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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  September 10, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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thank you for being with us tonight. do not forget to go to our and blog. we are debating everything about tonight. keep it here on the fox news channel, the most powerful name in news. bill o'reilly and "the o'reilly factor" is next. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on tonight. >> i think it was the most emotional i have ever seen president obama in a major speech. his anger at the tone and tactics of his opponents was very palpable. bill: should president obama be angry with those who oppose his health care vision. after all, it's very confusing. george stephanopoulos will be here. >> i did expect americans to turn against the socialist program of obama. much faster than i expected it to happen. bill: ann coulter will also analyze the president's speech last night. that should be interesting. >> thank you. >> the type of business of such you provide. let me make sure there is a code for it, ok? >> a code for prostitution?
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>> your business is a performing arts, ok? so stop saying prostitution. bill: and another scandal involving acorn. megyn kelly is on the case. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly, thank you for watching us tonight. reaction to the president's big speech on health care. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. president obama put a happy face on his health care vision last night. it's hard for fair-minded folks to really knows what's going on. because the factor does not play partisan games, we looked around for the best possible information about obama acare. i'm happy to report we found very good stuff so here we go. according to the lewin group. owe ma'am ba health care would
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cost the country about $530 billion over the next 10 years. not too bad. but after that the costs explode leading to $2.4 trillion expenditure on health care over a 20 year period. however, state and local governments would save billions as the costs shift to washington. now, as you may know, president obama says cutting down on waste and fraud would pay for health care reform but talking points believes that is a complete fantasy. there is likely to be more fraud and waste as the federal program gets bigger. as for you, families in which all members now have insurance, would save about $175 a year on lower premiums. but families where people are not insured would have to spend about $1,400 on average to get on the rolls. the feds would pick up much of that tab. lewin says employers would have to pay about $300 more per worker if obama-care passes. of course, those costs would be passed on to we consumers. also, with more americans opting
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into a federal health marketplace, employer-based health insurance would fall by about 11 million workers. so, some job place programs you have now would fold. the key here is quality and control. the president believes the feds can impose a more efficient system and hold private insurance companies accountable for misbehavior which is unfortunately ram pa pant as you may know if you have had to spar for the insurance people to get reimbursement. i have. talking points believes that strict government oversight is possible. tough guys would have to be hired and that would mean a large expansion of the federal bureaucracy something conservative americans loathe. the strength of obama's vision is controlling costs and eliminating the chaos that comes from 40 million uninsured americans potentially using hospital emergency rooms for medical care. the weakness in obama care is the massive spending involved and the specter of rationing health care because there will not be enough doctors and nurses
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to handle all the new patients. so we're going to have to wait. at this point, the president is basically dodging those two realities. and that's the memo. you can download it on fox and now the lead story tonight. post obama speech reaction. here is what was said on bs abc nightline last night. >> i think it was the most emotional i have ever seen president obama in a major speech. his anger at the tone and tactics of his opponents was very palpable tonight. and he even seemed to get caught up in the emotion of the moment towards the end of the speech. bill: joining us now from d.c. is abc news chief washington correspondent george stephanopoulos host of "this week" on sunday. >> hey, bill. bill: why would obama be angry with people who oppose his vision because, number one, he can't explain it be, has not explained it still specifically and, number two there are at
