tv Hannity FOX News September 9, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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a recognition that we're all in this together. that when fortune turns against one of us, others are there to lend a helping hand. a belief that in this country hard work and responsibility should be rewarded by some measure of security and fair play. and an acknowledgment that sometimes government has to step in to help deliver on that promise. this is always been the history of our progress. in 1935, when over half of our seniors could not support themselves and millions had seen their savings wiped away, there were those who argued that social security would lead to socialism. but the men and women of congress stood fast and we are all the better for it. in 1965, when some argued that medicare represented a government takeover of health care, members of congress, democrats and republicans, did not back down.
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they joined together so that all of us could enter our golden years with some basic peace of mind. you see, our predecessors understood that government could not and should not solve every problem. they understood that there are instances when the gains and security from government action are not worth the added constraints on our freedom. but they also understood that the danger of too much government is matched by the perils of too little. without the leveling hands of wise policies, markets can crash, monopolies can stifle competition. the vulnerable can be exploited. and they knew that when any government measure, no matter how carefully crafted or beneficial, is subject to scorn, when any efforts to help people in need are attacked as unamerican, when facts and reason are thrown overboard and only at this mid at this passes for wisdom, and we can no longer
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even engage in a civil conversation with each other over the things that true truly matter, that at that point we don't merely lose our capacity to solve big challenges, we lose something essential about ourselves. that was true then. it remains true today. i understand how difficult this health care debate has been. i know that many in this country are deeply skeptical that government is looking out for them. i understand that the politically safe move would be to kick the can further down the road, to defer reform one more year or one more election or one more term, but that is not what this moment calls for. that's not what we came here to do, we did not come to fear the future. we came here to shape it. i still believe we can act even when it's hard. [ applause ] [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> i still believe -- i still believe that we can act when it's hard. i still believe we can replace acrimony with civility and gridlock with progress. i still believe we can do great things and that here and now we will meet history's test. because that's who we are, that is our calling. that is our character. thank you, god bless you, and may god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause] bret: that was president obama's second address to a joint session of congress, his 29th speech on health care reform, the definitive issue of his young presidency. that speech lasted about 48 minutes. it was interrupted 47 times for
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applause and one unintentional break for some lawmakers' laughs after the president said there are still details to be worked out in his plan. the president said under this plan all americans would be required to purchase health insurance and tax credits would help those who cannot afford it. president obama also said he supports the so-called public option, a government-run health insurance option, but calls it a means to an end. he claimed waste and inefficiency in medicare and medicaid will pay for most of this plan and he put the price tag at $900 billion over 10 years. the president invoked the late senator ted kennedy at the end of his speech and kennedy's goal of achieving health care reform. right now let's take a quick one minute break and on the other side analysis with the panel and the republican response. stay tuned. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute
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bret: welcome back. we're awaiting the republican response to president obama's address to congress tonight. republican congressman charles boustani of louisiana is set to deliver this response. joining me again fox news senior analyst brit hume for some quick analysis before we get this response. your take on this speech? >> well, the president certainly painted a very pretty picture and i think he painted it effectively of what benefit would be in his proposals for several groups. one of them being the uninsured. another being people who have health insurance but who feel that it may be unstable. and, finally, the elderly whom he said would be badly effected in no way. the president's speech reflected a clear recognition that a deficit far outstrips. >> good evening. i'm charles boustany and i'm proud to serve the people of louisiana's congressional seventh district. i'm a heart surgeon with more than 80 years of experience
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during which i saw firsthand the need for lowering health costs. republicans are pleased that president obama came to the capitol tonight. we agree much needs to be done to lower the cost of health care for all americans. on that goal, production are ready and we have been ready to work with the president for common sense reforms that our nation can afford. afford is an important word: our country is facing many challenges. the cost of health characterizing. federal spending is soaring. we are piling huge debt on our children and families and small businesses are struggling through a jobless recovery with more than 2.4 million private sector jobs lost since february. it's clear, the american people want health care reform. but they want their elected leaders to get it right. most americans wanted to hear the president tell speaker pelosi, majority leader reid, and the rest of the congress that it's time to start over on
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a common sense, bipartisan plan, focused on lowering the cost of health care while improving quality. that's what i have heard over the past several months in talking to thousands of my constituents. replacing your family's current health care with government-run health care is not the answer. in fact, it will make health care much more expensive. that's not just my personal diagnosis as a doctor or a republican, it's the conclusion of the nonpartisan congressional budget office, the neutral score keeper that determines the cost of major bills. i read the bill democrats passed through committee in july. it creates 53 new government bureaucratic bureaucracies, adds hundreds of billions to our national debt, and raises taxes on job creators by $600 billion and, it cuts medicare by $500 billion, while doing virtually nothing to make the program better for our seniors.
