tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News September 9, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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pretty easily. i believe you. >> it is hard for me to tell people that sometimes, but they need to hear it, and i owe them the truth. sean: people want the truth. and that's all the time we have this evening. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. greta van susteren is standing by to go on the record. we will see you tomorrow. greta: en tonight, the no. 12. the tea party express is rolling down the highway. nothing is stopping it. and van jones? he is out. the president's controversial green jobs czar is out. you will hear from rush limbaugh in a few minutes, and remember the huge political firestorm that former governor rod blagojevich created? the former governor? he is back, and he is talking, really talking. the former governor has a stunner about president obama's chief of staff rahm emanuel.
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the former governor is right here to go on the record, but first, the tea party express is headed to where else? washington, d.c. griff jenkins is at stop 25 in troy, mich.. >> yes, today was a michigan day. it went to several cities. in one city, even bigger crowds. though whole day, i would say 10,000 people to 12,000 people turning out. as you can see, maybe it is because summer is over. the crowds gathering behind us -- this was held here, all of those folks, but no less excitement. the same sentiments we saw. here is a little look at what happened today. take a look.
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>> i am out here to get my country back, all right? that is what we are all year for. >> there are a lot of us who worked hard for our health insurance. we wanted left alone. >> i cannot vote, and i do not have a say? >> they say we are an angry mob. are we an angry mob? >> i just cannot let this rest. as you can see, all of these other people, they could not let it rest either. >> i do not trust anything run by the government. >> what do you think? >> it is pretty cool, fun. >> do you support the president's health-care initiative? >> no, i do not. i pay for my own health-care because i want my own choices. >> he has raised that sleeping giant in all of us. >> these solutions are in each and everyone of us. it is not found in buildings. >> be honest and open.
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get it together. get real. and let's just do what we need to do, and be honest. >> well, there you go. the crowd is still very fired up. a couple of observations. perhaps it is because the president will make his appeal for his health-care initiatives tomorrow, and there is a lot of health-care talk today. earlier, we saw some pro-obama pro-government-run health-care plan folks. that was in full force. you know, this is stop 25, as i pointed out, so you have to say, what does this mean? what have i learned? having covered 25 of these, i think you can say, greta, there is a political movement afoot, but what will it lead to? i am not exactly sure. how many will turn out in washington? i do not know.
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i think is fair to say that 40,000 americans to 50,000 americans have turned out to voice their opinions. they are concerned about the future and direction of the country, the bailouts, that sort of stuff, but what happens if 25,000 turn out? what happens if 250,000 turn out? we do not know, but it is still fascinating to watch. greta: thank you. he is down to the wire, the president on his health-care reform. in less than 24 hours, president obama gives his historic speech to the joint session of congress, and if he wants to dazzle them, he has to peel off the few republicans. republican senator jim demint joins us. he is the author of "saving america." i want to ask you. in "the wall street journal," they are going to have an op-ed, and we have it straight off of
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the press. there is no answer to the health-care issue from sarah palin. it looks like she is fighting back and still involved in politics. >> i am glad. it is an excellent article. it focuses on some of the issues that i have introduced as some others have introduced over the years to make the system or better, so i am glad to see her back in the fight. greta: one of the things she is hammering on is the point that she made earlier. she said it would give unelected officials life and death rationing power, a subject of much controversy. is that indeed true, that the house bill, it will really be rationing? life and death russia? >> somebody has to decide who gets what and when -- life and death rationing. someone at the high level has to decide what these plans cover, and you have got this huge group
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of people heading towards retirement. someone is going to make a decision, so it is in the plan. it is in the house plan. it is in the senate plan. there will be people at the federal level of deciding what is going to be covered and what is not. greta: the advisory council, they will have the ones to contain medicare costs, and as a practical matter, we do have health care rationing. some get it, some do not. it is the life or death that she says that is in this. >> those end of life decisions are the most costly, and it will be a decision. all you have to do is look to other countries, greta, who are moving towards the same system the president wants, and there are endeavour like decisions being made by the government increasingly, -- and there are life decisions being made by the government increasingly. we no decisions will not be made by individuals and their doctors, but these decisions
