tv Hannity FOX News September 8, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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no good. that's it for us today. factor continues 24/7 on bill o' check it out. see you premium members on the post game factor show. remember the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute sean: tonight. >> he was going to get in the way of the president. sean: van jones quits. >> we have been watching him, really, he is not that over for as long as he has been active. sean: proof that the white house knew about his radical history all along. on the eve of president obama's major health care speech, big questions still remain. >> i think they are racist. in the right wing. upset. sean: reverend wright shares his thoughts on health care reform. >> za. >> the czars. sean: land of the czars returns. >> i'm here because i want to talk with you about your education. sean: the president takes his message directly to your kids.
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>> you are doing good stuff. sean: dr. phil is back in the hannity hot seat. all of that plus michael steele, alexis glick, dana perino. a busy hannity starts right now. sean: after his controversial statements and alliances were revealed, green jobs czar van jones was forced to step down late saturday night after midnight. it would be easy to dismiss jones' appointment as a fluke and assume his radical allegiances were accidentally overlooked by administration vetters. that is not the case. van jones signifies the radicalism of this administration and he was appointed to his position precisely because of his radical beliefs. now, the white house itself has testified to this fact. just last month senior obama advisor valerie jarrett told a crowd just how long she had been watching and admiring van jones. let's take a look. >> van jones, we were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the white house. we have been watching him for really for as long as he has been active out in oakland and all of the ways that he has --
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creative ideas that he has. now we have captured that and we have all of that energy and enthusiasm in the white house. sean: all right. so we know the white house sought out van jones which begs the question how many more like him are serving in our government? is van jones just the tip of the iceberg? we know for example john holdren the science and technology advisor who has advocated compulsory abortion. and then there is cass sun stein the harvard law professor who wants to ban hunting and grants rights to livestock wildlife and pets. we can only conclude it's time to take a much closer look at exactly who this president has now serving in our government. and joining me now to discuss all of this chairman of the g.o.p. michael steele. michael, it raises so many different questions. >> yes, it does. sean: let me get your initial thoughts about what happened with van jones and i want to talk specifically whether or not you think there are people that should be fired in this
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administration. your thoughts on him first? >> i think on the van jones case i think is elm policemennatic of all the czar positions out there. we just don't know, sean, that much about them what we are beginning to understand there is intellectual link between these individuals and the president of the united states which goes back to what i have been saying since 2008. that is that we don't know what his philosophical grounding is so, when this pops up, all of a sudden you are like wait a minute, this guy isn't an avowed communist. he said. this he signed this petition. is the president in bed with this? does he support this? and i think what the washington press corps needs to do right now is ask one question. mr. president, did you or did you not agree with what van jones articulated and stood for? because that gipps to open up a number of doors an understanding why this is playing out the way it is with these other czars. sean: we spend a lot of time talking on this program about
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radicalism reverend wright and bernadine done. >> yes, but you were dismissed, sean. sean: i was beaten up for it. >> no. you were that. there is no doubt you were that you did your homework. receive what the philosophical orientation of the man who wants to be president is that's what we have done with ever other president. we had some grounding there but you didn't in this case. sean: now that's set up. the history of radicalism that we know about. i'm looking at a number of people i want to examine. first of all, this is a guy who supported the cop killer. this is guy that signed this 9/11 truth commission whether or not our government was responsible for knew about 9/11. the day after 9/11, you know, he goes on to support solidarity for those who have victims of american pearlism. roll the videotape of van jones talking on two separate occasions on race issues. >> you have never seen a
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columbine done by a black child. never. they always say we can't believe it happened here. we can't believe it's the suburban white kids. it's only them. >> wait a minute you are regulating but you are not regulating equally and the white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities because they don't have a racial justice frame. sean: it's like, is it possible they didn't know? is it possible? >> no. they knew. this is, like, again, like the other zars you have referenced, this is part of a package of philosophies that the president is bringing to his administration. i think congressman mike pence this weekend said it best in calling for a further examination into this and having individuals who are in these roles scrutinized under the