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the president had a chance tonight to take the government-run health care off the table. unfortunately, he didn't do it. we can do better with a targeted approach that tackles the biggest problems. here are four areas, four important areas where we can agree right now. one, all individuals should have access to coverage regardless of preexisting conditions. two, individuals, small businesses, and other groups should be able to join together to get health insurance at lower prices. the same way large businesses and labor unions do. three, we can provide assistance to those who still cannot access a doctor. and, four, insurers should be able to offer incentives for wellness care and prevention. that's something particularly important to me. i operated on too many people who could have avoided surgery if they had made simple -- simply made healthier choices earlier in life. we do have ideas the presidents
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hasn't agreed with. we are grateful the president mentioned medical liability reform. and we hope he is serious. we need to establish tough liability reform standards, encourage speedy resolution of claims and deter junk lawsuits that drive up the cost of care. real reform must do this. let's also talk about letting families and businesses buy insurance across state lines. i, and many other republicans, believe that that will provide real choice and competition to lower the cost of health insurance. unfortunately, the president disagrees. you can read more about all of these reforms at health care dot these are common sense reforms that we can achieve right now without destroying jobs, exploding the deficit, rationing care, or taking away the freedom freedoms american families cherish. this congress can pass
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meaningful reform soon to reduce some of the fear and anxiety families are feeling in these very difficult times. working together in a bipartisan way, we can truly lower the cost of health care while improving quality for the american people. i am dr. charles boustany. thank you for listening. bret: louisiana congressman charles boustany also a heart surgeon. the republican response there we will be returning with analysis from the panel and "the o'reilly factor" after a one anyone break. keep it right here.
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bret: a very special o'reilly factor begins in just a moment. let's get a quick reaction from our panel. steve haste, senior writer a.b. stoddard and brit hume senior political analyst for fox news. brit, you were saying about your analysis? >> he clearly is aware at the moment the federal deficit and the economy with the deficit
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outstrips health care reform in many polls as the issue most people are concerned about. he went after that issue in trying to reassure seniors, telling them they would have nothing to lose except the waste and abuse that already exists in medicare, medicaid, and the other government health plans. he said that we could pay for most of this, what he estimated at a 900 billion-dollar plan with -- by elimination of waste and abuse in medicare and medicaid. if you are prepared to believe that the government in whose program all of this waste has been occurring will be effective enough in illuminating it so that it will not add a penny to the deficit, you may be prepared to support this plan. if not, you are probably not. bret: a.b.? >> i do agree with brit that he was much stronger tonight in addressing the needs, how this would focus on the needs of not only the uninsured but the insured and how it would bring more security and stability to people who have insurance and might lose it and don't know what their policy holds because
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they haven't gotten sick. bret: did he deliver? >> he was not specific enough how it gets paid for and when he spoke about the government option, the government health care program he said less than 5% of americans would sign up and be sustained by the payments on premiums, if you had only 5% of the people in it couldn't be sustained on premiums. it doesn't sound reasonable to me. >> you can't insure 30 million more people or 45 and give better coverage to those who have insurance and lower cost all at the same time. people fundamentally understand that. bret: so, did he deliver? >> i think he didn't. i think it was short on details. we didn't hear enough about payments and you can't resolve those irreconcilable differences. bret: thanks for watching our special coverage of the president's address to a joint session of congress. i'm bret baire in washington. a very special o'reilly factor analyzing this speech starts right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute