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love points where people say we don't want government running this it might bankrupt the country why would he be mad? >> he is mad about some of the illegitimate criticisms that have been made and he addressed them in the middle of the speech when he took on the claims of death panels and whether his plan would serve illegal immigrants and whether it would require a government takeover. he was clearly very angry about that i also think, bill, that his anger was somewhat tactical. i think he is very passionate about this issue and it was sincere but i think it served the purpose of rallying and unifying the democratic base, getting them if somebody lies about obama's health care plan the president can come on this program and come on your program. he can send his ache colitis out and they can correct the record right away. >> they didn't do good enough job of doing it. >> they did a terrible job of doing it they did an awful job of doing it it's his fault. >> you can't blame someone for
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when lies are told about his plan. you can say he could have been more effective. i think he has a right to take on his critics in a pretty tough and a pretty forceful way and he clearly did that last night. he should baird some of the responsibility for that. >> all of the responsibility not some of the responsibility. president obama is the leader of the country, ok? he has a grand vision for improving american's health care. he believes that vision is correct. i respect all of that i respect his office. i respect his passion, and i respect the fact that he wants to improve health care for all americans. what i do not respect is him blaming his critics when it is his fault. he could come on this program as i just said. he can come on your program. he can hold up a chart. he can say this is what we want to do. he hasn't done it. he has given speech after speech
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after speech and i don't know what he is talking about. last night i knew what he was going to get to but is he still dodging the two questions that i cited. one is costs. -- look, george, you don't believe for a minute sitting there in d.c. that waste and fraud efficiency is going to pay for this. you don't belief that for a second, do you? >> no. but, let's look at the other side. bill: what other side. he said it's going to pay. you don't believe it. i don't believe it? >> the president said that if the savings is he calling for don't materialize by 2012 i is going to impose this trigger. he is going to be required to come up for more savings or scale back. bill: he didn't say how. >> you are right. we are going to have to check the details on how this proposal is constructed. but i think it's going to be -- the second thing and this is a more technical point but i think it's important. there is a real dispute over whether the types of programs the president is calling for on urging more prevention, on having more electronic health records whether they will save more than the current score
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keepers like the congressional budget office or even the -- i was just going to say that we don't know but it's not true either. we can't guarantee the other numbers are going to be true. bill: here is what stephanopoulos and o'reilly know. we are coming at it you are a democrat. i'm an independent. we both don't believe that the president can pay for this by cleaning up waste and fraud. that is not going to happen. >> i think there is a lot of waste and fraud in the system but that's not enough to get to where he wants to go. bill: if you put 40 million people on the insurance rolls, you don't have enough doctors and nurses to care for them. you don't. that means health care rationing kicks in. >> you have rationing now. the insurance companies as you pointed out. that was one of the most important parts of the president's speech last night. the types of abuse people are visited with by insurance companies. i think that was important. our own medical editor tim johnson agrees with you on this need to make sure that we have more incentives for doctors and nurses to go out there in the
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country that we offer more funds for training. because, if we do expand the number of people that are covered, we are going to need more doctors and nurses, no question about that. bill: there is no way we can do it now. >> i think you can't deny that rationing happens every single day in america right now. bill: george, it's going to get worse for everybody. it's t. doesn't happen for me, but it will. my doctor is overworked now. my doctor is like this. it is going to get worse because it has to. 40 million new patients, no more new doctors and nurses. >> you and i agree more doctors and more nurses. bill: next on the rundown, ann coulter will give us her take on the health care. later peta pamela anderson controversy that the culture warriors are ( conversation ) garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing?
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( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet? ♪
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lp could save 'em hundreds on car just telinsurance.e geico it's actually doing it. gecko vo: businessmen say "hard work equals success." well, you're looking at, arguably,
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the world's most successful businessgecko. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. bill: continuing now with the obama care reaction. joining me now is ann coulter.