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cabinet process of government to make sure we fully understand where they are coming from and whether or not these are the beliefs and the ideologies that make sense for our country. sean: see, i think the issue of the president's entire credibility is at stake here. when the issue of jeremiah wright came up, during the debate with john mccain, you know, he said i will check in with warren buffett and joe biden and very mainstream people. here is the question i have. when you have eric hole dresden, his science advisor, who supports -- spoke out in defense of compulsory abortion and sterilization. when you have a state department lawyer haroldco who says the u.s. should follow law. the man who wants to give rights to pets and ban hunting. this is not one manages stake here. what does this tell you about this president. is he presenting a more moderate face to the american people but
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this reality is he a radical himself? >> i think that's more the script right there, sean. i think there is this moderate picture and tomorrow night in the speech you are going to hear a very moderate speech with very conservative undertones to it to try to continue that image. the problem is the president himself said judge me by the people i surround myself with. and if this is the standard, then you are explaining a lot by not saying anything. it's reflected in the writings, in the words and utterances of the very individuals you brought into your cabinet. into your inner circle in the west wing as czars. and so. sean: go ahead, finish. >> no, i was going to say. so my question then becomes do you agree with the philosophy that calls for man do tore abortions. do you agree with the philosophy that says as van jones did, you know that columbine was basically a white thing?
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do you agree with all of this and, if you do that tells us something. if you don't, why are you bringing these people into your circle? sean: are there any other people, any other people that have pretty radical views that you think as the chairman of the rnc that you think should be removed and removed immediately or that you want investigations into? >> well, i think quite frankly the fact that the situation with van jones has elevated to the level that it has that all of these czars, every last one of them should go through a vetting process that's public that is complete and involves the consent function of the united states senate. these are the individuals who are writing the policy of this nation for our secretaries who would normally write them to execute. have you now inserted a whole another level of government here amend a process that i think needs more scrutiny than has
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been giving. it says something about this investigating process that the administration talked about at the very beginning. not so good now. sean: all right. we have a lot more to come on this. michael, thank you for being with us. more on this coming up later in the program tonight. also, the reverend wright is back. he jumps into the health care debate. wait until you see that video and so much for bipartisanships, democrats huddled at the white house today on the eve of the president's big address. details and, of course, we are watching the tea party express leading up to friday, i'm sorry, saturday's march in d.c. straight ahead. s. and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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sean: jeremiah wright is at it again. is he attributes health care as to racism. as for his thoughts on the health care bill. here is what the reverend had to say. let's take a look. >> i think the racists are upset because poor people are about to get helped. sean: so would you have sat in that man's church for 20 years? of course, president obama didn't know anything. hannity continues in 90 short seconds with dana perino and much more straight ahead. man: when we're in the mood. woman: it's our choice. announcer: today, guys with erectile dysfunction can be ready with another dosing option from cialis. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. so relax and take your time. man: tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest
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sean: congress is back in session. president obama has returned from round 2 of the summer vacation. while they were gone, americans are still speaking out against the spending spree of washington. time to check in with griff jenkins. he is on the road with the tea party express on the road to the lead up to saturday in washington. griff? >> we are here on the 25th stop on the tea party express in troy, michigan. [cheers] just a few thousand, i don't know, maybe 8, 10,000 people showed up today it seems that this is growing. the crowds are growing larger. we started the day in jackson, michigan. earlier today we were in brighton. the crowd again, 8 to 10,000. take a look. how about brighten michigan?
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[cheers and applause] >> mike, why are you out here. >> it's just really everything that is happening right now in our country it's not about health care. it's about all the solutions that we are seeking that we're not findings in the buildings of washington. it's found right here in the solution of american soil. inside their heart and their mind and inside the hands that they work every day. >> how are you doing marine? why are you out here? >> to protect and defend the constitution. >> i want these little babies to have a good future. >> are you worried about their future with what you see happening in washington? >> i am very worried, yeah. it's scary. >> everybody says that we are an angry mob. are we an angry mob? >> no. >> all right. no. >> sean, that crowd you saw there in brighton is the same you see here in troy. [cheers] >> they are certainly sending a message to the politicians going back to work in washington. there was another person that showed up in a brighton rally, sean. that's joe the plumber. here is what he had to say.
