tv Red Eye FOX News September 10, 2009 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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and he chose not to bring people together. >> there is a speech that could have done obama more good with the middle. sean: and that is all the time we have for this late edition of "hannity." the news continues. greta van susteren goes on the record. greta: tonight, in do-or-die. a health-care speech for a joint session of congress, so did the president get the job done? >> well, what we have also seen in these last months is the same partisan spectacle that only hardens the disdain many americans have for their own government. instead of on this debate, we have seen it scare tactics. some dug into unreal ideological camps that offered no hope for compromise. too many have used this as an opportunity to score a short- term political points, even if the brahms the country of an
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opportunity to solve the long- term challenge, and out of this blizzard of charges and countercharges, confusion. well, the time for bickering is over. the time for games has passed. now it is the season for action. now is when we must bring both parties together and show the american people that we can still do what we were sent here to do. now is the time to deliver on health care. while there remain some details to be ironed out, i believe -- [laughter] i believe a broad consensus exists for the plan i just outlined, consumer protections for those with insurance, an exchange that allows individuals and small businesses to purchase affordable coverage and a requirement that people who can afford insurance get insurance. to my friends, i would remind you that for decades, the
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driving idea behind reform is to end insurance company abuses and to make coverage available for those without it. the public option is only a means to that end. we should remain open to other ideas that accomplish our ultimate goal. and to republican friends, i said that rather than making wild claims about a government takeover of health care, we should work together to address any legitimate concerns that you may have. you see, our predecessors understood the government could not and should not solve every problem. they understood that there are instances when the gains and security from government action are not worth the added constraint on our freedom. but they also understood that the danger of too much government is matched by the perils of too little. and without the leavening hand of a wise policy, markets can crash. competition can be stifled.
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things can be exploited. greta: the gop response from heart surgeon and congressman -- >> i read the bill they passed in july. it creates 53 new government bureaucracies and adds hundreds of billions to our national debt and raises taxes on job creators by $600 billion, and it cuts medicare by $500 billion while doing virtually nothing to make the program better for our seniors. the president had a chance tonight to take the government- run health care off of the table. unfortunately, he did not do it. we can do better. a targeted approach that attacks the biggest problems. greta: the stakes could not have been hired for president obama tonight, and according to a new poll released hours before his speech, 52% of the people disapprove of the way president obama is handling health care.
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that number has spiked nine points since july. he did he do anything to satisfy his critics? you heard the speech tonight. >> it was a very partisan speech. i think that the president did not listen to what happened during the month of august. he came back and said what we did in july is what i now want. greta: i was sort of curious. 52% of the people are against him on this. a partisan spectacle. unyielding ideological camps, bickering, and people who disagree with them, but sort of the peculiarities with it is in his final words, he talks about the wonderful unique things about america, as it has always been our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of government, so the insults' us in the beginning, and that technically is not how i would
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lay it out -- so he insults us. >> usually, we get a copy of a speech, but tonight, we got talking points. it is a laminated card. greta: what is this? >> that is a summary of all of the talking points that you may be give to your supporters, and that is what we got tonight rather than a copy of the speech, which told you this was going to be all about making and scoring points, not changing the debate, not saying i am going to embrace a bipartisan approach. it is that we are going to sell. we are going to sell hard. this is a partisan issue. they need to come home, and they need to pass the bill that we were working on in july. greta: you walk in, and you got handed this, like at a football game? >> yes, they add up copies of the president's speech, and this is what they handed us tonight, no copies of the speech, just
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talking points -- they and out copies. greta: a congressman yelled out something like "that is a lie." he has just apologized to the president's chief of staff rahm emanuel, and he says that that was an apology. i got my emotions involved. while i disagree with the president's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. i extend sincere apologies for this lack of civility. >> absolutely. congressman wilson did the right thing being we will have a debate about the substance of the bill, what it does about illegal aliens, what it does about abortion, whether it increases the deficit or not. that debate will take place in the coming weeks. greta: have you been part of this whole discussion about the bill? that is the one thing i do not understand. the democrats basically are