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bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching this special edition of the factor analyzing the president's speech on health care. that, of course, is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. trying to regain momentum on the health care issue, the president spoke for more than 45 minutes, way too long but is he obviously feeling passionate on the issue. the back story is that mr. obama was taken by surprise when millions of americans objected to the high cost of government-run health care and many of us reject the vision that bureaucrats will make medical decisions that effect our lives. can't have that. as far as cost is concerned, mr. obama says he won't spend any additional money on health care, expense will be made up by reducing waste and infish at -- inefficiency in the health care
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industry. i hope he has a magic wand. i'm not being sarcastic. if it could have been done, it would have been done. it's not that easy to do what he says he is going to do. now, the president also stayed completely away from the feds dictating medical decisions. >> to my progressive friends, i would remind that you for decades the driving idea behind reform has been to end insurance company abuses and make coverage available for those without it. [ applause ] the public option, the public option is only a means to that end. we should remain open to other ideas that accomplish our ultimate goal. bill: all right, so the public option, there it goes right out the window. and the government-mandated day-to-day care is not going to happen. so the president was also very clear about the insurance companies. now, here we go. they are going to be forced to accept americans who are ill and they can't boot you off the policy if you get sick. that's good. talking points likes that.
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but the president goes further. he wants to order the insurance companies to cover certain procedures like mammograms and colonoscopies. now we are getting into the nanny state stuff. if the feds are the power to run private health care industries, some of them are going to get out of the business, which is what the liberals want. however, i like the idea of a national insurance marketplace. where companies compete nationwide and offer lower premiums based upon more customers. i like that idea. i'm not sure how it's going to work without the feds ordering the companies to do stuff. are you getting the picture here? president obama is correct in trying to down size medical insurance premiums and increase competition is the way to do that, not government mettling. there should be, however, federal oversight on health insurance companies. they must play fair or get fined big. but the rules must be crystal clear. and finally it may be unconstitutional to force americans to buy health care insurance.
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although mr. obama wants that and compares it to mandatory auto insurance. with auto insurance you have a machine that can do damage. could be unconstitutional to force you to buy this stuff. but if obama care passes, you will be on somebody's policy, that is certain. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, the best care analysis anywhere, first up, joining us from washington, karl rove. now, we always torture you with this. i ask you for the best thing he did and the worst thing the president said tonight. so let's start with the best. >> well, i thought he was very, the inspirational call of both the beginning and the end of the speech to do something was, you know, typical president obama inspiring, uplifting, very positive. i'm not certain that what was between those two mattered as much but he always does a good job of calling for action and he did so tonight. bill: all right, and the worst stuff? >> well, look.
