tv Glenn Beck FOX News September 8, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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there is no member of congress that has effectively talked about immigration reform and anti-tism in a long time. that will do it. tomorrow, special coverage of the president's address to congress. we have big names on both sides of the aisle, senators lieberman, evan bayh and jim demint. beck! [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute glenn: welcome to the glenn beck program. tonight these are questions we will try to get an answer for. van jones has left the white house but why didn't the white house reject van jones, i mean, last spring? where was the mainstream media? i raised it earlier, where is the mainstream media? why are they making this story about me? i'm a minor player in this story. and, will van jones still work with the white house? i know there are a lot of lefties that are scramblingite now to bring him in. should he be a part of our
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national policy making team? i can't get answers. maybe you can. that's the white house phone number, 202-456-1414. call them, ask them, please, we would just like a few answers. these are dangerous people surrounding the president. if you believe this country is great but some people are trying to sink it, stand up and come follow me! hello, america. i had a long weekend and sunday i spent it with my wife, and we went to west point just to walk the campus. it is nice to see honor there. just in case your only source of news is abc, cbs, nbc, "the new york times," "the washington post", or as the white house was hoping, that you were out doing things with your family this long
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weekend and didn't check the news, which was released about midnight sunday morning. that way it wouldn't be in any of the papers. the green jobs czar, special advisor to the president, van jones has resigned, but here is the one thing. my phone, my e-mail, my twitter, were hammered all weekend with people offering congratulations. first, let me say this -- i am not the one to congratulate. i can go on and on and on about this stuff every night, but if you don't care and it doesn't connect with the american people, what i say doesn't matter. let me start with the good news. the good news is you still have power. you still have clout in washington. i'm wondering what's going to happen on 9/12, what the response to washington will be on this coming saturday when people are gathered in their hometowns or many of them near the white house in washington, d.c. we'll be covering it. we'll see how many people show up and want their voice to be
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heard. in many cases, your representatives, your congressmen or your senators in washington knew nothing about van jones. you were actually educating them. i have seen the video tape at town halls. it wasn't until late last week that a few brave political people began to speak out. but you know what? it wasn't until this weekend that the main steam media started seeing it and they got the story wrong six ways to sunday. here's the bad news. when this came out and people started to text message me and call me and say congratulations, my first response was, you still don't get it. this was a victory of sorts but only for those who are playing political games. i'm not doing that, and i don't think you are, either. you're trying to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. friends, it's in trouble. obama was hoping that this would all just go away. one of the headlines from the
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politico was "beck up, left down." i read that article a couple of times because i was shocked by the language and the quotes. van jones said that this was a vicious smear campaign. really? he was able to resign, not to be fired, and during his resignation, he placed the blame on others, not himself. what van jones doesn't understand is i didn't bring down van jones. you didn't bring down van jones. van jones brought down van jones. how is it that a smear campaign is conducted when you're only using the person's words? i mean, is it a smear campaign to quote van jones in his own words? >> this is deeper than a solar panel. don't doubt that. don't doubt that! no, we going to change the whole system! we going to change the whole thing! we're not going to put a new battery in a boken system! we want a new system.
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we want a new system! glenn: we didn't have to dig into his deep dark past. all we had to do was go to last spring, a forum that happened spring '09, you saw there him at the podium. he wants to change the whole system. am i smearing him using his own words? he wants to change the whole system. what wasn't answered was, gosh, does president obama want to change the whole system? he also wants to give native americans the wealth. >> no more broken treaties! no more broken treaties! give them the wealth! give them the wealth! glenn: give them the wealth. president obama, do you believe that? i think that's worth asking, and certainly worth hearing the answer to. then there is this van jones' favorite, bringing up agencies that believe that white polluters are steering poison to minority neighborhoods. >> the white folks and the white environmentalists are
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1250ering poison into the color people's homes. glenn: white people steering poison into people's homes of people of color. hello! the white house got mad because van jones called republicans a rude name. here is what did it. >> how are republicans able to push things through? >> well, the answer to that is they're [bleep]. glenn: that was the clip that they showed over and over again. it was thursday finally they showed this. that was the clip? you have him earlier saying that white people are intentionally poisoning communities of color. what the hell is that? they didn't even take the time to listen to the rest of that quote. this is the part -- if you're going to take that quote, that moment, it's not the
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republicans -- i call the republicans names myself. many americans have. this is the part that makes him dangerous in many ways. he is no longer restricted on what he can say or do and listen to how he describes himself. >> now, i will admit it, i can be an [bleep] and some of us are also getting a little bit upette ti. glenn: he is going to get a little uppity, i bet he is. let me ask you two questions. since nobody in the mainstream will. did he just say barack hussein obama? because i know if anybody else said that they are trying to scare people. why is he using that?