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will be made. greta: the president denies that this is true. you and the former governor disagreed with the president on this. >> i think we can say a lot of the things the president has said have not come true, so we at least have to give them a reasonable scrutiny at this point. once the federal government creates something, not even the politicians that created it can control it. greta: all right, the speech tomorrow night. we do not know what it is, and he did not lsd corporal as a -- he did not tell speaker pelosi today. >> the president thinks he can do anything with words, and he is still campaigning, and i am glad he is taking this opportunity to talk to us and the american people, and i want to hear what he says, but i want to hear him defend his bill. i want him to open up the house bill and point to sections like they do in the town hall
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meetings i have. i do not want to hear generalities. i do not want to hear anymore false promises based on these government solutions. he needs to defend his plan and not just criticized those of us who are presenting alternatives. greta: you know what i would like to see? and this is not just to make it a gimmick. there was a town hall, maybe in missouri, and he said that when congress comes back, he would go through the bill with them line by line, and not to make it a gimmick, but whether it is a good bill or a bad bill, we should at least understand it, and everybody that votes on it should understand it. you guys are voting on it. >> there was a lady that came to one of my town halls, and she said she had read 500 pages, and she actually took sections and read it to the group there, and quiet came over the room when she read it, so this is not imaginary stuff and concerns people are making up. this is very real, and what
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happens is even worse. once the legislation goes into regulation, it becomes more complex, more burdensome. greta: and then the judges interpret it, and then you call them activist judges. >> the judges do not know what it is either. greta: in the senate? we are waiting for the max baucus one. >> we have no idea. we do know that they will probably come up with something and say they have reached some m&a is a compromise, and they will want us to vote on it the next day before we read it -- they have reached some magnificent compromise. we need to read it. it is crazy. i am so glad to see the american people stand up and say, "wait a minute. read the bill, and let's talk about it." greta: any people getting weak kneed? >> i know some got something
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during the break. i do not know if they will stand up to the special interests that are pushing this. the amazing thing is the president says the special interests are against it, but all the special interests are lined up to support the government takeover of health care. greta: the republican position. senator olympia snowe is part of the gang of 6 tried to negotiate on this. is she going to go with the president -- trying to negotiate on this. >> if any republican goes with any expansion of government at this point, they should not call themselves a republican, because this is make or break for our country. we need to actually take the government hands off of health care and let it work. i have not talked to her yet. greta: are you going to? >> i probably will. greta: of course, we will all be watching. i look forward to a bill that we
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can actually understand. anyway, senator, thank you. >> thank you, greta. greta: up next, rush limbaugh. he says somebody hates him to and they hate you also. now, why would somebody hate you? and what about having dinner with former governor sarah palin and her husband? anything but the windows. with new windex outdoor all-in-one, just wet, wipe, and rinse... for a streak-free shine in half the time. she pulled a fast one! ( laughs ) new windex outdoor all-in-one. a streak-free shine in half the time. s.c. johnson, a family company.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute greta: well, van jones is gone. the controversial green czar resigns. but did anyone in the media notice, or did the story get buried? rush limbaugh says yes. rush limbaugh thinks he knows why. >> i think people make a mistake to assume that the reason they obama. clearly, that is true, but i think the far more motivating factor is there hate for us. remember, the state-controlled media, the american left to things that you and i pose a greater danger to them than any foreign enemy that is armed with weapons, including nukes. -- they think that. we are the problem, and anytime we have success, they will do everything they can to blunt it or discredit it or what have you. or ignore it.