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there were lots of things to pick from. this was not an exceptionally good speech. grew too tusly and bitterly partisan. the biggest problem was the section which he talked about the so-called lies and misstatements about his proposal. he dealt with five of them. and in each one of them he made a series of very glaring misstatements or distortions. he said -- he talked, first of all, about peoples' concern that this was setting up panels to kill off senior citizens. he said that's false. that's not what people were concerned about. what they were concerned about was the proposal that basically says we are going to incentivise doctors to sit down with you and go over end of life decisions. we have typically left that to a doctor, a lawyer, the family lawyer, the family, your family faith giver, your family faith figure to help you arrive at that decision. here we are going to pay doctors to sit down and go over your end of life decisions with you. even editor writer for the "the washington post" says this makes
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me queazy. there is a myth it will ensure illegal aliens. that's absolutely false. the president himself keeps talk about 46 million uninsured americans who don't have health insurance. the census says 9.7 are illegal. if the government say 37 million. bill: clear tonight mr. yof in saying there isn't going to be a benefit for illegal aliens that goes out the window math or no math. you can't lie about that. >> he is the guy creating the problem. he is the guy running around saying 46 million. bill: i think we clarified that. we ain't going to have it the other three. >> government takeover of the health care business. he said i want to cite the example of alabama which as you know robert gibbs, his press secretary's home state. 90% of the business by one company. in 34 states he said this speech. 75% 6 the business is done by five or fewer companies. look, auto insurance would be probably the same. in most states it's dominated by
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four or five carriers. if you want to get more competition, the way to get it is not by setting up a new government entity which runs an exchange. you simply get rid of the requirements that keep companies from selling insurance in every state. we ought to be able to buy health insurance across state lines like we can buy auto insurance. bill: i agree. i don't know why he doesn't want that. >> and he repeated the thing of no one is going to be -- tonight he had a different reiteration. earlier he said no one is going to be forced to give up your coverage. no one is going to force you into the government program. the fact of the matter is the program as it's designed in the house of representatives bill, hr 3200 says, if you are a business you can either continue to provide health care to your employees or you can pay a fine equal to 8% of your payroll costs. well, for most companies, what they are now paying for health care insurance is in excess of 8% of their payroll costs. bill: so they pay the fine and you lose your health care. >> and you are in the government program. bill: look, you have got to
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assume, -- ok, go ahead. >> well, he said it would not add to the deficit. the congressional budget office says it will add to the deficit in the first ten years because, remember, under his proposal, you have 10 years of tax increases and benefit cuts in medicare to fund eight years or less of the program. so by the eighth and nine year you have run through the surplus you have built up in the first two years where all you are doing is collecting the money and not spending. it is in deficit by the tenth year. the cbo says that the cbo also said in a letter that it will get worse in the second ten years. he is not shooting straight with us. 10 years of revenue to produce eight years of cost. annualial deficits. bill: he will be out of office by then so what does he care? >> exactly. looking here in my notes he says medicare, we are not going to cut medicare. here is his own white house web site paper it says $622 billion in medicare cuts including a 20% cut in medicare.
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bill: that's fraud and deficiency that's what he is cutting out. >> cut it now. go cut it out now. even before this bill gets passed. bill: i like the tone -- look, i want -- i think this marketplace deal could work. i think that the across state line things that you support and republicans support that could work. i think they can get it done. that's what i want to end with you. i think the public option is gone. he threw it right out the window. so, liberals are not going to like that. that's gone. >> bill, i don't agree with you. i think tonight he had a tougher tone on it than before. i hope you are right. bill: you heard him say look, progressives, he is going to throw that out. he is going to get that little marketplace thing going on, that's ok. but i agree with you and i'm going to ask -- we have david axelrod coming up. why don't you let everybody compete nationwide and start to bring the thing down, see how it goes and then set up your little marketplace. >> let me mention one last
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thing. tort reform. this was a fig leaf that he toss to the republicans tonight but it was frankly disappointing. the bush administration was in favor of comprehensive medical liability reform and the democrats blocked. as a backup, we said let us try little demonstrations projects to show how this worked. the democrats blocked that in congress. rather than -- he said tort reform is a problem tonight. he should have embrace dollars the medical liability reformula that would save, according to the federal budgeteers $38 billion of taxpayer dollars every year through defense of medicine being spent. save a big chunk of that medical liability reform. he didn't endorse it. bill: we will ask mr. axelrod about it in a moment. still to come presidential advisor david axelrod. also monica crowley, alan colmes, dennis miller, they're all going to weigh in on the president's speech coming up. ♪
