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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  September 11, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ [captioning made possible by fox news channel] bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. [sirens. [sirens] >> knocked the whole freakin' thing down. >> why are the aclu and some liberal americans not taking terrorism seriously? >>no on the anniversary of 9/11? we will investigate that question. >> 9/11 commission itself says they were lied to, deceived, demand the truth. bill: and the fringe left continues to deny al qaeda even attacked us. geraldo has some thoughts. >> no more war. no more iraq. no more white lies. my president is black.
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bill: that was rapper j.z. on inauguration weekend. tonight is he holding a fundraiser for 9/11 victims: glenn beck has thoughts on mr. j.z. bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin intron the -- zone, the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching you tonight. remembering 9/11, that is the subject of this evening's talking point memo. all day long cable news has been looking back to the mass murder that occurred on september 11, 2001. terror attacks, of course, launched by fanatical muslims who, to this day, want to kill as many americans as they can. thankfully, the bush administration was aggressive in fighting al qaeda, which has been badly damaged. therefore, another 9/11 is far less likely than it was eight years ago. unfortunately, some liberals will never admit that. and a few are actively helping
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the terrorists who continue to cause trouble all over the world. earlier this week, the factor reported on the john adams project, whereby radicals are secretly photographing cia agents and then sending the pictures to terrorist detainees at guantanamo bay. unbelievable and despicable. we confronted a member of the project nina ginsburg. >> i have some questions about the john adams project. you are putting cia agents lives in danger. >> you need to talk to people at the john adams project. that's not at all true. cia agents put people in danger. they put this country in danger. they put american soldiers overseas in danger. >> so do you support them taking pictures of covert cia agents and showing them to terrorists? >> that's not what they did. >> what did they do? >> what they did was try and find out who the names and the identities of the people who tortured illegally tortured people because the government won't turn over that information. and people in this country have a right to defend themselves.
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bill: now, the justice department is investigating the john adams project, which is affiliated with the insidious aclu because there is no question that those far left nuts are putting cia people in danger. in the past talking points tried to understand why the far-left in america wants to help al qaeda and other terror killers. but, you know what? i don't care anymore why they want to do that. the obama administration has a responsibility to protect the intelligence community and it had better stop the john adams project atrocity. it had better. when looking at the terrorist landscape today iran emerges as the most dangerous entity. some americans don't want to confront iran. certainly europe has been weak on the issue. russia is helping the mullahs develop nuclear weapons. the world has not learned very much from the 9/11 murders. the u.s.a. continues to fight the good fight but islamic fascism is still very dangerous. somebody tell the liberal
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community that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. with us fox news analyst ellis henican and leslie marshal. the john adams project, leslie, what say you? >> >> well, could i not agree with outing valerie plame included, any cia agent. i do agree with you, bill, that it is not only the obama administration but any sitting president in this government's position to protect the secret identities of those that are working on behalf of our government. however, having said that, if anyone within the cia ordered or was a part of interrogating people with torture, whether at guantanamo bay or in countries like morocco or iraq. that is a direct violation of the geneva conventions. must be held accountable. i do think showing people in picture gitmo pictures, no. bill: investigate those kind of things. these people running around with their cameras, stalking the cia people, taking their pictures in public places, you say that's
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despicable, correct? i just want to be clear. do you? >> i do because obviously we have an alleged terrorist. bill: you are with me on that. now, henican were you me on that. >> i don't like unmasking cia agents. i think the government needs to try to sold it i see eric holder of the justice department take the same position. bill: you, leslie and i all agree this is ridiculous. let's go to iran. iran gave the finger, i'm sorry to use the crude expression to the world this week. we are not going to stop our nuclear weapons and you can't do anything about it. you're president henican, god help us. >> things would be a lot better, wouldn't they? bill: what would you do? no, no, you are president henican. they are north going to stop nuclear. what would you do. >> nuclear development. i think they deny those are weapons, right? i wish they wouldn't have them. bill: you are president henican, what would you do? >> i'm going to squeeze them. get my friends together and try to lean on them.