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take a look. >> obama care. >> yes. >> what do you think that is going to mean for america if it does go through in partisan manner. >> ultimately it's going to mean higher standards. i spoke to the heritage foundation. i looked at the facts. i looked at the bill myself all 1016 pages of it it's going to raise taxes without a doubt. >> do you believe we are headed towards socialism? >> yes, i do. unfortunately. the constitution has been being ignored for a very long time now. nowhere in the constitution are we supposed to be bailing anybody out. it's individual. i'm not sorry but it's, you know, ifyour company is failing it's because you mismanaged it you know, if you want some help, get the government out of your business. that's what it comes down to. ♪ america ♪ my home, sweet home. >> sean, they are singing god bless america behind me. i have been on 25 stops here. they are certainly feeling very moved. i think at some point you have to say this is a political movement. that's it from troy, michigan. we head to -- hometown of
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johnstown, pennsylvania tomorrow. they are saying kill the bill. back to you. sean: great singing. thank you, griff. tomorrow night president obama will deliver a major address on health care before a joint session of congress. it appears that many of the details of that speech are still being ironed out. the big question remains is the government option in or out? and joining me now from the fox business network our own alexis glick and former white house press secretary and fox news contributor dana perino. great to see you. thanks for being here. >> great to see you. sean: first of all, is the fact that the president has repackaged this, what? a dozen times. is this an admission of failure, indidinincompetence? what do you think? >> they know they had to reclaim the debate. what i saw yesterday in his speech is he was still making, responding to arguments that were made eight weeks ago. how can you reclaim the debate if you are still arguing from, the past? i am stunned because it seems to me that they called this joint session of congress before they knew what his policy was or what he was going to say.
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sean: nobody knows. >> maybe tomorrow night we will be totally shocked and we will realize oh my gosh why have we not followed along but i don't think so. sean: you don't think so. one of the things what they have been leaking out is they are going to hook up this trigger. nancy pelosi was asked about it earlier today. and well if the health insurance companies don't meet it then they will trigger the government option. is that cover for the democrats to vote for the government option and give them some political cover? >> it's a slap on your wrist if you are an insurance company. if you don't step up to the plate and meet x, y, and z guidelines, oh, by the way, the trigger will go in effect and therefore, you are going to be penalize dollars. what we need to be centered on though is senator matt bachus's plan. he it has some bipartisan support. he is trying to garner bipartisan support before the joint sessions. i have been talking to these guys on health care nonstop. i have been talking about why aren't we talking about selling insurance across state lines?