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bill: continuing with our coverage of the president's health care address. joining us now is mr. axelrod. nice to have you here mr. axelrod. haven't seen you in a while. good to have you. >> nice to see you now. thank you. bill: before we get into the policy stuff, the president's speech is too long. next time i will write it for him free and i can cut it down about half. and more people, i think, would watch and it understand it if he cuts out some of the believeiating. am i wrong here? >> first of all, i think you are
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giving the -- you are selling the american people short, bill. secondly, he doesn't talk as fast as you do. so you could probably have delivered that speech in half the time. you -- neither of us should be cast gaght bloviating. i think we have both done our share of it from time to time. i think he was talking straight with the american people about what his plan was. bill: yeah. he could have done it in 20 minutes rather than 45. let's get specific. >> ok. bill: karl rove was just on. >> i heard him. bill: he said, look, the way to drive down insurance cost in the health care area is to let all the insurance companies compete nationwide. and that makes sense to me. the g.o.p. wants it. the president support that? >> look, first of all, let me just make a point here in the last decade most of which mr. rove was in the white house, insurance premiums have doubled, out-of-pocket costs have gone up tremendously. premiums have increased three times the rate of wages. i never heard that proposal
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advanced by the bush administration. bill: rove says they blocked it in committee. >> know says what they blocked was projects on tort reform. we are moving forward with it administratively. i don't know why he couldn't have moved for with it administratively. bill: he said get it done. why wouldn't the president say hey, let's let everybody insurance companies. nationwide. and that will drive the price down. i like the marketplace idea by the way. >> competition and choice. bill: let the big boys. >> competition and choice. we have a system of state regulation. you know of that of the insurance industry that makes that difficult. what we want in these individuals markets, some markets have competition. other markets don't. bill: the feds can override the states. >> excuse me? bill: the feds can override the states. you know that you can make it so that all health insurance companies nationwide. >> this is historic moment with you calling for the fed to
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overriding the states. i didn't realize you had that orientation. bill: you know federal jurisdiction takes precedence in almost every legislative area. >> we think that the proposal he has made to promote competition and choice is a good one. let me return to mr. rove for one more second before we move on. bill: sure. >> on two issues. one is on the issue of of the so-called death panel where the fact allowing doctors to get compensated for consulting with seniors on end of life decisions is somehow equivalent to death panels an idea introduced in the house by johnny a republican. sarah palin has now condemned that idea. introduced it herself in alaska. bill: it's a dopey idea. >> there is a bit of hypocrisy. no it's not a dopey idea. want the government or some bureaucrat in a hospital making
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an end of life decision for them. bill: you don't need to get involved with that at all, mr. axelrod. >> nobody forces them to do that. bill: don't get involved with it. >> working off of a house -- he is getting involved -- he is keying off of a house proposal. bill: just get rid of it. >> point out that the idea came from the republicans. bill: swell. get rid of it, it's not necessary. stream line things down. >> the last point is the one you raised. president made clear this is a program for american citizens who are not covered. let's just dispose of the argument, i think to your credit, you made that point, i think it's important to dispose of that argument. bill: ok, now, dick morris rights in his book that if you do add 30 to 40 new people thought insurance roles you don't have enough medical personnel to handle them. not enough doctors and nurses. you have to ration the care just by the volume and you say? >> let's be clear. people are getting health care now. they are getting it by going to
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emergency rooms. bill: they get it a lot more if you give it to them. they will go into the doctor's office. >> $1,000 more in our premiums. there is the capacity. look, that's why the ama supports this. the nurses support. this all the medical personnel support this reform. bill: i'm just worried the system is going to be over. >> i don't know what medical school dick morris went through. the doctors and nurses support this reform. bill: they are going to be busy. get back to tort reform. suing doctors and nurses, the people who tests, anesthesiologists. get this under control. some pilot program in idaho doesn't cut it legislation that makes it more difficult to sue and give the judges the power to empower court costs on nuisance suits. mr. axelrod, you, me, the president and maybe karl rove, we could get this thing done in three days and then we could go to cancun, you know?
