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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  September 12, 2009 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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>> back in washington, d.c., the ian rand institute speaking at the d.c. rally today and you and i have spoken many times and never spoke about the issue on the air but we have, i talked to you in my office, here in new york city and we had lunch one day, and i'm a big fan of ian rand and i dismiss her
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godlessness like i think you dismiss the fact i believe in god, but i think, two people like both of us, can come together, our country was founded on the idea that me being a believer in god or you an objectist does not harm me or you as long as we don't cannibalize each other, would you say that is fair? >> well, i think that is right and the founding father understood that and that is why there is a separation of church and state and as long as we can agree on that separation and keeping it strong, absolutely we can continue to fight. but, i do think that if we try to defend capitalism and try to defend freedom on the basis of the judeo-christian morality we are in trouble, because i think that morality is much more consistent with socialism than capitalism and the country was founded on the principles of the enlightenment of john locke on
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individualism and ideas that came out of the age of reason and not --? yoran -- >> that is important. >> if i may go here with you i think you are right but the way christianity has been defined, and mainly through the progressive movement, if you listen to people, not the hate speech but listen to people, like jeremiah wright, that is the collectivism. where, the teachings of jesus, if you look at for instance the thomas jefferson bible, i don't know if you ever read that, where he -- >> i have. >> you have? the principles. >> thomas jefferson, yes, but that is -- >> go ahead. >> that is full of altruism and full of the idea that we need to -- in despite of -- it is full of the idea that we need to be our brother's keeper and full of the idea of need as the claim and that is what obama and the socialists use in order to get
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us to -- to get americans behind them and, look, i'm not a theologian and don't pretend to be one but there is a long christian history here, the catholics and -- in the dark ages, were not capitalists and i don't want to get into the debated on what christianity really stands for, you know? >> you're right. >> i disagree with your version of christiane and the key is we understand, capitalism stands for individualism, and so, self-interest and rational pursuit of our own happiness and that is in our declaration of independence and we latched the campaign for liberty on a moral foundation of the right to pursue happiness, individual happiness, your own happiness. >> you and i disagree on how we get to misery. i believe that god doesn't punish anybody, he is just -- built the brilliantly system that your actions eventually punish you in ways that you can't even imagine. and, i think you just take the
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god factor out of there. we both agree that man should be allowed to fail, should be able to be happy or miserable, based on the life that he leads. and that is within the founding framework of our country and what i think -- >> absolutely. >> i think this government is trying to take away. failure and by doing that, real happiness. >> absolutely. you know, it is taking away failure and also taking away success and taking away our ability to pursue happiness, and that is what we need to fight for, we need to fight for a moral, a political system that allows people to go out there and be successful. we should focus on the success and, yes, some of us will fail and hopefully we'll learn from the failure and build on it, and achieve success as a consequence and need to reject this notion that somebody's needs, somebody doesn't have health insurance or somebody doesn't a pension or
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somebody doesn't have money to buy food, lays a claim, a moral and political claim on my life, on my productivity and my success, if we can reject that, and capitalism and freedom are easy to achieve after that. >> thank you very much and this is where we disagree. i think that is not format government to do, that is for you, you care about it. then you do something about it. not washington. washington is always about control and power. you do it. when we have a problem we're the most giving people in the world and why do we need people to teach us in -- from washington how to give and we need to teach people in washington how to stop taking and every day people coming up and standing up, for what they believe in. fear is the -- about to be a think of the past i believe. ft. worth, texas has a rally, there are attendees there now, winona and haskill have been
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braving the rain, hello, guides, how are you. >> fine, thank you. >> now there you are, in wet t-shirts and why are you -- really, honestly not the wet t-shirt... anyway... what is it that brought you out today? >> what brought me out was i want toal the the washington politicians that they need to govern for the people and not for the special interest groups and take back america and that is the reason i'm here today. >> what was the final straw for you guys? do you do that all the time? was there something that you said -- >> no! >> this is outside of my comfort zone but i can't take it anymore? >> that's exactly right. because i'm 73 years old and i listen to you every day and i wanted to do something, and this is the -- i felt like something i could do and even though it is raining and whatever, i like to play in the rain, for this reason!
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>> and haskell, what was it for you that was the last straw? >> well, my main objectives are to get the communist thinking, acting public service out of the government and replace them with constitutional conservatives and to get back to the principles that our founding fathers founded this great country on. >> good, thank you very much. appreciate it. now to patti ann browne with the headlines. >> all right, glenn, thank you we'll look now live at a rally in minneapolis, minnesota where president obama is addressing americans on his health care proposal and let's listen in. >> president barack obama: and this just keeps on going on and i realize i'm being up staged by this... [laughter]. >> and i'm -- she's getting all the attention and i'm standing there, looking at my staff and they are shrugging their shoulders.