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why aren't we talking about more competition? why aren't we talking about how we are going to tax? across the board there are concessions on both sides of the aisle in this plan. i have read through it. sean: let me throw this out to you. >> there are some. sean: we have got 23 democrats that went back over the summer and they told their constituency in the house they are ♪ supporting this. 38 they lose in the house and we know there are going to be some senators. it was on drudge earlier tonight literal live talking about at this point fines proposed of up to $3,800 for people. >> per person. >> for not getting health insurance. >> per family. 3800 is for a family. depending on how much they make. sean: that's a lot of money. >> what i think on -- what's going to happen tomorrow night, you are going to see a lot of jilted democratic lovers. let me tell you why i think that when a woman is dating a man for a really long time. sean: wait a minute. i have got to really pay close attention. all right. help me. >> when a woman is dating a man for a really long time. she believes he says he loves her but he just won't commit and
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won't buy the ring. the democrats for a long time have been believing that barack obama really believes in a public osmghts he really loves the public option. but he is not prepared to demand it tomorrow night. and that's why i think it is not going to be in the final bill because they know what you just said. they can't pass it. sean: they can't pass it. anthony wiener said and nancy pelosi said if you lose public option you lose 100 democrats in the house. he has a problem with his liberal base. how does he handle that? >> he has to walk in there tomorrow night. i agree with dan on this. he has got to walk this there tomorrow night and say, ok, these are the issues that we are addressing right now. i understand that some of the people here are not happy about some of the issues we're discussing. but we have got to gather together and look for something that can get closer to achieving reform. he is going to distance himself, i think, tomorrow night from a lot of the liberals in the democratic party. and that, i think, is ok as long as he can garner better american support in this country right
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now. sean: but if he loses them, he doesn't get the bill passed. axelrod was not. >> did you hear what steny hoyer said today though. steny hoyer said it's one thing to say what you would like to have. it's another thing to find out what's important and what is possible. the language is changing. sean: we only have one minute left. axelrod and gibbs were specifically would ask this weekend does the public option have to be in the bill and they could not answer. >> they basically said no and walk in the gray line. one thing he might be able to say to bring other support. he has demonized insurance companies but not said one thing about malpractice attorneys. they have spent and increased advertising 400%. only increasing that's growing. sean: howard dean says they won't take on trial lawyers. >> he they are not going to talk tort reform right now. you have got to look at matt bachus's plan. there is a lot of details in here. sean: big night. folks, this means a lot.
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20% of our economy. another day, smother czar. the president has appointed one more. we will tell you about that also, more of the president's radical associations. we will get into that. who is in his cabinet? we'll investigate straight ahead. ♪ anyone can prove they're strong once. the real question is can they prove it again and again.
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♪ at northwestern mutual, we've answered that question compellingly... for over 150 years. northwestern mutual. consistency counts. put our strength to work for you. learn how at [screeching] [dejectedly] oh. [screeching] [barks] (man) if you think about it, this is what makes the ladders different from other job-search sites. [screeching] we only work with the big talent. [all coughing] welcome to the ladders-- a premium job site for only $100k-plus jobs and only $100k-plus talent. are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips...
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sean: tonight on "hannity's america." earlier today president obama addressed school children across the country. the speech was praised by the mainstream obama media and drew little attention from the democratic majority on capitol hill. but as byron york of "the washington examiner" points out that was certainly not the case back in 1991. on october 1st of that year, president george herbert walker bush spoke to students at a washington area junior high school. and unlike the anointed one, president bush was slammed for holding the event. the very first line of a front page "the washington post"
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article, the very next day said, quote: sean: that's not all. democrats even called for a full investigation on how the speech was funded. they held hearings on the matter and they forced the then education secretary lamar alexander to testify before a congressional panel. call me crazy, but i don't expect to see a similar story on the front page of tomorrow's "the washington post." but we'll see. now tonight marks the return of a segment called the land of the czars. now with the resignation of van jones, and with more radicals popping up in the obama administration each and every day, we are going to shine the spotlight on the shadow government that president obama has created in this country. so, let's take a trip back to the land of czars. ♪ sean: meet ron bloom, he is the man that president obama has tapped to be his manufacturing czar. and this actually isn't the
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first time that mr. bloom's portrait has hung in the hall of czars. back in july we reported that the president had installed him as his second car czar. despite the fact that he had no experience in the auto industry. but now he is going to move from his post at the treasury department and work directly for the white house's economic team. now, bloom, who is not subjected to senate confirmation hearing before joining the auto task force will now avoid that oversight process now for a second time. now, we're going to continue to highlight the revolving door of radicals and lobbyists, joining you this administration in the days ahead. so please stay with us. and as you may have noticed. we have been doing a lot of talking about the white house's czars lately. but why do we call them czars? now, mostly because the white house itself does. let's take a look. >> i always forget the full name of this thing. i call it the drug czar. >> i think i have been asked in this room any number of times if the czars in our white house to deal with energy or health care had too much power. >> abc is planning a series
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called dancing with the czars. [ laughter ] >> the drug czar will and those people do have full access to the president of the united states. sean: all right. what can i say? we are just following the propaganda ministers lead. now the president may have disappeared from sight over the past couple of weeks but that apparently wasn't enough. now to erase the negative impression that he has made on a whole lot of voters a new pole from the pew research center states this has not been a good summer for president obama. his support has dropped drastically since april. the support is most significant among white voters. among white independents president obama's support has dropped 9 points from 50 to 41%. among white democrats it has dropped 11% in the past four months from 89% to 78%. will these numbers serve as a wakeup call and prove to the president this radical agenda is not going well with the american people that remains to be seen. that is the news tonight from "hannity's america." let not your heart be troubled.