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come on. >> it would be fun to spend a weekend in cancun with you, bill. i will put that on my calendar. i think what the president is proposing is not a pile lot program or series of programs around the country. let's see how they work and see if we can institutionalize. there are great barriers to passing it let's give it a shot. let's give it a try. the president was honest about it he said he didn't think this was the whole answer to inflation and health care cost. let's move forward on it. bill: give my best to the president saying we are awaiting his return to the factor. whole world is watching. he is welcome any time. ok? >> all right. thank you. bill: sure. in a moment, monica crowley and alan colmes will grade mr. obama tonight and so will you. we will tell you how you can do it. later, dennis miller on the president's speech and dismissal of van jones from the white house job. that should be interesting. miller is upcoming.
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bill: impact segment tonight barack and a hard place, obviously the president's speech this evening was vital because his administration is tottering over the entire health care situation. you yourself can grade the president's performance this evening in our brand new bill o' poll. please give it some thought. don't just harpoon the guy because you don't like him. all right so there you go. grade him a through f on bill o' here now with their grades fox news analyst alan colmes and monica crowley. you are not a big fan of the president but i expect you to be fair in the grading department. >> i will be fair. i will give him two grades, one, salesmanship on that i give him a b or b plus. bill: so he sold it. >> is he a great salesman. he knows what he believes. he presented it very effectively tonight. bill: wasn't it long. >> it was way too long.
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this guy gases around all the time. this is what he does. look, on substance, i'm giving him a different grade. i give him a d or d minus. this speech was so chock full of contradictions it has ford for people to follow. bill: the biggest thing he said in this speech is. >> the contradiction you can increase coverage for 30, 40, 46 million whatever the happens to be today of uninsured increase the quality of care and not increase the cost. bill: he is going to find it in the waste. he is going to cut back on the waste. >> bill, as you mentioned. bill: i don't believe that. >> as you mentioned, if they were really deliberate and reducing waste fraud and abuse in government programs, they would have done it by now. here is something else, medicare has between 0 and $120 billion of waste, fraud, and abuse every year. bill: it's ridiculous. >> why don't they clean that up first. alan: of course give him a d on content. you don't like him.
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bill: overall rating. >> b plus. here is why. he did a great job with salesmanship. i think he is used car salesman. >> snake oil. >> where i think he needed room for improvement. you pointed out you as well with david axelrod. he needs to explain exactly specifically how that money is going to be saved. in order to convince the doubters, monica crowley, that. bill: you are not a doubter on that? he is saying he is not going to spend ten cents more because he is going to find all this waste and fraud and cut it out you? are not a doubter on it. >> i'm a doubter but i'm not as much -- look, i'm inclined to like him. i voted for him. bill: we know that you are a kool-aid drinker. >> wait a minute, everybody who likes obama is a kool-aid drinker? bill: no. but you are. >> on the rocks. bill: fraud and waste and all of that is very hard to police. >> my point is, in terms of the speech, this is where there is room for improvement. he needed to say here is where
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the money comes from. bill: there is no money. he says he is not going to spend any money. >> needs to convince the doubt teres, specifically the people that don't like him to begin with. bill: i think he needed to convince the people in the middle, the independents. the doubters are not going to like him. when you turn on conservative radio tomorrow -- you are on the radio tomorrow, right? >> yes. bill: you are not going to like him. limbaugh is not going to like it. and hannity is not going to like it and beck is not going to like it. that's ok. they are conservative guys that don't want the big government apparatus. it's the middle people. i'm kind of a middle person. i'm saying to myself, ok. i want the costs to go down. all right? you do and you do, right? >> absolutely. bill: so the folks out there don't get hammered. we want people not to get tossed off the roles when they get sick and people who aren't insured have insurance. going to do all of this and not cost more money? come on. >> nobody asks how much money it takes to go to war. bill: that's not a great point. >> how much does iraq cost.