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but here's the thing. minneapolis, after about a minute, maybe two, i'm feeling kind of... >> all right. sounds like the president there telling an affectionate joke, perhaps about his wife, earlier he told attendees his health care proposals are not about politics but about people's lives and america's future and whether we will be able to look back years from now and say this was the moment when we met our responsibilities, to our children. we have more on the president's health care push in the knicks hour and back to glenn now. >> thank you very much. can i go to pat? we'll take a break. we'll take a break and i'll go talk to my good democrat friend, patted goodell, coming up.
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>> the people are rising up in the country, and it is amazing, how peaceful they are for as angry as they are. these aren't people that are having to be tour gassed or turning things over. in fact, you put them up on the back screen for me, this is washington, d.c., the scenes in washington, d.c. now, people gathered and have driven across the country. just to be seen. and be seen together. pat goodell former senior advisor to president carter that's been a gentleman who has been worried about the direction of the country for quite sometime and you are still a democrat, are you not. >> yes. and i will be until i die, unless they hang me before that. they are going to get me, you know. >> i laid out at the top of the hour, the idea, to find 56 refounders and 56 people that want to come out in washington and help us clean up the mess. because i think the biggest problem in washington is not the
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democrats, not the republicans, but corruption. you on both sides of the aisle and has to be stopped, am i right or wrong when i think there are people there in washington that know it, maybe been a part of it or something but they are afraid to come out and say anything. >> no, i don't think -- let me make one point, quickly, from what i heard, so everyone understands, we can differ on issues, and i do feel we have a collective responsibility to -- amongst us to stomach extent and i'm not a socialist, that terrifies me and neither are my crony capital lists, and look to the question that you are asking, sodom and gomorrah question you are asking about washington, the right one, are there 56 people in that political community, not just on the hill or congress but the whole place, and the answer is i don't know if there are 56 but there are those who are worried and the you know, when -- what i said about america once is we
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are not place of an idea, like europeans, and don't have centuries of kings and stuff, we have an idea and if you corrupt the idea, it spreads to the system and the corruption of our politics is spread through every facet of the society. economic, social, everything. that won't just kill the politics it will kill the country. tomorrow, italy could revert to god knows whatever system they define and they don't mind and they'd still be italian and you kill our ideas and there is nothing left and it will not be the u.s. and america any more. >> right, pat, let me show what pat is talking about, bring up a picture of washington, d.c. and leave it there. look at these, all of these pictures here on the side. you see all these people? look. this is exactly what he is talking about, on march 13th i said, get to knower neighbors and start doing groups and the name of the guy on cnbc and he
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said time for tea pare and this is the culmination of those thoughts, that is what this is and what america is. we are an idea. and people take those ideas, and they go with it and what is this main idea coming out of washington right now? it doesn't lead to anyplace positive and that is not a democrat thing, that is a democrat, republican, a power thing, a money thing. corruption thing. kevin jackson, is in quincy, illinois. [cheers and applause]. >> how are you, sir? >> doing great! >> so what are you feeling in quincy, illinois? >> well, a lot of hysteria, great time to be here, i'm here to see if i can sign the race -- find the racist thing you are talking about and i've yet to find them. >> you haven't been beaten up behind a garbage dump 600 times yet. >> no, looking for the racist
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and dick chan is calling me, on stand-by and said if we find it we can take care of business over here. >> how do you address, address people in the media that say that everybody is a -- tea party is a racist or you, i mean, you are in a difficult situation, because the media doesn't ever want to show you standing up. and, have you gotten problems from, you know, people in your own family or communities? where people say, you are a sellout? >> oh, absolutely. i have been called a token and i was actually complimented and called clarence thomas at one point though they didn't take it as a compliment. we get it. but, the fact of the matter is, glenn it's on the other side. we know that. >> what is it that you are feeling and sensing from people and is there anything there that is -- surprised you and anything there that you have noticed, you thought, wow, this is something that really needs to get out?