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is there anything to be learned from that? second question, getting a little bit uppity. is he making a threat there? i don't know. i know anybody who started a revoluntionary communist organization probably should be somebody that we watch on threats. this isn't about van jones. it's not. van jones, i think, is a very scary guy, but the white house is just sweeping him out with the trash, and they haven't answered the questions. remember, this wasn't about van jones. this is to try to figure out who the president of the united states is, by looking at the people he surrounded himself with. play the tape, please. >> let me tell you who i associate with. on economic policy, i associate with warren buffett and former fed chairman paul volcker. if i'm interested in figuring out my foreign policy, i associate myself with my running mate joe biden, or
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with dick lugar, the ranking republican member, or general jim jones, former supreme commander of nato. those are the people, democrats and republicans who have shaped my ideas and who will be surrounding me in the white house. glenn: just so you know, because i don't want to take anything out of context, do you know why he gave that answer? that was because john mccain had said, you know, you're around jeremiah wright and bill ayers, and the president got very indignant. you want to know how my policies are and what i believe? look to the people around me. this answer was given when somebody said you have a lot of marxists around you. no, no, no. i have dick lugar. i have joe biden. really? let me go back and look at the politico article again. they say in the article that they didn't scrub van jones. what does that mean exactly? that the white house should
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have cleansed the internet of his prior positions? i mean, it's not a long time ago prior positions. by the way, they are doing those things now with other czars. the media didn't report any of this stuff. they didn't report that michelle obama is a big fan of van jones. does she know who he is? more importantly, if you look at the non-answer given by the white house press secretary, robert gibbs, what is it that the white house believes or endorses here? >> what van jones decided was that the agenda of this president was bigger than any one individual. the president thanks van jones for his service in the first eight months in helping to coordinate renewable energy jobs that are going to lay the foundation for our future. >> does the president want him to go? >> the president accepted his resignation, because van jones, as he says in his statement, understood that he was going to get in the way of the president, and ultimately this country moving forward on something as important as
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creating jobs in a clean energy economy. glenn: america, i have never treated you like an imbecile. there is a lot of television out there and i watch it and you do, too. they have got to do all kinds of things, and they talk down to you. i'm not going to talk down to you. i don't care if i have nobody watching. they can fire me. that's ok. by treating you as an intelligent human being, we have made a lot of progress together. you should see the ratings on this program, i mean, ratings that bore the snot out of charlie rose. you're and tell gent group of people -- you're an intelligent group of people this audience. the reason this is important and i say it's not about van jones, but it's about the president is because the president is about to give a speech on healthcare. now, he said an awful lot of things. in fact, he said an awful lot of these things and on the other hand, he said an awful lot of these things. should we trust that anything that comes out of this white
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house or this congress should be passed in any form whatsoever, because we don't really know who these people are. what gibbs just said is a far kai from rejecting the beliefs. even answering the question, does the president believe in communism? i know that sounds crazy, but then again michael moore says capitalism is evil. we have what's his face, the filmmaker, oliver stone, with chavez. fist bumping. what? does the president believe in radicalism, in black nationalism? racism. he's pointing to the white community and saying they are poisoning people of color. gee, can that be classified as racism? i don't even know anymore, but none of those things are things that you just tolerate, oh, we don't endorse those things. those are things that an