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saying that you guys are sitting there and not suggesting anything. are you suggesting anything, and have you been invited to the table? >> we have not been invited to the table. the committees and working through the process. that bill landed on our doorstep. we had the opportunity to review it. we have been in the initial stages of crafted pieces of legislation, and give and take process that you normally would do. we have had plenty of ideas about how we would address the uninsured and pre-existing conditions, competition and costs. there are lots of ideas out there. they have not been incorporated in the process. the president did not open the door either for saying we will significantly modified the bill, we are going to open it up for these recommendations and changes -- we will significantly modify the bill. greta: the line is drawn? >> i think the president actually drew the line deeper
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and broader in the santa day -- in the sand today than what they were when he came in. he was very controversial, talking about the bush-era tax cuts. he made it tough for us to embrace what he was saying tonight. greta: i was hoping to hear tonight how it was going to be paid for. he said it will not add to the deficit. this is enormously complicated. this is a little bit like having thanksgiving dinner. ok, you are going to have six more people coming to thanksgiving, but it is not going to cost you more. it is going to cost us more. where are we going to get this money if we add more? nobody's insurance can change that likes their insurance. that is what the president said. nothing is going to change for those of us who are happy, but you are adding these people. >> you're adding these people and services and a whole category of folks with
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preexisting conditions, and the one thing i ever learned in washington, when we start talking about waste, fraud, and abuse, we never find it -- one thing i have learned. greta: i want people to have health care. my heart goes out to people who do not have it, but i am just trying to figure out exactly where it is we're going to find this money. it is the fraud that we have supposedly in the system and the lack of efficiency. how do we know that? >> it is anecdotal. greta: you hope for the best. >> and you hope for the best, and when you hope for the best in this area, almost every time they say they find the savings, government historically has been very, very bad at finding it, identifying it, and getting it out of the system. greta: who are these else that are coming up with these numbers? -- elves? it is not going to cost us anything. >> we have not seen that peeled
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back and actually seen the numbers. going through and say, this is how i am going to come up with the $900 billion. he has never outlined how he is going to find the savings or where the little elves have found the savings for him to justify saying that this will be zero. greta: republicans are critical of the president. do you have specific ideas, a plan, something you would like to craft that would solve the problems of health care in the country? >> i think you some members holding up pieces of paper today. greta: those were not those little menu cards? >> no, those are the bills that we have out there that deal with tort reform, that deal with pre- existing conditions, that deal with competition, and that deal with tax reform. all of those things are outlined very clearly in specific bills, and that is what the american
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people told us in august. break this into pieces, fix what's broken, do not throw the whole thing out. greta: they always want to put this on the -- they do not want to put it on the defense lawyers did this is like saying that only one person can be fatal in a marriage -- they do not want to put it on the defense lawyers. this is like saying that only one person can be faithful in a marriage. >> he did not make it an integral part of his plan, saying, "here is my plan, and, by the way, we are going to try some things with tort reform." greta: congressman, thank you. up next, our breaking news continues. griff jenkins is live. he watched the president's speech. and former governor sarah palin takes on president obama and
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health care. health care. she says there are death any questions? what kind of service plan does this come with? unlimited. can i keep my same phone number? does it have a camera? what's the warranty? can i put my party shuffle on this? any questions? no. announcer: for the 10 questions everyone should know, go to
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute greta: the final push is on. president obama just finished his joint speech before congress, and it could be his last chance to make his health- care plan happen. fox news' griff jenkins watched
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the speech tonight with, who was, voters. griff? yes, the two-party is here. many folks were at the tea party earlier and came here to the saloon to watch the president's speech. tell me your name. we talked a little earlier. you are a veteran. you were at the tea party earlier and caught some of the president's speech. i asked you, did the president convince you to change our position on health care? >> no. >> and you were against obama care? >> yes, i am. >> what is your name? >> mike. >> how old are you? >> 23. >> 23. what did you think about the tea party, the president's speech? what are your thoughts? >> i am not convinced. i would like to see how it is going to work out, but i am not convinced. >> do you have insurance now?
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>> no. >> do you think the president will get your insurance? >> i do not know. >> ok, keep thinking about it. this is 105 years old. there is a steel mill across the street. there is a restaurants part of this. they serve a great dinner here. i have got to try it. it is coming up next. they were watching the president's speech in this room, as well, all of these good folks. what is your name? did you have fun? >> yes. >> what do you think? did the president cell view on his health-care initiative? >> no -- did the president sell you? >> no. >> you and i watched much of the president's peace together. what were your thoughts? >> well, i liked what he had to say -- you and i watched much of the president's piece together.