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a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. sean: barack obama promised that he would not allow to serve in his administration. i guess promises are made to be broken. "the washington times" reports tara owe tool nominated to be a an undersecretary at the
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so your investment in dinner pays off every time. ziploc freezer bags. designed with you in mind. s.c. johnson. a family company. sean: tonight on our great american panel is he a member black empowerment and hip hop brandon brice is here. political consultant and fundraiser and columnist for the sun sentinel and noel that purr is with us. he was part of the obama campaign media team. steve, by the way, they need him now. steve murphy is with us. all right. so we got van jones. i mean, here is a guy 9/11 truther. here is a guy the day after 9/11, you know, has sympathy for the victims of american imperialism. here is a guy who supports the cop killer jamal.
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here is a guy who plays the race card. never see columbine done by a black child. and the white polluters, white environmentalists steering poison into the people of color. how did he ever get appointed? how? >> well, know, sean, i think that's one of the fundamental questions of these special advisors or these czars. the president has now 32 czars. he just actually appointed one today. i think the problem is that they don't speak to anyone. they are not accountable by congress. i think the bigger issue is that who do they speak to? if they are that close and that senior to the president of the united states? >> that's right. think about the power that they have. think about the pay czar. he could negotiate contracts. he can tell who -- he likes something or not. it's way too much power not to be thoroughly vetted, you know. and i think that if they would have vetted van jones, he certainly wouldn't have passed any vet check. >> sean, you are not going to be able to appoint any republicans in the future because they are all birthers now. sean: oh, stop. >> that 9/11 group, those folks that deny -- that say that 9/11
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bush knew about it beforehand, there are birthers, it's just as ridiculous. sean: let me ask you, this you don't want this guy in the administration, do you. >> no, i don't. for that one reason, for that one reason, he accused george bush of treason, knowing beforehand about the 9/11 attack. sean: what about racial? >> being a communist? sean: what about communist? >> he is not a communist. >> look at the tape. he said this whole thing was about lies and distortions and its with a campaign to discredit them and to cause division. it's his own words. they are getting him with his own words. >> now we're going to sars to come czars. >> sean: a guy whos that spoken out in abortion. guy law in the united states. wants to give rights to animals
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and ban hunting. when you add that to bernadine done and ayers and wright. does this reflect the president is far more radical than he presented himself to the american people. >> it goes back to the judgment. one thing that we saw is you may actually turn out to be right about this president's judgment when it comes to electing czars. i mean, some of the ridiculous things that we have heard and to know that that person has that much access to our commander and chief, that is dangerous and that's scary. >> look at the new czar, ron blume just appointed. he is a nut. >> these czars are presidential staff members. presidential staff members are not subject to confirmation. that's the way it works. >> why do we even need czars? >> you don't want a weaker executive when the republicans are in. why advocate it now. >> look at the power they have. these are not people out there gathering information and reporting it to the president. that maybe i could see because there is such a large government. but, these are people that actually have the power to make decisions, which i think is absolutely radical. i hate to keep using the term but it is what it is. >> so does rahm emanuel and
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david axelrod. they are not subject to confirmation. that's not the way it is. >> they should have to answer to congress. that's the number one question. >> you set the precedent with that with karl rove refusing to testify to congress. sean: i think this is admission to failure. 23 democrats saying no. they are trying to ram this through again fast because they think they can get this through dip point in time. do you think the president is in trouble and what mistakes has he made that he now is almost following the clinton model? clinton tried this at almost the same point in his presidency. >> he is not in trouble. >> no? >> unless he fails to pass -- pass, excuse me, a strong health care reform bill. sean: does it have to have a public option for democrats to support? >> no. it does not have to have a public option. but it must have some way of reigning in these out-of-control insurance companies that get away with charging people whatever they want. >> but it's the only way to reign in the out of control insurance premiums by having a public option, why can't we go across state lines? so many people have already