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american administration must reject! this is why i say to you van jones leaving, he is more dangerous now, and it is not a victory. this is a diversion. well, i'm not going to play their game, because this isn't about me and van jones. even if that's what they want to make it about, it's not. it's about you asking logical reasonable questions. this is about taking obama at his word. you judge me by the people i surround myself with. you judge him by the people he surrounds himself with. what you want, would you want van jones anywhere near american policy? a man who says, listen to this, because this is new video -- a man who says things like this? >> human rights have no borders. wherever there are human beings, it is important for human rights activists to show support and solidarity. what we want to see at this point is the rights of the
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palestinian people being respected and at this point, the right of the return of the palestinian people, see, there is a critical i did siding line question of human rights. we have to be there. glenn: this is a guy who has talked about american imperialism. does this say anything about obama's policys? i don't know. let me ask you this -- it's not what he just said there, because some people will say that's totally reasonable. where did that audio come from? let me play the beginning of this audio. >> this is the voice of the voice, and you're listening to wartimes, reports from the opposition, presented by freedom fighter music and hard knock radio. glenn: that is the voice of communist abbu jamal, on the phone, because he is in prison. why is he in prison? for the execution-style murder of a police officer. is it a smear campaign to notice that van jones
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associated himself with the effort to free a communist cop killer? but the problem is there are more radicals surrounding this president, surrounding him. you must remain focused. you're fighting for the constitution. gang, we're not even at the beginning of round one. as i told you, this fight is not going to be fought with guns. this fight is going to be fought with the truth, questions and answers. if you had the truth on your side, who can stand against it? i didn't ask for van jones to resign. if americans want the version of the america that van jones sees, well, that's fine, but we need to have a discussion. it can't be done under the cover of darkness. there needs to be questions and answers. mr. president, without publicly rejecting van jones, do you now expect america to believe that he has no influence or access to you or your partners?
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oh, sure, there will be a buffer zone around you. van jones is a community organizer of the worst kind. what have we learned about community organizations like acorn lately? a year ago nobody knew what a community organization was. now we have a good look at what some of these organizations like acorn do. what we found is that acorn is a terrible organization. they have been describeed as criminal organizations. are they? i don't know. congress won't look into it. the media won't look into it. now comes van jones, building an army of community organizer as to disenfranchise the communists, the anarchists, the prisoners. the worst of the worst attracted to van jones. where does van jones go now? is he just going to be selling clothes at scwvment c penny? will he be filling up slurp pies at 7/eleven? i don't know. i don't think so. let me go back to that tape. you heard the voice of the man who introduced him, abbu jamal. he murder add police officer with some witnesses saying
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he murdered daniel falkner execution style. with the influence of van jones and people who think like van jones, does that have any bearing on the cambridge police incident where obama concedes he didn't have all of the facts, but he makes the statement that presupposes that the police were wrong. how could you do that? does somebody like van jones who is on cop watch, does that affect the president? i don't know. because we haven't had any answers from the president! this president, like van jones, didn't reject, just merely commented that he didn't endorse those views. i'm confused, because the people obama surrounds himself with seem to help me make sense of his policies, but only if i look at those policies as nefarious to our constitution. the people that the radical left have been embracing should shock 95% of americans,
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should shock the democrats! the michael moore movie is coming out. he calls capitalism evil. democrats, is that how you feel about our system? that capitalism is ooh evil? one of the books that michael moore told an interviewer he is recently read something a book i have been warning you about for months called "the coming insurrection" a radical communist how-to manual that talks specifically to destroy the family. let me go back to the beginning where i shared the good news. it wasn't me that did this. it was you, and here's why it is even better news than what you thought. if it were just me, through back channels, blogs, articles, the left and hoover left, not democrats but the radical left have decided they they are going to destroy me in any way they k i don't relish that thought, but i'm ok with it. i'm a recovering alcoholic.