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you heard me bloviate and george stephanopoulos. what say you? >> i think the important issue to keep in mind is has the government ever run anything better than what the private sector has in the free market and the answer is. no liberals keep avoiding having that argument by throwing out this word salad of the public option and triggers and the health exchange. the reason you have trouble with your health insurers right now is because it's a partial monopoly. partial monopoly created by the government. it was quite audacious of president obama to complain last night about some states having only three health insurers, well, why is that? oh, that's right, because of government intervention because of state regulations requiring. bill: can't have across the competition. >> like ma bell, break it up. let there be competition. er problem the democrats talk about will go away. they keep avoiding that by
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throwing out word salad and triggers. bill: one thing i would like to see the federal government do is strict oversight on the insurance companies when they hose people. >> i totally disagree with that. bill: throw you off the rolls if you get m.s. or something. >> that will not happen but, bill, that will not happen under competition. look, the government was regulating. bill: it could happen under competition. >> happening on. let me make this point. no, it will not. the government was regulating. the sec was closely watching bernie madoff. government regulation doesn't stop that sort of thing. what stops it is people knowing you are investing with this guy at your own risk and then all these private organizations develop. competition is what enforces that. bill: see, i don't believe that. >> you have people being thrown off. really it never happens when you bay computer. bill: i think competition can drive the prices down but it could cannot make insurance company honest. >> yes, it can. >> we fine you. >> i don't believe it. like the sec with bernie madoff. bill: bernie madoff got away
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with it because the sec under a republican chris cox simply wouldn't investigate him. that's why he got away with it. >> that's the government regulation. why do you keep thinking a different regulator will be better? government regulation does not solve these problems. competition does because if i were to belong to an health insurance company that threw me off when i got sick, people would hear about it. there would be magazine articles and i don't mean it being me. i mean people -- why do you never not have problems like that with your apple computer. why is it easy to go to a genius bar and get it fixed? because there is competition bill o'reilly. bill: there is nothing wrong with having district government oversight and hoping they hire people to enforce it? >> no. it makes people think they are being protected and they are not. bill: you told those guys you liked that south carolina pinhead congressman wilson. >> yeah. bill: yelling out at president obama. now, what if a liberal democrat had yelled out at president bush at one of his speeches? you wouldn't have liked that.
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>> well, they do all the time and the difference is they just boo generally. last night we had obama telling lie after lie and by the way you began your talking points by saying you just want to be able to speak for the fair minded people. how about making this for fair-minded. just take two examples of what obama said last night including the one that the greatest living statesman, representative joe wilson responded to and that is this bill will not cover abortion. it will not cover illegal aliens. bill: that's what he said. >> there are a lot of arguments i can make on that but i'm only going to give the fair minded of yours viewers their one argument. republicans introduced amendments that would make this -- that would not allow coverage under the health care bill forrism legal aliens. democrats vote that amendment down. republicans introduced an amendment that would say the health care bill won't cover abortion. the democrats voted that amendment down. bill: that is true. >> they want to go around calling us liars then vote for that amendment. by the way they will still have the courts overrule it.
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bill: that's what you say. obama son the record in front of the country saying no illegal alien coverage. no money for abortion. so he is locked down. >> he can say he is a martian. the democrats volted against it. bill: if he lies, he loses. if he lies, he loses. >> ok. well that was a lie. that's what representative joe wilson was saying. bill: we don't know. we will know when the final bill comes down. >> oh, come on. this is the argument. bill: final bill hasn't been drawn up yet. >> bill, that's part of the word salad. we can't talk about the bill? well, what, until it becomes a law? bill: he says it won't pay for abortion. if it's in the bill, he is a liar. >> yes, is he a liar. bill: no, it's not now. >> maneuver you into the right position. bill: all right. coulter you jump too far ahead. if it's in the final bill. >> no, no, no. this is how liberals retreat. no, no, no. liberals are retreating burning the english language as they go. you can't -- they are saying we
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can't talk about anything until it's already a law there is a bill going through the house. the house committee that is considering it, voted on it, they voted against that amendment. you have say you can't bring that up because obama said oh, don't worry. bill: because it better change. >> it's all going down is what's going to happen. bill: we will see. ann coulter everybody, always a pleasure. if you would like to grade president obama's speech can you do so on bill o' give it some thoughts we will give the results on monday. why are some americans denying the astros at this of 9/11. colonel peters on that. two people posing as pimp and prostitute were encouraged to lie to the irs. so stop saying prostitute. >> got it. >> ok? because as soon as you say that people will shut you down. bill: megyn kelly ononononononou