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i'm going to create economic pressure to make them stop. i'm not going to attack them because it causes more problems than it solves. bill: you are not going to squeeze them but -- >> first of all, it ain't easy. likely they are going to get some nuclear development there. we ought to do everything to try and stop it but i don't think we ought to bomb iran in some hope of stopping it. bill: so ellis doesn't know what to do, leslie, therefore he would never be elected. what would you do? you are now president marshal, a first female president of the united states. iran, everybody says about a year away from having a nuclear weapon and you do, what? >> well, bill, you are going to be at angry. bill: i i'm not going to be angry. i want to get the view from the left. do you what? >> i agree with ellis that bombing and militant actions are not the way to go with iran or any other nation. how can we applaud the nuclear efforts of israel and india and shake our finger at north korea or iran. however we may be perceived
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their leaders as being lunatics. they have not attacked us. we are not the boss of the world. we can't just go around who to do what. certainly it would be nice dismantle them. bill: what? >> i said it would be nice if they would dismantle them. but it would be -- bill: have you no solutions. you are not willing to do military action. bill: you don't have a solution. >> i gave you a solution. i didn't buy your solution. bill: you said you would squeeze them. that's ridiculous. neither of you have a solution to stop iran. they are not going to stop. they are going to get the nuclear weapon and you are not going to stop it. >> chances are they are going to get nuclear. bill: have you no solution. you are not going to stop it? >> i gave you. this stuff isn't simple. bill: you didn't give a solution, ellis. you did not give one. now, third deal. the aclu -- are you a supporter of the aclu? because they have opposed every single anti-terror measure that the government has used to stop
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attack al qaeda. do you support the aclu? >> i support some of the cases they have represented. i don't support, necessarily, the sides they are taking or the way they are conducting legal activity when it comes to some of the alleged terrorists and certainly the john adams project and these cia officials. bill: ok. do you support the aclu? >> i support the central thing they are doing. i have some specific complaints about some stuff. the basic idea is that people, when we hold them in custody, have a right to legal decent treatment, which is essentially the argument. i absolutely support that and believe that. bill: but the organization itself? i see it as very harmful. >> i think for myself. i don't sign over my thinking to any group. bill: you don't see it it as harmless. >> we need to give rights to people in custody. we stand for giving people rights in this country. bill: on balance you don't see the aclu. you guys are great guests.
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enough to we know the view from the left on 9/11 and terrorism. next on the rundown. charlie sheen continues to say the u.s. government knew about 9/11 before it happened. geraldo will weigh in. later, glenn beck has some opinions on the rapper j.z. jazzing moo. that should be interesting upcoming. pothole:h no...your tire's all flat and junk. oh, did i do that? here, let me get my cellular out - call ya a wrecker. ...oh shoot...i got no phone ...cuz i'm a, bye!
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new or refill prescriptions. for many men, flomax can make a difference in one week. bill: continue to look at far left on 9/11. listen to actor charlie sheen. >> good afternoon, mr. president. i come to you representing the families of the victims of september 11th, as well as will millions of my fellow americans. you, sir, have the power, as well as the responsibility to initiate a truly independent cop congressional investigation into the events of 9/11 as well as its aftermath. we want our country back,
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mr. president. we're counts on you, mr. president. be on the right side of history. bill: here now fox news anchor geraldo rivera. >> very cruel. very cruel. i don't agree with charlie. i worked with his dad on the issue of homeless in the 80's and 90's. charlie is one of those charming guys like rosie o'donnell who hold similar views who they are almost covered in teflon. no matter what charlie does in life whether it's the drugs or the hookers, people still like him because is he charming actor and rosie o'donnell also. and similarly i believe both of them are being sincere about this. i think that they have swallowed this kool-aid where they, in defiance of the fax. defiance of the his torque record. in defiance of their own eyes in witnessing what happened when the planes smashed into the buildings. i think, unintentionally, i am sure they are hurting the victims' families, the survivors. because they continue to raise this preposterous notion that
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the united states government would be so hideously manipulative that we would kill almost 3,000 of our own citizens as a pretext to going to war in afghanistan. it is false on its face. it is extremely insensitive. and, if it weren't for the fact that they are sincere but misguided, i really would feel even more emotional about it. but i think it is very, very negative vibe that -- it's one of these things like area 51 with the aliens in new mexico. no matter how you define it, they still believe it. bill: you think sheen is crazy? >> yeah. yeah. i do. bill: you think he is crazy? >> i think that he has a trick gene or a screw loose. i think he is an addictive personality. a wonderful actor, and , listen, hot shot. bill: rosie o'donnell's career down the drain because of her radicalism. very few people know about this because it's not reported in the
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media anywhere a pro-life activist 63-year-old jim murdered today. this is just like the tiller thing in reverse. there he is took his message that abortion is wrong to the public. and he was shot dead in the street. now, you remember the tiller outrage and all of that about the abortion doctor being murdered. nothing, nothing so far on him. >> the associated press has now started running the story. you are right he is and has been a very active, very visible pro life common straighter with pictures of the bloodied fetuses and all of the rest of it standing in front of a high school today shot by a drive-by shooter. they have not yet determined the motive of the shooter. and the only thing that would deflect from your premise that this is the opposite. bill: there is the guy they arrested. >> he is the killer. bill: alleged. >> he has made statements but it is -- bill: this is about abortion. >> he also committed a second murder today.