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i spent most of my time lying to myself. i'm fine. i found happiness. i have done some pretty bad things in my life. i have owned up to them. eade some of my books and watch my vidios. if you want stuff on me, eade my books. i talked about it. i fired a guy who bout me the the wong pen -- the wrong pen once. but here is the point. i had a pivot point, a place in my life where i reached the bottom and 0 realized i couldn't go any lower. i was having breakfast with my kid and my dad said dad, tell me the store i of inky, blinky and stinky that you told me last night. it was stories of three little mice. i used to make it up. that morning i couldn't remember t i didn't even remember tucking my kids in because i was drunk the night before and i had a blackout. i told them, see how much you can remember. i had to lie to my kids. that hit me pretty hard. that was in 1995. it took me four years to make the changes in my life that i
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needed to and that i wanted to make. in november 1999 i began to change my life and i have been on a course since then. i still make mistakes but try my hardest not to make the same mistakes, mistakes that would bring dishonor to my family. the left has doctored photos on my website that has dishonored them and hurt my children. but as i told my kids this week, there is more to come, because some people want to make it about politics and money and not the truth. i will always tell you the truth, even when it hurts me personally. you do the same thing. it was just over 225 years ago that 56 men said this, and with firm reliance on i did sign providence we mutually pledge to each0th irour lives, our sake ked honor. they won't give honest questions to honest answers. while we wait for the honest answers we should have a debate about which type of america we going to live in,
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glenn: in these unreasonable times, we have been asking reasonable questions. we have been talking about van jones on this program since july 23. if you were looking to hear or read his name in the mainstream media, oh, you would have a long, long time to wait. obama's new green czar, van jones, this is the guy who is a self-avowed communist, and
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he is in the obama administration. van jones is a self-proclaimed communist. he is one of the founding members of apollo. here's van jones. he was a black nationalist. he came out and an arckist and communist and now he is our green jobs czar. we asked the white house today this question, is the white house aware that van jones has this background in radical politics? if so, did it give the white house any pause? here is the response we got. mr. jones is entirely focused on one policy goal, building clean energy incentives. gosh, that doesn't seem like an answer to that question. where is the true outage from
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anyone in the media? we have shown you amazing, frightening facts and the white house hasn't challenged any of it. why would the white house waste their time, you know, on something like this when liberal bloggers are doing their best to defend van's good name? we found all of this stuff. hey, abc, nbc -- well, i know where nbc is -- cbs, where the hell are you? cnn, where are you? we have laid this case out before you for several weeks, and we didn't just tell you these things. we showed you the video in their own words.
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absolutely amazing to me. do they care about politics or the rule of law and the constitution? byron york is the chief political correspondent for the washington examiner and also a fox news con tib tore. byron, the mead i media is i mean, how do you explain that? >> well, you know, this is not the first time they have ever done this. there's a pattern of this kind of coverage. the most striking one concerns
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"the new york times," and reverend jeremeiah wright, remember back in march 2008, the presidential ace just explodes with this news that the sermons that reverend wright has given the most incendiary quote of all and "the new york times" doesn't or the t days pass. weeks pass. months pass. it is not until six months after the news breaks that the actual news pages, the one that reports all the news that is fit to pint actually reports it in "the new york times" so the idea that they would ignore this jones story until the time it was over. the first time they reported it is after van jones resigned is consistent with the way they have dealt with things. glenn: it amazes me, byron, because if i didn't get my news from fox, if i just got my news from cbs or abc, i wouldn't even have known there was any trouble. i wouldn't have known any of it. >> as of friday, when this story was really boiling over,
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after the truther comment, as of friday when it was boiling over, neither "the washington post," "the new york times," abc, cbs, nbc and the evening newscasts, none of them reported a single word about this van jones story. glenn: a couple of questions come to mind on this one. i mean, i do a radio show. a lot of our stations are on a.m. radio. it is amazing how many millions of people we can get to tune in, cross bands from, you know, f.m. radio, cross bands, find us, listen to us as we're statice under bridges and everything else, and yet our audience grows and grows and "the new york times" keeps getting smaller and they blame it on nobody reads the newspapers anymore. it's not the delivery system. it's the fact that they're completely out of touch with the american people. >> yeah, they are shrinking. now, there was a day and it really wasn't all that long