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bill: and in the impact segment tonight, eight years ago tomorrow al qaeda was attacked by al qaeda terrorist 3,000 people killed in horrific action. almost 3,000 more injured. the nation was shocked by scenes like these. and even after all these years, the 9/11 attack is still a major issue in america. writing in the "new york post" tomorrow lt. ralph peters says the federal government and citizens have learned little from the mass murder eight years ago. colonel peters joins us from washington the author of the brand new novel "the war after armageddon" it comes out next week and received a rave review in publishers weekly. you have in your column in the "new york post" list all the things that liberal america pretty much has done that disturb you about 9/11. give me the two biggest things
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that disturb you about the column. >> the two biggest things that disturbed me, it's just have we forgotten? bill, we remember where we were, like a kennedy assassination, but what people have forgotten as a people is the shock, the horror, the rage, the justified rage of that day. when i think of 9/11, i don't think the photograph image of the second airliner hitting. i think of that lone black figure leaping to his death for a still standing tower. the dreadful nature of that and i think we just forgotten it it's partly the nature of time passing but it's largely the nature of our media at ruling elite as it were playing it down. the other thing shocking to me. bill: sure, go ahead. >> the other thing shocking we eight years after 9/11 we have a president who doesn't think it was any big deal. bill: let's take them one by one. my audience tonight watching you
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remember 9/11 very vividly, i do certainly. my newspaper column which will run alongside yours tomorrow in the "new york post" deals with 9/11 from a different point of view. but i know a lot of people who lost loved ones personally. i know them. and i see their suffering every day. so, my audience knows. now, you said ok. >> yeah. yes. the elite liberal media no question that the elite liberal media in america does not want to continue to whip up anti-islamic fascism sentiment. they don't. and they play it down. why? >> no. they would rather whip up anti-israeli sentiment. i think it's -- you are seeing the effect of now a couple of generations of liberal domination of the schools. the idea among the, in quotes, educated elite that america is guilty. that, at best, we share the blame with others. no, we don't. when it comes to 9/11. we were attacked without justification by religious fanatics who kill innocent
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people. we have got to get a grip. bill, i will tell you and it's not politically correct but i am sick that hearing that islamic p islam. islam is a religion of peace. if islam is a religion of peace fine, stop acting peacefully. i haven't seen a lot of southern baptist suicide bombers lately. i will not stand for moral relativism. 9/11 wasn't our fault. it was fanatics who attacked our country because they hate what we stand for. liberals can deny it forever but that is what i believe in my heart and will carry to my grave. bill: one minute left. president obama, very strong in afghanistan wants to fight the war there even though it's a difficult war. i'm not sure that saying we have a president that doesn't understand the pain of 9/11 is fair. >> well, bill, that's your opinion. look, after eight years, we haven't rebuilt the world trade center towers site but we're trying to build a new afghanistan. the taliban didn't attack us. al qaeda did.
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the afghan people didn't attack us. now, i don't like the taliban, but we need to go after, as we pledge to do, those who killed americans. we need to go after them to the ends of the earth. that is al qaeda. that is the saudi with a hab buys behind them. bill: you don't give president obama any credit for the afghanistan deal. >> none whatsoever. he made a campaign promise to stay and he is confused by it. bill: colonel, thanks very much. we appreciate it plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. peta people in the middle of a controversy this one starring pamela anderson video you might not like. the culture warriors on the case. undercover tape of another acorn scandal megyn kelly wiwiwiwiwiwl
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um bill-- why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers. we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express
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bill: culture warrior segment tonight, a viewer warning some explicit tape in the next segment. we have edited some of it cnn
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has rejected a peta add starring pamela anderson. here is the edited version. ♪ ♪ ♪ bill: it was supposed to run at the airports on a little cnn thing that nobody watches. with us now cowell temperature warriors -- culture warriors gretchen carlson and margaret hoover. i noticed she has gloves on which i hope they are not leather. this ad, again, telling people not to buy clothing made out of
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animal skin. you say? >> how about this is supposed to be for the ethical treatment of animals. not ethical treatment of that man for instance she was whipping him and pushing him around. bill: oh yeah? do you think he objected to it? >> i don't know. >> this is peta's schtick. this is not first time they have used nudity. they have entire blogs online about all theny nudity they have a tv streaming online. bill: this is what they do to get attention. >> they knew this would never run in any airports. children running around and then the outrage goes viral and they get all this free marketing. bill: is that good or bad? >> i kind of wish we weren't talking about it because you know what's happening now? it's generating the viral outrage and they don't have to spend the money on advertising. >> thank god somebody had a brain in their head to screen this first of all hey yeah there may be kids running around the airport seeing. this this day and age a lot of times this thing would pass and we wouldn't be that surprised by it, would we?
