your ratings are great, why waste time at packing general
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electric"? >my job is to watch the powerful. a powerful corporation owns a powerful media division. those concerns, both of them, had actively promoted barack obama. now they are seeking government contracts after having received $1 billion in low-cost loans? i am supposed to move on from this story? come on. "the idea that general electric allows nbc to smear the health care protesters is abhorrence." "general electric has my tax money and nbc news likes to call me names, i will never purchase one of their products again." "fox news was blacked out here for days, but so many people complained you are back on." please keep us posted. stay safe.
11:59 pm
louisiana, "my wife gave me a do not be a pin head shirt for our anniversary. i do not know whether to be flattered or crushed." all i can say is if the shirt fits, wear it. "mr. o'reilly, where can i purchase your products"? for our overseas guests, amazon thought, works well. -- works well. "bold fresh" will be on the new york times list again after 41 weeks. please e-mail us with comments from anywhere in the world, o' if you wish to opine, even from afghanistan, when writing to us here is a brand new word. do not
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