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ago when a very, very small number of news organizations, new york times, "washington post," nbc and cbs basically set the whole agenda of news, and, you know, producers at the network newscasts in new york sat around and read that morning's new york times and decided what to illustrate on their newscast. you can't do that anymore. the days when they could actually stifle a story, squash quash a story by ignoring it is gone. glenn: let me ask you this, because i think a few outlets played a role in this. i think the internet and twitter also played a big role in this. this is the kind of stuff that the new regulatory czar, lloyd, wants to shut down. he wants to make sure that everything is controlled by the government. >> i think one important thing to point out here is that a lot of this stuff was not deep, deep investigative
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reporting. it was right there to be found. you know, jones had talked about his becoming a communist in an interview with a newspaper called "the east bay express" in oakland, california in 2005. it was right there for anybody to read. the thing that made this news spread even though the major news organizations were ignoring it was the fact that it was so easily accessible on the internet. glenn: byron, what happens to our republic when they intimidate or shut down people like me or people like you? >> well, you have to -- the critical thing is not any individual, but is that internet, that source of information. i mean, go back to the dan rather store i on george w. bush's military records. in an earlier day, cbs would have broadcast that and showed pictures of what appeared to be legitimate documents. everyone would have watched it and accepted it. because of the internet, they were able to see they with
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the supreme court he's newest justice was formally welcomed to the bench by her colleagues this afternoon. president obama and vice president biden attended the ceremony. a moment of silence was held today on the senate floor for the one member who would not be returning from vummer break today. white flowers and a drape was laid on the desk of ted kennedy. glenn beck returns in a moment, but first bret baier. >> coming up, the president corrals the democratic leadership a day before he refashions his healthcare push again, and thousands of nation's doctors insist their opinion should matter in this legislation. join me at the top of the hour for "special report," but now back to glenn beck. glenn: hello, america. i believe our constitution sunder attack by people with a
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radical agenda and one you don't see, that you have to search for. barack obama has said he wants to fundamentally transform this country. boy, i don't. i would like to work on some of the things we stink at. i don't think it needs fundamental transformation. one of his special advisors stepped down over the weekend. if you think van jones is gone and forgotten, you're wong. i have been thinking about it this weekend, to think about a way where i could explain it to you where it makes sense on the 103. this is 103 monitors. can you bring up the iceberg, please? let's say this is the uss constitution. patti ann said a minute ago that the president is going to make a big speech tomorrow night to talk about healthcare. well, i have to tell you, there are brill ons if not trillions of dollars at stake, and the power -- we're playing for the power of the world here.
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there's a lot of money at stake here. they're not going to let it go by easily. well, i have said to you before, you cannot let anybody -- you can't let meese people pass anything until we know exactly what we're dealing with. i'm not making accusations. i'm asking for answers, ok. these are all of the czars. here is what has happened. this is the u.s.s. constitution, if you will. it looks like the titanic. it's sailing along and it's fine t sees an iceberg up here. what happened? without asking any questions, without providing any answers, without giving us any new information, they have just taken van jones and dropped him -- does he drop? and dropped him underneath the water. well, if anybody knows anything about icebergs, this is not the dangerous part. this is the dangerous part. there is much more under the surface of the water of an iceberg. that's why i have said, until you get any answers -- you
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know, barack obama tomorrow may come up with the best idea for healthcare. that's fine, but until you get answers, you cannot let that ship -- if you a good captain of this ship, what would you say? oh, well, the iceberg just got a little smaller? would you say that? or would you say, full stop! the ship is about to be sunk, because we don't see the iceberg underneath. full stop! don't let them pass anything, and that's for the republicans as well, because remember, the republicans have passed some really bad stuff as well. michelle malkin is here, a syndicated columnist and fox news contributor. michelle, i want to talk to you about, first of all, the new guy that was appointed yesterday. what is his name >>? >> ron bloom. glenn: he is the new green jobs czar. what do you know about him? >> he is known as a union hatchet man among folks
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watching big labor for decades. he cut his teeth in labor organizing at the feet of john sweeney when john sweeney was the head of the service employees international union. it was with john sweeney's blessing that ron bloom went on to harvard business school. their intention was that he should insinuate himself in the business world, understand how their antagonistic enemies work and go back into the labor union and use what he knew to shake down and to make them bend to their will, and that's what he has done over the last several decades. glenn: i think what president obama and his team misunderstand is this is not about the democrats or obama. this is about the democrats and the republicans knowing, knowing in their gut that big labor is not the answer. this is actually from a new book that comes out at the end of this month.