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said. this and, not to mention, bachus's bill, put in a provision stating that they would have insurance do opts. or nonprofit insurance co-opts. >> 37% of americans are actually in favor of it. 39% are not in favor. and those 44% of independents who normally didn't have a decision said that would be the number one issue for 2012 and 2010. you cannot tell me in addition to this president's numbers are sinking. >> why not give everybody what they want? what's wrong with. >> 39% of the american public. >> what's wrong with a public option for those people who want it as long as it pays for itself? as long as the government. >> i'm not going to pay for it. >> getting rid of the insurance industry. >> the measure taxpayer. sean: hang on a second. time now to check in with greta van susteren for a sneak peek what she has got on the record 22 short minutes from now. greta? greta: sean, i got it, hot off the press.
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it will make tomorrow's "wall street journal" sarah palin taking on president obama about health care. everything she is saying. my favorite topic, yours as well. hypocrisy in washington. guess who got caught with his pants down. i am not going to tell you. wait until you see. sean: she. greta: thousands taking to the street for oprah. why? is she running for office? we have that too. sean: i have dr. phil here. greta: don't ask him. it's a secret. sean: coming right up. dr. phil is going to check. in we received a very special message from some of our brave troops from troops serving overseas. take a look at. this sean, these are the marines of the second right armor reconnaissance battalion. the u.s. military unit further south than any other in all of afghanistan. and, sean, they have a message for you. @
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[ man announcing ] if you think about it, this is what makes theladders different from other job search sites. we only want the big jobs. welcome to theladders. a premium job site for only $100k+ jobs and only $100k+ talent. are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips...
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when a tornado tore through holly, colorado, air life denver took to the air... their night-vision goggles keeping them safe on a perilous flight... and powering those precision goggles--- is the only battery air life trusts: duracell. trusted everywhere. look for new duracell ultra advanced now with even more power to protect. sean: we continue now with our great american panel. this saturday is going to be a big marv on washington.
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our own griff jenkins we have been following this now. 34 cities, 16 states, 15 days. i was at an event in west virginia, you know, a freedom rally this weekend. tens of thousands of people. let's roll some of the tape. >> did you ever think when grandmothers and stay-at-home moms and veterans showed up at town hall meetings because they don't think the government that bankrupted medicare and social security, a government that can't run the post office, a government that bankrupted fanny and freddie, did you ever think that if people showed up and said we don't think you are capable of running health care that their government would call them mobsters, political terrorists, tim mcvey wanna bes, fascists, nazis, evil? did you ever think that would happen in your america? >> no. sean: all right. this is a real movement. do you think the democrats are ignoring the will of the people because every repentable --
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reputable people thinks congress -- 24% approval rating. are you going to dismiss that. >> the polls don't show americans are mad. the polls show that republicans are mad. sean: no, no, no. >> opposition is coming from here. >> it's showing that moderate democrats, independents, probably more so than anyone, and republicans are upset with the job and the popularity of the president has dwindled and you can see it in the numbers, you know what i mean? >> it's dwindled because he hasn't passed the health care legislation. and they expect him to do it. >> he needs a crisis in order to pass it he is trying to create a crisis. >> it is going to pass. >> it's dwindling because liberal democrats and actually the progressive democrats are saying wait a minute, this is not what we vouched for when we put president obama in office. 39% of the american population is not pleased right now. i think that that's almost. >> almost all of them are