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clearly, they are trying to support obama by not reporting the story, but they also do not want to report the story because they just hate us, and this is are looking for a validation by fairly seeing fairness and accuracy in the state-controlled media, you are forever setting yourself up, because it is never, ever going to happen. greta: joining us is a white house correspondent for the hill. sam, does the white house stand by van jones? he resigned. did they push him out? >> no, he decided to go. they insisted they did not. i think he decided sometime around midnight on saturday that it was time for him to go. greta: so they are still good on him? they did not shove him out. they would still like him there? not politically, but they have no problem with him? >> the senior adviser to the president explained it like this. david axelrod, he said that the van jones decision to resign
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goes to show how much he believes in this. this green jobs initiative. that is what he decided to leave, rather than have the controversial statements from the past obstruct the green jobs efforts. greta: was he vetted? did they say they did that? >> clearly not. i know fox news reported earlier this week that jones did not fill out the questionnaire that the cabinet members filled out, and there are people leading the charge to get these czars to go through the same process that cabinet members go through. the senate confirmation process. greta: what is he say? -- what does robert gibbs say? is he saying he was not that it? -- vetted? i am not even focusing on van jones. they have replaced a lot of people over there. if they are not paying attention to who is on and who is out -- >> some weree googling their own names to see what they said in the past.
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greta: even vice president cheney has made bad -- a lot of people have used that terminology. it is a little bit more than just the use of the language but it was the question about politics and whether he is the right person for the job. >> this is not the first time this white house has been caught up in this stuff, and in some cases -- i mean, how long did it take to find a secretary of commerce, for example? how long did it take to find a secretary of health and human services? so, clearly, this is a white house that has that a lot of trouble with the vetting process. greta: but they are vetted byin these cabinet positions, there are checks and balances. something that senator byrd is upset about, you can hire them on this side, and we do not know who is there. >> it is definitely a real grey area in our constitution. i think sooner or later, maybe not this president, but some president will have to answer this. how did the media do on this --
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greta: how did the media do on this? >> i would be remiss if i were to say that i was on top of it as much as i would like to be, butit happened at the end of august going into a holiday weekend when most people are focusing on barbeques. few people are paying attention. i do not think we dropped the ball on the big things like health care and afghanistan, but we may have on this. greta: basically midnight going into a holiday weekend. a three-day weekend. i mean, there is a clue. >> i was at the national game. i was not paying attention to what van jones was doing. although i was surprised that van jones did not beat me out of the white house on friday. i thought he would leave before i did. greta: what about gibbs? >> i tell you, stories like this, especially over a holiday weekend, they have a short shelf life. we were all entirely focused. i know i was entirely focused on the obama address. greta: here is why it may not have a short shelf life. this is one person, and there are a lot of others out there.
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the question should be put to the white house. how many others have you got? forms? i mean, jones is history, but the media is supposed to challenge the white house. >> like the joke i made earlier, my friend made, how many of these czars are going to be googling their own names? because i know we are. we are looking at some of the statements. it is out there now, i think it will come out. that lends more credence to the idea that maybe these guys should be affected by the senate. -- vetted by the senate. greta: senator byrd would agree with you. up next, we need your help. bigger hypocrite about the next report? and president bush 41. plus, former governor rod blagojevich. he goes on the record. the former governor gives you the inside story and drops a bombshell about white house chief of staff rahm emanuel. the white house may not like this one.
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>> but at the end of the day, we can have the most supportive parents and the best schools and the world, but none of it will make a difference, none of it will matter, unless all of you filled your responsibilities, unless you show up to those schools, unless you pay attention to those teachers, unless you listen to your parents and grandparents and other adults, and put in the hard work it takes to succeed. greta: ok, here is a showstopper. there is hypocrisy in washington, and, yes, it goes both ways.
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controversy concerning the speech that president obama gave to schools, many republicans were outraged, and the democrats, and they were outraged that the republicans were outraged, but here is the rub. president bush 41 gave a speech in 1991. >> at least nine out of every 10 students should graduate from high school. we should be first in the world. in math and science. we need to regularly test the abilities of students. every american child should start school ready to learn. every american adult should be literate. every school should be safe and drug-free. greta: oh-oh. do democrats feel the same way about george bush talking to students as they do about
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president obama talking to students today? and writer for "washington journal" joins us. oops. what did the democrats do -- a writer for "the washington examiner" joins us. >> if the president wants to give a speech to the students and tell them to work hard, brush their teeth -- greta: either party. >> no problem with that, but george bush did in in 1991, and there was not a lot of controversy before it, so he goes to a school in washington, d.c., and he gave that speech, and the next day, "the washington post" had a story saying that it was a big event. greta: and let me read from your article. dip a day after, "the washington post" said that it was carefully staged for the political benefit of george bush. -- the day after.