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he killed the owner of a gravel pit that he may have been employed by and had a third person, a real estate agent also targeted. so he is a guy that went after a lot of people he had grudges against. bill: let the cops investigate. what i'm trying to tell you is it hasn't gotten anything. >> it hasn't gone anywhere near the tiller. bill: and it won't. i guarantee you. >> perhaps. bill: halder and i were very happy to see the state of oklahoma refile charges against this child rapist. >> david earls so he doesn't get out in september like he was supposed to. i think this is a big victory for truth and justice, is it not? >> i do, too. the second most hideous thing about this story is but for the fact that you became interested when you heard that the sentence was so appallingly short for a guy who was a child rapist, one year in jail for a guy who raped a 4-year-old. bill: this would have been long forgotten. bill: yell, he would be out. >> he would be out september 24th. so now what the attorney general
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has done impaneled a special grand jury. they vin indicted david earls on other acts that he committed against this child, the 4-year-old girl. but also importantly against her brother, the 5-year-old. why is that important? >> because when he pled guilty, you could make the argument that all of the facts and circumstances were considered by the judge and to retry him now would be double jeopardy. but if they can show these are distinct criminal acts that are not. bill: separate. then he will stay in jail forever. >> as he should have. biffle bill did you a great job because you went there. >> you did a great job in sending me. bill: we are not going to see earle out any time soon. >> i hope not. bill: where is bin laden? how's come the obama administration can't get him? body language on my interview with senior advisor david axelrod. did you see that? body language coming right back. he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old!
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bill: impact segment tonight, as you may know, president obama is committed to the war in afghanistan, despite the fact that some liberal americans oppose it to be fair, some conservatives like george will think the campaign is followy as well. now, most accounts have osama bin laden living in pakistan directly across the border from afghanistan, so why can't we get him? with us now dan seen nor and colonel david hunt. i'm putting you in charge of the bin laden unit. and do you think you can get him? do you think you can do it? >> yes. you have to have though the ability to task across bureaucratic lines in our government. and the ability to -- unfettered to go anywhere he is at. pakistan, iran, it doesn't matter and the ability to go get
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him. it's been lack of political will, not capability that's allowed bin laden, zawahiri and moammar to be alive. >> if do you cross into pakistani territory without their permission, then you alienate the pakistani government and you blow it up into a very big deal, do you not not? >> it's already a very big deal. i'm not so sure some money can't get him out of hiding. but the issue is the u.s. will to go where he is at. bill: you would violate pakistani sovereignty. if you thought you knew where he was, you would send guys in to get him. >> to get bin laden i would get by anybody's sovereignty, of course brill. bill: how about you, dan? >> the most important thing to do is weaken taliban and al qaeda. it's important for getting bin laden and attack on the homeland and important to prevent neighboring government. the way do you that is emphasize in our strategy our counter
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insurgency strategy population centric strategy rather than enemy centric strategy which is what we did in iraq with the surebleg. put the resources on the ground so the population feels secure and the population feels comfortable. >> that's a large -- bill: it's a long-term strategy. eight years later and bin laden is still not caught. yeah, i mean, the theory is it might work in afghanistan. but it might not. it's a different situation than iraq. do you think putting more troops in there afghanistan. more resources. we have already pumped billions of dollars in there to make the folks feel better, feel more secure, would lead to the capture of bin laden and the collapse of the taliban do you think that is realistic possibility. >> you need a great job. not as many noncombatants. role builders. other issues than killing bad