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gill bill -- the ad is not to save animals but attention for the group. >> that's a sex act position with that guy. it's overkill with two nude people right here. and to say now. bill: at least they don't have any weapons. >> that's total bondage what she is doing. bill: whatever. you both are condemning the ad. >> bondage. bill: hoover is about 30 seconds behind here. it's kind of like a tape delay with her. now in germany it's worse in germany. there is an anti-aids campaign and they have a public service announcement. roll the tape. ♪ ♪ bill: all right. that was hitler and if you don't know, in germany, any reference to nazis or hitler or anything
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like that is illegal. that's how strongly they feel about it. but the ad is powerful in the sense that it says unprotected sex can read -- lead you to die. is the message of the ad worth the shock value, carlson? >> i believe in our society right now the only thing that gets attention is shock value, especially with teens. and a new study just came out that said today in 2009, only 6% of americans believe that aids is an urgent health problem. just 10 years ago 45% of us thought that it was urgent, which says to me as a parent with kids. bill: so this ad, if you were playing in america, you would say was ok? >> i would say during a certain time period of night. bill: with a viewer warning attached. >> with a viewer warning. remember the ad that came out about texting and how graphic that was a few weeks ago. that was also overseas but i feel like kids and parents would gain a lot from watching that
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ad. bill: what do you say, hoover. >> germans are actually using hitler's imagery in order to make a point. this shows how far the germans have come. bill: there is no more shocking figure in germany than this guy. >> yes. and that's exactly the point. the germans have self-flat united stated for -- self-flad unitedself-fladuated. bill: a whip. >> how a murderous dictator. taken at lo of time very intro speckive. they never would have invoked his imagery before. they have gotten past a certain point of it. bill: yes or no, if this ad ran in america, you would be ok with it. >> no, no. you know why? they are equating victims of h.i.v. with a murderous dictator of who killed jews.
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bill: kelly file acorn scandal
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bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the kelly file segment tonight. as you may know the community activist group acorn has been involved in a number of crimes mostly involving voter fraud. the latest misdeed has been caught on undercover tape. two actors posing as a pimp. getting a home loan and avoiding taxes
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bill: much more on that tape about not paying taxes. now, with us, attorney and fox news anchor megyn kelly. is this another crime situation? >> i don't think so. i'm just so shocked by it i just feel like why wouldn't every newscast in the country be showing this? bill: this is the only -- fox news is the only news operation, i predict, maybe a little on cnn. never see it on nbc, that will play this. >> the others won't pick up on it. this is an organization that has received $54 million in taxpayer funding since 1954. 54 million. they are eligible for billion more in taxpayer dollars through the stimulus bill. 8 billion acorn is. doesn't anyone care? we have 11 of their workers just arrested in florida for fraud. our viewers know the history of fraud in voter registration
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fraud before all of this. now woe say. this with this acorn worker in baltimore. the whole tapes are posted in their entirety of big government new web site by andrew breitbart. having said all of that, how shocking and wrong it is, i don't see a crime. it's -- look, it's early, but, from what i see here, bill, i looked at the possibilities. bill: wait a minute. couldn't you be charged with conspiracy to evade taxes? >> no. bill: you can't be charged with that? bill: advising someone not to pay their taxes. >> conspiracy you have to have an agreement to commit illegal act. bill: she was just advising them how to do it. >> that's not a crime. bill: last question about acorn because we have two other topics for you. isn't it true that acorn is a huge organization and maybe these are a few bad apples? >> listen, we have something stunning that's coming out on acorn very soon at the fox news channel. let's put it this way, i will give you a tease. i have spoken to the people at the highest levels in that organization.