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they turned the students into props." front page. >> they could have said the same thing about obama. what happened was democrats were in control of congress, and democrats were upset. they actually started an investigation by the general accounting office, and they held hearings on it, as well. greta: on president bush's speech? >> we do not know what the obama speech cost. it certainly cost something. and representative by the name of william ford, head of the education and labor committee in the house, he held a long hearing -- a representative held a hearing. he was called up to explain what the president was doing spending all of this money. basically, richard gephardt, who was a top democrat in the house, he said this was a paid political event for president
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bush, and they had no business doing it in an era of scarce resources. greta: as appalling as it is, when both parties showed their hypocrisy, whether it is republicans going after democrats or democrats going after republicans, when i read your article, the thing i found most offensive about it -- because i guess i expect the parties to go after each other -- is that "the washington post" did a front-page article. i am dying to see if "the washington post" does the same thing to obama that they did to president bush, and both speeches were inspiring to students. >> "props" i am not suggesting that is true. all presidents have done things like that. they held up the washington post article and said after i see this, i am serious questions
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about it. greta: the truth is, with president bush, what bush said, it was important for students. michael jordan got cut from the high school team, and both were saying something inspiring. >> a lot of the conservatives who had reservations about this obama speech, after they read it, after it was released yesterday, and when it was delivered today, they did not have any objections. the objections to the obama speech was the education materials that the education department said, asking students to write an essay about what they can do to help the president. greta: and that came before the speech, and once they read it, they backed off. in 1991, after president bush gave his speech, "the washington
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post" whacked him, and then they started an investigation. >> it became something about that. we will rush out to see the washington post online to see if they are hypocrites, whether they give this president the same treatment they gave president bush 41 for talking to students. by wrenn, thank you. it is a great story. up next, former governor rod blagojevich is talking -- byron, thank you. and later, it is you and four of your friends. your friends. a private dinner with former ♪ wellbeing. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nuture it in your cat...
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"governor," and he joins us live. >> nice to see you, greta. thanks for having me. greta: let's start first with chief of staff rahm emanuel. you write about him in the book. what is the conversation you had with him? about his seat? >> well, rahm emanuel was my congressman before he came to be chief of staff. he and i had a conversation about him leaving. very appropriate, nothing wrong about it, about whether or not i had the legal authority as governor to appoint a successor for him. both he and i consulted with our attorneys and lawyers, and it was concluded that i did not have that legal power, like i did with the state senator, picking one, and we moved on. rahm emanuel played a big role in my book and that he was the first person i wanted to engage to help us work out a routine
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political deal that will help us create five under thousand jobs with public works, helping hundreds of thousands of families, working families who cannot otherwise afford it, and a written guarantee not to raise taxes on people. that was the deal in picking a united states senator, not the lies that have been spread about me that i was trying to sell a senate seat for financial gain. there was a report that happens. that was a mutilation of the truth. it is just the opposite. greta: when i understand it, what you have written, it is not that rahm emanuel has done anything improper, but, rather, he has sort of the eyes on the speaker of the house. that is sort of the interesting part of it. would you agree with that? >> i was the one you thought it could still think that he could be speaker of the house some day if he ever becomes a congressman again, and i was surprised that he was going to give up his
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congressional seat to become the chief of staff of the president. i have been lied about and falsely accused of something i did not do with a super sensational press conference. the truth is just the opposite of what is alleged, and i was engaged in putting together a political deal that could do the most good for the most people in the state of illinois. someone is lying here, and it is not me. there are taped conversations. greta: it is interesting in talking about lying, because in reading the book, the one who really started to get the ball rolling against you, that is your father in law, and that he started the ball rolling against you, and so i wonder what your holidays will be like, because you blame it all on your father- in-law. >> there were a lot of factors. i reluctantly wrote a chapter about a landfill that a family member was involved in, and i