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bill: that is not a great point. it doesn't do us good now. >> not applicable to here with talking about now. people want to know how is i going to pay for this massive government entitlement. bill: you know what he did do and you should about be mad about this he threw the public option out the window. >> know did not do that i agree with rove he didn't do that. bill: i have to say this is just an ends to the means. forget it. >> flip side of that bill, i'm open to new ideas and other things. there will be a public option. he didn't throw it out. bill: he threw it out. >> i disagree with you. i agree with rove and alan. stop the tape you disagree with bill o'reilly. >> well, on this. because i think he stood strong on it. when he said i'm looking for other options, here is the hustle. they are going to try to back into the public option by either doing the co-opts provision or trigger option. bill: i'm telling you, this and you guys write it down out there watching us now. in the final bill, there will
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not be a united states insurance company. it's not going to happen. now, they may do a little dance and they may do a little co-opt thing but that big thing, that big apparatus, not happening. >> they are not going to do it in a full frontal way because it's so unpopular. my fear is they're going to back door it. >> it's 5% of the populace. 5% for public option. >> nobody is buying that either. bill: why do you think, colmes, that the president doesn't want the tort reform? now he is going to have some pilot program out in boisey, idaho. >> tort reform. bill: do a little program and test it you don't need to do that everybody knows it's a fraud and a con. why don't you say you will clean it up. >> he said he will do it. a compromise to meet the republicans on middle ground. bill: compromise? >> that's bipartisanship that you keep calling for. that's what he is doing. >> you know why he won't do it because he and the democrats are deeply in bed with the trial lawyers. bill: right. >> you republicans are in bed with the insurance companies which is why there hasn't been
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health care reform. bill: i'm glad i don't get any sleep. we have got to go. we have other voices to be heard. >> thank god. bill: plenty more ahead as the special edition of the factor moves along this evening. dennis miller has thoughts on the president's speech and also resignation of radical left guy ran jones from the white house. but, next, green pieces global warming is making those terrible wildfires in california worse but green peace wouldn't show up here tonight. that report moments away.
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bill: obama administration believes that climate change must be addressed immediately. that pleases people like green peace who are now saying the wildfires in california are spreading quickly because of climate change. we invited green peace to come on this evening. first they said yeah, we will come on and sudden hnly -- suddenly changed their minds and ran away. joining us is joe bastardi who think's green peace theory is wrong. what is going on with green peace? why didn't they show up tonight? is there anything to their wildfire spreading quickly theory? >> i don't want to despage them. they have done some good things. in this case their house of cards goes up in smoke when you compare did to the facts. the facts, i will show you the facts over the last two years. california has been very, very dry. why is that the case? well, whenever the pacific ocean
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starts cooling, and the global temperatures start to cool, california gets dry. you see this ocean temperature presentation, all this cold water off california means the air sinks over top of california. when it sinks, it dries out, so global cooling is actually a cause of drought and california, which by the way is, a dry climate naturally. and to prove to you that the globe is actually cooling, if you look at the inner government mental panel on climate change forecast was for temperatures to go up, up, up. over the last 10 years you can see in an up and down manner they are coming down. there is no question about the fact over the last 10 years it's cooling. bill: ok. why is the global warming movement so successful throughout the world? >> well, i think people haven't been confronted with the facts. you know, i don't ask people to believe me. i ask people to go and arm themselves and build the facts
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for themselves. go look for the facts themselves. the biggest secret behind all of this is right up my alley with the tropics. you see, while the earth was supposed to be warming a little bit, the atmosphere over the tropics was supposed to really be warming up quite a bit. this is up to 30 to 50,000 feet. that would trap warmth underneath and what has actually been happening? nada. what's been happening inconvenient truth tropical cyclone energy is down to record low levels not record high levels. you have to look globally. bill: your stats are very solid, which is why we put you on the program. but this big industry, and the president of the united states is on board on the industry, al gore has made $100 million from it. i don't understand why so many people around the world just buy it. they just -- like green peace comes out and says ok, the california wildfires, terrible, are spreading faster because of global warming. you say that's bull. there is no science to back that