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>> well, i think what is going to be surprising is politicians not understanding that this is for real, i think it is going t last for a long time. and not just a short effort and the 2010 election will be a watershed event. i can hardly wait. >> do you think -- one of the -- warning politicians on radio, if you think you will quo opt this and think you are a republican and will co-opt this and get in with these people and use them to get elected, if you betray the principles you are in the most trouble of any politician yet. agree or disagree. >> absolutely. i completely agree. i completely agree and i think as far as these events go and as i said in my book, the big black lie, you know, they are trying to make it sound like, the people that are here are not representative of america, there are no minor and there are lots of minorities coming to these events, more and more are showing up and the core of america is represented here and i couldn't be more proud to be part of this event.
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>> right. thank you very much, talk to you again, judge andrew napolitano is in texas, the place to be and we'll go to washington, d.c. again, see the crowd. more in a minute.
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episode of the glenn beck program, 5:00 weekdays, the next few days, the next, i think the next four weeks, are going to be mind-boggling. for america. i rail do. i feel it. things are about to change. let's go back to texas, where we are joined now by our favorite judge, judge andrew napolitano, the keynote speaker for the rally in ft. worth, texas, judge why are you there today in texas and what is happening? >> you know why i'm here today? because you started the 9/12 project and it has resonated in the state of texas, like nowhere else on the planet [cheers and applause]. >> i tell you -- [cheers and applause]. >> the texas -- i said this for several years. texas leads the way in their disenfranchisement. >> yes, it does. >> and their understanding of what a republic really is. >> these are folks who understand the problem with government is not democrats or republicans, it is just as you
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said, corruption. lack of fidelity to the constitution. lack of belief in the natural law, lack of fidelity to the frae market. these people want to claim those basic american values back. they also... [cheers and applause]. >>... want you down here, beck. [cheers and applause]. >> i couldn't help it. >> appreciate it. >> pad caddell made me say that. >> he wanted me to say hi to his favorite judge, i just did. i appreciate it, judge, make sure those texans stay strong, because, not only the heart of texas, i think, texas leads the way. thanks, judge. let's go to washington, d.c. -- >> a lot of liberty in a downpour, brian. >> to griff jenkins in washington, d.c. griff? we had you right at the beginning of the program, let's
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spend the last few minute with those in washington. what is happening? >> i have lost my voice, talking to these people, so i'll let them do it themselves, would you like to talk to glenn? [cheers and applause]. >> it has -- as far as i can see, glenn, they are chanting "u.s. a" they are passionate and believe in their country, and they... sir what is your name and where did you come from and why are you here. >> i'm patrick reid from arlington here to protest this tyrannical government and let me tell you something, glenn, meet a few million of our friends who believe in the constitution. article one, section 8. all taxes shall be uniform. and it doesn't matter if it's an income tax that's correct shall be uniform, my friend. you are on the ball, glenn and we wanted to thank you, article
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7, all bills shall originate in the house of representatives. not from that house, not from that senate. bringing it down, glenn and we'll start all over again. >> a couple million of our friends here. >> and sir, you are a veteran. what does it mean to you, thank you for your service, what does the day mean to you? >> well, i helped fight for our freedom and the freedom of the people in vietnam, and i want to say that our forefathers fought for our freedom, and it is time we take our country back, the way we are supposed to be, and get rid of the people that are in that senate and congress, and put good god-fearing people back where they belong. >> there it is. thank you, to all the veterans here [cheers and applause]. >> how much time do i have, one question with griff. griff, let me ask you one question, i know the -- i know the bloggers are right now going, they are talking about taking the country over, they
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have arms and guns and they'll take... and explain to me or not to me, explain to those who don't understand these people and their anger, that this is a -- is it a peaceful take the country back? or is this -- are they threatening? >> well, it is a peaceful crowd. i traveled over 4,000 miles, covering all the way from sacramento, across this plains, sea to shining sea and never saw violence, i saw protests on the other side and they are here for the first time and is anybody an angry mob? [cheers and applause]. >> all right, i think -- >> i don't think so. >> it is out of control now -- no! thank you very much, griff, final thoughts, and what to expect from monday's show. next.
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>> glenn: final piece -- final few seconds, let me go to patty anne brown who has been watching
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the internet. >> from the 9/12 projects, all politics is corrupt and somebody responded maybe the powers that be in the government and the hearts and minds it does make a concerns. do you realize how many people that haven't been involved in politics is now taking a stand. it's phenomenal to see. >> look what happened when two 20-year-olds, what they did. they did more than every politician, more than you and i and to stop acorn, two young americans because they believe they can make a difference. >> i think this is going to be a different nation as far as the power is going to shift and you are going to understand that in a very short period of time. i think it's going to happen in a short period of time and it's going to be a peaceful thing. i think our politicians better choose sides. it started two hours ago. who are these people? they are americans.


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