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had to address the fact that they did not have the proper permits. notwithstanding -- in fact, rahm emanuel helped negotiate with what right decision i should make in terms of handling that. unfortunately, when i did that, i had an angry father-in-law who made accusations that were false and retracted them under threat of lawsuit. i point out that there were some other circumstances that took place, but the heart of the matter is that i have been wronged, and my family has been wronged, and i have not done anything wrong. i want every conversation heard. the irony here, it is. thick, is that those who accused me of wrong, from taped conversations privately, they used those out of context. they misled because -- they misled those, and the opposite is true. i was involved in trying to put together a routine deal that would have done the most good
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for the people of my state. greta: i got that, and i am curious in sorting through your book -- i guess first of all you might want to tell the viewers who your father-in-law is and why that might be relevant, but are you saying your father in law is a crook? >> no. greta: but you dance around it. your father in law comes out very brutally in this book, according to what you have written, and i cannot imagine what your wife is sitting at home. is your wife on good terms with her father? >> part of the story i write about in the book is the family tragedy that took place during my years as governor, and i compare it to a shakespearean story, and i write about the loneliness of the job, and part of that has to do with the fact that my family was torn apart because i did my public duties, i protected the environment, enforced the law, and i had an angry family member who took a wrong way and make accusations
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that he had to retract, but that unleashed his fury on me, and that was a factor, i suggest in the book, in the scrutiny that i had to go through and the administration had to go through and is partly why i am going through what i am going through today. he is by no means the only reason. there are other reasons. president obama and i have a mutual relationship with a fellow by the name of tony rezko. i wrote that in the book. it was beheaded for him. looking back, i think it was stupid on my part. that was a mistake. i did not know he was involved in the things that we learned that he was involved in, and i know the president did not know either, and sometimes you put your trust in people and is betrayed, but the bottom line is that if the people have a chance to hear the taped conversations, and the irony in the end is the accusers were the ones who went to court to keep us from talking about them, but the full truth will come out, and you will see that i was never involved in
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trying to sell the senate seat for financial gain. in fact, the opposite is true. i wanted no taxes on people. greta: have you gotten copies of of of the tapes that the prosecution has? during thae course of discovery? -- have you gotten copies of the tapes? why not just play them now? why not give them to us now? >> well, that is the question i and asking -- waiting for you to ask me, greta -- that is the question i have been waiting for you to ask me. they have mutilated the truth. greta: that does not answer the -- >> printing need to talk about the tapes and boarded its you and the public from hearing the tapes -- prohibiting me to talk about the tapes and prohibits
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you and the public from hearing the tapes. brit: you said there is a protective order right now that prevents you -- greta: you say there is a protective order right now that prevents you? all right, here is an idea. file a motion that says now that you have the tapes -- that was before, but file a motion to have a protective order lifted, because there are certain rights that you have, as well, so you might be able to convince a judge. >> i do not know if you have any free time, but we'd love to have you on our legal team, greta. greta: is different if it comes from you that the media, but that is another day -- is different if it comes from you. the book is "the governor." it talks about the inside story of what is going on in his life. governor, good luck, and i hope you get those tapes released. i would love to hear them. >> i would love you to hear them. ok. greta: year is a look at what is
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coming up after this show on "the o'reilly factor" -- here is a look at it. bill: did glenn beck help bring down an official? brigadoon not ms. bill -- greta: brigadoon not ms. bill -- greta: do not miss bill, coming up at he better not be on the bed. you know you're gonna need it. why not stock up now? get everything you need for fall cleaning and fall allergies at an unbeatable price. save money. live better. walmart. stamp it in and for a whole week... it cleans and freshens. toilet cleaning gel. the freshest way to keep a toilet clean. and it lasts up to 6 weeks. now that's great value. sc johnson, a family company.