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up. i will submit to you, joe, millions of people believe green peace. they don't even care about the data. >> that's a problem in society today. you are a historian. you know the facts. you have to go back and look. take the hurricanes, hurricanes are stronger now. is that so? how with were we measuring hurricanes back in the gulf of mexico in 1920 and 130. when you look at the hurricane now, it's like we have a patient tied up to ic unit we are constantly monitoring every single second. look at the strength in landfall hurricanes, for instance, they are no different than what they were 30, 40, 100 years as. 1934 hurricane up the eastern seaboard 600-mile diameter. it drove the board walk in atlantic city back to baltic avenue. the point of the matter is, look at the history, look at the facts. go arm yourself and then you make the call yourself. bill: that's why green peace didn't show up because they knew you had the facts and they didn't. joe, thanks very much. when we come back, miller time on the president's speech this evening and the van jones
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bill: thanks for staying with us. i am bill o'reilly. in the "miller time" segment tonight, he joins us from los angeles. so, miller, i have no idea what you are going to say. i have no clue with where you are going. so, roll, man. >> listen, bill. i do not know much about bertha and babies, but when the 6:00 speech on how the government is going to tighten up health care starts at 6:15, i think that
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says it all -- i do not know much about birth and babies. i want barack obama to roll the eighth out on the lawn at easter. i want him to save the bird's neck at thanksgiving -- roll out the 8eggs on the lawn at easter. i don't think they know what they are doing. bill: you are right. there is no way they can walk into a massive health care plan and say that they are just going to get the waste and fraud out of it. if it were that easy, elian's would have done it, and the untouchables would be going in with surgical masks and giving aspirins -- elian's -- mr. ness have done it. something needs to be done. do you disagree with that? >> there was this beautiful
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karaoke. by the way, i have a great idea for this karaoke competition with speeches that we can do for the history channel. what do you think about that? he is a great speaker. all you have to do is come out at 6:00 and say tort reform, buy across state lines, nothing for illegals, and if you cheat, you go to prison. bill: good night, everybody be. that is what i told axelrod. he went close to 50 minutes, 5, zero. nancy pelosi -- her face did not move. did you notice that? it is not moving. nothing is moving. >> all she does, billie, isn't there an blink like your brother there in west world -- is sit
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theere and blink like yul brennen in "westworld." i am sorry. i think we have to go to the mat with these tariffs. bill: the afghanistan thing. that is not popular with the left. let's get back to obama this evening. obama believes everything he says. do you dispute that? if they can find all of this waste and fraud to pay for the $900 billion it is going to cost, he believes that, right? would you agree with that? >> not all of that, no.
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bill: do you think he is making it up? >> i think like most of us, most human beings, we probably believe 90% of our own bs. i know that some of it is a bit of showmanship, and, no, i do not think he believes all of that. i think somewhere he thinks that illegal aliens are going to end up doing this. rove said that if you charge people a penalty, they will take the penalty, and those people will be put in public option. i think a little bit of this is razzmatazz. bill: all right, the final thing, and then we will get to van jones. when you have a simple question, because, as you know, i am a simple man. the only man simpler than me is probably you, and i say to david axelrod, why do you not just do the tort reform?
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if you lose, the judge can impose of the costs on you. that stops the madness. i do not get an answer. what do you think? >> well, monica crowley gave the answer. if they were anymore stuck with the lawyers, it would be " misery." bill: that is probably true. as you know, our colleague glenn beck did some campaigning on van jones, a radical leftist working for green jobs, and now van jones is out of the white house, and you say what? >> that tour he did of rockefeller center was absolutely crazy. it was like somebody going over the "sergeant pepper" album cover, but he nailed that. it was absolutely beautiful.
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and van jones said he was going to open up some green jobs. i have to give him this. he opened up a big one this week. bill: there is a key question. >> listen, barack obama has worst taste than blahnik turner, and howard dean coming at an saying, "he is a best-selling author" -- worst taste than lana turner. when someone can show a videotape of you in your own words, and you say you have been smeared. bill: the important question is why does barack obama keep hanging around with reverend wright, bill ayers, van jones? what is that? one of them, maybe, but three of them? >> just because, bille
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