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and even they have admitted to me that they have more than a few bad apples in the group. they have got a management problem at that place. bill: this is a corrupt organization that is receiving a lot of taxpayer money and it should be stopped. >> yes. there need to be congressional investigations into this group. bill: absolutely. no more money until that thing is cleaned out. >> john conyers of the house senate judiciary comir said he would. bill: we have the attorney general of louisiana. >> why doesn't the u.s. congress investigate. because john conyers agreed to it, he is a democrat. bill: he didn't do it yet. >> then said no, i'm not going to because he said the powers that be. that's how he put it. powers that be called me off of it. bill: maybe we will talk to conyers. now sacramento california is another radio shock jock stunt where they got a couple of people to drink a lot of water and one woman who did that died. roll the tape.
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bill: and she died shortly after that. >> she died. she ultimately was the second to last person in the contest. they gave her consolation. justin timberlake tickets. she didn't make it she was dead within six hours of the program. mother of three. bill: consumed two gallons of water i understand. >> just under. bill: your system. >> they weren't allowed to go to the bathroom. that was the contest. they would win one of these those wii electronic games. bill: they are suing the radio company that owns the station. >> dj's settled out for 100,000 bucks and they got fired. she is still going at it with
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the station and suing between 1 and million dollars. which actually is not unreasonable. bill: how many children does she have? >> three kids. she bears responsibility, too. there is no question. you have got to split it up. bill: you can't be doing this irresponsible stuff on the air. and, finally, a story miss megan is crazed about in south africa, there is a woman runner or maybe a man, miss megyn believes it is a man who is now being investigated and nobody can tell which sex she is. so she shows up on a magazine cover and what say you? >> here -- well, the magazine cover, she looks like. bill: looks like a girl. >> looks lovely. it's irrelevant. i can make you look like, this bill. no you couldn't. you could not do that. >> this could be you. bill: that would never be me. >> a week from tonight if you would let me. bill: kelly, i would you have arrested if you ever tried that. >> i'm just saying, remember mayor stu in oregon? he made himself look like a woman too. no throw that picture up again of that woman on magazine cover.
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>> she looks very nice. looking like a woman in a magazine shoot does not make a woman. they checked her at the beginning, it was ambiguous. they wasn't clear whether she was a man and woman. bill: birth certificate says she is girl. >> birth certificate is. genetically is she a man or woman? what is inside. bill: after all this time and have you been so passionate on that, you would have solved this mystery but you still don't know. >> how can i involve it with -- solve it it is clear that she is a woman but maybe not 100%. well, what%? what percent is she? and what is the rest? bill: isn't it true that all people have different genes? >> they do say that gender is a continuum, bill. now what they are saying. bill: so it is possible that i may look like that woman some day. >> you could have bigger issues than that we should find out in november. in november they are going to tell us. bill: if you are going to rant and rave about this on your
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morning program you have got to find out and tell us. >> i feel bad for this woman. come to the conclusion and tell us whether she can keep running in the women's races. bill: maybe she doesn't know. reality check up next tonight. we visit senator harry reid who was not happy to see us. >> senator, will you come on "the o'reilly factor," senator? >> senator, any comment sfx: coin drop, can shaking hear that? that's the sound of people saving. saving money, saving time, and saving for the future. regions makes it simple - starting with lifegreen checking and savings - featuring free convenient e-services, up to a $250 annual savings account bonus and a free personal savings review. so make the switch today - and get into the rhythm of saving.