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i do not know how to do it, but some way, we have to find a way. >> how confident are you that leaders in washington will come together and find some legislation to pass? >> i think they will find some common ground. i do not know what that is, whether that is tort reform or dealing with the public option. i do not know what it is. >> do you support a government- run plan, or not? >> whatever it takes to ensure every person. >> there you go. -- to einsure every person. >> there you go. did the president convince you tonight on his health-care initiative? >> no. >> because i hardly believe anything he says any more. he says one thing and then another, and i just wish we would get back to common sense and the constitution. that is what our country was founded four. >> what is your name, sir --
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founded for. what did you think about what he had to say? >> you know, he can try to sell the same message 100 different ways, but in the end, america has spoken. they do not want this. this past month, -- they think america is stupid, but they are not. they do not want it. >> all right, well, there you go. how is the food in here? [cheers and applause] there you go, greta. that is just a little sampling of the tea party, which was much earlier, so we came to where they came, to this very popular as a living. the tea party express moves on, and on saturday, it will be in washington. greta: first of all, gtiff, i think -- griff, i think it is a
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beer party now instead of a tea party. obviously, you have got the tea party proud -- crowd, but what about supporters? >> i have found a lot of supporters but this is congressman murtha's district -- a lot of supporters. this is congressman murtha's district. perhaps a group of folks that do not support that in here. there are some that do support the president's health care here. i think we will probably find that as well as we move to scranton and on to bridgeport, conn., and all the way to washington. greta, back to you. >> griff, thank you. coming up, governor sarah palin takes on the president's plan. she says there will be death panels. the president says that is a lie. that is coming up. and if you think these town
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greta: former governor sarah palin is making herself part of the health-care battle. in a wall street op-ed, the governor wrote in part, is it any wonder that the sick and the elderly are concerned that the president's proposals will ultimately lead to rationing of their health care by, dare i say it, death panels? working through normal political channels, they made themselves heard, and as a result, congress will likely reject a wrongheaded proposal to do this end of life counseling in this cost-cutting context. allowing bureaucrats to make
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decisions affecting life or death health care matters. president obama said this. >> some of these concerns have grown at a bogus complaints spread by those who want to kill reform at any cost. the best example is not those made by just radio and television talk show is, but by politicians that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with a plan to kill off senior citizens. now, such a charge would be laughable if it were not so cynical and irresponsible. it is a lie, plain and simple. >greta: president obama says it is a lie, plain and simple. senator rick santorum joins us. >> that really was an amazing comment, that he would deliberately go after someone like sarah palin, called her a liar, say that she is cynical, say that she is trying to
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manipulate seniors when the fact the matter is, if you look at the totality of what she is talking about, the cost-cutting, and she talked about the bureaucrats, which is the government, which is what the government plan is. the government will be making this decision, and it would be a line item in the budget, and just like the other countries, they would ration care. that is out the other countries do it. they are tried obfuscate what is really the truth. greta: -- they are trying to obfuscate what is really the truth. greta: i went to the bill. there is a word that describes this process, and, of course, they loaded up the awards by calling it a death panel. she has loaded up. the words "death panel" are not in it, but it says there is advanced death planning, and it does not say may or may be.
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it does not say death panel, but there is a provision where people will have, every five years, a review. >> or if their health status changes. greta: so they can accelerate it. i do not know if it is going to last in the bill, but there is. that is what the bill says. >> i do not agree with the term "datz panel." it is a loaded term. greta: it is so loaded -- i do not agree with the term "death panel." >> skilling grandma and grandpa because of that provision. -- tingling grandma and grandpa. we have to cut expenditures, and number two, we are going to give this to the federal government, and this will be a line item in their budget, and they will have to make decisions. greta: there is an interesting op and-ed i-ed.
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i actually sort of think -- elderly people, they are fragile and frail. it is not easy to be older in the face of these types of questions. it ought to be at least your own decision, and when the bill says "shall," that is the slippery slope. it is a personal decision. >> it is a personal decision. greta: the words are loaded. they are rough, but is this something that we should require, people to have a consultation? >> if you look at what the obama administration has reinstated with the v.a., there is a man that worked on this issue. there is a document that was, under the bush administration, that said we were going to counsel soldiers who are in the v.a. system as to the end of