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guys 10,000 are needed. all the work the marines are doing won't matter. bill: is it worse spending all the money that it would take to do that on a maybe? >> if you leave -- yes. if you leave it now, you guarantee the taliban who has gotten stronger and al qaeda come back to plot. getting it right though is. this government past administration was not willing to do. >> so much of what this administration talks about as it relates to afghanistan is getting bin laden. it's really important. the question is with what happens attorney if key wee do get bin laden, support for our presence in afghanistan will crater. we have gotten bin laden it's over. our interest in afghanistan transcend and go beyond getting bin laden. bill: i know that. it's a matter of how much money,
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manpower, how much patience you want to have in a primitive country that may or may not respond to what we are trying to do. president obama made it a central part of his campaign that he is going to do everything can he to get bin laden. colonel hunt doesn't think he is doing everything he can. do you? >> i think he is committed to it i think the military is focused on it the question is whether or not he will ramp up the troop levels, which i think he will be recommended to do. bill: no. colonel hunt says you have got to go into pakistan, go into these areas where they are hiding and kill them. >> i actually think the administration is doing a lot of that now. could they be doing more, yes. bill: covertly? >> covertly with uavs. bill: do you think they are doing that colonel, do you think the cia people in there and special forces in there. >> it's a minimal effort. it doesn't mean just killing them. they have got to do all the other things country. we supported karzai government, bill. it's a very, very tough place
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which won't be won by military might alone. bill: plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. what were the dumbest things and said and done this week. brand new friday segment. also glenn beck on the rapper j.z. and what beck thinks about the 9/11 legacy. he almost cried today on his program. beck will be here. we hope you stay tuned for those reports. lp
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bill: david axelrod made his first appearance on the factor wednesday night. bill: before we get into the policy stuff, the president's speech is too long. next time i will write it for him free and i can cut it down about half. and more people, i think, would watch it and understand it if he cuts out some of the believe yaghtd. am i wrong here. >> first of all, i think you are -- in fact, i think you are giving -- you are selling the american people short, bill. bill: hey, you know, mr. axelrod, you, me, the
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president and maybe karl rove, we could get this thing done in three days and then we can go to cancun, you know? come on. >> ha ha ha, that would be fun to spend a weekend in cancun with you, bill. we will put that on my calendar. bill: with us now tonya reiman. we are happy that mr. axelrod came on. first time as we mentioned. i didn't let him do his talking points which i don't let anybody do, including you. was he comfortable in that interview? >> there were a few instances. i noticed when you started talking to him, watch how his right cheek goes up. that's his look of irony to say what the heck are you talking about. he disagrees with you completely. that's very early on in the interview. here we go. you will see the right cheek will get higher and higher. that's contempt, disdain. bill: that's contempt? >> yeah. when that lip goes up to the side like that. so there is. bill: look at the eyes now. the eyes shift. >> that's also because is he looking at that little red dot. so that's tough.