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>> from america's news headquarters, a developing story from afghanistan. a kidnapped new york times reporter has been freed. he was abducted by militants on saturday. he was on his way to visit the scene of a nato airstrike in northern afghanistan. his colleague was killed. higher humidity may give some relief for firefighters working on the fire in l.a. the blaze killed two firefighters and has burned 150,000 acres so far. outbreaks. i am lauren green.
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now, back to "on the record." greta: things have been tough, really tough, for many americans. it has been awhile since the country has gone into a virtual tailspin. the government seized control of fannie mae and freddie mac, and since then, all of us are using words like "bailout" and "stimulus" and "trillion" with a t. a writer for the associated press joins us. chuck, what a story this has been. who would have guessed when we first had heard of fannie mae and freddie mac that we would have been in this mess? tell us about the series that the a p is putting together? >> we are looking at the five weeks of what transformed what was a regular recession into what we are calling the great recession. it was basically the freezing of the credit markets that led to
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all of the panic that we saw through september and october into those final days when the stock market did kind of a slow market crash. greta: so what caused the freezing of the credit markets? >> well, it was many things. you start with the subprime problems, but it was really kind of what the government let lehman brothers go bankrupt. that is what really said the snowball down the hill. the credit market froze up. it was difficult for companies that are securitizing things to sell them, and that is when the panic set in. greta: ok, so we as fannie mae and freddie mac in early september. that was the first clue. then lehman brothers went under. that was the second clue. meanwhile, the dow, what happened? >> it dropped big time. you really saw the drumbeat of lehman brothers and aig and the fact that the government had to bail it out, as well, but it
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really did not begin until october that the panic set in, and that is what we will try to through this series talk to various parts of what we have learned from that and where we are going. greta: where it is going, i guess that is the question everybody has. where is it going? do you have a crystal ball, and looking at your research and maybe tracking things in history? >> sure. the reporting leads us to two main conclusions. one is that the recovery when we get out of the recession, we may already be out of the recession, but when it is declared, we are out of it, it may be schiavo were -- shallower. for many baby boomers, is happening so close to retirement, you have a near- death experience -- this happening so close to retirement, we may not see the spending. that is generally what boosts of the growth right after a recession, but the second key
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finding is that if you have a job, particularly if you are young, and you have a job, this is really a particularly good time to be. you can buy a house. everything is on sale. it is a good time to be a consumer if you have got the money and if you have got a job. greta: so it is really lousy to be a baby boomer without a job, especially because employment statistics technically lag behind, so if you are a baby boomer without a job, it is raw for you. >> pretty much so. greta: all right, we will continue to follow the series. sure, it is fascinating to watch, to look at the history of this -- chuck. thank you. >> you are welcome. thank you. greta: up next, the best of the rest. a dinner with sarah palin and the former first dude could
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boss: so word's gettin' out that geico can help people save in even more ways - on motorcycle insurance, rv, camper, boat insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. welcome home, man.
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1:54 am
it is for charity. it is nothing we year. you could be having dinner with the former governor of alaska and the former first dude todd palin. bidding starts on ebay at $25,000. the auction runs for 10 days. it is all for a good cause. the money will go to ride 2 recovery, that offers bike rides for soldiers. and a 350-pound man and his wife were about to board a southwest plane when the man was told he was too obese. he was attempting to fly from las vegas to illinois when southwest grounded in. oddly, the man was allowed to fly on one of their flights just days before. they say the man should never have been allowed to fly. the airline offered the couple a refund for their unused tickets. finally, if you do not believe
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greta: 11:00 is almost here. flash those studio lights. it is last call. the comedians and never seem to stop having fun with the vice president. just ask jimy phthalate. >> an appointment hit 9.7%. -- just jimmie -- just ask jimmy fallon. four more. >greta: ouch. lights are blinking, and we're closing down shop. we will see you tomorrow for our special, a 11:00 p.m. at evenin
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