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life decisions, and they put together this document. it is an incredible document. "do you feel depressed?" maybe it is best for me to go away or to die. greta: a terrible situation. having a living will. it is not a bad idea. it is just a question of whether or not the government has to tell you you have to have one. it is more sort of the intrusion of the government telling you, "this is best for you," rather than you coming up with it yourself. >> and they have an incentive. it is cheaper if people die. it is much more expensive if you continue -- greta: trying to kill off the old people because it is cheaper -- >> if you look at socialist countries, there is a survey and our knowledge, for example, that some are afraid to go to the
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hospital because they are afraid bad things can happen there. i think you cannot ignore what sarah palin is kidnapped and what a lot of us are talking about. it is not just the panel. it is the government making decisions. greta: and she has loaded up the words, and she has gotten under the president's skin. >> she is the person that every democrat like to beat up on. he is a democrat. greta: anyway, senator, thank you. up next, battle lines are drawn, and some gop leaders are ready to fight, and there is news in the town hall world. governor tim pawlenty give you the inside scoop. and union monkeys that could drive? and who knew that monkeys are chronic speeders -- who knew monkeair in your home can be
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greta: continuing our breaking coverage on the president's health-care speech before the joint session of congress. something is happening tomorrow night. minnesota governor tim pawlenty is going to be part of it. what is your plan for tomorrow night, sir? >> well, hello, greta. tomorrow night, i and some other governors are going to have a town hall meeting, outlining our concerns about the obama health- care plan, acknowledging that our current system is broken, trying to fix it in an affordable way that is also respectful of consumers and individuals and not having the federal government take this over be a those are some of the things we will be talking about tomorrow night -- take this over. those are some of the things we will be talking about tomorrow night. greta: what would you add to it? what is missing from his speech
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in your mind? >> i think the speech tonight should be dubbed rhetoric collides with reality. i think what the president is asserting, mathematics, it just does not add up. you cannot expand insurance for 35 million people, insurance for all of us to have it, make it even better, and do it for no additional costs. it does not add up. the rhetoric is colliding with reality. he is not telling us how he is going to pay for it. i have to say, he is being very evasive in this regard the and if this is this much in medicare savings -- medical savings -- he is being very evasive in this regard. if there is this much in savings, why are we not doing it now? greta: if you had your way, and you are seeking to provide medical insurance coverage for those 35 million or 40 million, where would you get the money, or how would you tinker with it
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to make it financially viable for the country? >> i will give you a couple of examples in the interest of time. harvard university said that 30% of the medical care in this country is medically unnecessary, a large part of the driven by the fact that doctors are afraid of being sued. we needed to address that issue which we need to address that issue. -- we need to do thaaddress tha. we need to have people manage things instead of the bureaucracy. greta: there may be some bearing in terms of freedom of choice and what people may want to do in their lives, but a voucher or tax credits, that is a cost. >> one thing we did in minnesota in our state employee plan is started the goal of slowing down the current system, having the
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costs slowed down, so be sent to our state employees, "hey, you and go anywhere you want, but if you choose to go somewhere that has high result -- you can go anywhere you want, but if you choose to go somewhere that has high costs and low results, that will cost you." this is not necessarily a bad just throwing more cash on the pile. it is about using the cash we have more wisely. greta: the president said his plan is going to cost $900 billion, and he did mention something about tort reform, but he did not factor that in. it sounds like if you inc. what harvard says on target -- tort reform, it would cost us $600 billion -- if you inc. what harvard says -- incorporated.
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m i wrong in my numbers could $600 billion? -- am i wrong? where are we going to get that? >> keep in mind that he is enhancing benefits and privileges in the system, so it is not just the status quo and knocking it down from here. he is not going to get it. he is not going to get it, greta. if they could get rid of the waste and inefficiency, why would they not have done that already? he wants to do a little pilot project on things republicans are most concerned about. and he wants to make sweeping changes on the things that are on his agenda. greta: a hospital in my hometown, they have cut costs something like 25% without jeopardizing quality by just three figuring how they handle patient care. it was a really interesting program -- just by re-figuring how they handle patient care. coming up, president obama is
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going to be in your state. did you know that? >> yes. greta: are you going to talk to him? see him? >> i do not know. i think he is going to go to a speech. i think if you would let the states experiment and take a lead on this, we could take a lead on this. what he is proposing as essentially been tried in one state, and it has not worked. it is the most expensive health care in the country, and is accelerating. to hold this model out as a solution for the whole country, it is not going to work. i think it is a bill of goods. greta: it is sort of interesting from my vantage point, because september 12 is supposed to be a big tea party. here in washington. get out of dodge, go to a town hall. i do the same sense, i confess, but we have no idea what the tea party is going to bring here. but it is going to be interesting.