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bill: that doesn't mean anything? >> in this situation i would say that doesn't -- see that face? that was disgust. bill: that was disgust. >> yes. bill: he thinks the question is stupid? >> well, i'm trying to remember what that question was. bill: the question was the speech is too long. >> that's what it was. then he gives that look of disgust and then a snarl almost as if he is aggravated by that. bill: then at the end i try to inject a little humor, did he respond to that humor? >> two things happened. first thing when you say you, me and the president his mouth completely straightens out as if he is saying yeah, i don't think so. and then finally at the end you mention karl rove's name and you have to see the difference in his face. his eyes get big, his headouts out. you pressed a real. bill: he doesn't like you. >> he wasn't thrilled with the interview. bill: van jones is a guy that had to resign. a committed leftist. glenn beck got him fired or quit
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or whatever. here is jones presenting himself before all that happened. go. >> the easy way to try to bring the price of energy down is simply increase the supply. to begin to drill more. and we heard our president saying just that that's what he wants to do. i hate to see this and i hope i don't offend anybody. but the president of the united states sounded like a crack head when he said that. [cheers and applause] a little bit more. just a little bit. just a little bit more. a little more. bill: he doesn't want to offend anybody. but that's just performance art, is it not. >> yes, yes. there were three times during that short clip that i saw flashes of anger, when i say flashes of anger tightening up the mouth. three times he tightened up the mouth. when i see that i recognized there is a little truthfulness in what he is saying but he is acting here. bill: this is a basic performance to a crew that he
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knows is going to respond well to his message. >> right, yes. bill: tell somebody is sincere by, what? how you can tell that? >> he was sincere in these moments. like i said,. bill: he was putting on a show. >> so you are looking for passion. you are looking for a real sense of anger as opposed to playful anger. bill: aaron andrews is a sports reporter for espn. you may know that she was violated. somebody took pictures of her in her hotel room. it became a big story. she appeared on oprah. roll the tape. >> i didn't even want to do an interview at all. i felt -- i just wanted to get back to work. i wanted to ignore it and move on. i do feel like there is a responsibility for me now because i am able to have the power to come share it with you. >> um-huh. >> i do want to set the record straight. i want people to know how this affected me but i'm not going away. i'm going back to work. bill: what did you glean from that. >> i found uncertainty and
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resignation. at certain points -- deep breath. in the thing i thought was interesting is, she said i didn't want to do the interview, i saw the shoulder shrug. a one-sided shoulder shrug usually indicates there is some uncertainty there. i'm not sure what her message was intended to be. but my impression of that message was maybe she did want to do the interview. bill: she said she didn't but she did want to set the record straight. so it looked to me like she was conflicted about that. >> yeah. and she did that twice. she did it the second time, too. she said i want to seconds the record straight. bill: good eye contact. looks like she is very sincere in what she says. she look as little hurt. >> i don't know about the sincerity. my impression is she doesn't seem as angry as i would think she might be. bill: it happened a while back. >> i agree. it did happen a while back. i was looking for more signs of frustration, anger, that that actually hans.
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bill: thanks very much. we appreciate it when we come back, glenn beck on the rapper j.z. and beck on the leg geation of 9/11. moments away. ♪ quality and reliability...
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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bill: as the your beck and call segment. tonight an interesting situation involving the rapper j.z. on inauguration weekend he said this. >> bill: however, tonight, jay z is holding a benefit at madison square garden in new york city to help the families of police officers and firefighters killed on 9/11. what are we to make of this guy. the always provocative and sometimes very sensitive glenn beck.
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jay-z. are you buddies with him? >> love him. it might come as a surprise to a lot of listeners or viewers. but i am -- i blend in the rap crowd. bill: i have heard that i heard you hang with snoop dogg. >> it's crazy. i don't want to drop names or anything like that. but, actually, bill, i have -- you know, he mentioned you on his last. bill: did he, in one of his songs. you know that right? >> this is when he said this ain't black versus white. anyway, he went off and said a lot of things. please tell bill o'reilly to fall back 2010 or 1864. i don't know if you are aware of that. bill: i don't know what it means. >> are you aware of that? bill: yes. >> good friend of mine that works here at new york lisa paige for 93. fm. your work. there is lisa, there is jay-z. lisa went and she -- you can show him signing the book? do you have the other picture?