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that's me, the book czar! buy the book, he commands you to! he commands you! we made this book so you can give it to your kids and your grandkids to understand what is going on and make it entertaining, because quite honestly, i'm riddled with a.d.d. but here is obama as spider-man. these are all the big union people around him that are creating policies and exactly what their jobs are. this is -- yesterday, michelle, i don't know if you caught this, but during the speech he said you know what's happening? we're close to passing healthcare, and that's why all the special interest groups are saying awful things about it. he said it at a union picnic! what bigger special interest group could there be? >> well, there is always a policy of self-exemption with barack obama. not only is it the labor special interests that they're serving but of course many corporate special interests are as well, which makes it
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richly ironic that this white house continues to accuse its own opponents of serving big business and pocketing money when so many of their own people are core pratt shills or labor shills. another thing that happened over the weekend is this white house gave a waiver to an afl-cio lobbyist who worked at the state organization level who will now be the deputy secretary of labor. once again, the rules never apply to the special interests within the obama administration. by the way, one other fun fact about on bloom is at the same time that he has now been appointed to eschew the manufacturing industry that that the unions have destroyed, he will keep his job as the car czar where he had e placed the corrupted steve rattner. he is double dipping as a double czar. nice work if you can get it. glenn: boy, you ain't kidding. michelle, i want you to come back and talk about some of the czars and some of the things that are coming. i have to ask you, america, democrats, in particular, i want to do a show here in the
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next few days just for democrats, because i don't understand you and i want answers. i really do. i want to understand. you know, michael moore came out and said that he is that capitalism is evil. oliver stone was down with hugo chavez doing fist bumps. is that who you you are? because that's who a lot of the people in congress, that's who they are, and they continue to lead us down this path, and i mean -- has the democratic party completely lost its soul? i mean, outside of washington? both parties have lost their soul inside. when can we expect the democrats to stop maying political games? please, i'm begging of you, our constitution is at stake. when can you join with independents? when will you join with republicans, demanding to know where the hell their people are? and say, hey, we like capitalism. we're not in with chavez and
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glenn: did i just see a commercial that don imus is coming to work for the fox business? you know what? that guy only causes trouble. he's crazy. obama's green jobs czar, van jones, may have resigned, but like i said, he is the tip of the iceberg. michelle malkin is here, syndicated columnist and fox news contributor. michelle, as i'm looking over the czars, it is not like there was one bad czar there or one person that is add sizing the president that is like a radical, i mean, i got pages of them and i'm trying to figure, because there is this website that's out there,
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and they actually put -- they did this schematic of who i'm going to to go after next. i haven't really decided. i look at them, for instance, john holdren, he is a pretty good guy. he believes that we should have planetary control, you know, through the u.n he wants to regulate the number of children, you know, and he has been for forced abortions. he also says why shouldn't we strive for zero economic growth as well as a zero population growth? hmm. >> yeah. well, you know, all of these statements, as byron york and you were talking about in a prefer segment, are all over the internet, and it is thanks to citizen journalists out there, and amateur investigative reporters who have put it all out there, who have xeroxed hundreds of pages from his own books. i is done work on my own site at, for talkg not only about his statements of 20, 30 years ago but more
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ease sent speeches where he pays homage to int lech tomb mentors like harrison brown who is one of the most international notorious people who considers the global population a pulsating mass of maggots, quote. there have been ample opportunity for the media to go after him. he appeared on the david letterman last week. it was a complete whitewash. there is not a complete statement about the statements he has made and what this guy believes in and what powers he has to enact his agenda. glenn: what is amazing to me, michelle, is last week i did a deal on the art at rockefeller plaza. i didn't do it because i hate the art. it is some of my favorite art. i have some in my office. i love the art at rockefeller plaza. it just has symbolism, and if you know anything about rockefeller plaza, you know who rockefeller was. you know his link to the progressive movement, et cetera, so you know what these things are. the reason why i brought it
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up, and of course the media tore me apart for it, but they missed the message, as usual. the idea was that things are right in front of you, but those with ears will not hear. those with eyes will not see. it is amazing how close this is to the surface. is there something that we're missing here, michelle? i mean, how do you reach the people who just aren't getting it from any other media source? >> well, i think by constant repetition, which is why your show has been so incredibly helpful and the use of your platform at fox news and the sinner in jy between the internet, and twitter to spread the message. it takes people with ears an eyes open in washington do to do something about it and the holdren case points out the deficiencies of the republican party. glenn: you bet it does. >> he, unlike many of these czars, the majority of them are appointed n john holdren's case, he had a senate
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confirmation process and there was only one glancing question about it. i have been warning about energy czar carol browner since december. i followed her career, her subversion of transparency and the republicans didn't listen, and now they is nothing to say about it -- glenn: sorry, back in a minute.
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