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regions - it's time to expect more. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief,
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bill: relation check with no one is safe from truth telling and accountability. check one, senator harry reid the leader of the senate is in big trouble back in nevada. poll numbers dismal and running behind challengers for his seat for 2010. here reid has never and on the
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factor so we sent dan banks to nevada to remedy the situation. senator reid, i'm dan banks with "the o'reilly factor." your poll numbers in the senate race right now, you have down right now to danny and to sue logan by extraordinary numbers. how do you explain this? >> senator, will you come on "the o'reilly factor," senator? >> senator. any comment? bill: the woman grabbed banks. that wasn't so nice. check continues to encourage senator reid to discuss things with us in a civilized manner. there is no reason not to. check 2, good morning america on good morning america president obama was asked about glenn beck. >> you talk about talk radio and the things that are being said, glenn beck, for instance, really going after van jones, forced to resign, controversial things that he said about 9/11 and columbine. how difficult is it to stay on message? >> it's not hard for me to stay on message. my job is not to be distracted
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by the 24 hour news cycle. my job is to stay focused on what is actually going to help the american people and not spend a lot of time trying to score political points. bill: now, i like robin roberts. she is very nice, very smart, but the story is not mr. beck. it's why president obama hired a radical like van jones in the first place and ms. roberts didn't even ask the president that. she obviously should have. check three, also on gma vice president biden. >> i think the president did do it. he recentered the debate. and he debunked the ridiculous assertions about death panels and how we are going to insure illegal aliens, et cetera, undocumented aliens, i think he recentered the debate here. bill: u owe illegal aliens in liberal circles. undocumented aliens is. what a strange world we live. in check four as you may know
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paula abdul quit "american idol" over money and ellen will take her place. >> i'm not leaving here. don't worry about that. i am going to have a day job and a night job. the times we're living in we are all doing that. this is -- it's so exciting for me to -- and i have been -- we have been dealing with this for the last couple of weeks and i have been dieing to tell everyone. bill: check believes fox made a good choice with miss degeneres who is basically a nice lady who will complement our pal simon cowell. consistency is the key to success. this is demonstrated by luna the cat. >> meow, meow, meow ♪ bill: for some reason my staff thought that was hysterical.
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the cat was not in danger as someone filming in the room. did the cat know she was in danger? i don't know. finally count six to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage in vermont. ben and jerry chubby hubby to hubby hubby. the ice cream package will picture two guys standing on top of a wedding cake. check would like to see ben and jerry on top of the cake as well fronting a flavor named passionate pinheads and that is reality check. pinheads and patriots on deck, tonight starring horse who simply had enough. whoa, right back with it. .
11:53 pm
sfx:racking of a taillight. female valve: hahahaha...i am strong like the ox. i crush you like tiny clown car. because you are... ...clown, yes? female valve: come, you hit me again and i break you. male valve: oh, you messed with wrong pipe now, car. ha, ha trust me...i have to live with her. announcer:accidents are bad. but geico's good
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with guaranteed repairs through auto repair express.
11:55 pm
bill: time for "pinheads and patriots." an option is going on to help
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american military people who have been wounded in action. it features a dinner with sarah palin, lunch with karl rove, and a bunch of other great things. you can check it all out on we hope you do check it out because this is very patriotic. watch this. ♪ bill: now, if you slap the horse's tail, you are a pinhead. the mail. we will send you a free tote bag if you buy my book "bold fresh." it is a great promotion.
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please check it out. now, the letters. david axelrod had his first appearance on "the factor" last night. bbill: i would not be tough on your grandmother. bill: you know, "the wall street journal" said today what i said last night. the public option is dead. mr. obama might be planning something in its place, but we will have to see.
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bill: we had three liberals on. it makes for a fiery debate. bill: i appreciate that. if i read the ancestors of john adams, i would sue. bill: happy birthday.
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bill: i hope you one out there. how about our website? tonight, i have the talking points memo. if you missed it, it is a good rundown of what the facts are involving the health care situation. you can access it there and i recommend you do. you will have it in front of you. also, please e-mail us with pithy comments from anywhere around the world. please, when writing to us, do not be a doofus. it is a real word. when i used to use it when i was 7, i thought someone made it up. it is a real word. it is a real word.


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