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republicans. all of them are republicans. >> you need to know that the moderates and the independents got him into office. >> they are abandoning him in drofs. in every reputable poll. >> he needs to get it done. sean: the american people, i don't think, have confidence in him. >> at all. sean: unemployment is 9.7%. he promised it wouldn't be above%. deficits quadrupled. americans at home, we will talk about this with dr. phil. they are scared. the government is failing them. >> it's about where your hero, ronald reagan was at this point in time. >> no comparison. no comparison. sean: let's move on. look, i don't have a problem with him speaking, encouraging them to do their homework and do the best they can and get along with their piers and study hard it was the form the kids were going to fill out. how can i help the president that they pulled back from. >> one way to help the president and this is probably why they spoke to him. they can continue on with
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school, go on to college and get really good jobs. because they need to make over $250,000 a year so they can help pay taxes to right the deficit. >> one the fundamental issues is if the president really wants to attack the education issue, let's talk about the fact of math, science, and technology not being stressed in the courtroom. that's what's important. i saw the speech. i thought it was a great speech. i thought it was good the president is taking a charge on this. but maybe we need to empower parents and maybe we need to empower the school teachers to actually do their jobs. >> brandon the science and math point is a good one. we need to do a much better job with that in middle school and in high school. but, here is the real problem in america why we have so much poverty in this country. we have got to get through to impoverished families the importance of education. and that is a role the president can. sean: choice in education. >> that is a role that -- don't take money out of public schools. we need to make public schools
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better. >> let me ask you this. why is that not more pressing than the health care reform bill? why is that not more pressing? our future, our children, education? >> well, he is going to do it all. >> well, he is doing it all fast. >> he is going to do it all. he has said it and he is going to. we have got 50 million people in this country who don't have health insurance. >> no. that's not right. >> we have health insurance costs going up twice as much. sean: 15 million max. we have got to run. >> the insurance industry making record profits. sean: oh, profit, that's evil in a democrat's world. we have got to run. folks your mental health is important. how do you deal with stressful times. unemployment, family, 50% of marriages end in divorce. we will get advice. dr. phil coming up straight ahead. gecko vo: geico's the third-largest
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car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. i don't think you can live the american lifestyle without energy. we have all this energy here in the u.s. we have wind. we have solar, obviously. we have lots of oil. i think natural gas is part of the energy mix of the future. i think we have the can-do. we have the capability. we have the technology. the solutions are here. we just need to find them here.
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>> i have a problem with people that i'm dating. how do i find someone who can handle my type of personality? >> so what's your personality? i'm getting scared now. >> direct, very direct. >> why don't you guys come back in here. i want somebody on either side of her here. let me tell you just from a guy point of view, you have got to separate it. because you are somebody that a guy doesn't have anything to offer. you know, because you don't need anything, right? you are independent, you are strong, you make your own way in the world. so how is a guy going to impress you? sean: that was a scene from oprah season set to kick off on october the 1st. joining me to you now to talk about the big premier week is phil himself. you went on oprah show for the first time since you left her. >> first time in seven years. we taped it just the other day.
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it airs on thursday. september 17th. in in our -- she launches the 14th. so do i. this airs on the 17th. this was nostalgic going back. sean: i read these stories, oprah and dr. phil are fighting. none of that is true, right? >> it's crazy. she and i are great friends and have been for, oh, gosh, almost 15 years now. you know, i met her back in the mad cow case days when they were after her there. we're still business partners. we are still great friends. in fact, it was so much fun when i went back and did the show for the first time in seven years. it really was nostalgic walking through those doors again and everything. in the first segment she said aren't you and i supposed to be feuding and she put up all the headlines from these ridiculous tabloids. and one of them is i will destroy you. she said are you destroying he or am i destroying you? i forget which it is. it is always some crap. sean: she was on your show last year. >> when we did our 1,000th show.