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bill: is he signing bold fresh. bill: does very any clue? he knew it was me? >> yeah. peace bill, jay-z. off that. >> what does that mean? bill: what does that mean? >> you won't understand. bill: of course. >> you are not -- a lot of people -- they look at you and say he might be a guy in rap. bill: i don't know what they are talking about. i freely admit i have no idea what they are saying. what are we supposed to think of this guy who does this little racial rap at the inauguration weekend and holds a benefit. what do you think? is he a good guy or what? >> i'm going to come clean with you, bill. i have no idea hot hell this guy even is. bill: i think he is a good businessman. >> look, i mean, i'm tired of the race thing. i don't think the race thing works anymore. you know what i mean? there are racists. bill: it works in the hip hop community. >> whatever. there are racists. there is real racism every time
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you throw it out meaninglessly,. bill: it den greats the real problem. >> yes, yes. bill: acorn, another scandal, it's like one a day now. this is washington, yesterday it was baltimore. they had to fire two people there now we have a guy and lady going in undercover. >> they fired two people in baltimore? they said yesterday it was defamatory and fraudulent. bill: they had to fire them because they knew we were on the case. guys went to washington posing as pimps and prostitutes. roll the tape. do you understand what i'm saying? >> basically telling them you
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can buy a brothel. here is how you do it. >> these people are compassionate. bill: they have gotten health care dollars. i'm saying no more money. not another taxpayer dime goes to this. >> look. america, i'm going to announce tomorrow i'm going to be on the television 1:00 until 3:00 here. covering the march on washington. and the tea parties and the 9/12 project all over the country. i'm going to announce the next phase. that is has the heart of our problems and the thing that we can unite on is corruption. this whole system is corrupt. bill: right. >> whole acorn thing top to bottom, right. >> it's beyond acorn. you can't talk about fixing health care until you clean up the corruption. bill: but acorn itself is a corrupt organization. you and i are investigating the louisiana connection the state attorney general down there. >> louisiana connection which also in the same building is
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acorn and sciu. who does the president surround himself with? acorn and sciu. well, gee, there is corruption there. we can't take anything. bill: no more taxpayer money, and if we find out about it. >> nothing. bill: no morbidding. no more anything. if we find out about it, we are going to expose all the politicians that are involved. >> did you see the ratings last night on this whole network. bill: yes, very high. you did very well. >> here is the reason why i bring it up. did you see the rating on the other networks? we were the only ones that were covering this story. the "new york times" didn't cover it. bill: no, of course not. >> nobody covered it. bill: today the anniversary of 9/11. you got a little emotional on your program. i was watching you. a little emotional. nothing wrong with that you and jack par? do you remember that? way back? >> yeah. i'm not that old. bill: you were angry and rightfully so that they haven't been able to put the buildings back, right? >> yeah. bill: whose fault is that? >> the system's fault. the politicians, the corruption,
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the special interest. do you know -- do you know there is no investigation. there is nobody calling for an investigation in acorn. there is nobody call for an investigation why this country hasn't built a building in eight years on that space. how is that possible? america? bill: they are working on it? >> no investigations on any of these things, bill. do you know that they just appointed a 12-person panel to look into the cambridge police officer, a 12-person panel. bill: this is about the gates thing, right? >> yeah. that's amazing. bill: interesting fact on your program today that it took 400 days to build the empire state building. that includes putting king kong on top of it. >> i don't know about the king kong. bill: very hard. >> very long time. bill: 400 days to build the empire state building and it's eight years and they still don't have anything close. >> nothing. let me ask you this. are we different americans? bill: it's the power structure. >> it's exactly right. it's corrupt. and it is in bed with special interest. because i guarantee you if you
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take all that system out, if you take those politicians, the special interest, and all of the little politically correct groups out of the way, we would have built it with our hands within a year. bill: beck is down there with a hammer on sunday, so go see him. glenn beck, everybody. coming next, the brand new factor feature, dumbest thing of the week. plenty of things to choose from. we will be back with a lot of dumb in a moment. boss: so word's gettin' out that geico can help people save in even more ways -
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on motorcycle insurance, rv, camper, boat insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian.
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bill: dumbest things of the week which is self-explanatory. here to help in this endeavour. stewart varny. you guys are smart, per officer cacious. that's why i select you you for this. stewart, begin with you.
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there is a brazil ad company that the world wildlife fund hired to get a point across about the earth and why was that dumb? >> because they are exploiting 9/11 to make a political point of a totally separate issue. bill: let's roll the tape and watch the ad. bill: obviously they want the planet to be cleaned up now the world wildlife fund rejected the ad because it was so offensive. do you defend the ad or is it stupid. >> it's stupid. it's beyond dumb. it's equating terror with the desire to stop global warming. it goes beyond tasteless. it's beyond dumb. it's actually beneath contempt.
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it shows absolute disregard for the victims of 9/11 and for america who suffered in this. bill: now, let's go over to ms. huddy who has selected congressman joe wilson from south carolina. >> a republican. bill: who, of course, interrupted as you just did to me barack obama's speech. roll the tape. >> there are also those who claim that our reform efforts would ensure illegal immigrants. this, too, is false. the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie. bill: what did you think here. >> maybe he was just tired. maybe he was tired. congress has been in session. wait they second no they haven't. bill: they just came back for vacation. >> something for reality show. new contestant on tool academy.