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all right, the town hall tomorrow meetinight, any idea hw many people? >> 3000, 5000, thousand, maybe that or more. -- 10,000, maybe that or more. greta: how do you sign up? >> a lot of people are promoting it. greta: and i think they are going to jam the telephone lines. thank you. i hope you come back. >> thanks a lot, greta. greta: up next, mystery and outrage all in one. a bank that you bailed out shells out bonuses in the billions. that is bad enough, but now, something that is really fishy. plus, a journalist tears off his clothing and declares his love for george clooney
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liver transplant last spring. i am ainsley earhardt. thanks for watching fox news. now, back to greta van susteren and "on the record." greta: tonight, there is mystery to add to the outrage. here is what we know. you bailed out the bank of america. this winter, they bought merrill lynch. merrill lynch was going under when it was purchased, but its executives were awarded with $3.60 billion in bonuses. now, this is where it gets worse. the bank of america shareholders
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were never told about the $3.60 billion in bonuses when they agreed to the deal with merrill lynch. they were horrified, and they slapped bank of america with a civil suit, a penalty, and now, that penalty is $33 million. a federal judge is working on that with the sec and bank of america, and the judge wants to know whose idea it was to hide the bonuses from shareholders, and there is important news tonight about a man who was fired around the time of that merger. who is he? why was he fired? a wall street reporter for "the new york times" joins us now. she tipped us off on this. who got fired, and what was the timing in this saga? >> obviously, he plays a very important role. he was dismissed days around these disclosure decisions last
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september, so some people are looking at this now and asking what he was dismissed? was he dismissed because he wanted the bank to do something that they did not want him to do? greta: all right, which would have been either -- if the decision had been that he wanted to tell the shareholders, for instance, about these bonuses, the condition of merrill lynch -- all right. now, what is interesting in your story among a lot of things is how he got fired. >> he was meeting with merrill lynch executives to talk about what it should look like. he was called up to the office. "we do not have a place for you anymore." personnel came, and they took away his company credit card and cell phone, and he was escorted away from the company without being able to return to his office, so that is a pretty extreme approach. greta: so now, we are in a decision where a federal judge
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is trying to figure out whether or not it is ok for bank of america to pay this $33 million worth of the fine by the sec. the shareholders got cheated. in the sense that they had to pay the bonus to merrill lynch, so they paid all the money in the bonuses. now, there is the $33 million civil settlement on the table that bank of america wants the shareholders to sign -- once a judge to resign, and shareholders will have to pay that and, no doubt, the legal fees -- wants a judge to sign. and they get off of the hook. they go home. right? >> when it comes down to is people looking for answers. there is a house committee looking at it, and you have this in new york, and a lot of people think that this general counsel that was dismissed might have those answers. by the way, he has gone on to
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become general counsel for fannie mae, the housing giant, so he is still in the public eye. greta: when the judge says, the federal judge, "whose idea was it to hide this from the shareholders?" what does the lawyer said? >> bank of america say s its defers to its lawyers judgment -- warlawyer's judgment. no one knows aside from bankamerica what he told them to do, and that is what people are asking what advice did he give them, and did he give advice to disclose something that they did not want to disclose. that is what we want to know. greta: did merrill lynch or bank of america have an outside counsel? >> they did. one group represented merrill
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lynch and another bank of america. i have called both. they will not comment. we really do not know what the lawyers thought. this is becoming really important to know. greta: louise, i know you are on this story. they should be scared to death of you, and i do not blame them for being scared to death of you. thank you, the lease. and a special "on the record" programming note. tomorrow night, a first interview by a congressman after being released from prison. he tells you exactly what life was like behind bars. >> i think the reason i went there, they knew i had the troops. i think i was put in a position to be heard. i had a guy who said he would refuse to this, but he said that my mother is your biggest fan. before long, i was in the wholh.
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greta: you have seen our top stories, but here is the best of the rest. this is entitled no one wants. a ups delivery truck is the champion of tickets -- this is a title no one wants. it was over $5,000 b in three separate times, the truck was slapped with four tickets in a single day -- it was over $5,000. all of the tickets,
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incidentally, were paid on time, and speaking of traffic violations, take a good look at this picture. have you seen this monkey man? he has been caught speeding 37 times. here is the problem. the driver has been caught in a radar that snaps pictures of speeding vehicles. to keep his identity kitna, he has been wearing a monkey mask. -- to keep his identity hidden. a flight attendant denies he is the culprit and refuses to pay the tickets. we will let you know what happens. finally, another addition to our stupid criminal file. sometimes, love can make you do such stupid things. here is the story. sunday night in columbus, ohio, a woman and her friend were robbed at gunpoint, and that is bad, but here is the really stupid point. hours later, one of the robbers returned to the scene of the crime and asked his a victim out
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that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." and if you qualify get it for little or no money. jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable. it goes wherever you go. get it free while supplies last. declare your independence call now, you'll be glad you did. call the number on your screen.
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greta: midnight is almost here, flashed the studio lights, last call. conan o'brien seems to know something we do not. >> yesterday, george clooney was answering questions when one reporter took off his clothes and professed his love of george clooney. that happened, yeah. witnesses say they have never been more embarrassed for wolf pulitzer. -- wolf blitzer. greta: believe it or not, that really happened to george clooney, but obviously, conan o'brien was kidding, it was not wolfed blitzer. that is the last call, we're closing shop. do not forget to go to the website. website.
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