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that show was all because of oprah, her support, her vision. there would be no dr. phil if oprah hadn't launched that i asked her to come celebrate the 1,000th show for us. of course she did. we talk all the time. she is a great gal. sean: i think the reason for your success, for whatever it is worth, you have got, this i don't know how to explain it. you have just got this level of simple, basic truth-telling, common sense. it's uncommon. it's not that common anymore. >> it's not common enough. i will tell you where it comes from. i grew up really poor. i mean, really poor. and, you know, i watched all the politics. you deal with those every night. they are doing this stimulus plan and this, and that. i guess that's all for the next generation or something. because the people that i am talking to what they want to know about that is what does this mean at my house? what does this mean right now when my husband is out of work and i'm out of work, they are towing our cars off, it's time to buy school clothes for our kids. we can't buy school clothes for them. we don't know what to do.
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those are the kinds of letters i'm getting. then we read all of these big programs and big headlines and all of this rhetoric. whether it's democrat or republican, they are saying what about me now? sean: look, i'm not going to drag you into political discussion. that's not what you do here. i do worry though that there is a mentality that has emerged in this country. you know, we have gotten away from john kennedy ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. everybody is going to ask what are they going to get? are we going to get a free college education in are we going to get a car? baby bond? health care? do you think we have become too dependent on other people? >> there are some people looking for a free ride. i will guarantee you there is no question about it. most of the people, i spent a lot of time in detroit. and. sean: me too. >> most of the people up there, those are people that have worked hard for a long time. and are having -- and they are losing their houses. these aren't people looking for a free ride. they just want a chance. sean: they want to work. >> put me in, coach. that's what they're looking for.
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what i have seen with the dr. phil show. we are starting our eighth year. that's a long time for me. oprah is going into 25. that's like a weekend for her. we are going into our eighth year. and the questions are changing. i mean, they really are people are asking, you know, what do we tell our kids? how do we not feel guilty? how do we not fight and blame each other? how do we keep our marriage together during these tough times? those are the things we are having to deal with. sean: if you look at tough economic times, usually it's it precedes a high level of divorce. we are already at 50% divorce rate. i have watched you on your show. this is why i like you and admire you so much. i have watched you confront people in marriages. why do you talk to your wife that way? why are you abusing your children? why are you selfishly taking drugs and alcohol when you need to be doing the right thing? and that's why i think you are so successful. >> that's what bugs me. and i realize, for example, we are seeing in some communities i'm hearing from the domestic violence hotline people that their frequencies are going up
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like 30%, 40% in one month because people are so frustrated and you take it out on who is handy. who is right there with you. you know, you don't go to yell at the guy. sean: take it out on me. take it out on your wife or husband. >> you take it out on your spouse. i think the real tragedy is not if we lose -- it's bad if people lose their house, if they lose their car. i don't trivialize that but what i would really hate if they lose their marriage and their family as a product of this. there is a trickle down. the economic trickles down into the relationship. they turn on each other and it falls apart. sean: if you can give one piece of advice in the short time we have left in this segment, if you see these troubling times, how do you prevent that inevitable result or that predictable result from happening? >> people talk about topics because they are safe. they will talk about, hey, you left the tricycle in the driveway? why do you that? you didn't put the toilet seat down. they pick easy, safe topics. the real issue is if i'm a husband, i feel like a failure
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that i'm not providing. and so i get defensive about that. people have got to sit down and talk about the issues. they have got to say, look, however we got here, we got here together. we either did all of this spending together. we overreached together. we didn't plan ahead. we didn't see the government's bad decisions. whatever it is, we got into this together. let's get out of this together. this stuff can either be a wrej that's driven between you or the glue that hangs together. i think this needs to be the glue. sean: the part i do like about oprah. i don't like her politics. i like her show because foundation is good values. i think she has good values and you have good values. it's a really needed urgent message today. we really wish you the best in your coming season. >> one last thing i will say and i know it's true of oprah and it's true of me. i set down before every show and i weigh very carefully what i'm going to say to people. that's not easy to do sometimes. >> i think it's my job. it is f
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