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bill: ann coulter was here. she thought it was ok. obviously ann coulter doesn't like president obama. >> this isn't the house of commons. this is decorum. keep your mouth shut and wait until it's over. bill: in our congress we are not like the house of commons where they yell stuff like that. >> no. >> wait a minute. i forgot he was here. >> in the british house of commons you must say the honorable gentleman is a cold face, bare face liar. >> this is even worse. bill: but you feel that it was just insulting, would that be the word? >> it's insulting. the president is giving his speech. if you don't like what he has to say. let's respect the office of the president. bill: when code pink did that stuff we were all over them. you can't have it both ways. if you didn't like president bush being shouted down you can't like this. now, i have selected as the dumbest thing of the week my pal, my buddy, a guy who wants to go camping with me, howard dean. roll the tape.
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>> this republican party, this shrinking republican party is just determined to undermine president obama. and, unfortunately, you have to undermine the country in order to undermine the president. i think that's too bad. >> you said last night on the program that republicans opposing the president's initiative, health care initiatives were undermining the country. could you clarify that for me? >> i didn't see that. i did not say that. >> i have your quote right here, sir. it says you have to undermine the country in order to run -- mr. chairman, just a quick clarification. bill: he obviously said it. and then he says he didn't say it. that just gets me crazy. that was dumb and it was dishonest, huddy. >> i totally agree with you. is anybody with me on this? doesn't he look like a caricature of himself now? he looks like he should be on "saturday night live" where he has gotcha going on. >> that statement was nowhere near as dumb when he said after van jones had resigned that it was a great loss to the country. that's really dumb.
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bill: i don't want to hammer howard dean because of his ideology. i want to hammer him because he obviously said what griff jenkins said he said and then he said i didn't say it. >> it was loud in there, bill. maybe he didn't hear him. bill: i think the former doctor of vermont may be getting a little older. he might have had a senior moment. >> that's a little harsh. bill: you think that's harsh? >> i do think it's harsh. bill: here is the deal. i asked congressman wilson to call howard dean a liar. [ laughter ] and he doesn't want to get revolved with that i thought that was stupid of dean to do that. why not just turn around and say yeah, i said it and here is why. right, huddy? always tell the truth did. your mom say that. >> my mom did say that answered probably regrets what he said. >> griff jenkins is a tough guy to get away from: i wouldn't want to be here. bill: unlike waters and banks my guys, griff looks like something on the andy griffith show.
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he looks like he is floyd the barber. so everybody run away from him. >> we love him. don knotts. >> dumbest things of the week every friday. on deck, pinheads and patriots starring eva. i can't believe it i hope she is not a pinhead. they would have loved to land on thursday night, but the weather was rough, so seven astronauts got another day in the sky. they are getting their land legs back, and then the shuttle will go back out to florida.
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as i mentioned, florida landing is our preferred, because it costs $1.7 million to fly it back. o'reilly is coming back in just a minute, but the shuttle is safe and sound. thank you for trusting us with your news. see you every night at 7:00. if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol... a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength...
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to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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bill: eva longoria loves poker. this weekend in san antonio, she is holding a tournament to raise money for her charity, which helps kids with developmental challenges. that is very nice. she is a patriot. in japan, a purse snatcher try to do his deed in an elevator, but he did not know he picked on lady, flu. -- lady kung fu.
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she proceeded to kick the living daylights out of the guy, who deserved it. he is a very sort pinhead. quick reminder -- you get a quick free tote bag when you buy stuff on the web site. please check it out this weekend on the web site. ann coulter turns into toast with the facts. there are no facts, because the health care bill is no longer -- not yet finalized. wilson was inappropriate, but he was right. illegal aliens will be covered under obama care. how do you know that? there is no bill. if he lied in for the nation, obama is a one-term die. -- guy.
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my job is to analyze the facts, not what might happen. let's wait for the bill. raymond from new york. if you came in late, my talking points memo is on 9/11 and how the left is treating it. also, leave me pithy comments from any place in the world. when writing to us, do not be a rapscallion. i had that on my cell of the other night. [laughter] that is it for us today. 24-7 on 24-7 on


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